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hello everyone welcome back to another talia tuesday today i am joined with tarly as always and we're not playing we're not playing valorance cause this video hasn't hit what's a stupid not a hundred thousand likes please but if it hits 1 000 likes we'll play fifa today we are doing a would you rather there's a lot of sections to this there's popular easy kids crazy hard choices party hot admit what the i was doing the hot one that was weird we're gonna go through a bunch of them and uh we we had a brief look at one or two they're weird we're agreeing you have to answer okay i don't want to what okay let's start with popular would you rather have an arranged marriage or never marry at all and do take this with a pinch of salt you don't need to get married nice just she said it she said it the whole video was a trap he did it ladies and gentlemen we got him we did it let's go arrange marriages have the lowest divorce rate the reason the statistic is so low for divorce is because it's really frowned upon to get divorced in cultures that have that so it's it's like a terrifying thing to go through with so a lot of people aren't happy but they just don't get a divorce i certainly doubt but yeah never marry at all you might have an arranged marriage i'd probably never marry at all if you meet your soul mate and they're like i really want to get married i'm like sorry i didn't would you rather and they're like well then i can't be with you boom now you're sad would you rather check your email first every morning boring would you rather talk like [Music] i haven't or breathed like darth vader yeah well i'm not asthmatic to me doing a deep breath i'd like darth vader you always are breathing you'd be making that noise forever but you would have to talk and you would sing like this oh my god yeah we're singing this is my boyfriend would you rather do the first what was the first job you had i went to the warehouse of adventures what did you do i was a ride host i don't know if you can still because of the camera but she went i was a writer i don't know why this this hand came out so you have to be a ride host for the rest of your life yeah or have 10 babies this is easy for you all you have to do is have sex ten times you don't just have sex once and there's a child i gotta think of ten names i don't have more than three names simba uh roberts it's character building and the third one is uh richard for a girl oh yeah i've seen this from tiktok by the way it was stolen because then richie whoever the boyfriend is has to go tell his friends that he's dating a girl called richard which sure is dick and if he's willing to do that he can date my daughter i am in the position where i have money so i would have ten babies as a woman i don't want to have to give birth 10 times to get pregnant 10 times that's a long one wow it may not be 10 times maybe once kill me would you rather have a black wedding dress or a red wedding dress i don't really care what i do is i'd have all the guests in white and then i'm the one in black it looked like a funeral no it wouldn't because everyone's in white i look like a sick funeral i'd rather wear a red wedding dress because it would make my eyes pop i hate you would you rather be wildly popular on social media platform with your choice to have a top-rated podcast i got both [Laughter] crazy this is actually these actually are we already saw one offensive and inappropriate would you rather have sex in a dirty hotel bed or in a smelly public toilet really yeah because in a public toilet you're standing i'm not touching anything great in a dirty hotel bed like you're lying in other people's grossness of the part of the role play i would write i think i'd go hotel bed you know would you rather smell a used stranger's underwear or your mother's stranger stranger it's a complete gamble though what they've done that day care they may have [ __ ] themselves i'd go stranger too that's not yeah that's i'm upset with the question would you rather have no penis or five penis penis i'm gonna say no penis are they like what is it is it a stack situation it's like a key chain so they go all the way around to like my gooch yeah if i just went like this it'd be like it'll be a drum roll they're all banging against each other yeah yeah i'd still rather have five penises would you rather have sex with an octopus or have sex with a snake i mean how would it even work i don't think an octopus would work they're all like they're basically just like but they're floppy whereas like a snake is like solid oh it sounds like you've made your choice yeah i would also choose a snake an octopus is basically the head with eight snakes but the snakes have suction pads okay we're moving off crazy yeah we're trying hops oh god would you rather only be able to have sex for six hours or never have sex again six hours i know because then you just have the option you just don't do it six hours of constant stop the pg channel christian channel six hours it gives you the choice to never have sex again yeah would you rather give or receive a lap dance really yeah from a guy or a girl girl i mean you can give me i don't know i don't want to i don't do that i would also rather receive that yeah would you rather have sex with your best friend or my best friend mine i think he's yours would also be mine yes yes of course it would be a g let's go would you rather it's just a this is just a dream [Laughter] would you rather have your partner laugh or cry uncontrollably whenever they see you naked i don't know are the mics in the way i was trying to hold this in the way that the mic was like i'm naked you're laughing at me i think laughs yeah i laugh because cry you can't like that's a mood killer whereas like laugh you can just joke would you rather have sex with someone who refuses to take their socks off there's not even they left them on they refuse to they're like oh no no i leave my socks on or when they orgasm i think weird face there's ways that i don't have to see it you have to look at their feet no but like knowing that they're completely naked with just socks so i'd go would you rather all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to queue again and that does not include car cues i think never have to do again because sometimes i appreciate traffic lights they just work so hard they are so underappreciated it goes it goes doctors traffic lights soldiers i would never queue again music concerts and football matches if i could just walk straight in amazing okay okay never get stuck in traffic again we'll never have to queue again really yeah because then i know how long it's gonna take me to get everything i'll never how is this the most exciting thing to you okay would you rather have a partner who speaks non-stops or a partner who barley speaks embarrassed i go back barely yeah if someone talks too much it's just like it's so emotionally draining it's like shut up yeah shut up all right last one would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard i do both of these things it has to be like a visible it's definitely yeah so you're at a wedding and they're like [Music] and you're like we look like we don't like the kid who's trying to impress the girl and look she like turns away and he just keeps moving into her eye line he also looks like he's on something like he's gone okay the singing one i actually do i know it's not appropriate to sing i just can't help it if there's like slow music you're not gonna be like from [Laughter] they wanted to play talia's favorite song and you have to sing along that's what i think dancing yeah it doesn't matter you're at a funeral like this that's weird can i do that okay we're gonna get you checked out okay okay thank you guys for watching leave a like you enjoyed a hundred thousand likes to play valerian 12 likes just just 12 likes guys there was no benefit of getting 12 likes so thank you guys for watching leave it like enjoyed and peace
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 1,430,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Id: eXg9jkppE6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 22 2022
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