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welcome back guys to sidemen reacts now today vic for some reason has pulled this video out even his ten most brutal torture members i don't know what kind of stuff you're watching your spare time but your discretion is advised i did not pick this video are face hearted do not watch this but yeah make sure you still click the video just mute it and let it run in the background give us that audience retention thank you how'd it be that bad all right let's get started i'm already scared man oh my god i hate scary stuff you know i only want scary films so this should be all right okay the music's only got me going a little bit i'm not alive i feel like i should have my life for this necklacing is a horrific torture that involves forcing a rubber tire filled with gasoline around a victim's chest and arms and then setting it on fire the victim may take up to 20 minutes to die suffering severe burns in the process in south africa nigeria and india necklacing was a common sentence carried out by angry mobs to punish suspected thieves and rapists in the 1970s and 80s this is lovely this is uh this is a lot heavier hitting than i thought oh i think this is going to get a lot worse than this i don't think this is actually that bad as far as like where it's going to go what we're getting a tire set on fire put around you ain't that bad this was awful oh yeah but i think this is i think this is 10 out of the top 10. so most notoriously the journalist tim lopez in 2002 after he was kidnapped by local drug dealers his hands arms and legs were severed with a sword while still alive they then stuffed his body in gasoline-filled 2002. this is on fire that's like not even like an old-fashioned thing that's like a oh the bone-snapping ligament-tearing torture device known as the rack was one of medieval europe's favorite interrogation platforms essentially it is a table that has usables on either side you're saying this one's welcome to the last one i think potentially because it goes on for so long what is this is one what happens they literally stretch you slowly like like they can they can put you on a rack and kill you over the case of like days so you're just in pain for i take the tire i took the tire off yeah pickles are fastened to one roller and the wrists are chained to the other a handle and ratchet mechanism attached to one of the rollers is used to gradually increase the tension on the chains inducing excruciating pain over time the sufferer's joints are dislocated and eventually separated one horrifying everything is tortured i think i remember reading somewhere that like yeah like people are like a foot taller once they're done they're dead but they're like that's how much they get stretched okay anyway you could die six foot yeah i'm good thank you loud popping noises made by snapping cartilage ligaments muscles are stretched to the point that they lose the ability to contract rendering them useless i know this one [ __ ] this is grim this is grim rats will do anything to escape an uncomfortable situation and torturers use this knowledge to their advantage in their sick experiments a pottery bowl filled with rats are placed open side down on the naked body of a prisoner red-hot charcoals are then piled on top of the bowl effectively heating up the pot and making it unbearable for the rats the rat's only way out is to gnaw into the very during the dutch revolt in the 16th century a prisoner of war endured this torture after the rats ate through his flesh and scratched his intestines the hot coals were then inserted into his stomach what have you made that's what i mean that's the worst one i've seen yet i think that's that's awful yeah that's awful the head crusher is a device that clamps down on the victim's head smashing it between a metal plate and a rounded iron cap as the executioner gradually twists the handle the victim's skull is slowly crushed bone fragments from the skull can puncture the brain causing spontaneous muscle spasms and of course brain hemorrhaging if the person inflicting the pain wants to torment the prisoner even further he could strike the metal cap with an iron rod sending echoing pain throughout the person's body in most cases the victim was killed but not before the jaw had been crushed and their eyes had popped from their sockets jesus the tucker telephone was an electroshock apparatus used in arkansas tucker state prison in the 1960s and 1970s inmate doctors would use this torture device on unruly prisoners the device worked by placing a ground wire around the big toe of a prisoner while clamping the hot wire to the person's genitals oh that had been modified to send electric shocks as the phone was being cranked piercing electrical currents were sent throughout the prisoner's body in prison slang a long distance call was a series of electric shocks in a row any inmate that passed out from the experience would be splashed with cold water and shocked again intensifying the agony oh my god similar to the rack the german chair is a form of torture often used by the syrian government against that's not how you sit on a chair that's a stinky chairman what do you mean they're going to be efficient i think it hurts efficiently no well at least we're at least we're living now imagine back in the day when this was like a genuine concern this could happen to you like you steal something 2002. someone could be 18. well i could be a cyber video you know no i'm busy that way busy that yeah when a detainee is captured they are placed in a metal chair their legs and arms are secured to the seat while the back is pulled back and down toward the ground this causes severe stress on the spine neck and other limbs often causing permanent damage one man who managed to escape the syrian torture cell claimed that they stripped him naked and hung him upside down in the chair for eight to twelve hours a day for four days he says the pain was so excruciating that he begged his captors to kill him he still has uncontrollable twitching as a result of the torture [ __ ] escaped i think i've heard also known as skinning is an old torture that goes back to 883 bc it involves different methods to remove the skin from the victims to use a knife inserting the sharp blade just below the chin the cuts start at the face and work all the way down to the toes in some cases the skin would be taken off in small sections and be performed slowly until completely done what's left is a still living person with a person could live a few hours up to a day after the skin removal process another method involved being severely sunburned and then having the skin peeled off lastly captives would be placed in large cauldrons with only their heads sticking out then hot scolding water or oil would be poured inside boiling their skin away that's number one that's number one 100 that's the worst off yeah the rats could be worse i don't know oh i don't know you know you know what they said they said like the crime rate in london if they started bringing back these methods i have a feeling they will reduce crime in london imagine you get falsely accused like [ __ ] 200 bc and you've got to deal with this stuff you'd even do it oh my god that's struck oh my god i feel like it was and is one of the most gruesome ways of dying imaginable the arms and legs are strapped to the ground by pegs rendering the person immobile a large oiled wooden stake is gradually forced into the body usually into the anus but not sure that the stake wasn't too sharp or the victim might die rapidly from shock there were many instances where victims were impaled through other bodily orifices or through the abdomen or chest infants were sometimes impaled on the stake forced through their mother's chest when the pool dates back to 1772 yeah but was made famous by 15th century romanian vlad the impaler bramstead the romanian novel dracula was inspired by vlad's name and reputation recorded instances of impalement are as recent as 1919 during the armenian genocide that's a mess man no one should ever people dig this people do the brazen bull was an ancient greek torture device as a demented musical instrument naked victims were placed inside of a large hollow brass bull statue in most cases the prisoner's tongue is cut out with sharp metal shears before being shoved into the empty bovine statue the torturers would then light fires underneath the bowl oh my gosh inside alive raising the heat gradually the screams of the bull's occupant couldn't be heard because the thick metal casting acted as a sound barrier the only opening was through the bowl's mouth that let out smoke from the person cooking inside brass tubes were located toward the front of the bowl that would resonate the sound of the muffled screams of the tongueless victim depending on the intensity of the heat applied under the statue the prisoner could survive anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours okay i'll take this one you know i'd take that over some of them the judas cradle was a pyramid-shaped seat that a prisoner would be forced to sit on the victim would be raised over top of the structure with the aid of ropes and a harness as the person is lowered down the top of the pyramid would be lined up to enter the anus or the vagina and cause unimaginable pain and discomfort the feet would be bound together so that if one leg moved the other one would too enacting more pain the subject is tortured by intense pressure and stretching of the orifice eventually succumbing to tears and muscle tissue torturers would prolong the interrogations by raising the victim off of the seat overnight and then continuing the torture the next morning if the victim didn't die from shock exhaustion or impalement they could have died from infection as the judas cradle was rarely cleaned between tortures thanks for watching i appreciate my life more right now i'd say i'm happy that i am where i am i reckon this guy's like a real life sore but the fact he just like the way he just said all these torture methods and he's like thanks for watching so happy he enjoys this well i don't enjoy it i'm not gonna lie i feel like i feel a bit i don't know funny inside yeah my ass feels weird oh ugh hopefully your curiosity is satisfied um the next videos won't be anything like this so make sure you subscribe and maybe go and watch something a little more light-hearted go watch some fails on the react channel or something change the mood we'll see you over there peace out guys [Music]
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 3,261,857
Rating: 4.9286933 out of 5
Id: NtXmZCk8h5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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