WORST Things a FAMILY Member Has Ever SAID To You(r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what's the worst thing a family member has said to you you shouldn't have let him do that my mother in the car on the way home after watching my grandfather sexually assault me for about half an hour he didn't know she could see him I was seven and didn't know what to do I could see her and was waiting for her to do whatever the right thing was edit thank you for my first ever added metal edit an update slash more info and thank you for listening it was my father's father he was partially sighted he started doing it whenever there was nobody else in the room when I was around six my parents visited my grandparents every Saturday so this happened fairly regularly my mother saw about a year after it started and did nothing when I was 8 or maybe still 7 I'm not sure a gardener at my school was caught doing something similar to another girl my age and was rightly sacked for it that showed me that what was happening was wrong so I asked my mother for pony lessons on Saturdays instead of going with them to my grandparents and she agreed she knows full well what she did I don't think I saw my grandparents alive again my father protected me from himself for which I'm endlessly grateful but he's emotionally abusive to my mother and a serial adulterer their marriage is awful they used to each other as escape routes from two miserable home lives but they were too young and didn't get help and made each other miserable instead they are still married so anyway from age 10 I studied hard in Britain we used to have the eleven plus exam that decided what kind of school you got into I got into a good one and got good in are fair levels to get a local education Authority grant to go to university I left my parents home at 18 and moved to another town to study my boyfriend at the time visited every weekend and bought my groceries and I had a string of horrid temp jobs to stay out of debt it was tough but it did the trick I carried on to grad school married my boyfriend never moved back to my parents house my husband and I moved in together after my first graduation that was in 1995 I finished my PhD in 1999 I've got a career I enjoy my husband's my best friend we are happy at home and his son who was 2 when I met him is the other light of my life PS if anyone ever did anything to him I'd probably chop their hands off honestly I consider myself very lucky indeed my uncle that he'd blocked me from my grandmother's funeral because I didn't go and visit them one year for New Year's I had been going to their place in Pennsylvania for well over a decade for New Year's and thought I'd take a year off get a phone call from him threatening me randomly and saying I'm an ungrateful young man he claims not to remember this now my dad had fun screaming back at him telling him he's a disrespectful piece of [ __ ] as well and to get a life over me not coming that one year still remember that vividly to this day and we'll never forget it bring it up once in a while when he asks when he's ever been hateful or disrespectful to me my dad remembers and I do too and usually denies him his right to willful ignorance mom told me at my father's funeral I wish you kids six of us were dead too I know she was grieving badly that day but it hurt deeply and it's stuck with me the rest of my life I've never shared it with my brothers and sisters to save them the pain edit / update I have to confess that sharing this story has reopened the door to a painful memory I had compartmentalize long ago I'm going to leave this up so that others will hopefully compare it to their own story and either realize they are not alone or better yet their experience wasn't so bad however I'm going to check out of the conversation as it's not producing the positive experience for me I expected by sharing in fact quite the opposite thank you to all who have contributed their thoughts and feelings always remember that your words matter so very often more than you know or expect when I was younger my dad was pretty much verbally abusive he was great most of the time but when he got in a mood or when you upset him I grew up believing that I was an idiot a [ __ ] a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] etc I've had a lot of self-worth and anxiety problems because of that and a damn rough time with depression except growing up I couldn't seek help from my parents for that because my dad was very vehement about his opinion that depression is just when he loses who can't deal with life so they make up drama and feel bad so they cry that they want to die which is just attention-seeking how [ __ ] stupid do these kids these days have to be to think they'd want to die do these morons not realize that once you're dead you're dead and that's it you don't get a redo depression isn't real people just make a fuss because they don't want to deal with life when they have it easier than anyone else before them uncle huh looks like I win we took bets on how long it lasts in college I come from a very gambling addicted family dad don't forget I've cut other children out of my life don't think I won't do the same to you mom I really wanted another child but while I was pregnant you were roughhousing with me and landed on my stomach and I miscarried you took away my chance grandmother you'll never get a man if you're overweight I'll pay for whatever dad you pick until then you're going on the cabbage soup diet I was 15 and about 180 pounds other uncle I don't know how to dump us people had such a smart child but you're just as ugly as them so I know your face and bonus sex ed story from mom here's some mouthwash you're gonna need it it wasn't to me or even about me which is what made it so shitty when my mother died it quickly became apparent to win the family accepted and recognized responsibilities up no one I did the dirty work a bit URI written cremation organized arranging the cranes to be moved from one state to another funeral home for a service prayer cards priests even a slideshow with photos of her that I collected thanks to some of her friends and an uncle and a bunch of songs that I picked out only one was on her living will so that's a lot in the above it took place over the course of a month where I also was going to work full time it sucked so the thing said was by my brother at the service about a month after my mother died and I hadn't heard a damned peep from my brother at all he was talking to some couches and said something along the lines of thanks we all worked really hard on it I was so hurt they all left me to deal with a mess and congratulated themselves for what choosing the poem on the prayer card I haven't spoken to them in years we don't care if you're happy my dad growing up my dad was usually emotionally abusive and occasionally physically abusive I've had depression anxiety and suicidal ideation since I was a kid whenever my depression and or anxiety got to the point where my parents noticed a change in my behavior they held an intervention my dad at the time didn't believe in mental illnesses so it wasn't so much an intervention as it was an interrogation during one of these meetings when I was about 17 I broke down and was honest about my feelings I felt like I was a failure and that I would never amount to anything I was miserable all the time and that I knew that they wanted me to be happy but it felt like I would never be happy again all I wanted to do was sleep forever that's when my dad said we don't care if you're happy you just need to be a functioning member of society or something along those lines this was more than ten years ago but it still stings my mom on discovering that I was an atheist while I still lived with her and my dad for context she trapped me in the car with her and berated me demanding to know if my therapist and psychiatrist that I see for anxiety and depression made me deccan but from Christianity I'm not kidding mom I've watched you turn into a cold immoral uncaring person what do they teach you and talk to you about there I'm going with you next time you go and if I don't like what they say you're going to a Christian counselor if you refuse you're losing your health insurance me we talk about my anxiety and depression they help me try to improve my self esteem self worth negative self-talk and help me learn to relax motton you know what would really help yourself worth if you lost weight and didn't dress like a complete slob you need to diet and stop being such a slouch I was in still am obese so I was really sensitive about my weight mom just posted all over Facebook three months earlier to bragging on me for a random act of kindness I did for a stranger you can imagine why I still hate riding alone with her in a car I also laid low and managed to force myself back in the closet again that I still have a lot of emotional issues over the entire ordeal not just this one encounter edit something else that happened she knew that christina ricci is my favorite actress and that has played a lot of Dokka roles growing up so mom naturally said that she believed that either christina rixie or satan using rixie was the reason I was acting like this and questioning my faith so there's that you'll the scum of the earth and I'm so disappointed to have to call you my daughter I had just graduated college but still lived away for my post-grad internship my parents were having marital problems in my mom threatened my father with divorce on Valentine's Day this wasn't the first time she had done this but my father said she sounded serious this time I worked at a law firm so he called me for a referral for an attorney I texted him the next day with referrals from the attorneys I worked with my father had unfortunately forgot his phone at home that day my mother read it and all of our texts on the subject that weekend I went home for my second job that I had since high school that day she yelled at me for more than an hour telling me I'm the scum of the earth etc just some rather vile things that I've chosen to forget I told her that had she approached me I would have done the same I happily would have given her a Farrell's because they've never had a happy marriage and I just wanted them to be happy together or separate she didn't believe me and kept insulting me after over a month of avoiding her she had the audacity to ask me why I was giving her the cold shoulder I told her why she claimed she never said those things but if she did say that I deserved it from that day I saw my mother for the person she is we have a fine relationship but I don't confide in her anymore nor do I trust her it definitely continues to strain our relationship despite her refusal to acknowledge it my mom came doesn't live near me but she came to visit me one time when I was in the throes of my anorexia we got into a fight one day and she told me that since she saw me eating she doubted that I was even anorexic this was during a time when I was in the double digits with my weight and I'm 5 feet 6 for reference and was very sick but had been eating perhaps more than usual since she was visiting part of mildness was wanting outside validation for how sick I was I wanted people to know that I was terribly sick for her to invalidate my illness cut me to the quick I felt like she didn't care about me or any of my mental anguish when I tried to pit her against my dad that night by telling her that at least my dad loved me she told me that he actually had expressed to her that he didn't like me at all as a person even though she always apologizes after her cutting remarks I never forget them and will always have a distance between us because of her and her incapability to be loving unless she's getting something in return well my jackass of a father loved playing the divil and always tried to plant the hate towards my mum whom took me and my sister to raise alone and afford every selfish thing we wanted I don't know what he would gain but man every time I think about how he was trying to manipulate me I want to punch him in the face but then again after I understood the bigger picture from both families my mom's side and dad's side I can see he has poor judgment and can't handle himself well he married another women and had a kid and did the same thing he did to us left them maybe because he is my father but he is good in the inside but I honestly don't care anymore as I grew up without seeing him more than twice or three times from when I was four and now I'm 18 I'm seriously indebted to my mom and hopefully one day she would say that she is proud of me she says that she is but I want her to be really proud main point is the things dad said does piss me off and just makes me sad about he he dares to say such things my younger brother got caught going into school high and reeking apart I was three weeks from graduation he told the officer I drove him to school to cover for his friend after much confusion chaos almost being denied my graduation it finally became clear he was throwing me under the bus my mom comes I am no longer involved I got home at the end of the day and cussed my brother out and told him the consequences of his actions and what they nearly cost me me you owe me a [ __ ] apology then I don't know you should it's been 11 years he has still never apologized to me he has apologized to my mom my dad and my sister for all the grief his drug addiction over five years had caused the family but apparently the harm he caused me has meant nothing to him I was 14 / 15 when my parents were going through their divorce my mom threw a laptop at my dad and punched him he just said there and let it happen I stepped forward and exclaimed mom she looked at me and said what what are you gonna do you are worthless and are never going to amount to anything with all those goddamn games you play you'd be lucky to even get a job with how useful you are around the house she also a few months later came into my room and gave me a hug and said goodbye my son I love you this is my last goodbye she never killed herself but always talked about it for 15 years she is still alive today she feels awful about it now I'm 24 and have forgiven her I have an associates in accounting and in CAS so I have that going for me now I treated you like [ __ ] because you are [ __ ] my grandfather talking about how he treated me when I was 4 to 6 years old I have many from my father you are going to die from an overdose one day in the last time I'll see you is when I identify the body this was one of his favorites I remember hearing it as young as 4 years old you are only good to move bags of concrete from one place to another and you will fall from the scaffold and die your mother is a [ __ ] but at least I'm sure you are my biological son my mother has never cheated and honestly my father being the piece of [ __ ] years he's the only person who I know who deserved to be cheated on how could I be proud of you you are like your mother's family coward weak and evil you cry like a girl pathetic after beating me and showering me with cold water in winter charming my grandmother was a narcissistic conniving beast from the south think backwards compliments she also projected her insecurities on me I was always a healthy weight growing up and very active that I was very self conscious and did not have a lot of self-love it's common among 12 year old girls that she just exploited it one day over one of the summers we spent there she had me try on a pair of cute coca-cola shorts she found in a drawer I came out and was like they fit but they are a little tight she told me that I couldn't have them she only wanted to see if they would fit then exclaimed how she wore them when she was pregnant with my uncle thanks grandma f off said by my grandma she always really hated me as in everything I did was horrible for money extremely young age a lot of verbal abuse from when I was about four led to roughly ten years of horrible depression in self-harm but the reason that was the worst Finglas because she said it whilst in the final stages of dementia she had no more speech couldn't remember her own name didn't even have long-term memories or muscle memory she was a shell but then I walked in the room and apparently triggered something and she looked at me with such venom and told me clear as day to f off it was like her hate for me was so strong it transcended the fact her brain was mostly gray Marsh weirdly enough three months after she died four years ago I was mentally well enough to come off into the presence and therapy and I've been alright since then my grandfather passed away in a hospital due to respiratory failure from lung cancer this was my maternal grandfather and as my parents had a rough divorce when my father arrived with my younger brothers to say goodbye he was kept outside of the room I held my grandpa's hand when he died that was right at two years ago now and I can still even remember what the sheets on his bed felt like it probably wasn't even a full ten minutes before my father started getting insistent that I left the room to meet him to the point that he got a nurse involved so I went out the lobby still feeling dazed and sake I have been trying to distance myself from my father for a number of reasons but I was still as cordial as I could be most of the lecture conversation went blurry but then he said a particular phrase in reference to my grandpa's death we should use this as a learning opportunity you know we only have so much time on this earth and it would hurt me for us to not spend more of it together and that's the closest I've ever been to killing another person because of course the [ __ ] just couldn't help but make it about himself before he was disgusting in that moment he made himself irredeemable a good man had just died and that goddamn bug snake had the balls to use another person's death to further his own goals I think I needed to get this out thanks from the age of newborn up to 15 my Mimi my grandmother pronounced me compared me and my cousin who was born only two days apart from me my cousin now was always a skinny legend and I mean skinny while I was not I was never huge I was average for the life of me I will never forget what she said when I was 11 years old we were shopping at Sears for shorts every weekend I would go over to my grandparents house and whenever my mummy buy his shorts for my cousin they would be short shorts which I obviously never was able to get so I was jealous because I was 11 I asked if I can get the same kind of shorts because I liked them well it did not end up but my mummy and I argued the whole time and I ended up super upset she kept giving me knee-high shorts and giving excuses such as no no we don't want any of that these shorts fit you so much better another thing that upset me was that she would always put me in a size not one but two sizes up than what I normally am so after Sears we went home I was still upset and I was still arguing with my mummy and that's when she snapped and said Bridget I am NOT going to buy you those goddamn shorts you are big-boned just like your mother being 11 at the time that was actually the first time my self-esteem was affected it hurt so bad because I was not fat and I knew it I was not a super skinny girl like my cousin but I definitely was not fat to this day I still think about it my mummy recently passed away and do not get me wrong she loved me dearly and she was never a bad grandmother I just wish that I never think about that day because she is gone however it will always haunt me on the good news I grew up to be a curvy slim [ __ ] you would say woman who dances and I would say I am beautiful not to sound cocky so all in all I try not to let it bother me so much needs a bit of backstory grew up being molested by my brother starting around the age of six age difference is about five years I think it lasted for ten years until I was prepping dinner chopping up beggars I think with a huge Buchert knife he came up to me trying to feel me up and I just raised the knife told him if he ever touched me again he would be waking up to me dragging the knife across his throat now on to the fucked-up part IKr I was having a talk with my great aunt about what happened to me and it is why I hate my mother so much she knew what my brother was doing to me and would go shopping and leave me alone with my brother to babysit me my aunt straight-up tells me that my mother's entire side of the family knew what had happened and no one not once thought there was anything wrong with it TLDR was molested / raped by older brother from 6 to 16 years old aunt told me entire maternal side if family knew and thought nothing was wrong with it my brother is chronically unemployed and keeps making up excuses not to go on welfare or look for a job he's also a heavy smoker and has been asking me for money for smokes for years racking up about dollar sign to K that he owes me I had finally had enough so I said I would give him a card less cash coat I didn't trust him enough to give him my bank card on a trip to the shops or he would get nothing he told me that if I ever gave him an ultimatum again he'd put me six feet underground my five-year-old was sitting next to me my son went to his dad's and I fled to a friend's place where I stayed for a week I'm back in the house I share with him and my father and I haven't spoken to my brother since it's been almost three months and I'm currently looking for somewhere to move out to honestly should have moved out sooner I know but that's just where I'm at now I grew up in an abusive home no father and a narcissist evil mother she would say things many have already said she was a pill-popping alcoholic worked in a warehouse and blamed me for everything that went wrong saying her and my sister would be better off if I was never born I found out in high school I had an older sister that had died and I was born and was supposed to replace her or something like that me being a boy didn't fit well with her and a few years later she got the girl she wanted she had no use for me anymore she tortured me beat me with belt buckles and dragged my to my knees I'd sleep with my back against my door and my feet wedges against my bed to feel safe at night I got out eventually but all the vile things she said to me stopped getting to me after a while don't get me wrong I'm still haunted by her but when I would visit out the family and I would try to ask God help they all said the same thing that's your mom mojo you only have one mom you have to love her that more than anything my mom had said all done destroyed me I worked up the courage to ask for help thinking all I had to do was man up but it was beyond reach the whole home I got out and live with other family that I can't trust them the way I wish I could I can't bring myself to be that vulnerable around them again when I really needed help I had to make it happen my said I was 13 I was scared and alone I was alone in a house full of people my brothers and sister would stand and watch while she torched me stabbed me with a corn skewer throw hot cooking oil on me scream at me they couldn't do anything I'm glad she loved them and wouldn't hurt them it'd make it easier for me to leave knowing they'd be safe but it still haunts me I wonder often what it was about me that was so unlovable why I was so undeserving you're ruining everything my dad I was 14 it was my grandma's birthday and we had gone out for lunch at some restaurant in celebration my parents were aware of my mental health issues they knew how distressing eating in public was for me even now I'm currently 18 I still can't eat around people without having a panic attack dad had forced me to be there forced me to order something and when I couldn't even touch the food as he damn well knew I wouldn't be able to dad lost it at me while mum just sat there and wouldn't look at me I just got up and walked out the restaurant I couldn't deal with it there was a bridge nearby I walked onto it and looked down and I think that was the first time I seriously considered killing myself my dad literally chased me down the street and grabbed me screaming that I was making everyone upset that I was causing a scene the irony of that one isn't lost on me and ruining everything that line is the one that I remember the clearest thanks dad a little bit of backstory first at the time this story took place I was 13 about a year before this happened I had identified myself as bisexual I had eventually worked up the courage and came out to friends all of which were super supportive and I seriously couldn't have been happier anyway it had been about a year since I had come out to my friends and I decided it was time to come out to my family Mike came over from England for my mum's birthday and I wanted to tell them while everyone was there I had really wanted to come out in a public setting so my parents wouldn't make a fuss if they disagreed now thinking back it was a really dumb idea to come out the time I did because I literally came out during my mum's birthday dinner we had just finished eating and we were kinda mingling for a bit and then the moment came I put on a serious face and told them there was something they should know once I had everyone's attention I got it out there I'm bisexual my sister was so positive and supportive over it she got up and hugged me but my parents just stayed quiet later in the evening I asked my mum what she thought she replied with I'd rather you not be but I'll accept you anyway this hurt me at the time but when I asked my dad a few days later he flat-out told me I'm really disappointed in you and you ruined a perfectly good evening that of this day really stings thank you so much for watching the entire video I would be so grateful if 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Channel: Slime King
Views: 49,513
Rating: 4.8305464 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: HxjKddfCm9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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