"Worship is a Verb!" // Pastor John F Hannah [ SERMON ]

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more by downloading the official new life south east mobile app i hope you guys have an awesome week [Music] good morning hallelujah you got your preacher voice on you didn't preach all right i know how to have it it didn't come out right it's like good morning there it is good morning to everyone those that are in the building can we get you to stand those that are in your homes let's prepare ourselves for worship for those of you that are watching online can we get you to share share share you're not sharing us what do we teach you you're sharing the words those on facebook those on instagram those on periscope those on youtube those on our church app we are going to dive into the word of god pastor jemon preached an amazing word it's 7 30 and we are excited about this series on worship yeah man guys up next i hope you're ready tag somebody tell somebody get ready not just to watch but to worship father we bless you we thank you for the blessing that rest upon our house what you're doing in this season and time what you're doing in the next three months of our lives as we set up for that moment god we engage you in worshiping you in worship we don't just want your hand we want your face we want who you are manifest reveal your glory let your presence and your power be felt and experienced all throughout the world as we worship you everywhere in spirit and in truth we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise in jesus name we pray amen hallelujah hallelujah come on release the praise in the building release of praise in your home hallelujah accept the atmosphere one of the things that we've been doing is that every week we've had someone to come in they recorded their worship we brought it in we've had guests from all over the place the young lady that we're going to hear right now i remember her from jj harrison and melissa bethea amen and she is amazing listen what are we teaching you it might be on screen but you need them let's listen to the words and dive into the worship the girl is anointed we need you just to dive in and know that worship is between you and god let's go with melissa wonderful jesus we call you hosanna glory to god in the highest we cry hosanna here we worship your father glory to your name lord thank you jesus [Music] oh can we say it again [Music] let him be lifted up oh oh we love your father oh we give you glory [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh come on again in this place [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] glory to god we give you glory [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] hey take it higher we wanna lift you higher we love you we love you we love you lord we give you glory be lifted be lifted shake hands [Music] [Music] let her [Music] [Music] i [Music] lifted [Music] let your glory fill our homes let your glory fill our cause about shaking let your glory fill our life let your glory fill our hearts god we want to be overwhelmed by you we want to be overwhelmed by you this hour this day this moment holy spirit we call your name what about [Music] be lifted above our sickness be lifted above those wildfires be lifted above the government be lifted be magnified [Music] oh [Music] come on wherever you are can you worship god on your own come on it's personal come on it's personal everybody go on your own and begin to lift up god yay [Music] come on i need you to lift him above everything that you're going through [Music] come on he can he be king [Music] he's the lord of lord and the king of kings come on i need you to make it personal everybody make it personal [Music] let our king make a conscious decision to exalt him make a conscious decision [Music] one more time let our king [Music] wherever you are go in on your own right there yeah younger looking glory [Music] glories my lord my king my savior my delivery of mine my all in all my defender my sustainer yeah come on who do you say i am make it personal my everything cigarette my joy i give you glory i magnify your name come on it's individual it's personal nobody like you [Music] everybody clap your hands wherever you are you'll give you at home clap your hands and release a praise right there glory glory yeah wherever you are even if you're at home on your way to your seat can you type on the screen he's looking for me he's looking for me you can be seated he's looking for me and when he find me he gonna find me with a praise on my lips he coming to get me and when he find me he gonna find me with a hallelujah come on he looking for me he's looking for somebody to testify he's looking for somebody to call him great he's looking for somebody to call the mining he's looking for somebody to call him wonderful come on i'll open him up type it on the screen he's looking for me i [Music] let me give you a couple of now i'm so ready to get in this bible i want you to go to the gospel according to john the fourth chapter listen to me i don't understand people that say that they don't vote we never tell you who to vote for but you have to vote um you really do if you understood how many people gave their life up for you to have that right how many people were beaten just so that you can have that right every african-american every woman every individual you need to seize your moment and make it happen if you don't vote then you can never complain about the system but i need everybody come on here i need you to vote um we're gonna have a virtual graduation do you not know that we have taken in over 1500 people in this pandemic that they have literally um accepted christ as their savior some have actually come on to be members of new life so we're going to even begin we're going to try our first one in florida our first life group we're going to try in florida soon so if you live in florida pay attention you're going to get a text or an email from us then we have a pastor there pastor samuel and his wife we're going to begin our life groups for the state of florida do you not know that over 30 plus people from florida join our church wow to guide me to glory every sunday every service someone has accepted the lord and he has still been doing it even during the pandemic so graduation's gonna be coming up wednesday at eight o'clock the life groups if you want to be a part of the life you all have to do is just text the words noc groups to 313131 and you can be a part of the light group i would not want to go through this feeling as if i'm by myself and you need to make sure that you're connected with some people who can relate ladies the virtual women's retreat is coming up make sure that you're part of that um tonight at seven o'clock i'm going to be meeting with the joshua generation the jg if you fall between the ages of 18 and 35 um i would love to spend this year the next year with you the jg group um you can just text the words jg2313131 and then be get the information on how you can log in for tonight all right so let's go um i love worship for everyone that is watching i'm um i'm addicted i'm addicted to worship um but because when i worship him the breath he gave me i give it back to him um you are the only thing that he created that he literally took his time and shaped us in his likeness in his image and then we are the only ones that he breathed into you're the only ones that said now that i've given you breath now give it back to me you got to hear me he's surrounded by worship for us to understand we don't i want to be in this presence i want to be in this person then if you want to be in his presence then what do you need to do to be ushered in you just can't come in said give me give me give me give me give me no we get the revelation of um you know he inhabits to for him to sin in them thy kingdom come thy kingdom come to transition from heaven to earth it is about the environment that we set up you have to hear me in in revelations it talks about the four beasts that fly back and forth with the four different faces one of them ox a lion and eagle and man they fly back and forth saying holy holy holy lord god who was and is to come worship is responsive you can't be around worship and be in his presence and not respond it is a verb it is an action you cannot tell me your worshipper and we hear nothing and we see nothing it is responsive your body responds your vocal cords responds your emotions respond when the four beasts will fly back and forth then the 24 elders stand take their crowns off which means let me take your crown off in other words my position my title is nothing in his presence never get so wealthy so educated so gifted that you can't take your crown off they would cast their crowns and go into his presence watch me you were created to be in his presence and give him glory yes the way you live yes every decision you make but then there's something about that worship action when you clap when you bow when you kneel when you sing when you dance all because of who he is when adam and eve sinned they were put out of his presence and he longed to be back in the what kind of god long to be in your presence what kind of god lones like like i want to have fellowship with you i want to hear your voice i want to see you give me glory wow so when adam and eve said we walked you through this first week he was in the wilderness he set up a tent he set it up and then he had the children of israel around him based on their tribe like a father sitting among their children he would look over them and the only thing he expected from them was to give him glory those of you that know that he's been your your father your protection your everything can i get you to lift your hands right now as if he is sitting in your face open your mouth and give him back the breath he gave you ada come on here i can't see you but god see you and he hears you go my god second week we talk to you about him now the glory of god the ark of the covenant the rectangular box made of em wood overlaid and gold three things inside the arc what we teach you the mana his provision the tablets his promise the staff his word his promises ends up in the house of abinadab the glory the presence of god symbolizing the presence of god is now in the house of abinadab how long was he there 20 years watch me 20 years in the house of abinadab and we hear nothing how long have you been in his presence and we've heard nothing coming from you how long have you been in this president how long has he been making a way and we've heard nothing from you finally he says i'm tired of being ignored so let me put a desire in the heart of a king david said how dare i have a kingdom and not have his glory how dare you build anything and not have the glory of god the bible says that david then with zeal but without knowledge goes and gets it drags the ark of the the glory of god the presence of god down the street hits them up in the road other ends up dying now the glory ends up in the house of obedient revelation and prophetic i find it amazing that god would have us to preach it right during this time watch me not plan but spiritual how long was it in the house ever been adapted 20 years what year is it 2020 how long was it in the house ever been adapted 20 years what year is it 2020 now it ends up in the house of over them how long did it stay there three months how much longer do you have left to this year three months so what we didn't hear in 20 years you're gonna hear it in three months i need some of y'all to get excited that god's about to do for you in three months what he couldn't do that he didn't do for you in 20 years i need you to hear that watch me and the bible says and the lord bless obedience and his household and everything that pertaining to him in the next three months you will see the lord bless you your household and everything that pertain is unto you i need you to give god a praise like you already in october november and december go [Applause] i need you to type on the screen the glory is in my house i need you to open your mouth and declare right here the glories all around me he's about to bless me he's about to bless my household and he's about to bless everything that pertaineth unto me i need those i need that's prophetic i need that to come out of your mouth he's about to bless me he's about to bless my household and everything and everything that's a powerful word and everything that pertaining to me then last week we talked about we moved from the wilderness to the house to the city david goes to get the ark of the covenant now he brings it to the city now he got the carriers when he finally gets the glory shows you that when you finally get into the prisons of god and you like locked in worship watch me it's not selfish he blessed god he blessed the city he blessed the people and then he wanted to bless this house he blessed god he blessed the city he blessed the people and then i want to go bless my house he blessed god he blessed the city he blessed the people now let me go bless my house what has hindered your worship has it been the city people or your house has it been the environment has it been the pandemic has it been people because some of y'all just getting sick of people you don't like people has it been your personal house that's hindering your praise david said i'll let nothing stop me even when the warfare came from his house he said you think that was something i'm about to get even more undignified than this and some of y'all i need you to let every demon in hell know that regardless of what i go through i still have a responsibility to give god glory better stop i'm excited about my future those of you that's been going through something right now i need i need you to wake up your build and i need you to wake your children up i need you to wake this building up i need you to wake up your surrounding i know you got some demons that lived downstairs they were playing music loud down said i need them to hear your praise upstairs i need you on the count of three watch me i don't care what you've been going through i need you to bless the lord at all times i need you to let every demon in hell know i will let nothing separate me from the love of god and when i think of his love i automatically i give him glory on the count of three it's on you i need you to release to praise those in the building the world need to hear your praise i need you to release a praise on three one two three go [Music] [Applause] you made it out of the wilderness you made it out of your house [Music] now you in the city he looking for me [Music] he's looking for me what he didn't get in the wilderness he gonna get for me what he didn't get in the house he gonna get it from me when he didn't get in the city he gonna get it from open your mouth type it on the screen he's looking for he coming to get me [Music] let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go ready let's go so the old testament the old testament the old testament is the new testament but is concealed while the new testament is the old testament but it's revealed the old testament is the new testament but it's concealed in other words i'ma hold it but i need you to get the revelation of it in the old when we get to the new we gonna reveal what was really going on in the old i might have been contained to an ark in the old but i'm showing you that it's like watch me it's contained what was contained is about to be revealed but it's not going to be in no wood or no gold it's going to be inside of you i need you to know that he's revealing what worship really is every time you lift your hands every he's revealing what his presence is like on earth every time you shout every time you dance every time you sing people see god every time you begin to give him glory i need you to begin to reveal let's go let's go ready you got to get this you got to get this everybody come over here i need you to type it on the screen i need you to sit out loud i'm a glory carrier i'm a glory carrier i'm a glory carrier watch me they running around with with that with them i got the covenant he says but now in the new testament it's gonna be in you can i show you look at the screen first corinthians 6 19 do you not know do you not know you heavy you are heavy your body is the temple of his glory shut up talking to me so when glory meet glory it's supposed to produce more glory this is supposed to be on and popping we supposed to get up when we get together it's like fire meeting fire this is why some of us can't stand to be around dead people this is why some of us you watch me you can't stand to be around negativity you're looking for somebody who gonna fan your flame i don't know about you but i'm looking for people who can fan what is already in me those of you that know that your glory carry us hey basharya rotor i need you to open your mouth saying i'm a glory carrier i'm a glo wouldn't you become a glory carrier when did we become glorious watch me watch me god loved us so much that when christ was hanging on the cross and the moment he took his last breath please get the revelation god said finally finally my people can come on in to me and i could hear their voice i can see their tears a priest don't have to come to me on their behalf when they think about how good i've been to them they will come on in and say father can i thank you for [Music] wait wait wait wait let me give you a revelation so he's hanging on the cross ready he's hanging across and he says it is finished last breath god save my boy ready watch what he does ready look at the screen the bible says in matthew 27 at that moment at that moment the curtain of the temple was torn watching me from the top another one from the top because it was so high that it had it had been ripped from the bottom they would have said that somebody cut it and then stretched it god wanted to make sure that you understand that i ripped the veil that being then only the priest could come in but now watch me it's open it's accessible you could come in to me you could come in and give me the praise that i know that i deserve i took care of you i took care of your kids i covered you in the midst of a pandemic you might have lost your job but i've been paying every bill you have as a matter of fact you're doing better now than you've ever been doing in your life i saved you i delivered you how dare you ask anybody to pray for you come on in here on your own and give i know your tears i know the number of hands on your head i am into you like that and i need to hear you give me the glory that i deserve everybody on your own it's independent lift your hands no praise team cut the music no band it's just you and god go go go once you sit there don't you sit there don't you sit there you say well i'm in my house let me tell you something he even monitors your private he wants to make sure that when nobody's around that you are still giving him glory those of you that know that god's been good to you the veil has been written and he is looking for you i need you to give him what he expects glory hey my shaya come on here yay yay [Music] he looking for me he looking for me he looking for me he waiting on me yay i need everybody to say yes on me ah masha come on come on come on come on come on i need you to take the responsibility off the praise team i need you to take the responsibility off the church i need you to take the responsibility of people and i need you to hold your own glory i need everybody open your mouth and say it's on me back of singer come on here you ain't got to be no lead singer he hears you in the back louder than he hit the one that's in the front it's on me it's on me it's on me to clap my hands it's on me to open my mouth it's on me to power in your presence it's on me to give you glory it's on me to shout it's on me [Music] that's what he looking for let's go let's go bible [Music] so before he hangs and before he rips he teaches before he hangs and before he rips the curtain he teaches so before i get there let me just give you revelation on what i'm looking for when it comes to worship so in the gospel according to john the first chapter it's all about the word in the beginning was the word the word was this god the word was god the word became flesh and adored among us in the second chapter he's not revealing himself totally yet mary puts the demand on him and when mary puts a demand on him he gives her what she asks for that's a whole nother revelation because sometimes you could put a demand you can keep asking until finally you get what you want and the bible says ready let's talk bible let's talk bible they run out of wine and they ran out of wine she looked at jesus the supplier of whatever you need he's the supplier of whatever you need and she puts the need in front of him he only comes where there's a need i'm not at the wedding just to be at the wedding but there's going to be a need some of y'all are sitting here acting like you don't need god but i need you to take your mask off and be desperate before god and just say i need him i need him i need him i need him i need him and she puts the need in front of him so they run out of wine make it happen make it happen pay attention in order for to make it happen come some obedience mary then turns to he said woman this thing got nothing to do with me this ain't got nothing to do with me it ain't my time yet she stopped talking to him and saying let's give him a surrounding of obedience she looked at the servants pay attention whatsoever he tell you to do dog on it you better do it if you want a miracle you might look stupid but god is in the stupid stuff it might not make no sense but i knew whatever he tells you to then he said go fill it up with water then they scooped and man the water turned into wine and the free wine was better than the purchase my god in the third chapter we deal with you must be born again nicodemus slip up at night some of you night people don't want nobody to see you give god glory now you're gonna slip up at night cause you know what i wish i would approach him at night worried about what you're gonna think you're gonna talk about me anyway so why don't i give you something to talk about it'll blow your mind who's watching you even now i wish i would flip up at night worried about what you gonna think of what you got to say i'ma meet him in the middle of the day in the morning let's go and he deals with him at night then you step into the fourth chapter now it's all about worship let's talk now i'mma go to a cross but i need to teach a lesson to everybody about worship and i'ma do some things just just to get your attention i'ma let you read one line that you'll never read about me for the first time in scripture we we see the word in the sixth verse and he was tired and he was tired you would never read in another passage where it says he was tired the bible said and he was set he was tired and he sat down by the whale watch me all although i'm tired i'm changing my position but still still staying faithful to my assignment tired does not mean that you stop doing what you're doing it means that you just change your position that is not as stressful the second thing he said i need you to pay attention because it's about worship so number one be honest if you're tired you still got to worship number two now you find him it's just him and a woman you'll never read where he's alone like this with a woman but there's a reason that he's alone with her by herself pay attention her personal life can cause some embarrassment so i'm gonna deal with you but not in front of people i need some of y'all to be careful that follow people that want to expose you behind a microphone that ain't god you ready so now he's alone then you find out something then he make sure that all the disciples are gone you'll never read where they left him but you will read what he pulled away from them now for the first time we read that all 12 of them are gone so that he could teach worship because whoever comes up is not about anybody else it's just me and them and some of y'all he has allowed you to have private time alone to make sure that you understand it's not about anybody it's just me and him watch me anybody can sing what everybody else is singing but when you have had a personal experience with you dancers you don't even have to have music you can hear music in your head and just start dancing we ain't got no no pain at home watch me some of us think about how good we can't do all that modern day we just what is that that thing is personal have you ever just been walking through your house thought about how good he is next thing you know something hit your belly those of you that know that it's between you and god come on here in the privacy of your home wherever you are he looking for you throw your hands up and give him what he's looking for five seconds go five worship is a verb it's action worship is a verb it's action worship is a verb it's action worship is a verb it's action worship is a verb it's action worship is a verse in my head you better get it out of your head worship is a verb it's action worship is a verb section which of us have heard this action worship is a verb it's action worship is the verb i'm looking for somebody who's gonna act out i'm looking for somebody who's gonna act out i'm looking for somebody who's not gonna be restrained worship is a verb it is action i need you to just type on the screen everybody say that loud action go go go go he looking for you he looking for you i need you to come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on let's go let's go let's go so worship is a verb it's action so what's uh his so why do you say he's looking for them you read one line i need everybody to pay attention there's one line that messes me up he must need go through samaria he must need king james go through i got to go through samaria why are you going in the area that we avoid [Music] why do you have to go through that area among the people that we don't even think about because that is where i'm gonna find my worshipers i am going into the area that you least expect i am going in the area that everybody else has been ignoring but i seek potential it's a good time to be us it's a good time to be talked about it's a good time to be ignored it's a good time to be criticized it's a good time not to be a part of the clique it's a good time to be downcast those of you that know that your background ain't this quick and clean but god has given you favor hey he must need go through samaria he must need go through samaria he must need go through samaria he must need go through samaria he must need go through some air why you gotta do it because i'm looking for a worshiper look what he said go let's let's get some revelation ready he must knee go through some area go down if you don't mind to the 23rd verse you got to get this ready you got to get it's a lot of people but everybody ain't no worship a church can be full but everybody don't give them glory just because you playing the band don't mean you playing for his glory just cause you singing the choir don't mean you singing for his glory just because you got a microphone don't mean you preaching for his glory just because you in the building don't mean you came in here for his glory can i see okay so you go to 23. question he must knee go through samir he said what should he says in verse 23 bring it up on the screen he says he says yet a time is coming and woman it has now come it is when the true why does he emphasize true because in the midst of the true is some false he says when the true worshipers it is will worship the father in spirit and the truth here it is but they are the kind of worshipers but they are the kind of worshipers but they got the kind of worshipers that the father is seeking that the father is seeking and he must need go through samaria because he has to seek out a true worshiper he has to seek out now you're not here excuse me no no no you want to be seen excuse me no no no it's all about money to you excuse me no no no he's seeking you he's seeking you he's seeking you he looking for you that's why he made everybody else not look at you because had they looked at you then they would have stopped you from seeing him ah come on here lift your hands like god is passing by like here i am here i am here i am here i am i'll give you glory i'll give you glory i'll give you glory i'll give you glory look no further look no further your search is over your search is over here i am here i am you can get the glory come over here you better wave your hand in your house you can get the glory out of my house you can get the glory out of my job you can get the glory out of my family you can get the glory out of my pain you can get the glory out of my story you can get the glory out of my finances here i am you're looking for somebody i am right here and i am available to you hello lift your hands those of you that know that i'm talking to you oh watch me i need you to put the emoji with your hand up but i need your hand to be waving like god is coming into your direction for he the father seeketh these kind the father seeketh these kind the father seeketh perfect nope the father seeketh perfect nope the father seeketh people that got it all together nope the father seeketh people whose background not that squeaky clean yup the father seeketh those who will give him a yes those who will give him a yes those who will give him a yes if you know i am talking to you please if you in this building please if you're watching me it is not by chance of the accident that you are here but i need us to begin to give god a yes for these are the kind of worshipers that the father seeketh can i get the glory out of your dance can i get the glory out of your singing can i get the glory out of your teaching can i get the glory out of your progress can i get the glory out of your occupation can't get the glory out of your job can i get the glory out of your children can i get the glory out of your marriage can i get the glory out of you being single can i get the glory out of you being divorced can i get the glory of you being broke can i get the glory out of you being wealthy can i get the glory of you being fired can i get the glory of you serving your own business can i get the glory of you and your church can i get the glory where are you at home can i get the glory if you live in this city can i get the glory if you live outside the city can i get the glory with the pain can i get the glory if you got the virus can i get the glory if you didn't get the virus can i get the glory it smite here i am here i am here i am here i am for these are the kind that the father seeketh for these are the kind that the father seeketh for these are the kind that the father seeketh so i'm gonna sit at this well until i see what i'm looking for until i see what i'm looking for until i see what i am looking for because when i see it then i know i can get what i want ah yep i had 12 disciples but i don't want to teach the lesson through them i need to teach it to somebody who they least expect so that it can get the attention that it deserves let's go so up walks the woman thinking she's coming to get water can we talk bible for a few minutes scripture says she comes at noon stop not normal the women normally come in the broad day before before the sun comes up because it's too hot to be carrying water but she avoids the women based on her past how many of you are avoiding some people based on your past so i don't want to hear what they got to say i don't want them smiling all in my face so i'm just going to deal with the heat and go at noon yup god is even behind your irritation god is even in your frustration he's going to use your frustration so that you can have a divine appointment with him all that is pushing you to him all that is pushing you to the well pushing you and then he starts talking about what he'll give me some water ah i can't believe you're talking to me i'm going to marry you and you y'all going to deal with us y'all want to mess with us because that's the natural side because there's a difference between the natural and the spiritual when it comes to worship he's a woman if you only knew who's talking to you that asked me to give you what i give you living water i give you water that's living i'll give you water that is satisfying you will never thirst again i give you water that is eternal because it'll spring up into eternal life whenever it will forever ever and ever ever be satisfied she said whoa give me some of that run that run whatever gonna make my life better go get whatever's gonna make my life those of you that know that god wants you to have better ho you want it because i've been looking for you you want it because i've been looking for you you want it cause i've been looking for you i want it i want it i want it i want it i want it so before i give it to you before i give it to you before i give it to you can we deal with your past can we just deal with your past because i don't want your past to stop you from giving me what i want out of you so before i even give you this can we just address can you go get your husband you can bring it up on the screen can you go get your husband she says oh father oh i don't even have a husband he says i know i know you don't have one you got a man but he's not your husband you've had five oh yeah yeah i see you're hurt i see your pain people have called you a people have called you a people have talked about you not knowing what you went through behind closed doors people are talking about you having a man but you're not with the man but they don't know what drove you to that it's amazing how everybody can have an opinion about you but don't know what you went through behind closed doors but i am god and i saw everything that you went through and i came to get you over your past so what should have killed you you're gonna now stand on top of it and you're gonna give me glory because if any other woman had been through the hell the abandonment the embarrassment that you've been through they would have taken their life as a mighty fact the devil told you to take your life but let it be known i kept you alive i kept you alive because i knew that i had a divine appointment with you and some of you all are using your past to hinder your worship but i need you those of you that have ever experienced pain those of you that have ever experienced abuse those of you that have ever experienced rejection or abandonment those of you that have ever felt less than can you lift your hands why pay attention and give god glory for everything you've been through because the true worshiper doesn't look at the pain but the true worshiper get the revelation of the pain and the true worshiper know that all things work together in other words i had to go through that to get here to give you what you want okay okay okay i need to let the devil know that it didn't work for everybody listening everybody watching everybody in the building uh see worship is a sound it's sound it is a sound you know what's the sound right you cannot tell me you worship god even if i got a mask on it might sound a little muscle but he know exactly what i'm saying come over here come over here those of you that know that your paths should have taken you out of here those of you that know that your present ain't perfect because the one you got not enjoy us those of you that know that your past and your presence should take you down but because you're with him your future is about to be better but i need you to give god a praise for your past and your presence open your mouth and give it's a sound it is a sound lift up your voices like a trumpet in zion open your mouth use your body as an instrument [Applause] go who you slept with don't affect him who you married don't affect him who didn't handle you right this [Music] i'm gonna give you five more seconds he came looking for you i'm gonna give you five seconds to give him what he looking for go five four three two i need you to get over your weakness i need you to get over your shame i need you to get over your embarrassment i need you to get over your struggle i need you to get over your flesh and i need you to give god glory i need you to wipe your tears i need you to tell the devil you're still a liar i need you to give god the best praise open your mouth and worship god right there hope i say [Music] this is for those of you that find issues with yourself this is for those of you that know that you're not perfect this is for those of you that know you have a testimony you have a testimony you have a testimony if you don't have a testimony don't get on the witness stand if you don't have a testimony leave the courtroom but if you have when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done [Music] for me i don't need to praise soul my soul inside my inner man five more seconds i gotta move [Music] he looking for you he looking for you [Music] he came to the internet looking for you he brought you in the building to look for you and for that i give you glory and for that i give you glory [Music] you got this he must need go through some area he must need come through your house he must need computer computer he must need come down your aisle he must need come to your city he must need come to your state he must need come to your house he must need deal with your house [Music] he looking for you where you at where are you at where are you where are you worshipers i see in the voice i'm looking for the truth where you at don't tell me what you've been through tell me how good i am don't cry me a river unless there's a river of joy give me something to swim in [Music] [Applause] i know i know i know you don't like where you at i know you don't like your past i know you don't like your present but what if i tell you your future is based on what you do right now everybody in the building stand so it's not about your past it's not about a place it's not about a place it's not about a place everybody it's not about watch me your worship cannot be locked into this building your worship cannot yeah i hear some but i got to get to church i get it i'm the same way but watch me but watch me church is only one day after week what have you done with those other six you cannot tell me one day you got to hear me so she began saying this is how well this is the world that our father gave us you know this is my church i'm used to going to my i'm used to coming here i'm used to coming here i'm used to coming here i'm used to coming here and getting what i need i i just got to come to church i just got to come to church to get what i need he said oh whoa whoa whoa can i show you true worshipers can i show you true worshipers see false worshipers even keep coming to a well that's run dry but a true worshiper a true worshiper come on bring that up on the screen come on about the place let's just you got to see this about the place come on here let's go it is in john 4 21. woman believe me a time pay attention church pay attention church pay attention church a time is coming when you will worship the father neither in this mountain watch me in this building nor in jerusalem in your city you change your address where do you live i sit in heavenly places i have relocated i only sleep here but i worship here watch me watch me and some of you all true worshipers i need you to hear me a true worshiper a true worshiper it's not so much about getting into the building it's not so much about me being in a certain location it's not so much being around certain people she said the day is coming and it has come the day is coming and has come that he's looking for the true worshipers watch me that although you can't get in the building you still get your family together say listen as for me and my house we gonna bless the lord okay those of us that are uncomfortable with our location cause sometimes worship is squeezed out of an uncomfortable situation the more uncomfortable you are he purifies your worship i don't know where you are as a matter of fact those that are typing on the screen can you type your city can you type your state because i want to show you that worship is everywhere can you type your city can you type your state can you just let me know those of you that are in this building we don't all live in the same house i don't live with you you ain't got no room in my house and i don't have a room in your house but worship is not limited to a location or a place because it is on the inside can you lift your hands wherever you are and represent your location and represent your location wow get over your pass get over the place get over your pass give me what i i'm looking for you get over the location i'm looking for you i'm looking for you that if i put you in hell you'll still give me glory if i take you to the highest mountain if i let you have good days you'll give me glory if i take you if i allow you to go through a season of depression if i allow you to even have a next season of anxiety that your heart is beating fast in the midst of the beast can i hear a glory can i hear a hallelujah michigan california oh my god they're coming through too fast baltimore new jersey new york kentucky utah ohio georgia oh my god alabama come over here come on here come over here everywhere earlier we had somebody from south africa johannesburg people from london people from australia come on here here you are in the united states with nobody threatening your worship and you mean to tell me you can't open your mouth there are people that are putting their lives at risk to give god glory but here you stand bless more than a lot of people on the earth and it's hard to get a praise out of you give me five seconds of wherever you are by giving him it's glory it's personal it's personal it is personal it is personal i'm in your face i'm invading your social distancing i make sure that it's just the two of us i know she said i heard that the messiah is coming you can bring that up she says he says woman who you're speaking of is who i am and i have taken this time so that we can have a personal relationship everybody hear me with worshipers it is personal it is personal what i say is personal i don't even have to know the name of the words of the song just put the words on the screen when i begin to read those words that thing gets in me why does it get in you because i drink from not this well but i drink from the well that never run dry he said if i give you water it'll be living water my worship is alive my worship is not there he said if i give you this water watch me you'll never thirst again which means that you will be satisfied with me that regardless of what is going on around you you only want me and if i give you this work this is water it will lead you to eternal which means that it is endless that regardless of what you go through it flows out of your belly so flow rivers of living water yeah y'all know worship should sound like a flower tap in he looking for you tapping tap in out of your belly out of your belly out of your belly hey [Music] he's looking for you i'm not that emotional i even hear your whispers but nothing does not work out of your belly flow out of your belly [Music] flow out of your belly flow [Music] love [Music] take it down one minute so when he meets the woman at the well it's a one-on-one it's personal get over your past forget this well thrown in on me i'm revealing myself to you i'm revealing myself to you i'm revealing myself to you i'm revealing myself to you so once you have an encounter with me you'll never be the same she runs back to the city come see a man but she's out of character that is not a character remember she came at noon because he didn't want to be about when you get in worship it gets you out of your character it takes you into a spirit realm you do things that you said that you would never do you bow you cry you weep you lay on the floor you don't care about your clothes you don't care about what anybody think about you you just go for broke and the bible said watch me and then the people of the city followed her your worship draw people to god but it won't happen until you let it flow and i hear the lord telling me to tell you i want to flow through you i need to flow through you this has been the days of drought that many of you all are beginning to feel dry but i've gotten you over your past i've got you away from what is norm i am personally with you i need you to know that he's invading your space right now lift your hands and i call the anointing of god the presence of god to be on you heavy and i called the glory to rest on you heavy i pray that he begin to stir your gift again heavy let the room be filled with your glory so that the whales can be open again lift your hands and open your mouth make it personal i beg you close your eyes and make it personal go for broke go eat my shine [Applause] yay out of your belly yay let me just suck your belly [Music] [Music] you will be restored in worship you will be revived in worship but i need you to do what i have commanded you to do beyond restraint go [Music] [Applause] go [Music] out of your belly [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] every leader every business owner every mother every father he looking for you he coming to hear you out of your belly go i need you to get over your pants we give you glory we give you glory come on give more seconds every preacher every teacher i need you to know your worship reverse open your mouth [Music] come on let your tears begin to flow get lost in this goat go into the deep push yourself push yourself come on i give you about 10 00 seconds go go every worship leader every single every assistant every teacher every prophet every evangelist every bishop every apostle cast your crown [Music] catch your crown [Music] come on we're almost done let god know you're in love with him let god know you in love with him all know that you need them let us know that you're desperate come on get your strength back get your strength back get your strength back [Music] [Applause] get your strength back [Music] [Applause] get your strength back come on but let you leave in a few minutes but i feel the holy ghost i will restore unto you the years come on you're gonna get your smile back [Music] yay come on come on thomas come on ebony come on baby come on tina come on tina come on sharon come on valerie come on cheryl go [Music] for sean jerry shirley go go go go come on dog [Applause] get over your pass last name gordon coke come on think of a goodie been to you he looking for you [Music] he's looking for you what have i told you he's paying attention to you right now what if i told you he leaned in on you right now what do you have to say [Music] he must leave go through your house he must be go through your city he must me come through your life [Music] hey wherever you are do me a favor throw your hands up and throw your head back and close [Music] you're the kind of worshiper that the father's seeking there you go [Music] be heavy in here be heavy in here heavy on the internet let your glory come through the screen let your power will break through let your glory come through the screen let your glory be on facebook let your glory be on youtube let your glory be on periscope let your glory be on the air flow [Music] there you go i give you a few minutes he's restoring you [Music] he's freeing you he's using you fight his glory for his glory for his glory have your moment i get the lord telling me to tell somebody at home lay on your face [Music] lay on your face [Music] the same encounter you had in the building you're about to have it your house go [Music] go come on we're leaving lay on your face your passive hit to you the location didn't hinder you you have a personal encounter i'm about to tell somebody out of you something open your mouth and begin to pray in tongues pray in the holy ghost pray in the holy ghost there's a breakthrough in your prayer life you don't know what to pray for as you are but the spirit is making intercession go go go it's flowing out of your belly living water living waters [Music] living water living water go go come on we gotta move there are two things that make me forget about time prayer and worship i lose a sense of time there's someone that's watching me right now i need you to hear me you can't do this without god let's talk and he's been looking for you when you look back over your life it's amazing that you're still alive he kept you alive for such a time as this if you know that i'm talking to you i need you to text the words new life to three one three one three one number one you're gonna accept the lord is your savior number two some of y'all backslid let's talk listen i'm not gonna play with you you off you're not on your square you are literally in a backflip state and there's a part of you that's irritated that you can't tap in like you used to but the lord says not until you give me a yes not until you give me a yes and not unto you drop the walls and become vulnerable again to me and then there's some of you guys i'm i'm i'm saved i'm just not covered i don't have a shepherd hey everybody online now i don't care if you live in idaho you can be a member you can be covered if you know that i'm talking to you repeat after me lord jesus come into my life i need you to be my head i need you to be my lord i need you to be my savior i need you to be my everything i give up trying to do it and now i invite you in come in and give me that living water become that living water [Music] satisfy every hunger and every thirst and let it be eternal timeless let me never go back to who i used to be for those of you that made it in the building what if i told you that the world just need to hear worship in here can you open your mouth for like 10 seconds and let the world hear you worship [Music] come on there's a sound eda yes [Music] at home add to it [Music] for everyone that is watching the last sunday of the month is always my tithing sunday at the end of the month is where i give the lord my heave i give the lord my heave my tithes and my offering for those of us that know that god has been our provider [Music] for those of you that have been tithing i need you to remain faithful get your tithes for those of you that say well listen i don't i need you to get an offering in your hand can i just push some of you all if you study scripture you couldn't offer up a sacrifice you couldn't even come into his presence without giving a sacrifice don't forget the old testament the new testament concealed he said present your body as a living sacrifice not just your body but your resources give he'd give a seed to the soil release the seed and then he'd come back to you they're two seeds some of y'all can get 50 some people can't give a hundred but everyone get a seed in your hand get your tithes get a seed if you don't have the 5500 then you get the best seed you can but everyone lay a sacrifice today everyone lay a seed [Music] if you're going to text you text the words nocsc to 77977 and you can release your seat that way we have our app our app is one of the easiest ways to give if you're on our website you can give if you're still grown and older don't believe in all this texting you write checks you can write a check and you can mail it in or you can drop it off at our office 5517 south michigan do not know that i've been in worship and i've sit over two or three hours because i get lost in it two things i get lost in this prayer and worship i get lost time means nothing to me i can go two or three hours in prayer i can go two or three hours in worship that is crazy to me but i love it i'm addicted because he said when you draw not a god he draws nigh to you and when i get in his presence he's if you the last you can come before his throne with confidence and you can get whatever you need but you cannot come empty handed you cannot come full of pride you must come broken lift your seat up to the lord wherever you are lift your seat up i don't care if it's five i don't care if it's ten but everyone saw something every one so something everyone get a seed in your hand lift everything to the lord represent me i'm tired of the given and i am blessed beyond measure i have more than enough i'm living in my overflow i am living in ephesians 3 20. you know how long i'm living it for the rest of my life because i flow because i flow come on give you a seed right now give you a seed right now give your seed right now keep a worship on your lips trip on your keep a worship on your lips you can give with your hand but keep a worship on your lips i honor you i magnify you i glorify you i call you god i call you great i call you mighty i call you wonderful you're the lord of lord the king of kings you're the smile on my face you're the skiff in my step you're the lover of my soul you're all i need i want i got to have i can't make it without you i can't read without you i can't make a second without you i can't move without you i got to have you got to have you got to have you got to have you got to have you every second every minute of the day every day monday through sunday i got to have you i need you like the fish need water i want you i want you more than i could ever express as the deer pants after the water broke my soul repent after thee o god i am desperate i am desperate i long for your presence i long for your glory i long to be who you created me to be i want you to get the glory out of everything that i do and everything that i am come on wherever you are begin to release your worship right there come on we're about to let you leave online we're about to dismiss but we want you to stay in worship stay there stay there come on see somebody from india is on the line and i want you to know that he is right there in india come on here give him glory as we leave here can i get as we leave you online can i get you to stay in worship make sure that your seed went through you're giving your sacrifice there you go as we leave you give god glory hey we flow in the holy ghost we blow in the holy ghost they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth but these are the kind of worshipers that the bond is seeking come on we leave you now online god bless you pastor jerome will be doing tuesday if you're between the ages of 18 and 35 i'll be with jg tonight thursday i'll be back in the building for bible study but we leave you online god bless you those in the building can you stand [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] those in the building we pray for those that make it in the building every week we pray for those that come to this service you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 12,618
Rating: 4.9306359 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Hannah, John F Hannah, JFH, Worship Everywhere, pastor hannah, Let's go Bible, John Hannah, john hannah, pastor john hannah, john f hannah ministries
Id: mrnRCVp8tYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 55sec (5575 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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