The Best "Show and Tell" Events at School

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teachers of reddit what's the most interesting thing a child has brought in for show and tell not a teacher but we had a kid bring a military-grade smoke bomb of some sort into my high school once for some class project he thought it was a dud all i remember is a whole crap ton of red smoke and then everyone going home early at least you aren't the guy who thought it would be funny to set off a tear gas grenade in the locker room one of my professors told me that when he was in first grade a kid in his class got his toe cut off in a lawnmower accident the kid brought in his toe in a jar for show and tell like suspended in some fluid or [Music] i had one little guy bring in rocks and fossils to my class teacher here now i love that stuff too so i'd bring in pieces from my collection as well it started with bits of obsidian amethyst chunks local mollusks in shale and it went back and forth for several weeks we even traded a few pieces i'm friends with his parents and they were cool with it then i brought in a big complete fish fossil from a local river complete with sparkling scales he thought that was cool then he brought in a complete fossilized beehive i was gobsmacked i didn't even know this was possible his parents and i contacted the local museum and that fossil is now on public display it is the finest of its kind found in british columbia and the kid dug it up on his grandparents farm i can tell an interesting story my youngest sister is adopted from china we have a cousin white like the rest of us that's a model and at this point was in a lot of magazines like cosmo vogue etc my sister brought in magazines to show off for show-and-tell all the crappy little third-grade girls made fun of her saying that the girl in the magazines wasn't her cousin because of the white chinese thing the next time it was my sister's turn she brought in our cousin in the flesh with a bigger stack of magazines checkmate b when i was younger my sister got my grandparents to bring a miniature horse to the school for show-and-tell mind you they had to drive 3.5 hours to do it in the horse road in the back seat all the way there and all the way home i think she won the award for coolest show until that day a kid in a couple years lower than me had a dad that was a banker he brought in some cool play money and even handed some out to kids including me when i showed my play money note to my parents they were shocked to find it was actually 2.100 bills i'm from the uk a letter from the school went out to all the parents asking them to bring it back to school imagine that kid was in a crapload of trouble a bit difficult but b had a pet day at school and most people just brought their cats and dogs at lunch we did a big show where people with pets walked around in a large circle i remember hysterically laughing cause this one girl brought her pet fish and was trying to walk with it we were probably about six or seven at the time so she was really struggling with the thing and trying to walk without sloshing the water props to her though she loved her fish we had this day too i went to a rural school in arkansas kind of close to the texas border as a kindergartner i once brought a homing pigeon to show and tell the class tied a note to its leg and we released the bird the next day for show and tell i brought the note that's awesome a child's trekking stick made out of a human femur legit despite the legality of using human remains being in question and some serious side eye from me all year during conferences the story of how he acquired it was quite interesting apparently it was a family heirloom and the kid's great-great-grand someone dug it up from his backyard in rural virginia back in the early 1800s and named it no joke lemur despite the legality of using human remains being in question as far as i know it's perfectly legal to own and transport human remains in the united states my son was assigned to bring his favorite book one day well he was absolutely fascinated with the phone book that recently came took it to school later learned every teacher heard about internet generation kid who loves the phone book aww this is actually so sweet tbh the phone book is pretty cool for someone who grew up with the internet as a primary means of communication it's a look into how things were in the past not a teacher but my cousin brought me in for her show until item once she was five and i was one so i don't remember it but apparently her classmates really liked me i brought my granny once in grade one or two she was scottish with a thick accent and i proudly promised the class that i would translate for them if they couldn't understand what she was saying she talked about that until the day she died not a teacher but i remember a student brought in a sword which he claimed his grandfather took off of a japanese airplane that he shot down during the war i don't think his parents knew he took it i still can't get around how a little kid was able to sneak what sounds like a katana to kindergarten when i was in kindergarten we did show and tell by the letters of the alphabet idk how others did it so when we get to w i brought my dad his name is wes i grew up around horses so when we were on h my dad brought a horse for us to pet the town i lived in was really small so it wasn't the weirdest thing my sister's class did show and tell the same way she got el so she tried to bring in our aunt couldn't figure out why because her name starts with v and she's an artist in ny nothing else related of course everyone tells her this then sister gets all mad and is like but lesbian starts with l she ended up taking an lp i'm not a teacher but when i was in elementary school i brought in my pet squirrel my dad had a schedule in which he was off work that day so he brought her to the school for me in her harness and leash i had a kid in grade one bring in his sock he said it was smelly and used it for training to cope with bad smells seventeen five-year-olds rolled on the floor in hysterics best show until ever he sounds destined for greatness great smells taught at a rural canadian school last year kid in grade six brought in pictures of a hunt he went on with his old man one picture was of this little four-foot boy holding a severe deer head check this crap out was what he said to his friends as soon as he arrived that morning in elementary school 1991-ish i brought in a jar of mercury my grandfather got from working in a steel mill the school didn't like that my parents got it back oh wow in middle school a kid brought a lot of mercury in and broke the jar it was in hazmat got called school got evacuated it was a fun day my old secondary school tutor told us that when she did her training they had a show until day and a kid brought in a shark tooth necklace and said they were from real sharks his uncle had killed while away he passed the necklace around and while talking one of the other kids went if these are from a real shark why do they say made in china on the back the other kid without missing a beat when they were chinese sharks done i wasn't the teacher in this case but a guy brought in a slave collar from before the civil war this was a history class and we were discussing the early 1800s we had all learned about slavery of course but seeing a thick iron collar and chain that were meant to be placed around the neck of a human being so they could be sold as property to this day it's the only thing i've ever seen that just felt evil someone brought air in a bag from his room he opened it and tried to get everyone to smell it he told everyone afterwards it was just a fart and everyone just lost it had a student who wanted to bring in a dummy hand grenade he was somewhere on the spectrum and was super into military history and he could not understand why he couldn't bring it into school it had no explosives but was 100 accurate in every other way to be fair i had trouble understanding why he couldn't bring it in my best friend in the third grade went up and presented the teacher he said this is mr teacher he's very old and likes to eat carrots he promptly sat down with the look of triumph i took a sword in once wrapped up nicely and secretly my parents had no idea and my teacher was very shocked when i swung that out i can still remember the look on her face i was in grade 12 bio when we had a two-bodied pig born in the barn one nose two eyes four ears and everything further back doubled i brought it into class and caused quite the stir according to my eight-year younger brother the teacher still talks about how awesome it was to see one of my kindergarten students brought in a legit set of russian matryoshka dolls every time she opened one and there was another inside everyone in the room lost their crap every time god a most hilarious show until i can remember lol not a teacher but my mom is and has wonderful stories one of my favorites is this kid that forgot to bring something to show and tell instead of panicking he just pretended to hold something about a foot big in his hands and presented his invisible car i'm talking describing the structure of the car where he got it it was some basic store like walmart or something i can't remember and how he liked to play with it he even took extra care to carry it back and put it carefully on his desk moving it a bit to the side so he could access his coloring sheet uh just to have fun my mom asked him about it a few days later and he goes oh that yeah i got bored with it so i gave it away what a neat way to wrap up his story kids are crazy creative he missed an opportunity saying that he couldn't find a demo i'm not a school teacher but a leader for a program in a church stuffed animal night some little boy brought in a devil plush toy that said i love you in a creepy voice i worked with the three five-year-olds out of the 16 there that night 15 left crying and one left laughing stan is okay with this when i was in elementary school my great-grandmother brought in her husband's military medals from his time in service during world war ii she sat with the class and explained all about his service and what each metal ribbon represented close to 30 years later and i still remember her sitting up front talking to us not a teacher but a student to preface this my family tends to have macabre humor even when i was young for show until one day i brought in a story the night before my mom and dad were in the garage building shelves with big rubber mallets i walked into the room and asked what's all that banging to which my dad 10 feet away from my mom started shaking the mallet at her and said oh i'm beating your mother suddenly the head of the mallet flew across the room and hit her square in the face breaking her nose but that's not what my class heard they heard the story of how my dad was beating my mother with a rubber mallet and broke her nose this resulted in some fun trips to the school counselor and a visit from cps why did i tell the story to my class in all the commotion i never got a toy for show and tell and that's all i had on hand it was a fun time on all sides their mother's sign set which apparently is what a child at only seven years of life will call a pipe and other drug paraphernalia it took social services all but two hours to have the child removed now a few months down the line i'm learning they have already been housed with a few foster families but it never works out a truly lovely but troubled child not a teacher but my favorite memory of show and tell when i was in kindergarten the first time we had show and tell i bought in my favorite stuffed animal think honor the late 80s cartoons it was one of those sitting in the classroom circle i remember looking across and seeing the exact same toy being held by another little girl we were so excited about it she became my best friend and still is today all because of a crazy stuffed animal my dad found these opium bottles from the canadian pacific railroad and he took it home telling me it was over 100 years old my nine-year-old brain took it to school and we got a call i was the student in grade one or two i brought a skinned rabbit face in for show and tell my aunt from newfoundland sent it to me in the mail cause i guess they eat rabbits i think this was close to easter which was most likely the reason she sent it then didn't realize how creepy that would have been for my teacher my little brother took a clean rabbit-skinned at his show-and-tell because he and his friends used to go rabbit hunting with their bells and arrows obligatory not a teacher i brought in my great uncle when i was in kindergarten he fought in world war ii and was an anti-aircraft gunner he had a shell explode near him and had huge shrapnel scars on his legs that he showed off i explained about bombs and debris and he told stories about his time with the canadian army and lying about his age to go fight my teacher thought it was pretty morose and that we were a bit young to discuss war but i think he did a good job of explaining things on a level five-year-olds could understand i honestly think it's so cute when kids are like i am bringing you for show and tell like me i'm honored thank you not a teacher but my little brother once made a rocket out of tampons glued to a stick and took it to school the teacher called my mom and told her all about the rocket he was in first grade so the rocket was not a school threat but it was just funny also he once took a bag of grass to school and the school called and asked what his intentions were he told the teacher that he likes dealing with the weeds with dad in all reality he liked helping dad garden and liked mowing the yard with his toymo an extra dad please tell me you or your parents have a picture of that rocket not a teacher but in third grade i had a bunch of baby chicks hatched i think i originally brought in a toy but then my grandpa came by to drop off my lunch i had forgotten right when it was my turn to show and tell my grandpa had brought in a runt baby chickley was keeping warm in his coat pocket and instead of the toy i decided the little chick would be my show and tell for the week my teacher loved it the kids loved it my grandpa loved it it was great not a teacher but a kid at a school local to me bought in a deactivated stun grenade teachers bought the army in kids were evacuated my son feels his rock collection is no longer interesting enough to be fair every rock is a stun grenade if your aim is good i brought in pictures of my family vacation to the world trade center for a kindergarten show until that was on the 9th of october 2001. dang dang i wish adults could have shown until at work you could do a little presentation and tell jokes or stories or show off a cool hobby and it would bring you closer to co-workers tbh not a teacher but in high school one of my friends brought his newborn sister's placenta our biology teacher got all up in it and was handling it and seemed super stoked that my friend brought it to show she gave him some gnarly extra credit if i recall there's this website that makes teddy bears out of your baby's placenta when i was pregnant with my first daughter i emailed my dad the link and told him that would be his christmas present that year obligatory not a teacher but in kindergarten we had a project that we each had a predetermined day where we had to bring in our most special favorite things one kid brought in his nes a couple brought in toys or doors on my day i brought in my dad we were super poor at the time and i know he didn't get paid for taking the day off so i know my parents had to sacrifice to make it happen i will remember getting to spend the whole school day with my best friend forever the moment you told your dad you wanted to bring him in as your most special favorite thing was definitely way more valuable to him than a day's worth of pay my aunt from washington sent me as she got from her roof and photos from when mt saint helens erupted for a science project i got extra credit for that and any time show and tell came around through the school years not a teacher but i brought in both of my cats our school allowed kids to bring their pets in for show and tell but most people brought in things like hamsters and mice and other small animals i brought two fully grown cats my brother brought his horse to take your pet to school day he was the perfect horse for it since he didn't care if kids hung all over him or weren't too careful about the strength of their pets he was a great old horse not a teacher but i heard a story of a kid who during winter found a bee's nest which appeared to have been vacated of all bees he brought it to school and as it sat there it warmed up that suddenly some bees came flying out eta this very very loosely if at all fits your question but i hope it's allowed anyway this isn't for show and tell but i've had kids come in with a few weird things i teach preschool the parents bring them in with their weird toy and laugh telling me it's what got us out of the house memorable ones are a spray paint can lid one year old found in the garage on the way to the car dad had dropped off and mom gave me the most wtf look when she picked up that night and i handed it back to her a hair tie a hot wheels and a handheld bubble machine that was broken three yellow a little bubble wand necklace three yo with no bubbles in it a bag of marbles i think he was three a 24-pack of cheap dollar store crayons two years old one dollar and some random change two years old wanted lunch money in a baggie like his big brother the best one though was a two-year-old who found iraq at the beach over the weekend and he would not let it go mom said his nickname was pickle and so i come into work to find a plane grey rock sitting on my counter with pickle written in pretty letters by mom not a teacher but i once took a mammoth's tooth in for show until once it got passed around and everyone seemed to be really interested in it i had to leave it with a teacher during the day because i was afraid it would get damaged if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] do bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
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Keywords: show and tell, school, school stories, teachers, teacher, school memories, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: emwGdWMp_u0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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