Wedding Photographer Caught Groom's Ex-Wife At The Altar - Wedding Ruined Stories - Askreddit Women

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wedding photographers of Reddit what is the most awkward moment you have have shared on your camera did you notice it at the time or only when editing the images did post it here before but will keep the details short a bit mostly for privacy reason also not a photographer but someone who helped film the wedding was in a nice church wedding where I'm in a wedding production team helping out the camcorder equipment to film the entire wedding at the time thank 2005 the entire wedding went smoothly without any issue and the priest asked this question and out of the blue a lady stand up and start talking because of where this lady said I was the closest camera at the area and managed to move the camera a bit to get a closer shot of this lady our team didn't know what this was about and thought it was some sort of prank from maybe the bride or groom France which they didn't notify us ahead of time later we found out this lady was actually the groom former lover from another country he was dating for a while five or six years and break it off the relationship quite suddenly without a trace and somehow she managed to find out about this wedding and literally fly to the wedding uninvited and somehow managed to get in the church without causing any suspicious from the people of the family for around 10 minutes this lady talked about the groom and their relationship between them during the time both was in the country she was from and how the groom just left her and literally cut ties between with any explanation and how it literally destroyed her during the time in need and she just wanted to warn the bride about the groom dark past so she don't have to go through the same pain she have to go through during this time it was death quiet as the guests didn't even say anything and you can see the groom was sweating and turning in red on the face as for the bride she takes it quite well for someone who have to hear all this dark stuff of her future husband and also for someone who kind of crash her wedding when the lady finished her talk the priest was fluster and shocked of what just happened and the bride thanked her for telling her about this and even with the info she will stay with her husband but want to be friend with the lady and try and help her if she need any help from what happened in the past won't discuss much about the wedding video but will say we have a very interesting discussion with the bride and groom parent of what to do with that shot of the lady talking as for the bride and groom the last update I have long ago is the bride is keeping a tight leash on her husband just to be sure he didn't do anything naughty while keep in touch with his ex-lover it was last August the day was really sunny and hot and I think the Brad didn't eat or drink for several hours because she was nervous the ceremony was outdoors and after it was finished I was going to take a picture of the couple with all the guests standing in front of the wedding arch so people are gathering around the couple there are 80 guests so it takes some time to make sure that everyone is going to be visible in the picture and finally when everything is perfect as I say now everyone look in the camera and smile the bride closes her eyes and collapses the groom caught her right before she fell on the ground it was so hot that day and she was probably dehydrated so she fainted and I captured that moment in my picture family wedding the in-laws didn't like the bride they had a different girl ex-girlfriend that they wanted their son to marry even though the bride's specifically stated that she didn't want the ex-girlfriend there the in-laws invited her to the wedding anyway and she showed up wearing a white dress to make matters worse during the reception she was in the marriage ceremony tent outdoor wedding alone and came back to inform everyone that the unity sand vase had blown over and broken finally we all lined up for the receiving line with our bags of birdseed as the bride and groom ran by she stepped out of line and pegged the bride in the back of the head with the whole bag of birdseed which caused the bride to fall into the ringbearer still in his suit and knock him face-first into the mud edit funniest part was that we didn't actually know what had happened as the bride and groom were leaving we all just thought she tripped it wasn't until we reviewed the wedding photos that we were able to see what had actually happened perfectly captured frame by frame by the photographer was a wedding videographer for a while at the end of college one wedding the bride and groom wanted a video booth where guests could come and record a short video message for the couple one of the guests who showed up in a very short sparkly almost white dress completely drunk opened her message with we all know I saw the groom first I edited an extra blooper version so the bride could have it but not in her shareable video although honestly I'd be surprised if they were still together at this point my friend photographed a wedding where the couple seemed like they didn't even want photos at all which is weird because that's usually one of the areas that couples spend the most money in and in which they have the most requests they didn't have any preferred shots family friends etc and when my friend would ask like oh do you want one with your mom the bridesmaids etcetera the bride would just be like yeah okay apparently there was no outward excitement or happiness present and either the bride or the groom but there was also no discernible reason for this no pregnancy arranged marriage etc at the end when she contacted them about the delivery of the pictures and all they didn't really care and told her that she could send them to whoever wants them if anyone does the couple divorced I think about a year later maybe less my friend said it was the most Awkward wedding photography experience she ever had as she could not for the life of her figure out why they seemed so incredibly miserable and uninterested about the whole thing not trying to get too off-topic but I owned a wedding videography business and two summers ago I shot back-to-back weddings for two best friends both named Shana both married one week apart both weddings seem to be completely orchestrated by the bride's with both grooms completely uninterested during our pre-wedding consultation meetings okay not too odd I suppose but it was a huge red flag that neither of them had any input suggestions etc fast forward I email them their videos for preview these were very raw videos intending for them to see my creative direction in order for them to provide feedback before I started final touches they were both very picky so I assumed many changes would be requested hence the reason I sent the raw previews I received only one response from one of the Shauna's yay I can't wait the four of us are going to get together to watch the videos and we'll let you know a week goes by then two weeks a month and nothing sent several follow-up emails tried calling them and nothing to this day I still have no idea what happened to the Shauna's they both paid in full but never got their final product there were even clips that contained stark red rendering warnings on the clips sections of the videos that audio was muted because I hadn't synced it up yet in my four years doing this this is the most bizarre story never have I had a bride not want their finished product let alone two and for those who might be curious I did reach out and offer a refund as my assumption was they completely hated the previews but were too nice to voice an opinion but those messages all went unanswered at this point I have to assume neither couple worked out did freelance photography for a while after I graduated high school got hired along with another photographer by a company to shoot a wedding this company instructed us to get as many candid photos as possible per the request of the client the other photographer was female and we split up during the preparation phase and I hung out with the groom and groomsmen and she went with the bride and bridesmaids her session with them was largely uneventful mine was less so it became clear that the groomsmen had been drinking for a while when I arrived and that did not stop for the groomsmen getting ready took only a few minutes put on tuxes boom done so we had a few hours to hang out while the bride got her hair and makeup etc done the groomsmen took full advantage of this period to get absolutely obliterated I got a few good shots during this as the camaraderie between these guys was clear unfortunately it was like a 4-way enabling session as they poured each other more shots playing ill-advised drinking games and tried to psych each other up for more of the same once the time for the ceremony rolled around they could barely walk straight and the groom was the worst off of them I broke away from them to get my position for the ceremony and let the other photographer know what a crap show this was getting ready to be she told me that the bride had expressed concern that the groomsmen would get too drunk before the ceremony we both just kind of braced ourselves for what was to come the ceremony started and the groomsmen came up the aisle in a parade of painfully obvious inebriation the groom stumbled and almost took a knee at one point and almost completely eight craps stepping up to the little platform where they would say their vows then the bridesmaids came in and watching their anger and concern bloom on their faces as they took in the groomsmen standing uneasily on the dais is hilarious in hindsight but felt like a slow-motion train wreck in the moment then the bride oh god that poor bride entered the church and even through the veil you could tell she was vacillating between fury and sadness she stepped up to the little platform and in the silent moment between the music fading away just before the pastor could begin speaking one of the groomsmen ripped a horrendously loud fart the bride's face fell half of the people in attendance started laughing while the other half let out a breathless disgusted gasp the groom barely stifled a laugh and one of the other groomsmen turned and punched the farter in the arm It was as if these dudes had no clue where they were or how important the event was to everyone but them apparently the other photographer and I did our best to get shots and just do the job we were getting paid to do it was difficult to get any close-ups of the bride or groom as the brides settled on health furious for her facial expression for the remainder of the ceremony and the groom was a drunken sod who could barely focus his eyes on the bride she uttered her vows through gritted teeth and he slurred through his while slowly rocking back and forth the reception only spiraled out from there the groom threw up on the floor before the cake cutting and was ensconced somewhere after one of the groomsmen struck out with the bridesmaids he set his sights on the other photographer eventually our agreed-upon time ran out and we got the hell out of there I handed all of my raw files to the company that hired me and wished them luck on editing that travesty after 10 years of wedding photography the moment before the ceremony where the groom sneezed a bloody nose onto the front of the bride's beaded dress apparently he gets bloody noses when he gets nervous stopped all photos and got emergency sprite soda cleaning done in the hotel and ceremony location was asked to delete all photos and keep the situation from the mother of the bride bride was surprisingly understanding two hours of priests air photos cut short but the blood was removed quick enough to not be noticeable for the ceremony after review I had a perfect mid sneeze shot with blood flying out of the groom's face sad to see that one edited got there way too early since I had to do some pictures of the place and some of them pre-ceremony met the future husband talked to him and his bride about what I should do the ceremony starts and everything is going nice enough I had to be ready all the time in case they call me or something happens so I was constantly closed and scouting for them sometimes I would see some good moment or had some idea and I would tell them if they wanted a picture so I take it at some point the couple is no longer inside so I go around to look for them I spot them outside in the back of the place which was a beautiful patio with decorations and all that thing they are just close talking side by side with head slightly tilted towards each other and I think ah yeah this is going to be a great pic and I try to come closer without them looking I take the picture with my zoom and only then they simultaneously notice me and I noticed that they have the saddest faces I've seen in a bride and groom I asked them if everything is okay and they say yes so I let it go not my place I said but when the party was almost over the groom approached me and in the middle of the conversation he says that the ceremony was so exhausting for them because they knew almost nobody there it turns out the mother of the groom had to have a wedding for his son and orchestrated the whole thing without them knowing and invited her friends and family and then let them know that they would have to come from where they lived which was far away to their wedding that was on top of the fact that the Sun wasn't on good terms with his mother and the bride hated her apparently the mother was very abusive and manipulative the only person the groom knew was his brother who got very drunk as soon as the ceremony allowed him to and the bride knew nobody later looking at the photos I noticed that when the two were together alone they looked lovely and happy but their warmth would slightly die when the mother was present in the picture but that might be my confirmation bias I don't know I remember that the groom said I probably know you more than I know most people at this party and had me sit down eat cake and drink with him in the bride and wait out the rest of the people I didn't send them that picture of them although I always wondered if I should have they were very intimate and enduring something together and it was a very good picture outside the emotion edit you guys convinced me I'll try to get in touch with them and hopefully send them the picture my brother is a videographer who used to do weddings when he first started out he once showed me a video of a bridesmaid falling down an entire long flight of stairs the reception was at a classy hotel and they were introducing the bridal party in this Lobby that had a beautiful staircase as the focal point so not only were all of the guests there watching but a ton of random people - when she took her first step the heel on her shoe went inward instead of straight up and down sending her headfirst down like 20 steps at the bottom of which she actually landed on her feet before sluggishly making her way off camera on the video you can hear the father of the groom tell my brother that which was top-heavy and start laughing hysterically oh and she wasn't wearing underwear oh I work as a wedding server awesome job I love it as soon as someone says bridezilla this one story where the manager of our hotel had to shut down the wedding halfway through comes to mind this was the bridezilla of all the bridezillas I've ever seen there were a lot of little things leading up that were casual bridezilla until the wedding took a sharp turn at one point she accused the wedding service staff of stealing her veil then the manager found it in her room and also showed her the card swipes to her room proving that only she had been in the room that day about 20 minutes later she was screaming at some poor front desk employee accusing her of stealing her wedding boots manager intervened and after a long talk the photographer told them he had a photo of the boots on the staircase of the church and asked if she had worn them since when she said no she told our place it was our job to have them picked up and made sure she had them the church was not related to our place at all then shortly after she started opening the wedding gifts frantically inside the ballroom and screaming at anyone and everyone guests included saying someone stole her wedding certificate after that our manager gathered the wedding staff and told us to take off our uniforms Achatz empty them in front of him then to clock out and go home which we all did none of stole anything and we heard next day the maid of honor had the certificate and after we left the wedding was shut down completely room left as is for the bride to come back to in the morning the wedding was on a pier the couple and the planner kept checking the radar on their phones for rain to decide if they should do the wedding on the pier or take it inside I looked out on the pier and said to them I don't know what your radar says but those are rain clouds they make the call to do the ceremony on the pier anyway about three minutes into the ceremony it starts to rain out of nowhere a man appears with a heart-shaped wicker box I always ask the couple if there is anything different about the wedding I should be aware of they never said anything to me about this so I was caught off guard cool fine I just keep shooting he hands the Box to the bride she opens it up and there are two doves in there okay pretty cool I've heard of a dove release but had never actually seen one but their doves were not feeling it they just sat there and we're like ya know how this it's the beach and it's raining bride looks at bird handler back at the birds shakes the box nothing he motions for her to scoot them out of the box she reaches in there and they immediately flee the box they both fly directly into her face I shot in burst mode and got a pretty wild sequence of shots one of the birds gets caught in her weave and she shakes her head while swatting at the bird to free it then the bottom falls out pouring rain and heavy winds the officiant continues like nothing is happening zero sense of urgency people are just getting up and heading inside one of the family members gets up in the middle of the aisle and starts screaming and chanting just say I do kiss they do and it starts raining even harder I back pedal down the pier as they run through the rain the shots of them running through the rain are actually pretty beautiful the whole wedding was a complete mess they ended up telling me that I was the only thing that went right on their wedding day and that looking at my pictures made them happy and that the pictures made the awful day look that a bride punching her sister in the face and giving her a bloody nose this happened in front of the hair and makeup ladies about two hours before the ceremony then the bride insisted that they fixed the sisters makeup the hair and makeup ladies refused and laughed after calling the police to report what happened afterward the owner of the hair and makeup company charged the card on file for the full amount when the bride threw a fit over the charge as only two people out of her party of eight people had hair and makeup completed I had the pleasure of reminding her that in the contract she had agreed to pay in full in the event regardless of the circumstances she was free to dispute the charges I spoke to the hair and makeup company and the bride didn't bother disputing I wonder how the hell nut jobs like that are actually married she was an absolute nightmare to work with [Music] you
Channel: ASK GURL
Views: 42,277
Rating: 4.8585367 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, reddit, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit women, reddit girls, askreddit real voice, reddit stories, askreddit wedding, askreddit marriage, askreddit grom, askreddit wife, askreddit alter, askreddit bride, wedding cancelled at the altar, destroyed wedding stories, wedding ruined stories, wedding photographer stories
Id: hieYHUTF28M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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