Actors Freaking Out Because Their Character Is About to Die

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people working in television when an actor finds out is her character is about to be killed off how does that go down and have you ever witnessed it going poorly i'm an aspiring actor that was working as a stand-in for one of the leads in a tv show it was stable work but paid very little i would basically stand in place for the actor while the director sets up the lights i found out my actor's character was getting killed off apparently the actor that i was standing in for was b and didn't show up to work so they used me instead as a body double for his death scene i got paid his daily wage and got into the actors union as a result thank you disgruntled actor i hear the actors union is a big deal i work on a local soap opera the actors are paid very well but some tend to get lazy and usually revert to playing themselves not really acting these are the ones who take it badly i heard of one guy pleading to be kept on we estimated that that earned about 80 000 pounds a year for the 20 years he'd been in it that kind of money is hard to do without he wrote a book after he left which was basically a rant against the producer who fired him i remember that on one of the last episodes of attack of the show they interviewed a guy from sons of anarchy and he said that they are always waiting for the character they play to be killed off if i remember correctly he said they have a bet on who will be the next one gone i thought this comment was going to be about how attack of the show handled being cancelled i know that sebastian roche and richard spade jr have been trying to get back on supernatural somehow ever since their characters were killed in seasons 5 and 6 which wouldn't necessarily be impossible considering that characters have come back from the dead before in the meantime they both still go to all the supernatural conventions and hold q and a panels photo ops with the fans so they seem to be taking it pretty well dang those are two that i really would like to see again two supernatural never seems to know when to introduce a new character or when to bring someone back a lot of people just mysteriously disappear and are never referenced again i worked for a local soap opera that kind of thing happened quite regularly there would be tears and then most often the actor actress would become lazy and turn up for work late not learn their lines etc however some of them would realize they are soon to be out of work and use their time left to wray home their skill and become way better than they ever were i was the actor that got killed off managed to score a role on a soap opera here in australia was only in a handful of episodes but it was the sort of character that could pop up every now and again so i had my fingers crossed that that might happen a couple of months after my first appearance they told me the character was coming back i was very happy i was doing lots of other stuff but i would be happy to drop in on the series every now and again a bit of semi-regular work as an actor is nothing to be sneezed at i turn up for a wardrobe fitting a week before i was shooting they hadn't given me scripts yet you really do get them at the last minute so didn't know what i would be doing the makeup woman comes in and says they have to check my hair to make sure it is the same as the wig they're giving to the stunt man stunt man turns out my character was being killed off he was going to fall down a sewer a sewer and spend an entire episode lying on the sewer floor slowly dying in the most dramatic way possible saying things like i'm so cold and tell my wife i love her it turned out to be lots of fun hilarious i was disappointed that i wouldn't be returning but not too upset would have been nice to have an ongoing role but if you're going to leave a series it's best to do it in style and lying in the bottom of the sewer is so stylish ah it happened to me i spent two years on a network tv show and was killed off right before the end of my second full season 100th episode to be exact every show is of course different if you were on oz the sopranos or boardwalk empire for example there's a chance every script contains your usually gruesome demise i know actors from those shows who turned every page with dread in my case my show had no history of consistently killing characters either from the main or guest cast i was lucky enough to get a call from the show creator about a week before the script came out telling me the unfortunate news my character was not long for the earth the good news it would be a shocking gory and memorable end and i would get a decent funeral more than most dead characters on tv can hope for i had to keep my trap shut both before the script came out and then after the episode was a shot i had a week to grieve my imminent unemployment and then off to work the show creator lived up to his word though there were blood packs exploding glass pellets and a pretty decent sunny corleone impersonation my character was officially dead of course i had to come back the next few days to shoot early scenes from the episode but it was official a few days later i was given a nice going away party turned in my head and pulled off the lot i was bummed for a while after that i really liked that job but looking back i am more grateful for a great role on a great show they don't come along every day i played a lawyer called richard bay on the abc show the practice thanks for asking i work for a news station when we have to tell one of our anchors they are going to be killed off they generally don't take it very well go frick yourself san diego my uncle was on a national soap opera and when they were going to write him off the storyline was going to be that he was formerly a nazi he has a passion for submarines and didn't want to be a former nazi but he would go along with being a former u-boat captain they didn't go for it and the last few scenes for his character had someone else playing his character as a nazi he had a hard time finding work for a while after that on another national soap opera prior to getting the aforementioned one the last scene for his character had him going up the stairs to get a computer print out this was the early 80s almost 10 years later they brought his same character back on and his very first scene was him walking down the same stairs with a computer printout printers were pretty slow then my dad was also a regular character not in every episode on a prime time network show in the 90s and when they wrote his character off the character was going to be embroiled in a minor scandal it's funny because i had to add the son after the one about my uncle but the reason it was an afterthought was the way my dad reacted he was professional he was sort of bummed it wasn't much of a thing his appearance is funded family vacations and a home remodel but he had a full-time job that he made a lot more money with and that was his primary focus that computer printout thing is golden your dad also sounds like he's had a really neat and interesting career pretty cool i wrote for a primetime show where one of the actors was very difficult to work with so the creator of the show ended the season with that character's life in peril he became very apologetic and tried to get his act together so he was not written off however the following season he was back to the same shenanigans leading to him being killed off after that season he was not informed until his contract was not renewed jim beaver returned to his alma mater a couple of years back to do a show he had a q and a with our theater department in which he talked a lot about his experiences working in television i asked him how he reacted when he was killed off on deadwood and he divulged that he'd just been killed off on supernatural as well he basically summed it up as being both deeply sad and incredibly hard in both cases that his death was used as a major dramatic moment in each series rather than something done for shock value and that the castes and crews seemed even more devastated at the news than he was he considered those to be two of the greatest experiences he's ever had working that's the kind of actor i hope to be someday jim is a class act there was an old series called harper's island which is amazing and i heartily recommend where a lot of people die one by one and nobody knows who's doing it in that even the cast themselves didn't know they didn't get the script for an episode until they'd finished filming the previous one and actors would be approached by one of the directors and told the bad news if their character was due for a killing i loved this idea the thought of the suspense for the actors the not knowing how they died or when must have been so fun on set and the series itself is fantastic and well worth a watch i love that show it was really good i believe it's on netflix unless they took it off actor wife here who had her husband's character declared dead the last episode of the season the producers also don't worry you're back next season it's just a cliffhanger hahahaha we know better as an actor when you get a job on tv you sign a multi-year contract usually five year outlining your pay before you even actually get the part then if you get the part you do the job and hope to hack the show doesn't get cancelled you don't actually know if you are on the next season until you get the letter from the network that picks up your contract so to sum up you are committed for said period of time network isn't so my husband thought he was killed off we cut all spending didn't buy the very reasonably priced house no vacation no summer camp and just crossed our fingers until we finally got the letter two weeks before shooting for the next season started this was five months after we thought we was written off now just for the sake of sanity and fiscal responsibility we cut back halfway through every year until we get the letter tldr it sucks but we stick with it and don't act like fools with our money i don't work in television but i have heard some stories from actor interviews so i'll pitch in breaking bad and walking dead spoilers follow in breaking bad giancarlo s borzato was called in by vince gilligan during the filming of open house and he knew that he was going to get killed off so he had fun with it and acted like gus he basically dominated vince when he went into the room and scared him he also told vince that he didn't want gus to die by gunshot and thought an explosion was more appropriate for the walking dead i recall that one prisoner who got stabbed by a machete was excited to be on the show and disappointed to find out he would only be in one episode that one big black prisoner who got shot in woodbury found out by reading the script and he got pee sorry i couldn't help more but there probably aren't many who work in television and if they did it would probably be the crew and not someone who saw the first-hand reaction the character dale of the walking dead was killed off because the actor didn't want to continue with the show so i heard i had a summer job working security at universal studios in studio city california basically we kept tourists from accidentally wandering off the tour and visiting active sets and we got an altercation in progress call to one sound stage which was extremely rare i got there first and watched a world-class temper tantrum by a character actor named ed burns who thought he was being added to the cast of a show i think it was bj and the bear as a recurring character but instead found out he had a one off appearance he kept shouting i'm ed cookie burns dammit get my agent on the phone reminding me of eddie murphy as gumby on snl he kept verbally abusing everyone and threatening to have them fired my brother-in-law has been in several well-known tv shows and big budget hollywood flicks he almost always gets killed off at this point he's perfectly fine with it and laughs it off not sure if it's true or not but someone in the industry told me that on the show was that if an actor ever complained about salary lines etc that the writers would have their character prison raped beecher never noticed the connection i guess not exactly on point but on babylon 5 they told the guy playing left-handed keffer the pilot that is killed by the shadows in the season 2 finale that his character would survive the attack as they were afraid he would have a crap fit apparently known for being a bit of a diva and strazinski didn't even want the character either he was forced on him by the studio when they told him after they finished shooting he apparently did go nuts go figure that guy is in everything and always strikes me as a bit of a dong maybe that's what he's good at in scrubs i think i remember hearing that right after they decided to kill off the character lavinji happened to mention before she even knew she was being killed off that she had just bought a new house or something they ended up feeling guilty and bringing her back later as nearly the same character named shirley my brother-in-law is the sexiest man in soap opera his character was killed off on the young and the restless his fans were so upset a group of them flew out to the studio's headquarters to complain directly to the writers a few episodes later turns out it was really his evil twin brother who was killed many middle-aged women rejoiced sister worked on a film where an older actor found out a younger actor was making much much more than him and then proceeded to try and burn down a set battlestar galactica spoilers in the episode maelstrom karath race goes down while flying inside the atmosphere of a gas giant making recovery impossible in filming the scene where admiral adamu reacts to her death edward james ole miss's grief at what he thought was the loss of katie sakho from the show entirely took over and he proceeded to destroy the model ship his character had been working on for much of the series however this was no mere prop it was a museum quality model ship worth well into the six-figure range that he torn apart with his bare hands the ship was insured so there was no major financial impact luckily the cameras were rolling and they got a phenomenal scene of raw emotion from the actor entirely unexpected source dvd commentary from ronaldi more i am a camera assistant i worked on a tv series on hbo called dream for three years in new orleans john goodman's character was written to commit suicide on the last episode the last week of shooting the episode was kind of miserable everything was more difficult he was normally a sweetheart to work with but the last week was not a lot of yelling at the director and arguing about props and such also kind of ironic one of our writers died while behind the monitors while shooting in a busy tourist spot i can't really think of any movie or tv show where someone is written to die at least on a tv show proof i'm trevor tufano you can check out my md in one interview george rr martin said that several god actors begged him to not kill their characters funny thing is they were already dead not exactly killed off but but bret hart didn't react too well when he was told he had to lose his final wwf match to his real-life rival shawn michaels he refused to lose and force the wwf to have him lose without telling him the plan he didn't refuse to lose he offered to drop the title at any point before the ppv or forfeit lose it on a show in the weeks after the ppv before he left he just didn't want to lose it to michael's in his home country charlie hunnam sons of anarchy discussed this in regards to one of the show's actors on the nerdist podcast a couple of months ago it was a very interesting part of the interview check it out op not tv but steven seagal apparently threw a major hissy fit on the set of executive decision when he found out his character was going to die after a little while refused to come out of his trailer suggested his character should survive etc etc an actress i know was killed off in a long-running show her character had some line like i don't feel so well maybe i'll go to the doctor next thing the doctor is walking out sorry she didn't make it she was pretty pee most of the things i've worked on the character has been transferred out of town for work goes to stay with a sick aunt or some crap like that the producers pretend there's a chance of them coming back i found out my recurring character on veronica mars was the rapist's assistant on when the script was delivered to me on my final episode i was pretty bummed since it meant i'd no longer be working with some of the nicest people in showbiz also because i wasn't even a full-on rapist on the plus side a really cute woman screamed you're a rapist as she drove past me on the sidewalk smiling and waving the other people on the sidewalk were less amused i got killed in season 2 episode 11 of haven and i was just glad to get a day of work opening scene i get turned into a mummy it was sweet [Music] a lead actor found out he was about to leave the show and became incredibly distraught guy was such a mess right before they filmed his last scene the actor looks at the camera and i swear this dude looks like he's about to cry completely out of character and says i don't want to go it was absolutely hilarious crew had a good laugh and i think the director may have even used the cut and now that i'm done joking i'm going to go somewhere and deal with these feelings i've accidentally created i worked on this indie movie one of the line less named henchman in the movie gansta type movie got killed off he knew about it long before of course but he was pretty unimpressed when he got called in for a 16-hour night shoot where upon he was going to get shot he turns up at 1pm his call time is the first person to arrive i'm already there because i was doing day watch on the set he's the next person to be there 20 stroke 30 minutes of makeup doesn't get to leave till the morning about three stroke four-ish they don't shoot the scene where he gets shot the most they shoot him at all is him lying on the floor dead in the background it wasn't until about 6 strokes 7 p.m they even started turning and he'd been there since 1pm they tried to call him in after the weekend they called him that monday morning after telling him they wouldn't be needing him that day no surprises that he missed that call my ex was on general hospital for a while they killed her she was heartbroken but if word gets out that you were difficult you'll never work again [Music] i am an actor that just recently worked on a tv mini series as a member of you upper class in society i had a month to prepare for my role and the adept told me that my character was ill and my first scene revolved around my on-screen wife rushing around the house aiding the doctor care for me and my daughter on the day of filming i spent a good two hours being prepped with makeup and then guided to set through downtown brooklyn on foot now this mini-series is set in the early 1900s so as you can imagine i looked a little out of place once we started rolling and i was going through my actions i quickly began to realize that my character was not going to fare well sure enough my next scene involved my corpse being carried out on a stretcher face up needless to say i was slightly disappointed to have my character kyled off and not be able to return to work on such an awesome set but i was also downgraded from a principal to background because they felt that it would be more suited for my character to be drifting in and out of consciousness that was two weeks ago and i'm still slightly bummed about it james denton from mike from desperate housewives shops at the co-op i work at another employee not me i hate bugging celebrities while they are trying to buy groceries asked him about getting killed off of the show he said they approached him about it and he was ready to be killed off and that it got him off set three months early so he was really okay with it i've never seen an actor just finding out but i've been at a few farewell adr sessions for characters killed off on a popular amc series goodbyes are always hard so is being out of work if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 18,480
Rating: 4.9376392 out of 5
Keywords: actors, televesion, movies, movie deaths saddest, freakout compilation, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: S4z2-7nOGv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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