Dark Souls II by Distortion2 in 2:35:57 SGDQ2019

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best of luck hello everyone hello hello so I'm distortion to mainly known for souls speedruns but I do run a bunch of different other stuff I ran about 30 different games at this point but yeah today tonight we're doing dark souls2 all bosses with dlc so let's just jump right into it and if you guys want to announce yourself on the couch feel free okay so i'm hugh td6 from taiwan which is never played this game before I am from Vancouver British Columbia Canada and I played this game one single time and I am LexA I am from Belgium if you know where that is and I also played all those souls board games so to start off Dark Souls 2 this is one of the unique games in which character creation is actually done midway through the run what was the name that won this for the file name back souls bark barks I didn't actually [Applause] is that good all right BRB Barbiero barb CIL's Barb's arbiters so one thing we're gonna do to start off this is my favorite thing to do if we're not you know super time constraint here it's to randomize the face so in Dark Souls 2 you can just spam the randomize button over and over and you'll end up with some monstrosity of a character so we're just gonna see what we get we're ready to go yeah so in this game you actually you do start off with the DLC items that's what I just got when I started there's two different versions of this game there's scholar which most people have played casually and then this is the vanilla version so we actually just get the DLC keys right off the bat which is pretty convenient in scholar you actually have to search for the keys which makes the run about 10 minutes longer so vanilla is definitely the way to go for a variety of reasons but that's one of the main ones so we're gonna start off with NPC killing this guy dies and pretty much every single dark souls 2 run so f4 Mallen group that guy feels bad Oh tragic how confused great unfortunately he can't really fight back how unfortunate so the main reason we killed this guy is for the cell door armor and this run I'm gonna be doing a bunch of menuing equipping armor and swapping stuff constantly to increase my soul gain so that's the main reason to pick up that armor there it's about 25% extra souls we're just gonna talk to her get the estus flask she's the level up lady in this run every game bub every game except Dark Souls one pretty much has a level up NPC and we can get a donation or two here while we wait for the skate you got it we have $100 from a random Flint here we go Dark Souls wait who cares for dark souls 2 its distortion time $10 from grief it's absolutely insane to watch the souls born games famed for their difficulty torn apart and speedruns good luck on the run so one thing I will mention the jumping mechanic in this game is very inconsistent we normally use a mod it's actually been approved for the leaderboards which allows so this game has what we call a baby jump it's tied to your CPU usage and if your CPU is under heavy load there's a chance for your character to jump about a quarter of the distance that you would normally would so if that happens we may have some pretty serious time losses but hopefully the PC is running well everything will be ok it's one of the most unfortunate parts about this speedrun the hobo you will not happen in the wrong and another thing I should mention fog gates in this game are also very very strange and that you actually don't get I framed when you enter a fog gate you you have to wait about two to three seconds so enemies can actually interrupt you oh oh oh oh yeah it's all good so we're coming up to the first skip of the run one of like three this is a pretty glitchless run for the most part so we're gonna buy by an axe bunch of fire bombs and these fire bombs are useful for a few different things so we're actually gonna just run up to this wall and hopefully you first try alright nice try have to run all the way around it's like a 30 45 second time save and now we're making our ways to the last giant the first boss of the run you get a donation on this elevator here you are saying we have $50 from mr. Mars oh hey disc good luck with the run we are all watching your run together and chats also bless orangey you don't get any baby jumps ok quiet time had to get serious focus not quite yet every every fight is very hard fight you got a new focus oh right here fight this is one cool trick we're doing here the dark sign if you know it from the souls series normally drains your souls but if you used it fast enough you can actually keep the souls from the boss it's a cool little trick for the start of the run saves a little bit of time all right so now we're talking to Milan sure she's one of the few NPCs in this game all of the NPCs can actually be sent back to the hometown majula which is what I'm doing by just talking to her there most people myself included on my first playthrough didn't even know you could send NPCs home so it said it's very useful though she's the most important on be city in the run god I think it we can talk about how many bosses do we have in this counties yeah so this game has 41 bosses they definitely went for quantity over quality with this game but there are some good bosses the DLC does have some some redeeming bosses but a lot of the bosses are very very similar okay so alright and next post we are going to be okay pretty good so if we roll in a specific spot there he will actually just stand in the perfect spot and we can just shoot them down with Melissa [Applause] cuz this tent yeah that's actually consistent on the old patch though for whatever reason it doesn't actually work something changed with the AI all right so now we're making our way to Las Bastille there's a cool little skip you can do here I'll go for it it's it only saves about four seconds but it's it's pretty cool if you get it so baby jumps are pretty common with this jump though so we'll see and this is called door skip so hopefully I can show it off alright first part down alright so this is the infamous barrel this is them you'll just see hope hopefully the barrel works properly but okay thank sometimes that barrel can do the exact same thing and not blow up it's just inconsistent physics [Applause] all right so we're just going in there to unlock a blacksmith and pick up some materials and now we're gonna make our way to a very difficult boss so I'm gonna need some quiet time when we get there we can get a few donations on the way there you're saying we have $1,000 pogchamp had to donate for a dark souls run by one of my favorite runners good luck on the run thank you ma'am what coming to won over the hardest boss there right next a little while away though we can do a few donations sure thing we have thirty one dollars from bark souls bark bark praise the Sun bark barks we have $30 from Rudy I'm a simple man I see dark souls i donate praise the run all right so this is heidi's tower of flame I'm gonna grab the safety bonfire here there's a cool little trick jump you can do so most of Dark Souls 2 is there's not really like out of bounds skips it's mainly just parkour using the full jump mechanic to its advantage but hopefully we can we can get this full job all right oh god this boss is very scary we need Wyatt I'm yeah quiet time very intense like almost frame perfect I think [Music] this is Carlo alright so that was the Dragon Rider we will be seeing a little bit more of him later on but unfortunately we can't just make him fall off the ledge all right so now we're gonna do our first level up here if we do about four or five level ups throughout the run I will be doing a few safety level ups just because the optimal route is very very dangerous for a marathon [Music] so we're picking up the bow here the bow is gonna be used a bunch throughout the run it's actually very very important to pick up and now we're talking a Lenin crest and we're just gonna upgrade our weapons we're gonna be using the mace and the rapier to start off mainly the rapier but later on we will be picking up even better weapon but that'll be about an hour into the run as you're seeing here and as you have seen menuing is a huge part of this game like the amount of time it saves is gigantic and all I'm doing it while moving is very very difficult takes a lot of practice yeah this is the souls game that has the most menuing so it's it's definitely a bit rough for new runners at first all right so we're just gonna grab that bonfire come back later when we're a bit stronger the moves now we are making our way down to the rotten town of anypercent runners favorite bosses yeah any percent in this game is kind of interesting the developers for whatever reason decided to add two different ways to progress through the game so like about midway through the game you need to get to this area called during lake castle so the normal way to get there is to just kill four of the Lord's souls kind of like Dark Souls one it's a similar thing but they did add an alternative where if somebody gets lost for whatever reason and they just end up killing a bunch of stuff if you managed to gain a million souls throughout the course of a of a run you can actually just entered ring like that way so many percent run just kills this boss coming up five times in a row to get a million souls pretty exciting okay so this is a pretty scary spot potential baby jumps we've got two more gems coming up here hey one more [Applause] you get a donation or two all right we have a 15 dollar donation that reads looking forward to this dark souls 2 run I'm terrible at these games so I'm glad to see someone else tear it apart with style we have $15 from Kerr oh the crazy bearer seek seek lest with $30 from your edge I try to donate every year and I saw dista speedrunning at sgdq and knew I had to donate during my favorite speed runners run Lego dist alright so we're coming up to the rotten here it's a pretty cool fight I mean it is a it's the first use of us strafing I would say that that is used on a boss so it's that's mainly what do you do to dodge bosses and Dark Souls 2 and a lot of other souls games you want to actually just dodge the attacks but in this game the bosses are kind of slow so you can just run away from most stuff or just run behind them the hitboxes are actually surprisingly good in this game so alright we just got the pew amazing orangey you're making them sick and you can actually cut this guy's a hand off too I think it's about to come off there we go oh poor rot see if we can get the other one this is my favorite boss the bully no second arm there goes a great man [Music] how many post is that we finished so far I am I think is it like four four yeah yeah it sounds about right so now we're making our way to the first DLC we're not gonna be killing any bosses right now we're super underpowered so we're just gonna come here for some upgrades stronger equipment and just get out of here oh this kind of neighbor what Oh even workin pretty bad right now I've never seen this one before oh you got this oh Jesus oh that is so awful right now come on game it's that good - maybe I don't actually know what's going on there I've never seen anything like this before marathon as it goes I might need to have like a tech breaker so I really don't know what's happening here you could try teleporting yeah I'll try oh all right I'll try reloading the area let's hope this works hmm seems better already this is classic gdq marathon never see anything oh I think it might be needed to restart okay I guess it's better Kanda yeah oh sorry I'm gonna go without in try to reload when in doubt I just play the whole game with the menu open [Music] so this is actually the most stable of all the souls games something I'm actually really surprised this is happening you can run this game on a toaster so I'm his thing he's still losing a friend oh yeah we might we'll try restarting the game yeah we have 25 dollars from loon master got a Dodi's during the game that got me into speedrunning real happy to be here in person for this run thanks for all that you do we have one hundred dollars from fighting dark souls hype okay now we are back alright we're back alright so another skip coming up here this is the Photoshop jump and we got nice very nice-nice very perfect God all right so DLC one can be a pretty scary part of the run normally you're meant to come here with way more stats but we're just on the base amount of health so hopefully this will go our rate if we may have a death but if we do die the second attempt through should be much much cleaner we can get a few donations here sure thing we have fifty dollars from Java splice here's fifty dollars for that wonderful randomized face now we have to look at that for over two hours Thanks we have $100 from press F for barb hey Distortion just spent well over 200 hours on this game earlier this year hyped to see you play and just over to all right so we're coming over to the best ring in the game here this is called the Flynn's ring you may be familiar with it from like Dark Souls 3 and this game is way more powerful though and Dark Souls 3 is not really used and this ring boosts our attack rating by 50 so Oh capo okay that just short hiccup nice to hear what that was so yeah this ring boosts your attack power by 50 which is crazy considering the other ring I have is only 20 attack power so yeah this was just more use for the bow hidden some of these switches there's actually a switch here that we absolutely need the bow for there's a no other way to hit it unless use like a witching urn or a fire bomb oh I was ready for this oh okay I hit the button we're good [Music] now we just have to pray the ghosts are nice don't do it oh it's fine okay we're good not even close [Applause] warp to the wrong bond fire safety bonfire that's all right all right so while we make our way to orange Dean you can read a few donations you got it we have $500 from lost mage [Applause] this stage for my cause streamer and video game series good luck pissed we have a two hundred dollar donation that reads love me some Dark Souls and love me some GDQ a perfect time to donate alright so we're gonna be killing this guy here for whatever reason this guy is tied to the lever it must be magic not quite sure but he actually causes this lever to come up which will allow us to get to the boss and there's a cool little skip here pretty stylish hopefully I I get this just like your character so we're just gonna jump and we flip into the bridge one second time save monka shake so this guy's a eyes kind of funky he likes to just stand there really stepped down from his Dark Souls 1 days all right so now we're making our way to flex tile century we've just got a big long run here so you can read a few donations sure thing we have $25 from OSU Mario barkman great save at the beginning of the run who'd have guessed that character creation would be the toughest part of the run Kappa Kappa if we have $35 from sly onyx praise the Sun it's time for Dark Souls we have $50 from Radek high as cdq I'm nearly falling asleep here because it's 3:30 a.m. but I need to see this dark souls 2 run dark souls 2 was my first Souls born game and even if it has some flaws it's still one of my favorite games seeing destroying this game is just perfect and finally we can see him at a gdq greetings from Switzerland so not much to be said here this is the no-man's Wharf it's baby jump can be prevalent here too so hopefully we don't have to deal with that I'm gonna grab the safety bonfire though just in case so even if we do not get a baby jump and we get very lucky throughout this run there is one segment where you do a baby jump on purpose so you guys will see that no matter what all right so we're just gonna throw a skull these are used to distract enemies just baits them out makes them attacked skull and so we're gonna shoot that bell there it's actually a strat that took probably like a year or two to figure out but yeah it turns out you can actually shoot the bell normally you just run the all the way up there and ring the bell yourself but you can just shoot it with a bow and it'll work just the same all right so this is the baby jump spot plus orangey young people okay I'm gonna destroy the East just in case all right no baby jump [Applause] I think we have is this process done I believe yeah I think so yeah all right so now we're gonna make our way back to medulla and the head to the second Lord soul which is old iron king we're just trucking along I'm making good pace [Music] [Music] so this is the lady from earlier sending her back here allows you to buy infinite healing items which is pretty useful for the run but the main reason we do it is this item in our inventory called Brite bug it's pretty much the best item in the game it gives you a 20% attack boost and a 20% defense boost so it's very very important after every Lord's soul the bright bug is actually refresh so there's like twenty twenty four you can get throughout the run so we're gonna be grabbing pretty much all those useful for most bosses I can get a few donations here absolutely we have $25.00 from cartridge blowers distortion I think you accidentally created the 15 FPS category excited to see you get the world record we have $10 from latias ds2 is the game that got me into the series that would quickly become my all-time favorite good luck with the run and don't give up skeleton all right so we're coming up to Falcon here and so this rod actually went went under quite a few changes there's a guy I want to give a shout out to named Angus master he pretty much rerouted like all of Dark Souls 2 so for a long time we didn't really use we just used resins and the normal weapon but it turns out the magic in this game is actually really good so at this point we're now using miracles sorceries and hexes saves quite a few minutes throughout the run the only spell type that isn't used as pyromancies I don't think there's ever been a Souls game where pyromancy is overpowered really so just grabbing this bomb first we can come back to the horse later there's a lot of horses in this game just wait until the the DLC has my favorite part got a few donations here absolutely we have five hundred and fifty-five dollars and 55 cents oh man from Klondike who says darn my five key got stuck and we have another $500 donation from Jacob a yachtsman shout out to barbers King in the whole kaizo community I love you guys in all your dumb memes good luck on the run distortion of barb soles all right so we're coming up to skeleton Lords in the classic game this is a pretty easy fight and scholar they actually this is like the one fight that they decided to change for whatever reason and they just added a ton of skeletons I mean that's basically the motto behind scholars just add more enemies everywhere it's just try to block it blocks a player as much as they can so in this version it's pretty easy but scholar there's like quadruple the skeleton spawns so each one of these biggest skeletons spawns four little skeletons we're gonna kill six of these guys and then killed the final one to initiate the final set of spawns finish off these walk down to the target behind me now we just finished off the rest pretty simplified nice department goodness gracious some of the interesting boss fights Mustang I think I like kavitha's demon the Wow's me too oh yeah it's a good one best boss coming up here guys all right we can get a few donations here your thing we have $15 from Frei lien had to donate during me and my husband's favorite game series praise the Sun we have $50 from little cuphead good luck Distortion I'm so happy to see you running at sgdq I want to see some baby jumps alright so we're talking to Chloe in here she's a very useful NPC she actually has a bunch of upgrade materials so we're just sending her back to Missoula and we'll be visiting her later on you can't avoid getting poisoned here a little bit too slow all right so this is the one out of bounds trap and the entire run they actually didn't fix this in the new version of the game either scholar the first sin it's very simple to just jump around this rock and we can just go straight to the boss from here absolute legend it's only like a 10 second time saved to not not too big yeah it's hard to believe that's like there's so few out of bounds in this game yeah I mean all the other souls games are just broken apart but I to be fair though this game is very broken just not on this patch the original patch of this game is probably the most broken out of all the souls games I will say okada hardest boss oh oh my god oh my god I have died to this boss before there it goes a great man rip covetous how many bosses is that now I think I say right now eight yeah alright cutie - you keep count if I was a mouse right I believe he's eight yeah I've been fade now oh no not again it's not I mean I can't even oh what's going on with the mail I'm cutting out when I dare put out I think is you only you only can reset it right we have to restart the game yeah but I also think I lost my buff item which isn't a huge deal but oh we have $10 from mad hats that says $10 for more frames let's get right back into it plus alright yeah fingers crossed [Music] okay I do still have the buff item ACK oh good okay that's good so one thing that is really unfortunate about quitting out in this game luckily we didn't have anything bad happen there but quitting out in this game does not reset enemy positions so in the other Souls games for those who are familiar with them normally you just quit out and all the enemies to go back to their default world position but in this game they just stay exactly where they are so quitting out is a day just doesn't help you at all in fact they can hit you when you're spawning in so it it hurts you more than it helps all right so this is a pretty scary fight actually did get poisoned alright this is not good No No mmm I'm gonna die ah unfortunate it's okay though we got extra extra supplies it's very rare for that uh that Pyromancer to break the pot like that marathon rng yeah yeah so for those who have played this game casually the normal strat here is to light the windmill which for whatever reason drains the poison in this boss room but that's super slow so we're just gonna fight the boss and the poison hopefully it'll go alright if I do die again I'm gonna have to train the poison but much cleaner that time around if I can interject momentarily we have just raised $700,000 [Applause] oh just gonna run behind her hopefully she does the lunge attack I'm just gonna that's right and she should be dead here ah all right okay yes Hawaiian with Costas guys and how many more to go I think is totally the 41 so 90 forces is 32 left Wow all right so a pretty long elevator here get a few donations absolutely we have $100 from a night adrift can't not donate during one of the entries in my favorite series of all time watch out for the pigs and don't you dare go hallo friend we have $50 from muscle stache had to donate during the run of the best Dark Souls game good luck skeleton we have $100 from Matt and Katie cutting off the rottens arms seems to have cursed your frame rate sorry bro good luck on the rest of the run so another potential baby jump spot coming up here but we did grab the safety bonfire it's all good Oh Oh guys come on oh I'm just waiting for it to happen no one was scared oh yeah one awesome thing about this game is you can actually use items on ladders yeah which very few people actually know about every time I use something on a ladder somebody in my dad has told me they never knew about that all right so smelter demon pretty tough boss casually there's one glitch that this guy can actually do which could potentially softlock me but it's a pretty rare sometimes this guy's weapon can send you flying into the wall and you just you just can't move oh he's prepping it see he knows holà hé bucks to a syrup nice pretty good that's 31 post is left let's do this great progress all right any bets on what which next boss will take the frames from us I'm just hoping it doesn't happen for ABBA Oh Horace is yeah I know it's to come Oh Oh the pancake all right let's toss it this time there yeah okay so luckily we got lucky here sometimes the turtle just blocks this guy and keeps this safe whoo all right so time for the old iron king this guy is he's not too bad he can push you into the lava was this face though it's the only thing that I'm a little bit worried about this is such a cool boss yeah his design is pretty cool it's just uh he unfortunately doesn't have much he'll so he goes down pretty easily oh that's okay he heard that [Music] our laboratory all right we're just gonna wait all right oh good King don't take those frames man please all right so now we're making our way to the second DLC the crown of the iron king I think it's called and it's probably my favorite DLC it's uh it's mainly like a vertical level design which allows for quite a few parkour skips so hopefully those will go well baby jumps territory yeah we have three opportunities for baby jumps here now hope you would would have pet though it's having get a few donations here absolutely we have $2,000 from the fangamer congratulations on raising $700,000 did you know that Dark Souls is an anagram of us collared Dark Souls and ska actually has quite a bit in common fast-tempo three distinct entries dragons okay so maybe they don't have that much in common if you'd like to hear more of our amazing anagram facts be sure to check out our sgdq 2019 collection at fangamer comm slash gdq 100 percent of the profit from our gdq merch will go to our doctors without borders' this week alright so this is one of the this is the first yellow chump very very scary chump hopefully we get it alright nice it's perfect Oh Lord Allegiant I'm not over quite yet oh it was back-to-back skips here oh this the guild the god gamer all right so this is actually a pretty precise setup we need to open you know what no we're not doing this there's a chance if I get baby jumps here I can do the first jump get there and then get a baby jump on the second and my souls will be stuck down in that area so I'm gonna go back and and do a safety level up good call yeah how many bars has left 30 about 30 about 30 30 that the color correct ah yeah yeah [Music] there are 11 forces that we have done yeah for sure sorry about my English good yeah so there is a collision I just tried to do you can actually attune spells while you're warping out but you got to use the mouth so not quite used to the sensitivity and just equipment here instead all good back to that jump yeah here we go the baby jumps let's be silenced oh and second jump all right so this used to be a very very tough part of the run but that guys but I spoke about earlier angus master routed in this spell called urine which is basically a more powerful alluring skull and it turns out it actually works on the enemies in this DLC which before using urine this part was a nightmare it's just like 50% chance to die there is still a chance but I just have to deal with this guy thankfully hopefully he won't do a follow-up attack okay we're good so you don't have iframes right away on that lever he can hit you for about three seconds but you do get iframes right towards the very end as smooth though and so now we're gonna be using miracles this is a spout called homered it's basically a spell form of homered bone it's a 1 second faster and it also has a unique property so we just got invaded by dark spirit quick starred Rachel which means normally we couldn't use a homeward bone but I think it was just a devil over sight but you could actually just use the spell even if you're invaded so we're just gonna get out of here old strap was to just die to these these enemies here but just about 15 seconds faster bye bye Rachel so now we're just going to do a few things to collect some upgrades and then we'll be getting out of here so there is potential for me to die here but even if we do with it's all good we've got backups it's always very close all right so just one thing left left to do here we're just gonna pick up a few more upgrade materials so we can get plus then right off the bat and that's gonna allow us to take down bosses very very quickly at least until we get to the DLC where they're tuned for a +10 weapon this guy lies unfortunate if you can hit me through the wall here but that's all good all right we can get a few donations you got it we have one hundred and fifty dollars from raging flower just marathon all of From Software's games before Sakura and really found myself rediscovering what I liked about Dark Souls 2 those deals the bosses though yikes I love seeing Dark Souls being crushed and I love sgdq for everything it does we have fifty dollars from poppin ugh put my donation toward the zero dropped frames incentive looking good so far okay so we just did our upgrading here and one of the unique things about this guy is that he actually does oh no all right we're gonna restart I think I see always happens like for a time like yeah every 15 minutes yeah yeah yeah 20 minutes yeah so copy be care like it you won't happen well you are doing post [ __ ] yeah before the DLC I'm gonna restart the game yeah yeah there's some spots where if that happens it's gonna it's gonna be real bad oh my god alright so now we're just making our way to the ruins sentinels pretty this is actually pretty tough boss fight at least casually this is probably the boss that I think I died to the most but we're coming here with +10 weapon buffs where we're just gonna put them in the ground oh my so in other words this is nothing for the god gamer oh that damage is so broken oh my god ripped how they even added hype music and look okay 29 left they've got a lot of a lot of bosses left the DLC is really the hype bosses there's a few cool bosses from the main game but the DLC is really where they they step it up in terms of difficulty and just boss design I would say so now we're heading to the gargoyles oh I sold plastic and this part can be kind of scary there's a bunch of these little guys that are gonna be shooting at me and there's a big long ladder I have to climb and so hopefully they're gonna be nice but sometimes they just have it out for you and they've all got bows so they can knock me off the ladder here yeah hopefully to go well oh one shot okay that's good sometimes you can seriously get like six six errors in you so and they can also hit you here okay we're good sometimes you get hit a frame that you get out of that animation and get stucked yeah that's trying yeah they're really trying little guys oh my gosh okay so pretty straightforward fight here just strafe their attack and finish them off so there are some strats you can do if you're going for recce where you kind of just activate all of them at the same time and just hope for the best but it's very risky for a marathon so we're just going to be playing it safe here all right pretty good fight [Applause] all right so pretty just a lot of running hair so we can get a few donations absolutely we have fifty dollars from Sara Phoenix donating an honor of a friend I lost a year and a half ago he loved GDQ distortion was his favorite streamer and he tried to speedrun darksouls 2 which made this the perfect game to donate during here's to the amazing bug 0-9 got a few more you got it we have $20 from gamers for good thanks so much for doing this fundraising I love gaming and I love making a positive difference seeing those two things combined is just the best keep it up fam we have $100 from ruh who says simply fine work skeleton all right so we're making our way to loss center here pretty pretty cool boss fight it's actually probably one of my favorites when I played through the game the first time they did actually this boss used to be a lot stronger but for whatever reason they nerfed it it's just too hard for casual players I guess but still still pretty tough boss but if you know how to speedrun it it's it's actually a pretty cool fight you can strafe majority of her attacks and sinner is actually a female a lot of people don't know that but took me a while to find out too why do they call her the center good question I was asking my school about the lore but she you know what the nurturer family or something oh no Oh oh the damage yeah these bosses can be a bit dangerous husband and dark weapon really really puts him down fast 27 post is left how many posts we still need to do before we go into a DLC probably about 15 oh yeah we got a while okay so now that we're done with that we are going to make our way to nacho all right so long-running section here can read off a few you got it we have $30 from the curious vice huh Hyrule is a lot grittier looking than I remember wait the link between worlds round ended already oh well take this donation anyway we have $25 from fan erotic watching with my friend Travis we have a long way to go to get Super Mario Brothers 3 on the docket this should help also what's with these donations praises a pun oh yeah there we go raise that fine beautiful my chat loves when I do that who are these little guys yeah we're not gonna bother with those guys if you're running old patch honey % though you're gonna be seeing a lot of them is there the first enemy you run into great design yeah if you're uh if you're interested in dark souls 2 speedruns I definitely recommend checking out the old patch 90% as well it's a it's a very fast run it's like 14 minutes now and yeah she just lost a lot of cool glitches that have been patched so Oh is that did you run that at ESA or am I wrong no not at ESA or actually no I did I did a race you race with yemm's was it or new larger yes yeah yeah I remember now is being using those guys to go out of bounds yeah this is dark souls - any % old patch is one of the few runs where I'd say is actually very close to optimal I do have the record for this category but it can still be shaved off with quite a few minutes it's just souls games are known for their RNG is every single boss can more or less wasting time yeah all right so we're just making our way through the misty forest here we're gonna pick up this item called the chlorin the-- ring it's very useful ring it boosts our stamina region and we do a lot of running around in this I think it's like 20 or 30 percent all right you can read some donations till we get to the boss fight sure thing we have two hundred and fifty dollars from Blue Fox you guys are awesome keep up the hype we have 75 dollars from Sleepy Ninja I look forward to this event every time it happens and it's always amazing to see how big this event has become please take my money to help out for a great cause it's a small token for all the hours of entertainment that helps get me through a stressful life okay so we've got a najd come coming up here there's one cool strap that if she gives me the right orangey I'm gonna go for it just to show it off because it's it's really neat neat trick a lot of people probably don't know about it bosses are actually pretty interesting in this game and the way that their models work she's given me some weird orangey okay all right well we're not gonna be able to do it so she she has this specific attack actually where she will slam her butt onto the ground and if you run up on her at the right time you can just stand on her and she just her AI stops working completely and you can just can just stab her like that but I stand on her butt yep not too useful for the speedrun but if you're doing a challenge run it's a very useful trick all right so we're coming up to the Royal rat authority oh my favorite boss used to be a very very challenging fight but like I said we've implemented a bunch of spells and it turns out the spell here called soul appease can take care of the little ads in the fight which is gonna be super super helpful we used to kind of just attack the air and hope we killed all of them but uh yeah the strats have developed quite a bit since then we are the rest I love that enemy design that big mammoth yeah the madness are awesome the Royal rat design however oh yeah you'll see I'm gonna kill this fire I'm not sure if he's gonna trace me I'm not sure what just happened there although all the rest were just afk it's a good rng that guy he's got somewhere else to be okay so we're gonna aggro these guys Casca lapies and yep that's all the little rats so that's what makes this fight actually difficult the boss itself really isn't too much of a danger hopefully I'm not jinxing myself don't repay that yeah I'm gonna heal [Music] yeah my it's actually just missing point-blank okay Wow and we get a boss count mr. QT 26 left I have no all right so get a few donations here not too much to be said sure we have $100 from Rick on Smith after seeing distortion destroy Sakura over and over it's amazing to see him destroy the first Souls game that got me hooked yeah the best Souls game in the metro my first Souls game - same here we have an anonymous 250 dollar donation without comment thank you so much for your amazing donation there like so many people partied with Dark Souls - yeah it's actually surprising Dark Souls 2 was probably the most active speedrunning community at least back when it came out really I don't think there's anybody who runs this game anymore but it's uh most of the focus that shifted over to secure Oh Oh No you shoulda said that I wonder if there's something I can do to fix this maybe I shouldn't try let's just try switching to those settings real quick we have a $10 donation with a suggestion if you're open to it sure I've had similar issues with drop dreams you need to change your resolution to a smaller window then change back to your previous resolution save the frames that's right save those frames please see if it works not quite we try yeah it was worth the try all right we're just gonna have to restart the game while we're doing that we are looking at about two thousand dollars out of our $5,000 towards opening the remnants of nazies bonus levels there is going to be eight bonus levels there and that incentive is closing soon so please get those donations in before they'll be okay it's always is seriously always at the marathon this yeah I mean I've been playing this game for five years and I've never seen anything like this though that's definitely true all right so we're coming over to the congregation great boss fight I really don't know what they were thinking with this one that's a boss so it's gotta gotta include it just a bunch of hollows who needs him yay these enemies on the ground are surprisingly hard to hit though pretty good that's boss Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we're just making our way to Freya the final Lord soul that we needed to kill before we can get to that castle I was talking about so while we're making our way there you can read off a few donations you got it we have $50 from the war monger had to donate for ds2 one of the best souls like games around it almost feels like a real Dark Souls game we have $15 from chicken wings good luck this also wrong game but I guess dragon rider falls to his death so Roberto we have $100 from service wagging ttan Dark Souls at gdq so happy to see two of my favorite things with one of my favorite speedrunners I'll donate another $100 if you emote on a boss fight emote on a boss I can do that here it comes this is not the best time [Applause] pretty close there good fight though twenty-four forces left yeah if I cut it right almost halfway oh man he forgot oh no here comes aldea so this is a boss that they added with the scholar of the first sin edition that he is actually in vanilla which a lot of people don't seem to know yeah you can do all bosses in both games thankfully [Music] okay so now we're making our way to nubes favorite boss the rats it's it's a pretty cool boss fight you're normally meant to go here early on but we're coming back later with sole appease which is mainly what we're gonna use for the fight and that's gonna be the last we see of the rats it's a nod to horses yeah I can't wait so this is one of the reasons why magic is so good the old strats for this boss were to individually kill each rats but we can just use that spell to take them all out and spawn the final one and yeah that's that's the Rhett Vanguard [Applause] okay so now we're making our way to Train like castle and so we're going through the shrine of winter here and this is the spot I was talking about where you could get the 1 million souls to gain access as well there's this door you know this I'm not quite sure what they were thinking with the design here there's just a big piece of rubble you'd think you could just jump over it but they made this whole giant shrine to gain access to the castle there was actually a bunch of skips in the past that you could use to just go over that rubble but unfortunately they patched all those out by now took him a while though in fact it's actually funny in this game they patched this skip and then by patching it they added it in again you could walk on the invisible that they added to fix it to bypass it so two betas from soft hassle has a lot of issues fixing glitches alright so this is the third DLC the hardest DLC by far just loads of very difficult parts in this run definitely the spot that ends the most runs and just a very orangey heavy part of the run - yeah we're not gonna be fighting anything quite yet we're gonna be getting a little bit stronger before them so we're just gonna grab the bonfire and then get out of here while we make our way to the castle you can read off a few donations we have $500 Oh it says thank you to everyone who makes this event possible and to those at MSF we also have $100 from Hodari enjoying the tech support percent also shout outs to me Khan we have $10 from Tim men long time watcher first-time donator excellent program for an excellent cause good luck ok so coming up here there's one little bit of RNG it's it's pretty rare but these madness sometimes they're just Olympic sprinters and they'll just charge you down I don't really know what causes it their normal walking speed is about 1/4 or 1/5 of their running speed and that whether they run is just completely random so hopefully they don't run at me here otherwise probably gonna die well bless RNG okay oh he's running he's not good night curse the orangey let's charge no all right we should be okay we're just gonna take this guy out so the reason we need these enemies to be right next to the statues as the way this area works is that we need the souls from the enemies to go into these statues to open up the gate oh okay we're good I should go and uh yeah went in the gate all right awesomeness okay so we can get a few donations here sure thing we have $100 from frozen waste horsekeeper hey distortion have you seen my purses it seems that I've misplaced mine oh well what's the worst that could happen Oh we'll find them later okay so here just another s'more of that same mechanic this castle you just need souls to progress through it for the most part these doors needs tolls to go into them to open up so we're gonna kill two enemies open up the only doors we need and then we're gonna go talk to Gandalf dark diver Gandalf so we need to find him in three different spots this is the first spot and we're not gonna be seeing him for a while though and he's actually relevant to one of the bosses in the game his name's dark lurker definitely the the longest segment of the run getting too dark lurker like with talking to that guy and although there's like a sub quest you need to do to unlock the boss when it takes about 15 minutes so that'll be done towards the end of the run though alright so now we're just making our way to Double Dragon Riders not just one but two so the spice a little bit harder than the first one but since we've got a +10 weapon it's pretty smooth most the time okay so we're just gonna shoot the archer up they're hiding on the top which will make him jump down and then just hit him twice nasty cough broken [Applause] gamer is that it again okay so this is now we're going to mirror Knight and this is gonna be the last of that soul absorbing mechanic that we're gonna see for the rest of the game we just need to activate that elevator we ran past by running up into this room and getting a soul into that big statue so he turns this this lever so this part can be a bit scary we need to open this big giant castle gate and these enemies can sometimes interrupt me most the time it's fine okay he hesitated a little bit that's good I love that let's close it on his face can't use doors thankfully nice no we're just making our way to the elevator which was coming down the timing works out pretty well and now a lot of donations you can be read here we're just gonna be riding this for like a minute you got it we have $25.00 from MC solitaire I'm sorry that's MC solare hi from dis chat we're all cheering you on in here all donate an additional $25 for every death on dragon rider we have $15 from sweet Merlot having a twitch party here in San Antonio Texas while eating way too much food and enjoying some fun runs first time watching gdq I think we found a new tradition looking forward to this dark souls run height we have $100 from K Dinamo those rats should have chilled out with some mice tea [Music] we have $30 from static Rodin's my girlfriend is in India right now helping rural communities gain access to clean drinking water knowing her mission is so closely aligned to that of Doctors Without Borders makes me so proud and makes me so happy to help with my donations all right so here is beer night this is actually one of the few consistent fights in the run thankfully we found an AI manip for him by just running under him at the start here so this fight is should be consistent if we do do it right here so you should just miss with this attack and now he basically just uses lightning over and over so you guys are blessed that we're not running on old patch but have the developers for this game actually mess Oh No what hey at least it doesn't bike in the menus that can actually equip stuff okay I'm I don't know what to do if I quit out here I'm gonna have to bring the elevator back up so we're just gonna have to write it down and then we'll restart I can keep the menus open yes murder new kind of challenge right yeah I think you can quit out before our next party yeah I'm gonna put out here all right quick research we have a five hundred dollar donation from lonely panda [Applause] this time there's no comment but thank you lonely panda that is an incredible donation I believe is like 15 very optimal oh you've got to be kidding me oh really Wow all right we got to go for another elevator ride perfect time for donations we have $100 from Holden aiders ho I almost lost my mind trying to take down the few night kill him for me we have $25 from look good feel good my daughter was born two weeks before the last gdq so he spent a lot of quality time watching late-night runners when she couldn't sleep now that we're done with her hospital bills I wanted to make sure I supported this awesome event as it supported this new dad a short five months ago good luck to all the runners especially those running late night games we have $200 from addis awesome job on the runs keep it up we have $25 from Chris light thanks for all the entertainment and the amazing work all right so we are making our way to shrine of Amana now this is a very tough part of the run I'm gonna go for a strat called Yolo Amana which is basically setting up the cycle so for those who aren't familiar there's a bunch of these sources who are gonna be shooting missiles at me and if I set up the cycle correctly I can barely make it through this fog gate while they're shooting at me but it's it's very tricky and if I if I get unlucky I I will die here but we're gonna go for it yeah this is also one of the hardest parts casually as well yeah and it used to be even worse to a nerf the tracking on the thesaurus is bellows thankfully on console it used to be very very tough all right so we're just gonna grab this safety bonfire here and we are gonna go back into a safety level up to just in case [Music] [Music] all right here we go with Yolo mana oof no okay the god gamers strikes again alright so here we go with Yolo mana I need to set up this mage on the right to cast at a specific time okay that should be good now we just have to get lucky with these guys which we did okay he's perfect oh very good [Applause] please don't kill mushroom man oh my not even a second thought all right so now we're picking up the other weapon we're gonna use in the run which is called the red iron twin blade very very strong weapon to this area yeah it's horrible most America though just a bunch of spammers all right pretty good they're [Music] the best boss is coming up yeah now we're making our way to the demon of song a lot of people a lot of names for this bog we'll go with the original what's he doing in there oh dear this is actually one of my favorite bosses it's just a really cool design I mean it's an easy boss but it's super weird but yeah it is a really neat design the enemies are so hit or missed in this game yeah okay he's gonna throw these four laughs all right yeah does this make you want to learn the game probably not because the way to don't like each full runs that you just text to you like over in two hours oh my god I run games are like 50 minutes this is my bladder can hardly handle this all right we can get a few donations here absolutely we have $10 from Cyrene's donation goes towards boss trackers choice we have $15 from voodoo one dollar for every minute between frame job frame drops hang in there vram skeleton we have $25 from poppin ugh I had no idea the two in Dark Souls 2 stands for the amount of frames it can handle maybe if we all donate the frames will stop propping where the shots so this is the second encounter for aldea we have the third encounter is actually really funny I won't spoil it but they they tried to put aldea in a spot they probably shouldn't have so they just it will you'll see when we get there that is a pretty face all right so we're buying this item called Elizabeth mushrooms from this guy Elizabeth mushrooms are amazing they're basically so life gems in this game they heal like 30 health per second or something like that but they D activate if you heal the full and they also last like 5 or 10 seconds the mushroom gives the same healing as a life gem but doesn't deactivate when you go to full health and it also lasts like 45 seconds I believe so very useful for some of the DLC fights where we kind of just want to tank the boss and and just let the mushroom heal us up so this is a really cool strat here I think this was found by like a Japanese runner for awhile we used to just run all right hopefully we can get it oh yeah no why is it not working oh there okay so we need this guy to move to the side and we can just pass him super easy otherwise you'd have to it was just really orangey segments sometimes I just get pinned nothing you can do when this game first came out running it was really really tough I mean we just didn't have good strats for a lot of the a lot of the segments this is another example right here so if this goes well we should be able to get through this fog gate no problem for those who played vanilla casually you probably just despised this area but if you bait those two guys that in a specific way you can get through here yeah pretty safely most the time so that's nice so actually I'm waiting to attack here because it's I need to DPS in a specific way otherwise I won't be able to kill him as he buffs himself here all right nice way [Applause] all my favourite boss yeah will be a will become into this back to this guy later a lot of people ask you know why don't you just kill this guy right after that boss and the way that this boss works is that you actually you need to click this item called giant Souls he has a defense insane amount of defense and every Giants whole you pick up reduces his defense by double so we pick up three in the run that's the most optimal amount to get to deal decent damage but not spend too much time getting the souls so we'll be going back later cuz right now we only have I don't think we have any giant souls yeah we have none yeah we still got to do that emote during a boss fight oh yeah I should have done it during demon of song I was waiting for him do it during in the sava oh and one thing I should mention I just picked up an item called red tears phone ring for those who have watched other souls games it's it's a lot stronger in those but basically how it works is if you're under 30% health in this game you get a damage boost and it's only 20% attack boost in this game but in the older games it's like double damage but it does still have a few applications than this run there's one boss where you absolutely need it to get a consistent fight so I think there's four fights we use it for so nice to see a return and get like two notations sure thing we have a $700 donation on the fifth man always love to see from soft games at gdq even before I got into playing them good luck with the rest of the run and the horses alright so we're gonna do an RTS are set up here so we're just gonna use we're just gonna buff our weapon here and our the hippo is gonna come flying through instead of step perfectly so this fights pretty consistent hopefully it'll go okay it's like budgets me dear okay nice we got the neck bite that's that's the fight [Applause] it's almost time for the drop frames la utilize means for a time though you only have one minute left [Laughter] hopefully it doesn't happen during the parkour jump up here also 18 post is left thank you all right so not much to be said here can read like two or three donations sure we have $100 from Oh max miss donating during papa's run earlier but happy to see him couching what's already one of the most entertaining runs of the events yeah okay let's see we are going to get a friend drop or a baby jump three two one frame oh well TIA looks good so far mmm it's weird yeah I grabbed the bonfire didn't I oh I hope so don't worry what could go wrong you know just running back like seven minutes that's fine you got this all right please no baby jump Oh please don't take his frames for that one maybe it's a spotlight on your sheet and yeah it just happen so this is what I was talking about this is Alvia but its third a third version the baby aldea I prefer whatever reason they wanted to put him in this room so I guess they just decided to make him tiny doesn't really make any sense but yeah so it's about like 15 second a 15 minutes around you should have two or three more than 1605 yeah sixteen start her up again yeah when they're given to the star I think we can time right here it looks like we're about halfway to unlocking that remnants of mazes bonus level incentive so please keep those donations coming in so we believe is assisting minions proton consistant strat ggq stress all right so we're heading on to ancient dragon now this is another boss that we're gonna use artiest are for so there's a nice AI manipulative not quite sure why he does it but this part would be way worse without it yeah time to clip an ancient dragons toenails here we'll see there is also a glitch that can happen here he can hit you with this foot and send you flying off of the platform and you can't do anything about it but it's pretty rare stuff I'm just got to push away in the fall yeah get clipping [Music] the RTS are set up yeah so that's a set of intentional hit and good rng so he's given us the fire breath should be dead I believe although we did just clip away man yep away all right hi spike not the hardest dragon in the series 17 bosses left we are still truck alone nothing can stop the god gamer frames baby jumps do we still need to do the long jump yes so there's a few more tricky jumps there's one right here that we got to do but luckily if if we do get a baby jump it's a it's a very small time loss so we can actually use a Chester and then back step and for whatever reason we get up on this ledge then jump and this skips the King gate [Applause] so sometimes this wall is made of paper and he can hit you through it but we got lucky this time that's good it's basically a guaranteed death if he actually hits you there what goes back even though all right so now we got our second solo giant [Music] I'm gonna go back and do one more level up here [Music] [Music] No [Music] all right so now we're making our way back to the third DLC and we can start putting some deals to bosses this is the second DLC actually so like I said every deal see unfortunately has kind of lackluster boss and so we're going to him right now oh come on man the Blues smelled their demon basically it's a recolor of the previous smelter with just buff stats and some slight alterations to his moveset oh man a little bit scared oh no if I probably should have healed before I went into the fight but yeah that was unfortunate that's okay this is why we pick up back up back up bright bugs i wouldnt get a few donations power running back you got it we have 250 dollars from waffles the dog who says yay thanks for all the time people have put into this we have an anonymous $20 donation that says Galvin wheel Galvin deal doesn't want donations many many donations ha ha we have $5 from shadow I've only found gdq this year and I'm already in love I don't have a lot of money right now but I'm sure that every little bit helps a big thank you to every staff member speedrunner couch people and donator Thank You shadow indeed every little bit does help alright let's get a clean fight this time oh he heard what he said of it clearly Oh alright I'm just I'm just gonna play this thing he's trying so bad yeah Oh God he's ascending is math strafing the sky is actually surprisingly difficult his hip boxes are much larger than the previous one oh really all right I suddenly their house mg box though I think it's at least when he buffs his weapon I know that the hitbox gets a bit bigger but oh I see yeah all right so this is the first time where we're actually going to do a baby jump on purpose it's only useful here saves a little bit of time and reminded you have six minutes left to get a French okay enough time to finish this bath all right so this is probably one of the hardest Boston's at least casually speedrunning there's a few more challenging bosses but fumes definitely a definitely a tough one yeah the bane of casual players right yeah and the main reason this guy is so difficult is because a lot of people don't realize you can just strafe most of his attacks just run to his side and help he'll miss you most of the time oh that's okay what perfume nightly weirdo yeah this hitboxes are really strange with those lunge attacks for minutes do we have enough time to do the next boss I think we should be okay yeah just do it it'll be more exciting if the framedrops happen during the fight oh no no what a handsome all right we can get a few donations here sure thing we have $30 from Jay the gamer here's six dollars for every restart have to cut it off now before I'm broke we have 75 dollars from tanki forecast I have immense respect for MSF working to provide healthcare and remote and extremely dangerous regions the medical assistant saves so so many lives and I'm so happy this in each community I discovered back in 2005 has grown to help so many through these events go fast we got this the bright bug lasts two minutes and we should be able to kill the boss before it ends so should be good so we're making our way to Cyril on the spot this is actually pretty cool hopefully I can show it off but it's it's pretty tough so we'll see but there's a something very unique about this boss and that if you kill him that without taking a single hit he has a unique death animation the seppuku we'd like to call it so hopefully I can get that getting it there is okay as long as it's not on the boss so this is probably one of my favorite guys to fight because you can strafe basically every single attack of us except this one that one you got to run away from it's just a foot it's a really fun fight [Applause] I want to see if he's going to the French over yeah it's time all right so that's thunder that deal see just gonna do one quick level up and then just gonna finish the run you've got about 20 seconds any last words probably if it happens again so we can sure make sure it's first 15 minutes around come on consistent maybe the time in the menu frigg's with it that could be yeah maybe it does it doesn't counter waste a lot screen so yeah you figured it out timer next time incomes days we have twenty five dollars from a Rayburn loving these summer games good luck runners it's just beautiful yeah I will keep timing to make sure you don't get the trouble while phosphide the GDK route this is no up [Music] is just swinging ago and nothing all right we just upgraded the renter and twin-blade and we infused both of our weapons with lightning it's the pretty much the best dps you can get in the entire game oh dear so yeah we're just gonna use a mushroom we've got a lot of health so we're just gonna tank everything all right so killing those guys got us our third soul of a giant we do have one little thing left to do here we got to go visit Gandalf hide in this hole I thought I had the lag there for a sec all right so now that we got those three giant stools we're gonna make our way back to vendrick this is actually a really scary fight it can either be really easy or really really scary he can jump back and if he jumps back into the walls I mean you'll see it can just get very very close because we're gonna be using red tear stone ring for this fight it saves about 30 seconds so it's well worth going for at least once [Music] Oh Thanks I'll make sure to emote on this guy or maybe not this one nah I don't want Valera's chance yeah there we go I can't hit him now there we go be careful if he goes the war this is good so far yeah it's been really good yeah didn't jump he is slowly creeping towards the wall though mmm this is not a good spot right yeah this is this is okay Oh [Music] [Music] it's been really good no chump nah I believe we'll just go do chariot right now this is the first horse we're gonna fight well there's the only horse we fight but there's a lot of horses that are gonna well you'll just have to wait and see you can get a few donations here sure thing we have a $500 donation from the working men [Applause] he says we need more helpers in the world we have a $10 donation from rar who says I'll put myself on the hook for $10 per desk good luck with the ponies so for four men story for TLC one I actually have no clue oh six TLC bosses left and yeah I'm not sure about main game we have chariot dark liquor thrown duo nashandra aldia maybe five I love this boss fight well it's not as exciting in the speedrun better he started just gets massacred yeah this is one of the more unique fights and Dark Souls 2 now don't worry though the horses will have their revenge oh yeah they'll be back [Applause] [Music] all right so we're gonna make our way to the first DLC just gonna grab a key here not too much to be said so you can get a few donations you got it we haven't $10 from black magics no one ever said Dark Souls was fair if it can't kill you in-game it'll kill your frames instead money goes to runners choice we have $50 from goofy banjo been donating 15 for every restart I'll just do 50 this time and call it good we have 25 dollars from Hamato you might not get every boss first try but at least you're napping those jumps good luck on the rest of the run and praise the Sun yeah I don't think we actually have any opportunities left for baby jumps so yeah very solid run at least in that regard so yeah we're just making our way to the next boss a pretty cool area down here yes big old dragon butts there pretty neat much better than the Dark Souls one Persians all right but you can read some donations until we get to the bosses sure thing we have $20 from Capitan oh it's disc dies again does he have is this the year I hear it's actually a miracle cure but he's not willing to save millions Thank You captain we have $100 from Frankie Leone so glad we can continue hosting sgdq here in Minnesota booyah we have an anonymous $25 request please yell Roberto Roberto there we go now it really feels like I'm watching this stream I'm a bit worried about this just going for it okay so we need to set up our TSR here I messed up a little bit what we still managed to [Music] all right so this is Alana pretty consistent fight we used to run a different route with a weapon called d b gs shoutouts to lich bond where this fight was horrendous there's two different spawns you can get I got skeletons bonds so they're resistant he can summon a she can summon Bell stop which is much much scarier is this the same boss looking summon pigs or yeah yeah she can also summon pigs but there's like a 1% chance I don't think I've ever seen it in a run so hopefully we can get a tail cut here that's the goal all right well we didn't want to do with that early might be okay though all right [Applause] I believe there are nine poses left for our or maybe or maybe eight okay so time for the hardest DLC so this is the third DLC casually this isn't too bad but it's a speedrun so we just got to go for the most optimal strats so normally there's an item you can use to reveal this boss but we're just gonna fight him invisible this is by far the hardest boss fight I'm actually gonna turn off the music so I can hear the audio cues for this and I'd hopefully this goes well [Music] this is good orangey [Applause] keep jumping ya can be a very very easy fall not never really easy but sometimes he just gives you RNG where he really rarely does anything yeah that's by far the most rng fight in the run like if you're going for record pays he basically get to this spot and if you get bad rng it's just a reset you've you've got two minutes by the way until yeah we're gonna have to restart here this is like a five minute long boss fight so I'm gonna restart after I talked to this lady so we're just gonna quit out here and do a quick restart we have a 60 dollar donation from Milotic master yo I heard you like speedruns so we put 16 minute speedruns within your speedruns so you can speed run while you speed run best SCDP you ever alright so now we're on to burnt ivory King this is probably the most punishing spot or the most punishing boss and the entire run to die - so casually you can see there's one night here who's dropping down with with me so there's one night that drops down with me if you go through the game normally you can actually get four of them inside the fight with you each one of them can put out one of these these portals constantly spawn enemies is basically how this works and if you I'm just got a focus here for a sec the more nights you have they basically prevent the enemies from spawning so if you go through this area casually you can have no enemies spawn during the boss fight but unfortunately this is a speedrun so we just have the one night which means we're gonna have enemies spawning during the boss fight so the look the longer it takes the more hectic it's gonna get [Music] all right so we need to kill nine of those enemies killed all of them and now the boss is gonna spawn them so this is why it's so punishing to Dyer cuz every time you need to kill those enemies again to spawn the boss yes he's a goalie lagann just trying to show [Music] oh damn that was really close okay so you can read quite a few donations here just a bit of running sure thing we have twenty-five dollars from cartridge blowers this Run has been excellent so far I wish I had someone who could absolutely time when my games would mess up shoutouts as psoriasis is doing a great job at the hosting station Thank You cartridge blowers we have $5 from Nikki this is doing such a great job I can't help but donate again keep it up we have another $5 from Jose Barra this is my third year watching and my second time donating if anyone can please if anyone can donate please do it every cent counts to help this amazing foundation GDQ Heights [Music] [Applause] we have $59 from a PQ 49 had to donate during SART Dark Souls and honor of my boyfriend one dollar for each month he's been gone and in an extra five for each day until he returns Dark Souls is his all-time favorite series and watching honestly just makes me miss him more but feel closer to him at the same time I love you sweetheart just a week more until you're home we have $50 from sam says props to the runners the couch and the crowd okay so what we're doing now is we're just gonna be lighting these torches kind of weird mechanic but lighting all these torches opens up this door the way this area normally works is that so like casually you're supposed to go through this area and find the item that lets you you know see that invisi cat and then you collect all the nights and do that but by doing it right away we can actually just get it get into the store instantly we're going to be picking up the key and we're going to be going to the most infant in this area and speedrunning and in casual play there's a lot of names we came up for it but Pony plow town was a pretty good one got a little bit before we get there so we can get a few more donations sure thing we have 25 25 dollars from : all never seen this game played before but loving the show dist donating for invisible boss fight keep those donations cuming we have $10 from wafers ds2 is one of my favorite games $20 more if the runner stops to kill a frozen wastes pony oh no they are the strongest enemies in the game they have like more HP than bosses okay so I'm just gonna be grabbing some backup Brite bugs here just in case this doesn't go too well the one redeeming thing about this is that you get to ride a coffin down into there yeah how on the good part it's pony plow time so in a marathon-- setting this area isn't too bad we can use a summon which this wastes about 20 seconds but it makes it way more consistent sometimes the summons still is just off doing its own thing and doesn't really help at all but most of the time she'll get a lot of the ponies off you this area you can't see anything there's a bunch of ponies that infinitely spawn and they kill you in like three hits and it takes three minutes to run to the boss so let's just pray it goes well hi pony there's the first one yay more [Applause] yeah if you're going for world record you don't use the sum in the end if you if you get unlucky you can have like eight of these ponies all on you at the same time and you're just dodging left and right it's it's real tough but ultimately it is just RNG sometimes you can run through here with no summon and have no ponies spawned so that's the case of the souls games there are they yeah they're being pretty nice today come on guys you know I hear one oh let's go um all right this has been pretty smooth we're almost at the boss just got to get over this bridge here here they come I did actually have a pony fly across the chasm onto the bridge when I was in practice but I think it's pretty rare doesn't seem like I need anybody's chasing me that's very very clean but we slowed the boss fight and as I said every DLC has a lackluster bust out of it and this is two of the inves cat we fought before thankfully these aren't in this though it's a good opener [Music] nice all right nice [Applause] you have four minutes left oh okay so we're just gonna make our way to there's one boss I forgot in the first you'll see another lackluster boss this is a multi boss fight it's called the gang squad I'm not actually sure what the actual name is but this can be a pretty tough fight with with all the route changes and stuff those it's become a lot easier so I think I use like pink squad dark worker and then the final bosses fibrosis left right yep or we can get a few donations sure thing we have 25 dollars from bonfire Shan that three portal ivory came fight was so hectic great job Distortion thank you we have five dollars from solare sgdq did you know that you can engage in jolly cooperation every donation helps praise the Sun get like two more sure we have $25 from fancy fish this you're doing great and thanks for running my favorite games rats were rats we're the rats we have $30 from lauric this is one of my favorite games and my favorite host thanks for all that you guys do thank you lord Oh Mike that's stagger animation Oh No all right we don't we don't have a choice if we gotta restart hopefully what's that early we can get back through we have a five dollar donation from next men who suggests if your frames drop let's do it write it those ponies I think that should be the last one though yeah so it doesn't count away slow closely yeah I guess it's cuz the long boss fight no menu time no load time last night what can you do just kill them the gang squad nice the homestretch yeah now we go to Trang Lake and finish off the rest of the run [Music] actually not quite we do have some dungeons left to do [Music] so one of the great things about old patch is that you can actually just go straight to dark liquor without having to do these dungeons you'll see what I'm talking about in a second but there's three dungeons you have to clear before you get access to the dark liquor boss fight on old patch you can just air walk into the fight itself which saves like 10 minutes but current patch you got to do all the dungeons if you will so as far as I know this is the only boss in any souls game that's locked find a quest line like this there is moon presence and blood-borne but it's at slightly different all right so this is a pretty nice threat if we can get it hopefully all goes well so we are gonna kill this guy hopefully pull this without getting shots which we were able to awesome use this flame butterfly oh this guy's very a grow light this for whatever reason you need to light these big sconces and now we are just going to use the best oh oh god t move come on get over here there we go bye bye [Applause] so that's dungeon one two more dungeons to go we can get a few donations here when we make our way to the next dungeon absolutely we have an anonymous $5 donation that says five dollars more for a jolly cooperation praise the run oh yeah we have five dollars from neon guts good work skeleton we have a two hundred and ten dollar donation from hvar ax [Applause] [Music] first time donating thank you for all the awesomeness in one place keep up making these games look so easy all right so this is dungeon 2 we're gonna be actually using a bright bug here this is one of the longer dungeons compared to the other ones most of the dungeons have 3 to 4 enemies which you gotta kill but this one has I think six maybe seven it's a bit bit more all right just a few more enemies left here I think it's three left all right good dungeon - all right so now we're at the final stretch we go to drain lick finish up the final dungeon and then we just got it got a boss rush I get a few more donations here we have $5 from frame thief Oh No one dollar for each frame i'm leaving you with muah-ha-ha-ha-ha we have $15 from liquid fool good job dust and the couch and praise the Sun all perfect timing sort of close enough oh there is one opportunity for a baby chump here it's a very small time save but I know baby jump yeah poor Cabell you hate to see it oh yeah oh yeah hot diggity [Applause] Oh hitting the wall oh yeah I'm just gonna use it oh yeah oh yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so I kind of want to go for an RTS are set up here it's a bit risky but I'm I'm feeling like doing it I'm gonna kill her golly nice my god gamers strikes again what else is new okay so we are at the final stretch now just got to run to the final set of bosses so while we're on the way there you can read a few donations you got it we have $10 from chloro favorite streamer on favorite Souls game also hidden wall ahead Thank You Man we have $25 from a blender plus first time watcher thanks for supporting a great cause and being entertaining we have $50 from Trick second seconds you're watching first time donating it's so awesome to see so many people gathered for a good cause bless everyone at gdq and good luck to the runners love you guys we have $50 from gaming medic as a Souls lover had to donate during this segment praise the Sun and good luck all right so we got three boss fights coming up here quite the quite the boss rush normally was two but the the dlc scholar the first then added aldea afterwards hopefully he spawns something we did everything right nice nice nice [Applause] so we got nashandra here pretty is the pretty easy boss just takes a it attacks hopefully we get the curse bhima rng otherwise we will lose a little bit of time that's alright quite the rng i was looking for all right one more so when the DLC came out I was super hyped about aldea unfortunately he's I was a cool-looking boss but he's not too much of a threat they should have kept a small aldia yeah oh this is a really good orangey we should be able to finish him here nice good alright so time will be when we get the black screen here and the credit score and that starts those two all bombers [Applause] what our run thank you for being here on the couch guys thank you all for being here that was a that was a really nice run I'm really happy there were no baby jumps yeah the frames considered hold yeah yeah the frames were a bit unfortunate but very solid run see I uh just to give one shout out I normally do all the souls games I've started do marathons of all six souls games including Sapiro so feel free to come in and check it out if you'd like and yeah thanks for watching guys [Applause] let's hear it one more time for a dispute for distro - just - all right we're gonna play a quick twitch ad so stay with us [Music] all right an eternal enigma here taken over the hosts desk for the next two runs coming up next we have for a runner for our runs we're coming up with a Dead Rising done by drunk Wario coming up very soon we also have an interview coming up with our remnants of neza 'the runner epic at but thank you for joining us against the summer games done quick 2019 powered by twitch coming together to benefit Doctors Without Borders right now we have a few words from our sponsors Raj 2019 is the largest Japanese arcade event in America hosted by Tokyo attack featuring 24 hour gaming over 100 import arcade machines more than 30 tournaments in over 1,500 dollars and pot bonuses Raj is an event you aren't gonna want to miss find more info at Raj OTG calm [Music] from eSports to retro consoles PCs to arcades world 9 gaming aims to provide the highest quality video game experience to events in the Midwest and beyond with our mix of nostalgic and modern consoles professional tournaments and expansive game library world 9 is ready to take your event to the next level for information on booking an upcoming events visit world 9 gaming calm and follow us on social media at world 9 gaming mag Fest is returning to the west coast this september 13th through 15th with mag West in San Jose California mag west will feature free play arcades live video game concerts tournaments tabletop gaming community jamming and much more use promo code sgdq 2019 to receive $15 off your badge for mag west Magfest incorporated is a nonprofit that holds music and gaming events year round with a flagship event every January in Washington DC super Magfest this flagship event pulls in 24,000 people for four days of non-stop gaming and video game music concerts just a reminder we want to tell you about our upcoming donation challenge the remnants of nays of bonus bonus levels which is coming up after Dead Rising will be hit at $5,000 we still have a little ways to go for that at two thousand six hundred twenty two dollars so make sure you get your donations in for that challenge if you want to see the bonus levels for remnants of neza and speaking of remnants of nays earth we have an interview ready Jay Hobbs is with our runner epic cat take it away hello everybody I am the after mention Jay Hobbs and I'm joined by X epic cat X which I'm very quickly not going to call you in a moment but we're gonna jump right into our first social media question because it does help explain this and it's from at vats of of goop they asked how does one go by X epic at X and not misspelled the name constantly is this where you're speedrunning secret sly do the does the name give you power unknown so as far as the first part of that goes the except at cat X part it's origin is like all good names from Xbox Live where it gave me the name epic dog followed by like a million numbers as it does and I was like hey I like dogs more than cats but I don't like all these numbers so when I made it it was X and then a space and an epic space cat space X so that people wouldn't get confused and call me like Zetas can exert something it was simple and then I very quickly learned that spaces don't work everywhere right and so I just had to get combined together but you do go by another name yes in certain communities so one of my good friends we were playing overwatch one day and one of his IRL friends joined in and he said oh hey what's your name and so I told him oh my name is Brian and he took a second and then said that name is dumb I'm gonna call you Bob and apparently I'm just Bob everywhere yeah cuz I've known you for a while from the or in the blind for speedrunning community' and so to me you're just Bob so I hope everybody's okay with me calling him Bob for the rest of this interview segment because it's probably gonna happen but I want you to tell us a little bit about Remington ASA because I think it's a game that not a lot of people know about and is an awesome speedgame so tell us a little bit about what the game is yes so the game came out like very very shortly before Celeste so it was very quickly overshadowed as like a movement type game but the game itself as far as the lore goes you play as this guy who was searching for treasure and then died and his body got possessed by a thunder dragon and it turned his hands into grappling hooks and now you have to go around collecting magical chunks of dragon meat to find his treasure the gameplay itself though is a 2d platforming game with grappling hook mechanics so very fast-paced very action-packed you'll see when I get on stage like the first inputs of the game for optimal strats are just bonkers the game doesn't slow down it just starts off as like tutorial levels which are pretty tough and then just ramps up and up and up to the point where at the end there's like sawblades everywhere and lasers and you're just trying not to die and and it's one of those very fast games right where an il is maybe two seconds oh yeah it's an IL game I like to call it like the lovechild of dust forest and super meatboy right but then you throw in like the ninja rope from worms and that's the game that you get out of that so there's a lot of crazy stuff that's beautiful now you've got an incentive for this game coming up right what is the incentive exactly the incentive is bonus levels which the game features 80 regular levels and then hidden in each of the chapters are two secret little mini chunks of dragon meat and if you collect those and bring them to the end of the level they unlock bonus levels so b8 secret levels throughout the game they all have some sort of weird quirk and the very last but I'm not gonna spoil what it is but the very last level is called void and it's a very thematic level in that it fills my heart with absolute nothingness what would you say is your success rate for for that act in that level it's not about success rates with that level sometimes I will go and I'll get at first try sometimes I'll go and 45 minutes later I give up so hopefully it's the former and not the latter I might have to resort to showing off the world record run if it takes two we'll see hopefully hopefully it won't be a problem hopefully you'll get it well I did want to ask a couple of more social media questions we got one from augen Drucker's actually Richard here one of the members of staff who asks what is your favorite level and why is it threshold so richard has played this game for something like 40 hours and I want to say 30 to 35 of those hours have been on the first level threshold so his running meme is that threshold is the only level in the game and that it has to be everyone's favorite because of that of course but my favorite level is probably not following well we'll find out what your favorite level is maybe during the run and everything did one ask how did you get into speedrunning in the first place um so speed running for me started off I bought an Xbox one and it came paired with Ori and the blind forest and so I played through that game like three or four times and then the only achievement that I couldn't get with it was beat the game in under three hours I like plays through a few times and couldn't do it and then I realized oh hey speedrunning is this thing that exists so I went online and found runs by Graham Elias another runner who's here all the time and that sort of kick-started me and Rory and now you've gotten actually really good at or in the blind forest right in several other games on top of remnants of knees that included yeah have you liked how many games need to give you bounce between three I'm pretty sure it's only three unless you count the two iterations of Ori as different games but I do play a lot of other mechanically intensive games like OSU and rhythm games and stuff like that so okay not limited to just speedrunning you looking forward to will the wisps I'll be Mors and pollinate too and all of those other fun platforming type games well awesome hey Bob thanks for being with the herb sorry X epic @ x thanks thanks for for talking with me for a little bit no problem alright now I'm gonna throw it over to cent because I think he's got a few prizes to show us hey Hobbs I gotta I gotta come over there talk with you uh surprises fell asleep over here okay I don't want to wake him guys he's fine my head is nowhere near up it's fine you could come over can we talk in normal he's imaginary hops you can't hear him I don't know why we were whispering in the first line I got some great stuff for you guys and it's all going from now until the end of gauntlet but real quick I just have to say something Hobbes um I've known this man is Bob for like three years well now we know anyway guys we got a bunch of a really cool stuff for you we have this Hyrule mousepad for my friends over at Studio penpen you know just a super cool mousepad with the legend of zelda link to the past map on it that's a cool thing to put your mouse on I've definitely put my mouse on worse what what might somebody have to donate in order to get in the running to potentially win that prize five dollar minimum donation from now until the end of garlotte awesome so there you go and while we have that nice lovely close up let's also get a beautiful shot of this great Zelda vinyl for my friends over a bit brigade super cool little vinyl there we have there again you know as Elvis soundtrack perfect for vinyls vinyl just a great format that's really making a comeback and it's a $10 minimum bid now until the end of gauntlet Bobby Hobbs how do you feel about board games board games are awesome and board games are off gotten very creative over the years oh yeah for sure I'm I'm a huge fan of board games I'm a huge fan of simultaneous action board games had some had some great moments in the board game room we actually you know stock a bunch of board games here for attendees to play and some of my favorite moments have been games where everyone's trying to play at the same time even cooperatively making the same actions that's exactly the kind of game that pandemic rapid response is it's a new game from z-man games are giving away a couple of copies of it $10 minimum bid to get into the game by itself and for a $30 minimum bid you've not only get in on rapid response but you also get in on the original pandemic pandemic on the brink and pandemic fall of Rome two great expansions for the game so that's four games in one for a nice $30 donation and you know huge shout-outs the z-man games for sending those directly to us from my friend Becky Hamm unfortunately we don't have it on site with us but she made a beautiful chainmail Triforce it's a in gold and you can head over to games done quick that comment check out a picture the tracker if you're interested in seeing it yeah I actually saw that one that one is awesome it's so good right now Hubbs if you're wondering what people could put their donations towards with all these prizes tomorrow during the Kingdom Hearts 3 speedrun which is a run I know you're very intimately familiar with there might be an incentive for for a certain bonus boss okay a particularly difficult bonus boss and I believe we're still about $20,000 off of making that happen oh come on we can make that happen right he's gonna be level one it's gonna be critical it's gonna be the hardest boss in the game people want to see that happening hey thirty dollars you get everything we just talked about now and you get thirty dollars towards an entry into our grand prize which is an amazingly beautiful Master Sword and Hylian Shield from our friends over at heroic reps because you can actually see them right there on the desk the beautiful Hylian Shield bear with all the gold accenting and the red crest of highlights it's so good and the the sword with wait wait did I I forgot the sword I forgot this hold on hold on let me go back and get the sword real quick okay oh we woke him up Hobbes I don't I don't know how I don't I don't think I'm sorry I got to deal with this Hobbes can you can you take over yeah I guess we'll have to take a look at that sword later but oh I think we're gonna just go ahead and throw it back over to the host because drunk Wario is hopefully not drunk but is ready for Dead Rising I believe are just about so see you everybody please go check that out because dead rising is awesome absolutely thank you very much for that interview remnants of Mesa thil becoming upright after dead rising we're still getting ready here drunk Wario getting ready for dead rising
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 1,285,799
Rating: 4.8090158 out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games
Id: Gq80PkJi4eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 48sec (10788 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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