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I had such a lovely Easter with friends and I was so happy [Music] let's get sad on the inside and do some death runs this death run is special it's the laser beam death row fellow youtuber named Kenworth hit me up he said laser beam I want to make your death run so he has created this for me and a massive shout-out to him essentially he's constructed death run with a bunch of stuff I hate I know nothing about it I do not know how hard this is going to be I do not know what challenges face me I do not know how many times I'm gonna hit my table but all I know is it's it's named after me so I kind of have to play it just to remind a Marvel stuff coming out soon make sure you got someone's code in the item shop so it doesn't go to waste code laser if you want to support me two ways two ways people all right a death to run map made for the gingy himself and scissors is evil you know what can you might be alright when you start the game brace for impact you'll have ten seconds Oh yep I'm working the explosion maybe this truly was made for me I mean it does say it was named it was for me what could possibly be in store for me this is level one oh yes he has made it as easy as possible can I love you mate good ah that's exactly what I wanted from my level 1 thank you Ken yeah it's gonna be a pretty easy map why do I feel like that's sarcastic uh-huh I'm just gonna all right ken has killed me once ceases has killed me millions of times so I'm assuming I bait this trap and then I jump over even when I figure out how to do it I screw it up all right there we go boom yes look solder all right we've got some y8 Knights he knows alaikkum and we've got to impulse up there without dying all right should be I'm dead aren't ya God David I what Ken's up to like three deaths or something I am worried hmm I didn't yet last time that's the problem come on Lana all right now look now look beautiful and then bait the traps Oh what noises did I just make that's super unfortunate take a peek back see anything he's trolling me oh I see it I'm supposed to impulse straight up I can alright nothing too hard from old Kansas yet but he is trying to trick me he's trying to be clever he's trying to be sneaky you are really gonna hate me but the next level is actually under the first trap try the top right so ken Ken Ken I don't like when people play tricks on me all right we've gotta go I think it's down here level four all right let's get ready to eat oh this looks awful this just are alright I ate I suppose ah can you ask me how hard to make the level I specifically told you in the DMS no speed pads in before our rage create my own death run all right let's go what is happening yeah okay that's okay we triggered those I don't think I can bounce appeared that's up like that tree the traps okay and then we land up here and then we parkour parkour is the French word for code laser Kenda must know this smart boy smart boy Ken he speaks fluent French and I'm dead okay let [Music] bigger at all f10 bigger enroll air ken you ready why do I feel like there's a trap here I don't like why are those there I feel like if I bounce on this I'm gonna die level five I hate UI straps he knows this hate you Ken all right let's uh let's slide baby I have no idea what oh this is a trap tunnel and I've got to slide it and this looks I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it first attempt oh so close no question easy claps easy claps I've got it yeah feels good feels good to be this good feels good feels feels good to get penetrated easy freaking claps Mike no no worry in the world you see worry on my face right now not a care in the world mate but a care in the world I am swaying you kid oh yeah my ice ran out now what do I do oh god Kenny oh this is the pace we need this is the pace we need oh yes oh yes oh yes that's the place we needed it is my death run I will not be made the fool level six baby sorry Kenny just make ya'll get deleted level skip only you use this if you're about to break your keyboard the laser beam way would be to immediately walk through that door and skip the level how can this level be so hard like I jump here and then up so it's these turn jumps oh I hate them always have I hate them oh I did that one but it's just it's never consistent Oh apparently it is I'm a god okay my brain is made of nothing I have never been able to do these jobs it frustrates me every damn time so I'm a damn I'm dead oh I've got a missus now Kenny I'm gonna wake her up you want to ruin my relationships [Music] ha ha ha some of the sounds I make I swear Oh what's this I have I guess I have to make it to the bounce pad then get it in the door I didn't make I did wha hey that's [ __ ] and you know it [Music] whoo I was too long that time ah I made it to the door oh you knew there'd be a trap in the den yeah Kenny Kenny Kenny yeah you're not that clever brah level seven you're better than that can as a scissors thing all right speed pads Kenny you never listen to me Oh first attempt wait I'm sorry confused like the doors open so you can't you can't yet what I get it the doors make it so I can't see where I'm going clever ken now I could beat this is all about just getting over the traps hitting the right angle being quick about it was all supposed to jump up I was okay I've got to jump on those railings [Music] well it all happened so fast in the blink of an eye like I'm Sanok the hedge food all right is that a level beating I'm confused they can't have you abusing spawn protection now it's a trap run but when you respawn you have immunity all right in my last death run I was bragging about a lot of map creators forget you get spawn protection so you can abuse it clever Ken all right easy triggers and traps I see no spawn protection clever Ken this is truly my map he has made this for me he knows how I abuse it this bit oh yeah I could trigger that one and then I've got a jump through again every time I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I'm an idiot nailed it and I knew there'd be one at the end I finally learnt my lesson okay hit this poor man I almost stood still level 9 I guess this is parkour sick ok this gap it's gonna be these jumps where you have it's gonna be one of these things where you have to jump every time you wind in order again I don't more and a little bit of parkour or as the French say coke god damn it sing it with me now I love get and penetrated five trips I love get and penetrated love [Music] why do you not know jump at the end I love get and penetrated by trips [Music] Oh Paul that took way too long we have a yeat pistol this truly is a laser beam death run we have to eat all the way up I suppose alright easy enough easy enough huh hope you grab two pistols I assume we just use ourselves over like I'm dead the best part is now I get to uh it's a way for all the pistols again alright what's the exact procedure for this like alright oh one more pistol would have done it mate I'm the greatest yet - of all time oh I got this I went too far or did I win I can't tell I think I did good yes we gotta make it to that little thing in there I get to wait for pistols again I love and penetrated by traps I love [Music] my look how many pistols were lost beating that level how much time was spent in my defense this whole map is built to attack my weaknesses the laser beam special on no he's put the running turn jumps in you ready it's like I hate him I hate everything but not as if I'm gonna do that level wool ha ha ah can can can I bet you never thought I'd figure out how to cheat but laser beam always breaks the game now I'm going to level 12 all right we got a glider and a super impulse this is one of those annoying glider level things I hate them fight them [Music] look I'm gonna shout out to Ken he's done a great job designing this death run but I absolutely clap his cheeks you ready yeah ok god damn it that wasn't the plan but still I can still do it easy easy easy easy easy yes oh god it's a it's a trap tunnel aah but I can use the spawn bug ha ha I got so close to the end [Music] see easy claps all right lads I've been granted a sword clearly that means I have conquered ken annoyed take out some frustration have some fun then break the spawner for a surprise oh yeah I'm about to become King ginge Oh feels good I guess we go up here and well there's no spawning here twitchtv stretch tress no me that's the final boss strangle by the way wait why isn't he dying ken ken this isn't cool man you're not letting me kill the strain of all the way Ken and what the hell GG I think I've beaten it my nose literally started bleeding that's what it takes kids you got to put your body on the line to be great I hope it wasn't too bad thanks for playing Ken thanks for making it mate YouTube Kenworth thanks to knocking and Alexis or maybe they are his slaves I'm not sure and we go back to the creative hub that has been the laser beam death run yes I am bleeding from my nasal cavity but I overcame it yet out - Ken everyone go check him out i'ma get back to creative Oh beauty
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 18,581,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, lazarbeam, deathrun, video game, gaming, funny, comedy, fortnite funny, fortnite funny moments
Id: sVcYzxoBGAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2019
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