Worst Cases of Teachers Bullied by Students

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what is the worst case of kids bullying a teacher in school have you ever witnessed i was in ninth grade we had a teacher that couldn't start the beginning of the year because she unexpectedly lost her baby she either had a stillbirth or lost the baby during birth she started school about two weeks after classes started she explained to us that she was still struggling but was ready to get to work i had these few boys in my class that relentlessly told dead baby jokes sometimes to the point where she would have to leave the room i'm 24 now and we lost a baby in my family in a similar way when i think about that poor teacher now my heart just shatters kids can be so awful i had a chorus teacher who had a miscarriage and tons of kids made her card saying how great she was a few years later this douchebag kid was in her class she went from elementary to middle and he always tormented her one time he told her he was glad her baby died because she'd be a terrible mother disgusting waste of space there's this lovely old asian man who teaches math at my school he is one of the loveliest people i have ever met he makes a huge effort to remember your name who you're related to and always says hi how are you every time he sees you in his dorky cute foreign voice he's too calm and nice so the kids in my ear constantly yell at him and disobey him even when he's sick they'll just torment him by walking around the room taking confiscated items etc i feel so bad for him sounds like my maths teacher in hs he didn't speak english very clearly but he was a very skilled mathematician kids would make fun of his accent and even trip him as he walked between rows of tables thankfully he got to move up to the senior hs and was treated a lot better since the kids he was teaching wanted to learn one of my social studies teachers had this classroom with a big storage closet and so he went back there one day to grab a documentary and when he was in there some kid pulled the door shut and locked it the class then spent the entire period watching superbid on the little car tv that had been wheeled in the movie i had the class the period afterwards when they finally let him out and he had this just sad defeated vibe for the next few days that's so messed up first year female teacher was getting onto a troublemaker girl who always mouthed off she started screaming and cursing at the teacher calling her horrible things the teacher starts professionally yelling at her to leave the classroom and the girl says i'm gonna have my friends rape your daughter and kill her the teacher walked out of the room everyone was telling the girl how freaked up that was a few male teachers came into the room and took the girl out of the classroom we had another teacher sit with us the rest of the class period a friend of mine said he saw my teacher crying in the hallway from another classroom after she left she should have called the police for a threat like that my a posh teacher in high school was an excitable but average height man who was very very passionate about teaching us history most students liked him quite a bit but every once in a while there would be a student in my school who would try to physically fight a teacher one kid tries it in the hall swings at mr aposh less than a second later the kid is sucking wind on the floor and tearing up teacher looks him square in the eyes and says i was a goddamn marine in vietnam i've killed better men than you'll ever be your tardy lunch detentions in my room today and walked away my little brother graduated four years after i did and said that nobody had ever fricked with the goddamn marine since then i used to teach fourth grade the day we got back from winter break my first year one of my favorite students gave me a hug and said mister yams with strazzer up you look fat and sleepy thanks yogura maybe it was all the yams with extra syrup in eighth grade my u.s history teacher had a student teacher for the last part of the year he wasn't the most attractive guy and some of the popular guys started calling him a flak because they said he looked like a duck they'd quack at him when he'd ask the class to do something and they'd whisper a flacco during class a poor guy he didn't really stand up for himself like he's self-conscious about his looks and was trying to ignore it yeah the best way to seem confident is to go i don't look like a duck guys stop it stewart there was a history teacher in my middle school who was gay and when his students found out they hit him hard with it he eventually broke down and cried in front of the class about it and talking about how much he loves his students and couldn't understand why they would treat him like that and middle school kids are like sharks you spill a little bit of blood in the water and they're going to have a feast any signs of weakness and those kids will take full advantage of it you gotta put those little shoots on lock down asap as a middle school teacher for some reason their hormones reinforce some sort of mentality that their top dogs and the teachers are glorified babysitters you gotta stomp that crap out fast in my junior year of high school our english teacher got called out of class someone turned off the lights i thought no biggie crap happens when she came back in the room someone threw and hit her with a hardback english school book hit her in the head she wasn't young either at least 60. crap what happened after i remember in a seventh grade there was this teacher right down the hall from the classroom which i had three of my classes in i would constantly hear yelling screaming things being thrown etc she had a reputation for being one of the worst teachers in the school one day she just broke down and cried in front of her class then her class lost it and literally ran out of her room and went somewhere in the eighth grade hall some of them were caught and suspended anyway one of my classmates decided to look into her window and she saw just an empty classroom during sixth period with a sobbing teacher in it it got so serious among us even our teacher at the time went in to comfort her that year her class had the worst scores on any subject on the crct or whatever it was called worse since she always yelled at her students she had worked up a bad reputation with the other teachers i think she was fired after only one year of teaching we had a substitute english teacher while our regular teacher was out on maternity the substitute teacher was very young probably only about 21 kids used to make her life heck and just didn't respect her no one listened to a thing she said everyone interrupted her when she was talking people threw stuff at her when her back was turned no one did any homework she gave them including me but i never done any homework so she cried one day in class and everyone just left to go to the next class it was a huge thing at the time and everyone was like we made her cry hahaha i felt really bad even though i wasn't involved and i bought her some chocolate with my lunch money and brought it back to english class even my sister called me a dork for that colon i can almost guarantee you that she still remembers that kindness good on you back when i was in eighth grade i was riding the school bus in the morning and one of the bitchiest girls in seventh grade found a dead lizard in the bus and took it to their teacher the teacher was a very nice old woman who taught for around 40 years and loved her students anyway as soon we got off the bus and into the school the bee girl immediately put the dead lizard on the teacher's desk and their teacher was screaming and hyperventilating as soon as that happened our teacher who was a young woman in her twenties immediately went to the seventh grade room and gave them a stern talking about why it was wrong and how they fricked up we found out later that the seventh graders wanted their teacher to get a heart attack and die on the spot and they were laughing about too they were so fricked up seventh graders wanted their teacher to get a heart attack and die on the spot what the actual freak in sophomore year at high school i had this world history teacher who was this really cool really smart and kind kind of younger guy he was a fantastic teacher but he was kind of timid around the students when they would act up more especially the girls who would tease him more one girl in particular seemed to get a kick out of making him uncomfortable usually by this sort of weird flirting when he'd tell her to stop talking in class it really made me upset sometimes because it was obvious he hated it but was just hesitant about giving her any sort of ammo the tables turned one day though see this girl had this huge disgust over stray hairs she would react in terror if there were more than a couple stray hairs on her desk so one day when she's out of her seat in class and gossiping or something he goes by her desk is making a cover by talking to one of us about the assignment and with a nervously suppressed grin uses a pair of scissors to trim his hairy arm onto her desktop when she sat back down after being told to and notices a desk covered in stray hair she ran out of the classroom gagging and panicking like a small dog having a fit later that year when a few of us were in his room during lunch he showed us a bunch of pictures of his college friends and trips and stuff and noticing a thumbnail we get him to reluctantly open a picture of him in full u.s army combat kit with a few other soldiers standing in the turret of a tank in afghanistan or iraq can't remember which he was the driver and did a tour blew our minds he was a solid guy but he was always so dorky and earnest and never acted anything like a soldier it made me think this guy probably went through so many pranks from his guys he must have been itching to get back at this girl and just couldn't hold back a kinda smallish prank on her to get the score even nobody gave him real grief after that though ultimately i think it was too unexpected for a teacher to learn and use our phobias to keep us in line if we push too hard like we were years behind him and freaking with people dude that is the best way of establishing dominance i've ever heard totally non-violent impossible to be punished for extremely effective yeah that's a military man all right my high school had a mexican spanish teacher that barely spoke a word of english before finals week a few kids told her there was a spider in her closet and locked her in when she checked they then accessed her gradebook and changed everybody's grade to one thousand not a typo she didn't notice and got fired history teacher in middle school the kids flooded the classroom so he would slip would interrupt lessons constantly with insults move tables and chairs while he was talking so everyone was sitting with their backs to him would openly make fun of the way he spoke moved throughout all of that he kept being nice calm then when he returned from a sabbatical that had him trapped while that tsunami happened in india he was just changed he came down hard on anyone who interrupted class detention parents invited etc class grades dropped a lot too after that i'm going to take this in a slightly different direction i had a math teacher that as i'm now an adult i have so much respect for it was sixth grade and all we did as a class was raise heck nothing insane just a lot of obnoxious stuff a few of the things we did were having eraser fights and stealing all his chalk he was a huge prude so we'd find ways to work the number 69 into anything so he'd blush it even got so bad with that number that one time when doing a math problem on the board he realized five minutes and that that was going to be the answer and just said never mind and erased it he changed your grade if that's what it came out to as well it got to the point that he'd sent kids to iss just for saying it finally he'd always say throw me a bone guys when we were not getting it but should be we all brought in dog treats for like a week waiting for him to say it and when he did we all threw them at him he actually laughed at that one though he left for a different school after that year his first year at my school the thing is no matter how bad we pushed him he never screamed at us and never lost his cool i was one of the worst and the few times i actually needed help he really pulled through for me and you could tell he absolutely cared so much i actually ran into him later in life and had the opportunity to apologize for being such a little crap he was super nice then too thanks mr w you were one of the best teachers i had i was the same way i hope i find some of my old teachers i'd really like to apologize there's a teacher in my school that no one really likes but some kid took it a little too far he made a fake news article online and sent it to everyone the article accused him of being a child molester it blew up quicker than he anticipated and people ratted on him because he wasn't the most liked kid either the kid was brought into the office wasn't seen for about two three weeks and the teacher hasn't been seen since pretty sure he was fired or quit i don't know it was pretty freaked up i'll be honest the teacher wasn't good at his job at all and he wasn't too good with the kids but being accused of molesting children regardless of it being a joke can ruin you my wife's teacher had to step out of the room for something one day a kid dumb ran downstairs and outside and laid down under the open window first though he gave one of the drama kids issue when the teacher came back the actor kid one of the best students making it more believable did his best cry on command and said something like i tried to pull him up the class also did a great job of not giving it away the teacher absolutely flipped out and ran out of the room and down to dom she was understandably p off when he turned out to be alive no one got in trouble i hope they at least did this to the drama teacher that would have been incredible any other teacher maybe not so much [Music] there was this really really rude straight up hitler girl in my grade who was always confrontational and would seek arguments and conflict with teachers one of my favorite teachers had just lost his mother and was recently back from a leave of absence related to her passing hitler girl really picked her day i guess and she picked a fight with him over homework the poor guy was so drained he didn't even try arguing with her at some point he talked back and she replied with how's your mom doing he sent her to the office and kept the class going but there's no way that comment didn't frick him up boil her an oil our formed tutor also the italian teacher was very stylish and had a taste for expensive suits one of which was a very pricey off-white chanel number one of the girls in my class broke open a red biro and smeared ink on the back of teacher's chair so when she sat down it went all over her suit she was absolutely gutted later we were asked to anonymously write on pieces of paper who had done it or something else if we didn't want to say and the culprit was pretty confident no one was going to grasp her up but apparently everyone wrote her name on their pieces of paper at least justice was served in this case hope she was punished in a just world she should have had to work herself to the bone to replace that suit sex said back in fifth grade by sex education i mean they taught the boys about reproductive organs and the girls about periods there were three fifth grade teachers two were very sweet pretty mild in general one was a bee but who knows what was going on in her life she was just pretty blunt abrasive which can be a little scary for fifth graders anyways in hindsight all three teachers actually did something really cool they all talked fairly frankly about their own periods it was pretty comforting even though most of us had not gotten our own periods yet to hear how different they can be and how that is totally okay so the one mean teacher we'll call him is f described that she used tampons without an applicator and that she had a really heavy flow and immediately all of the girls are giggling and whispering i've never seen shame like the shame that played across maze f's face at that moment she may have been terse but she didn't deserve to feel gross or weird just because she had a heavy flow it was heartbreaking to watch later on i myself would be diagnosed with endometriosis and i just think that if i ever had to speak in front of fifth grade girls i'd want to be just as honest and i hope that ms f knows she gave me comfort in sharing such honest words to this day i still remember everything so clearly crazy obligatory i can't help it that i have a heavy flow and a wide set vagina but seriously i don't think many people had teachers that were willing to do that i know i didn't and it would have been really comforting it wasn't as bad as most of these but in year 11 we had a very young maths teacher he was only a few years older than us and if you put him in a uniform he would have looked like a tall year nine we used to mess with his head on a regular basis but the things that stick out were one fairly early on he got pulled out of the classroom by the department head for about 10 minutes to deal with something in that time we rearranged the classroom to be facing the opposite way including his desk too every time he left the room after that he would come back to a massive hairy dong taking up the entire whiteboard three after he said we lacked imagination after the 20th or so time this happened we switched to drawing a big vagina for once there was a note passed around the room to write titcher's name shaves his legs on a piece of paper and put it in the bin after the first few people walked past him he looked up to see a queue of 20 or so people after he told us to stop messing around and get on with our work he sneakily got one of the papers from the bin and read it he wasn't best pleased the worst part of it was we were top set ah mr hendrickson very pale very blonde always wore very ugly sweaters i believe he was my spanish teacher during the eighth grade now while my school wasn't located in an inner city environment we were between two of our state's biggest cities and so we got students from both cities attending making the school's demographics interesting imagine your typical freedom writer's type of school without the uplifting teacher now mr hendrickson was literally the nicest guy although a bit strange but very caring and sweet nonetheless that didn't stop every single class he had from relentlessly torturing him there were classmates of mine that would literally tell him shut up be as he would open his mouth and the class would erupt in laughter students were physically touching him pushing him harassing him making fun of his very high pitched voice you name it you could see his spirit break every single day until one day he snapped he yelled at everyone and after a short silence he once again was told to shut up which was followed by hysterical laughter as usual he broke he eventually stopped writing students up sending them out anything along those lines started showing us movies instead of teaching even after all that he was still voted to kiss a dead fish at a pep rally in front of the entire school honestly i never felt so bad for a guy i hope he's doing okay this breaks my heart my favorite teacher who was a gay and the students found out when she took her girlfriend to a basketball game everyone in my class was so mean calling her a dyke under their breath and asking about her girlfriend in taunting ways i was always really quiet and just observed not ballsy enough to say anything it felt terrible because she had pulled me aside several times asking if things were okay at home and became someone trusted to talk to really going above and beyond i actually looked her up not too long ago and emailed her and told her how much i remember and appreciated her as a teacher it made me feel a lot better and hopefully had positive effects on her as well coma emailed her and told her how much i remember and appreciated her as a teacher this melt my heart more people should do this to their former teachers [Music] i had a nice professor for my english class for my first semester in college she was completely fair to everyone and explained anything other classmates didn't understand however there was one that was always a problem someone so lazy that she wouldn't do her homework quizzes tests etc and would just always cause trouble for the professor when she comes into class one day about halfway into the semester my professor told her that she was failing and there was no way to make a comeback this led to both of them stepping out of the classroom to talk more while the rest of us just waited in class but we started hearing screaming and heard a thump noise after a few minutes we ran to the door to see what happened and we found our professor on the floor crying a couple of people went to find the classmate while the rest of us tried to comfort the professor i've seen two male teachers break down in tears one after he sat down on a chair that a little hooligan had completely covered the seat in pva glue another when a student asked how many air holes were in the crate that his wife arrived in mail order bride in middle school my entire seventh grade village combined forces to pick on our english teacher so the way our school worked was that students were all assigned to a village and rotated between three main teachers english science and history so our village had a total of around 60 70 students she was an easy target because she had a noticeable indian accent and students would pretend to not understand what she was saying also she assigned a lot of homework honestly it wasn't excessive students were just lazy so the kids all started spreading rumors about how she assigned too much homework they couldn't understand what she was saying total bulls her grammar was perfect and she was completely understandable and someone claimed she said frick in class once and that spread until people said she swore in class this was in a nice school district where not a lot of shady stuff happened so our administration had nothing much to do he ended up getting investigated so many times and other teachers claimed they talked to her to reduce the homework load there was this heavy implication that she was used to indian standards of teaching and didn't quite understand the murican way of teaching by the end of the year she was letting her students run everything because she was too scared to do anything that would annoy her students which meant all our homework became optional and everyone basically got a's i was just so disgusted with my class that year sorry mrs sharma you weren't a terrible teacher all the indian women i've run into in my small town about 9500 people have been so nice strict but fair mrs sharma sounds lovely some of the kids in my school were actual pricks to the teachers like the time a very overweight teacher fell down the stairs and was hospitalized and everyone just made jokes about the floor being broken but all the stuff i personally saw or took part in was just playful crap we had this physics teacher who said the word pixels a lot when we were covering resolution and such and i mean a lot so one day before he made it to class we wrote it in tiny letters on every inch of the board there was another thing with the same teacher where we hid in a supply closet before he got to the classroom we were in that room the period before but the teachers swapped between periods and he spent ages running around looking for us and when he got back we all pretended nothing had happened okay those last two are pretty funny i mean if i was a teacher i would break down giggling at those i was in a japanese program growing up and in seventh grade our class had this japanese teacher who was just awful she had no control over the classroom and was a horrible teacher most of the boys in our class in particular were terrible in the class and left her in tears several times because they would talk over her play games blatantly during class etc when she wasn't crying she also fell asleep in class several times and by the end of the year the administration finally started looking into it and found out she wasn't actually certified to work at an accredited school and thus she was dismissed at the end of the year if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] so bye for now
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Keywords: teachers bullied, teachers bullied by students, schoo, teachers, school stories, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: LLRE2B7fNfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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