She makes this difficult!

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good morning everybody first let's look at crystal shirt she just got this shirt the other day so if you don't know who this is crystal tell us who it is crystal reminds me of oh good I think her name is held up the pataki yeah some of that yes this version is actually a little bit different than real cartoon because look at their eyeballs their eyeball should have been that big in the original cartoon because I've been awesome so we're gonna start off with the advent calendar today because we didn't do it yesterday so today's the 18th yeah let's see what I have to show you my shirt yeah alright so we're gonna be donating some of our toys out of our prize room so this room right right over here guys we're gonna we're gonna maybe I'll straighten something up in there probably not gonna happen okay this is going here right now you guys can see the mess as it is who cares right so we've been needing to donate stuff in here so this really it you might I think it's a challenge but the challenge about this is everything that we have right now has some kind of meaning to it most of it anyway most of them yeah like for example I can just pick one out like say this one so this would actually one off-trail it was one of our first wins and it's straight from Japan so this won't be here that got a lot of Japan section um this one right here remember we won this it took forever to win the whole set although I'm not really attached to this I think crystal is probably attached to this I think the challenge is more for crystal because crystal really gets attached to these like like for example I want to donate let's say this Dory do you care look at this look at this it's just a dory okay then grab another one what about this one I think we got this at round one what a lot really all right cool so if crystal is not like super attached to it we can get rid of it really easy Oh what about this one oh my gosh guys we're gonna go through like all these because we um we need to clear out this room because next year we've been itching it over and over we're going on the world tour and so yeah I'm pretty sure this room is gonna be super stuff because after we get back from Japan I can just see like from there to there just that's how many prizes we're gonna get from there so I'm never gonna win a lot in Japan like a lot of this is from Japan last time like this right here he's from Japan last time yeah no he's actually a Pikachu and then we have this we have this what shirt where's the shirt so yeah we have a shark over there we got that from round one right there's two shops you can get rid of one of them do you want to keep both of them okay okay well donate one of those good good making some progress yeah so once we get some bags you see some bags first because it's gonna be a little while Oh what was it oh man we had so many of these when we came back we had like six or seven they were so easy to win of course is gonna win us yeah so some of these I'm not gonna give away just because we're like we have some something attached to it yeah so no we can't give away because you know they're gifts you can't really give gifts away this stuff right here we're probably donate a lot of these small ones me we keep these because we do like claw machines Saturday and stuff like that but we're gonna be changing how we do that so a lot of these are actually gonna go away Oh is there anything else that we can like know for a fact that we're giving away um this this thing right here we're donating that for sure definitely gonna donate that because it's huge and it's take up too much space so I st. crystal in here to make a pile of crystal approved stuff this right here is Chris will approved it actually is very big like I'm surprised some of the stuff is even in here like like what do we have in here is anything in here good that I want no not really you can tell what's in here versus what crystal likes because like mr. meeseeks that's something that's really cool and like the Morty and the John Cena and the Star Wars oh my gosh I don't know if this is angel approved I don't know if this is all Angel approved but whatever I'm okay with it what is this over here oh this is a don't touch that toto so this is keeps all right so you're still going to this one some of this right why what do I gotta watch you for work okay look I know we don't have any attachment to this see I can help you Chris this is a gift we can't get this away yeah definitely not can't get that away so that goes into the keeps over here oh they can't get this away I know we can't get this way yeah I know and it was a gift so you actually can't give it away let's see what is something else could we get this away yeah I knew you won't want to give them away look at the keeps tow it's almost full okay how about how about this how about this I got a deal a deal so this is a good way for us to figure out what we can keep him what we you can't how about we both get to totes and that's all we can keep yeah yeah I don't think I'll take it out but two toasts oh you know I just started out you know III didn't tell you guys but I recently bought some space saver bags off Amazon because when we travel we're gonna be like vacuum sealing because we had some some experience in the past where it didn't work out so well and we just got so much stuff how about two totes with vacuum sealed cuz that ends up being like four totes we can always go through that keeps again later oh I know what we should give away this channel your inner Britney Spears [Laughter] that was hilarious oh all right I just need you to do that once like once a year and then that's okay what about these Rilakkuma her father's really come no you like no much whatever you have more than one oh my gosh I'm just gonna leave you in here I think oh here's one I know we can't give away we can't give it away Bilbo yeah so I'm pretty sure a lot of this right here is the cute section yeah because I remember we put everything in this corner because you wanted to keep it because like this will be here like Japan corner what is it oh do you remember that video we did a video I was really early on our main channel we it was called like winning me okay we have two of those so you're gonna give one away okay so yeah because there's morning two keeps alright so yeah so most of this is gonna be Krystal going through this all these prizes because she wants to keep every single thing act this is a huge pile like I'm super surprised that she wants to get rid of all this like I am like I'm very very surprised maybe maybe we should keep like the Pokemon stuff because pokemons like a really big thing keep the Pokemon stuff and do I could giveaway for the channel like for this channel because Pokemon people love Pokemon and we're not really huge big fans of it wanna focus on it cuz it's that ugly can we give this away can we give this away can we give this away what it depends oh my god you are so funny that's not funny at all good is huge pile this was really really tough guys like I'm still undecided about that well I'm thinking I'm gonna donate yeah he was just keeping on his stuff no problem but you wanted to donate all my keep it all my stuff yeah you were lying by like your hat we found that fat in here the Christmas hat so we actually did clear out quite a bit I mean that's yeah that will be later though way over there yeah if you let me come over here and see you guys can see it is super huge the super big one pile yeah now we need to get bagged up what we can bag up yes it was really tough donating we're still not done I still think we need to go over because we got like a lot of peeps yeah I think we have to review those because it's a lot of stuff like I'm surprised Chris don't give me any fuss about this I mean I didn't surprising this really links Nick she didn't even care like I just stood over here and I say what about that she's like yeah I remember the ladder class there's no need to like transfer this all to living room put in bags I'm not looking forward to that I can that's a weird little method you have going on there yeah super cute oh my gosh so we actually have these bags right here going oh oh wow angel hey maybe bowling oh goodness I made a big hole in that bag oh we're gonna have to still keep on packing them up because we have all this I don't know if we're gonna have enough garbage bag no way alright so we got the six bags that were guaranteed to donate so we got one two three four five six I think there's one cousin back there so I think there's six and then we had the snake so these were definitely getting rid of but now it's to the hard part this is the part that crystals gonna hate the most because these are all the ones that we put keeps but now we're gonna go over the keebz and find out what we're not gonna keep and this is really hard because every time I pick something up crystals like what are you turning into the devil you don't want to keep anything yeah so we actually have two of those though we have a purple one oh my gosh guys we're not gonna get anywhere I can guarantee that so like some stuff I know she's gonna keep like the snakes I'm pretty sure she's gonna keep those but then there's like some items I'm like are you really gonna keep like that why do you want to keep that why are you attached to it it is cute but we did keep one of these like we're donating this one because we kept one when we went to Branson Missouri oh my gosh guys we're not gonna get rid of anything I keep saying this over and over cuz not gonna get rid of anything but like a lotta stuff I think we should give away like look at this look at that donate we got two of them like I'm not even really attached to that I actually don't know why she kept those is there a reason why you kept the bat bat means both of them do exactly the same thing oh man this is so hard okay so I'm have to like do some hard work here to convince crystal why we don't need stuff so hopefully like this much over can end up being like donated and keep just like a little bit because I don't want too much to be in the room because we need room in there Chris we have two of those do we keep both of them this is really so difficult we are finally finished took forever but yeah we got all the ones that were on the ground stuffed into the bags I will say crystal did like let go more than I thought she would she doesn't want to look at her she's really mad but yeah we got this already no we're gonna split that into the car in a second the room over here is super empty now go so this is all we have left now we have one two three four five six seven and that one none that I think is halfway empty I was about seven and a half totes worth of plush it's not many actually yeah I put it over there because yeah so yeah that's like we got rid of a lot we really everyone now this whole wall but here is ready ready for me to work and I'm pregnant you that in next couple of days I can paint it and do not paint the wall but paint the wood yeah so now we're actually gonna do what it says it there you guys subscribe but now we're gonna keep gonna head out somewhere and donate them all um I don't know where we're gonna do them just yet sound off the warehouse that we usually donate is open to open today but if it is that's what we're gonna donate them if not we're gonna go to like a lot of different public sees and Walmart's and just fill up their little bitty little boxes and we're gonna go store to store but I doubt that's gonna happen I think we're just gonna go to the warehouse lucky for us that warehouse is open in our car is super stuffed what's a whole bunch of toys in here like super stuffed guys we're actually highly one of the bags at home because it would not fit in dolls gonna try to sit it on my lap and I was like no way I'm not gonna work so we're probably gonna end up dumping those I get the public's like angel had mentioned whatnot dump them love throw them in there yes don't eat this bag but there's still a few little bags over there oh it's a loose Bush we completed the challenge so the challenge me was about donating them is more about you know convincing ourselves to donate yeah yeah we started that bag that we're gonna dump at Publix [Music] yeah oh I could do that but that's why we went there I don't know if you noticed but the box was like overflowing you hit a cart beside beside it's stuffed with toys because like so close to Christmas but yeah we're gonna wrap this video up here guys so I can go ahead and edit it so you guys can watch it really fast well yeah so we'll see you guys tomorrow what are we gonna do tomorrow Chris I'm gonna find out tomorrow thanks for watching guys
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 1,344,244
Rating: 4.8029289 out of 5
Keywords: plush time vlogs, plush time wins vlogs, plush time, vlogs, couple, vloggers, couple vloggers, vlogmas, vlogmas 2018, vlogmas day 18
Id: SoQWCqzvwkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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