trying the 100 LEVEL DEATHRUN

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I've seen some [ __ ] their friends have destroyed me I'm done with scissors I'm done with scissors for good I'm done with you what you know what we need we need a death run for BOTS hashtag puts lives matter you know we might just have a Savior his name's Jade oof Jade Earth has made the hundred level default death run it is 100 levels of the absolute easy [ __ ] ever no stress no pain just a hundred levels of easy claps I'm gonna win a hundred bucks that'll help for all the copyrights and [ __ ] add revenue right I saw Vic's star do this to share it up to him alright I'm probably still gonna rage because I have a short temper if I die wants us alright imma beat this one let's see how tough it is that's level one it's level two Oh bit of a challenge for level three ah ah I was trying to bait it and it didn't activate so I thought it was fake yeah is there death runs that are even easier than this level two is no match for me I do not want to fertile bit leave it to laser beam to get stuck on level two of the easiest death run ever invented yeah I'm gonna jump it that's all I had to do y ou I'm embarrassed alright with three levels in already this is easy-peasy harass level four no working for is look at these easy jumps oh we've gliding through them make that trap no I can furries vote that trap 360 at level six we struggled in the first couple levels but now we've gotten right where we want them oh I see ice I don't like ice alright let's get it ah this is a sure was hard I've beat some of the hardest deathrun levels on the planet and yet I can't I can't do this [ __ ] okay there we go my god level eight done all right let's obtain it easy easy peasy all this a bounce pad we've just got to launch ourselves to the next one alright now I can furries beautiful level turn ten percent of the way through even though I'm dying this is still everything I've ever dreamed of imagine a world without scissors alright looks like we have another bounce pad think we just launched to the launch pad honestly we're getting the hang of it now I don't think I'm gonna die the rest of the map I think I guess we're running on the speed pad let me bounce and level twelve told you never dying again trigger the trap might imagine imagine doing a scissors map after this it's so much better doing this level 13 honestly I think I actually suffered a heart attack doing scissors maps and now I've gone to heaven and this is it I'm so thankful I stole this from big stars channel alright I guess we got some parkour while parcours just a French word for code laser which means that I am the king of parkour and there's no way this is a level I went as one trap okay that was difficult that was literally the entire level was one trap Oh God I guess we're now dropping alright too easy first attempt I'm definitely not dying the rest of this map I am first attempting so many levels honestly I'm an inspiration to the youth of the day and that's another level de there's not even any time to stop and celebrate got a trap run in here that was that was the trap run that was it that was these two traps were the trap tunnel per hour cut some more parkour just another word for cold laser baby and that's look at trap tunnel honestly easy-peasy beautiful alright some more parkour and this is stressful all right beautiful I'm not even gonna stop running anymore I'm not even gonna stop running honestly I figured it wasn't even possible to die anymore I'm not even I'm not even mad I know where to go now beautiful level 22 I guess we got to do some jumps over some traps this is stressful man that was hard water level honestly perhaps the hardest level I've ever faced we've got to impulse up three stories I am so in love I that was hard as well god that's so hard my this is so easy I think my literal dog could be the level alright you press this K here now you die you suck you suck William alright now I know how to do it yeah easy easy I'm not even thinking anymore I'm kind of just doing that's what happens probably got bad spats [Music] I don't know where I am but I just know I'm achieving greatness I guess we touch these little is a little bump with it oh wow well this is so different old man is sure he's a hard one like we have to dodge these bumpers they'll kill you if you touch him damn yeah if you need a self-esteem boost just play this death let's get it first attempt baby let's go you killed me but joke's on you at the checkpoint perhaps Caesars influence lives on the sneaky trap at the end of a level eyes looks like a bounce pad level no worries mate no worries I might I just beta level backwards unintentionally I'm having so much fun ha duck jump and we got some parkour which as we know is the French word for code laser yes it was named after me after they saw my talent on this very death run and that's another level all right what do we do just jump easy leave it to me to be confused by the easiest death run ever made no words for me once shame on you all you need I'd beat it was all you need to know all right next one we just jump and then I'll beat all right chillin AIDS I guess we launched ourselves to the very end shut up not really sure the exact method of doing this one okay well there we go figured it out completely why do I talk sometimes I didn't get the checkpoint I missed the checkpoint we got to go back okay now I hit the checkpoint okay we're just gonna get to there easy oh yeah assume there's a bounce pad no just mat makes me feel so good oh it makes me just feel fantastic oh I just feel like a queen I feel like an absolute queen sometimes a queen I was executed by impaling that was my second attempt we did it level 40 we're only 40 percent of the way through damn westslope I guess we got a drop got oh it's a speed run mouth whoo first attempt baby mm-hmm easy yeah he didn't expect me to duck did you traps Hart you look real stupid gonna make our way through these little robot fees will either put you in the game you're an embarrassment okay now now do we jump on them [Music] you know what science i'ma need you for this one yeah I saw ants what's up mate yeah yeah I'm just yeah yeah but I think I've got the hang of it nailed it I know what the hell is this nailed it and then we impulse up there okay no we didn't we needed no that's not where we impulse we've got it impulse up there [Music] yeah easy does it and then up here yeah alright this is a y8 level clearly Oh God we know what to do this time oh that's that problem here we've got to go to the green go to go to the green once that's a problem Oh get it again feel like the green one betrayed me [Music] okay we go to that time can't look at ceiling am ia joke to you it's it's one of those invisible maze levels late okay we've followed around here okay now I know the right way to go all right easy easy am ia joke to you J doof yeah I'm like stray I'm not having a good time yeah I died like six seven times and I found this JD you're trolling me be careful you're walking down a dark path jade earth loves you okay now now we know all right we got a trap tunnel these I can do baby trap tunnels require my full attention you're just gonna have to have a break from the pure comedy for a second okay all right it's okay the comedies back why'd the chicken cross the road cuz scissors was chasing it I'd cross the road all right next level has a bounce pad I guess we go up to here bounce here bounce there a level 50 we're only halfway done this may actually go down as the longest laser-beam video of all time I see a bounce pad there and a bounce pad there that's you yeah okay no that was a troll this might be a death run for BOTS but I'm like a robot with with viruses installed all right you just got to not hit the bounce pad simple ready a juked [ __ ] checkpoint are some more parkour I love it let's do it without thinking [Music] nailed it didn't even think once we got a dropper did it first attempts ice traps I hate these should be easier I wasn't wrong that was insanely easy Wow let's hit these speed boosts and do it properly beautiful beautiful oh what a cracker smashed it smashed it on simple bounce pad easy enough and then we do some parkour a hundred levels is so much to commentate no work in fari hey jump levels alright picked up an impulse Ned I guess we impulse to here too easy [Music] level 16 60% can play as much as that one particular level really pissed me off over all this death run is sick easy does it do easy and trap run why do I die [Music] and we did it and then we've just got to land here holy crap this takes so much time to get through okay [Music] dodge these traps it's like for me the slow mo guys of trap dodging it's honestly too easy filming this a thousand FPS on my phantom flex ice to slow mo guys reference you probably don't get it hmm I'm not even thinking anymore I'm just beaten not even thinking just beaten mm-hmm - is it mmm-hmm I am I don't even know what's gone up there we get Matt trapped there easy easy we take this launch powder oh we were meant to go there oh we were meant our God ever talk so much he just exhaust yourself [Music] well now the level I don't know how I'm gonna commentate a hundred levels of this [ __ ] I'm actually tired oh that's another one bait i insult every level i bait and it's getting me exhausted it's gonna be another trap tell us odd stuff hard stuff that was ah where we hadn't gone on the launchpad not even gonna look oh I forgot to eat last time ready yeah say that timer works always you 70% done [Music] uh-huh and some a little bit of parkour every one of the involves a okay I screwed that up screw these what now that that time checkpoint simple ha more of these damn little jumps hey I'm stolen from fortnight I hate these things oh oh yeah what even is this yeah the challenge on this level is to just walk forward oh that was difficult Warner oh I swear some of these levels are actually hard oh there's some levels where you just roll your eyes it's confirmed though bought death runs are my favourite death runs I don't think what the hell just happen how's that a level at trap tunnel what that was one hell of a trap tunnel I was incredible I guess we impulsing for that [Music] 80% I don't even know what's a level anymore and what's not I just skip that one completely and then we dropped okay holy crap I didn't even know you could be penetrated that much and we beat it don't even I get we are we just running this is just a run one okay okay is Baltimore running oh yes I'm fastest fuck-boy I'm fast as foot oh so easy say I was expecting it to be fast again and then slowed me down and I got penetrated alright this is a slow down pat bribe impulse nage ready p8 get cheated cheaters never win and I won the next time say cheating is never the solution alright I've got an impulse nade we're just going up there easy does it and then bounce pads oh I just missed it alright like dawn on this damn easy death from Rush still did hit the checkpoint still died but hit the checkpoint I'm counting that as a dub and then we just go over here you next checkpoint spike ah joke's on you I get immunity when I respawn ah you got played [ __ ] yeah good impulse nades I guess we're going up there easy you may think dying was bad but it gives me immunity [ __ ] 90% say even when our diets cuz I'm smart alright level 90 we're just going in forget you ever saw that oh I think I've got to learn low okay yes I dodged those traps and oh yeah here's a freebie level translated to when you run out of buddies alright man I've been there for a few months now or oh my god oh my god I was how was that a level this guy this guy's finer than in there like it's always been easy but now he's just like you get a checkpoint and you get a checkpoint hey we're running fast we eaten and another level all right the levels are flying now this guy just wants to get to the end okay it did it did it I guess we have to jump the speed pads I was not successful I mean so how do I even manage to kill myself in that manner I need to throw one then time the next one to save us shut up [Music] boom Shakalaka ignore how long shit's taken me it's an easy death run and I could beat it [Music] there we go back to the easy stuff oh this is hard I missed I missed trap tunnels that were this easy ah man I miss this I miss you so much oh yeah that's good that's a good stuff that was a close one beer you're nothing here is the final level oh thank god I'm gonna be honest I lost energy about 30 levels in you'll probably say I stopped trying with my commentary about 30 levels in destroy the default King to win the game grab the toilet paper under the King to win yeah I'm grabbing three bows that might be cheating I don't care all right what is this King what they're zombies well apparently tomato head man is summoned zombies to do his bidding this is a boss fight he's done a death run that ends with the boss fight this is how this ends bro I've killed I've killed over 15,000 zombies before you think I'm worried I think I'm even flinching I don't think the goal is to kill the zombies I'm kind of just doing this a weed side project probably should probably fire some shots at tomorrow I mean I can't it's gonna start hitting the tomato man when I can always start the crack already hell of a boss boy this is lit oh he's on fire and he's dead the default King is distinguished wait does that mean I get to become default King now do I get to sit the default throne I guess this is like Game of Thrones a zombie arise enough and [ __ ] does that make me Khaleesi and while the dragon queen Yas Queen Yas yeah okay I'm kind of done kill him how did I die okay well just I guess I'm coming back and toilet paper collected I died a hundred and thirty nine times doing the easiest death run ever conceived that is over one death level but hey at least a damn beta I completed a hundred level death run take that scissors you're a thing of the past default death runs of the future I'm gonna give this I'm gonna give this an eight out of ten I thoroughly enjoyed it I recommend checking it out it was a death run made for bots and I was the man for the job but I wanted to give it a cracks about the body life but no silly fellows like and I'm gonna show you the clip of me throwing scissors in the toilet one more time cuz scissors sucks
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 33,061,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, 100 LEVEL, DEFAULT DEATHRUN, deathrun, funrun, game, video game, gaming, games
Id: WcGhGvrJlMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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