Worst Punishments in the History of Mankind

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oh they lived oh oh not even that long ago boys what's good welcome back to side memory acts where today you have myself bogo and mini mentor reacting to the worst punishment in the history of mankind we can get some new sad men forfeits from this or the scenes probably not yes i'm gonna say no okay okay i'll just pin it out discipline and punish the birth of the prison with a chapter about an unfortunate frenchman named robert francois damien this got straight into it to assassinate king louis he was severely punished he was burned with molten wax and lead and had boiling oil poured into his open wounds quartered by horses pulling out his limbs and then his torso fat harry eats tall some of the questions but one commentator why did you say that why did you say that why did harry say that say what did he eat star no he ate tart yesterday i do eat tart i don't eat drink it may be some witch doctor stuff i don't really know but it's i've been i've been told to who told you who uh gibbon he swears by it so i i i thought you know i'll give it a crack let me know how that goes for you i'll feel more energetic i won't lie actually feels pretty decent it might be placebo but it doesn't wonders and cmos as well drink your seacom i was several times obliged to turn away my face and to stop my ears as i heard his piercing shrieks half of his body having been torn from him slowly changed regarding the harshness of punishments but today we'll look back at the brutal past in this episode of the infographic show the world no they just didn't so you know the thing on youtube where you put the like you put something at the start to get everyone's attention yeah i never expected it from one of these channels it worked though my attention is great yeah i'm i'm excited now looking forward to i want to see some death is in no particular order of nastiness because you'll see that all these punishments meted out are barbaric to the nth degree it would be hard to say which is the worst as they are all incredibly horrific we'll let you decide which punishment you think is the most some of you heinous believe that prolonged agony such as solitary confinement for 20 years might actually be worse than excruciating pain that lasts a few seconds or minutes before death but we'll focus more on barbaric acts today the wreck we'll start with one punishment you have all probably heard of the rack was a fairly simple device consisting of a rectangular frame and a series of levers pulleys and ropes yeah there are different versions of the rack dating from antiquity to middle ages europe the idea was to stretch the prisoner by the joints until the muscles were torn and the joints popped eventually all the joints would be dislocated hanging drawn and quartered this is closer if any of you ever dislocated something no my knee once how's that well that's your kneecap i don't know which part of it was but yeah or was that when you sent me the video where it clicked in that's like a minor that's like a minor one no it's been way worse than that no that that punishment is grim like you saw the video where the guy like tore his pec i mean i'll be honest i don't think there's going to be any of these that you think oh that's all right i think that'll be wrong i think that'll be one of the best ones i think you'll look back on that and be like i'll take that you know i'll take that compared to some of these ones would that one kill you though you can die from pain right pass out you might survive it you might survive it you'll be you'd be probably quite crippled after it but it won't survive it okay next one that's how lovely what lovely i don't know it was a very gruesome form of execution in middle ages england when someone had committed high treason aka treason against the state the prisoner would be the most almost dead then he would be taken down and disemboweled while still alive and also have his manhood cut from his body he would then be chopped into pieces and often his head was chopped off and hung someplace where the public could see it the punishment was abolished in england in 1870. even that long ago known as danny's chair or judas cravings oh this one is so bad there are sketches of it in existence and it also is on display in some museums this gruesome device was a chair with a sharp pointed pyramid shape on the ceiling almost always clenching about medieval history tell us people would be that looks like harry potter it does a little bit you know with his blue shorts and everything or perhaps die even more slowly from infection this could take hours or days according to twitter as we found some sources say it was used during the spanish inquisition but other sources refute that are you not not clenching your [ __ ] right now like yeah so is that torture device they're doing that or is that like a no it kills you at the end i think oh sorry i'd rat straight away there's no way like you like what one spike up the bum and i'm i'll tell you everything i'm also so glad that we we were born when we are born now imagine we bought 100 years ago and this was like like if you did something wrong this could happen to you you'd be human you still are you're still an extra picking man we turned to england and this time to the 1500s it said the often harassable king henry viii made this a form of capital punishment but it seems to also have been popular at some point in time all around europe and asia as you can guess the torture and usually the eventual death was a result of someone being boiled alive in a large cauldron or a kettle full of water it's thought this simple method of bodily destruction was used mainly in the 18th and 19th centuries and europe and parts of asia the french writer voltaire writes about this tied there basically prisoners were tied and splayed on a large wooden wheel the executioner would then take a heavy object sometimes an iron cudgel and break the person on the wheel until the body was completely almost in pieces sometimes however it would take a few days for the victims to die from there i need to pause man what the [ __ ] these are mad i know it's a bit late but um you know pg warning and all that to your skull and the metal plate under your chin you can't move as it is all secured the dish can be lowered using a large as it lowers it breaks the bones in your head and eventually crushes the skull we can't find too many reliable sources you can question about it in the middle ages and it appears in a book called the big book of pain torture and punishment through history flaying if you've seen game of thrones you'll be familiar with this punishment the torture comprises of cutting off all of a person's skin although it's said in china sometimes it was just the facial skin sometimes the person may have been burned first to make the cutting easier or just perhaps to add more nastiness it was around i've seen they still do this in like brazil can you piss off some brazilian cartel i see it like that like they still like do it come here can we just take 30 seconds that's just to like this is it this is awful this is really awful but it's all like the happy cartoons as well it doesn't feel right it's like oh all right okay let's go let's go and michelle foucault discusses it in gory detail in the book we mentioned discipline and punish it said the english did it to thieves in the 13th century but such punishment happened all over the world throughout the ages it said that the chinese emperor hongwoo ordered the flaying of five thousand women what you're doing a book called skin and bones puts the date at 1396. a thousand cuts sticking with china in a similar period comes this brutal torture also known as linchi a book called death by a thousand cuts says it was a common form of punishment in china in the 14th century but was around in the country for many centuries the prisoner's entire body would be slicing but it would take a long time from small slices but nothing was spared from the knife and eventually this would kill the unfortunate victim however while this form of punishment became infamous outside of china some historians tell us that it wasn't as prolonged i will say king henry despite his flaws he does look like a bit of a don i'm sure about them legs do squats and everything he's on a horror shift as some people originally said and that some of those cuts actually meant dismemberment making death arrive faster sawing looking at sketches down not from the bottom not from the bottom no with their legs forming a v-shape and my legs are shaking according to one source we can find this was only infrequently used in medieval europe and in china where sawing horizontally through the middle was an alternative uh all over the world during many centuries in any case people were sought apart but the method may have taken many forms rats you might be thinking oh that enacted or even endorsed such behavior because humans understand pain morality if you haven't already thought that perhaps you will in a second as death by rats really takes the biscuit oh it's apparently used in medieval europe and china some sources tell us that starved rats are poured into a box with a naked prisoner and they slowly eat the person oh that's the one of the person is first partially opened so the rats can get at the inside oh 1931 book look at these cartoons but i could take the shorter you've got to take the rats no they've cut your stomach open you're probably like not able to move okay yeah you're you're you're um look at this cartoon lulu's got it like it's it's a very fun looking cartoon you know yeah how you putting this in this video reminiscences of a bishop's daughter another book called the dictionary of torture tells us that this happened in germany i'm making a sexy librarian in the video i got you tied down trapped on a victim's stomach under a metal pot this pot would be heated until the rat had no other choice we can't say what the outcome of this would be and perhaps it's not so plausible that a rat could eat its way through a body some of the sources that say that was the case don't offer evidence of it happening that way so there's a it's probably not the worst but in my eyes the soaring yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh they're all awful oh you know i was when i would take the boiling i take the boiling cause i feel like i'll kill you pretty quick and it's just like a lot of heat actually i don't oh it's all awful [Music] yeah no okay let's let's do a sidemen punishment we can take that one and we can do you have to get in a hot tub i like that punishment i'm gonna go and uh call up in a ball somewhere and uh i'll see you guys shortly [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 2,744,754
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Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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