Best day ever at the arcade!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by the price yeah real crystal will have better look at this Jungle Book it looks like we got the bear which is Baloo I believe right what is the Panthers they don't do this they only have circa Connor no waiting no no wait how did you do that can you get it out of there over here oh yeah it does so this one's name is uh Balu yeah oh Bagheera that's the name of the UM the Panthers yeah they got Mowgli and then they got Shere Khan we should go time when it's time try to get them the tiger Shere Khan unless you want to I get another bear from the back maybe that one yeah if you can just I can't believe you got this on the first try well I can't actually fish is really good cuz you're really good at these so you have four seconds three two there it goes right there looks good ups for those close I think it's in a bad spot maybe just try to wear another there cuz I don't think any other ones were even in a good spot yeah so I'm like up here hovering over crystal so it is kind of weird so this is crystal view right here Oh actually it is everything I'm trying to look at me no it doesn't go maybe try get down when you go for it I think so I don't know but I couldn't win anything so don't listen to me I don't know why you should go for it well you think about the UM to show you con right there that when I was right beside like the bear looking below it maybe tell me Chris or even that a Bagheera right there I'm trying to get a good angle this is so weird garbage game here blocking my view someone come down here right here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we can't go to an arcade without crystal playing fishbowl frenzy she just loves this game don't get 5 don't get get off love all it's good so now she gets those 3 balls up there they'll talk by themselves yeah like it's more fun than playing the game by yourself that can be chuck night with snarf got forward so if it doesn't get anything down there 20 come we need we need a hundred come on yes yes you always get the jackpot dude it's funny this side okay I think that's nice to count your tickets finish each you get a hundred and seventy three total on there I don't know how she gets jackpots on these games like that's like a little jackpot when he was still jackpot no okay I almost got the UM okay Jack run outside Buster's 50 was still good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I think you'd go for the come on so the last time we were here we played this winters cue crystal was able to win are you gonna win again what are you going for [Music] girl [Music] they didn't skip they're just me I own see what we can get at this time though you couldn't beat a minor prize but you learn these weird little balls here we want that Mario Brothers little mystery box things [Music] [Music] why is it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] chris'll thinks this is so easy so let's see what you got let's do it you guys oh she's making fun of me for taking an hour that's huge you can do it that's funny she's going purple you aren't how did you make that look so easy now she's just some weird dance what she's doing so she got that super fast [Music] you do the same that the time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is gonna get one of these emoji balls I don't know why she wants to get those but she wants to get one I think she's getting the one that has the high parts on it for the eye parts the heart eyes crying flat faces she's going for it I think right oh no I thought she dropped it she's just pushing a button [Music] that's crystal right now laughing I think your balls a little bit bigger than mine I'm signing over the eyes confirm yes hopefully we win something for the big night moves for nothing I think I should be able to win one of these two as well no because it's gonna show don't see oh I'm gonna go for this black man [Music] [Laughter] [Music] but I did for some Care Bears the claw was already open so I don't know if that's a good thing because it was already open when it was sitting in the resting position and that's never a good thing did you try to get I think this is fun shine this yellow one so it's like the Sun on its stomach but you can get it slide down okay split down you read its neck area it's gonna close right into the next come on sunshine yes do you think another one are you static that one so she's gonna win from here I'll come shine awesome now we'll move on to this one let me come over you eighties are big pillow tunes so we group one pillow chums before but never be christ-like normal size like a pillow pet it's a pillow it's a chum but it's not so you could probably eat that dog and a sound nation hey you learn that from Japan what do you call that technique when it rolls it over there the moonsault oh that's what it was called he's soft though I don't remember that yeah that was the really soft though technique that she learned so now she's going for this one and what was the technique when you had to like slowly drag it over yeah what was something called no it was called oh man I forgot what it was called somebody has to remind that's what that technique was called gonna have to do here if you pick this up then this machine is like super strong and we have to play again so you do have to do the dragon thing where you slowly drag it over you look at that you look horn in the back as well oh you're right you're right right maybe the salvation or not so you're gonna get this one though right cuz you get guaranteed to get this donation I think I think you just want to do like the drag over thing right alright so yeah ten seconds so make sure you keep an eye on the time five seconds all right get right in there between this little melon thing that should not be guaranteed I get the dog underneath it let's see yes this is him dope you already right I think yeah we might as well check checkers right I think you can I think you just have to make sure when it slides down it doesn't that domination over there but do you only go too far that way because you're not far it opens right all right so I'm on your way Christmas is trying to move I want you to win this okay she wants the one man unicorn what is that like a dog okay I'm just gonna head myself I want you to bring everything else everything yes I think the problem is you try to get the two of one there I got anyway that's good yeah she's going right there [Music] [Music] [Music] so you should play it yeah that's good yeah I think you just trying to unknown yeah that should be the last yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I just wonder we got it there is the question blog they had to come get that out first because we were not leaving until we got that light yeah that is definitely the best price today guys so here all the prize that we have we're gonna wrap the video up here so we got a squirtle a bull the sword and Pikachu don't forget about ice king and crack man that there black man is like hidden because you don't know who he is we have a unicorn a dumb nation and some kind of another dog some kind of pillow chunk dog she got funshine yeah she had this Baloo as well I almost forgot about this but she want to spike early early in the on video and then she got two moles well I want a blue ball crystal won this ball we did look how much stuff we got jackpots just from the games we did really good which way is your favorite yes that one is really awesome I can't wait to use that because it's a light so that's gonna be kind of cool to use any has official game sounds it says so I guess should make the sounds of I come super mario and all that that's really cool you guys have let us know which prize is your favorite mine by far is the super mario bros question block light that's your favorite ooh that's a good choice good choice on that well thanks for watching everyone don't forget like this video
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,217,145
Rating: 4.7890396 out of 5
Keywords: arcade fun, arcade, fun, arcade game, arcade games, arcade video, arcade videos, plush time win, ptw, jackpots, jackpot, claw machine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2017
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