You have to fill up the machine, not clean it out!!

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hey guys today we're gonna be playing some claw machines up first we have a gudetama it looks like it's pretty cool because usually like the prizes are like level but just has like a little hill maybe we should pick one up and don't tumble right in yeah so if you don't know what gudetama is it's basically an egg yolk on top of an egg whites this is just an egg that's all it is is an egg yeah so she's going for this one I think maybe she'll go for a different one I'm not sure but there are two different designs there's one where it's like sitting upward the other ones laying down on the egg yeah so the ones you're going for one the one that's like standing up on it or sitting up on it I don't get there's a laying down one I've got a I don't see one that's laying down come on c'mon c'mon ah man it's really slippery yeah all the ones that are closer the ones that sitting up so oh not like there actually is um laying down I think she's going for this one again well maybe not maybe not she's changing her mind she's changing it up she's going for this one right here maybe this will pick it up I don't know if the claw is actually closing tight enough oh there goes there goes oh maybe this isn't the machine to play maybe try going for that one in the middle right there that's laying down yeah yeah yeah cuz it's smaller maybe maybe I'll grab tighter on it yeah it is it's like I think it weighs a lot less than that one at least half of it yeah looks good over here wellthanks going straight down good luck oh come on oh it almost picked up the one beneath it oh look at that like CUDA tell me there's a boy do you see the booty cheeks on that oh man I never knew Ang's had booty cheeks that's hilarious oh come on come on come on come on oh you are moving it you are moving it just hopefully it doesn't roll back here yeah that wouldn't be good oh come on hopefully it rolls this way like to the right but she is moving that one unlike the other one that's good oh you are getting it you aren't getting you're getting you're getting into those that way towards you you might be able to get that one and that's the same one that has the booty cheeks she's going for the one for the booty cheeks that's the ladies all right so maybe a little bit more back yeah cuz I think she hope for that one looks good okay here it is here it is oh I don't know I don't know alright well if you can't win that maybe the Hello Kitty over there it's pretty high up and looks like in my role in but we thought the same thing about this more back yeah like right there looks pretty good alright here we go come on actually grab it grab it grab it oh I don't know I don't know if we're gonna be able to win this one all right these dumb booty cheeks do you know what you need to do you didn't even get the clock right by the booty cheeks so the booty cheeks to grip on it grip that booty cheek come on come on oh man I guess you're not gonna win the booty cheeks well let's try a Hello Kitty all right so this is a zebra hello kitty oh yeah it's like that one is so close that one back there is like really high up you never know until you try right right over here we have like cheerleader Hello Kitty's good luck Oh which are you going for oh that's good I think oh yeah so if you go for that one I think it's gonna fall that way if you go for that one you might go to have a chance to get that one and that one yeah that's what I was thinking just don't go too much to the left because then it's gonna like push down yeah that looks good that was good that was good that's perfect just oh yeah hold on just enough to sling it way back there but you did not kill this one this one's still alive all right so she's gonna go for this one right back here they all blend in so well together you can't hardly even see them all right are you going for the head or the yeah oh my gosh no it's super strong I think you should go for this one I think you can win that one because it seems to hold on just enough that it might picks it up and then there's like a little swing and it might swing it in there might unless you think you should go for a different one in like maybe bounce off of it go post post that's it that's it that's it you got it you got it that's awesome did you want to wait another one just go to the next one oh this one's really solid it's surprisingly soft - I like the tag it actually has an actually has Hello Kitty right there on the tag that's cool oh my and then look at the size of this ball we got the really really big one we got the really really wimpy one good luck good luck trying to position something on the side of you good trying to position this you might get two on one here oh yeah I think you can get that one yeah so there in the back you can see it actually says HK for Hello Kitty there's a a blue one in the back and then there's a red version I'm gonna put this in your hand yeah sorry alright it gives you a lot of time I like that okay she's trying to like work it over yeah if you notice on the claw itself there's rubber grippers but they're at the top they need to be at the bottom the blue one right all right you'll get it just have some patience oh my gosh it's not what if you try stabbing it with one of the arms yes I'm going straight for the grab what have you like just stop it anyway yeah just try to move it maybe I don't know yep you know this is gonna be the one time it actually picks it up and it's gonna fall in the back that's how it works no I guess max you didn't work maybe that blue was just not one to be one what about this red one yeah yeah I try this red one right here maybe I'll have better luck yeah cuz that's the blue one oh right there kind of will stab the blue one too you sure I guess okay let's see we'll just pick it up fluid [Music] see it actually Reagan wanted to pick that one up all right what are you gonna go for it Oh what about this one yeah I mean from over here it looks good but from over here it doesn't look so good if you don't think it looks good go for a different one all right good luck come on come on come on come on come on oh you're not gonna win that one have no fear there are three more claws over here I didn't rehearse that at all guys I promise I just came off the top of my head maybe we'll have better luck on this side though so she's going for a bunny seal oh gosh that's not gonna happen yeah that one's like the highest one right there maybe you have a chance if not don't worry there are some B seals over here yeah hates from what are they doing that get him out of the bag but didn't do anything yeah you might be able to like um kind of rake them off the back let me switch sides with you like maybe you can like like go back and forth and I'll hit them oh yeah that you get that top when you get that top one go back there and walk right go all the way till that go all the way back and I go all there to left and I go right to the right and do it again don't laugh again go let me get you don't get that don't get that pink one now go right again see keep doing that you gotta keep working it go back to left how much time you have left okay go just yeah just try to win win it and then try that again cuz you might wanna get that pink one off the wall that'd be awesome come on come on oh yeah it's not even closing strong enough so he might as well have some fun and try to win the ones off the back right yeah cuz you might be able to get that pink one you have to make sure that you go all the way back and then go all the way to the left and then go off yeah but it might just see it's just one lucky slight oh it's not gonna get it come on Mike you siding keep saying oh this one's just teasing us here oh yeah maybe whack it - yeah how much time you have left oh yeah I don't think we're gonna win out for this one but maybe the way one of these maybe come on ladies oh yeah this one is upside down it's just sitting there saying win me win me win me I'll keep track of your time I can see it alright here it is this is gonna be the one she wins this is she [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] not only you flung into the [Music] [Music] these dogs have little holes oh did you rake these off the back yes oh she's got that one oh can you rake it over to the left she might better bring this one over with the uh maybe they'll go further back a little further the bet oh yeah I think you're gonna be a break that cuz it turns but you might better get those off the wall you might be able to yeah just do like I was doing they go they go Oh collapsing it's all collapsing come forward come forward come forward no come no come for Holly forward okay right this woman right this one here one second one second all right do that again but try to knock those off that back that up there and you yes we'll start over here and then rake over to the left and it should knock yes I'll go all the way over and go all way to the back I'm teaching Chris all the ways of raking yeah keep donors keep your net okay I don't know I don't know maybe like no no you can do it oh okay actually you're doing good keep on keep on keep on keep on keep on oh yeah 13 seconds you have 13 seconds I think you can actually Yelp maybe try to win that poll like I do that one time yeah cuz they might knock those in you have three seconds three seconds all right maybe you should need this poll knock those other ones in Oh what in the world never even close that is fishy that suspect right there we're doing them a favor right they should be paying us Oh oh yes you might go to make that one in let's see oh yes come on oh it's not quite strong enough darn it maybe if you like make it go crazy and like um swing it yeah I guess you can't get it you got another off the wall alright so you're at seven seconds five seconds four seconds three seconds two seconds you ain't gonna have no more time yeah it's oh maybe it doesn't even close but you don't really need it too close to win that's a good thing you don't actually need it too close to win but yeah I think if you make it go crazy that guy was doing over there you might better get these up here to fall and those might tumble in maybe but see it's just cuz the plush are too high that actually won't it won't actually go crazy like it was earlier you can do it like that [Music] okay oh you're gonna win one [Music] let's go - hi oh [Music] behind the wall [Music] [Music] [Music] so if you learned anything from this video you gotta fill up the claw machine don't clean out the claw machine fill up the claw machine yes if we got four of the seals three bees wound up we got the hello kitty and then we got two of these dogs that have the buttholes look at that why in the world that is so weird every time we see a bush that has that I just think it's so hilarious so which prize is your favorite my favorite even though they were the hardest to win those were like the most fun for me because it was like come on everywhere yeah guys make sure you let us know which one of these is your favorite prize thanks for watching
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 465,457
Rating: 4.8510318 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, ptw arcade, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, ptw, claw machine, claw machine wins
Id: Bdirz5i5DZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2019
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