4:00 AM Prayer // Pastor John F. Hannah

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everyone that is up that god has called us to pray the scripture says early will i seek thee and we thank god that we have been able to call on god for years so even in the midst of the pandemic we've still been getting up still been calling on god and so i want you to get your bibles i want you to go to second samuel the sixth chapter and as we've been preaching on worship something leaked out of the scriptures for us it is when david had finally went to go get the ark of the covenant and remember the ark of the covenant is the presence of god it symbolizes the presence of god and we understand that when he went to go get the presence of god because he had um zeal without knowledge he placed it on the cart we know that other end up dying and then we know that he put the ark of the covenant in the house of obedience and we're going to stop right there and today's prayer is that we're going to pray that god would give us the spirit the anointing of obedience now what is that if you have your bibles go to second samuel 6 11 and 12 2nd samuel 6 11 and 12. let's read this and the and the ark of the lord which means in the presence of god continued in the house of obedient to get tight for how long for three months pay attention you only have october you only have november and you only have december and the presence of god will continue with you for these next three months please pay attention and the lord did three things and the lord blessed obedient and the lord blessed put your name right there and the lord bless john hannah come over here i need you to say your name when we say that and the lord bless john hannah call your whole name and the lord bless john hannah that's number one in number two and his household the spirit of obadium and the lord bless john hannah and his household go to verse 12 and you'll see our third point that we're going to pray about and it was told king david saying the lord has blessed the house of obedient he is number three you ready and all that pertaineth unto him and the lord blessed john hannah and his household and all that pertaineth unto him which means anything that concerneth you god gonna address it within these three months hallelujah whatever area is weighing you out if it be your business if it be your dream if it be your passion if it be your spirit if it be um you want to go higher god's going to deal with it in these three months what do we say to you previously that god's going to do more for you in three months than he did in the previous 20 years that's a powerful statement bob why do you say 20 because i got the the president of the lord had been in the house of abinadab for 20 years but we heard nothing but we gonna hear more coming out of you in three months than we heard coming out of you in 20 years come on here hallelujah and the lord bless john heller and his household and all that pertaining to him come on i need you to say that put it on the screen and the lord bless john hannah and his household and all that pertaineth unto him come on let's get in our positions of prayer if you're in the building you can stand we can do we do we'll do what you have to do to get ready for prayer those of y'all that have your prayer scars get your prayer scarf so let's get ready to go before god don't forget that we always start just with adoration adoration is that we don't ask for anything we do that until about 4 30 and then we'll go into those three minister tyrell will cover you with the names that was called out and the lord bless come on say your name right there and the lord bless come here terrell's gonna cover your name your name is gonna be coveted in anything that your body gonna be covered your mind gonna be covered and then um minister jerome is gonna cover your household we're gonna go from your front door to your back though we're gonna cover every bedroom we're gonna cover your kids we're gonna cover everything up in your house and then i will cover everything that pertaineth unto you look thou be made whole come over here he's about to cover everything hallelujah what bothered you in the previous nine are not gonna be your issues in the last three come on release the praise right there what bothered me in the previous nine hallelujah is not gonna be my issue come on here in the last three let's start off with adoration hallelujah hallelujah we honor you we magnify you we glorify you you are god you are great mighty strong magnificent holy in all your ways nobody like you you are a good god a merciful god a great god a kind god a loving god a patient god oh and we honor you on this morning we lift you above everything and everyone you are god hallelujah you are the the great i am you are the i am that i am and we honor you on this morning we got up to give you glory we got up to magnify your name we got up in the midst of everything that is going on on this earth we still got up to give you glory we got up to let the enemy know that our god is great and greatly to be praising we honor you in the midst of everything we bless the lord at all times come on here we bless you at all times hallelujah we bless you at all times we bless you in the midst of the season that we are going through for god we understand that there's a time and a season for everything so god in the midst of the season that we're in we want to say that you are the only one that has been consistent tell come on here things have changed people have changed seasons have changed but you have remained the same and for that we give you glory you have been consistent in all your ways you have never turned your back on us you have never abandoned us you have been with us every step of the way and for that we give you glory we magnify your name your name is above every name ah god hey your name is above every name and every knee shall bow hallelujah your name is bigger than our country your name is bigger than our president your name is bigger than our governor or our mayor or any senator or any congressman god your name is above everyone and we look to the hills come on here from with cometh our help and our help comes from you we got up to look to the heel god we got up to look to our help god you are our help and for that we say thank you we cannot live this life without you we cannot go not a second without you we can't live without you we can't move without you we can't breathe without you for god we come this morning to give you glory for being our sustainer come on here you have been our sustainer for god you have held us you have kept us you have been with us every step of the way and for that we give you glory you have been our foundation you god are the one that we stand on you are the one that we lean on you are the one that we depend on you are the one that we look to and we give you praise on this morning those that are in this building i need you to begin to release the sound we give you praise on this morning god we got up to sound the alarm we got up to lift up our voices like a trumpet and zion we got up to shout to the god of our salvation that you are god yeah she in spite of everything god we still hold on to you many have lost their faith many have fallen by the wayside but god we got up to tell you that we're still here hallelujah and we're still standing and we're still believing and we're still waiting why because they that wait on the lord god we're still waiting and believing we have not lost our faith in you our faith is in you our faith is not in man our faith is not in our government our faith is not in our doctors our faith is not in our scientists our faith is in you and god we got up to tell you you get the glory you get the glory in spite of everything god this is only going to be going on for a season but while we're in it we're not going to fail you come on here your word says in all of this job did not sin with his lips and god we would not sin by complaining we will not sin by murmuring we will not be the children of israel dying in the middle of a season for god we will make it to our canaan everything that you promise us god you are the promised giver you're the promised keeper and we got up to give you glory anybody can praise you when everything is smooth god but god we praise you in the midst of a wilderness we praise you in the midst of a furnace forgot somebody feels as if the heat has been turned up ah come on here so we'll be the modern day hebrew boys god we'll be in the furnace god but one thing that we know that we are not by ourselves just like they look in and say they put three but then they saw four so god we know that regardless of how hot it get is not too hot for you come on here and god we promise to give you glory in the midst of the heat in the midst of the furnace we bless the lord at all times and your praises shall shall shall shall continuously be in our mouths god put your praise in our mouths put your praise in our belly cause of our bellies should flow rivers of living water god when we open our mouths your word says that the mouth of the righteous is a well of life so god every time we give you glory it is life come on here so god we open our mouths we do not curse you we do not speak damnation we do not complain we do not murmur but we bless you god you work gone before we got here come on here you were gone before we got into 2020. you were gone before kovitz showed up you were gone before the situation happened and guess what you're gonna be god while it's going on you're gonna be god after it is gone so god you are consistent so god give us the ability to be consistent in our praise to be consistent in our worship god we still want to give you glory for god there is somebody that the enemy has begin to muzzle their praise i ask god that you give us a jonah anointing hey shaykh that even though somebody feels as if they have been swallowed up hey they feel like they stuck the bible said ghana that he said out of the belly of hell hey cried i unto the lord so god there's somebody that feel as if they are inhaled god is how they feel and we're not going to ignore their feelings it's the mind in fact we're going to validate it but god in the midst of how we feel put a praise on our lips i need to hear somebody put a praise on our lips i need to hear somebody those of you that feel like you've been going through hell i need to hear a praise coming out of you so god we magnify you we give you glory we say you are worthy in the midst of our hell we say you are honored we say you are glorified we say you are exhausted we say you exalted we say you are praise we give you glory this morning we give you glory this morning in the midst of what we feel like is hell uh hallelujah and god although he said out of the belly of hell cried i unto the lord your word says that you cause the fist to vomit him up so god let my praise push me out of my head hey god oh i give you glory this morning i give you glory this morning i give you glory this morning i am not doing what the enemy thought i was going to do but i am doing what you knew i could do hiya matande because you wouldn't put me where you know i couldn't handle come on i feel the anointing hallelujah so god if you put me here if you allow me to be here i'm going to give you exactly what you expect you expect that i trust you you expect it i depend on you you expect me to give you glory so god in the midst of the hell we give you glory [Music] god let my holy ghost pray while i am in my belly in the belly of the things i'm going through god let my tongues be fresh let my tongues be violent let my tongues curse my situation to get me out of here let my tongues bless you god and i give you glory in the midst of everything that i am going through so god there's somebody that feels as if they are in the lion's den yeah there's somebody that the enemy has been scheming against them there's somebody that the enemy has even hating on them there's somebody that the enemy has formed a mob to come after them there's somebody whose name has been under attack and god the enemy think that they are about to be devoured under the baha'i so god i speak to your modern day daniels come on here and god although they feel as if they are surrounded by things that are going to devour them i pray that they can rest in you hey chanda luck under the under the behind for god you are glorified when we rest in you you are glorified when we are not fearful you are glorified when we do not panic you are glorified when we do not lose our cooler you are glorified when we stand still and we see the salvation of the lord you are glorified we do not try to fight the lion you are glorified when we wait on you to deliver us out of our lion's den god let those that put us in here know that you're being glorified even in what we are in come on here i need to hear the warriors i am martin put a praise in the belly of your modern day daniels put a praise on the lips on your modern day daniel put a praise on the lips that those that think that they won can hear us can see us giving you glory for god their eyes are looking at us we don't want to fail you god let us continue to give you glory let us continue to give you glory let us continue to give you glory let us continue to give you glory come on y'all i need you to pray let us continue to give you glory oh god hallelujah oh we came to give you glory this morning oh god i got some modern day peters in here hiya my don de leche that have stepped out of the boat that have tried to do what is not the normal and god they feel as if they are drowning but god the bible said he cried out hey hey hey to you and you reach for him you didn't run you didn't swim which means they made it further than they think but god let my cry be a praise i let my cry be a hallelujah let out cry be a thank you jesus let our cry be of a praise of faith god here here here here hear your water walkers yay here here here hear your water walkers god hear those that are walking by faith and not by sight here here hear those god that are in the midst of a storm yeah unknown messiah hey god here here hear those that have been with you hear those that have obeyed you hear those that are right where they're supposed to be but they are facing a storm i pray oh god for my modern day peter's god that you would hear their cry not of panic not of worry not of anxiety but a cry of praise everybody feel like you're drowning i need you to begin to open your mouth and begin to give your god glory oh god and for this we give you glory and for this we give you glory and for this we give you glory and for this we give you glory and for this we give you glory and for this we give you glory and for this we give you glory and for this we give you glory now now come over here now god we're about to pray for the modern day paul in silences that i feel like they've been on lockdown hey yonda hi about we've been doing what you told us to do we've been living how you wanted us to live but god the enemy got us on lockdown there's somebody that feel abused there's somebody that feel as if they're not gonna make it god they feel as if they are on lockdown and they are your modern day paul and silas but god hey yonder lay kay in the midst of the prison they did not complain but they gave you glory y'all better come over here i said but in the midst of it they gave you glory they fed off one another those of you that are watching us i need you to feed off us and we gonna feed off you and the bible said when they begin to sing and give you glory hold my shantari under the behind three things happened god the foundation was shaken hey hey hey hey hey hey hey and the and the gates were open hey hey hey hey hey and the chains were broken hey hey hey so god we got five more minutes for you to shake the foundation we got five more minutes for you to open the gate we got five more minutes for you to break every chain and what do we do while we wait we give you glory i need to hear you in here they made a sound they made a sound they made a sound and their sound shook the foundation and their sound opened the gates and their sound broke every chain hotel and for that we give you glory everybody you got to begin to release the sound of you and your home i need you to release the sound if you in the building i need you to open your mouth as we feed off one another and release a sound go [Applause] yay come on stay there and for that we give you glory and for that we give you glory and for that we give you glory and the chains are breaking and the foundation is being shaken and the gates are opening and the foundation is being shaken and the gates are opening and the chains are being broken while we give you glory but we tell you thank you jesus while we magnify your name the foundation is shaken the gates are opening and the chains are being broken and for that we give you glory and for that we give you glory that i have the ability to praise you have the ability to magnify you and while i magnify you the foundation is shaken the gates are open and the chains are broken and the foundation is shaken and the foundation of the united states is being shaken and the foundation of the earth is being shaken and the founders those of you that have been feeling like you've been on lockdown i need you to open your mouth i don't care where you are i need you to begin to give god glory right here there has to be a sound there's a sound that goes with prayer there's a sound that goes with prayer it's not complaining it's not crying it's lifting up your voices like the voice of triumph we give you glory my god yay yay we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory we give you glory yeah yeah yeah underneath glory come on i need you to shout until you feel a chain break i need you to shout until you feel this foundation shake i need you to shout until you see a way of escape we give you glory my god [Applause] glory to god ah glory to god hey hey might be in pain but i still give you glory don't forget they have been beaten so i need you to rise above your pain open your mouth and give him glory hey stay there come on those of you that are listening turn your volume up and i need you to begin to listen to the sound you're not out of here by yourself you got another praiser with you you're not the only one that feel locked down you're not the only one in feeling pain but we have a responsibility to give him glory [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] i feel the breaking he's under the messiah glory to god glory to god [Music] hiya but i hear the lord say give me glory in spite of where you think you are hey hey show you my notable sin give me glory hallelujah hallelujah glory [Music] glory to god my soul make a boast in the lord hey hey my soul feel like boasting yeah y'all know that we'll see my god yay hey honda mercy faithful yeah hallelujah greatest greatest hey great is hey great is that faithfulness hey hey come on i need you to think about how faithfully being don't you lock into your present i need you to think about how faithful he has been before you even got here hey my god yay shaya matandi glory he ba bo bo say shaki i feel a shaking i feel a breaking i feel an opening coming from your praise oh yeah my sunday hey you can move now yes sire you're not in the same place you could walk around now the chains don't have you hey come on step out of depression come on come on come on come on step out of anxiety come on come on come on step out of generation walk around get ready to walk out hey hey hey hey you're not out here by yourself we come against every lying demonic spirit that wants you to feel like you by yourself you paul i'm silas you're not out here by yourself we're about to give god glory we bout to give god glory and the foundation is about to be shaken and the gates are about to open and the chains are about to be broken we give you glory are you why you so loud because the bible says and the other prisoners heard them which means that somebody's freedom is based on my praise which means that somebody won't get out unless i give god glory how dare you hold my freedom hostage i need you to open your mouth wherever you are on the earth wherever you are on the earth as long as you got breath into your body you got a sound that will shake the foundation we give you glory my god [Applause] yay [Music] glory glory come on we trying to shift glory we're trying to get to overdeal glory yay glory glory to god yay oh magnify the lord with me let us yay shia exalt his name together hey hey under the messiah my son you had a type of praise on the screen you better open your mouth and if you're in this building i need you to release a praise right here because while we praise god foundations are being shaken gates are being opened chains are being broken all from your sound yeah what do you say i give you glory i magnify your name yeshiah now unto him that is able [Music] hey come on we about to go yay sia come on come on come on say my last three about to be coveted in prayer yeah my mama see we're open to your presence we're open to your presence we are open to your presence wherever you are lift your hands and welcome the presence of god on your life we're open to your glory let the weight of your glory let the weight of your glory let the weight of your glory be i'm open to your glory i am open to your presence say i am available i am available i am available so now god we pray for the anointing of obedience and the lord bless him and the lord bless john hannah everybody and the lord blessed say your name john hannah god the names that have been released terrell is about to pray for every name i'm gonna give you one more chance come on here we're not praying yet for those that are asleep we're only praying for those that awoke we're only praying for those that are listening your turn right now we'll get them sleepy ones later but right now i got to get you covered hey he's about to honor your sacrifice say hey hey i feel somebody you worn out but you got up and i get the lord say he's about to honor your get up hey shaya my god yay come on terrell pray so god in the name of jesus we thank you that we are blessed god we thank you that you love us god you love us so much god that you gave your only begotten son you said whoever believes in jesus come on shall not perish but have eternal life come on we bless you this morning that in the midst of everything that's going on in the midst of every situation in the midst of every circumstance we thank you that you love us you love us god you love me you love us god in the name of jesus your word declares that you are love and we bless you this morning that you love us with the everlasting love you've proved your love to us when you gave your life jesus you prove your love to us by your mercy and by your grace god we can rest in the fact this morning god that you are the lord thy god you don't change and you love us this morning we bless you that you love us you love us with the everlasting love we read come on this morning in the name of jesus because you love us god you will never put more on us than we can bear so we bless you this morning that we don't have too much on us come on because you are in us come on and greater greater greater greater greater are you uh [Music] and you will never never ever so this morning god in the name of jesus we thank you that there is no temptation that's not coming i'm a man but even in it god you will offer a way of escaping come on that we might be able to bear it up come on we thank you this morning that we got this thank you this morning that we can handle this come on we thinking this morning that we can take it come on in our own self foreign perfect so we thank you for the strength of god thank you for the anointing thank you the power thanks for the grace thank you the ability of thank you for the holy ghost thank you we thank you this morning for the power thank you ability thank you grace thank you holy ghost thank you holy ghost we acknowledge that you are in us holy ghost we acknowledge you yeah you are with us holy ghost come on we acknowledge that you are working on all things together for the good of us because you love us come on [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] just like jesus on the crosser god you allowed some things to be come on in the name of jesus they put a crown of thorns on his head we've taken some mental hits in the name of jesus they pierced them in his side some of us god we've taken relational hits uh god they put lord god lord god through his hand come on god they pierced him in his hands some of us have taken financial hits up they even put a nails in his feet come on some of our movement has been restricted but in it all gotta yeah oh god that's not the end of the story come on we thank you that we will arise let's gotta praise this god we're coming [Music] are the resurrection in your life and we thank you that we are covered come on with my soul i need somebody to declare that this morning that it so come on come on does anybody just sing it as well it is well those are lying can you say it as well it is well with me it is well with me it is well with me come on keep saying me it is well with me it is well with me it is well with me come on i need you to say this it is well with me it is well with my soul it is well with me i am good i am in a good place i am good i am good i am good come on i need that to keep come on keep saying it the bible says and david encouraged himself in the lord come on i need you to begin will you have already released your name i need you to begin to say and it is well it is well all things are working together for my good all things are working together for my good all things are working together for my good he did not put more on me than what i can handle he has given me me me me me a way of escape i'm coming up and i'm coming out and i am victorious come on stop saying that and i am victorious we're only talking about you right now and i am victorious i'm the head tail i'm the linda not the borrower i am more than a conqueror i am victorious i'm the champion in this day and time hiya matande they say i'm a giant slayer come on here i got this come on here hallelujah greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world come on y'all better say this we're talking about you we ain't talking about nobody to sleep which about you i got this god got me and i got this god got me and i got this god got me and i got this greater is he that is within me come on here granny is he that is within me his strength is made perfect in my weakness i admit that i am weak but i admit that he is strong i admit that i am weak but i admit that he is stronger i admit that i am weak but i admit that he is stronger i admit that i am weak but i admit that he is stronger i admit that i am weak but i admit that he is stronger i admit that i am depleted but i admit that he is stronger i believe that this battle is not mine but it is his and i will stand still and i will see the salvation of the lord come on he got me he got me come on say that he got me let's go jerome and he got my household and he got my household and he got my front door he got my back though he got every window covered he got everything in my house he got my household i need you to begin to say that he was about to pray for your household we're about to cover your whole house we want to pray for those that are asleep we about to pray for your whole house we about to go through your house like a tsunami his presence is about to come in your house in these next three months now that he got you he about to get your house every demonic spirit is about to come subject come on here come on here your house is about to be your safe place oh my god come on you better pray man go go father in the name of jesus god we lift up our households god and we thank you lord god for the anointing god rest in our households father ask for me and my house we will serve the lord father i pray in the name of jesus that our households will no longer compromise the cross father i pray god for salvation in our households in the name of jesus father i thank you lord god hallelujah because you have given us the families that we have every household has a noah every household hallelujah has a noah somebody that will lead somebody that will do that's never been done before somebody that will be the trailblazer so father we pray for the leader we pray for the knowers of the family father every household has a jairus daughter father every household has somebody that is suffocating in sin somebody that is dying in iniquity but father i thank you for the intercessors of jairus i thank you god for the intercessors that will grow jesus and bring jesus to the house father i pray in the name of jesus for every house hallelujah every house has somebody that's been praying for year after year hallelujah for a miracle for a sign and for a wonder every house has a mary and a mother so father i pray in the name of jesus lord god that you will begin to anoint our household father i pray god from the man from the husband from the father all the way down to the mother all the way down to the wife father to the children i pray god hallelujah for unity in the household i pray lord god for revival in the household in the name of jesus father i pray god that the leaders will take our places and come back in our houses hallelujah we will no longer compromise the cross to smooth over our children father i pray in the name of jesus for our holy boldness to decree and declare that you're lord of lords and kingdom kings let us put up scriptures all around our house let us go back to anointing every bedroom father i pray in the name of jesus that our houses be a house of peace be a house of joy that would be a house of hallelujah rest in the name of jesus father i pray my god i pray god matthew 5 and 13 father i pray lord god because you have made our families to be salt and light you made our families to give life flavor and to give life color so father i pray in the name of jesus just like your words matthew 5 and 15. your word says god that we are like a city hallelujah that's put up on the hill you have allowed our lives to be published you have allowed our family lives to go public father why did you allow our family lives to go public because lord god you want the world to see us go through the pain to go through the heartache to go through everything that we went through because in the all that ends god we will be standing with our hands lifted to you we will let our light so shine you told us to shine hallelujah when it's up shine when it's down shine when we're happy shine when we're sad shine when we're sick shine when we're healthy shine when we're broke shine when we're rich shine when we're divorced when we're married shine when our children is going through shine when our children is in their right mind you told us to shine that's why you put our families public that's why you put our families up on the hill so god we will shine we will let your glory hallelujah be manifested on the earth through our family so father i pray god hallelujah that the pulpit is back in the family hallelujah that the psalmist go back in the family i pray god the preacher is back in the family that the apostle is back in the family that the prophet is back in the family that the teacher and pastor is back in the heart i pray that the intercessors are back in the family lord god i pray god that we have a burden to go after our uncle have a burden to go after our fathers our burden to go after our children how dare we come into the house of god and leave our family behind god i pray because our family is our first ministry god give us a burning desire to go and preach to the lost in our own family let us have revivals in our own family we want to start our ministry started in our own family we want to sing a concert to have a concert in our own family come on we want to have a bible study have a bible study in our own family god i pray in the name of jesus that you will anoint our households let our sons and daughters begin to prophesy let them be drunk in the holy ghost let hallelujah captivate their hearts captivate their minds god i pray in the name of jesus that you touch their intellect god i pray god that you were organized hallelujah their lives in such a way that you will lead them and guide them into all truth i pray god some of our children are out there strung out some of our children they're speaking when we smoking weed some of our children are out there in pornography but god they are not too far that you cannot reach and grab them wherever they are touch their minds get them touch their hearts touch their spirits reconcile marriages in the name of jesus that wife has been praying father bring him home wherever he is god touch that wife god hallelujah consummate that marriage again come on give them the fire again let them look into each other's eyes like they first did when they first fell in love come on god i pray for the anointing to hold on the anointing to stay married the anointing to fight for the family the anointing to love through the hurt through the pain through the disappointment through the tears through sickness through health father i pray god for the anointing of obedience fall fresh in our households let the weight of the god come out the weight of the glory of god hit our houses the weight god when people walk past our house get their sick god let them be healed people walk past our house if their mind is all over the place regulate them in the name of jesus let riches fall in our house let wholeness fall in our house come on let peace fall in our house let the anointing fall in our house let your glory live in our house let that come on come in our house let your word be relevant in our house hallelujah in the name of jesus fall fresh in our house god and we promise to give you our houses for allowing baal to come in our house allowing sin and iniquity to come in our house you gave us the family you gave us the house you gave us the responsibility so we give it back to you as leaders in our house if it's a single mother father we give the house back to you now breathe on it hallelujah and it will become a living soul agreement in jesus name come on right now your front doors cover your back doors cover your windows and cover no fires no gas leaks no tragedy shall hit your door no tragedy shall hit your door no bad news will come near your door your children will not die like dogs in the street you will not bury your children covert would not cross your doorposts come on cover your household cover your household cover your household every single parent begin to call your names of your children out every parent begin to call the names of your children out call the name of your grandchildren now we cover your entire household come on go in the living room in the spirit come on go in the dining room go in the kitchen cover every door every bedroom we come against nightmares we come against any demonic spirits coming in your house and we call the spirit of peace in your house no fighting no conflict no spirits of rebellion we cover your teenagers and we decree and we declare that your teenagers will be subject to your voice in the name of jesus and every bill is paid in your house every every every financial need is met in your house your house is taken care of and you will submit to the spirit that is in your house come on we only have about three more minutes if you're in the building can you stand come on can you stand now we're about to cover everything that pertains to you and i need you to listen to what i'm about to ask you what is the thing that has been troubling you what is the thing that has been troubling you i need you to be specific with god i need you to be specific with god because that is what pertaineth unto you and whatever has been concerning you or pertaining unto you the lord says within three months i'm going to address it in these three months i'm going to deal with that you have not because you ask none and i hear the lord say i need you to be specific be specific be direct with me and i don't care how bad it look i need you to know that i am able to do exceedingly and abundantly jeremiah 32 27 behold i am the lord the god of all flesh is there anything too hot for me come on here that thing pertaining to you come on here you cannot carry this we got whatever they mention we ask you to deal with it whatever they mention we ask you to address it we are direct in what we need so god whatever it is that they have mentioned because you know the desires of their hearts in the amplified it says and the secret petitions because some of them what they're mentioning is a secret but it's not a secret unto you come on lift your hands lift your hands so god i pray that you would address it address it deal with it we release it and we give it to you so god as i pray that we release it get this stress off of them i'm not shy we come against the silent killer we come against stress and worry right now god give us the ability to release this thing into your hands and to begin to confess that within these three months you're going to blow my mind yeah my shia come on stay there stay there stay there hear me clearly hear the lord in three months my presence will address your issue and everything that pertaineth i'm gonna deal with your business i'm gonna deal with your dream i'm gonna deal with your issues i'm gonna deal with your secret because you fought the good fight cause you held on you will win your name will be brought up your business will be blessed your needs will be met hey shaya mandoro say come on stay there come on come on say here it is god here it is take it take it deal with it deal with it come on let's pray this prayer help me to keep my hands off of it help me to stand still help me not to mess this thing up help me not to get in the fight but help me to let you fight for me come on here i cover your name i cover your issues i cover your business i cover everything that pertaineth unto you i cover the very thing that you submitted to god now god i pray that we can stay in submissive mode that we do not take this on our own come on for a few minutes i need you now to begin to worship god for that i need you to worship god like he gonna do it for in october november december come on stay right there come on come on come on come on come on come on stay there yep it's gonna be taken care of yup yup you gonna get some news that you've been waiting on yep yep you're gonna see this thing become subject yep yep you're gonna see it you're gonna touch it you're gonna experience it you're gonna see it you're gonna touch it you're gonna experience it you're going to see it you're going to touch it you are going right you sleep he working it come on here come on here it's in another state he dealing with it come on here when it's done you're going to know that there was nobody but god that did it for you i need a praise and a worship to go right there come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on he that come up to god must believe that he is he that cometh to god must believe that he is he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder and that he is a rewarder and that he is a rewarder and that he is a rewarder i need you to lift your hands like you ready to receive something i need you to lift your hands like he handing you something and watch me what you've been dealing with what you've been struggling with whatever has been your issues you shall see it you shall touch it and you shall experience it you shall see it you shall touch it and you shall experience it wow and let the oil that was on the house of aberdeen be on us and let the oil that was on the house of obaddim and the lord bless john hannah and his household and everything that pertaining to him when i say and the lord bless john anna and his household and everything that pertaineth to me and the lord blessed john hannah and my household and everything that pertain it to me my god his word can't lie and the lord bless john hannah and his household and everything that pertaineth to me yeah show you i'm gonna give you one more chance we're about to let you leave we're about to go off here but i need to put this in the atmosphere i feel a resurrection what you thought was dead is about to be brought back to life hey and the lord blessed john hannah and my household and everything that pertaining to me i need you to put a praise on what you just said and the lord bless john hannah and my household and everything that pertaining to me why because the presence of the lord is with me and within these three months the lord is going to bless john hannah and my household and everything that pertaineth god bless you i love you don't forget to tune in tonight pastor jamon we'll be doing the afterglow bible study i'll be back on thursday we're going to have encounter night with psalm is rain but before i leave within these next three months the lord is going to bless john hannah and my household and did you say everything did you say everything there's a lot in that every and everything that pertaineth bad you
Channel: Pastor John F. Hannah
Views: 20,986
Rating: 4.8784194 out of 5
Keywords: pastor hannah, JFH, Let's go Bible, John Hannah, john hannah, pastor john hannah, john f hannah ministries
Id: 3jqkxlXA3nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 17sec (3677 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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