Worlds Hardest Race

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today i will be attempting gta rage maps but every time i die i give away money back in the day i used to do a lot of rage games rage maps but i'd always get the monetize however i thought if i give away money there's no way i can get in trouble how much will i give away the first map is called denied as you can see the map builder has just put um what i like to call a [ __ ] ton of windmills all right now every death is a hundred dollars so this could get very expensive let's just let's just for it i reckon we're going to be just fine so far not okay i've just got okay no okay well i have been killed laser beam the memer ladies and gentlemen you see i'm very conflicted here because obviously i love charity um and i want to help people and stuff but i also hate losing okay i somehow screwed that one up and now i'm off the map that counts as a death because even if i'm not physically dead i'm dead on the inside it's all good every time i die it's for a good cause we're doing fine how do you even get up on this thing no i'm in the blender again it's okay it's for charity this is this is literally the start of the mat why am i struggling yes we finally i've really struggled at literally the start of the map and this map goes on for a long time yet we gotta be good we gotta be skillful oh no i'm in another blender oh i'm getting crunched up like a smoothie it's like a laser beam smoothie for charity [Music] ah why did i miss the jump god damn it is that a dinosaur it's a diplodocus i can't even find my bike so i have to blow myself up with the grenade this is humiliating i'll be here a while okay we're finally making progress i might go bankrupt on the first damn map i died a lot of times okay there's no checkpoints i don't know why there's no checkpoints on this damn map oh is this a checkpoint right here all right this is easy at least this stuff's easy now you know i love charity i just i i do hate losing i'm wrong way what do you mean the maps just probably screwed up in some way oh yeah okay we're flying through the course now absolutely no worries anymore [Applause] man i might run out of grenades and when i say grenades i mean charity grenades nailed it i'm not going the wrong way it is you who are wrong yes we're flying through it now what the hell is any of this oh this is like a bunch of blenders but it's fine i just got to brute force it just keep hitting it with my head yeah hell yeah this map can suck it screw it okay it's every time i get a little bit too cocky who's gonna fly through this map now no fear at all flooring it don't even know what's ahead of me do not care just flying through things all right easy man i'm done with charity now boys that's another checkpoint oh i'm going through a flaming ring this is epic this is so cool what do i do all right i don't know how much i died i'm assuming it was like 30 to 40 times so that was a pretty expensive map all right this map is called uh penetrate that's a risky name choice but i do see a hole and i'm gonna penetrate that hole for charity of course hell yeah it's a big gigantic ramp i love those surely i will not die the hole there why am i going this direction ah there's once again a laser beam the meme a blimp laser beam the meme nah nah nah it's this time it's easy huh the ring's on fire i might even die if i go through the ring i will penetrate the hole for charity here we go who i way to where am i going i've become a rocket ship oh god okay yo hoodie i didn't die can you come cut me i'm waiting no he's supposed to cut me just hit that'll do it just explode that'll do it that'll do it [Music] go for the hole go for the hole oh god oh i'm let i'm straight on the rotor blades that was not my goal for charity nice man i'm normally so good at penetrating i'm surprised that this is so hard for me right now how do you do this this is ridiculous ah [Music] we did it that's done shut up all right penetrated that huh you got enough out of me charity are you happy this is a wingsuit map i have to fly through a bunch of obstacles it is easy all i gotta do is fly humans are great at that all right let's give this a crack all right beautiful [Music] i just gotta jump down the tunnel this is easy let's get it i haven't even made it into the tunnel yet all right let's get it this time god all right 300 down have not even penetrated the hole yet oh we got it we got it yes yes yes i can fly this is how it feels to be a bird oh this is magic this is beautiful ah so much grace uh i'm dedicating this one um to people in need there you go people in need that one was for you ah look at me i'm a graceful graceful bird yes oh i bought that there oh we cleared the wall go go i was gonna make it into this tube come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on [Music] come on oh that's like the end ah come on now come on now this time avoid the windmill i just missed the jar was too low come on now you got to fly straight over here oh i know i hit my ball sack oh i'm so close though are you [Music] pull the shoe pull the shoe job done map done suck it losers by losers i mean charity you also want you've won a lot i feel good inside about what i'm doing all right our final map it's a gigantic ramp with trucks flying down to complete this map i have to simply get to the top can i survive let's go speed speed i'm not even going to look i'd rather be blind i don't know what i don't want to know when i'm going to die i'm just going in blind we're just charging up baby i am in i can't die i am complete i've actually made it way too far how have i made it this far i'm just looking at the ground okay it's always when i get cocky on these maps run use them legs that was way too close jumped out of the way i am keanu reeves in the matrix oh my god that thing almost took my heart off you know after all those charitable donations from the previous maps i decided screw them i'm just gonna one shot this map all right let's just pause here for a second let's catch our breath let's just take a breather there's still a lot of trucks but i think if i time it perfectly i should be fine all right you ready let's go oh my god that door screwed me up it's fine i'm fine i've recovered fully recovered fully fine i should have stayed behind my hidey hop what am i what's happening to me oh wow i just got whacked in the face oh this is a lot okay not much could be done there all right i figured out how to run faster i've glitched the map yes i am abusing glitches to beat charity feels good man every time i start talking [ __ ] i get killed look at this incredible technique what an athlete oh my god stand up stand up you're okay you're okay you're fine [ __ ] yeah after this truck after this truck let's go go speed run run charity's done for we've been charity you gotta beat these trucks go get out there lad you're a unit you're a unit i think it's a good time i think it's a good time go go go go go go go yes yes yes we've just got to get up to the end of that ramp there but this is where all the trucks come out so this is like the most chaotic point there's trucks in every damn direction they could hit me at any moment this is the final frontier i'm going go go yes yes oh there's a lot of trucks coming oh my god i'm so close but there's a lot of trucks coming oh i can't even see him anymore i just gotta pray hell yeah we did it oh i reached the top that was the least charitable map out of all of them oh it feels good i'd like to thank my mom my dad every single person who raised me to try and donate as little as possible fifteen thousand three hundred dollars was donated to st jude's children's hospital to help sick kids with cancer all from dying in gta
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 8,617,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: o9XUuJfFh6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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