Exploring Mariner's Arcade in Wildwood, New Jersey!

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hey guys today we're on the Wildwood boardwalk and we're at Mariners arcade first thing you see when you walk in here is claw machines and crystal is instantly attracted to the baby beanie piece they look like baby beanie boos anyway there's just a smaller version of the beanie boos so if you put a dollar in you get three plays so it says right there are you gonna do five dollars for 15 plays so which one are you gonna go for it gives you 15 seconds of outside which is plenty of time I think it's really hard to line up though because you can't you can't actually check the side I can't see your time you three seconds the kids times up she's going for the owl come on hold onto the app Todd's it flipped out it's hard to tell if it was um like raised like let go or not the Owls are very like weird to go forward because they're like just two balls together so it looks like almost a fish in this one it's like the rainbow fish and then as our unicorn in the back what's ready going forward this cat one of these cats down here I don't think you can actually track these out in this one oh no two for one nope nothing there Chris oh there's a cow back here a cow do you see it back there on the show it's a cow holy cow that's a good joke angel pat myself on the back it can't reach that far you have two seconds Kristen time's up come on come get that wing wait oh yeah I'm tracking on that one no she never try that again you don't want toads it's got a ball head like you oh yeah she doesn't want Pikachu I know she won't want to play that what's troll you go choose wisely you're going with this one why this one good idea than see she chose wisely I'm like why did you choose that you know that's the one over there that sort of is the only one that has the Justin Timberlake control yeah she's the mean one from the movie just interpolate plays him so she's actually going for this this pump one right here looking a blueberry jinx Vince poke give me a coke how many cokes do you owe me by now I did not owe you any times up she did you know three plays right three place like dog oh that was good no oh my gosh that blueberry went splat fell back down do you know what you should probably do do you think you should go for the skinny one because you don't have to lighter than they'll beat you to win it might be too thin it's not my fault if you don't win I'm saying that now it's not my fault you don't win it's my father if you do win though my fault I said it I said which one you don't remember the one with no face she's remember that one right there oh I said the one with the black hair is only in here yes he's only here but he has a head sorry there's like a yeah that's okay oh okay I don't know yeah yeah try saying that five times energetic put a coin in it does little spin back wall and if I guess the question market spins them all believe you got 250 figures that was so awful I'm done playing for now you guys know crystal loves monster drop and here it's only one quarter per ball that is super cheap she's known for a jackpot of course he's got 251 tickets on your first ball what watch how did you do that mr. bean get another jackpot back-to-back oh she can't get it back to back but that's okay her next one's gonna be monster jackpot it's 1075 for the monster jackpot I think we use all your luck for the first wood [Applause] 25 not the worst Oh 25 yeah you got 25 that's actually pretty good considering Oh mr. eval you won't have much missing value it's gonna be 16 that's pretty good okay he comes it check what oh you can't actually drop it I guess when it's doing the mystery value sometimes it can sometimes you can't all right here it is jackpot Jack oh I wonder if the jackpot reset because there's another monster jackpot here or monster drop sorry there's another monster drop here that only has a jackpot of 107 so maybe this particularly one a lot of people play it and just miss it is a 500 that was actually last fall she got a 5 but hey you did get that Jack yeah I reset it to 100 but you got the jackpot 250 here's another 10,000 I don't think it's gonna happen I want to play this one because it's will a fortune yeah and I think what you have to do then place it forever is get the coin to go down the hit percentages red light yes the low round I'm going everywhere what it has to go yeah 500 tickets oh man that was bad tiny what in the world are they being mean boo boo the bad thing is I have to do it three times so in the e keep going evil keep going oh my gosh I don't know that one just landed on here what do you have you just landed on there dad does you just lean it on there you get to snap on the wheel spin notice' good that was so cool and I can't believe you got a hundred is going crazy oh alright again okay go close this is your last border okay baby and get it tickets there are just so many coin pushers here they really like their coin pushers but this one we want to play because we never really play ticket circus like ever none of the arcades around us have it and then when we do find it we just don't later so crystal put five bucks in I should give her 75 tokens she wants to get better hundreds over oh and a fifty as well definitely yeah when you get the star over you get a spin up here I believe right I forgot how this game works oh you got one to fall as a fine you got five tickets yeah the tickets actually come out up here so she got five oh you're gonna hit me I'm pretty sure I got it with the camera oh let's go pick up look I got your spin oh not quite a spin oh I know what happened I forget I just now remembered so every time you drop one of those it does like a spin up here I believe depending on how much of the value is right I think so yeah you Nick it's a hundred to fall man that having the tickets come out right beside your head is actually really cool we might even do a video just playing this is how many tickets we can get because the last time you played this it was something like two tickets went to our car and it's not a spoiler two tickets go to your card if you have two tickets right beside your head going the whole time that's super exciting NECA see it's not doing a spin over there oh no you down to 45 hey you're gonna get these you're gonna get these right here to fall for sure yeah there's about to fall [Music] so like the cool thing about this point push-up versus like the card ones is you don't have to collect anything so you guys you don't get a huge jackpot but if you get these it's roof it's only fun you don't the worry about keeping track of more arm cards hundred is right there you sure you can get with 34 all right she thinks she can get it with only 24 or 30 for tokens left is right there on the edge you need that tender fall dish [Music] I don't know now I don't know if you're gonna get it now yeah when I said you're not gonna get it you got it alright let's eat come on stop right there it has to stop right oh I didn't stop so this right here that's what's up yeah right there in that area and this show won a 240 bonus tickets so it goes around based on what number you get him I'm correct so if you get like that in the fall I think your win let's see there's like one two three four five six seven no I think you need like 20 no don't get the fifty don't put this 15 no now it's gonna spin around you watch watch it's gonna mention more oh man so now you need like yeah you need these over here get these over here to fall I try to get like this bunch right here it's kind of like your game you have to keep track you have 50 tokens happy to get are you do you get tokens when those fall over I don't remember oh my gosh yes it actually says it right there every time the light goes around you get 10 bonus oh so that look it says right here how many tickets and O's you it owes you like over 270 285 oh it's counting all your fives and cans and all the ones that fell over earlier so you have 57 tokens right now oh my gosh oh this story's about to fall alright spend another spin isn't gonna be enough oh you need like a 5 you need get a 5 right here there's my foot again if you're gonna find you might gonna get another bonus Wow for 5 bucks we're gonna turn the faction you want 1 5 this is gonna drop too much I don't know I think you only want one I go for Chitra I think you want to just get one of the 5 to fall because if you get too many fives owner usually 1 5 the ball just 1 5 this is a game of skill alright see no I should either do one so all we need is one time I think and it should be a the bonus nudists no you barely miss my one right but the one 5 it would have counted but it was just too much and every time it goes around like the lights are ads and I like to it so your chances are more likely do you think it give us hundred with the 38 token traveler because there are tens and 20s around it oh my gosh I think you can get that 100 I think you can because it still bringing out the other one see come on yeah I think you can't you can no you can get those fights for sure it's whatever you want to get I'm trying to play for you sorry I'm just so excited like your tickets are still the tickets are still coming out I'm missing everything so how many lights are there around that circle up here I wonder I don't know Oh or these tins you can get all these tins right here oh you only have 13 tokens oh I don't know if you're gonna get you're gonna sign up for someone else where you gonna set it up for another video on this baby oh you have so many tickets though I don't even know how many you have down there cuz you got a 250 then you got a hundred a 50 once you got some twenties you got some tins you got a ton oh you got a fine so it moves five lights can you get these tins apart oh I see oh you don't have three left that's right that makes sense one come on that should be enough to do anything but it will give you ten more tickets let me simply take a trip over here Wow look how many people there are oh my gosh oh yeah plague a nose like a warm-up game you did awesome it's only possible for those hundreds [Music] no way okay man I think it is risking it more the angel yeah do it you'll do it super strong that was the first ball [Music] [Music] let's see how lucky of a streak crystal can have so with this game all you gotta do is put a quarter and of course and she's gonna flip the coin she has to guess is it gonna be heads or tails it was tails and our love was up here alright so you have to do it seven times in a row who actually is right there no doctor put another quarter in yeah you keep playing the same game not to put a quarter in so now you have another game alright so you can either collect your tickets right now or you can try to flip it again alright heads or tails alright let's see oh you said it was always tails to Chris oh man so I think we got like one ticket or something so now you got to try again so you're gonna put a coin in so is it gonna be heads or tails alright so go with heads oh it might not take your coin did you check in on check down there maybe it spit your coin out oh yeah it actually did I thought I heard it go down there alright so head to toe shoes head heads all right overhead I don't know why you don't listen to yourself it actually says you won oh it says you better right yeah yeah but you did that's so weird heads or tails [Music] yes it can but it could be heads yeah oh it is didn't count is aware how it just vibrated yes you want your third level okay it could have details again could occurs alright she's going for it so if you collect it you went 80 tickets I say risk it I say risky go for them again [Laughter] one more Chris and I believe you win the bonus I say yes tails again so did you win the bonus it says you want it wait no she's right no hey no right now you got three twenty if you go one more time you will win five hundred tickets but you had three twenty now Deal or No Deal this is No Deal no no this is No Deal this is deal but this is actually deal would you think about it tails again going all-in guys later on that Nick counted oh no it actually said it wasn't so guess how much you want absolutely nothing cuz you got two tickets for playing twice go again go again no you're going again so what you could do is actually go to seven levels and get the thousand so the first trip to get is five hundred all right heads or tails Chris all right one more time go ahead man oh yeah cleaner to get back to so we're done playing for the day but we did want to show the prized area this is only like one prized wall there's like a ton of different prices here there's more prizes over there behind like the actual register but I don't want to show people on camera you know so this is what we're looking at right now look at all the Legos up there all that if there's just different Lego sets then there's board games there's Hot Wheels there's nerf guns there's board games over here two more over there all kinds of stuff just on this wall alone there's some smaller things down here some candy over here there are actually pokemon cards you can get like booster boxes with your tickets what in the world look at it's only 62,000 for a league trainer box and then they have like the booster sets right there and all that kind of stuff I don't I think about Pokemon but yeah you can still get it I still think that's crazy and one thing that we figured out was each one of the tickets if I could show it like right here you can see each one of the tickets is worth 10 points oh I have it upside down but is 10 points so like the prices from some of the things what kind of expensive but just divided by 10 pretty much and then you have the cost of it so for example there was something that crystal and earlier what was it I don't remember what it was but let's just say for example this Hot Wheels set it's like 36,000 it only be 3,600 its we actually ended up with 18,000 points so I guess 1,800 tickets so I'm not sure what Chris is gonna get there's pie something off the other wall because like the other wall has some other stuff that Krystal really likes looks like stuffed animals and stuff of that nature so I'm gonna show that wall in a second we're gonna find out what crystal wants I think something I want to get in the future though this nerf gun right here it's some kind of like nerf gun some other time [Music] yeah Wow but what I really want is right I have to get an are well on hand you look cool I have to get back all right guys we're gonna do there crystal got her little sequin unicorns it's like magic if you've ever seen like a sequined pillow and only just colors you know like red and then silver or something this one she has a picture on it which is really cool I just gotta say that probably is the best side go to the other side go fast or like the other image that sides not that great that's actually not that great the other ones better but yeah we're gonna wrap it up here guys we had a great time we're probably gonna be back here in the future I'm pretty sure I have to get that gun I was talking about a nerf guns it would be cool alright guys thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 678,629
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcade, arcade video, mariner's, mariner's arcade, wildwood new jersey, new jersey arcade, wildwood arcade, arcade videos, arcade games, arcade game, plush time wins, plush time wins new jersey, jersey shore, boardwalk, new jersey boardwalk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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