What Killed Your Relationship With Your Sibling(s)? (r/AskReddit)

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our slash asked reddit what killed your relationship with your sibling s backstory my sister and I are seven years apart when she was in high school she started hanging out with the wrong crowd and got into drugs she stole checks from my dying grandfather and still about sixty thousand dollars from him it was so bad my parents changed all the locks nailed the windows shut and put dead bolts of their room and mine she became pregnant didn't stop using drugs and gave the baby up for adoption she went to jail a few times for selling cocaine and weed and maybe pills there are multiple other stories that show what a horrible human shields fast forward about ten years and two children later her husband started cheating on her my parents paid for her divorce and flew all three of them back to the same state as us she went behind my parents back and remarried her ex-husband she has made so many terrible choices that she has no one I want a relationship with I would never go to her for advice or support I don't really care that I don't have a relationship with her because we never had one to begin with damn they borrowed close to $25,000 and refused to repay me because all I do is sit on my ass and collect checks I'm a disabled veteran sue them no receipts it would my word against theirs left some boxes of my possessions in her trust with the understanding that I would send her cash once a month and she would put them in a storage unit for me I was moving to another country you see she then proceeds to waste the money meant for my storage on her failing finances she then demands more cash all my stuff would end up at the dump I stupidly agree and she turns around and says oh I wouldn't have dumped your stuff I would have sold it on eBay I sent her an email cutting both the gravy train and any ties we had I think I know the answer to this question but I'll bite anyway did you ever get the stuff back no all gone the biggest loss was my collection of vintage transformers they are sorely missed I have a new collection now but it still bites you know my sister randomly started treating me like hit 2 years ago everyone's noticed it but no one knows what her deal is gives me looks of disdain every time she sees me and will randomly look for excuses to badmouth me and put me down and if she can't find an obvious one she'll actually make one up I've asked what her deal is but she continues to do it it's mentally and emotionally taxing so now I just avoid her I have no interest in trying to set things right at this point any random weight loss or successful efforts to become fit edit I live in a very drama-filled social circle I just Kim's have observed from the sidelines while everyone causes fights and takes hit fits usually petty behavior for no reason is plain and simple jealousy or envy yeah my job has me in motion allit so I've lost a pretty decent amount of weight but she was the one always saying just so fat or you need to lose weight so I don't see why she'd be mad at me actually doing it also the weight loss only started occurring this year so it wouldn't explain the last three years of her behavior law not me but this happened to my cousin's brother and sister several years ago both my uncle and aunt were diagnosed with terminal cancer the same calendar year even though they were both in the late stages of their respective cancers they survived for quite some time and so they required a lot of care their daughter was forced to quit her job so she could look after both parents during the long gruesome period before they passed away not sure exactly how long it took but I want to say it was around a year and a half where my cousin went through mental and emotional hell looking after her elderly parents awaiting their passing meanwhile a very wealthy brother live just a few miles away from their parents but being a VP of a very successful bank he was pretty busy and so was unable to assist outside of providing a tad bit of financial support to her sister while she was looking after their parents eventually their parents both passed away within a few weeks of each other while my female cousin was obviously very upset about the passing of her parents she was honestly a bit relieved that a her parents no longer had to feel the pain of the cancer destroying their bodies and be she didn't have to look after them anymore and could return to a hopefully normal life after they buried their parents they met with their parents lawyer he revealed to the map page had a life insurance plan that totaled over one point five million dollars dollars however they assigned both policies to the son and so it was up to the son to decide if he'd give any of the money to his sister which he unfortunately decided against he kept all the money for himself and didn't share any of it with his sister arguing that he gave her more than enough during the time period she was looking after their parents and that he had no obligation to share any of the money my female cousin was absolutely heartbroken that her brother wouldn't share any of the money and she was too mentally exhausted from the nearly two years of looking after her parents that she just did not have it in her to obtain a lawyer to try to get two share of that money she just decided to cut ties with him and so they ended up not speaking for several years I'm pretty big on family and forgiveness but I absolutely support my female cousin for cutting ties w her brother and not speaking to him since that incident he's a huge dirtbag and so I'm glad they are no longer talking this is probably one of the worst things I've read in here that's absolutely disgusting people who take care of the sick and elderly tend to get the shortest end of the stick my mom spent a few years caring for a very sick elderly woman put lotion on her legs for her skin condition came and sat with her so she wouldn't have to be alone was the only one willing to go to the effort of giving the poor woman a shower every week and even put the medical on Montano when she developed problems in private areas my mom did the sin wasn't even related to the woman this lady was the mother at my mom's jerk boyfriend and later ex-boyfriend no one in jerks family would lift a finger to help the poor old woman and her husband was in declining health as well so my mom stepped in to make sure the nice old lady would be taken care of when the woman passed away my mom wasn't expecting to get anything she wasn't even family after all but what broke her heart was that they didn't even invite her to the funeral didn't say a word about it to her until it was over since my mom doesn't get along with every member of the jerk family no big scenes or arguments but not on great terms still they decided not to invite her our parents they always played us against each other let my elder brother abuse the duck out of me stitches bruises dance et Cie with zero consequences laughed when my little sister was mean to me mocked me if I complained etc just remember all that when it comes time to put them in a home and between now and then keeping doing what you can to improve your own life you asked for our first available room no I asked for your worst available room my adopted twin brothers won't stop having children they started at 17 and haven't stopped in over ten years I think they have over ten between them they don't want work they won't move out of my parents house my parents are both approaching 80 are extremely poor and have to deal with the endless parade of hit hair on from these worthless people adopting them destroyed our whole family I stopped speaking to my entire family five years ago because of my hatred of my younger bothers all I want to do is tell them how much we all hate them they are a duck in cancer that won't go away all they do is take I find my anger towards them getting worse every year this borders on elderly abuse not much different than child abuse the irony is that we adopted them from the worst possible home situation they were eight months old when we got them in partial full body casts from severe physical abuse and withdrawing from crack cocaine they were prenatally exposed to we gave them every chance in life every therapist every school tutor they were given a normal childhood in a normal neighborhood they have never stopped taking from my parents though I can feel my blood pressure rising just thinking about them my sister em is a total duck hit parent with a record a mile long did six years at one point who openly resents me for not being a duck up and making a life for myself the last time she went to prison she sent me a ten-page letter unloading why her problems are completely my fault because I didn't take as good care of her growing up as I should how unfair it is that I have things I don't deserve and what an [ __ ] I am for calling CPS when a meth-addicted boyfriend beat their kid bloody with a belt that wasn't even what got her sent to prison her seventh felony conviction for burglary did bat I didn't respond except to tell her good luck in prison I didn't respond except to tell her good luck in prison a twenty page reply of copied and pasted it not my fault would sent her reeling I would just write a letter in ink simply saying K me moving away I joined the Navy at 18 I was away for four years while my siblings started their own families when I came back I was the outsider without kids I left again a few years after that so now I'm a stranger I call my brother and sister on their respective birthdays but it never gets reciprocated maybe you need to fight him in the Octagon for five million dollars Warrior I wouldn't say killed but she repeated things that I said to her to other people which kinda made me talk to her less that happened to me once long ago now I just assume I can't tell certain family members anything in confidence and expected to remain private I only tell them things that I don't care if the whole world knows which really isn't much considering how I like my privacy I don't trust a single person on this planet from all the times I've been burned being domineering and arrogant about their own opinions and always looking down on me because I'm very much the youngest even now married for many years and with two astonishing young adult children of our / my own I get told aren't you clever or didn't you do well if I never saw them again it wouldn't bother me they've never been interested in me my lifestyle my interests just in pushing their own agendas and trying to make me look small this sounds exactly like one of my siblings my sister in my case except I do love my niece a lot and want to have a relationship with her but ofc she has all her friends newly-minted aunts to that really pissed me off still does I wonder how many people in this thread actually did something wrong and just won't admit it welcome to read it welcome to everywhere mate I started making more money than them and now they suddenly think that I'm the world's biggest [ __ ] because I don't help out enough I busted my ass to get my engineering degree and have a good life and they're both college dropouts who think everyone owes them something you don't owe them it no one owes anybody anything in this life drug addiction and crime is not mine not yet dead but very strained backed when I was young in the ps3 first came out I got one and almost immediately he stole it and pawned it for kill money fast forward a couple years he's got a kid but his wife is raising her while he's in prison for bad shakes they split while he's locked up a duct up situation on my ex ills end fast forward a couple years he's in court with his ex over back child support I agree to loan him the money that I had to go borrow myself and he'd give me around on the money to pay the note off didn't happen also he maimed my niece area pronounced like the constellation Orion luckily that's not the name she goes by just her middle name this is also really hit because fat ps3s were like 600 bucks when they came out that is one of the worst names I've heard for a child it's a reposed so in October my brother-in-law got arrested charges of trafficking of a child and child enticement prostitution we found out when we saw it on the news quotes from the news from his own statements were that he was trying to pick up a prostitute and it was suggested that an underage girl 16 was available which he was okay with he made bail and my sister decided that even with the charges and him admitting to also seeing prostitutes in the past they were going to work things out next up Thanksgiving we host and we have two daughters 12 and 15 I let her know that she and her son are welcome he is not human oh you need to forgive him he's really remorseful ah sorry not comfortable mom your sister is really upset as sorry but our kids come first then I finally talked to my sister who says they aren't mad and totally understand okay cool mom is just overreacting she also said that the charges on what really happened he said in the quotes not accurate and he's totally innocent because he said so okay neck up Christmas there host we politely decline q mom I don't see why you don't want to go there us we aren't comfortable bringing our daughters they aren't comfortable with it mom why not us we talked with them explained the situation and what he's charged with we are not comfortable having our daughters around him right now q mom's grapevine with a text from my sister I can't believe you told your daughters that he's a child molester which we didn't we read the charges to them and answered questions as best we could I didn't reply I'm tired of us justifying why we put our and kids first before him sir my sister has cut off all contact with us still texts my eldest and my mom is siding with them we don't feel we are in the wrong hair we will always protect our kids above the louse if mom and my sister feel otherwise so be it update mom thinks I should apologize and make up I refuse to apologize as her we didn't create the situation B we didn't cut off contact completely good on you for protecting your kids I realize that your mom is in a Hitty situation and is probably struggling to accept the fact that your brother-in-law committed such an egregious act but it's completely unacceptable to place him above any sort of blame I don't know you but I'm proud that you've stuck to your guns and have kept your daughters away from such an environment there's absolutely no need for them to be placed in questionable circumstances nor does your mom need to play the role of the gatekeeper for all of this if the situation continues to arise I would say something to the effect of I'm sorry but we don't feel this situation should involve your input with voice that we do not feel comfortable hosting our daughters in such an environment though I'm sure you've tried every line of the book short of cutting her out completely you're absolutely right there's nothing for you to apologize for I'd say that you're actually the one that deserves an apology but saying that would probably create more drama than it's worth he raped me repeatedly for about two years when I was a child I still have to live in the same house as him too and my family never believes me I like foxes that's the current goal I just have to finish school and save enough money offered him and his very pregnant wife a room in my house that I could barely afford they did nothing helpful and drove up my utilities when I asked them to help out around the house because they were making a mess or to help with utilities they decided to trash my house while me and my fancy were away on a mini vacation and send pictures to both of our exes my fancy was taken to court and it went terribly because we couldn't afford a lawyer fancy becomes ex-fiance and moves out of state to try and get her kid back my ex-wife tells me she will do the same if I get back with fancy I already had problems trusting people because of my ex-wife I finally found someone that was so genuine and made me forget all about that I let my brother and his wife live with me because I was homeless at one point and it was hit now I feel like I can't trust anyone and I feel beyond horrible because of what happened to the woman I love who I can't even be with now most days I sit in my house alone I don't want to go outside in public because why should I can't even trust my own brother thanks for reading my bitching haha feels somewhat nice to type I guess for what it's worth I read your story you are not shouting into the abyss thank you that means more than you know after she turned 18 my sister lived with me for a while she intended to get a job and go to school but did neither and eventually moved back in with our parents I felt like we had a good relationship at that point and we were having an email conversation in which I opened up to her about some personal things I'm extremely private and especially back then did not really open up to anyone so it was a big deal for me to share what I did with her I explicitly told her that this was a private conversation between us and not to mention it to parents she showed our parents what I wrote she tried to play it off like she had just accidentally left the email open and they saw it but it was at least a week after I had sent it so I was always skeptical of the idea because her story didn't exactly make sense then my parents told me that she had showed it to them so I lost all trust for her and it destroyed our relationship not killed but strained I guess my younger brother joined the Marines a few years ago I'm happy for him he wanted to join as long as I remember and I support the military was in the Air Guard but I only see him once or twice a year now looking back he was my best friend it was my first year in middle school and I confessed to my brother that I had a crush on the girl that moved in next door that night I was taking a bath and my brother whipped opened the door with said crush standing there I had to spend the next six years riding the bus next to her and was mortified every day but are you two married now ha ha ha no that action had such an impact on me that I withdrew and was borderline antisocial I never got the nerve to ask a girl out until I was in my early 20s my be polar sister was super intense to grow up with I'm 16 years younger she would steal my clothes and possessions yes a grown woman stealing from her ten-year-old sister she still lives with my mom and is very abusive to her I've spoken to mum about it but where else would she go the sad part is I still think she'll change and get better thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe to read it Queen for the best daily content [Music]
Channel: RedditQueen
Views: 29,035
Rating: 4.9086757 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, r/askreddit, ask reddit, toadfilms reddit, people reveal, redditqueen, askreddit question, reddit compilation, reddit girl, “r/iama”, “iama”, “ama”, “iam, ask, me, anything”, “ask, “askmeanything”, “reddit, queen”
Id: U5Itc6jwWaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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