We WON ALL the PRIZES in the machine!

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hey guys check out this cute little adorable my little pet shop thing it is a pet shop right oh my bad okay I don't know anything about these little cute eyeball things but look at this price you probably think an angel why do you have this price we're going to show you why up here look at this game who remembers this it is bounty balls I know I won and I cannot believe that so we're going to do a video just on this because this version this one right here it's not the same when I played last time but this one seems to be in better condition and easier to win so crystals just gonna keep playing try to get as like one of these because you forget the value exactly and there are more black balls in this one so it's kind of hard to record so let me kind of get over here on this angle so she wants to grab those black balls in there I guess I should explain the game to anyone who hasn't seen this game but in this game if you look in the back there are different color circles right here and each one has a value on it black is 100 grey is 50 blue is 30 yellow is 20 and purple is 10 all right Chris you need 20 good 20 oh no you can't get that one darn it you're gonna get 650 keep on keep on keep on oh man so see she passed this 520 but if she would've got it exactly she would've got this 1s it doesn't lol got to yeah so this one was 550 so crystal actually got more points than I did whenever I played what they don't decrease I think they change yeah like if you play again it changes randomly but this is what we really want we want this Disney Mickey bag it's 900 well you have to get the score exactly wash wash the scores they'll change you see they're shuffling and they're all right so Chris one who's 5:30 at minimum come on Chris you got this it's really hard to get a good angle on this so I got to be the one to help her so I don't know what color to go for it after she gets a certain point she's at 230 she's killing it you got this Chris you got this okay she's at 333 90 all right okay so you need a hundred that's up she could have kept going and she might have got to number four but let's not take a chance let's not take a chance you got it so now I cannot believe this I thought the gauge this game was impossible that that's right it's one person playing this you're like oh man I get my head square plus y square possible but see if I the into her to stop she probably would've kept going and not gone and next prize I'm sure someone knows what the name of this character is I have no idea but that is awesome so it says help up here because whenever you dismiss my prize I didn't say it was there oh that's awesome so now crystal do you think we can clean out this machine you go again oops I'll let you know whenever you get close all right so she's at 50 we're gonna be on this angle over here it gives her 30 seconds which is a lot of time oh there's a machine like right here in front of me so I can't really show her grabbing the balls grab the balls crispbread the balls the blacks are definitely the hardest to get she's just got one she's at 290 she's easy at 670 come on Chris you just that time okay home you only need to forty keep going you need 160 you need a hundred thirty or sorry hundred forty can't do math two seconds oh you needed a black and a purple you all the time you said one more time I just think really hurt so hard oh when you play is your I'm hurting it Chris really alright keep going for it keep going if arms not hurt and you keep going alright so now this time she needs 609 690 she can actually try to go for these but there's nothing there keep on Chris she's if you look in here if I can show it about it oh there's their balls in his bunker you got two blacks she got two black she's at over halfway another black GG in the blacks another Greg okay you need to get 100 okay 20 Club oh no keep up you're going just be 800 now 800 80 she won't get a black [Music] what is that oh my gosh you put it exactly you weren't even going for that one you got it how did you do that oh my gosh crystal is gonna do this you see now you don't even need me how much do you think this backpack cost okay okay maybe me maybe maybe not 75-minute maybe maybe say any kind as you know much maybe 75 is a little much but that's at least a $20 back then at least I don't we think about lounge life and whatever she's talking about over here you know we need to do we need to have them restock this machines but before we do that we have to clean it out let's get these two and that's it that's what's in here you have to go game Chris you're on fire you keep going so this is gonna dispenser backpack no you are gay I don't want on camera yet I know I was trying to tell you to stop but you just kept going that was alright you better drop that bag you better drop that bag oh yes is it stuck in there are you sure don't mess up your arm cuz that's a good game arm you gotta get this oh are you sure you got it you want me to hold I'll hold it up I'll hold it up I got it I got okay there you go oh yes which everything is sided with science like paper because like it feels like they have something inside of it is there a price tag on it is it oh it's just paper I see it on tag his head price on it doesn't have a price I don't know how much it cost but crystal you gotta keep going go again go again I wonder what price number 2 was all right so this time she's gone for like three or four so she needs she needs six nine six ninety or seven eighty get as many as you can get those blacks she's going for those grades because there was so much work there she on this side come on Pierce you get those get them you're at 230 250 oh this is crazy I can't believe she got that I wish I can record this game better but it's so hard to get it alright she has ten seconds left it's not looking like I think her arm starting to hurt she's slowing down 390 440 460 you idiot six ninety some just some blacks Oh times up alright yeah you're on certain hurt yeah cuz they're really down then you can't really control where they are no you do one more I want you to get this I do want to play I definitely do you want to play but you're doing so well hey look you're gonna start with a purple one in there just flick it in there whenever starts there you go she's got ten points already get it cuz they'll get it get it let's go get it oh my gosh she's reaching I like a bad person ocean air black she's at 240 right now 260 come on Chris Oh two seventy three hundred and she has 15 seconds you're at come on you're doing you're doing great - 650 so she needs 650 she needs okay you need okay you need great you need a great you need a great or important blue and a yellow oh man I'm sorry so I think what it is is whenever you get to a certain point you just gotta keep playing how you would play because if I be telling you you needed a gray you are looking for right man alright so now I'm gonna try I want to see if I can win these two down here I was really lucky that I had the right balls in my hand at that time you know a [Music] friend [Music] even as number three oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the last prize in the machine prize in it I doubt they're gonna do it today because we kind of just made this machine look bad this game is totally a skill based game I do get your prize is in it right now we are gonna play more look it says 100% skill game it is not a lie it's a hundred percent skill it's like 110 percent skilled crystal back here with her super math skills back here [Music] because we want to win more prizes oh yeah guys they filled it up with more prizes that's a Wonder Woman backpack if you can't tell that is awesome but way over here is a better backpack can you see that these guys if they're Pikachu backpack watch we have to win that okay down here they have a Batman some kind of marshmallow cat and they Oh run leaves yeah I kind of wonder like try say that five times fast I can't say it she needs eight eighty or ninety thirty all right you can do this who did you start with a black awesome and a silver she's already had 170 190 okay this is looking good for that big high value you should get more blacks to have a change I think you have to get on average about five black six blacks per game to even get the top of here I think there are three blacks in all the balls down there she's at 490 oh I'm sorry 400 my bad come on Chris you got this you got this let's see are there any can we see the balls over here oh she's at six 8000 stopping out when you don't when you hit this one I was even helping you there at the end I wasn't helping you [Music] know where the Harry Potter characters I guess you don't know who that is you're making fun of your big head friend oh that is awesome get down there you big head oh yes that is awesome I can't believe you won again really again do it again let's see how much does she mean she needs eight seventy eight seventy or 950 she's done with that blue well look at the concentration on that place oh man crystal concentrate harder concentrate harder she's at 250 she has 20 seconds roughly let's see it said only prizes left other ones on the other side okay you need some blacks here Chris she's that for porch warning if you get 5:30 okay get 50 more okay again 30 more 30 wore a blue all you should let that Becca right there cuz then you could use it for next time visit Dayton counties alright I'm gonna give it a try now I want to see Brian one of the bags [Music] oh my gosh my arm is hurting so bad like right here by my oh my god once I get this bad man I'm gonna take a little break I think we're gonna come back [Music] no I I like to thank Krystal for her great math skills I never think everybody out there watching you was like all you need is two Purple's and not doing yellow I could have it yellow as well oh I gotta say I'm pretty excited right now oh yes I'm so out of breath but that's okay because I want to get this and I think you're gonna play so it's actually like a purple bluish color indigo so these Pikachu's actually different this is a shot lets me make you that's not Pikachu well that's me like just second ago when you made me get wrong Chris come on Chris you have to get the higher score she does to get 9:40 a nine he had a better angle over here because that backpacks on alright so right now she oh my gosh she's got 320 already what is this beast doing she wasn't like three blacks already she's got another one she's at 5:30 all she needs is 9:40 come on Chris you're at six seven oh come on you need less than 200 oh come on come on she said oh she needs 140 you need a black or something okay you need a 2020 stop stop you did too much you did you much you did too much No you gotta slow down whenever you do - okay go get go again wow that is the best forever you got the highest score ever so just so I know 20 is yellow purple is 10 okay because I forget that I guess in here's a moment it's really easy to forget it alright so she needs nine hundred only 900 a nice even number so that should be pretty good I mean all these are even numbers but 900 an iced round number so it's easy to get that or easy to add up to that Oh so part of this game she hasn't gotten many blacks yet so that's not much she's moving that ham like crazy though oh there's a black she's at 380 she's a half way there she's got two blacks back-to-back I believe 680 keep going keep going keep going harder harder oh no okay go again Chris 900 that's such a high score this over you last night alright I mean we could walk away with two bags that's so awesome this time she needs 940 a little bit higher a little bit higher it's actually a lot higher when you think about orange she got a black there she got another black back to back or black to black ha ha ha funny angel alright so she's had 360 20 seconds to have plenty of time as long as you get some more blacks in there there's a black 510 you're doing awesome Chris 630 keep going you need 300 more oh she needs three blacks here come on Chris keep going there it is keep on 200 200 oh come on push him I can push it Oh getting counted that would have been close because it would have been black never in 87 here cuz I think you had a purple that was so close [Music] [Music] I actually have two black balls in that one and I got it at the last second but I still wasn't enough well guys look at all of these prizes right here it was a ton up on trace you think so I can tell you we are addicted to that game so here are all the prizes that we won we got this really cool backpack that crystal won that is crazy then we have all these little stuffed animals we have this big eye thing right here another big eye thing so sonic Sonic's friend Ron Weasley and Batman but don't forget there's this awesome backpack over here yes the Pokemon Pikachu backpack but wait guys you might think that's it but that's not all I actually decided to play a couple more times [Music] yes you know I almost wanted the one time the first time off-camera but Chris stole just like you need 200 left so I got like 200 and I was over I was like walking away oh but it's okay it's okay because we still got the bag yeah so the only thing left in there right now what was it that little squishy he had a marshmallow cat but yeah guys we were able to win every prize out of that machine who lost new prizes you guys have to us know which prize is your favorite out of all of these what's your favorite Chris that is my favorite as well although this this Mickey one isn't that bad and the sonic is really cool but where do you have a sonic and yes the big-headed Batman is really cool too but you guys let us know what is your favorite price and we hope you guys enjoy this video thanks for watching everyone
Channel: Plush Time Wins
Views: 512,977
Rating: 4.8789463 out of 5
Keywords: plush time wins, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, arcade, arcade wins, jackpot, cleaned out the machine, won every prize, won everything
Id: 3EZ6gBrfTLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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