Dark Souls Remastered SL1 All Bosses 0 Hit Run (No Pyromancy)

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laughs so I don't have a choice but it's not happening there's this stupid [ __ ] nothing I can do about that I played very good it's very annoying very very annoying it's every master thing no it's in the original he had lost the attack has damage before it actually happens it's completely [ __ ] man sorry for using that word but I have to it's just actually stupid hideous thank you for the nine months in a row welcome back what is this sub child's name then don't give up I never give up until the time is too much where I can't really stream for like 12 hours but we'll continue we still have time but it's just like I don't expect to get past this at this point there's just too many stupid things that happened on the 1s today it doesn't seem like it's the day to do it every other day we have 90 plus percent consistency on it where we just almost all the time past them so it's just unfortunate that stupid things have to happen at least I'm playing it it's there at least like I'm playing pretty and at that on the fight but yeah nothing I could actually do on that I'm sorry for using the word completely no it's it's it makes me that's like a really annoying thing but I'm not mad anymore else mad for a second is this gonna happen again it'll happen anybody playing the game you'll never be a problem that can be solved there's nothing you can do it's just oh it's always existed it's happened many times it'll happen in the future hopefully not before we get the run but it's not it's kind of unfair because you don't actually have a chance to do anything so you just would have had to have not had anything happen that led to that situation before it and guessed that it would happen wants to make me go back that someone speed right now I'm done with us someone speed ready man on ds3 Dom z thank you dude what about hollows what about all those [Music] oh they look different you're talking about the enemies oh yeah the textures of the enemies have been updated textures of any character model is different by a little bit that see the link you send me I say actually I didn't see it yet man uh yet it might have not uh actually I might have not checked my whispers I caught up with Twitter stuff but I didn't see the whisperers but I can I can double-check and see after I have I have them open because I had to check one earlier so it'll still be there have her flight win first that'd be pretty funny if you could do that [Applause] oh wait you're talking about the sorry wait no that wasn't yeah was that yesterday or the day before if you're talking about the God of War memes that I saw that yeah I saw those at first I thought the chaos plate thing was souls related but then I realized as a spoiler what it doesn't matter this river may have forgotten when you sent it I thought yeah it might have been yesterday or maybe it was like yesterday morning from the day before I'm spoiled wind eisenberg of the undead does he I see happy souls yet I already watched that a long time ago I checked it out I've already seen it I stood and recognized the title what I appreciate you reminding me of it I think it's like the part with the pursuer that was pretty funny darah the--with spoiler with VAT a--the death whether this it in if that the Burgas oh v death Undead if you defeat Pikachu and Blighttown though I don't know never tried that sounds pretty sketchy man Zapdos it's it's a blue Zapdos a new skin that you can unlock by purchasing EA's latest game polka souls in collaboration with Ubisoft the price is a steal literally like eat when you downloaded Ubisoft will take money from your account outside of the purchase Bobby apparently his men have a good rest to your day thank you for entertaining me black night in the forest the Polka souls will devour the souls of them all I don't think you can say that though man it's it's EA and Ubisoft you're probably you're probably gonna get sued or something like that put you to sleep a few hours go neo hey honestly you missed all the the gameplay that was unsavory so it worked I was trying to make you avoid the terrible things you might see it's a parry count is a hit and no unless you get a partial period what the [ __ ] is this how far did the bro run make it that was actually the best run neo that was uh say walls to Capra that's probably like a little bit more than halfway in terms of segments but or I guess in terms of um yeah maybe maybe not in terms of bosses overall well say we'll say probably halfway because there is there is quite a lot of bosses in Vetta chaos the end but they're all kind of together do I play us too I played a lot of ds2 when I made my channel man so not as much anymore but I will again at some point I contact counts as a hit I remember that was mentioned earlier I'm pretty sure I didn't know that was a rule you gotta like let me start over if I have to play without looking then I didn't do it right also I love the back step which ruins pretty much everything here very classy lucky that he didn't try to attack of course we do all that for nothing as well this has been the most unlucky day with moss ever bro what's going on the run how are you now listening to Spotify for the first time in your life and it's so good Douce Spotify is actually really good yeah I I didn't get it too long ago either but um it's definitely definitely good I mean it's also cuz like the artists like they they put their music on there too so it's a little bit better than just downloading it for free right but quality wise I would say it has really good quality Spotify is a good band it might actually be a band who knows man think of how many names there are out there first time playing DSR you have over 500 and ds3 but our feels so much harder what what about it is hearted rang bell so fast it took you whole 14 hours to do both of them oh yeah like a hunter first playthrough man it takes a while it took me probably around the same amount of time to do that like many days Oh long story short your country's lame the issue is normally not available in your country how do you VPN to create an account paying premium already one hour of use in worth every penny damn that feeling when you gotta go stealth mode just to literally have Spotify so you can pay for it at that point I'd probably just listen to music for free I wouldn't even I wouldn't even do that that clip is trending lethal does it only take like a hundred views to go trending though yeah it's a pretty up frost actually has the same clip but it's on fire say [ __ ] can happen on that as well apparently don't feel good unlike the s3 game just doesn't tell you where to go oh wait sorry King up I'm I'm I got confused man I thought you were comparing this the original you're comparing this to ds3 to actually play the game like like functionality-wise it's pretty damn clunky man also this very unlucky how did he get back in a weighted extra-long I know that the Chandler like went in front of some of them so maybe there's some more that are blocked right here yeah yeah the the navigation and actually like trying to play the game is definitely harder than bs3 well it's not as complex for that reason if it was more complicated that would be bad I don't think it would work to you back too much doesn't fuels polished as much as you'd like it to be well just because it's a remaster doesn't mean that they actually made the game different like concept wise right ds3 is is the different from gay manse is more modern the design of this is still old it's still painted it's just more updated interest initially in terms of visual stuff [Applause] babe damn what's up dude you don't drink ass this genius on this well I'm trying to keep my health in a range where the ring that I have is active so you need to have roughly the amount of health I have or less for red to stone backstep mov yeah what you're saying King that makes a lot of sense I understand where you're coming from it would be really hard for me to play this if I played the s3 before it [Music] [Music] people that planned yes I really like this whole series well you have to think of the amount of people that played the original right so it's not the same comparison as maybe you didn't play the original and then you got a chance to try it but you didn't like it it's like demon souls do there's a lot of people that don't like demon souls cuz it's just it's really really hard to play functionality-wise it's not necessarily from the designer like any of the stuff you'd experience like enemies and all that it's more of just like it's not the mechanics of it or just very clunky it's not as polished like you said that kick and run was comical hey nothing compares to bill help dunks though like that's that's pretty cool but it's not on the level of vilhelm dunks it takes less skills so that's what it is kind of funny right back that guy's an [ __ ] he actually kills the fire keeper so I have to do it or we don't get access to that bonfire other than warping to it from other bonfires which is kind of annoying so that'll waste a lot of time and we also need his ring - that's your fingers pretty good play it what's up dude playing DSR then going back to the s3 ds3 is harder I think ps3 is a harder game but it's not as hard to actually do things in it like in this it's more likely that you're gonna have trouble actually pulling something off because of the mechanics rather than or just like something will just feel like really like unfair whereas ds3 if something happens it's more likely that you know the hitbox wasn't really stupid or the input did actually work or whatever like those are there's more things that are refined on it to make it playable to a better degree but then the actual game is more complex so enemies are way more tanky they have more attacks you know stuff like that there's uh I would say a slightly faster pace to it as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the awning angel how's the grind it's pretty grindy at the moment how are you doing what's up man you want to cut up a watermelon you're ready at the spider lady I tramatic you cut up a watermelon since this run started really I guess that's pretty good either you're really bad at cutting watermelon or you cut a really big one puffy rice ball what's up bust a cap how are you doing come I need your help cap them I need you to bust a cap in in this game just please I'll wait the splits aren't even correct right now is Detroit as good or better than heavy rain I haven't played either but I don't know there's some interesting stuff I saw and it was pretty cool to watch a bit of it seems like there's a lot of different outcomes for the situations like there's a huge web of things Oh since I was like gargoyles okay well that that makes sense ah DM live what's up dude horse might be DM live thank you for checking that stuff out I appreciate it man and also making it here as well that's that's awesome how are you doing welcome to insanity oi with the added bonus of an old dude that is hammering an anvil for all of eternity and keeps asking where I'm going even though he knows there was this shoe a bully sticks to the back yeah it does actually India Street they made sense of that though there's a little rope on your armor or in most on most armor and actually on the character without armor like that can make sense of having some sort of way to holster items right and of course there's the purple Moss only six tree dudes later no big deal or anything though Andre is the only character in ds1 and three who moves his mouth with dialogue yeah he is actually you're right I noticed that I think as long as the characters blink and have eye movement that track you that's that's good enough although b-team kinda cheaped out on that like demon souls had that and then they just stopped didn't BST and here take okay note to self don't put the bow on at this point Aundre human confirmed wow this is the speculation though he was supposed to play a much bigger part of the game decide to they said no one just left his mouth movement you believe really like what kind of part are you talking about it does it actually say what Arctic zone in one of the files are you thinking of demon souls well there is a place that is that has snow on it already in the game uh Reba's what's up dude welcome back what did she really game for a sorcerer probably probably something that has decks cuz i think Dex and this actually increases cast speed so you probably want like a rapier or something that doesn't have a giant strength requirement what but scales with Dex quail egg sister mouth moves also when you're wearing witches ring okay I haven't done that for a long time I didn't even notice T okay thank you man okay let's see are you going to die to the trap no you're not it's allowed in his new hit run to perform Parry and riposte yeah you can parry in this run as long as it's not a partial parry you don't take damage through the the parry then you are fine wait did I get this I think I got the souls there right yeah Andre was meant to be a summon that one shots the bosses approached the first to lizard-men I never found a way to trap hit them reliably well you can't all the time I mean you can like get them you can get one of them hit a little bit but I just stand by that pillar where the other one can't see me but then the one can and then as soon as he starts getting close to the middle odds I'll just hit the button and then run what if he's blocking while running at you he likes it for some reason he can block the hits from it facing the other way so I I don't know you're not you're not necessarily gonna kill even if all three hit he'll still live if he does that yeah I got it one early to stun that's crazy that's the first early symbol we've gotten in this game or on on this run particularly it was only by a1 but that's pretty cool the god orangey I probably would have rather had the god orangey on the blossom at the beginning for the boss but that works too man that roll is so stupid that recovery Jesus man Renault Stosh thank you very much for the host men what is mixer mixers been around for a little bit it's like another streaming platform same with a hitbox I think was before mixer though there's also that too hey Squealer if you get your feelings hurt and take a motion all damage does that mean you'll have to restart the run Jack that's been the question that I've asked myself since the beginning man and other people have asked too sadly I don't think it works that way it's not that evil fortunately you won't be that entertained I can't I can't get emotional hits on this I can get hit from being sad though tilt right thank you though switching to Nintendo Pictochat livestreams was a Pictochat [Music] oh yeah what's up dude besides the emotional damage happens and the runs already ending that's true yeah you know you don't need to take you don't have to count emotional that's on this one otherwise I think the next run that starts would probably already have one so that would be everything you would never be able to do it it would be impossible so there you go they're all killing Priscilla killing press I enjoy killing Priscilla Priscilla is really sketchy actually especially if like her starting position is cutting off the pathway that you have to stand at to see I I definitely do not like Priscilla on this run I mean it's not like the hardest thing but it is kind of sketchy though Nikki dragon what's up how's it going scariest part of the run for me DM probably a 1s in the DLC maybe between those I think Owen s if they're like giving me really bad rng it's it's not really scary it's more of just like well you know this is really unfortunate and like I just have a feeling something's gonna happen that I don't really have control over and that's about it well yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't say it's like there's scary incidents that can occur like in like like it'll be like a moment but I wouldn't say that entirety of that scary it just depends on like if something is clearly taking way too long I know in us it's just you you you know you just got the shitty fight and that's it and the problem with that is like it drains a lot of energy doing that fight like my like in terms of like focus like it's really hard to continue to focus the same after having a super long fight on that we have to like think of so many things and pay attention to so many things that once that it's it's it feels like it's not possible to continue playing with that much focus after that point so once you're there that like so many times in one stream it's just like it's draining but I I don't know at this point there's no excuse I should be able to do the best I can every time read Mushmouth the lore of the souls borne games the apps I've seen a lot of the body videos for them especially like the older ones too but I don't know I don't retain that information super well so I'm not like super studied on it or anything like I can't you quiz me I might not be able to remember right away that got dunked that's hilarious [Applause] payback for complaining earlier grundy that teaches you to never complain again there you go I just parried the throwing knifes that ball tonight is the real horror I talking about the silver Knight right there yeah he sometimes also just doesn't want to fall off either which is kind of silly cuz I'm the original he he fell off almost every time if he did that attack from his default position it was like impossible for him to stay on the ledge so obviously with the framerate the way they did it somehow keeps him on more often or whatever I don't know what um whatever some something with that it's definitely different I know I know it's not coincidental at this point cuz it's like so often that and it's not that he's like necessarily moving to a better spot than doing it like I've seen him do it from the default spot he stays on way more often like before he would just do it and then he didn't he'd like fall off that attack you wouldn't even have to do another attack he'd just be like boom done ever get peep city in grace or dude that was like my favorite weapon at one point the problem is the I don't know like the durability you have to use that special too much why yeah it looks really cool or stop why do you feel this grime will be even more monk asked in the ds1 I saw one recce dude it's only been nine days this is the 9th stream I think maybe and we we're at one heaven and we have the consistency we're making it to OH&S like it's large handfuls of the mounts per day I already had a run past and go pretty pretty close to the LC but I wouldn't I wouldn't say that it's gonna compare to that man that took like what how many months to get from the beginning of it to record like the final record even to the first record it's gonna be like way less time than that this isn't as hard as that but it's it's just annoying in a different way and also you know I haven't um haven't seen all the things there to see on this or I guess not all this things but I haven't seen some of the memes we've been getting sunny to experience a lot of unfortunate [ __ ] to be prepared I guess [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oran Storen and Smaug and before rip run a cyber LL thank you very much for this sub man enjoy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton dude if your name somehow means something that's better to pronounce than LL let me know because I am not sure what to say hey update the list I will do that here we go straight humans also [ __ ] BB is pretty easy to get into a routine all straight a man's not a hard boss at all dude that thing that happened yesterday is just stupid like it doesn't even make sense it wasn't something I've ever even seen in this game happened to anybody or myself other than I guess for us had it happen also yesterday which is like on fire sage so it might just be something nice to do with this version of the game I don't know but normally you wouldn't even have to worry about straighting I think the bigger threat was figuring out how to not get the hollows to fall into the pit your inside is completely betta thank you for the heads-up pista no phobia how are you doing man oh that guy might have actually died to the the boulder that's good in before also proud boy let's hope so man skill it's going pretty good how are you doing man I'll know I still right here all the small ones give you 600 that's that's crazy and I see you up and running thanks yeah we're in we're in the we're on the final frontier right now I guess hopefully this run goes somewhere decent oh boy has skied it how are you doing Oh Hawaii never played souls though ll wait let me double check to make sure your name isn't being said incorrectly aw you didn't even tell me also Jamrock what's going on man thank you for the gg honestly if you are watching souls on Friday everybody looked at weekend party and party fun funfun bunkers s kita thank you man are we getting regoing rebeccablack right now it's happening I'll be go ham off bob dylan's cover friday I haven't heard that uh but now you're making me want to hear it is it actually good or is this supposed to be a mean rebeccablack took over your soul for a second I believe you meant after you after hearing that song I believe there there is some sort of paranormal properties going on you know there's some sketchy things that could possibly be true like that so I don't blame you I hope you'll be reborn as a Canadian in the next life why is that what are your top reasons for that I was with the boys of things getting broken over there and that's weird because it's important so they have some of them in the u.s. though unless you live somewhere else maybe but I don't know I'm surprised you know what that is then if that's the case they're banning memes in the EU I don't believe that how could they man she sells I am from Ontario Lauren sucks have you had it you actually think that that's your Oh God almost drew out my water that's that's what you think flammond sent how are you doing same province has a lot of people that stream that are from this province and also are from people's communities as well I feel like really tired right now too many ons is just like can't [ __ ] think properly riff run the sideways fireball Wow I was tricky and to get mask of the child to get a nice mind on elaborating real quick what the real bottleneck tight ends of this run getting further is except for the obvious ones it's up and down dude like the bit the next biggest thing is DLC but there's a lot of stuff like it any single mistake and but there's also things that wouldn't necessarily be considered mistakes like where I do something that's proven to work 99.9 percent of the time right and it still goes wrong so there's mishaps there's mistakes whatever but DLCs are the next hardest segments on the list von Weiss what's up dude every Canadian you met looks like a weird oval lively version of American are we are we talking about like South Park or something the pac-man people why isn't pinned me all on the list pinwheel doesn't deserve a split man because he dies into its although he also doesn't really have that I guess I guess I just like sum it all up with Neto I was gonna say the run-up to pinwheel can actually be kind of a pain if you don't do it right but there's there's definitely there's definitely Capra demon that gets killed and do it so that's I can't use that as the only reason it's Friday and your weekend begins nice how are you I'm doing pretty good trying to stay focused for this if possible got kicked my patches rip run you saw nothing you didn't see it didn't happen Capra build-up killed the Braille run the other dog man it was so close to getting to him too I'm sure that run probably would have made it close to the LC or door in the DLC oh nice how come you don't jump off the cliff and land on the coffin slide down instead of risking being hit by the skeletons on the way the bonfire though I've never actually gotten hit by the skeletons before if I if I do at some point I will but I've never actually been hit by those two skeletons they're they're very easy to avoid what's um another bonus that kind of it just takes me right to the bonfire but I know I know what you're talking about them no patches magic trick now we're trying to be fast on this I have the magic trick I think in the in the all regular all boss no Hare Rama the leveled character from a while ago [Music] as ethics what's up curious what weapon do I use before you get in the hammer I used the reinforced Club +5 also Thank You Man I can't make any kind of concrete promises on this side but at least we got something started which is good it's definitely better better than being before OH&S at least okay I gotta like walk a little bit closer to them initially right there cuz that worked a lot better that got them all stuck yeah there's like all four of them right there that's perfect so someone loo these hollows towards the crows and they fell off the edge if you're looking for a different method oh dude I I've done they can still hit you through the wall that's the problem I I've had that happen accidentally and they'll just go jump in they'll hate you through the wall well it may be the way you're talking about setting it up is very particular I don't even need them to die dude that's like the easiest way and it's actually the quickest too it's like on the way and everything they can't make it into the hole if you're quick enough on that it's got to be very fast and right there that was actually a better example of it being done because I pulled the back to into a closer group of them they were all like in a ball instead of just spaced out cuz when I do it normally the other two don't actually start running right away they just start walking and looking for me strimmer noticed me and definitely don't get in the process what's up dumb joe how have you been man mom weiss thanks man thanks for good luck spooky patches well I'm gonna revisit them later we're gonna buy a actually act technically I don't have to give the mask so I guess we don't revisit them though in a past OH&S yeah honestly dude making it past on us should not like we should have had so many more runs fast than me just stupid ghoulish attack and stupid [ __ ] attack hitbox starting inside the character before the attack even happens like just really just silly things but it's alright though I was gonna probably hit the Skelly isn't it yeah that's not good okay now we have to keep them we have to stay over here now so she I will split I promise you right now I've been busy dumb Joe well thank you for deciding to take time to make it here all the way it's probably cuz it's the weekend door closed right so it is cool to know that you still care about the memes that's all I can say Pantera what's up dude if you started ng+ will you not get more from the covenants no no the covenants the devotion is level three and that's it for the ones where you can offer them things as far as I know you can get to like level three I'm not sure if they reset on ng+ or not I remember that but if you max them out already then no there's no more Gabe welcome back dude also carry out what's up you have a lurk is skeeted our aid enjoy your lurk man this guy didn't even like do the swerve he just ran straight towards me Wow what's the occasion artists possum this one go probably OH&S or I would say Calum eats pretty hard too but I've solved some problems on that it's been going pretty good so yeah I still want to say OH&S can be the most difficult but DLC is all up there - DLC is very sketchy cheese knife what's up drinking wine so G what are you some sort of fancy person can't drink other beverages like you just have to make it a special occasion for no reason just putting pressure on me you're like it's better be the finest run of all runs I've seen or I'm going to report you as I drink my fancy beverage that it's fancy if you didn't know also sipping it at a pure crystal glass it is bedazzled with gold and diamonds that's well I don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] music in this boss reminds he was soundtrack in ds3 you can't put your finger on it it's probably Aldrich right sip sip mop butterfly and Aldrich they have very similar themes I think they actually they remix sips track for Aldrich but butterflies track it it's um it has like a similar style to it still be what's up dude or a stupid boss yeah it's pretty annoying in this run man very very simple to get hit on that what like just it's it's kind of stupid because I can't attack it well it's what's moving I could kill it before it even attacked once in a lot of cases on an all boss run which I mean obviously is pretty cheesy but still like you could avoid a lot of [ __ ] he just likes to bring the newspaper yeah this time we brought a weapon also match the motion what's up man I'll be bin wait you you know dumb Jo as well no way dude no way that's in the Seine man how do you guys know each other oh and Lobos oh you know you know Lobos too okay that's pretty cool that's interesting man I still haven't had sushi since the time that we we all went to that place by the way like hey I want to but I just I every time I think of it I still just feel like I'm sick even though it's like my favorite food I don't know I don't know if you have it much but like I actually felt like I was gonna die after that Sushi's amazing you know I like it a lot yeah but I ate so much the last time that I have like the might my stomach is going into like a c-section mode or something like that I'm I'm like bursting [Applause] all right oh wait that's that I suppose yeah I gotta split this I forgot our on Taurus okay question is do we go back this way I think I'm gonna just take this way cuz the titanite demons kind of stupid so we might as well I don't actually think it's faster it's probably the same speed but I'd rather kill these dudes you had it once although it was very interesting and you did enjoy it however your stomach was confused and it felt upon staying hash moist my man Nick thank you for the 10 months in a row welcome back man I appreciate it I will try to I think you might have to like coming here and remind me though visi you're the one that's like the ambassador of the moist memes right Sunday scoot how have you been dude Sushi's overrated Oh overrated how so like what about it's over it not that I disagree or anything but furious to not pay leftovers that's that's actually pretty scary too expensive though and it depends on where you go I guess if you want like really high quality and yeah or if it's just standard fare not not all you can be it's like a really upscale then it might not be as worth it I would I would just go to all-you-can-eat over that anyways yeah sometimes like there's places that are really inexpensive there is but the best place that I've had still was actually not the most expensive it wasn't it was actually really really fair that the price surprised try to hit me I dare you through delivery place ourselves a really nice portion for real cheap that's pretty cool now this company that makes sushi for public stores in Florida they make good trays on Wednesdays they're $5 each mac down on two of them that's that's actually really cheap and $5 Wow how many pieces do you get they also have sashimi as well or is it just like rolls all right wait I got to go fog ring on this jump he's him on a job he's like I can't make it I'm too baking this guy actually might not eat turns around it I was gonna say one of them has a chance to make it but I can I can kind of see before I get away I guess they didn't want to go around quesadillas so talk about food all you want I can fly kinky and someone else was talking about quesadillas earlier I don't think it was you wasn't there's no more only olives oh no only olives not the olives man I like how they both pulled out the sword that's actually pretty funny that doesn't happen too often [Applause] [Music] can I skip tourists even our regular playthrough yeah he's not he's not opera P is optional sorry he's not mandatory typically you probably kill them first though after the Soliman if you didn't have the master key and you wanted to go the the most or sorry at least challenging boss that's in like the closest proximity you'd probably go to him right away [Music] okay I don't know if I trust this right now that's really silly I don't know how that opened I wasn't that close like I was already in that spot and I stopped and it didn't open and I just open Randy this dudes like weird he'll he'll literally just appear out of thin air sometimes I don't think he'll appear to thin air in my face but like technically he won't he shouldn't even be able to know I'm here even if I'm in front of him I just have to be far away right there we go yeah he was he was he's like physically like you would be able to see him but the game doesn't even load him he's like right here like in this spot but you should be able to see him see him behind the door but you don't see him until you hit him which is really weird or until he hits you which is rip runs so [Applause] [Applause] okay that's like a lot of firebombs wasted that's not good we got to be super accurate later on I still need I think I have enough ring word still but I gotta not miss any like it's it's pretty down to the wire homeward to be safe Jarret now I could he's not gonna be able to like not appear and then walk up to me and appear in my face it's just like at that door if you get too close it'll just appear to nowhere like if you get away if the door opens really quickly they're not agro it it's just like otherwise you would see him or you'd see like a knife come out of like thin air and then he would be starting to walk behind the knife and then run actually that's why I stood behind the carriage in case the knife happened but um yeah why do you buy extra I can't buy extra black firebombs easily on this it would require some very dangerous stuff so it's not a big deal I still need one more to kill this guy - which is really bad so I need to make sure I do this thank god man I just woke up started the day is pure happiness that's good as long as you're not like everything sucks this is so bad so pissed off you know I don't want to you know be like that okay I'm gonna get one of these and then that's it actually wait we could buy more arrows here - oh I should have been doing that the entire time that's actually kind of annoying we already have enough but if I if when I ran out of them that one time I could have bought some right there I think about basic ellipse I'm not touching the splits until we get out of this place can we copy strike what is copy straight oh it's a joke about PewDiePie on my bad okay Ivan I'm not keeping up with that I don't really watch PewDiePie so I didn't know about that yeah that hollow dude still makes it that's really annoying be gone dude come on break the thing what are you doing she'll hi Squealer I brought some friends who'll pay Squealer when that meet and made in Vegas wrote you a parking ticket for an expired meter and you cut her with your lucky prison she of cussin teachers get stitches locking in shoot lock I'm assuming that was Jack this at that all social thank you very much for the raid man how was your stream everyone that's uh that's coming coming on in with shul we're trying to do a no hit run soul of a one on this right now if you haven't played Dark Souls before I can explain to you what that means if you need it but otherwise it's very sketchy one mistake will end the entire run it's three hours and we're about hour 45 in maybe out of 40 so got to be very careful but I'm gonna be super focused so I'm probably not gonna see much of anything for at least another moment then we can actually chill for a second but I gotta just get this part done really quick thank you very much though for coming for the raid also if you guys don't follow surely is a fantastic warframe streamer and he does variety sometimes sweet he's played blood-borne quite a bit and other Souls stuff but he's got a good attitude and he's very nice and entertaining and hopefully we can actually get this okay that was good okay all right now I can actually like look at shot for a moment we're out of there care for Kings seat DLC - Lord fights DLC let's do anyways sure how was your stream man how's it going my own remastered AXI i am right now at the moment indeed how the runs have been die this is the best one we've gotten so far we had a run like the first run of the date was it the first one no now second good run of the day gets the calf run than a dog kills me or a dog that doesn't kill me it hits me to restart that but this is this is the best today so far so I'll try to keep it alive finally or a bit isn't [ __ ] Osbourne eeeh what do you mean like someone that's that gets hosted by show and you're disappointed sometimes you can't avoid that like I actually have this bad history of rating people randomly that I don't know and no one knows from my community and it just ends up being the worst [ __ ] ever like I've seen some pretty insane things there's actually a command called raid fail where there's a guy that complains that I've hosted him and he bans every single person that we bring over there you had like four people watching and we brought like this is like back in the day but we brought like a hundred and he's just like banning everybody so some people get triggered man or just you know are just not the greatest people to the house but it was kind of funny though we got a video out of it streamers are terrible well I appreciate that I am adequate enough right now for for now at least well that ghost wasn't even there what the hell where'd he go what oh my god why is it that many over on that side did I do something weird here I don't know what happened hmm okay so yeah this parts interesting we have six fire bombs we have to basically hit this guy through a fence on the roof by doing these crazy MLG noscope s-- and the thing is i only have a very limited amount I think I can only miss one at this point I believe you need 5 to hit him and he's annoying because you have to be in a very particular spot and then as soon as you as soon as you get him once he starts running and he can like move side to side across the fence sometimes so it shouldn't be too bad but I don't have extra fire bombs so I got to be very careful on this and move out of the way really fast because that ghosts yeah and also there's a ghost every single time you go to the top of the stairs two ghosts will actually try to kill you through the stairs so you have to run back to this spot and you can see them kind of like just floating underneath right there so I have to keep running back but we got them the first time which is good and then we have to repeat that until he's dead and you can see he like moved into the spot I threw it like that's so if I threw it in the spot he was in it would have missed it's also an added bonus that fire bombs in this game don't actually go in the direction you throw they have like a weird offset toss to them not enough to have been invasions enabled now I can't get invaded on this also aster welcome back dude it's going pretty good how are you all right we got out of there nice good [ __ ] man those ghosts are scary yeah this parts pretty tricky man you got to be gonna be very particular on it you don't think you'd ever be able to do this run you can you can do it if you practice enough I wouldn't recommend it if you were gonna do a no hit run on this I would say you could probably just do like a leveled character and do any percent this is like all the content without leveling so it's it's definitely trickier but there's some bonuses of it like the actual speed of the run is faster because I don't have to actually stop and kill people with like actually shooting arrows at them I will do that sometimes but the arrows don't do enough damage because I don't me requirements for the bow at all right like I can't use this I just use it as like a target or a crosshair pretty much so the bonus there is that I have to have more aggressive aggressive strats which makes the run really quick in comparison in certain parts as leveling RK never worth in your opinion on blood-borne if you want to use our Kain items yeah you got it gotta be doing that when are we gonna see you in Friday for tonight what is Friday for tonight okay I'm gonna have to possibly make a trip back here again if the ghost at the door is being stupid that's it anger is like really really quickly also why is this one over here it must be it must be because the firing dude it has to be but then it also makes the other one not even like do anything though so I don't know if that's safer or not it's only happened when I've had the ring on super early it could be completely coincidental but it's unlikely that that's the case I don't know anyways we got in there that's good what happens if you jump off and die well the runs over I can't die from falling there's one scripted event where you have to die to be brought to a prison to escape it but that's not like a like that's like a developer intended thing so you'll see that but we can't die to gravity or anything else really it's tournament put on by keemstar for 20,000 that gets five million any keywords oh I don't I don't play for a night man so didn't know that sounds pretty cool though so the laws to be drawn from its boss let strength be ground so the world all right that's four kings ugh amazi thank you for the sub men enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton welcome I think that it could be a resale I'm not sure though I don't know 100% easy clap I said I'd stop saying that I was actually weird they didn't do the overhead attack at all that a free sub sitting for like two months except for five months then stop well thank you man thank you for bringing that back I appreciate it no purple [ __ ] yeah Osbourne yay we have to get the the death to be brought to the prison otherwise you're breaking a sequence so technically if he did the Duke skip you'd be avoiding a mandatory area of the game that you have to play through to beat the game so we don't allow any kind of skips on this or quit outs or glitches anything like that so the scripted death we have to take but I'm warning you now so you don't be like hey streamer are you chained it that's the the general rule for anyone doing this run or that has done no hit Ronson on this game she was lag again Joe I have a low latency on that might be why these sweat thanks men for the qex azar way to dodge the spell casting you can you can dodge the purple ship bike being really close to them and we'll just circle around you but there's still a chance it'll hit you at some point and then also you can you can run away from it until it disappears but it takes a long time and you have to have a certain lead auditor it can catch up to you very easily how's this guy in the corner not getting pulled here we go I think of what aha thank you for the six months in a row welcome back dude loved ones freon ps+ by the way to Rico what's up how's it going boy of cinder gotta cows gonna be a nightmare on this run it's pretty simple man but I'd say like there is there is the case that you get like fire at the end of the where the bug is before you actually reach that point I don't know if it's like purely speed related or it's a boy like it doesn't seem avoidable I've had it happen before not on this version of the game yet though as super rare it's like really really rare [Music] OMG cheater Wow run dead you're a cheater developer intended bacon ooh alone smoker what's up dude yeah we got hosted by shul you get a pretty hype stream obviously also the run is alive so that's good but anyone that is your I appreciate it Thank You ginger kam kam what's up feels bad for the people who actually thought that fight was supposed to be a regular one I've tried the I think everyone tried to kill him at some point I kept I kept trying to figure it out wind summons spaghetti Lords no way to fail okay spaghetti Lords I do trusts definitely that was you on the first one for sure yeah I was hit I was trying to hit him with arrows and stuff like that I'm like his health just keeps going back out what the hell's happening is the game broken why is he have infinite hell hey the other dude didn't actually get over here I think it's still attacking I thought I could hear is still attacking Rick have a good sleep I'll see you later man nice try you see that that attempt like the double bouncing to flotation back step east rats men can't beat them technically gravity's an enemy read well this isn't a no damage run this is like no hate source tag or some enemies right so that's that's how that works there is no damage runs we've done no damage on ds3 before I will do no damage on this at some point in the future 360 McTwist you're only [ __ ] with me I know I know are you a masochist well no damage on this would be actually easier than this run because the character can have levels so I could scale my weapon a lot more and then I'd be doing a little bit less damage on certain things maybe but I can get the Black Knight halberd then use the bow and everything like that so it's the bat that makes it a lot better and having like way more endurance and everything but yeah no damage has been done on this any percent button it's never been done all bosses he spammed equipped the symbol of avarice to speed up the health train I don't think you can I've tried it before it didn't do anything dude that yeah in okay so this is actually a change this is a hundred percent different in this version that guy can actually keep he can start shooting as soon as you attack the other guy which means the enemies can actually see you at greater distances that's that's definitely been changed that never was possible before is your foot okay sometimes the foot bugs out a little bit on this the the ankles look like they're broken when you're running on slants in some cases we've drawn from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended ray a and B logic thank you for the four months in a row welcome back dude ray that was actually not a battery that wasn't okay one it's pretty good don't fall now alone what's up thank you for the three months in a row welcome back dude enjoy your brand-new batch you have ascended from skeleton to dehydrated pruney person also I only have one arrow left on this I project about next arrows for this part I just realized utilize them I mean I can pull all these dudes individually anyways except for I think there might be two of them they're difficult to do that with those aren't pearls there's skulls they actually are skeleton pretty sure yeah I didn't actually notice that until kind of recently copy those from blood-borne Zess mhm yeah skulls in a game blood-borne definitely hit at first [Music] all right we got DLC so I'm gonna take a bathroom break really quick before we do this so what we're gonna do is we're gonna chill actually I don't trust sitting at the bonfire here cuz I've had [ __ ] happen that is really scary so just gonna go to fire link I'll be back in like 30 seconds tell people that I didn't die [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] after pay respects yeah India fire bombed by the halls around the corner I was actually thinking about that when I when I just like laughed and I was like dude it'd be hilarious man like I hope that happens just because of how funny would be press fallens plotting his death right now think so fell down the stairs can't believe gravity got him got got hit by by moving ivy giant dad what's up dude yeah this is definitely the last run man we've been going for a while immolation only run actually forgot immolation was in this stub toe in real life resets honestly stub toes don't even really bother me that much I probably wouldn't have to reset for a step toe I think I'd let his slide this fighter 3000 emulation is in - oh it is okay what's the one that's in this then excuse me and you get to quit like without taking damage this isn't a no damage run sir this is a oh wait you think okay you're talking about on the no damage run I see so you would just have one boss and then you'd go around the left side instead of taking the right side to the domain like the little hill there's like a lot more land that you can go on so it'd be a bit better also I got a bike green blossoms on this it tried to do two tried to cancel oh my god I've never seen that that would have been so bad thank God I go for the extra duty even if I dude okay let's say I was playing it safe and I wasn't going for the extra string even though you get a stagger from it the going for the extra swing will be the only way to [ __ ] dude that I've never seen that before that's actually insane it doesn't do that it has a way longer recovery animation on that attack it just like canceled part of the recovery on it that's [ __ ] ridiculous man it's kind of annoying what happens if you get hit by the wind it's a stagger so it still counts can't physically come in contact with an enemy that results in a stagger or damage taken against seif is the one incident where it's developer intended you have to go to the prison so we're not not gonna get on about that but yeah how do you survive Pascal Chi Drake you don't actually have to deal with them on this I do not get hit there do you mean the stagger from when he lands or something else you don't actually go that way on this so we would go actually to like we'd get master key and then we go through value Drake's on this one how many times so I completed this type of run Osborne eeeh this particular category we haven't done so your heads on it yet that's why we're trying to do it I've done we did a like a we've done a lot of zero hit Ronson and no damage but you can check that on the YouTube if you want to see it oh well yeah this one we haven't done yet for zero we have a PB of one okay we need a little bit more arrows - we also got to get the blossoms I'm gonna get three actually [ __ ] it we could get a bunch let's just get a shit-ton and use them on everything why not why not do that and I probably need at least like I don't know a large handful of arrows [Music] some chats been sick for a while spider-man's I don't blame you man I'm trying to gonna get focused mode so you only have to say much it's cool I'm probably not even gonna be able to read much we're gonna try really hard on this [Music] life is hacks thank you very much for the prime sub man enjoy remotes enjoy being a skeleton welcome thank you very much [Applause] pendant for manis now everything's dependent I don't really prefer the pendant I'm not that good at using it I know it sounds stupid it's like the easier way to do it but I suck with it [Music] that was really weird it I cancelled the attack and it still showed up what she was standing still that's super weird okay interesting that might be too far oh [ __ ] turned around and got head nice that's hilarious okay that's actually a better spot thank you quality greater than quantity interesting weapons you talking about the blacksmith hammer or the the fire bombs or something completely different crack you up frag me why cuz the the strats wallah what's up yeah we are I think I'm gonna probably hit the eye I probably could eat the blossom at the beginning of Manas like right when it starts because you usually have enough time to buff I don't really need it though it's like not a hundred percent necessary it could it could help if I got if I killed him fast enough I got him to Phase two quick enough I'd be able to actually like have a chance to have one extra roll on a on a tight situation where I need to space a lot it's patches kick count as a hit that's a cut see it's a scripted event that's a cutscene geez actually I can either write you eight hours uptime your woman must be proud of your stamina wink-wink nudge-nudge koala thank you for the bits man am I gonna speedrun this game Gunnar I don't think so no probably dis challenge runs good luck with the boss being a long time x4 thank you very much for the bits man I appreciate it how have you been I'll leave dusk alive what will little make sure that dusk lives I promise you promise you that new DLC PB our were two bosses yeah two bosses past the the previous mishap actually I won't even call it a mishap is it straight-up bad why don't I get firestorm that's too easy man no no magics allowed on this I do have fireball to me start with it I haven't used it though so keep that in mind sickest jump you've ever seen whoa the artorias troll I actually learned from that though it was something that I didn't fully know so I mean okay I kind of knew that it had a really stupid hitbox but I didn't know to what degree I had to like the timing of when I had to start moving forward and the fact that I couldn't move back even for a moment at that distance right so it was good to know that [Applause] I saw one runs get a better understanding of the game yeah that's it's a good idea and I would do that I've been playing too much of three makes you mushy in the head that's hilarious trying to be granted so the world might be mended so the world streamer isn't this the point where you're supposed to get hit possibly to a lingering hitbox squeal me dumb Joe thank you for the the reset man welcome back yeah I guess so you might be right we're super oof the traditional jinx he's probably asleep or doing things that are edgy maybe he maybe he doesn't want to jinx the Rani's it's like I'm not doing it he's waiting for the opportune moment to strike maybe best playthrough of ds3 is bare fists only that was actually really fun I have a I have a speedrun timer set up for that I think I got like five hours five and a half on it I want to see if I can beat then I probably could buy at least amount I think we died a little bit but um this only speedrun for the meanest those wart resets though it's like 20 minutes I don't think it's actually 20 minutes but it's pretty mom though it's pretty damn long all right insane jumps with 360 camera angle and roll recovery whoa grinding logs killing dogs what will he do next radical dark a ninja warrior just turned into Jess that radio I actually played that when I was younger and I didn't like it too much I don't know why I just didn't like it apparently it's like a pretty cool game I think I got it for like a couple dollars just didn't like that much it was a it was a 2 2 game disc it had some sort of racing game on it and then it had bad on the other part of it or I think it came with like yeah I was 2 things on one disc why is he walking always going this way dog is doing some very strange things I must say imagine if there is like an early homer going on that I just I just thought of that I'm like doing that be so bad our ideal see done okay out of here I was a really bad fight it was terrible it was smart to use the blossoms though they did help a little bit but that was that was really shitty mad lads a man just [ __ ] that's not much keen thought the runs Creole giddy up be sweat thank you very much men I appreciate it Goodwyn hype it's not time for that yet dude you're you're a little behind there or ahead sorry not behind I'll do car what's up by the way you know I saw that picture dude that that honestly looks like you got kidnapped by an alien they still they tried to steal your appearance but they didn't actually quite make it Jack Attack yeah apparently that's what the cases comes the church throwing knifes now he uses a way you mean the painting guardians yeah yeah the one painting Guardian that chases me can actually do that but he turns around sometimes he's pretty cool I know him personally he's a friend sorry for the yardage by the way I apologize okay we don't need blossoms for this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Weiss Quinlan attacking us anyways damage yeah for some reason I somehow killed them in one last hit one time I don't know if it was kazusa counter hit I like attacked him really soon after he attacked why there he killed him in four is really weird question what's up dude how are you doing okay the fight he was like I just didn't want to show up that said didn't feel like it didn't want it didn't wanna I called in today I'm just facing the wall that said nope don't attack them don't attack him good save good save good save now that was actually really scary that was really scary as soon as you attack him the runs over by the way you can't hit those guys so that's [ __ ] crazy it was just a natural reaction cuz he's in the way but I ya kicking attacking anything on that not good with my life into pieces this is my last damn bar thank you very much miss well I don't know why the one jump didn't do damn it bottom that's word says Gwendolen has target yeah I got a I got a update the splits don't worry about that well we'll try to get out of here first and then the next big stretch starts oh yeah blossoms would actually be good on this I forgot got to why does the hobby tool [Music] why hey you monster 167,000 not not right Faraz what's up dude how's it going yeah ding actually Faraz got the run today as well like right after hob did can't wake up so I don't get it by tomorrow then it we can't have the the three amigos streak I have to shave my head and then dive from a crane and wear makeup at the same time all three don't quote me on that that's that's not happening by the way almost beat drawn from its vessel let strength be ground [Music] so the world might be man frost like you for gifting Joey uncle or Joey's uncle hey sub Joey's uncle enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton man welcome thank you very much man yeah old Frost I was talking about that I saw that too doesn't it look like he got kidnapped that's definitely not the same guy that's he definitely got kidnapped someone's trying to pretend right now they're on his account too we got it we got to send it in SOS there's some sort of like some sort of sign for help we need to figure it out face so Smith there's actually a term term that uh like I forget exactly who kept saying it when they're there they're like yo I got that BBS going on today it's like baby bottom smooth he's got the BBS you can't can't possibly be the same person all right don't you get got blossoms I have them right now yeah I have one I'm not gonna use it for anything else other than the end if we can make it there there wouldn't there wouldn't be a huge point of using it on anything else coming on oh wait are you talking about purple ones yeah I do have a purple one you're Anakin stop the poison wait this was this is probably the realm where we didn't get the purple one earlier right cuz usually I wouldn't have one at this point I wouldn't even pick up items from the guys after why not work to quell a bonfire I don't grab quail a bonfire earlier because reverse Blighttown is more dangerous than doing it the forward way twice like I just did right there so it's not worth it because once you hit that you can't you can't work back to fire link in the beginning so there's no point I must want to do reverse fly time which I don't prefer it's not worth it I think somehow gets it on easiest boss sees Lucia ceaseless is pretty free Coldstone welcome back what's up why do people say naughty dude when did that become a thing as that peasant permanently replaced what in your vocabulary now you don't actually say what anymore do you say naughty and conversation with act with what people in real life like or or in in person like the you do that people need to stop saying naughty I don't really care it's not bothering me I'm just wondering it just became such a trend dude Brandin get out of here dude man you your dude you need to you need to find a better hobby I've seen you so many places man there's people that have warned me about you they didn't even need to I've seen you before just get out of here everyone's on to your shenanigans which is pretty obvious I'm sure you want it to be obvious Monte's f what's up dude you gasp when the demon jump that's actually good you want him to jump rather than doing the sweep attack sweep attack takes longer and you have a higher chance of getting eaten by the worm if you take too long getting to them and it's also it's really hard to dodge in comparison so the jump is good can that route was really annoying if she got stuck at the beginning - I've never seen that four four four four ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha dude that was so clutch man oh my god that was so clutch did and I knew that was gonna happen - it's not that I didn't know it was going on it's the stamina just if they came back a bit later man like I was fully aware that was actually why I was scary Excel actually understanding what was gonna happen boy oh boy did what happened he threw the fire and I i frame just like the edge of it as he did it oh my god occasion I liked the guy I think I spaced it a little bit to me it was like right beside me though it was so close oh my god that is the most excited I've been on this run I think I was really scary really scary I didn't I I made a mistake though I didn't I didn't need to go for the the jump I should have waited the problem is the more you let that fight play out the stupid camera angles and the stupid [ __ ] just dumb [ __ ] so just want to get it over with a ghoulish thank you for the tier 3 sub man that's insane man thank you very much for that I really appreciate it enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton thank you very much monkeys Slowbro thank you as well I appreciate it man do you see that clutchless dude that was definitely an mr RL time me and my recruits ooh moment dude that was crazy I got to calm down from that that was scary man Sam yeah that was pretty crazy dude I'm excited about that I mean I would have just been like whatever sure we got past the fight if it was normal no shenanigans but that made it pretty spicy our part over cold stone I would say that boss is the most annoying on this segment but we're not done yet though wait I don't even need the hammer what am i doing you wants a prick that's it broken ankles simulator time oh [ __ ] [ __ ] it slipped up my ankles ah [ __ ] okay now they're better again should I broke I broke it again okay now we're on flak out my ankles funds that's the route right there that's the really bad one you know I'm starting to think that the blossom will be better for this but I guess we got the mask the child [Music] ooh sorry shut up France I like how he dipped in at the same time or if you could like plunges head as it's halfway down that'd be funny wait how did fat bring that I come off did I not do it what so I'm not really sure where I'm gonna use this blossom I haven't decided yet I don't even know honestly I feel like it's gonna have to be used like pretty decently before we actually get in there pretty early on be honest Susie what's up how's it going also Donny what's going on man think dad eyes are here see he was pretty close there do we want to use the blossom I guess we could we can afford it but then like it doesn't last too long that's the only problem [Music] oh boy man oh boy nine days hardest [ __ ] run in in the shortest amount of time nine days dude Congrats get [ __ ] wrecked get destroyed oh man oh that's [ __ ] crazy I'm like almost pulling the corner to my mic man I'm like twisting in the chair under two weeks dude oh yeah nice what you did call into two weeks dude this could have taken a month though right this is if we went from thirty two to twenty nine two six two five two one to zero that's nuts that's nutty okay um before I like something bad hat but for a [ __ ] throwing knife comes at me I didn't expect that we gonna get this today after what was going on earlier holy [ __ ] all right okay give me give me a second what are we doing we're walking out right we're walking out in slow motion I'm gonna I'm gonna simulate my own soundtrack right here where I am dead oh man dude that's just nuts literally got a one-hit PBS today okay this this has been done once miss play funny story no man probably will after this one though no I'm just kidding all right you're insane to be honest Louie I feel I'm saying right now [Music] now as those that get run to a lot of good fights and everything calamy was pretty spicy centipede was just like heart-stopping spicy okay half way yeah they probably don't that's the thing that's why I was joking sure you'll thank you for so much for the host again - man yeah I guess you decide to host on a good day on a good run you know it's crazy I feel bad because some people host and it's like the run dies right after or at some point so that's that's nuts Jojo mod tomorrow yeah I'll try to get Jojo mod set up for tomorrow we'll do that on ds3 my heart's about to explode dude eyes it's not even my heart was having trouble breathing I don't think my well my heart rate was like it wasn't like fast it was as heavy it nuts couldn't breathe much okay I do want to see how fast that was well we got it we got to check out some things really quick this there's alerts I gotta catch up on all so I gotta update that boom run runs finish it destroyed okay see oh man what's it what's happened what has happened I am so confused okay I'm not sure if it's showing all this stuff slow bro thank you for the bits squirming thank you very much for the bits well man that's the same be sweat thank you again mostly shorts thank you metal thank you for the sub wick thank you for the subs abran welcome back for 18 months I appreciate it that is crazy zero damage next [Music] yo ghoulish thank you very much also wait I didn't check that stuff either that's insane man wait is this sorry thank you very much also for everything that you did I didn't I didn't see that ghoulish thank you again that's that's crazy dude yeah everyone that got to see what I did these don't really happen super often livestream was schooll sometime if there's an occasion where people play the same game yeah definitely man I would totally do that show us the characters I'm gonna go I'm gonna show you the characters I'll show you the character's eyes want to gay we can skip the the credits iced want to see what the time I was on that I'm guessing it's probably 3:30 still but there wasn't a run backs on anything everything was done properly check that out that's pretty good I wanted to get it in three hours or less one minute 42 seconds over three hours that's the fastest run we've done to and there is some things that are kind of slow on it so it could definitely be faster than three hours that's actually really nice that's a really should we beat the time of the other run the previous person that did this by half an hour almost that's insane and he's pretty fast he's very fast at this game like his runs are a lot more aggressive than what I would usually do on to no hit run so like we beat it by half an hour that's crazy not that it matters it doesn't mean the runs any better or anything but just that's that was a goal of mine to get it done fast so and I didn't even think that was that fast log thank you very much man for the subbands ego thank you for the sub as well enjoy your emotes everybody that that's up thank you very much seriously also if you guys don't know happy hob got this rod like he got this run with the regular leveled character yesterday and then and then Fras got the all boss run with the leveled character earlier today the same day and then I got it right after so like that's within 24 hours maybe yeah all three of us got it that's that's never happened before that's pretty nuts all on the same game all the same amount of content that's actually crazy is anyone else anyone else done some crazy [ __ ] ghoulish what do you dude thank you very much again and actually crazy what is this man all right well you dude thank you seriously yeah so tomorrow we're gonna be doing the Jojo mod on ds3 if I can get a setup which is kind of a meme run it's pretty cool you can summon like spectral enemies to basically do the attacks for you they're kind of like your attacks I don't I don't know much about Jojo I haven't seen it so I don't know how it relates to the game but I might have to like look up some information on it to see but we're gonna try to do that it should be really good and if you want to come back for any more stuff here's the Twitter it's going to go live in all capitals because memes and here's the youtube if you want to see this run at any other run that we've done and now we're gonna go and host somebody so come for the raid and help me surprise somebody
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 442,393
Rating: 4.8090453 out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls Remastered, Dark Souls Remastered Walkthrough, Dark Souls Remastered Tips, Dark Souls Remastered SL1, Dark Souls Remastered No Leveling, Dark Souls Lets Play, Dark Souls 0 Hit Run, Dark Souls Remastered 0 Hit Run, Dark Souls Worlds First, Dark Souls Record, Squillakilla 0 Hit Run, The Happy Hob 0 Hit Run, FaraazKhan 0 Hit Run, Dark Souls Remastered 0 Damage, Dark Souls 0 Damage Run, Dark Souls Remastered Speed Run, Dark Souls Pyromancy, Lets Play Dark Souls Remaster
Id: MMdr8cUjzjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 54sec (11754 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 15 2018
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