Won from the hardest carnival game!

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- [Angel] Hey guys, we're back at the Strawberry Festival and we're going to play some carnival games. Up first, is Milk Jug Toss. Aw man, Crystal has three balls. Oh, you almost made that one. Come on. Oh, see if you would of gone a little harder you would of got that. All right, now it's Crystal's sister's turn. See, just like that, see? She almost got it in the first one. Oh, she almost had it. Yes! See, did you watch her Alma? That's how you have to do it. So do the same thing, you want to throw it underhand. She has three balls as well, a little harder, a little bit to the right! Aww! - [Crystal] Now it's Angel's turn and I have the faith, the faith, the faith! Okay not quite, that one went on the rim. Second one, oh my gosh! Come on, last ball Angel! got to do it! Oh my god! That was so close! - That was so close! - [Angel] Now we're playing Ring a Bottle! They each have a whole bucket, so they have three buckets. Alma's already going. So this game is all about luck, let's just hope somebody gets lucky here. Come on! I just want to see anyone, I don't care which one of you guys win, I want one of you to win. - [Crystal] I know me too. - [Angel] I wonder how often somebody actually wins. I think it's impossible. - [Crystal] I do too! - [Angel] I don't even know whose I'm trying to keep track of, it's like anybody on this side. If one of them stays it's cause one of us won. So what if you get it on the brown bottles, is it worth more? - [Crystal] I don't think so! - [Angel] Oh okay, I guess if you land on any of 'em, you get one of the big prizes like a Scooby Doo, a pony, a koala, so we're just hoping that someone can land on one. We've never won this still. How much do you have? Crystal's down to half a bucket! - [Crystal] I know and no luck! - [Angel] That means your sister's probably about down to half a bucket. - [Crystal] Izzy's almost finished her bucket. - Wow she's just throwing as fast as possible! - [Crystal] I'm trying to make it go high in the air. - [Angel] Oh Alma's out! - [Crystal] Alma's out! - [Angel] And then there were two. - [Crystal] No luck! - [Angel] Is Isabel out too? Oh she has three left. Crystal still has about 10 left. I don't think we're ever going to win on this. Oh someone just bounced it off the board, was that you cris? - [Crystal] No. - [Angel] Oh it was your sister? - [Crystal] Yeah - [Angel] Come on Cris, you have five left. Man, this is a waste of a game, clearly. - [Crystal] Two rings left, that's it! - Last two rings, make it a win, one more? No, no win. Next up is rope ladder, we each have two tries to get this. Up first, is Isabel, I know she can get this. I hope she can get it anyway. There she goes, she's got it! Whoa, whoa, whoa, she's got it, she's got it! This ain't no problem! Wow she's actually much higher than I thought she would get! No don't, don't tilt, don't! No (laughs)! Second go, she's going to get it, I hope so. So I think she made it up to the fifth one with her foot last time, and then it got really hard. Oh whoa, she's getting wobbly, nope, aw, man! Now it's Crystal's turn, let's see if Crystal can do better than her sister. She should do better if she's practiced. All right, so she's made it to the third one, she's doing the balancing, she's doing the balancing, she's got it. Oh my gosh, she's really close. You got it Crys, you got it! No! Timber! It's her second try, can she get higher than the first try? Just take your time Cris, you can do this! Just take your time, make sure you balance. Yeah, there you go, alternate it, you got it, you got it. Oh, oh no, come on, no come on, come on! Oh! - [Crystal] Now Alma's up, it's her first time! Oh my gosh, that ladder is so wobbly. - She's doing it she's doing it! - [Crystal] Come on Alma! You're so close! - [Angel] No, no, no! (laughs) - [Crystal] It was pretty close, but once you get to that fourth bar where her hands are, once your feet are on there, it starts getting extremely wobbly. - [Angel] I have faith in Alma, she's got it, she's got it. Just balance it out! - [Crystal] She's about to be a goner, she's about to be a goner. - Don't jinx her! No! - (yells) Goner! - [Crystal] Now it's Angel's turn! I have faith that he can do this, I really think he can. Come on Angel, he's getting closer! All you have to do is push that buzzer. Push that buzzer, push the bell! (buzzer buzzes) - [Crystal] (cheers) oh my god, you got it Angel! - I got it finally! - [Crystal] This is Angel's second try just for fun. Angel, I can't believe you got it! Woo! Come on Angel! I think he can make the buzzer again! Can he? (cheers) He got it again, oh my gosh, he's crazy! Look at this win! Oh my gosh, it's humongous! - Yeah I just went fishin', caught me a pretty big one! - [Crystal] You did (laughs)! - [Angel] Now they're playing ski ball, it's Crystal, Isabel, Alma. All right, we got a 10, 20, and a 10. Oh she got a 40, your sister got a 40! Oh she got a 30! Oh so Isabel has the highest score right now at 90. She's at 110, okay so the first game, Isabel has 130, Crystal had 70, and Alma had 90. - I did the worst! - [Angel] So crystal did the worst, the one that should have most experience did the worst. And Isabel did the best, but they have to get a score of 180 to win. Here they go for a second game. A 40, let's see... Oh a 40, oh Crystal's at 80! Oh look, Crystal's talking junk and now she's missing 'em. - [Both] (laughs) - [Angel] Oh, oh, she got a 40! Wait, did Alma finish at 60? Oh man, I'll act like I didn't see that (laughs). So Isabel got another 130, Crystal got another 110, so that time, Alma was the worst. Last game, you guys have to get it, come on! Oh a 40! (grunts) oh a redo, redo, Cris! Oh man, so they're both tied at 50, (laughs) Alma got 70, sorry Alma that's funny! Okay Crystal cannot get it... Oh man, Isabel got 80, this is her last ball. Oh man, that's the highest score out of all three though, 150! - [Crystal] Let's see if Angel an win us another one! I hope he can, look at him moving! Come on Angel! All right, let's see if he can make it, he has to ring the bell twice. Let's see, oh I don't know, he's really close! Oh it's really wobbly! Oh my gosh, whoa, whoa, (cheers) Good job! Shake it, shake it Spongebob shake it. Shake that booty, Squarepants! - I got it! - [Crystal] Oh my gosh I love it! - I kinda wanted the dancing hamster from the commercials. - [Crystal] The Kia, the Kia doll. - We'll take this one instead. - [Crystal] Now we're going to play Break a Plate! Izzy has two balls and she has to break two plates and it's going to be super loud (laughs). So go ahead Izzy, good luck! I hope she can do it. I don't think you have to actually hit it like throw it really hard, just aiming it. Izzy doesn't know what to do. (laughs) that was close. Ah, she missed! All right, now it's Angel's turn, let's see what he can do. Oh man, that was close (laughs) - That's terrible. - Come on Angel! You can do it! Let's see if he's going to get it! Oh man, try it again Angel! Yeah! That was the last ball though. - Of course on the last one! Now we're going to win from Bottle Up, come on Cris, let's see if you can get it! I'm pretty sure Crystal can get it, she's been practicing for a while. All right, all she has to do is lean in now, lean it in. Oh there it is (laughs)! (chants winner) - [Crystal] Now it's Angel's turn! Oh no, he didn't get it! Poor Angel, second try, he can do it! Angel can't do it, no, what was that! - [Angel] Crystal's playing Big Mouth, she has to make three in a row in the mouth. Okay, so she didn't make one so, she can't get choice if she makes these last two. Oh man, you can make one Cris! - [Crystal] I hope! - [Angel] Yay! She got one! All right so now she has three more that she has to get three in a row. Oh man! That was really close. - I only have three balls left. - [Angel] Uh oh. No, it bounced out! They're just bouncing right out! Last ball, come on, No! Gold Fishing Time! We still have some from last time, so that's why we had to come play. We have some of the cards, I think we have five of them right? So you need to get four today, nope that's not how you do it. - [Crystal] I know. - [Angel] Oh man, it jumped right into the fish one. Oh, that was really close, so she has a whole basket again. Oh, where's that one going? Aw, didn't make it! Try going for that six, see if you can hit the six. Oh, don't go for the six, don't go for the six. Aw man, they're all bouncing out. No, that one almost went in! Come on, come on, you got to get four and we have only half a basket. - [Crystal] Yeah, not looking good. - [Angel] Oh, that one came back to you. Come on, come on, I don't think you're going to make any this time! Last we were here you made a lot, this time you're not making any! She has 15 left, I think. So you have to have a 25% win ratio and I don't think it's going to happen. Maybe today's just not our day (laughs). Okay where's that one going, where's it going? Aw, it almost went in (laughs). - [Kid] I got one! - [Angel] Wow, you have 10 left. They're not dwindling, you're just throwing them and missing. See that one bounced in one and then bounced right out. So you have six left I think, make every single one. Is that going to... Yay, she made a yellow one! Awesome, now you only need three more. - [Crystal] Aw man, it's going to be hard. I needa get that middle thing. - [Angel] It's funny when someone makes one they're all like, "I made one! I made one!" (laughs) you have four left, make them count! Nope, that one didn't count. Three left. Come on, come on. No, two left! Yes! She got a yellow one! - [Crystal] I got a yellow one! - [Angel] Oh she just knocked it out! Did you see that? (laughs) - [Crystal] My yellow one! - [Angel] No he saw it, he saw it (laughs). - [Crystal] Yeah, it was there! - Which one? I don't see it! I don't know what you're talking about, there's a blue one. - [Angel] That was so lucky that it hit it and bounced it right out! You have one more ball left right? Aw man, if you make this one you need one more! - [Crystal] He only needs two balls. Oh my gosh whoa! I wish you would make it into that middle six one. That would be extremely amazing (laughs). He wasted a ball guys. He has a whole basket of them so hopefully he can get two. I got two with my whole basket of balls. Oh man! He's not having any luck guys, but that's okay because that's how it started off with me. (laughs) Two at one time, oh my gosh that was really close! I thought he was going to have one there. Nope (laughs) two at one time? Aw, that two at one time's not really working for you. - [Angel] Three at one time. - [Crystal] Oh, three at one time guys. Oh he made one! Blue, blue, he made one! We got a blue one! Awesome, okay, so now we just need one more guys. - [Angel] So three at once is what you do. - [Crystal] Three at once okay, do it. Oh my gosh, I thought he was going to get one. - [Angel] im going to go back to one. - [Crystal] He's going back to one ball each. Nope, that one was a goner, whoa! Oh yes, yes, he got it, yellow! - So now we have enough to get the snake thing. - [Crystal] Yeah we're going to get the cobra! I'm super excited (cheers)! Oh he made another one! Yes, awesome job Angel, this is Angel's game today! - Today it is, Bottle Up isn't but this is! - [Crystal] Yeah bottle up was not his game today that's for sure (cheers) awesome! Make another one, Angel go for that six. - [Angel] I'm trying! - [Crystal] I want him to go for the middle one. Aw man. (laughs) they keep falling smack in the middle. That one hit the rim, that one hit the rim Angel! - [Crystal] Aw man, two balls left! All right last ball, will it be the lucky one? (laughs) that was a bad one. Angel's going to play climb the ladder but this one looks really hard. This ladder is a lot shorter but it's really wide so I don't know if he can get this one. He has to double tap the bell. Oh my gosh, you did, you got it! (laughs) wow! - That was nice right? - [Angel] So it's time to go over all the prizes that we won today! - We got some awesome prizes! - [Angel] Yes we did, I think we showed all of them on camera except for three of them, one being that snake. - Yes (snake sounds)! - [Angel] We traded in our tickets from Gold Fish in for the snake! Crystal has her snake now. - Yes, that was a team effort and I love it! It's super cool! - [Angel] That is probably the coolest prize in my opinion. - Yeah. - [Angel] Anyway, next prize, the next one is the pug. She got that on Big Mouth, which was the game you throw the balls into the mouth. It was just a consolation prize because she didn't actually win the game they're just like, hey you can this but it is a really good one right? And then I got the kiwi, I didn't show me getting the kiwi on the third Ladder Climb, but I did get that from that Ladder Climb. - Angel, you conquered all three Ladder Climbs. I know, it was very satisfying, but it's like I traded in my skills from Bottle Up to Ladder Climb because I couldn't win on Bottle Up! - I know what is that about? - [Angel] And I was a little upset that I didn't win on Milk Jug Toss. None of us could, me, you, or your sisters couldn't win on that. - That was a hard one. - [Angel] I know, I'm going to have to get better on that one. Oh Crystal got this on Bottle Up. I don't know if we ever showed it or not but yeah she got that on Bottle Up, I didn't get anything of course because I'm really bad at it. That is a really big dolphin. - It is the big one. - [Angel] It goes way past Crystal. Crystal, move over to the side. Look how big that is, that thing is probably tall as you, if not a little bit taller than you if it was standing on it's tail - Yeah it is massive. - [Angel] So which one's your favorite out of all these? - I don't know im going to have to go with the Spongebob! (chants) - I'm ready, I should've said, "I'm ready to win again, I'm ready to win again." My favorite I'm going to go with the snake. You guys have to let us know though, which one you think is the best. Thanks for watching everyone! - Bye!
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 7,131,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carnival games, carnival game, hardest carnival game, ladder climb, ladder climb carnival game, plush time wins, plush time wins carnival video, carnival video, carnival videos, how to win at the carnival, huge carnival wins, huge carnival prizes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 23 2018
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