The Most Entitled KARENS Ever

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now what off my property love friends it's me and it's a hundred degrees in my room lately there's been a lot of Karen sightings they've been roaming out in the wild and we got some of them on camera these two Canadian girls are picking berries in a forest hey taxes I pay for this part they don't like to see people wrecking it we're not we're not wrecking it there's so many berries nothing like proving your point and then pulling the whole entire squidward dance twist we're twits you're the one coming up to two young girls you're six years old because we wanted to get some berries yeah all the berries you want just don't take the bush with you it's not the bush it's literally it it's a nice range of berries why don't you mind your own business you know that is the rudest thing you've said to me you're gonna get that mad why someone sets to mind your own business white boomers always act so surprised when somebody's gonna talk back you know that is the rudest thing you've said to me you decided okay in front if you wanted you see why don't you go back to where you came from where did you come from I have to carry us when you pass us neither Oh so but we are Canadian too I was born here I was born here too were you born here no okay so this is actually like I was born here and you know I've been born in here and you're telling me to go got your where I can ask your grandparents weren't either that's the thing where your grandparents born you know what yeah but what good is a reaction if you're not even gonna record it you fool how are you gonna be like go back to where you came from but you're not even from that country she didn't even like stop to think maybe I should lie yes I was born here actually no I wasn't born here but you you should go back to your country keep in mind there in Canada she is from the US I'm putting you on citizen's arrest room series for what because look how close you parks okay I'll move my car no no you're not moving your car we're staying right here till the cops come no I'm gonna move my car right now you're saying right here stop filming me ha ha ha let me put my invisible police hat on stop you violated the law what are you gonna do absolutely nothing there's been so many issues lately with karyn's refusing to wear a mask so this store they are literally handing out math if you don't have one and she's still gonna throw a fit I just want to shop I don't want to sound oh yeah no I have a health condition I can't wear one ok the notebook you can't turn down service for that reason documentation I'm so sorry I have you on video for the law though for the law I'm gonna record myself acting foolish she literally handed you a Mac if you want my health condition what are you doing outside this Corona out there go inside stay in your house what is so difficult about that no it isn't they're not alone and I'm not sorry I'll take loud remark that for the favor not for health reasons you can't though no that's not reason okay so this is crossroads in Costa Mesa can I get your name my name is Perry hi Kelly okay awesome so they're telling me I cannot be a customer in here because of my health condition not at all and they're refusing I that hums my health condition to wear a mask and you're telling me that you're turning our service busy that I have a TA PA I got the APA here with me I have our daily with me and you're wrong it's for the safety of our customers AMS on and I'm in there well courting herself and post it on Facebook like she did something I stood up for myself these people don't care about anybody but themselves how difficult can it be to wear a mask okay we're best good see there's no cure for stupid I don't wear a mask for the same reason I don't unware underwear things gotta breathe literally the only people I've seen complaining about this are Karen's male age woman y'all can pop out babies y'all hold it early wrestle the manager y'all ain't even scared to make a doctor's appointment but you can't wear a mask another Karen who didn't want to wear a mask do you really need this what do you want to do post it for you I think I'll get real close to your hump on you then how's that let's go you nasty disgusting woman top ten worst fears I am such a germaphobe and just somebody just you want to be nasty I don't make you like the bottom of my shoe I can't believe she did this in front of her daughter oh and Blake's going down you know all up and down the road it had to stop and and children know I say her teeth are so rotten from talking all that white simply by picking up one of those and going like that I have never seen so many people's brake lights go on and all it is is a hair dryer yeah it would be terrified to if someone was just holding a hair dryer like heck yeah I'm gonna break and then I'm gonna be like waves on a hairdryer if they don't like it that's tough I live here my friends live here laundry also lives here you are disturbing the drying process of my panty congratulations going on TV and telling everybody not everybody else is clear feel free to zoom past Karen's house what should happen don't really got me on that one hi oh you're calling the sheriff oh really my neighbor you have a fast car I'm calling the sheriff not the police step above I got the sheriff on speed dial mmm I would do the same no not on your property take that one off my property how you gonna get so mad Oh the tiniest little thing ain't even on your property take it off it's off what is it it's on my side take it off where's your side end I don't see where your side in it's a beautiful day to be a walking trash can do you also yell at the Sun when it shines into your eyes so how much like of insane [Music] I mean yet so what are you having success partly manage it are some two people Lord okay forgive that ready for this the beginning sing them to get popular Drive Thru first I got a meeting and then I gotta get home I got so many sick at home I don't want to wait more than two and a half minutes for my chili cheese fries symbol of that hey hey hey I have seen you around this neighborhood too many times it's ridiculous your car is insanely loud no no no no no this there are children that live in this neighborhood you need to drive so what you know I'm calling the police this is insane don't you even think about going anywhere I'm calling right now this is a state you cannot just be driving this loud car just like no I'm holding you right now could not go anywhere until I tell you weren't the police come here until they sort things out like you can literally do you never have to listen to a Karen they all bark and no brain this is a video of me washing the back of my fence at the back of my house because apparently our HOA lady goes behind our houses to make sure that the fences look clean enough and don't think I haven't noticed you taking pictures of people's recycling on recycling day in your athleisure wear Linda I see you an HOA management job is the worst place to put a Karen because they will literally give you violations for any little thing it's the greatest position of power for our Karen you got one wheat growing on your front yard $25 violation I got weeds growing on the street below my house I did not even know I owned this property I got hella violations but my neighborhood has so many weeds they don't take care of their weeds and then yet they're gonna give me a violation for having weeds on my sidewalk which I didn't even know I own the sidewalk so my backyard has grass knit my backyard is almost complete this corner over here is going to have flowers in it it's going to be my flower bed my mom came over to say to look at what we can plant and transplant from her house and I told her I really want things that will attract bees and butterflies little did I know that Karen was in her backyard listening so tonight my daughter and I were making our walker in the neighborhood Karen pipes up I'm allergic to bees I heard you talking about getting bees in your backyard so I'm not getting B's I said I'm looking for flowers to pollinate to attract the biggest you don't meet well I don't want B as in my hair I can't control where the bees go Karen I can't believe how entitled some of these people are this is my backyard what goes in my backyard is my business I'm sorry ma'am I'm allergic to bees you cannot plant flowers or we gonna have a problem what do I look like a bee summoner this one's ours and you know that I've told you several times it's why I put a fence up so I won't have to see y'all anymore did you get a CCO people did you get let me see the ACCC approval let me see that ACCC approval right now so he put a fence because he all like his neighbors and that's just fine she's like you better give me the approval I like how they just both of them Karen and her husband Ken they both holding up that phone he's recorded I'm gonna record [Music] trying to break loose come on oh we've got something to say do you have any idea how much force it takes to destroy a traffic cone it is not good for my health to wear a mask therefore I am exempt anywhere in public from wearing a mask if you have some kind of health issue if you can't wear a mask stay home if Natasha wore a mask for five hundred episodes you can too once again they asked this Karen to put on a mask and then a customer also tells her to wear a mask because she's the only one in the store my conversation do you have any right to be speaking to me right now bro six feet away I can smell your hot stinky hamburger breath through my screen back up take care of us talking act like a real person and do it you are not the boss of me do you learn how to talk to me do not talk to me do you understand don't walk to me if you're gonna talk to me I couldn't yell at you how's that and Karen wonders why her husband left her talk to me that's fine I'm gonna go right back at you don't talk to me I don't care don't talk to me did you hear me tell you not to talk to me don't you say you're in a hurry he's a dog you might say a bear is always that one person in a craft store who takes ages to pay for some reason some people just don't care she's not wearing a mask and she's taking a very long time what are you what are you gonna do about I feel like I'm watching the ugliest largest eight-year-old throwing a fit because she doesn't have naptime but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys want more caring videos make sure that that like button left make sure you turn off notifications click click add subscribe to old pack I love you guys so much thing stretching okay
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,551,871
Rating: 4.9269056 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, worst, karens, ever, karen, who, went, too, far
Id: K4N9FNffPmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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