£20 Arcade Claw Machine Challenge!

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hey guys today we're at the Blackpool Tower arcade and we're going to be doing a little challenge a twenty-pound challenge we are 20 pound and it's not weight records with money we have 20 pounds to kind of win it mini prime that you can but only from the crawl machine so I figured r10 how many think you're going I hope we can win one two well I don't think we're gonna win anything make sure you leave a comment in the comment section of how many prizes you think we're gonna win let's go get started I have my 10 pounds Chris will enter 10 pounds let's get started so on this machine you get four plays for one pound so that's pretty cool oh you know stuff that is no I don't recall patrol about when it is so that one's ruined I can't it doesn't matter if it's ready to pay out a trade the pay off these claw machines are only up and across guys so she's going go back one and two the right one yeah oh man that was pretty bad so that one right there I believe is the main character then I think the Dalmatian is a second like supporting character let's look at the dog I think that dog's name is I might be gonna get cuz I guess it all oh hey maybe two one maybe your two and one there isn't a last play though so they're not like less than twenty quality R so we can actually play every single call one and then come back and play like five more seconds or a 15-foot high wall three pounds imma go for the s Columbia because I adore playing in the back of the crown no ammo for this for the whole board the whole barn and it's still a big at our door yeah just a little bit longer I might begin yes that's what happened to me Zoe there's about three more if I'm holding the banana or Shepherd banana one you know the other one I'm thinking pop but never in love exciting ball no next up are these its freshened look okay plush expression block or whatever so the hell what is that expression Chris Knight anole that's the one Chris always gives me cuz when I hear like I'm so excited when me when me and then this was like leave me alone get out of here you're not gonna win me oh hey look if it falls broken you see there as I go it soaks me off maybe if you snagging and you stab the plush me will get stuck inside of it come on seven to it I don't know if that's good though I think but yeah I don't know one more place but this one is for for one as well go for the scaredy-cat one I want to back up out of your way yeah oh I think she's making that face because she just missed oh come on come on grab the tag get this man funny minion my Gotham anymore yeah she's lucky so it's like it was a paw patrol minions block minions okay okay he'll bring me jailbird good has a cute little bear yeah that's a harder in the colonists which were always summer go for the words in the back so I don't his eyes battle-ax minion remind yourself insulted your back what we're talking about rosanell brain minion I don't have like a cap on Vince's like Albert jokes better I look for the bird with everything so maybe that's for working out feel like no you have Nick Dale yeah like um what is the bigger dishes oh damn one micro more talking like waving oh don't say that hey we've got a long way to go this way this is olive oil Chris was up again and this machine gives you ten plays in one town and look at this they have five pound notes on them if you win one you instantly are ahead yeah come on it's so bad yeah you're not gonna win it but wait wait wait wait wait oh my holy fish so this one I don't know that was just oh I'm I'm not paying so you think it's rigged you okay so it's got the same thing here oh well she completely missed it so that was really cool how he did that though because doesn't over there is drop down before you even got anywhere all right this one actually move don't worry Chris you stop several more please [Music] she's going for the monkey look at that that makes you think you're gonna win okay right so maybe smoker this one because it does a little shudder at the top and that's when it let's go so maybe I'll let go and it stopped then come on yes okay but it's still really close to the fried shoes hey well this count is like a 25 pound challenge if you won then pizza 5 books I don't think it what could we keep it come on hold on oh I Drive you know I think look at this is shaking you know you might be able to do if you get one of the alarm in tonight's a rubber band holding on to the 5 book oh yeah let's go man that was pretty bad pretty bad what you still have to work please yeah I know just look at our van it's like choking before animals not mention it's all really really fall funny weather animals hurt in the making of this video I don't know look it's your Kosovo this might be the one you're going to win from three plays left I can't believe you gave me ten plays for one town we're never going to play this one again another pound maybe I right now but two plays left ribs next maybe try for some different I stopped you - giraffe even up on it okay maybe go forget Chris will go for host one what is that a leopard oh is it finally Tim it plays later gallon I am and you got the one that has ten plays I want to get the ones that oh that's good that's good take it to the left sigit for 600 already festivai okay the moment of silence through the black bean provoke suffice being very quiet the line so I want this machine because they have it works setups ever you think you're going to win I know I'll even get me hold for just drop this I know hello blue Twitter ho ho I want you to eat the big deal this I feel oh you're so funny group you you're funny oh there's only a solo there I was eliminating Gerber yeah that's me every time a job no next up is but good dinosaur me yeah it was a really good movie she's going for the Ellen well what's his name he was a critter right pretty right bleep oh I don't know this body didn't pick it up so she said let's get four plays for a pound but she used a tin peak oil another kind of guilt and I want to give her three plays yeah we didn't know come on oh you're adorable oh no but you saying right there they have one more play unfortunately he has a Star Wars next single critter get his critter along get his big head look he's just too thin by the neck am I love her to vodka I don't there's ami makes it was close yes what you're throwing it loses old your role in Joe I don't know how to do it no more than a dinosaur I know how to do the Star Wars of Chewbacca sounds do it right now so everyone asks your house like what are you doing yes before in your house Apollo like what a weirdo are you bleeding during Aleen r2d2 that my last ride check for Chewbacca r2d2 okay I don't do little pesto Chewbacca oh yeah good Oh too bad it doesn't have the popcorn yes give me chocolate chocolate oh what a cheeky bugger just fell right out you think okay so don't for strawberry kids that's a strawberries case you didn't know oh good one sorry sorry no maybe go for the old Apple Blossom thinking yeah that Lizzie right there is very thing you know I don't know yes I've got to say that whatever bothers me I never seen it oh is it hey the Apple has the worm coming at the top we have ever noticed that so this is your last play Chris come on apple blossom oh wow thing you end up still hey wait a minute my food or music my turn attention please Chris if this one doesn't hold up as long as yours did yeah the block pistol blocks me probably a little for this one tonight green one comes with your faculties to sister so close we met some money for the draw a miniature time and hi handsome man doesn't even do the whole thing where it gives it up within shudders yeah wait what I go down it go I'm over it portable okay what do I know you said not to do he take those distance never go oh yeah I'm not gonna do that it was beyond what is that like a tiger if I can run a bluesy brooch okay I guess maybe once upon a time using a purple month have you ever seen a pink unicorn yes you ever seen a unicorn trip now I have blood so it's gonna have him it is decidable a second you know what you're not worthy of that five oh you are not worthy that would not fall I am not worthy of that fine hey that's always going to be where the indictment that word right right we don't worthy but not what way laughing yeah they go by so fast yeah come on if I don't win this okay you do that on the moji in the very nutty right now step with a pig don't think you've ever want to settle besides like okay we have one a pepper I take that back it was a very small enough oh yeah this or says also they want to find that's cool I guess you can't get to heaven with enterprise area hey that's not Peppa Pig Peppa elephant you know it might be ready now since playing down my really drive is fighting how are you gonna risk it what if it didn't go that far back come on no you're not gonna get that one last leg [Music] how'd you think so one month ago big open calm and truly listen sis yeah did you have together to buy the head in the movie the other one I woke up it all over but it make is really funny game I never do this be busy it just kind of look like you doing I therefore do persisted yeah that's you over there socialize boo boo boo boo Wow Griffith calling me out Oh Rupert halfway through Chris and we have that bears are self so sadly it's like you're not going to win me some steam right here come on bear minute entry playboy I'm doing I don't notice that this is just drop straight down in the same spot I never kissed any place you know we did it one really first no oh man you're a doofus one more play Chris make it count at least pick it up go for the blue one okay man if you can't win he looks surprised therefore so 50 come on he did not get that because I was thinking about door surprise everybody yeah I hear vitami long maybe if I go for the whole drama she'll be stronger oh I'm doing it oh oh you have a girl by the head because there's their bodies no Finch the Platinum flows all the way I'm hopefully oh I don't know I'm just gonna try to get it plays always been so so solemn this one so this will be cold Oh announcement because oh this is cool ball super cool we're going oh we've already played everything so you have to play the same once again everyone's trying to get something over here oh come on we're not gonna win it no however you would support or you'll Fidel shenana alright yeah banana that's reading as usual bananas open it little petit-pierre one this feels horrible alright come on come on I don't mean work please open it yell bird alright she's gone for this jailbird minion I hope you can get it come over me Wow oh I'm gonna go for two bucks again you don't want to get that bunch of boxes I only have like one pound left after this so might as well just wait not this one is it wasting if I win it no 4gb shoes what is that was calm again that one in the very back with a bowl over this right here I'm moving I don't know her sir me neither remember in water supper yeah now in school when I was little - my dad used to love Star Wars yeah I am will watch it with him and I was my favorite character Chewbacca come on dude Chewie Chewie Chewie cheers man really wants this little critter both have one pound after this oh I don't think we're losing it we just never had it that's the problem we never had it so I'm sorry - not lining up the paw very well I think you did the fries big head you're gonna want to the body here's a really big head like you and if you were in the claw machine Chris I would pick you up by your big head you work yes I would think it but you're not your big giant head pony for Han yeah I don't even know my gram oh it was better Hills better budget by the head budget come on oh my gosh someone knew I really thought we had that one the sound because that's the first time we actually picked one up from this machine come on little critter it actually has a little critter specializing in the movie no you got it Bailey which is when would you go it's Christmas last one is gonna be the shopkins again I cannot believe you want earlier oh man come on what my laughs I'm gonna be a miracle yeah you're right we haven't seen them besides kids I am so happy for you Chris that is so awesome okay we have two more plays and then I have one pound left I think they're closing their sorry enough all the policies guys are like rushing to get this finished come on come on - won't work like her do you think it should go for each other because big it might be good all right you know this personal cheeky chocolate looks cheaper than mom's from rehearsal you know some brain is like they look higher quality that's gonna cook that's the highest but if we went it's really good Oh oh I know I know you don't run or not care about it so you have to do this my desert critters come on please forget we gotta be ready in Boston my problems video too much probably ready oh come on come on this guy's not all the dirt yeah one more try oh my god dude you are gone all the covers all right this is a lot place oh my god on hope survival survival so Oh wraps up the 20 pound challenge guys I triple got one you know why you won that cuz you had faith in yourself I did not I have faith in myself I said we're not gonna win any and then you go winning one he's won one my ice yeah you won the best one Jew I really wanted with it I guess it would have been quarter when the five-pound no right yeah that would have been awesome so we hope you guys enjoyed this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 1,309,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claw machine, uk claw machine, uk arcade, blackpool, blackpool arcade, arcade challenge, £20 challenge, £20 Arcade Claw Machine Challenge, £20, plush time wins, ptw, united kingdom claw machines, blackpool claw machine, $20 claw machine challenge, $20 challenge
Id: W_pvByXe_TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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