World's Smallest Claw Machines!!

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hey guys today we're gonna play what has to be the smallest claw machines in the world there's something so small up first though is this goofy and then next is like some weird little baby I've been to one look at that honestly I don't know what it is alright so she's going for this one right here and it has to be the slowest claw machine in or ho - ok she's gonna good for the same one goes in the back I'm gonna good spy as well I guess this machine is so small let me go back up again so you can see size reference it's like barely tall as crystal and she's only 5 foot tall so you know it's really small good luck oh that one's better oh no we got way too many blade let's go for the next one the next one is this weird little baby that has like a onesie on oh it kind of like a Rilakkuma look in the reflection all right so what are you gonna go for all right go for the purple women maybe you can win it yeah don't play this one again if you if you don't win I think crystal purposely messed up on that one because she didn't want it this one is cool this is a dumb go right I remember when we were in Japan we actually got dumb though that was just like that it was a what was that flavor mod matcha was the bottom the green and then it was just normal flavored rice and then cherry blossoms I think that's what they said it was I think it is strawberry or something but it's not too far I think you went too far to the right never mind you know what you're doing Oh oh that's so awesome do you think you can win another one let me hold that for you oh that's pretty she wanted um go maybe you can win another one what are you getting upwards I think that one in the middle but or even that one right there but you don't want it to hit another one you know that is really important to me you think that one's good well we're gonna find out if not your anyone one that's pretty cool is this thing like ready to let somebody win every single play do you think do you think you should go for that one or go for the one behind it because it might hit Lin what do you think you're gonna risk it yeah don't hit that one you're not gonna risk it oh you have 50 seconds for you to keep trying just try to get try it one more time you got actually hit it though oh she's trying to rake it and pull it in oh yeah baby oh you said plenty of time you have 40 seconds so if you want to keep trying keep trying but just be extra careful all right all right so she has 20 seconds plenty of time can she get to all right close oh that one day okay yes get it hit it hit it all right get in it okay you have to go again cuz you can definitely get that one maybe Oh do you think if you go for the bottom one it will tilt that one in look at your play let's see oh yeah like go for the back half of it are you still trying right yeah no definitely try to rake cuz you never know do you think you get two and one if it if it drops right there right Lord to the right here like right there I suppose if you get your one you can at least get the whole knows it's fun it's fun now you have to go for the other one because it should hit the like the what is that little the ring thing oh man it takes merit if we're out of tokens in all right so you should you can like clean this out you could all right you showed me how to get both of them here right yes oh no you actually can't get that one in the back because how far back it is so you could just go straight for this one if you wanted it I think that one over there is too far to the left now like I just go straight grab over it just want it don't wanna the one arm goes back its we're gonna pick that ring G that's why I think that looks pretty good to me yeah there it goes yeah it actually just pushed it in all right so we got two of these oh three of these I forgot and now we have a Mario with what looks like a karate stick I have no idea he's trying to channel his inner Goku that's what he's trying to do I told me I totally forgot what the stick is called but whatever which are we gonna go for this one right okay she went for this one I like that it gives you a ton of time alright so can she yes no she can't dig up that again or not all right next up we have some what is that something weird head it's just a head maybe you can get one stuck in the keyring that'd be cool yeah so there's one that has a crown on and then this one is got like a hair bow the Sun whatever alkane I want has a hair bow the one she's going for I could see the reflection in the back yeah all right as long as it spins you're right up next do you think you can win it though I hope you can win it which one is gonna go for it all right she's going for this one actually okay and maybe maybe it's really hard to see from this angle it looks good over here though baby yes oh [Music] hi next up we have a Dory those eyes on that Dory are huge more dango I don't know maybe it's just been dyed with some soy sauce I don't know so suiting up for this one right here [Music] we might only win these yeah all right come on oh yes that's good it's good no huh oh you're right it did fall are you gonna try for these down those all right okay maybe I will maybe I'll go for mr. an pain man over here so which one are you gonna go for it which one oh look at this clods tiny I didn't realize look at that size of that one and this girl is tiny so this claw has got to be the smallest claw and on the smallest machine [Music] [Music] [Music] I think this is only one right that's why I want to win from the balls here we go guys just a case I didn't want you I want to try another one but the clothes big is in the way if I can win at least one prize this is the one prize I want to win oh my gosh [Music] that was before I guess I have to you have more than you so far [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here they all are guys we have one two three four five six seven wow we got a total of seven oh wow they're all strung together so you can do the wave with it which one's your favorite yeah that one is definitely the best one second favorite has to be one of these down here because those are really cool yeah personal life style no not sure why she likes to have or whatever you guys have to let us know which one of these is your favorites and have you ever seen a claw machine that small those things are tiny well thanks for watching everyone [Applause]
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 650,929
Rating: 4.8240418 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade, ptw, claw machine, world's smallest claw machines, small claw machines, worlds smallest, tiny claw machine
Id: U9o-wDqApw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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