Rediscover Dark Souls Lore: Ash Lake, Havel, and the Plot against the Gods

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[Music] deep down beneath the world of Dark Souls at the heart of Lordran is a mystery ash lake despite all the finding so far by the Dark Souls enthusiasts the heart of the law may also be hidden here how many threads and stories how many mysteries and how many connections meet at this lake this is our attempt to unravel some of the subtlest law in the game the most ambiguous aspects of this most marvelous of games we've tried our best but this challenge was not wholly surmountable expect some speculation expect some surprises expect to leave curious this is our last planned video and we look forward to seeing what you the law enthusiastic --nt in you to unravel there is still so much unanswered even in this game and we hope games of the future will also manage to bring such depth as this that made us fall in love with it in the way we all did it has been a very very jolly time in the Sun with all of you praise the law let us begin with the location ash Lake the first time we see this place is certainly not once we are masters of the game as many of you know the first time we lay eyes on this enigmatic location is in the introduction when the witches of izalith are using their flame sorcery to attack the Dragons we see such a similar layout of ancient trees that one is almost forced to admit that we are looking at ash lake before it was beached with cinder indeed the very presence of ash wood itself imply that the battle the witches sward raged here specifically one of the broken trees that can be identified matches perfectly with the broken tree we find in game this tells us quite a lot since the dragons were defeated we can presume that the fire magic was effective perhaps in combination with winds lightning bolts once the scales were removed therefore the presence of a surviving ancient dragon in ash lake would be improbable if not impossible given the stone dragon we find is on a flammable wooden nest it becomes very hard to believe that it was a survivor who hid in a nook of an ancient tree we will get to that later however one cannot assume that nature has continued inert we find clams a Hydra and several other creatures in the basis of the trees additionally we find a skull of some unknown creature it could possibly be the remains of a dragon but given the shape we find this unlikely the ancient dragons and all of the descendents are shown to have long snouts like structures and it is unlikely that their skull would be shaped in this manner we can therefore say that at the very least ash lake has become the home of some new creatures and perhaps visited by others there are of course famously a number of corpses and items found in ash lake and let us not forget the peculiar items dropped by some of the enemies and as everyone knows to reach ash lake you must navigate through hidden walls and traverse the descending routes of an ancient tree hopefully discovering the odd pocket of abundant titanite lizards such is ash lake and to develop it we must now move to some of the threads that lead into it lets us look at some items that are often missed there is a corpse that bears a chlorine theorem the client theory ring is useful in many instances but we are not especially concerned about its function at this point we are concerned with its design the description states that this ancient ring engraved with the large green flower is of unknown origin a large green flower that the ring is ancient is another interesting choice of words engraved with the large flower might also imply that the engraving is not required for its function whether it is or isn't we could have an identifying mark lets us look a little harder elsewhere in the game for this symbol one rather obscure place that we find this symbol or at least a variety of it is in the design works a picture of Gwynn in his armor has small ones that are identifiable in the design works interview the team talked about designing Gwynn's armor talking about how they refined it and continued to adjust the design they wanted the armor to look ancient yet cool at the same time they managed to turn him into the appearance of the lord who will be at the head of his troops they reworked the design as it was the most important boss of the game we can therefore take this as a certainty that these flower symbols were not sketched on carelessly lets us look closer it is not identical to the cleric fee but it is remarkably close note also that it's on armor that we find it allow us to continue our search for the symbol we then find it in the most peculiar of places a symbol that is on Gwynn's armor we find on Smurfs you can see it quite clearly here this is unmistakeably the same as the symbol on Gwynn's there are also what appears to be the same symbol on a different row but this is in fact a cog the COG is interesting but remember this is Miyazaki's favorite armor and he wouldn't bestow that honor easily he says that there's something unnatural about small Sarma it doesn't look like something that would have been created by a normal sane human I think that's what I liked about it now perhaps this can be interpreted as a non normal mad human or perhaps a non normal mad non-human ie negating everything we will get to that in a moment one assumes when he is talking about this he is referring to smoth but of course smoth is an executioner and perhaps a warrior not to smith as we know from other items the armors of the gods were made by a specific Smith smoth ground the bones of his victims for his own feed and because of this he ruined his hopes of being ranked with the four lines there are several things we can assume from this one is that he was at least of a level where the consideration was in question a person unable to fight or from a low rank could have no opportunity for promotion similarly he would already have had this armor and indeed perhaps this hammer is precisely what ground the bones of his victims as one can see on a hammer there are the elegant flower symbols plain to see assuming his rank is close to artorias Kieran Gough and Ornstein it can then be assumed that a certain someone made his weapon and the mark was perhaps an identifying mark of the nameless blacksmith deity the nameless blacksmith deity according to the titanite slab forged weapons for other gods as Gwyn went to forge the flame after the nameless blacksmith deity past there is a possibility that Gwen asked for a replacement to be made by someone else however this is unlikely given we seem to see the same armor of Gwynn's in the intro as when we find him however we can still look closer in addition to the fairly obvious symbols on both the armor and the weapon we still have to consider just why this is Miyazaki's favorite armor set let us look at Smurfs great Anna aside from being a humungous strength based weapon it is also an unopened flower look carefully from above what you have are an array of petals of the identical shape to the petals that form the symbols on his armor and around the hammer if you imagine the hammer opening up it would form a huge destructive version of that pretty little symbol a rather quaint weapon for an execution this surely is the signature weapon of a master Smith if ever there was one but we are still not done yet we will not bore you by telling you that the artworks reveal that Smurfs face and eyes are below where they apparently are instead look at his armor as a whole around the waist is again the form of a large petal pattern once again the flower that crops up everywhere is present on his very armor looking from above similar to the hammer we have the shape of a flower formed onto the plates of the stomach and legs the flower is in its open form integrated into the armor itself this armor ugly as it seems is a collection of flowers now whether the Smith of Smaug skill was mad or not is difficult to say why small should be entitled to such an impressive set of armor is also difficult to say but the fact remains that it's unlikely that smoke was able of crafting this himself given the uniformity of the mark amongst several godlike sacks we can begin to infer the origins of some of these works of art and work of art is an important distinction first let us try and discover where else this symbol can be found this proves difficult let us try and find where the nameless blacksmith deity may have been then we maybe have to work backwards first of all we can presume that he may have been in Anor Londo he was a Smith for the gods after all of course we do find one living Smith the rather untalkative giant blacksmith although Goff calls him an old chap in the English version in the Japanese his referenced as a youngster if he was around at the same time as the nameless blacksmith deity he would have certainly been responsible for different things one thing that is explicitly stated is that he was responsible for the lightning crossbow bolts in perhaps one of the most bizarre item descriptions in the entire game we are told apparently needlessly that the giant blacksmith has never seen a crossbow the direct quote from the lightning bolt item description is special bolts imbued with lightning crafted by the giant blacksmith of an Orlando the giant blacksmith has never seen a crossbow but remembers the specifications of the bolts requested by ancient warriors is this not an especially peculiar item description it is done with such ease unlike cavils ring it does not hint or draw attention to itself it could go entirely unnoticed what this does necessitate is that the giant blacksmith has never made a crossbow let us now move on from the giant blacksmith who for now does not help us much in the opposite door to the one that the giant blacksmith works in the mirror image in relation to the main entrance is a fully locked room it is our gasps that this is the room from which the name of blacksmith deity would have worked since his departure it has been left unused so given that there is perhaps a slight clue in a crossbow connection we need to see if we can find a crossbow of some heritage perhaps not the first crossbow in the undead burg the ho Dark Souls can sometimes hide great insights in unexpected locations nor is the sniper crossbow of much interest to us instead it is of course the crossbow you are all thinking of Avalon what more are socratic crossbow could there be in the entire game than this beauty this triple firing weapon certainly be classified as a work of art and one that would compete with the intricacies of Smaltz armor and weapon Miyazaki says he knew the detail and complexity of the weapon could never come across in-game for that reason they emphasized its inclusion in the design works luckily for us when looking for evidence of course we find this weapon in the Jukes archives this location is interesting already note that in the design works interview Miyazaki states that he had to put it in the duke's archives it was originally going to be Domino's weapon but it was changed the forcefulness of the wording had to is very interesting so too is the fact that Miyazaki having been asked about the origin of the name says hmm I think there was a reason behind it but I've forgotten at least that's what I'm going to tell you so perhaps the name too can give us some insight this certainly isn't a weapon only thrown in for the sake of including a triple crossbow it has been thought of in relation to the law our first intuition is to hungrily search for this identifying mark while the bow is ornate and the work of a master we cannot find the symbol either on the crossbow in-game or in its images in the artwork book secondly the description states that it was cherished by the master weapon craftsman eyed us our hearts sink as we assume this means that it was not made by the nameless blacksmith dancing however we must be cautious this game has incredibly careful use of English and we should approach it with the same degree of accuracy it states that the weapon was cherished by iodized not that it was made by him this is a vital distinction a weapon craftsman or Smith does not make weapons for himself or at least rarely additionally the word cherish makes it sound as though originally it may have been a gift but wait who and where is I dass we believe that he is the crystal Knight once again moving from symbol to symbol we can see that the crossbow adilyn and the crystal knight's armor are exceedingly similar in fact to argue that they were not part of the same set would be lunacy so what is I - doing outside of seeds room why is he wildung a crystal great sword as opposed to the crossbow that so obviously would be used in conjunction with the rest of the set let us first established the final connection with symbols there is no identifying mark on Evelyn to connect it with the nameless blacksmith deity however there is an obvious crossover of patterns between Evelyn and the crystal knight's armor set so perhaps we don't need to find the identifying mark upon Evelyn at all we can instead look at the crystal knight's armor at first glance looking at the setting game yields no results however upon further very close inspection there is in fact our flower symbol on the thighs on the chest piece and even more subtly on the cuffs additionally we must remember that it is a crystal night we are dealing with he has been partially crystallized aside from the mental effects which we will get to in a moment there are physical effects aside from the weight that would have to be being carried by I - the crystals also partially blocked the design of his armor once again we moved to the artwork book and what we find smack bang in the middle of his shield plainly visible now that the crystals have been removed is a huge flower symbol just like those we have been tracking it is absolutely certain that I - did not make Gwynn's armor the timeline is just too deep and considering the nameless blacksmith deity was still around when goon was fighting the Dragons it would have caused fall to the blacksmith in charge of the gods weapons and armors whether I - made a volyn having learned the craft from his master the nameless blacksmith deity is up for debate perhaps he continued employing the symbol to show from who he learned his craft but the lineage of the nameless blacksmith deity is clear we are inclined to believe that the weapons of iodized were indeed made by the nameless blacksmith 30 this is because the duke's archives are already littered with symbols remember Seath was gifted the archives he did not build them they are not his originally we have also previously argued that Gwyn may be related to giants that golf while he is a giant is related to Gwynn's progenitors and that similarly the nameless blacksmith deity inhabiting the same sized room although it is locked as the giant blacksmith and wielding slabs so large that from them great beasts arise and the sheer size of smokes Armour all mean that he was a giant consider also this in Greek mythology Hephaestus was credited with building much of the Palace of the gods and that across a broad range of mythology Smith gods are also gods of stonework and craftsmanship we therefore believe it's likely that the nameless blacksmith deity bildt's the Royal archives for the gods there is further evidence for this first let's look at the mighty cogs in the archives they are perhaps a lift to reach books the foundations of a mighty planetarium or the driver of the stairs in a corkscrew-like movement just as the other stairs move so - may have these stairs corkscrewed up and down but now sit in a a makeshift ladder has been placed at the top to make up the difference of the stairs having stopped working in their lowered position with poorly made planks to get across to some books previously accessible via the mechanism the cell we find the white seance ring in is also inaccessible and there is no evidence of destruction other than the cogs therefore our favorite theory is that of a broken set of masterful moving stairs not only does the huge scale point to our smithing God but also one wonders if the old cog symbol we have found previously is related to his previous masterpiece that is the archives secondly we find on the lamps around the archives very similar patterning to the armor of the crystal mind this patterning is also found at the top of the pillars and as part of the banisters but is his most similar to irises armor when found on the lamps considering the archives are well beyond the range of even a master craftsman and squarely in the domain of the God the symbols appearing first in the archives and then on eyelashes honor makes us to sign the irises sat was built for him by his master perhaps as a gift at the end of his training remember Seath was gifted the Royal archives he is not royal he is a Jew and he received them after betraying the Dragons could the Crystal Caves have originally been mines for Titan art there is certainly an abundance of crystal lizards which we muster and are related to the blacksmith deity and not to see whether the caves were mines or not is irrelevant in the final conclusion what we seem to have is a smithing god both for weapons and masonry and architecture in short a boss this would correlate with many other gods in mythology who share such roles so lesser steel with I - what exactly is he doing outside of seeds domain why is he willing a crystal grapes hold with Avalons so far from him first of all it is interesting to note that Avalon is in a location that only one very familiar with the layout workings and design of the archives would be able to retrieve and firing safely it is almost as if it was hastily put there for keeping and what of the name that means a key refused to give us the meaning behind Avalon is a name which does not have an obvious meaning it is related according to the scant sources we can find to the name Avis and Avalon the first has a meaning of bird or desired and Adeline has a meaning that can be taken as hazelnut and also has wished for or longed for child also notes that the far more common name Evelyn has a meaning in the German of little bird and in the English of beautiful bird we must also remember that dark souls was voice recorded in the English all these connotations certainly led the mind into ideas about velka's child if she had one and perhaps to Priscilla certainly if the child that may be being referenced in the weapon's name is Ida says then it could fit the previous idea that the beautiful triple crossbow was a gift to mark the birth of a child and as such the weapon is cherished one thing related to my task that we are certain of is that he has been captured we believe Seath has crystallised him perhaps to preserve his life but at the very least to drive him into a form of insanity the fact that his cherished weapon whether he made it or not is in a room far from where we find him leads us to believe that his great sword is also part of the mind-control process the weapon has been crystallized as a master craftsman the bond between him and the things he makes and more specifically weapons of all kind would be incredibly strong if one weapon is also a representation of a daughter or even a lost daughter this connection is even deeper how to replace this mental attachment the description of crystal magic weapon provides the answer the crystal magic weapon states that the crystal medium facilitated a stronger bond between weapon and soul therefore perhaps the total crystallization of both ideas combined with the crystallization of the incongruent great sword is in fact evidence of mind control tactics by seethe his attempts to break his bond with his realities with his past with everything but the weapons he is forging practically addicted to his weapon and to the crafting of crystal weapons and perhaps the access of the tool Seath provides he is kept in a mental state that is easy to control functional yet practically hollow he is such a shell of his former self he even protects seeth his jailer why would see do this firstly it is likely that I das was part of the rebellion however another very likely reason is that Seath is using him to craft weapons as the giant blacksmith states shiny shiny is with the Duke this means that the crystal and ax is in possession of the white dragon however is it likely that seat is hammering away partly eyed ass is the one creating the arms for the crystal hollow warriors and importantly for the channelers look carefully at the crystal armor set and the channel s act they certainly have some similar aspect of course the channel acceptors are more aggressive and perhaps slightly insane example of workmanship but most important to take note of is the weapon just look at the quality of this weapon the channelers trident is yet again the work of a master smith the only ones we know of being the nameless blacksmith deity and dyed ass first of all the black markings against the gold are similar to what we find on Avalon which hints at the nameless blacksmith deity and I does his school of smithing second is the togs on both armors one being more like an anemone on I - and the ones on the Chandler's being a slightly smaller image perhaps a dragon the choices again while different do have far more similarity the most categories of armor thirdly there is a triple aspect once again with the Chandler's weapon being a triply pointed trident of course the Chandler's do have three pairs of our eyes but it does not follow that their weapons should follow this number rather it may be eyed asses obsession with his lost adilyn that is causing this smithing choice the effects of this weapon are also rather marvelous with varied attacks and the bath and if you look carefully the points of the Trident spin during the special attack this is craftsmanship at an exceedingly high level so we have eyed ass trapped and mad tasked with making the weapons for seath's minions if you still think that it's possible that these symbols are a careless filler to the armor designs listen to this quote about the design of the Black Knight armor as far as design goes there are a number of themes I wanted to incorporate I wanted to make them really detailed models so we gathered a huge amount of reference material of course cloth wouldn't fit there burned image but I wanted to design right down to the patterns carved into their armor I really wanted that quality this is from software remember very little is by accident before we move on we will make a last point that the grass crest shield is also of unknown origin as is the chlorin theorem both gives stamina increases and the grass crest in its nature focused design makes one think the client fee is a natural partner its patterns also make us think once again a vidas is set so we have discovered quite a lot why don't we try and piece together some of what we have found in these new insights and see if we can learn something about the nameless blacksmith deity the Black Knights are found consistently in locations very correlated with the plot against the gods they are in positions to counter it or have not moved from positions that they did counter it the first Black Knight we find is facing a corpse with the blue tear stone ring seemingly innocuous but we would argue that this is the most compelling location correlated with the plot the second is high upon a tower with the night of what may be the exit for Aundre and near the shrine for the firstborn son one is near the corpses of those who failed in the plot against the gods another is close to the vicinity of pinwheel and vamos the non spirit Black Knights that roam Lordran Duggan's bidding let us try and piece together what that bidding is what is near the grass crest shield is the corpse of Faris additionally there is a bonfire that connects down to the valley of the drakes other interesting points is that we are near the Hydra and where Havel is locked up or where Havel is believed to be locked up the law revealed from the first Black Knight is quite find if one looks carefully first of all we must remember that those with too much greed were banished to the depths this was a very recent event as we have shown previously given the reference to greed combined so frequently with the plots against the gods we are inclined to believe that the planning of the plot against the gods was also largely carried out secretively in the undead burg our reasons for this are several first of all what is a normal house in the undead burg doing with the treasure chest full of lightning buff this buff is specifically powerful against dragons is this too soon to cry Havel okay what about this the corpse that has been slain has been dragged backwards to where it currently lies having a rather special and exclusive ring for a typical undead corpse indeed the way the body is dragged relative to the blood stain looks more like an assassination than a direct attack a sneak attack the next support that this was the location for plotting against the gods is a well known joke how do you get Havel into a watchtower you can't it's half of the rock he does what he wants his weapon is the tooth of a dragon it is quite possible his poise makes him literally immovable how Havel gets into the watchtower is he goes in himself look at the watchtower closely there is the exit at the bottom and the exit at the top the exit at the top is the one which we enter into Havel staircase however is that all the entrances that ever existed let us go back to the blood-stained to the sneak-attack to the backdoor of what we believed to be a house of plotting rebels just ahead of the blood-stained there is a corridor a corridor that simply ends ahead into our right is a hollow throwing fire barrels haven't we all those dark souls novices avoided it and fallen straight down to our death a long way to kill us to kill anyone even Havel now a drop like that could lock someone in as effectively as any door so how can we make the fall from the staircase and not die as many of us discovered by accident the first time it is by falling or jumping to a small stone lip that juts out just enough a peculiar little extension now look to the other side there is another entrance an archway that likely leads to one of the wooden floors on our way down into hovels watchtower and so it becomes clear this used to be a stone walkway that connected the watchtower and the Berg more directly it is a stone walkway that Havel walked over and which was smashed from above just after he had entered the watchtower as the watchtower basement key states the basement of the watchtower forms of stone cell this means it acts as one and its structure or altered structure manages to have the same form as a prison though it was not built as one other members of the Dark Souls world who are locked up will track maidens logan twice are in legitimate cells why put Havel in this huge place why use a watchtower again because you can't put travel in a cell man who wields dragon teeth cannot be made to do anything he must be tricked an unfortunate co-conspirator whose identity we will get to in a moment was slain to Havel most likely betrayed by one of his own is trapped and the plotting against the gods comes to nothing for now finally the watchtower basement key takes on a deeper meaning it is not referencing Gwen nor is it referencing Seif rather it is referencing the betrayal of a friend one of the rebels and co-conspirators there are rumors of a hero turned Hollow who was locked away by a dear friend for his own good of course perhaps the friend justified the action as saving hovels life as the plot would have gotten them all killed anyway the real question is who betrayed them with this interesting location of the Black Knight show to deeply correlate with the rebels actions and the location of the other Black Knight in the tomb of the Giants the other locations begin to fit the same pattern - perhaps Andhra is being trapped and watched over as the Black Knight also keeps an eye on the shrine of the firstborn son for any stray followers the black knight in the tomb of giants is obviously a vestige of the squashing of the plot against the gods carrying out a similar task as the Black Knight or Knights who tracked Havel and the black night near the grass crest shield may hint at a later time than the Black Knights who trapped him Happel had many friends many of whom were powerful we believe the location of the grass crest shield and the secretive bonfire hint at a plot to free Havel it did not go smoothly but we believe it may have been successful first let us take the fact that Havel's ring is described as being worn by half a warrior's second that they have great faith in their leader faith is in the definition complete trust or confidence in someone faith often means you will do a great deal for the object of your faith and often to a degree that is beyond reason thirdly the enemy we find that the base of the watchtower is rather easy to kill fourthly Havel's weapons are found late in game in a chest in a Nalanda fifth and perhaps the most important is the most enigmatic of havel item description changes in the Japanese once again it is in the infamous watched our basement key item description but this time the emphasis is not on the friend what it is on however is something even more attention grabbing the Japanese translates as the basement of the watchtower has become a stone prison a hero who became Hollow was confined there by the hands of a friend it is said he has been shut in there ever since in the English translation rumors are referenced this is helpful to put the locking up of Havel fairly recently on the timeline of Dark Souls well after Guin has passed as we have proven however the Japanese hints at rumors rather more subtly it is said has room alike connotations it implies information and potential misinformation gossip and most importantly doubt what does it express doubt about that he has been locked in there ever since now if someone is safely locked up in prison would there be rumors about if he's still in there surely not it is entirely obvious if an inmate is still in his cell however if an inmate was clad in armor when he was locked up and to see his face would mean beating him in battle which may be a rather difficult thing to do this might mean his identity would be harder to confirm indeed rumor often spread in the lower echelons of society it is unlikely that those in power would hear of such rumors we believe that this description implies that there has been a plot to free Havel a Great Escape rumors of the potential freeing of hassel have spread has he escaped is he still in that most things surely not and so the phrase it is said he has been locked in there ever since comes along the combination of all these factors which cast doubt on the identity of the man in the watchtower leads us to believe that while Havel may have originally been locked in now there is a faithful follower of Havel taking his place rather like the plot of the man in the iron mask a different man has been locked up inside except this time it is benevolent it could even not be a follower of Howells but an enemy have have all placed there as vengeance albert is on a warrior of Howl's doing his duty staunchly showing his faith to his master throughout the endless years never flinching never retreating it has stated that undead are afraid of fire yet the man in the watchtower returns to his place looks up and stares at the torch hardly the behavior of a typical undead he looks instead like a man who strives to do his duty so other than rumor where is the evidence of this escape plot first is the collateral damage that may have been left behind there is what is likely the corpse of Faris his great bow left in a prime position to give covering fire during escape a secretive bonfire lined in a tunnel gives access to replenishing asters and further down the tunnel a lift to the valley of the drakes which in turn gives access to new londo and all the rogues that reside that it also gives access to blight town and its entrance to ash lake similarly there is a corpse which possesses the grass crest shield which we have already shown is likely to be linked to the rebels Black Knight once again is involved and the armor of Faris who it should be pointed out is found in a dark chasm evolved in Dark Souls 2 alongside many other rebellious figures such as Havel is worn by one of the followers of Val Venis covenant dusk is also captured by a crystal golem and we have reason to believe that she may have been involved with the plot against the gods as well at least there is evidence of oolacile involvement and finally the evidence that a plot was carried off the which listed the entrance to NATO's domain would imply a time difference between the events of the Battle of the rebels in Darkroot and the Battle of the rebels in NATO's domain they cannot be a raging battle in dark route at the same time when the same members are rebelling against the gods therefore the battles must have been at different times and we believe the rebels would rescue Havel who was perhaps their leader before launching the full assault against the gods Andrei also stays that there is a divine blacksmith in Darkroot however this blacksmith is dead this would imply that Andre either has not been into dark route in some time all that both the plots and the escape of half of are fairly recent events perhaps this divine blacksmith was also involved incurring seath's wrath here as well after all some divine blacksmith gone to the dark side had to work with the cult weapons to provide them for the rebels and no living blacksmith knows of the occult and though of course there is the dead blacksmith in the painted world as well and who betrayed them in the first place we believe though it is a speculative gas that Ricard may have been responsible for the betrayal against the rebels ratting out the planned plot against the gods there are a few reasons for this idea first of all he is undead and this on death may have led him to the likes of Havel and the fellow dragon covenant members it is interesting to note that Velka is specifically described as heretical in the Japanese the card is guarding a rare ring of sacrifice from Belka in addition to a divine blessing therefore we wonder if her card was a double agent playing both sides of the field why else would the daughter of Gwyn or perhaps the illusion of Guinevere which is far more likely given the timeline reward him he may have betrayed his friends for a goddess that left long ago and merely ratted them out to a sad Gwendolyn perhaps Ricard is now hiding out as the crestfallen merchant does not include him in the list of those who have failed in Sens perhaps it is neither safe for him above or below where the betrayed and surviving conspirators wish their revenge upon him so now the rebels have Havel who may be the leader at some point the conspirators make their way down into ash lake to access Ashley one first has to traverse to hidden walls if we remember dusk Starlog we are told quite clearly that the magic of oolacile relates to changing the environment it is not so obsessed with oneself or the caster of the spell hidden walls then would be a typical example rather interestingly just as we find various hidden walls in oolacile a hidden wall is used in a fireplace in Anor Londo to hide hovels gear and to hidden walls have been made - hi - Lake once again the patterns keep cropping up hidden walls seem to be largely the domain of not only uniseal but of plotters against the gods knowing what we know now lets us re-enter ashley and keep our wits about us there is the ring the client the ring but well before that there are other things that should catch our attention one which many people take advantage of in new game+ and so on are the respawning crystal lizards one must remember that these crystal lizards have been peeled from their slab and received a special power did they receive it from the nameless blacksmith deity what is certain is that the highest concentration of crystal lizards is in the Great Hollow in addition at the base of ash lake our clan enemies who also have the potential to drop twinkling titanite we must remember for the rest of the video that shellfish are generally bottom feeders the equivalent of water scavengers these clans did not produce the twinkling titanite they have consumed and perhaps rather like a pearl being formed around a grain of sand that could not be cleared out this piece of Titan art was an irritating meal that could not be flushed out this concept of a foreign body being eaten by clans will be relevant later also in the Great Hollow on rooms giant mushrooms just like Elizabeth we've already mentioned the likely collusion of some members of either seal in the plot against the gods and perhaps these mushrooms are not the dumb creatures we take them for finally there are the cursing lizards the same ones we find in the depths were both set sent down to punish those plotting against the gods or is their original habitat the Great Hollow it is difficult to tell once again however there is evidence that someone has been here other than the worshipers of dragons seethe has clams in his Crystal Caves which are separated from ash lake by a huge geographical distance and are very different environments for the clans to live in with the lake being far more likely since they are obviously water-based in addition the Hydra and the clams appear to live symbiotically in ash lake with the clams burrowing into the sand to avoid the hydras water breath when a grows are intruders finally we have a Hydra a bonfire a skull and a dragon the bonfires are made of a sword plunged in fire the great Hollow is littered with twinkling titanite that has to be peeled from a titanite slab slabs our heirloom was passed down from the blacksmith deity since his death the dragon covenant which was joined by the firstborn son likely came down to ash Lake the same firstborn son who has demon Titan I by his bedside close by the firstborn sons bedroom is one of the strongest titanite demons in the game the firstborn son had respect only for our perhaps he also had a great respect for the king among weapon craftsmen the nameless blacksmith deity there is one thing that certainly links them they are the only two deities who are nameless the nameless first born son fraternized with the dragon covenant perhaps the nameless blacksmith deity also fraternized with the dragon land are all these close ties merely coincidence the threads that length the nameless blacksmith dirty to the firstborn son the links with the nameless blacksmith deity to the Great Hollow and all the little pointers lead us to believe that the skull in Ashley is the head of the nameless blacksmith deity the rune on a titanite chunk translates as you tree which in Norse mythology are the trees which hold up the earth and the heavens if therefore titanite comes from arch trees perhaps the nameless blacksmith deity would have to harvest slabs himself also after he passes what happens from several slabs great beasts arise intimately connected with the blacksmith the slabs being his heirlooms perhaps the demons are in some manner related to him as well remember the choice of word demon one of the fears of fighting types like demons is the range of their weapons that they can use ranged attacks but what form of ranged attacks they can fire lightning the only individuals capable of lightning Arg when all those intimately connected with him this would again support the idea that the name of blacksmith deity is related to Gwyn next the shape of the weapon is remarkably similar to the tongs a blacksmith would have to use to take metal or weapons out of the Forge next is the fact of the demons are crippled one leg is dragged lamely across the floor as we fight them this makes us think of the Greek god of smithing Hephaestus Hephaestus was also a [ __ ] a muscular blacksmith depicted with the crippled leg hunched over with his tongs if Isis was thrown out of Olympus at birth as he was shriveled of foot he was often depicted with his feet backwards or with damaged legs if the nameless tax net deity is in some way represented by the titanite demons then he may have also been lame of leg also the nameless blacksmith dirty made and fixed the weapons of the gods and what does demon titanite do it is used to reinforce the weapons of the gods the connections between the demons as having a design which likely correlates in some aspects to the nameless blacksmith deity is building and finally what is the other disfigurement which ails the titanite demons there is a head without a body at the bottom of ash lake and the demons that arise from the slabs are all described as faceless a clean slice to the neck displays runes but no head the titanite demon is faceless and the skull in ash lake is bodyless all of the living giants that we see have their faces covered perhaps at the bottom of ash lake is the uncovered skull of the giant nameless blacksmith deity also listen to the description of the crystal endo crystal ember created by Seath the scaleless handled only by the giant gods blacksmiths the interpretation of grammar here becomes very important we cannot take it too literally because it could be a typo but let's break it down the giant gods blacksmiths first of all blacksmiths is plural meaning unambiguously more than one so we must then move to the apostrophe gods the apostrophe here means possession ie the blacksmiths are possessed by the God and it is God singular the grammar required if the blacksmiths were owned by plural gods would be God's blacksmiths with the apostrophe after the ass therefore the only ambiguity left is to what noun giant applies does giant apply to the now and God as in a giant God who has black Smith's orders giant applied to blacksmiths as in the giant blacksmiths of a single God common sense would argue that the placing would apply to God as otherwise you would say the gods giant blacksmiths therefore we would argue that if this is not a grammar mistake the god of all the blacksmiths likely referring to all blacksmiths who work in Lordran is a giant even if the meaning is taken that all of the gods blacksmiths are giants would it not be terribly likely that this God was a giant too next is the Corinth earring bearing his enigmatic symbol and of ancient origin additionally the prison stone item arguably most useful in the great holler if exchanged with snugly gives us none other than a demon tie tonight we will flesh out more of snugly later and how her item trades are certainly not coincidence the deities namelessness does imply a similar fate to the firstborn son but we cannot be sure either way what we do believe is that death precedes the presence of the stone dragon found in ash lake if we once again take off Isis as the analogy we learned that if Isis was married to Aphrodite the Troublesome goddess of love it is well known that she was not especially attracted to her husband and as she cheated on him habitually with other gods most of whom had wives themselves could it be that the nameless blacksmith dirty had the misfortune of being married to the troublesome veena could also have Feeney's alliance with xanthus King Jeremiah hurt the nameless blacksmith 30 as much as it did the witch of izalith perhaps the two wronged lovers found care in each other's arms the witch of izalith and the nameless blacksmith deity finding each other out of hardship let us look at the locations of our titanite demons there are a great abundance of them at the base of sense fortress sin interestingly is a surname found in the east of the Indian subcontinent derived from the sanskrit word for army this supports our idea that sends fortress long before its usage very recently as an undead challenge was the soldiers training ground in Japanese it also means 1000 and interestingly in Vietnam it means lotus flower but the title might demons themselves are a challenge to explain with the dozens and dozens of armors littered about the fortress it is not unfeasible a great deal of smithing occurred here as well weapons and armor would break during the extensive practice that soldiers had to go through there for the slaves left behind from this smithing would have given rise to a number of demons this is one idea another titanite demon is before the entrance to Darkroot garden this is presumably evidence that perhaps andre had a slant before we ever give him one there is one outside of nito's domain which is once again an extremely peculiar position given that it's close to the tomb of giants perhaps one of the nameless blacksmith deities kin held onto a slab and again the location being close to a blacksmith in this case familes is again a pattern upheld with the previous location of the demon next to andre now we get into the far more interesting location one is deep within an Orlando incredibly near the firstborn son's room this is an incredibly strong titanite demon it is as though the residual elements of the nameless blacksmith deity sole retains some resonance with places he was connected to and the next is the only titanite demon in the game that respawned which squats almost in the center of izalith just at the end of the route taken by the Covenant of chaos it's it's as if it's guarding izalith from someone who may have been close to her perhaps the suspicious Quay Varna or even the returning Jeremiah it would seem that the true soul of the nameless blacksmith 30 and at least his most prized heirloom resides within izalith how interesting also as we mentioned before the once he passes demons arise not ghosts or embodiments but demons how fitting if indeed there was a love affair kindled by the violent mutual betrayal of their partners that this connection is shown in game by this violent titanite demon furthermore the youngest of izalith children the ceaseless discharge could begin to make more sense if the smaller daughters are the offspring of Jeremiah and then once the nameless blacksmith dirty and izalith are betrayed the two of them have ceaseless the size of ceaseless is more explainable and the skull in ash lake more comparable to him than most others in addition beyond the titanite demons and the slabs found in izalith the stray demon likely a rather powerful demon perhaps trapped to do a certain service for izalith as the placement is more a mystery than most realize carries a slab an heirloom of the nameless blacksmith deity carried by a demon the connections of the nameless blacksmith deity twice let's seem stronger and stronger and yet it goes further the firstborn son holds a piece of demon titanite in a chest by his bed and has pictures of izalith in his room there are sunlight medals the symbol of the firstborn son dropped by chaos bugs down below and there are also two divine blessings these divine blessings added to the fact that Guinevere ran away with the flame God flag who must surely be closer in relation to izalith than those who watched pile Audra pushes connections yet further to the land of izalith more and more it seems as if the children of Gwyn have sided with izalith and perhaps so too did the nameless blacksmith deity given the red titanite chunk can reinforce chaos weapons this certainly means that he passed after the chaos flame was created indeed his connection with the realm of izalith may be older than even that the flower image can be found deep within izalith so perhaps this master architect and stonemason worked to build up izalith as well as lordran crystal lizards hold twinkling titanite which has to be peeled from a slab aside from that many of the crystal lizards in the hollow also carries some likelihood of dropping a Titan ice slab slabs being owned by the nameless blacksmith deity and after his death became heirlooms rather bizarre to pasture lizard creatures if he didn't pass in the vicinity if he were to have died here then this form of abundance would be expected however additionally we have argued before that the items traded by snuggly are anything but random the Great Hollow is one of the few places that prison stones are of true value and what do we get from snuggly when we trade in a prison stone demon titanite the form of titanite that arose on the death of the nameless blacksmith deity but why did he die perhaps it was his time mere old age perhaps being a giant he was a relation of smoth further explaining the remarkable armor smoth wears smoth is said in the japanese to hood ground the flesh and bones of his victims this being an idiom for relatives perhaps this is a vague allusion to the death of the deity and to the absence of his bones in ash lake now for a bit of a breather from this marathon video for this we will look at some interesting law speculation and potential death and also then provide you with a mystery we cannot begin to figure out snugly that cute little crow as random as one might think we think not while there is plenty of speculation here it does seem to be non-random to an extent let us look at some of snidely's items in the light of the law insights that we have achieved the first is blood-red moss clump purple Moss comp and blooming purple Moss clump these are traded with snuggly for twinkling titanite twinkling titanite and two twinkling tides max respectively now this could be entirely random but considering dung PAH it also gives demon titanite implying the blacksmith deities death it could be implying that the poisonous travursel to ash lake may have killed him all that his cause of death was poisoning next is the cracked red eye orb for a purging stone this along with the bite ring in New Londo leads us to believe that our store the Earl of Kareem was a dark Wraith the egg firm of huge gives the dragon scale once again the connections between the base of Blighttown and ash lake and its dragons is very interesting the pendant is a souvenir of reprisal rare holds a pendant and we will get to that in a moment and what do we get for the prism stone as we have already mentioned demon titanite the symbol of the dead blacksmith deity pyromancy flame yields from snuggly a red titanite chunk a fairly obvious connection but interestingly dates the demise as we already knew of the giant blacksmith deity as coming before the fighting of izalith with Gwen as the blacksmith of the gods would not be working with their sworn enemies the ascended pyromancy flame shows the same as well as yielding a slab an heirloom which is interesting rubbish yields a titanite chunk which is rather peculiar ring of the Sun princess a double divine blessing a fairly obvious connection what is interesting is this very much seems as though it is a reward from the goddess Guinevere herself it is not a reward of velka's one can speculate if therefore Guinevere is on good terms with Velka who will return her ring later perhaps the twin rewards of Riccar do not imply double D length but the Guinevere the true Guinevere and Velka have aligned interests the sack is the mystery which we'll get to in a moment the sky lantern and the ring of fog is a peculiar one which we can't explain the sole of Manas and the pursuers item is obvious the sunlight mango and the old witch's ring is remarkably interesting and a clear connection the sunlight medal receiving a white tie to my trunk also makes sense twink you manatees are the raw ingredients for a rare ring of sacrifice a double sacrifice required for such an effect the xanthus crown and the ring of favor and protection likely shows the connection as we have previously argued between xanthus King Jeremiah and FINA the Troublesome goddess all this is quite compelling support for a pre-planned and low connected arrangement of snugglers items and now for the one we missed first we have to pose the mystery there is one corpse amongst all the rest in Dark Souls which grabs our attention of all the undead bodies this one is the most peculiar to us it is one of many corpses in its area one of many and yet it is unique perhaps the needle in a haystack of bodies we find it when we are disoriented and confused thrown into this new world we are unlikely to have a great deal of lore in our heads upon arriving in the undead asylum we first want to learn the mechanics and escape but almost in the first 30 seconds of gameplay there is something odd most notice with fear the hulking demon off to our right but what on earth is it doing there locked up sitting on a mountain of corpses that perhaps if they are Undead have died many times it may be the perfect punishment for an undead to diet this demons hands over and over of course it is likely in the interests of the demons as the demons locations are largely related to the intentions of the surviving culture of izalith however it is the dying prisoners that interest us they are all uniform and horrific in appearance indeed they do not differ from any other hollows we find in-game except one one in a daring and almost successful a scheme has been killed just on the cusp of potential freedom bars bend outwards from the impact of the crushing killing blow the demon delivered and this one body lies strewn over these bars however there is one peculiarity over the face of the seemingly irrelevant hollow of this corpse that seems to be merely placed to set the tone of the asylum is a sack a sack hiding the face of a nameless hollow saxon game have an interesting role indeed it would seem that sacks are only worn by women the wearers of other sacks in game are maneater Mildred and the butchers in the former case it may be shame and in the latter case it is also used by the developers to hide the enemy's gender but in general it is to do with the concealing of some aspects of identity it is therefore interesting that this corpse holds a sack as though someone wished to hide the identity of the hollow or that the Hollow wanted to hide their own identity who could this be could it be one of the plotters against the gods could it be some enemy of the demons could it be velka herself with her minion waiting outside to collect her after her escape who is to know but the identity of this Hollow is very compelling what is the most curious aspect of this sack if indeed it was an accidental garment or design and nothing more is the choice of snuggly of what to return upon the gift of the sack the curious item that snuggly gives you on receipt of the sack is the demon's great hammer the demon's great hammer such a worthless item as the sack yields such a great reward and it is a pair of demons that seem to guard this unique collar if anyone is capable of explaining it then they get the reward of another of the numerous mystery is still in Dark Souls now let us get on to another pillar of this mystery the enigma at the center of so much law seethe it's as a requirement would cease to be as thorough as possible this means going with the earliest information we have therefore we must look at the introduction again we are told that Seath the scaleless betrayed his own yet it has been much debated what emotion grips 'if in the introduction he sits atop a pile of his kins corpses considering he betrayed them one cannot help but feel that the emotion is a negative one perhaps it's a strong grief or perhaps it's a strong frustration one does not intuitively feel that it's a victory cry we do not feel as though he is celebrating overcoming them also an interesting aspect of this moment is that he is crushing something in his hand the overwhelming obsession of Seath is immortality he purges the primordial crystal from the Dragons devotes great time and study into further understanding of crystals and as we will endeavour to show strive to develop and understand true immortality the form which was possessed by the Dragons it has said throughout dark souls that seethe developed a form of madness largely focusing around his obsession with capturing maidens however occasionally what can seem like madness on the outside can have a lot of reason sometimes an individual knows what he is doing certainly sees plots and machinations would be private and as such the general rumors of a Nalanda or lordran would not be privy to his true intentions consider the description of the cage key this perfectly demonstrates how the activities of seat themselves let alone the intentions behind them are very opaque the description states if a hapless adventurer becomes fatigued during an imprudent attempt to overcome the fortress the serpent men will not kill him but lock him up in a lonely cage eventually unless they have forgotten they drag the victim off to who knows where as we find out later the serpent men are lackeys of seat therefore the victim will be dragged off to seats archives logan himself takes advantage of the situation is it really likely that logan was fatigued that so earlier point in the fortress or is it likely he aims to reach seats and his source of knowledge without all the risk that is entailed by facing the iron golem and the other risks along the way later we find him locked in see this domain again perhaps he is used a similar tactic therefore we can assume that the general public and a great deal of item descriptions are not aware of what Seath is up to we shall take this tome going forward let us start with our position on sieve and then begin to flesh it out we believe that seethe betrayed the Dragons for one overwhelming reason immortality intending on some technique he expected to be able to utilize the scales of the dragons for himself and achieve immortality what his plan methods were are difficult to say what he intended to do once achieving his objective is also difficult to say once he acquired the immortality would he slaughter the gods and the humans and thus become ruler of the world or was it merely survival if considered carefully one is forced to accept that seve had a time limit no other dragons are going to die Seath is inevitably going to die he is forced to take drastic action as his time is running out he cannot attain immortality from the destruction of Gwyn or indeed the destruction of any party other than the Dragons so Seath takes a risk we believe his intention involves robbing the scales of the dragons after the war and the emotion we see in the introduction sequence is one of intense disappointment of rage of frustration of an undoable action once peeled the scale seen worthless he crumbles some to dust he has not only betrayed his brethren but the payoff evaporated fortunately there was a silver lining he pillaged the primordial crystal from the Dragons using this he manages to survive until we defeat him however as we discover despite his placing of the crystal in the deepest part of the crystal caves guarded by all manner of beasts and invisible bridges moonlight butterflies and crystal golems we are able to destroy it in a moment however well one guarded it is an inherently fragile thing however if he could only achieve the scales of in no time combined with the removal of Gwyn with the firstborn son being outcast perhaps having failed to receive his inheritance of the sunlight sphere and indeed the absence of all the powerful gods all this combined would make him a fairly indisputable king of Lordran and likely far beyond therefore we believe that most of Caesars actions revolve around immortality however is of course occur in several forms he is interested in crystals and their properties perhaps in similar fashion a special tie tonight resolves into crystal lizards it could be that crystals help with bonding and absorption after all it is stated that crystals are very linked to the nature of souls however there is one route which we believe he pursues doggedly since the time of his betrayal this is the pursuit of the scales of immortality while in the introduction we believe we see his great disappointment at the impotence of the harvested scales we must remember that many dragons still survive as time goes on however the numbers dwindle what is certain is that due to see this lack of scales he does at least require a dragon or dragons possessing them for either experimentation grafting or any other type of scale based research now let us look into seeds activities with a bit more care contrary to the general consensus we believe that seeds activities are incredibly rational a thief doesn't actively engage but rather has minions to carry out his dirty work it is to them that we have to look first and foremost amongst them are the Chandler's having six Isis apparently compensate for seeds lack of sight they Traverse lordran carrying out seeds demands and these demands are ongoing just consider the disappearance of Raya in late-game who is very directly to the archives therefore we must assume that their duties haven't ceased and therefore their placements in the rest of the game are not random this in mind the placement of the channel are deep in the depths a place of rebels and outcasts full of poison in danger has to be questioned near a number of rats is a channeler seemingly on its own and without purpose only when we fight the gaping dragon is its apparent purpose revealed the channeler proceeds not only to attack us but to buff the dragon the fighters made immensely easier by killing the Chandler before attacking the dragon why would a Chandler a minion of Seath be concerned with an aged vomiting dragon the dragon king great annex states that the gaping dragon is a distant deform descendant of the ancient dragons however in the design walks interview and in the Japanese it hints instead that he was an ancient dragon and that it was the emergence of hunger coming along with all the other disparities that caused his shape to morph like this at first we questioned if it was indeed a he due to the vaginal imagery and the vague impression from its distended back belly of pregnancy while it does appear that both in the design walks interviews and item descriptions the gaping dragon is described as he this wrong idea still helped us hyssop on future insights whether he is a distant descendant or merely morph to be distant to what he once was if one was intent on the discovery of the scales of immortality a creature which may be the genetically closest living being to the ancient dragons other than seethe would certainly be worth keeping alive therefore the Chandler's keep watch and attempt to preserve this creature bear in mind that the gaping dragon is actually in rather a safe place to get up from Blighttown is difficult and indeed impossible without the key and to get down through the depths is similarly a challenge an interesting puzzle is where the gaping dragon comes up from as we can go to Blighttown before the depths it is obvious that he is not visibly at least in Blighttown one wonders if he may be coming up from the deeper depths the depths of the world where water runs - of what ash lake is just a tiny part of so we have some of what's Heath intends the preservation of all dragons who possess a degree of similarity with the ancient dragons at this point it's important to note that one of these include seeth himself Seath is an ancient dragon he is just Albina according to the bequeathed Lord soul shard he is an albino dragon apparently in dragons this manifests in a skin issue that is a lack of scales one aspect of Albina effects is a lack of sight however this is rarely full blindness just some degree of vision impairment we believe it is more likely that Seath is partially sighted although likely to a high degree of impairment therefore as the channelers helps his lack of sight it could be said that this lack of sight is from the albino traits of see it may not be that Seath is entirely blind only partially sighted also and this is important and Alby no parent does not necessarily produce Alby no offspring we move closer to the solution now another close to Dragon creature is Priscilla who is supposedly half-dragon she looks to have some scales perhaps on her forehead but she was locked up by the Lord and was also in our opinion feared by seethe and finally we have the stone dragon in ash lake which at least to the eye is the closest to the ancient dragons ignoring some aspects such the size and the item description of the dragon great sword which states that the stone dragon is a descendant of the ancient dragons one would be tempted to say that it is an ancient dragon but this makes it clear that it is no such survivor note that it does not say distant descendant we must remember that distance in descendants is not related to time but to lineage this means purely as an example if you're the son of Adam and Eve who happens to live for over a thousand years you are not a distant descendant of Adam and Eve in the later stages of your life however if the separation is many generations perhaps spanning under 500 years you may then be called a distant descendant distance in descendancy relates to intervening generations not time superficially the channelers protection of the gaping dragon leads us to realize seeds concern with the Dragons and again on the surface level it appears that the evidence of the Hydra in the lake and near the location of many crystal golems including dusk a captured maiden implies that seethe may be involved with the stone dragon - and we again fine - light creatures most specifically the Clarins deep in the crystal caves however it is seeth himself who strikes us as the most compelling dragon to look at first what is see Tharp - exactly other than his quite understandable research into crystals the most notorious of his activities and that for which he was called mad was the kidnapping of maidens even to the present moment he seems to be carrying it out though not to any great extent we only see it in action with Raya who may in fact be a person of interest to see the still reside some passata some of whom were presumably Guinevere's maidens at the foot of the archives the giant tower selkie states the giant cell wants imprisoned countless maidens but is now empty save for a few key persons they struggled to uphold their sanity as the Horde of mistakes why they're too fearfully close proximity so there is shown how countless maidens used to reside that what is also interesting is that the number has dwindled and that mistakes right there this could imply something mistakes arriving there but perhaps there were not only mistakes perhaps there were some successes the number would therefore naturally dwindle if there were no need for more maidens another vital aspect of the nature of the maidens if they are merely worthless failed experiment is the behavior of the lizard man on the moment of your entrance they do not attack you in the slightest but merely run up the stairs and to the top of the ladder note that the ladder is something that bussaco cannot get up now the pisaq are not especially challenging enemies unlikely to cause death but what is very likely at least in our experience is that a first time encounter will cause you to get grabbed and spiked so it seems as though the littered men are intending to preserve the purse akka but at the same time are not especially concerned with you let us also look at Priscilla she resides in a painting not a few minutes gameplay away from seethe if she is supposed to be the end result of his experiments then why would he not experiment on her or use her for whatever ends he intended as the gods have locked her up indefinitely one could presume the gods don't much care for her quality of life and would be happy for Sethe to do what he wishes instead seed seems entirely unconcerned with the capture of Priscilla the painting guardians are hardly a force to be reckoned with for someone like Seif the channel as a remark could be strong and he also has many crystal soldiers who pack a punch for living so close to a largely empty anor londo he seems to do very little to breach the paintings defenses we believe this is because Heath is concerned with the full dragon not a half dragon indeed he may be far more aware of Priscilla's existence than we might expect lets us look closely at this for a moment and perhaps some things will come together Seath is obsessed with immortality and is likely working on the attainment of the scales of immortality due to his albino nature he has scaleless the albino condition is extremely unlikely to pass down to an offspring if only one parent is Albina the gaping dragon is also male maidens presumably often of the church were captured in great number a seat became obsessed with maidens during his madness there are still some there at present the lizards seem to be trained to not harm the passata as though they are some objects of value or of potential value priscilla resides nearby apparently not interesting see in the slightest a maiden is defined as an unmarried girl or young woman or a virgin a small nested feathery dragon is at the bottom of a lake with ample evidence that seethe or his minions have been down there we find ourselves reaching the inevitable conclusion that seethe is concerned with the creation of a full dragon not a half dragon at all through some means he attempted to take human women and morph them into a dragon or dragon-like creature their serpent like appearance caused them to be imperfect but if they could be dragon like enough to take his genetic information it may be possible to create a full dragon however there was a mistake priscila seethe captured maidens not out of irrational obsession but because he wanted to ensure that they were not pregnant and a virgin cannot be pregnant but one woman evidently had a lover out of wedlock and was pregnant with an illegitimate child one that will be born out of wedlock or commonly known as a bastard child in during the horrific experimentation of Seath the scaleless dragon may have had his first success however it was only due to the pre-existing pregnancy much like the corruption of guts and Casca's child in berserk the dragon influence of seethe welded Sammy successfully changing the nature of the child Priscilla was the result bastardy ora legitimacy may be a reference to royalty or godhood as the word is often used to describe the sons and daughters of such people who are not in tight to inheritance but now it could simply mean that because it was out of wedlock Seath was caught unawares and went ahead with his experiments indeed the peculiar doll is just as likely to be owned by the mother of Priscilla as Priscilla herself after seat's experiments she is likely to have been an abomination also one must take note of the fact that at no point does the item description put an age or age range on the owner of the doll the community is simply assumed it was owned by a child due to the fact it's a doll who knows Priscilla's pale nature maybe from growing up in a cold and lonely world lacking in light indeed there is no recognition of the peculiar doll by Priscilla and it is unlikely her childhood would have had a place for such things as dolls and if the peculiar doll does indeed refer to Priscilla then the reason she would have no place in this world is because even her own creator didn't want her as she represented a dangerous mistake the rest of the world didn't want her either fearing her abilities and her closeness to Dragons if she had had a purpose and had been created deliberately and not by accident then she certainly would have had a place indeed Seetha's just as afraid of Priscilla as the gods her capacity for life hunt and her potential superiority deceit certainly would not have put a smile on his bony face he was quite happy to deliver her up and what car away what if a creature such as Priscilla was able to world not only life hunt but use humanity's weapons in addition to the natural gifts of the Dragons if Seath had ambitions for ruling the future he would want to seal her away destroying her may be foolish after rules she is genetically unique but firm quarantine eing is vital however what immediately becomes vitally important now there is one of Priscilla's kind is that there are never two if two such creatures arose then they could have children and chaos would arise in seats planned world here he becomes far more obsessed with mailings and makes an especial focus on religious maidens Guinevere's maidens for example may have been sent convent sits a young age a sees can't risk a similar mistake he cannot take much risk and develops an obsession for this type of young woman who have been overseen by an organization and thus have an extremely low of being pregnant finally we believe Seath may have been successful in his ultimate goal the number of maidens he experiments on drops drastically he evidently has been in ash lake and the stone dragon is not only a descendant of the ancient dragons but looks like a youth it still has a smallish head to body ratio still has feathers and young partial fluff and most importantly it sits right in the middle of the nest all this doesn't seem by accident seems instead to hint at the concept that this is a relatively young dragon its infinate health also implies it was successful in acquiring the scales of immortality at birth we also believe the dragon is female as it is near a bonfire and it is a bonfire with ten estes uses classic evidence of a fire keeper bonfire fire keepers seem to be exclusively female even the proximity to a bonfire and the naming of the bonfire as stone dragon bonfire is another signal if so seethe now has a direct and natural line into the rebirth of the dragon race with him as the patriarch this could explain the reason for the continued survival of the stone dragon it has not yet been harvested of scales it would be a very foolish thing after so much work with what is perhaps the singular success of all his experiments simply to kill and harvest this single creature with so many potential dragons that can be created down the line the fact that the Lord vessel can be used to walk to this bonfire means it could be possible that gwyndolin knows about the bonfire could then the elimination of seas surely an arbitrary thing for such a currently inactive dragon be more about the elimination of one of a male-female pair thus ensuring the dragons do not revive however one first has to find the bonfire before you can warp there perhaps have all made it wore purple but it was only here and a few chose and others who both had the power to warp and knew of its location this may even put seeds success at a later point than even the rebellion all the dragon covenant certainly we do not find corpses all items anywhere near the stone dragon herself then again the Japanese description of the dragon headstone states that the art of the transcenders who are trying to get closer to the ancient dragon praying to it living is a weakness even the gods who are persons of fire are no exception the goal of the transcenders is apparently to be different from life which implies that the stone dragon may have already been there in addition it again affirmed the link between the rebels against the gods and the dragon covenant or what if in an even more devious move the dragon was delivered to the rebels and dragon covenant as if by accident they proceeded to take care of it and keep it safe little knowing that they are doing a safe keeping job for Seath what could be possible and this is more speculation here is that it could have been a happy escape consider the description of the archive tower extra key it states that perhaps the serpent men were careless for there are several Keys scattered about which fits archive tower cells now this is a very leading item description the overwhelming impression is that they will not kill us and that it's a deliberate ploy to leave the keys this would therefore imply that Escape is a desired result combine this with the fact that the serpent men do not ever attack the passata and we have an interesting theory it is that for whatever reason a direct dragon to human pregnancy is not possible but apis akka called by the siren immediately once you escape which by the way in and of itself makes our escape seem far less organic considering it is discovered in an instance almost as if they were waiting for us to do so proceeds to act as a kind of parasite in planter and stamp the escapee in the abdomen the escaping maiden is impregnated or whatever one wishes to call it and perhaps succeeds in killing the passata or getting up the ladder unlike a maiden who knows she has been given a foreign body in her womb who would either abortive free or perhaps attempt to kill herself in the present to spite seethe this maiden goes on to lead her usual life if a pregnancy then arose especially if she had since got married she does not cancel it perhaps watched carefully by the channelers the dragon child is stolen at the last moment a wild theory but certainly our wild escape seems too good to be true something is not entirely right if this was a method that was carried out what a devious one it would be as a treasure of equal value to two enemies can be guarded by e what if Havel ensured the safety and effective hiding of seeds stone dragon against the eyes of the Lords for him only to have his plot and people destroyed and seethe take back possession of the treasure and finally we turn back to Havel the plot some of its members and the still resolving repercussions of all these schemes have all whether he escaped the tower or not has some unexplored aspects of his character first of all why does he hate Seif it is with such a passionate intensity if he was a leader of men surely his hatred wouldn't extend to all dragons indiscriminately such a man could not be wise enough to inspire such faith in his followers he was the sworn enemy of Seif this is such a strong stance towards the creature that helped Gwyn win the war and second we shall look at the relationships of Havel which are intimately connected with his relationship towards Seif first let us look at the location of his initial capture an ingenious makeshift prison and surprise destruction of its entrance to capture the mighty Havel there was a woman with him dragged the location we find her lute later still guarded by her Black Knight assailant a fellow conspirator for certain but was she more than this presumably with Bishop hovels high position if he was not hard to be celibate as part of his faith it is likely that he would have had a wife this therefore makes it extremely likely that it was a mistress co-conspirator or less interestingly just a co-conspirator now Havel is in all likelihood the Bishop of loránd caste his wife if he had one would have likely been an arranged marriage or one extremely suited to his high caste we believe that if this was the case it is highly unlikely she would be of a similar opinion to have all being of such high birth similarly a husband and wife disappearing to an unknown location is far harder to achieve than nearly Havel a warrior disappearing for a brief spell thirdly this co-conspirator has the blue tastes own ring which is from Katerina and it is unlikely that Havel and his potential wife were from this region we believe that this is not Travels mistress or wife for several reasons one is that it is someone else's mother and perhaps wife and another reason is the had a mistress elsewhere so who is the dead corpse we believe it's a sieve Myers wife or partner the mother of C Glen she was part of the rebellion as so too may have others in her family been a possession of the tear stone rain the only other ring of its kind is also wound by Sigma this is already some evidence but so too is the fact that see Glen's mother is dead the corpse is extremely close to the location of the Potters against the gods and dragon covenant worshippers and most vitally of all the consequence of sea Glen's mother's last words to siegmeyer we shall get to her in a moment now for those have a left behind if he was a bishop and if he had a wife presumably he may have had children or even if he didn't have children no man is an island he would have had relatives we believe that Raya is one such relative first of all she is from thorolund and Havel if he is the bishop head of Lauren caste was also a great royal of there´ll and certainly thorolund is the land of the way of white and have elizabitch up of the way of white at least let's look at why rare is likely a relative of Havel's if not his daughter we are told of rare that she is nothing without her family name she seems to have been sent to be gotten rid of similarly what if the quote she isn't worth her salt without her family name does not mean that she is worthless in the general sense and this is only her name which holds some protection over her but that her family name is already marred that because of Havel's involvement in the rebellion his name and the name of his whole family has been put to shame all those connected with him have fallen from grace considering this quote from Petrus is after you have already saved her and presumably she could be returned to safety it is highly likely that her name is already lost Petrus is entirely confident of not having any comeuppance for his actions this leads us to believe that her name is spoiled already and she meanders up above without a home to return to Raya is also certainly royal as Petra says your highness in difference to her this not only means that she has a higher member of the Society of perryland but that she is within the Royal circles which must be limited she is also the youngest of the good house of thorolund the bishop of law and caste is one of the foremost Royals the distance is fairly close already she is also a poor little purebred according to Petrus is this not exactly the sort of thing to say about a daughter of the guardian of caste when we attack her she says why on earth would you perhaps this is my punishment as though there is some shame on her part she feels as though she has something to atone for perhaps it is a general shame on her part of her family name that have all so close to her went against the faith and her community leaving her to be disrespected finally in her late dialogue she says that she has lost all those who were close to me perhaps among those lost was her father hasil the royal bishop of thorolund or maybe he is one lost but perhaps not dead or not confirmed dead and she hurts all the more for this uncertainty on her death she says father as though this is the person in her life she most cares for and finally the firm connection to Havel once we have earned her trust and saved her life what does she sell one of only two examples is a miracle of Havel she sells a magic barrier which is explicitly a miracle of Bishop have all the rock one of only two in game miracles that are explicitly his the other being great magic barrier found in ash lake the connection is made all the more firm by this what as an additional point is that it is only the great magic barrier presumably a later development that the sworn enemy status of Seath is emphasized great magic barrier mentions how he was certain to devise means of counteraction it is almost as though there has been a development in his magic and in the potential danger from seized in the ensuing time since leaving Raya and remember the pendant Raya wears it and in exchange for it you received from snuggly a souvenir of reprisal if Gwendolyn cannot revenge himself on Havel for the but against the gods then upon his daughter revenge will have to be brought after all the sins of the father so much for Aaron Havel except one thing seed seems to take vindictive steps with Raya apparently mirroring Havel's hatred by stealing her away to the archives and via some sort of harsh treatment quickly causes her to go Hollow even if this is after Havel swore himself as an enemy to see one can't help but be on Havel side but this may not be the first instance of seats injuries to Havel and the initial injury may have been in just the same form in the archives is something that most people disregard a very rare kind of corpse most Haller corpses are very similar other than being male or female there are blacksmith corpses and various other kinds of enemy corpses but generally they are quite consistent dead practically naked and aged except for a couple of occasional variations one of these variations is a far more alive form of the corpse they appear occasionally and are fully clothed and often in positions that are far more active than the fetal position of the majority without exception the items on such corpses are interesting in our quest for loot we sometimes ignore the nuances of location and of the body that holds them in mention after mention of Havel by the community an item crops up and in tutorial after item tutorial its location is shown and yet no real connection has been made it is that the white seance ring the ring of the Bishop of law and comest in all likelihood have all the rock is held by the dead corpse of a maiden in the archives what on earth is a man's ring a bishop no last doing in the hands of a lowly maiden one has to presume that this ring was given to her a lowly maiden being given a personal ring from the bishop of law and caste is very peculiar indeed we believe there must have been a reason for such favor we believe this was heavens mistress transgressing not only from either his celibacy as a bishop or devotion to a wife he also transgressed from his duty to uphold distinctions and involved himself with a lowborn maiden he even fell in love to the extent to give her his ring a divine ring entrusted to him as the head Bishop one of the great Royals fell in love with a lowborn maiden how long did this relationship last we don't know she certainly died long enough ago for the stairs or paths to get to her to have moved perhaps the states her death before the cogs at the base of the archives had been broken it is likely the stairs rotated to the location of her resting place some time ago what may be the case is that being a maiden seeth inadvertently captured her not knowing of her relationship to have all the Rock having carried out some experiments or perhaps simply having imprisoned her and been negligent she died this slaughter of the loved one of Havel's likely turned him against seethe causing him to swear him as an eternal enemy perhaps it also caused Havel to realize what was happening within the archives and repulsed him not only was there a personal reflection but it opened up the realities of seath's experiments and increased his aversion to manchek such as Havel not quite so much of a rock inert and unfeeling as we thought perhaps he was a man of passion of family of love now to the plot against the gods we know it was remarkably recent but there is a further set of connections which date it as well as being interesting in and of themselves but what was the plot against the gods we know it was directed at Neto who in some regard is intimately connected to the power of the gods as a whole the evidence for this is the fact that there is a black knight near the entrance to nito's domain always evidence of anti rebel defense second and most importantly is that of the effigy shield which explicitly states that the followers of the occult attempted to steal the power of Neto the first of the dead our belief that effigy refers to a real in-game character and we argue at his fan loss is backed up by the Japanese in the Japanese version of the game the shield is instead called a shield of a wicked god this further reinforces that the image of the shouting face kitted out with what looks like face tentacles just like familes is indeed the image of one of the Tata's furthermore the translation also states that the shield is sinister and that the gang essentially gave everything they had in this attempt and failed there was hardly anything left of them after their failure so damaging was the attempt this is very interesting as it implies that the deaths down in ash Lake may have happened at the same time as the deaths up above that it was in one final climax that the assault on NATO's domain was launched perhaps the betrayal that led to their discovery was just before their planned assault perhaps Ricard rewarded and favored by what he believed to be Guinevere betrayed his other goddess velka who had gifted him a rare ring of sacrifice or perhaps it was eyed as captured and turned my aunt who revealed her what's a certain is that they were surprised in their refuge as there is evidence of Seath all around all were either captured or killed but perhaps some had time to climb the hollow of a different ancient tree and in a last-ditch effort attempt to steal the power of Lord Nita alas the plot failed but some surviving members were captured and some evidence on the corpses adds more than only Havel to their number one and an extremely interesting one in terms of timeline mechanics is the rebellious member of Kareem amongst them the clams do not manufacture what they eat they are scavengers bottom feeders and as well as the skulls within them and the swallowed twinkling titanite perhaps from the lizards they have swallowed up that arose from the body of the nameless blacksmith deity they hold purging stones now purging stones were invented by the Earl of Kareem and they were also his secret treasures we believe this place is that devious member of the law as one of the plotters against the gods this is almost necessity due to the fact that the treasure was a secret it does not state that he ever divulged it it would therefore seem that it was his death that revealed the treasure his death in the depths of ash lake with his secret swallowed up by clans and indeed the stones are ash-colored it also wonderfully dates the plot against the gods one cannot shop with any member of Kareem except to find a purging stone or total however when we meet castor back in time despite having a curse plastered on his face which may or may not be taken literally he does not sell a purging stone he does not sell them despite needing it himself if the curse is not to be taken literally what is still glaringly lacking is either any bite rings or a shuttle the shuttle was created by the earl of kareem as stated in its item description this successfully places the plot against the gods once again after the fall of oolacile so the Earl of Kareem was also among their ranks and dates the plot as very late what is also interesting is the distribution of his secret treasures not only does Oswald possess them but the undead female merchant possesses them they are even found in seath's domain within the clown's therefore it is hardly so secret as it was before the Earl's death if it was so secret and the death was a controlled one then surely the secret would have been passed down in a more controlled manner whereas if it was lost on his person in a battle the looters of the corpse would be far more likely to disperse it in a manner that would benefit them financially leading to indiscriminate sale and spread of a previously secret object which is what we see interestingly we believe that the undead female merchant if not actually one of the rebels may have been down to ash lake this is because to get there it is required that you cross the poisoned swamp and she sells a great deal in Moss she also holds prison stones almost vital for going down the Great Hollow homeward bones dong pies retrieved from the infested barbarians on the route to the poisoned swamp and is the only retailer to have an unlimited supply of the secrets ash-colored treasure of Greene the purging stone even Oswald stalks a limited number yet the stevia's madam somehow has an unlimited supply also who mentioned that the gods are watching over us as though they will punish us if we mistreat her sounds like one who is a supporter of Velka which the rebels were likely to have been we believe that the great extent of hidden walls used by the rebels in combination with the hidden walls deep within a know Londo which could only be reached and created by persons of importance meant that dusk was part of the plot against the gods captured in a crystal golem directly where the Hydra is one wonders if she was the master of the Ulysse or magic of the plot what we find far more likely is that Sieglinde was also captured that's right Sieglinde captured first is her name directly taken from the Norse myths and the volsangs saga about a man turning into a dragon sigma's is also inspired from these characters names second of all she is also inside a crystal golem of the infamous Heath variety then at the moment she comes out of the golem she says I don't know how I ended up in that crystal with a pause or a dot dot written in her dialogue subtitle she then immediately manages to remember exactly what it was like in the crystal and that she now desires to see her father if she had been captured in the Crystal Garden we find her in surrounded by golems it would be obvious even if she had forgotten just where and how she came to be inside the crystal indeed she manages to remember her reason for searching for her father just fine it is instead precisely because of her desire for secrecy that she claims she does not remember desiring to keep secret the fact of ash lake and its location and what does she desired tell Sigma she searches and searches for him asking us to tell him to stay put she searches and searches to tell him her mother's last words when she finally has found him and informs us that she has successfully passed on what she said Sigma I disappeared we find him in of all places ash lake now this is so peculiar yet no one has ever commented on it you can pursue Sigma's quest indefinitely but if you do not free Sealand he will never ever get down to ash lake yet not only immediately after hearing sealands mother's last words does he succeed in finding it but seed 'land already deserted by her father to go on more adventuring manages to find where he is by herself in the whole of Lordran and in an obscure and hidden the place as ash lake no less before she only manages to find him at the mundane hub of the Firelink shrine no this is clearly proof that the mother's last words were related to our lake telling him of the plot and what ring deceit Maya where the blue tear stone and what ring does the corpse of the co-conspirator have aware in the undead burg the blue tear stone the ring which is later described as representing the tears of those who have lost loved ones the mother of Sieglinde gave her last words to pass on Sigma during this surprise attack these last words revealed all he goes down on a final adventure to see the works of his wife and her rebel clan and in the resting place of the nameless blacksmith deity a girl connected with ash lake already who is in fact revisiting it gives us his heirloom a titanite slab [Music] hope you enjoyed this one Lauren thues iasts it was a lot of work Dark Souls just keeps on giving and it's been an absolute pleasure to be giving you juice about a game we all enjoy so much this will be our last video is for sure but who knows perhaps it won't be the last video game related content we put out lets us hope games like these keep coming and evolving and always remember praise the law [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Hawkshaw
Views: 673,314
Rating: 4.8414574 out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls, Lore, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, Bloodborne, Demons Souls, Ash Lake, Anor Londo, Gwyn, Solaire, Firstborn Son, Abyss, Undead, Curse, Demons, Velka, Seigmeyer, Ringed City, Pygmy, Crystals, Seath, Eidas, Nameless, Blacksmith Deity, Great Hollor, Cycles, Timeline, New Londo, First flame, Ending, Age of Ancients, Age of Fire, Age of Dark, Avelyn, Rhea, PvP, Priscilla, Everlasting Dragon, Covenant, Chosen undead, Ornstein and Smough, Artorias, Berserk, Izalith
Id: pffJ1nDRei0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 47sec (5987 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 25 2018
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