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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Zealousideal-Fun9458 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
today we're playing impossible happy wheels levels and every time i die i donate a hundred dollars to charity yes happy wheels one of the classic youtube games the most brutal game you'll ever play i thought it'd be funny to play it for charity but every time i die i'll donate a hundred dollar reduce also guys uh there is now laser beam uh tags for my astro headsets you can check it out in the description don't forget to use code laser for some sick discounts these are the most played levels for the month i only want the hardest levels i'm a very generous guy like i want to die a lot stairs of death the people from the charity are going to love me oh look at that oh we're raising money for charity here guys oh i'm so generous come on come on come on oh come on mate oh i think i'm dead this counts as a death god damn it i mean i mean that one was for charity yes raising money all right this one's gonna be a better performance let's go oh yeah rolly polly's okay come on mate you've just you've just cracked yourself in the skull all right yeah i gotta win these eventually all right i don't want to bankrupt my entire family history come on stay low bro say look oh jesus oh this is that was bad yeah charity i'm a great guy really nice guy but like at some point that's just his willy that's just his willy it's okay as long as it's not his face it's all right come on kick those legs out look soon i'm gonna need a charity to support me just wiggle mate like a worm come on the charity's got enough mate this is the one wiggle like a worm oh hold tight hold tight hold tight yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that's it that's it yeah yeah you got enough out of me charity that one's for me uh so how much does the charity have to pay me if i win rope swing 2021 all right hopefully i'm way less charitable now i i did a little bit too much charity and i already think i screwed it up that's all you getting out of me something about playing happy wheels for charity to me is the funniest thing in the world oh it's all right all right how did that decapitate me oh my god i've seen more violent falls at the child's playground okay all right you've only got 200 bucks out of me oh oh yeah the helmet saved my life there oh grab it back quick put it back on hold on tight let's go i don't know how i'm going to go without my helmet man i'm a little little a little scared oh yeah hold on hold hold on tight oh oh wait what i think i broke the game this is how determined i am not to donate to charity i am literally i can float on thin air pull yourself back up buddy okay we're just gonna all right all right we're good we're good we're in business i'm still in it this is good crap hold on tight oh what that is such a scam my head is technically still attached it's just not attached very well oh i'm so close to the end yeah and there we go there we go easy i mean i am honored uh to present this donation of three hundred dollars rainbow spike fall all right this is a spike fall there should be a lot of a lot of donations going on here yeah there we go look everyone wins i get to see people explode and charities get money oh this is a good one this is good i could actually win here i'm just too good at happy wheels i'm actually just too happy i'm actually just too good you know what i'm a great guy i'll just give you a free one i'll just give you a free one i'm just i am such a good guy sword throw blue let's have a look so the goal is just to hit everyone with a sword i mean it's happy wheels like that's pretty obvious uh so let's just perform some charity work here guys oh yeah that that's charity you can't be mad at me for doing it that right there is charity i'm missing this guy a lot ah there we go i got him that time yes i didn't hit everyone but it gave me a victory screen once again i'm a charitable guy i want to see if i can stab myself i'm edward sword hands how do you stab yourself there we go 100 bucks for charity a normal level just try to win this is just a normal level click to start all right did i just i just got rick rolled on happy wheels you know what it says victory but i feel like i just took an l so pogo harpoon run get over all the harpoons [Music] it says use the landmine so let's see if using the land mine helps me out a little there we go i feel like the land mine was a scam all right i want to see if i can do without the land mine because i'd be a pro gamer all right [Music] okay i don't know if this is gonna be possible i don't need no cheat codes i'm a seal okay all right well i think we can do it okay you gotta you gotta calm down there pogo man get it okay oh oh it's the way it goes up and then comes back down on you it's brutal doing it stick to the seal tactic it's just too easy for him who needs a stinking landmine seal strat for the wind [Music] timmy terra hmm i am throwing children that have knives i'd normally be worried about getting in trouble but this ladies and gentlemen is for charity um i'd normally wow see i feel like i can't lose even if i'm missing my target i'm still throwing children there we go took out uh took out that bloke oh all that's left is the annoying little brother let's see if we can't well it's going to be tough ah nailed it mate first attempts once again i'm i'm such a charitable guy i want to see how if i can take myself out there we go that's for you charity there you go mate there's a hundred dollars right there fight club i like the sound of that all right well i'm on a family vacation here with a couple kids level one oh oh i'm fighting people that oh i'm fighting people oh this guy's coming at me next wow yeah too easy i'm ready for the dungeon what are we going up against oh it's a man just he just yated a bin at me well well i found myself a husband i actually just got married on level two level three this guy is gonna fly at me oh easy oh well kids your dad is dead try to click on enemy's head to kill it [Music] all right well your mum actually has telepathic powers where she can make people's heads explode so if you're ever naughty and you don't do your homework mate oh boy all right level five just getting sketchier and sketchier oh all right turns out mum's kryptonite is a bow and arrow uh her telepathy didn't work time to make some progress oh the bow and arrow guy he's proposing oh god all right out of my way mate oh i actually smashed it hell yeah nothing can stop me i win bottle run surely this is gonna be a very charitable level all right sorry i failed on that one ah cause i got a little distracted oh my god holy okay well i'm not not very successful still kind of a little distracted by the kid's head exploding i'm over it now oh my kid's alive all right that's the secret weapon let's go son let's go ah oh no oh that's bad it's gotta keep it facing up keep it facing up let's go yes so much talent so much ability oh god ah this is called explosive pogo i'm ready thank you for your interest in working at tjf chemical supply you must get from one end of the warehouse the other without getting blown up if you survive you're hired bro i i'm gonna need a job after all these donors all right ready our first obstacle [Music] oh my god no it's all good oh yeah so far so good that job's gonna be mine oh no oh no oh no it's okay oh i don't think i'm getting the job done oh my god this isn't good i'm alive still oh god no i'm not no i'm not oh god oh god get out of there quick get out of there get out of there quick dip bro yeah i get the job i got the job man what an amazing way to raise money for charity it is my honor to donate all that money to the ronald mcdonald house they're a charity that uh supports families who have kids in hospital so it's a great charity great cause and uh what a way to raise money i should do this more often this was fun i love this
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 10,070,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, lazarbeam, donate
Id: 05Wk-NdXKvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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