The ULTIMATE Wrath Classic Leveling Guide

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with the joyous Journeys buff there's never been a better time to grind some XP and level your characters whether it's your first character or your 10th now is the time to take advantage of that 50 XP bonus which goes away when Raph Launches on September 26th but if you're watching this video after that date don't worry there are plenty of tips in this video to help you level almost as fast as if you had that 50 XP buff wrath introduced so many amazing changes that make leveling much smoother and more convenient so in this first section I'm going to go over all the ways that leveling has improved in Wrath of the Lich King new characters have been buffed to be stronger than ever before with new more powerful starting weapons Better Health and Mana regeneration you know if you found it ridiculous to play a Caster early on because you run out of Mana after you kill like two mobs that isn't the case anymore and the gameplay is much more fluid and consistent with less downtime many changes occurred to skill level requirements many skills that brought massive leveling speed increases like aspect of the cheetah ghost wolf and travel form Are All Made available at level 16. previously you had to be level 20 for cheetah and ghost wolf and level 30 for travel form crazy you can get that almost twice as fast the man of hungry Shaman couldn't get Water Shield until level 62 in TBC but in Wrath they can learn it at level 20 solving their Mana issues really early on there's also lower level and cost requirements for mounts mountcast time has been cut in half and ground mounts can now swim that is awesome not only that but you don't need to wait to get your flying Mount anymore you can get it as early as level 60 now and its flying speed has been increased to 150 percent so it's really not a bad option at all if you can't afford that epic flying Mount now if you couldn't roll a Caster back in the day because you could not stand spell pushback you might want to reconsider now because spells are only pushed back a maximum of twice at 0.5 seconds each time and then after those two pushbacks all hits will have no effect on your spell being cast so you can only happen twice it's really awesome now there's also the Wrath XP squish from level 61 to 70 which means you'll need 30 percent less XP total along with that 50 XP buff from all sources with joyous Journeys until Raph launch really it's going to be some very smooth leveling again if you miss out on it don't sweat it because heirloom gear is the solution this can get you up to 25 bonus experience if you get all three pieces that increase your experience gains the chest the shoulder and the ring now the chest and shoulder can be bought for emblems from heroics and the ring is earned from winning the kaluak fishing derby and if you're enjoying this video I'd appreciate a like and a sub to help support the channel now in Wrath getting around is also easier with a new Zeppelin connecting Thunder Bluff and Orgrimmar which makes that Trek much much faster and for the alliance a new boat connecting Stormwind and darnassus a much needed addition I can't count the number of times I did a dunmoreau skip either from barodin Bay or from the mountains to avoid the long walk through the wetlands and lock mode on I mean seriously the journey from the night elf starting area to Elwyn Forest is a freaking Adventure in and of itself now on top of that hearthstones are now on a 30 minute cool down instead of one hour which is a very welcome quality of life change allowing players to get twice as much use out of them potion stack size has also been increased to 20 which helps with your bag space and summoning Stones don't have level ranges anymore you just need to be at least level 15. now besides the improved scaling and the new and improved talents which generally just make your class much stronger and more complete in TBC which makes leveling faster easier and more fun there's also the new addition of glyphs which you can pick up as you level to make your character even more fun and Powerful the first major and minor glyphs are unlocked as early as level 15 then at 20 you unlock a second major glyph at 50 a second Miner glyph at 70 a third minor glyph and finally at max level level 80. you get the third major glyph and all glyph slots are now unlocked if you've always wanted to level a rogue but couldn't stand the fact that they couldn't use axes in Wrath that changes there's some sweet axes to grab while leveling so this is an awesome change for all Rogues also when it comes to end game wrath is an expansion of really powerful axes so you can go ahead on your Rogue learn how to use axes in either Iron Forge or Orgrimmar Rogues weren't the only class to get access to new weapon skills though Druids can now learn how to use pull arms which are also a great change for the same reason you can learn how to use pull arms in Stormwind or undercity now there's also a new group finder tool which can be used to find groups for dungeons raids quests PVP or even just a group with other players in your same Zone this tool is new and blizzard replacement for the bulletin board add-on and dungeon finder alright so those are basically some of the changes that make leveling just easier better quicker faster all of that in this next section I'm going to go through some tips and tricks to help speed up your leveling let's get started so in Northern there are a lot of quests that actually require you to cross bodies of water if you aren't a death knight with path of frog cost or a shaman with water walking this is going to inevitably slow you down luckily you can prepare for this by purchasing an elixir of water walking beforehand so you can easily walk across the water to your quest objective in Wrath there was a change to how to allow water walking well mounted so it's not only death Knights who can speed across water now everyone can mount up use that Elixir use that water walking it's awesome now besides water walking you can also very cheaply acquire consumables such as well-fed Buffs from food flasks and health and Mana potions so you can cut down on any downtime you might experience while leveling prevent yourself from dying with those healing potions Etc now if you're already level 70 just waiting for wrath there's a lot of preparation you can also do beforehand you can have 25 quests complete ready to turn in once the max level is is raised you'll want these quests to be as high level as possible from zones like netherstorm Shadow Moon Valley or the so that right when wrath launches you can turn them all in at once and get a huge burst of experience in an ideal setup you could have all the Outland quests ready to turn in go do the quelldenas daily quests and then head to Northwind and you've already gotten yourself a lot of XP before you even stepped into northrend now another important thing is to optimize your bags it's a really good idea to have some good sized bags when leveling so you never have to destroy items in order to pick up Quest items it's just slowing you down and even costing you silver or gold since you could be vendoring or selling whatever you end up destroying from lack of space now a good set of imbued netherweave bags only costs about 120 gold depending on your server also if you have a main character in our leveling and ALT there are a ton of quest items that you can purchase beforehand so you can just turn it all in without farming things like the Green Hills of stranglethorne pages donations of wool silk mage weave and runecloth are all easy XP farming jungle remedy and STV can be a pain so buying that ahead of time can be nice and so on there are lists online of all the quest items you can buy so consider that if you really want to speed up your leveling when it comes to dungeon grinding versus solo questing it's unknown which will be faster in Wrath of the Lich King so choose whichever method appeals to you the most and have fun with it when it comes to add-ons questy is a must it's so helpful in showing exactly where quests are completed where mobs spawn where objectives are to collect or interact with and even shows you on a mouse over if a mob is for a quest it's a great add-on I highly recommend for leveling it's fantastic another great add-on is leotrix it automates your rendering you have a minimized map so you can actually navigate your character while looking at the map and so much more leotrix is a game changer another favorite of mine is bagnan and bag brother these are amazing for combining your bags into just one big bag which makes organization much easier I also love TSM which stands for trade skill master so you know exactly what items are selling for so you can list them on the auction house you'll send them to your bank I'll keep them you know not to vendor them Etc and also I love Pawn this helps you compare items to find find upgrades from quests and also if there's no upgrade what to vendor when turning in a quest now if you liked this video you'll probably like my wrath launch guide and preparation video check it out right above my head and I will see you there
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 164,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, wotlk, wotlk classic, wrath of the lich king, wrath of the lich king classic, classic wow, wow, classic, wrath, of, the, lich, king, wotlk classic wow, world of warcraft classic, wow classic, leveling, guide, addon, zones, changes, zone guide, wrath classic leveling guide, wrath classic leveling changes, wrath classic zone guide, wrath classic addon, wrath classic leveling addon, wrath classic leveling guide 1 70, wrath classic leveling zones, lvling, boost, fastest, speed, rwf
Id: c9gPBaSbv18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 17 2022
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