Broken Straight Sword 0 Hit Run - Dark Souls 3

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[Music] man miles thank you very much for the sub man and welcome back as well enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton welcome oh man Phil T what's up how are you doing man they added danger yeah or the added danger yeah it's man that is so silly I remembered to do it right but I just of course we have to get screwed by that all right it's okay pi you get remade until I kill vort and then you are deleted forever Bob would have screamed on that hit well I mean like it's the beginning of the stream you don't scream at the beginning you scream at the end you have to like progressively build up it can't be dramatic right away if they slowly get more dramatic right and must unless hit his thing is just screaming right away I need to acclimate my my brain to the to the means it's kind of shitty though like I knew that dude was there it wasn't a surprise or anything I tried to avoid it but it didn't matter tights what's up how's it going melons welcome back what's with the monkey ass today was quite interesting how I use both okay but yeah it's an HP laptop that blue screamed out of the box that's actually really unlucky dude I'm sorry to hear that I'm sure they're gonna they're probably going to be able to um replace it right now hey remember each hit takes away another year of everyone's life watching strength thanks man first try Michael no we did we did this yesterday I got halfway through the game without getting hit and then it got got hit by something just out of my control so I think we did pretty good but I didn't finish a full run this is kind of late and we'd streamed for a while and continuing for a PB wouldn't like I mean I already know what to expect from everything else I'd say there's only one really one more thing that was kind of important to go over but you'd already streamed like a lot of time and the run was going so slowly like I wasn't playing that quickly a lot of backtracking this only Ferg under to make up for the lack of Broken Sword you hit your head twice you accidentally followed so I'm playing blood-borne and made a fool yourself twice because you jokingly asked if it's a world record but she didn't know what world record meant yeah you got it you got to be mindful of the lingo just because someone's playing this game doesn't mean they know they know the abbreviations and cool strats and all that right it's advanced dialogue what version am i running this is current patch okay we're gonna go for six of these and then I'm gonna get three of these this time because I add two buy another one later anyways broken story sword is right next to gun to your bonfire all die not grab it oh oh man thank you for let me know oh boy if I get hit by one of these guys I'm quitting forever it's over Road record is advanced dialogue well if you put WR it's like think of how many people abbreviate things that I have never heard of before it's like how can you expect someone to know what that is if they don't use that in their discussion or they don't see anybody using that you know there probably wouldn't be a reason for you to know what WR is if you don't I don't know if the community you're involved in doesn't use that as an abbreviation some people use like PR some people just say don't don't abbreviate things oh you know something like that some people just say PP but get wide reciever let me pick up five world records from the convenience store and then we can do a few energies WR is your initials at while you were born to be a champion then it's pretty cool man if my initials were WR I would have already done this run twice wasabi rice of course Jack what's up man weed rocks with what was zapped raccoon but what's with the raccoon bird I like to D be in the RB for a WR see this is where it gets confusing [Applause] your initials are MVP are they actually that's pretty insane terminator what's up how are you skipping all the enemies Omega low how's that even funny this is a serious matter right now I have to ask you to not laugh can you break the broken straight sword yeah it has durability let's see Scott it's only got 30 durability so on your I killed them in like 10 minutes maybe like 15 10 and 15 minutes and 15 durability was lost roughly so I don't think there's anything on this room that will actually well we're gonna do you're on with storm earlier anyways but I don't think there's anything that's gonna screw up the durability but it is very low though if this was ds2 that would be like just it would you you'd be [ __ ] get ready go back to shrine now double broken yeah you can have broken broken sword I don't know if I would do a run with that though that's a little bit silly that that probably won't even really matter cuz you could just have a weapon unupgraded that does the same damage okay but you have a hitbox on this is still pretty bad too so it adds challenge from the how close you have to be to things how long did it take me to practice your hit runs well when the runs were originally when the route was actually being made for ds3 took everybody like a month and a half to get to the point I'd say of being able to have some level of consistency to go 4-0 that was with like five different people contributing strats only three of which that actually completed it but the other two people got down to like five and then I think they stopped or no no one of them got to two and the other one got to five pretty sure but uh yeah it took a long time and and then keep in mind a lot of stuff since then it's changed too but that's just like the basis of being able to actually like do the run in general and then I'd say like an extra half an hour per day just on Slayer and cinder as well flea flow what's up how's it going man baldies basis stronger or weaker than ladle from ds2 but well if you have you have a mundane ladle I think that's probably better than a broken broken sword trunk monkey what's up when's the S what does that mean isn't this the first time you tried no it runs this is my first playthru man I've never played the game before the smell playthrough you would pay money just to see the titty hammer the smo run i think i'm gonna be doing that like after i go back to speed we're like we'll probably take a break from these for a while I've obviously done I don't know there's a tournament again for no hits coming up pretty soon so I know it's kind of like a debate I don't know I feel like I could do I could just go back to speedruns start learning them again why I don't want to do more cosplay runs right now like I think we've done enough for a while I could just leave it and then come back to them once I'm rusty again but uh I do want to do this run definitely and then I think I want to speed run again so hopefully what I'll do is I'll just revert the game back to current patch I think just for the tournament maybe practice the day before or something like that it shouldn't be too big of a deal it's like I think it's like 10 days or something broken sword no hit yep oh man is the next term in blood-borne no its ds3 again but there's apparently like 50-plus people that entered it and then there's gonna be basically eliminations of like this placement matches and then there's gonna be 60 in person bracket for the first actual round and then for semifinals and finals on the same day again but there'll be like days apart so there'll be three days for you to actually qualify to be in it to be one of the 16 people and then there will be the then and then I think there's there's just the first round on it on another day which I think is leading right after those three days and then there's gonna be like a two day break and then it's gonna be finals and semi finals well I can give all the dates in in a command in shat and then put it on Twitter and stuff like that put it in a discord but there will be one on blood-borne as well if you want to sign up for it I believe you just have to get an invite from nick raptor to the discord so just give him a message or you can give me a message and i can pass it on to him like a whisper maple syrup what's up dude how's it going it's raw always best for us all one runs odds best for the beginning this is an SL one but if you just mean like if you're doing an s all one run yeah you'd want to you'd want to use raw except for if you somehow are using cell sportsman blades because they scale with dex even though you don't have many stats it still does more damage sharpen fusing it for some reason I have no idea why it's just the sharp gem is that good with [Music] what is sl1 mean that's a soul level one run which means that the character is the lowest level class you can start with so you're picking deprived and then you're not leveling our wall near bracelets done off of hit number or damaged damage or vessel 600 to 500 BC a true skinned ceramic what Suki what's up men so leveling this run refined for broken straight sword on how we're going sharp because by the time any percents done we don't have enough levels to put in his strength and and um dax to actually get refined to do more damage than sharp it'll still be less damage than than sharp by the end because we're gonna put in endurance and then just like go to town on the decks I think I think the endurance on this runs more just for the area though like you don't have to touch any of it you can leave it the same the entire time and for the weapons sake it's pretty good still say hello to me you hollow guy what is that supposed to be like like a thread or something you Hollow yeah what's going on corleone how are you sorry I'm probably just trying to not [ __ ] this up well catching a grass grass shield what's up welcome back man how are you doing Chris how are you doing today as well I'm good thank you for asking notice me senpai how would that be a threat I don't know I'm not sure I don't feel threatened I'm just saying that because I supposed to be like an insult or like a I got like a bully statement calling someone Hollow that's can't say that's a that's a common thing unless you're a three month sub or something like that oh my god I forgot he was there that action that genuinely was the most scared I've been today I don't know if anything's going to actually I get scared scarier than that I I didn't I forgot he existed cool when are you finishing the high walls but I'll do that right now [Music] there we go Jambo 1 thank you very much or wait did I say that right Jambo 1 thank you very much for the sub man enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton welcome how are you doing today creep what's up I'll be Ben can you upgrade the broken sword to +10 oh yeah I'm gonna be able to upgrade it that's that's kind of the point cuz like if we didn't then it'd be pretty it would be pretty much impossible to uh to do some of the stuff like deacons it's kind of funny I have to do a running two-hand attack with a with a bundle and read to your stone and it's literally just enough damage if I do one handed and the same thing or I don't use the bundle and I do the same thing right don't use read to any of those components get changed it's not possible so phase 2 deacons is fine like that doesn't matter too much but the first part I can't kill them reliably unless I have all those things so I need 10 bundles and I need to make sure I don't waste them before the end you have discovered the secret cycle well can't be alive it's been any and already time flies but anyway happy birthdays Quillin soupy thank you for the two months in a row welcome back man I appreciate that and also for using your prime here too that is pretty cool thanks man that's not my birthday just it you're still incorrect about that is the next tournament all bosses it's gonna be any percent but I can I can throw it by the crafter for it to be maybe the final round is all bosses that'd be pretty cool I know I think it actually depends on the people involved because there's only so many people out of the large amount of signups that actually have done that run like I've done the DLC and all that and even the people that have done the DLC like me even like I would get destroyed on it still I think like I would I would definitely not be able to get like a one-hit PP with the DLC included but I think we should be doing that especially for blood one because the only percent on blood-borne super super quick so short could do that any % blood-borne in like under an hour if you were really fast Cowboys it's going pretty good how are you man ravioli what's up how have you been welcome back happy birthday Wow okay at least you're mixing it up a little bit it is getting hit by things outside your control like some kind of glitch or teleporting dogs count teleporting dogs happened because you're not looking at them so the game doesn't need to load their animations properly so that's still a normal thing that is it's always been part of the game there we go I finally did that right for the first time in like a while many times trying that that is the most consistent strat to not ever have a chance of getting hit by that dude but for some reason I just couldn't do it properly forever it finally got back to it okay so yeah like a glitch if I fell through the floor right now and I died that would still count unfortunately I can't I can't uh I can't finish a run and then just blame a glitch saying that because I couldn't do anything about it it doesn't count as a hit cuz it's still a hit like I still got hit right especially if it results in death or it's something with like an enemy like if you're for example on that run on the tournament if we look at that if he does the thing where he just doesn't take damage even though I clearly hit him I can't just say that doesn't count that's it obviously still happened it's unfortunate but like that's just how it is same thing for like speed runs you know if you lose time on a glitch on a speed run thats never happened anyone else it's not like you can just take that time away and not kind of still on the the file are you gonna do des remastered runs soon yeah I'm gonna do no damage on ds1 all bosses plus DLC so that will be while I'm speedrunning this and that will be pretty cool that's actually never been done before so it'll be interesting to do that oh and I was kind of thinking of I don't know like I'm I tried I made a save file earlier just like [ __ ] around for a little bit trying to do level 4 blood-borne no hits on bin presence and I don't I don't think I have it set up right but it does it's definitely a lot better than I expected but I I feel like it's kind of just based off of a chance like you have to spend a lot of insight and then pop appellate then kill the doll and then run and then hope that he jumps for the first attack and then hope that he jumps again really quickly and then you still got a lot of damage but it's like I don't I don't think I have enough insight spent to get the most out of it right away I need a full bar and then I need better gems and I can properly see if we can do a level 4 no hit run on blood-borne with all the stuff but yeah that's I feel like it's still gonna be a chance chance thing related to the attacks that in presence does well I want to I want to figure that out too and if that doesn't work then we'll just go back to trying to figure out that no damage that complete zero death version of this run Sakura Qiao we did the all bosses know death with the brothel sir when you have to get a stress butthole because the souls did it piss you off that much yeah this game kind of it can they can definitely trigger you quite a bit uh the fight in the background yeah this SIG word killed the demon on his own he does sometimes but like typically we don't actually stay here long enough to see what happens so even if he did I wouldn't know half the time it's been like a rare case but he the demon can fall off the ledge and then you just get the the gem right away and like five thousand souls or something or maybe maybe it's not five thousand it's quite a lot it's quite a lot for the beginning Monster Hunter speedruns when it comes out for PC though definitely not quest stream through YouTube I'm not allowed to it's against the contracts but I wouldn't do that anyways it might be simultaneous but I'm pretty sure that I also I'm not able to do that though what I do I do have my videos and stuff the way I look at it I mean like YouTube's the best for uploads like twitch uploads are not back like they're good but I'd much rather export to YouTube for upload related reasons because that's what they do the best they don't do streaming the best so rather stream here because stre means that it's the best streaming platform but but yeah I think if like you're really established youtuber it's hard to migrate your audience to here like you're gonna lose a lot of it so you might as well stream on YouTube if the content fits what people want to see on that what there is complications still you know it's it's hard like unless you're very very successful it's hard to like like I don't know you could you could have you could be a streamer on YouTube like with Nick with an equivalent amount of metrics but it wouldn't really be better to stream on YouTube than here if for example like your returns on you know the the amount of I guess what's it called like the route the relativity of a similar size caster on that for streaming is not the same as this okay let's go to the last bonfire let's do that broken swords your deathrun gonna be on YouTube cheesy probably not know cuz we're gonna do this instead and this will be better so I don't think it matters too much unless this takes a long time to do then I might put it there but like I feel like this is gonna just happen if I put a lot of time into it not in not too long so it's more likely people are just gonna skip over one of the others so back from no Wi-Fi vacations Pavel so wait you didn't have Wi-Fi the entire time wait how long were you gone for it I feel like you were here during the time maybe you're on data or something I don't know assuming from Xbox no I'm on PC at the moment I probably should grab that armor but gotta wait this is the kind of run that people would have joked about you doing back window hit runs were nearly impossible do people still joked about it like months ago and I joked about it too I was like laughing saying like that would be so silly to do but we're doing it though I feel like that's gonna be the general progression of everything from now on it's everything that just seems so like impossible this is gonna happen why not unless it's like just genuinely not like a fun idea at all or there's nothing in it that's like cool you have a big streamer youtube friend that went to twitch and it worked out alright his name is a cue light you've heard of him I haven't I don't think I've seen his stream before but it yeah like I'm not saying that it can't work out but what I what I want to say is like you're sometimes better just streaming on that platform because you're gonna you go in to retain your audience that you already have rather than you're going to shave off a giant amount your audience transitioning platform so that's like it's like anything like you can change your name on here and you're gonna lose people or you used to lose people because sometimes people would get unfollowed or they would search your name and it wouldn't exist anymore so they just think that you deleted your account or something so it's it's really just um that change you know some people don't use this platform we would watch YouTube so they wouldn't want to come over it's like a migration right bacilli welcome back how are you man does that mean playing with controller hooked up to a PC yes I can't wait for SL 1 this only all bosses plus the LC know his speedrun tournament Oh No now it's gonna be it's gonna be grappling hook only one-handed upside down hanging from the ceiling sucker Oh speedrun in under 10 minutes without putting any upgrades on the guy's arm or something like that I use the dagger wha ma I'm not killing anything with the dagger this is uh I'm using the weapon or - - it's just a Dodge but yeah I'll also use the storm ruler to kill your I have that in the info command stated and you can you can report me and sue me if you want to have you done items only I haven't in this if you do items only in this typically you're looking at like hacking the game to put items in the cap on the character because you don't even have enough you don't have enough items to kill for it by the beginning necessarily so it's pretty tricky to do that guess I guess we're gonna do this first we're gonna get the the other shards up here get the ash and then mm killing this guy with plus I could get the plus four if I do this first I really want to I'm gonna be losing out a little bit on on levels because it's like there's some shards I could pick up by the bonfire or why the next part that I'm gonna miss out on but I guess that's gonna make a speedier is your character being ugly reportable offence if you feel it is go for it k-dog yeah I would imagine most people probably do it might just be a parent though casaya here I'll just turn the fan down a little bit it's uh I have a fan so it's probably the noticeable part Omega what's up how's it going man yeah I'm gonna be upgrading the audio a little bit pretty soon I was gonna actually do it not too long ago but the place I was that didn't actually have what I was looking for so it will be I mean the gating algorithm and the thing that I'm gonna get is actually better so it should even even though it's gonna be pretty similar like the actual gating itself might be just like a smarter setup for like attack release in holding and stuff like that the the different timings on those things kind of curious to see how well it goes but um that's like one of the things that are gonna be better I think along with some other stuff how it might have beaten might have you beaten on ugly characters though oh man there's so many people that make amazing characters it's hilarious man that's the thing about the second row that I'm actually gonna be a little bit upset about the fact you can't make characters because but there's no limit like you'll never see like if you do similar face in this it's so rare that you ever see a character that looks the same it's like just so good it's so random J thank you for the good luck men without storm ruler it's actually about three hours to kill you armed you you could kill them quicker than that but on this run you risk the stop so it's kind of not worth it plus I mean it's like just part of fight anyways so who cares I know someone's gonna be like yeah I care yes you suck do it again you got hit by air molecules I can kill your minion less than 10 minutes with riposte damage alone okay so on this actually the riposte damage isn't isn't really the selling point you actually get more damage from just hitting him in the head without doing the repos but um yeah I know I don't you mean though like when you get this stagger you get like a lot of better damage from the time the people deserve it hun hun honorable problem is though reacting to the stomp is just ridiculous it's so quick especially like if you're like the stop is actually like your reaction time doesn't have to be as good the farther away you are so if your right whereas foot is what you need to be to get it to happen or to get him to slam it's like just it's too quick it's you're probably never gonna be able to react to it it's like it almost hits you before you even see it so that's that's mainly the problem if you could bait the slam without being point-blank then I would definitely just roll the stomp what the proximity of it it's just way too close lordy knew thank you men I appreciate it I saw your thing and the message on his court I was laughing at that a little bit some more air time people deserve it you got hit by the floor technically you got hit by a case of bullying the case of the bullies and then you decided to take it out on me for some reason that I don't know why you got to be so mean come on dude don't do this just run just just run dude all right Rhea have to buy more of those nice you think we have to just in case that guy's being an [ __ ] Cagle oh thank you for the good luck dude I appreciate it Fox don't even do it don't even go there don't even go there I feel like you say that because you know that your commentary is is top-notch especially for someone that hasn't streamed for a really long time like this I I'm so I can't say I'm jealous but like it makes me realize how bad I was at streaming when I started there's people that stream for like such a little amount of time that do such a better job than I did and it might be because like I don't know I guess like it's you have to do better now to get noticed because there's more people but it's just like I don't know there's some people doing a really good job where you would think that they were doing it for a while so it's or just people that I feel like are just naturally good at it you know I heard what's that men Moses what's up how are you doing I think so I feel like I really have an interest in that so I mean hopefully this will suffice but it could also just be the the setup I have it's not really like amazing but it's it's good it's pretty good though probably wouldn't be high quality through it like a turtle beach headset or something even though that's like some what some people use and Talia what's up how's it going mentioned by name often Joerg a somebody mean by that taking notes from me and Cannady well hey you know what that's peope we should be taking notes from you favourite Souls I would say blood-borne is my favorite and in this the second favorite think you're well known it might just be because you're in I don't I don't think that's the case like no offense there's people there like beyond the point of that that I will ever reach and they're not even well-known because it's just so it's all relative to the community you're in so if you're watching streams where people obviously know who I am then that's just friends of the community it's not really like anyone knows I think the only people that everybody would put over like a lot like a large piece of majority of people would have heard of that don't have interest in the content of the people that they're hearing of would probably be like maybe like some of its like the top five streamers on the platform like if you're like summit or like disrespect or injure somebody obviously then yeah you people know you even if you don't know what you don't even have an account for the site because you'd be on like the news and stuff like that that makes sense but I think it's all just relative to the community you're in King thanks for gifting Kleem ashes up man joy your emotes enjoy being a skeleton claim ash apparently the read the resub for the six months how long Cato first stream I ever did where I tried to figure out how to use OBS was in late August or actually no it was like mid August 2014 so that's the official first time I actually clicked the live button and it was terrible it's very bad yeah through it not not really it's more of just like you guys or the community likes especially Souls but like even if you didn't play Souls even if you played everything it still would take like you'd have to be in publications outside of the platform and you'd have to like be networking your networking level would have to be so extreme that you'd have to have like it's insanely crazy social media and stuff like that like there's people that are like really really successful like amazingly successful but they still aren't like known in quotations it's like the metric value how it doesn't alone have anything to really do on your actual account with like how well that transfers across like many many communities right but so you have a better chance if you do dabble in a lot of like very popular things definitely and you have a giant presence oh it was 11 I'm sorry dude it made the sound of the was it actually 11 I thought I heard the resub sound for the the six months I apologize all mad thank you very much I I didn't I didn't look I wasn't looking what it happened I was looking at the game I'm sorry King thank you for gifting metal cat a sub as well or a tree sub metal cow welcome back how are you doing you like more low-key streamers they generally produce more original content your opinion I can see how a conclusion but I have seen so many of your awesome DS runs in YouTube that I had to subscribe right away ah jambo that's amazing then I just want to clarify that I'm saying your name right cuz I'm sure that you probably responded to it but I might have not caught it that's that's really cool man thank you worst streamer ever loves longer subs in newer what actually that would be I feel okay even though you should be pretty sure but both I think that that's actually cool to see when people are like really excited about how long someone subbed for because that means they've been around even longer have you do I know man RIS game yeah wonder where he's gone to it's probably just taken like a break yourself a moan peace philosophy thank you for the 36 months in a row man welcome back that's insane that's the man I wish I had the new badge but I don't have it yet I need to get it made soon man it's that's gotta find Carson money's not in the void I need to pull him out of the void I guess the question comes down to who's considered Loki I would say like the vast majority of everybody's Loki except for like again like there's there's like a weird divide where it's like the top like like a fraction of 1% is like super super popular and then everything else all the way down to like a hundred percent is just like Loki pretty much oh but I'd say like there's mid-tier there's like lower tier in terms of popularity but like if there's a just a giant stretch of like just everybody's kind of like again like that means like on the higher end of that you can be very successful but you're not like famous necessarily in my opinion like and that's good I think because I don't think people would want that feeling if they're just doing what they like and you know it's cool that you can do well but not have to feel like there's a burden because a certain amount of people like what you're doing but say a very small fraction of one percent isn't Loki I'm considered lucky I'm probably be Loki forever which is good cuz I don't think how I don't want to be low-key I don't think I would want to be not Loki that's that's kind of the preference anyways I'm doing pretty good philosophy I'm Oh Mike where did he come from who's that guy kill him kill him dark Wraith I'm gonna run away so he doesn't see me dude that was that was like a plan murder right there there's a premeditated strike they there he's just like I'm gonna hide how like how was the guy on the right side right here not fighting that guy already if he was just right there that's what I want to know they're communicating maybe the dark race are just the actors and their fake debt they're not actually these guys aren't real dead they're just faking it they all work together that's my guess can I need to be able oh this guy can die actually right now nice okay that's super safe you have discovered the secret cycles I did say correctly okay thank you zombie Degla thank you for the two months in a row welcome back man I appreciate you deciding to Rhys up how are you doing how is how is the digging going have you seen anything under the earth that's scary dark rates are from ds1 has a lot of stuff that's from ds1 in this although I think I like them better in ds1 what is that sub toys that's a loo ality she's trying to impersonate my my sub dialog this one looks sick but also a mad test of endurance yeah it's kind it's kind of funny because some things go really well and then there's a point where you get reminded that you're using a broken sword again and then you're like oh this is gonna take a long time like this for example it's not too bad this is okay obviously compared to sell sword blades like we're doing not much at all but it's not terrible though but if I go to Prince's and cinder you know like or pontiff pontiff might be okay but you can you can notice Aldrich especially like you'll notice the damage is just pretty bad [Music] oh god wait I didn't time that right one second one second I am going to check that in a moment [Music] okay jump jump jump nice perfect timing on that [Music] [Music] [Music] Gojira biron lasers that's actually an amazing name good your is actually really good to get good man thank you very much for this up man enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton welcome box gifting J a sub Fox you can't do this again today you guys are nuts yesterday what is this my god man Fox JJ does deserve the sub a lot he's really nice he's done a lot for just supporting the stream and other people and also like he's told other streamers about this place to which he didn't have to do he like gifted me subs to other people I think I don't know J enjoy your emotes man welcome back thank you [Music] Gojira is Godzilla though I'm pretty sure they're also a band Oh is a play on Godzilla okay I'm pretty sure it's also I unless I'm crazy and I'm wrong about that I found proof I think I've listened to them before it I'm hallucinating no no yeah I see it like in my mind I'm out on Godzilla fans so I know what you mean by that but it doesn't that's not the first thing that I think of French stuff Nova yeah [Music] best rng of all time by the way I mean I had a buff on my weapon but it's probably gonna be gone in ten seconds [Music] [Music] Squealer Jamie listen to ghost [Applause] okay and I feel like nothing happened there that's where I tried to attack and it didn't do anything reg thank you very much for the nine months in a row welcome back didn't know those have been called Gojira there is yeah they're not like super popular or anything like that like it's pretty underground but I think I'd say they're popular enough do i stream everyday bender I do yes I take days off sometimes but not often though do I listen to ghost I don't really know I know I know of ghosts but I haven't listened to too much ghost before someone was asking me that not too long ago too if you want to send me any of the music that you like from them you you can give me like either like a youtube link or a spot of filing in a whisper and I will check it out definitely need these has it been so long already living for squealer ASMR less than 300 feet like a thank you for the 11 months in a row welcome back I'm gonna do the cringe ASMR again if you keep saying that [Music] yeah everyone's death is well at the same time hi guys what you just come into meek I don't know is something gay wait we got it we got to infuse with sharp and then I got a level decks let's do that or we could we could just leave the the damage for now and get the upgrade materials instead I think that's why I did last time or did I yeah 135 wait we'll do 33 decks and then I'm gonna I'm gonna check and see if this is better or not can I sing des Pacita like that I don't know the lyrics but I've heard it once and it wasn't a bad song in my opinion it was okay you ought to see much better this is one sick okay so yeah you actually do upgrade the sharp jam at this point eleven out of ten worth it thank you how was your day been so far do I suffer from input delay playing on PC no now there'd be I think they'd be less input delay on PC if anything then console read all boss no hit run me this is just any percent I should say in the info command I would put it in the title but I feel like the list on the screen also kind of mentions what's going on okay we're gonna go and do things in catacombs something about a burrito seven billion plays proves it's at least decent or catchy yeah I wasn't too bad is pretty cool video too I guess or they put a decent production value into it is this ds2 tauranac this is ds2 point five it's close it's very close 2.5 HD 2.5 7 remix or something like that it's like Kingdom Arts wait isn't there a Kingdom Hearts that's literally a number that's just like it's like a Swede the weirdest fraction of a full number and they actually titled it at like it wasn't even a point five it was something else two point eight yeah something like that I don't know I haven't received that I was like what what is 2.8 0.0 Aquafina oh man how well would a fight with your arm go using broken sword I on a no hit run it's not really worth it cuz the staggers from him stopping so I wouldn't really go that it would it would be completely fine other than just the stops like if they didn't count then I'd do it on a no damage run with the broken sword I could do that definitely I really wanted to but I mean I use storm roller for every no hit run anyways so I feel like that's kind of just expected at this point I mean it's there it's part of the game it's part of the gimmick of the fight it's like if I fought Wallner but didn't hit the bracelets or something like that on purpose even though they're just there and I refrained from putting only in the title just so there's no kind of problem that we could encounter at all just in case someone wants to be sjw why do you punish yourself with these crazy runs actually this runs pretty fun man I like it it's cool dude I get the full running speed again instead of having to be like slower and a weapon that has the most one of the most terrible hit boxes ever well actually okay the hit box on this isn't bad for the length of it but it's obviously not like I have to be very close to hit things so it's cool in that way the fights are more epic in a lot of cases especially the harder ones what are you trying to say [ __ ] I don't know wow that's not nice luck skill what's up how are you doing welcome how's the damage on this weapon yeah well I mean you could see for yourself that was with a resin right there so I'll kill the sky without a resin oh now he's gonna be silly I think with twin blades these guys would die in like one head or something or close I don't know maybe maybe almost one hit like there just barely away from one head so at this like he's already damaged three plus the amount of damage I got from the firebomb so roughly like four hits maybe five if although I did level my decks a lot I don't know if I did it more than I did last time when we did this let's see I think it's like four yeah four hits well luckily it's fast enough where they can't start spinning in between so that's good couldn't get past them without summoning an NPC helper for hoop for pontiff understands the rule these skeletons are means probably there's actually a costume that someone made that I saw dressed up as a bone Whelan is pretty funny although I don't know if it's like fully functional where they can actually roll around now that would be the next step we're spots in the series I absolutely hate covetous demon although are we talking about from like a backstory standpoint are we talking about like are we saying everything included I can conclude every reason why I wouldn't like it or literally just the mechanics of it because mechanically there's bosses that are probably worse than covetous demon or similar but just a slight bit worse have you seen who is America what is that I thought that was a spelling mistake at first or like a think like a typo huh have you seen I thought you were gonna say have you seen who is in America like have I seen someone in America betta chaos has to be the worst I still think betta chaos isn't the worst overall Keva semen isn't a gang of rats with a rat punk leader oh my god yeah that's that's one of the worst that's definitely up there yeah that's that's very very close to cover this team it for me and then the last boss of Demon Souls is really bad mechanically but it's good like lower wise it's it makes sense it's perfectly fine so it kind of just depends on like what criteria over we're looking at this can't believe he actually got the sword on that huh okay I'm gonna have to go buy more fire bombs can you upload the stream you'd like to finish watching it you'll be able to watch it just go to my profile and click on the bodman that's all you got to do and then actually I think what it'll do is I'll even leave off at the part that you were watching when you left I'm pretty sure so I just have to go to my profile and look at the past broadcast if you want to do that okay how can anyone on ps4 pick up and drop some items for a couple characters on ps4 you have to see it once one episode it is gold what is it supposed to be darkest dungeon Stream V sweat stream darkest dungeon no no pappan next time you can I didn't even know he was streaming that I didn't see it what what time do you play that that games kind of funny because I feel like anyone that like I only know a couple people that actually know what they're doing on it and then everyone else is just like damn [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no not that oh it's terrible and then just when you think it can't get worse there's just always something worse that happens until eventually you die this is a it's like a downward spiral until death pretty much and then for someone that knows what's going on they're just like talking about all this stuff I don't even understand and all these items and preemptively planning like what they're gonna be doing before they even see things and like just all these strategies outside of the actual like encounters and all that it's like what the [ __ ] everything yeah did everything just get so bad and then someone gets excited for a moment and then they get like diseased or something or they get like the plague or some dude just like hits them for so much damage and they're like what or-or-or or they're like okay I'm like ready to unleash this attack and then it misses it's like ugh okay so yeah you're back you got hit and no it would say on the counter if I did I'm pretty sure also I don't know if I would continue I guess I might continue if I get hit at this point do you like one practice run just in case a great video teaching people how to do a run you really enjoyed the way you gave the input you talked to him about doing more videos he said he'd love to that you should bug me about doing more yeah we are gonna do more we've already discussed that we're actually gonna need more after the tournament just finished like on a weekend or something and then that was another tournament and then on Friday we're streaming the board game so as far as that goes there's other stuff that he has to do before he to like prepare for like a marathon thing that he's doing and then as far as I goes from me like outside of all that stuff I'm ready to do it especially now that I played the game in recent time more so like I think I could have a good input on it again but I yeah well we'll go over the optional bosses in the DLC although maybe what I should do is get a character ready that's uh already at that part no no I don't think I might actually have save files the problem is like with stat distribution and stuff there's some things that aren't like they don't actually have to be concrete you have wiggle room to change stats and that's where it gets confusing so I have a character where the stats were weird and it's from like an old file where I don't agree with the stats I add or I would have done something different now it's gonna be confusing so I guess we don't really have to focus on that too much we can just say like you could do like any amount of this stat as long as it's not like lower than this or whatever for example finally read fantex and food pro fool tower Corsair RM 650 psu Intel i7 7700 km z r9 390 8g GPU 250 GB SSD 1tb HDD 16 gigabytes of Corsair Vengeance audio shure sm7b cloud lifter focusrite scarlett 2i4 interface consoles Nintendo switch ps4 Xbox 360 ps3 oh that's my information I first I thought that was like the specs of your computer that you got I was even pay I was like half zoning yeah thank you string I appreciate it thank you for reiterating that I can't wait watchdog yeah we're definitely gonna be covering it and then I think we're gonna go in-depth with certain things as well also do I know frozen real life we haven't hung out before but we will be coming up in the winter I'm pretty sure unless he just doesn't want to go to go on a trip that's gonna be planned but he's invited to join me and a lot of other people that are gonna be going on a trip so you might see some streams with both of us where apparently I will take a GM tortilla and dunk it on his head or throw him through a hoop I don't know I I haven't even said any of this stuff but he claims that apparently that's what's gonna happen so we'll level in this run what is broken sword scaling I am level 25 it's scaling with Dex because I put in I put in like over 40 tacks on this and a sharp infuse it the face is so scary even from far away how are we doing the souls board game oh it's gonna be on tabletop simulator so it's like the same thing but just like a digital version of it and actually in some cases it's easier to play because you don't have to clean up stuff and like it can like reset the table and all that really nicely but yeah it's the only way they like cuz we're all in different I mean me and frost in Canada but then Dave's and I think like Scotland and the Goths is in Spain right so or somewhere like that somewhere around there so it would be kind of a hassle to meet up just to play a board game now fight strain demon never I will never do that well I will actually but not on this rock why should look like Ibrahim a [ __ ] oh my god kind of does ice need different hair does I need the longer hair I think right or does he still does he not have long hair anymore oh man one intense board game I had to dip how far did I get last night we got to the pontiff segment and then I got a fire trail that came through a building randomly after the enemy that did it should have been da grout for some reason and I was pretty annoying video game of a board game of a game I'm a video game pretty much it's like it's a game ception man bicycle kick dancer in the face oh man that'd be a cool move set for a weapon like if you could do like a drop kick like or something some sort like backflip kick you could you could like a run up the dudes like chest and then kick him in the chin and do it do a backflip if you if you can't do that kind of stuff in second row with the grapple I'm going to I'm gonna refund it immediately I don't even want to touch it if you can't do a backflip chin kick WWE Souls yeah one intense board game the board game is actually really hard to play it took many many sessions of trying to learn it and we still aren't even amazing at it and we've realized - it doesn't matter if you know a lot about it you don't really have a choice you're still gonna get rekt like there's no there's no skill level with it like unless you're just making blatantly like stupid decisions and stuff everyone seems to just have their dislike predisposed difficulty of there's a large chance you're gonna get destroyed on it that face launched a thousand ships anytime you even think how long can you go without getting hit you walk off a cliff home stretch that's alright dude all you got to do is just just cheat engine out of the out of the cliffs of the game or just like put on like no gravity let's put on like a debug mode and just float yeah went to a game shop other day to pick it up after watching odds played on stream but they're out of stock oh no really maybe because the people that originally had bought it came back and they had wounds on them they like battle wounds they deemed it too dangerous to sell the individuals cinamon what's that man yeah it will be pretty interesting she'll the Walia Nardo I'm not gonna be grabbing she'll the one I don't need the souls on this Plus with the strap that I did there there's not really much time to do it well yeah it's it's not I don't even need silver serpent ring on this either although I do have to go and offer the firebombs now so I'm gonna do that I haven't played the s3 for six months demon princes are gonna kick your ass oh it's a hard boss yeah probably like that's it's also a long fight to complete - okay how many of these do we have we have three of each wait I haven't even used one yet of the the black fire bombs while trading with the crows hey check out my first try tree jump you're gonna be jealous the one trick they don't want you to know what tree job people will not believe what happens next Wow want to get more souls for the damage because the damage can't really increase that like it's the scaling on this weapon sucks man it still see scaling so at a certain point like we're almost at the point where it's not really gonna go up more other than from upgrades and yeah insane a ninja tree jump I can't detect the sarcasm from from what from shield of one tree skip you either get at first try or fiftieth try dude that was actually such a hard thing to do when we were doing the first person running oh my god it's terrible yeah I'll put on silver serpent 4 dancer and then we'll take it off once we get read through his stuff the hello carving I don't know where that is in this feel like neo Denny not really no I played it though I gave it a chance it was cool for a little bit and then it just kind of got it got very uh boring for me after a while this is too much of like the like the enemies we're getting pretty boring and repeating and the even the soundtrack was repeating on a lot of bosses there were some bosses I really liked and then there's others where it's like they could have just been like a basic enemy I think there were they weren't like too special a lot of humanoid fights too like it's a lot of people that you're fighting as bosses and what else I guess the the story is probably the biggest part for me I'm I wasn't a fan of the story it didn't interest me at all after a certain point not used to so much story legends from three tides Javier Rodriguez Henning I don't even want to try to pronounce that last word her name or Akashi D Eno who I already have a tattoo by what okay let's let's kill dancer first person VR run Lobos already did that if you want to see it but yeah it's it looked it looked pretty weird I don't know I don't think I would ever really be interested in doing it but I try it just for the shits and giggles like for a moment but I don't think I would really want to play the game like that do you jump farther if you're under 30% no I think you jump is the same no matter what you definitely run faster and you you roll a longer distance give the people a close-up of that lick dance Abu tayi e14 ooh thanks man I appreciate it VR no hit run confirmed I didn't buy the dark resins rip it was good while it lasted we have +7 this time though no resin dancer broken sword law or I could just use these or did I not get +7 again I don't think I did one day I'll get +7 [Music] [Music] [Music] oh it is +7 okay yes yes so that didn't even make that much tip of a difference the dark resin actually is mostly the the main source of the damage there I guess so plus 4 to plus 7 on that didn't really matter too much before right now playing two-handed cuz straight swords actually get more damage per second if you're gonna swing multiple times with one hand because you I can swing faster there's certain cases where I'll use two hand on this for like deacons from in a swing once but how do you do this time after time and not get hit I've practiced the game a lot although I the camera locked itself off automatically in one part where I could have easily died just cuz III knew the timing but I couldn't see what's going on because the walls cancelled me being locked on which wasn't my choice so it's pretty unlucky but I mean there's only like one thing I can think of where you you can't do anything about it with the answer and the if there's like one particular attack that's staggered it's like delayed and if it hits you or if it happens on a certain angle while you're like by a wall then it's pretty much impossible to do anything about but even then there still might be something you could do it's just I've never been able to do anything I'll Rick what's up how's it going man so Jennifer Lawrence the the character oh man you're I'm still using broken sorta I'm gonna be using storm rover it's gonna be sore Miller for that circuit Sarah Jessica Parker this character I don't know if I can agree with that but the unibrow is uh it's a very mysterious characteristic I think it changes the look a lot once you remove the unibrow could be anybody it's like the ultimate disguise [Music] hey it looks like a carpet oh no that's rough soupy have a good rest of your day man I will see you later take care party Aarthi what's up Howard the Ducks wife hobo hag what's up sniffy what's going on you saw last time you saw someone with a unibrow for real was early 2000s and you made fun of her that's not nice man it's probably a lot of people with unibrow so just like she either like shave their eyebrows or they get them waxed or something so I mean maybe they just wanted to rock it they wanted the power of the the force of the unibrow base they wanted to be guided by it because it was their compass what do I expect from Socorro whatever I've seen so far basically there's not there's not a huge amount of stuff out for it but everything looks pretty good man I I don't really have expectations for things I just embrace them as they are so I don't really have anything that's on I don't have a list of things that I needed to do it's just it's gonna do whatever it does and if I like it then that's good I'm probably gonna like it ah cheesy have a good rest of your day man I'll see you later Mudkip what's up I'll be Ben that was really weird I've never seen that before I didn't know you could like just flatten him like that while he's in midair right he basically just captured him into that was like what happened to me on the ds1 run let's get grand slammed in midair and just pancake see one how are you doing ed Edd and Eddy in rock the unibrow I know edit ed and Eddy but I didn't really watch it too much it had like a really funny art or like a funny art style though right like there was like some pretty insane things that were drawn in it bilberry worst part about this weapon isn't the damage it's the range yeah that's actually one of the that's the two things it's the the lower damage and the the range of it you're literally just taking a so uh like a short sword it's not even a broken straight sword or sorry it's not a broken long sword it's a broken short sword so it's already a sword that has a lesser hitbox then the long sword but then broken in half so but surprisingly it's not that it's not that silly like where if you hit something with the part that's kind of sticking out a little a little bit more because it kind of has like a dag and it'll cut on it I guess where it's like broken off it actually will still hit the target so it's not like a shittier hitbox then it should have it's pretty accurate thank God it's always a benefit well yeah it is it is a pretty short hitbox there's not a lot of weapons I've used that I can think of that have other than just like a straight-up dagger that's kind of like it's like a dagger with the move set of a straight sword and less damage than the dagger I think I'm pretty sure oh no are we gonna have to do dagger only no hit now to test that - Marvin what's up how's it going man Oh Jallow welcome back if you could eat only one color of food for the rest of your life what would you pick it can be naturally or comes that color of a pair artificially I mean coloring his band oh it becomes that color when prepared sorry mmm I don't know no idea man what would you pick I feel like there's so many things are just different colors that's not really easy to decide pizza or steak Kelly with what is pizza color hit me I'm a zero hit P B average now now man my PB is making it halfway through the game and then just quitting because it was pretty late yesterday I made it to you riffle and then a fire trail went through a building after the enemy should have stopped attacking and just randomly came out of nowhere when I thought we were safe so basically I was just like you know that's that's good enough we did pretty good so on this one if we get hit will continue for the practice prepared me is brown okay like beige then something like that I mean that would that would cover a decent amount of stuff meat wine and pizza obviously red steak brown or read okay what's up how are you doing welcome back so this is where you can see the the damage not going up too much we should only need 40 decks for Sage anyways and then like the fire bomb that we throw out the dog after that will be better so you know 20 and there and so let's do 42 decks or go 41 and then I'm gonna buy a bunch of bus so I thought that you could only have ten I keep forgetting this but you can have more than ten of these at a time she's pretty cool you can only have ten of the regular resins though and then what do we want there was something else I guess that's it maybe this gold pine bundle even worth it I don't even know if that makes sense maybe for positive I don't need to hold him that we're just gonna get two and then I have to firebomb still that should be good enough did I get read to your stone I did I'm pretty sure I did yes what game is this Balibo I don't know I've never seen it before I'm just as confused as you are I'm waiting for the dude that owns the stream to get back so I can ask him this is one of those breaks right now with the scaling for it and what am I gonna infuse it with it's infused with sharp already it's gonna stay like that it scales with strength Dex or both equally I'm pretty sure so it really doesn't matter what you infuse it with right now it's a see scaling index and I do that because we're not gonna get to 40 strength before we're done and then still be able to get like 20-plus endurance I must I like boost the hell out of this soul intake which I don't really feel like I need to do cuz when you get refined and you get 40 40 it's not about much better than this and you have to invest so many extra souls and by the time actually reach that it'll already begun to the game so won't matter difference between bundles and resin resin lasts 60 seconds does less damage you could only hold ten bundles I think you can hold like 30 or something maybe I don't know it's something crazy and then they last seven seconds and they did more damage and you can also you can buff the weapon without slowing down too so there's like a running animation for it physical rolling animation running animation and maybe back step animation so you have to stop moving five resins for 20 bundles Oh twenty it's twenty four bundles okay so it's twice what I originally thought I was thinking it was thirty and then I'm like I should really don't know is it because I visit firebombs 30 can't you like not hold 99 fire bombs on this favorite boss nameless Kings my favorite almost as easy as pin mail did pen pen meal is uh is scary dude do you see that great ball run with pinwheel on ng+ dark steel what's up oh it's only ten black firebomb really are you sure about that is that a hundred percent why would it be different for black fire bombs I could have sworn I had more than that and also more lightning urns at one time before it's weird oh maybe that's why the dude moves over there because actually wait no that still doesn't really explain it he was he was moving when I was over there for some reason but why okay maybe one run coming up soon he won't be in that spot he's kinda closer this time but not I don't know like I just confusing split Zach yeah I'll do that once I get to the bonfire ten black 20 normal for fire bombs that's so that's so weird um without Caterina nuke we're gonna be using the storm ruler on it on hole with IRS please kill you oh no is that for work-related stuff or like personal things is the happy into a moat yeah I think that's the newest Timon at the moment is this serious business attempt Redrum yeah it's got a focus on that part because there are memes that can happen next one should be a double broken serve with hollow gem on without being hollow double Broken Sword with hollow gem why don't I finish yesterday [ __ ] we've been streaming for a while man and it was getting late so it wasn't like a there is no huge reason to finish it we could have just done this again today at the beginning did a no reset then did a lot of actual attempts after that so because the run before that lasted longer than I thought I wouldn't it took forever to get one started and also just was so slow my brain was just like now like even if I finish it it's not gonna be like a quality practice cuz I was obviously not like it was all over the place how do you have patience dancing the same questions over and over it's the same thing as like working in a store you're gonna have people asking the same questions right every job I've had except for like the things where it's not dealing with people which is only like a couple you you have to answer the same questions all the time or say the same things a lot of cases aside from like actual conversations that'll happen once in a while so especially with this like it's an expectation that people are gonna want to know that the problem is though people just can't like they don't check the title and they don't look on the screen which is fine it's just the thing it's just a product of like the time we're in now with attention spans and just the way that things work but I wish sometimes there'd be a little bit more of a you know a desire to check the info command or that this the title has the info command in it in case you don't read the title and then the screen has the amount of stuff happening so that if you don't see what you think might be in the run then it's not in the run but I can't I still can't be mad at anybody for that because I've even made that mistake myself sometimes but I don't ask the person I'll just I'll double check myself because I'm used to it but if I wasn't used to it then I could see how you would just ask because of that and then there's people that don't want to check is they want the answer from the person even though they could check and they know they could so it's not really it's their preference right and I'm doing the same kind of content if I was doing different content that still probably be questions but it wouldn't be the same about like the contents of what's being played if it was a first playthrough so if you're doing anything that's like focused and not like a first playthrough then you're probably gonna get that a lot of people have to deal with that storm roller form filthy casual yep the worst of all the kinds of casuals where's the hangover 3 I know you have it yeah oh man it's funny cuz when that guy asked that question he was freaking out I showed him that there wasn't any left like I I you don't even have to do that but I had like one of the scanners that has the habit inventory numbers on it and I showed him and he's just like hey he's like I don't believe he I saw it online oh man [Music] what ng is this split oh yeah I said I would do them at the bottom I'm sorry one second I [Music] got into the the run mode Oh No how's bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] use the storm ruler on deacons next time weapon art only pagas weapon heard only storm ruler on deacons that probably kind of funny they might get knocked over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man this is the worst come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's been 84 years since he entered the fog gate and he has nearly done anything mister ring thanks men he changed your name color again what are you doing [Music] [Music] just use some fire bombs and I won't tell anybody play Squealer glory needs fire bombs wouldn't actually be better they'd be worse [Music] fortunately thank you though that is so annoying come on don't do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's over finally Jesus man and the cameras is gonna spin forever wait I screwed that up one second let me fix this there we go okay now it's not on the screen fully now it is you actually nice that unsub lose a badger hole if anyone wasn't dizzy already before now you are aa string thanks man I missed that wait what did I miss why don't you use Kuenn what is Quinn is this gonna be like a wig my joke again oh my god you say GG but it wasn't I see better than better than any of your runs downfall well that's with +9 on it so almost the highest upgrade you can get 40 decks a sharp Jam read to your stone flynn's ring and like the highest damage fire buff it's not Karthus flamer characters getting gold medal in the Olympics that's what we came here for the gold so I better be getting him in that's Quan that's like my favorite demo from ATP all right so we got one two three four I feel like that's not good enough five gay if four would have been fine I paused and unpaused I've been a mine you behind what is this pod of mine behind string thanks man I appreciate it what is this Avadh up top am i right okay actually now that you said that vaad it just reminded me what everybody's opinions on the new layout because I finally saw yesterday and there's some people that might have not mentioned it but people were telling me that they didn't like it in yesterday's stream and I saw it after and I'm like what is happening you don't have the new layout yet cope stir oh really you haven't seen it uh it's asinine new layout hasn't rolled out for you what new layout it's for the site it's like the way that the profile pages are displayed and stuff what's new about it they changed around a lot of stuff of like where things are located asked don't like it no one likes it does any is there an individual here that likes it out of curiosity didn't want to do that I didn't want to do that this is kind of sketchy now he's dead okay it like just made me do the repost cuz I gotta get so close to actually hit him that's another disadvantage with this you can't hit outside the the repost one or the repos range it'll just make you go into it like I'd have to actually do an r2 or something like that or jump attack um maybe to start off I don't know at climate seven I don't understand what you mean you know 15 15-inch laptops so you use so it doesn't really handle the space well you feel like they designed it for huge monitors I can understand what you mean by that cuz my chat monitor is in 1360 resolutions so everything on it's like very cramped like it doesn't even display full pages for certain things to have to double check and see if I'm missing information on the other screen to have a discord server enemy I have a sub all need to score it at the moment that's for like announcements and the moderators and stuff like that mainly but technically we do okay come on nice thank you for ignoring you clickers I didn't I didn't see anything you said man I might have missed it I'm trying to not die on this run dude I mean I know that you guys might be able to see more of chat than I can and you assume I can see everything you can before it's like up the page but I can that can only see so much it's four emotes as well yeah you can you can use emotes and disk or if you want to if that's what you mean Sceptile what's up how's it going what happens if sub runs out do you get kicked out of the discord I think you do yeah pretty sure it's not like a one-time sub gets into it it's kind of like for the people that are sub at the moment because a lot of the information that I will be relaying is relative to that in terms of announcements and stuff like that but I mean you're not really missing out on too much if you're worried anyways it's not it's not the biggest deal I like how it came down to one of these again that's pretty crazy and I use this for these guys I don't think the the regular weapon without it would to shot them what it maybe maybe I don't know they also have that fire animation too let's go Andre baby how do you gifted subs get to discord oh yeah like if you if you are someone that owns us up for the channel at the moment you get it for the time of your sub but I assure you though you're not really like as much as I can say you're not missing out on too much it is one of the sub perks so that's why I made it for that reason to give extra perks to the subs originally it wasn't that I was gonna I didn't have a discord before that and I didn't plan to and it also has the higher voice quality server so you can use it's like the partnered server quality and all that and the features that you get if you're a partner that's partially you know because it's just to give an extra edge to someone that's up over like your regular discord experience that you get and a lot of people do that but yeah you're not gonna roll in and there's gonna be like stretch limos and you know free gold chains on a hook with a butler that serves you any kind of beverage you want [Music] why not enemy thank you very much for the sub man enjoy your remotes enjoy being a skeleton welcome how are you doing today enemy can we be friends can we talk it over why do you got to be so abrasive I got partner do you get the hoodie yeah that was that was awhile ago that was like I wanted I want to say that was like 2016 maybe like 2017 early 2017 yeah I got the hoodie the hoodies really nice I'm probably gonna get more of them from them because the one I have now is like I don't know it shrunk a little bit so definitely see if I can get another one but they're really nice though there's so soft man like I don't know what material to use I got a check but I would like to if I ever had hoodies I'd like to make them out of that fiber did them again what's the PB on this the PV is nothing because we hadn't finished a run yesterday well we beat the PB right now because we made it past the part that we got to yesterday in terms of distance at least notifications start working for you as they should actually know what's really weird YouTube notifications weren't working for me for a while I just randomly started getting comments again I hadn't seen comments in the notification tab for like like I think it's been like almost two months it just was shut off see I sometimes catch like the last three of them or something like that on the creator studio dashboard thing but like the notifications weren't for anybody commenting anything for me or anything like that it was all just other people that I had a sub to that had uploaded something that's weird which I don't even care about that stuff so I tried to fix it and it says it was turned on so I guess they're ticklish with it or something for a long time last days were bad but your fever is gone now how are you I'm doing pretty good man a lot of you feeling better that's having a fever sucks I hate the whole like body temperature thing screwing with you and all that especially I guess if it's warm too and you have a fever like I I don't I wouldn't say that majority the time I'd be sick would be in the summer but I can't imagine how that would be just if it's like really hot and you're also really saying soldier not too much men I am trying to practice my broken sword sharpening skills on this post right now and simultaneously lowering the durability how are you doing do you get notifications every time someone comments the troll potential ah not every time but for like a decent amount of them I think there's like three categories there's like there's ones that are like held for review there's ones that are likely spam and then there's other ones that are just normal comments so I only see the ones that get classified as normal but there is like occasionally one in a bunch that's normal that's not actually normal it's kind of silly yeah I wasn't I wasn't seeing them for a while ever consider doing a fists only no hit seems like the next logical step or maybe wood hammer what is what is the wood hammer how do you have this impatience to answer the same question over to string you're just a bully at this point I'm just gonna I'm refusing to read that if you ask that again you watch the viewers a difficulty trilogy on YouTube it was really cool soldier that was so fun to do man we're gonna do that again in September but this time it's gonna be with a lot of extra twists I'm gonna try to get a bunch of different devices that I can plug in that I can have set up just by switching them really quickly like different types of controllers I'm gonna have I don't know maybe will like throw in like hot sauce or something crazy like that will do and I'll read I'll redo the list of all the different modifiers of how I'm playing the game as well to add new ones I already have ideas that are written that I didn't do for the last one but I'm gonna make it like really silly this time I'm pretty sure dances pad I don't think we can do dance pad I want to get a DJ hero turntable and then we got the arcade stick a guitar hero controller and then I need another oven mitt or boxing gloves as well that would be cool maybe maybe like a MIDI keyboard if that's possible and I want to just have it all set up so I can just switch it whenever and see if it's quick enough to just go between them I know some of those things won't really have a big problem with being with being switched because they just natively work but we'll figure it out though watching the stream and playing runescape makes life's difficulties easier to deal with a luck skill what is what is what do you do in runescape out of curiosity like these days like what's the what's the go-to thing to do like what what are people doing that play the game still what is the ultimate goal that every rule everybody wants on it Hendrix or Clapton dr. Seuss thank you for the five months in a row welcome back Hendrix or Clapton okay so I'm not like a super fan of either but that's a hard decision I might have to go with Clapton but like that's no hate to Jimmy or anything I just I I mean I've listened to both their music especially like when I was younger I was a little like because my my grandfather was into it but a martyr then listen to it how do you have the patience to answer the same questions over and over oh god how do you have the patience to answer the same questions over and over how do you have the patience to answer the same questions over and over how do you have the putti Clapton so I shot the sheriff Sierra's soul I might have like a while ago I don't know I don't actively like listen to the music now or anything but I definitely used to I kind of think like also yes drink thanks again man this is getting so trollee net oh god I think we're like we're like approaching the boundary between toxic and and normal so it's getting weird man okay we got the pine bundles I only have two of them left I thought I bought six oh no I got to I got to I was gonna get six everything's fine yeah okay so like they're both pretty they're pretty iconic they're pretty influential in terms of like music at the time and they both written really good stuff but it's just it it's the to me they're both the same like not not the same person not that not the same player but just that they're I would categorize them as just the same in terms of my my interest that I've had with them it's just that they don't like I'm not look I don't look up to them like somebody might and I think it might be because like they're like they're like way more old-school like they were already old school when I started playing so it didn't and I know that that doesn't matter fully but it's it does in a way kind of I wasn't listening to a huge amount of old music when I was little but I I did listen to some of their stuff and like cream and all that so I mean it's just why am I doing this what the hell was that okay I gotta change the subject anyways yes so they're both they're both cool couldn't I couldn't really pick couldn't really pick man but I think I've listened to more Clapton than Jimi though can you play Bernie Spears toxic for you know you're just gonna type what am i doing yeah yeah yeah my brains getting confuzzled did the point of switching between the weapons that wasn't that wasn't actually supposed to happen that was that was a muscle or not muscle memory that was a mental glitch right there if you understand how many things I'm thinking about the same time while doing this and trying to keep in mind the relative subjects that have just happened in Schad so I don't forget if someone tries to talk about something that was not the most recent topic I'm probably I'm probably like pushing the limits of thoughts at the moment if so and I'm terrible already at that stuff so it doesn't help it's our plain stream it's like I would never do like what's it called like uh like I think for what most people would be doing unless you have like a very good studio set up you would have like a mic damp I would never do that and digital setup wise it would be very stressful on my CPU to stream Cubase in full quality with everything so I would have to figure out if that's even possible to do without having an audio dropout otherwise it's fine I know that Vikings doing like jamming stuff but he's just miking his amp which is cool and I I don't do that so it's not it's not as viable I could try to figure something out ASIO for all a friend what's up how are you doing Arcade Fire sprawl - Arcade Fire is really cool man I remember there was a day where I ended up listening to the entire discography I get literally like almost oh maybe not everything but like I [ __ ] on it like most of it just in order like from back to front it was crazy and I just I forgot that it was on I was just that like just zoned out on it you gotta walk forward okay I'm gonna get focused again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Coco Coco Coco KKK KKK KKK KKK K combo breaker gg slave John it's a lot of practice man wait one second [Music] Duracell Thank You Man thank you very much welcome back how are you doing singing of hobby I'm indeed there's still one more thing I got to figure out jailers I guess what we're gonna try to do is I guess not kill the jailor per se but we're going to run away from the first one after it's backstab I hope the backstab kills it might that be really amazing but I doubt it though I think what I could do is manage to get a bundle before I get it just in case to increase the damage if I could set up red tears done before that - that'd be insane but I don't think there's a way to do it it's safe teach me yeah you got it you just got to put in a lot of time man there's nothing I can I can give you some advice on like how to practice it more deliberately and not waste time practicing it but I can't really like you just gotta put in the time in take the bonfire I lit it didn't I I'm pretty sure I lit it that's wooden hammer okay great wooden hammer where do you get it from insane to you that someone has the ability to do that well it's possible I mean like if the game a let's see if the game lets you do it no matter the difficulty obviously you can become unless it's like in humanly possible like obviously like ds2 sl1 like rolling certain attacks is not humanly like like it's not it's not realistic so like you're going to be near perfect but it doesn't matter either way this the margin of error and this is pretty like it's fair enough where the from amount of frames you have is possible to be consistent 99% of time but you have to put a lot of time into it to get to that point what advice do you have you're so stuck on assault one what is the problem you're having on it like where were you stuck anyway to speed your download speed on switch I've never downloaded anything on a switch before man I have no idea it probably has to do with the wireless receiver inside the device itself bottlenecking your connection or something or your net is not have you done it like a test a speed test for your net it could just be the receiver inside of it which wouldn't it would be the same for every single device right or maybe the service that you're using to download has a cap the speed character kind of looks like you sing above really does it that's kind of scary Nikita what's up server is on what do you mean by server like our Tama online on this anyone give you tips reveal for Embry Attis for the dot the worst thing she does is the the glide thing like the the dash attack so for that you want to I find the best way to do it is if you try to get enough distance stay out like a maybe 15-foot distance at all times 10 to 15 feet at least and just try to like if it like no matter what situation happens try to like get back into like a neutral space of that much at all times just in case she does that and then when she does it - one time immediately as soon as you see it - like set up some distance and then and then iframe the rest of the attack when she actually is like about to hit you because even if you - and you dodge most of it there's an arm at the back that hits you after she's like passing by even even if you've already dodged the main part of her body so to set up for that small arm at the back this slap so you gotta you gotta like have distance preemptively as the attack starts the tracking is just able to miss you by a bit or you're able to like miss the attack or have the right position - I frame the arm Mimar what's up how are you doing well weapon what I give advice for for an assault one run I would say if you can get the Dragonslayer axe that's literally the best weapon for assault one in the game you have to kill Creighton to do that so you got you have to do serious is questline and and then kill him once with her and then you got to kill him again later on an ear though if you get to the part where you're about to go through you know that place where it's like really dark and there's all those invisible guys you drop off the ledge there's like a staircase there right before the before you see the pontiff piece of a second time like right before that part he invades again which you probably know of already but that's like that's the best weapon definitely if you're not using that I would use the broadsword brawn fuse and if you're not using that I would use the reinforced Club probably Ron fuse as well but broadsword is better than reinforced club and then Slayer axe is better than broadsword though you're only gonna have trouble on nameless face to with that because the lightning damage so broad sword for nameless face to it be smart watcher it's gone pretty good how are you men Valyrian welcome back you need the faith ring after champion gun-deer yeah you need to have some rings to meet the requirements I think you need Knight ring and faith ring so the one for faith you get after your gun do your knight ring you get right before Slayer if you go on the roof where the ladder is adjacent to his flag a you just go across that so there's like a connection with the roofs and then there's like two dudes standing on the other side of the that cross like the roof stretch and then you just go into like you fall into that building like down it's the item right in front of you you know do DLC as well on this no definitely not man I don't think there's any consistency with the LC with this weapon why does walking not cause aggression within the enemy it's cuz they can't see you and they can't hear you they have a very uh they have like some pretty big tunnel vision with their visible range of what they can see so those particular dudes you just just have to like walk particularly in a certain way lot saw there is one dude that sees you he just can't hit you because by the time he starts firing you're already down and then he doesn't actually try to chase you he'll just keep trying to shoot from the valley his comp store familiar with the discord cultures actually done a lot for the discord he's been pretty damn involved with it okay so I could do charcoal pine resin to start that's all I have never mind right yeah I was thinking of doing one of the bundles after that but now that I know it's the only thing we got we got to do that a 5% readout of your messages I'll do it honestly I'm not trying to do it on purpose maybe it's cuz you typed so many things in such a short time that like I can't see a half a page of chat and then I don't scroll up and then it you feel like you I missed more because you just typed more and part of the messages are about me missing messages so it's not actually a message that said anything because I saw the wooden hammer thing and then after that I didn't I didn't see anything else my greatest apologies [Music] okay cool short and sweet messages are the way to go not necessarily I mean like I wouldn't say limit yourself to not saying what you want to say because you think it's gonna be missed but just like I could try to catch up and scroll but by the time I catch up on stuff there's a bunch of other stuff that I all miss so we won't actually really be playing the game at any kind of pace it'll just be it will be stopping more than actually playing at a certain point if I must I give like the most bland responses to everything never misses your messages Pewee how are you doing bruh Zozi how are you welcome devourer of loser loops you like not splitting - okay there you go I can use dragon stare acts on SL one don't you need eighteen strength yeah you need them you need the Knights ring I don't think it's eighteen strength what do I fight quail egg 2020 okay uh let's level up a little bit why not this might be worth like the tiny bits of extra damage I could get would matter I don't know my fighting you're on with a broken sword monk I'm just gonna use the storm brother for for your mess like I did on all the other runs but for no damage if I did this with no damage you could just take the stop just because it doesn't count right but the problem is that because because of how close you are when he stomps you really don't have any time to see the attack and react most of the time the stop is easier to dodge the more feet outward from his actual foot you are because it travels as like a shock wave that moves it's not just an instant circle it's like it actually disperses so you have like fractions of a second more and more all the way up to like maybe like half a second more if you're right around the outside of it because it takes time to actually reach you so my reaction time is gonna be terrible and you have to literally touch his toes like you have to be on his toes to get him to do the the stomp order to get the slam which you need that's the only way to do it cerebral what's up how's it going okay let's not screw this up this is the part where I'm saying I don't think I could get read to your stone but if I was going to it might help the the backstab on the jailors also Hornet ring would help too but we can't get that fortunately I'm gonna do this now if the backstab doesn't work on the final jailer I think I might be screwed I don't know I shouldn't light that either I guess whatever we'll see what happens I I don't have high hopes for this part but we'll see could be fun because we're giving the other one more time to actually catch up right here at this part there's walls in between all this stuff so I guess that'd work nice Todd is losing healthier mean damage generally yeah that's I was trying to avoid I knew that if it didn't do the full amount of damage on the backs to have to kill them that I'd have to kill the third one which we were able to do luckily but they get I think they get iframes when they stand up immediately or initially so I can't swing until like I delay it and by the time I delay it the one that's on the bridge around the corner might catch up but the first one doesn't catch up it's just really cool we'll see if that bat might actually not work out the same way next time I don't know how does it work clear sky you have to be in front of the jailor when they start the attack wander noob thank you very much for the sub man joy remotes enjoy being a skeleton also Joe what's up this is the second attempt technically or I guess no it's like more than it's more than the second attempt because we reset a lot in the beginning yesterday to get out of the like very beginning of the game and then once I got out of the beginning of the game we got halfway through and then got memed on a fire trail that went through a building randomly and then on this one this is the first attempt of today I think is it oh no no wait wait there was definitely something that happened wasn't there or maybe there wasn't yeah I think there was I think I got hit on I got hit on a dude that like at the very beginning that was on top of he was like beside the tombstone you pick up the first titanite shards from that's it alright here's where the complaints are [Music] oh boy this is gonna be bad slayer is so [ __ ] terrible on this man the damage you do to slayer is silly although I had armor on I think when I did before right so am I the damage might be a bit better this time but just that's all this fights gonna be scary this is like this final stretch is just so hard men for the damage output alright let's go let's get a little bit more levels I guess we could do that for the sake of stamina this time maybe definition of insanity Lauria what is that what's your email I'm suing you for not doing BSS only okay sounds good why not read to you stone ring I will be using a - stuttering but even then the damage will be pretty rough on Slayer I'm gonna get a couple more of these just in case something goes wrong with the fire bombs that we need I need extra hmm can you post the link of the definition wait is it just literally a definition from a dictionary some Japanese damaged right there with the big cheats Maki if only that was possible on this why is the sound broken pisanio it's an error that happens with the site it's been happening for like I guess a month and a half now for me maybe two months where I'll be listening to somebody streaming like particularly their audio will not be incorrect like it'll be fine but the the game they're playing will have music this starts sounding like it's uh being screwed with and stuff like that so if you're hearing that it's just something with the video player I think you might have to change the type of video player you're using or just accept that that's how it is what that that's happened to me for a while now and a lot of people I think Reb what's up how's it going you always show up around this point of the run I feel like any time you type something in chat it's like right around this part or if all my all bosses it's when I'm in profane capital going to my room in a new way wouldn't hammer run I don't know maybe is it is it a good weapon or is it a terrible weapon be cool there is some sort of like thing to go with it maybe maybe I'll use it in the future it's pretty bad how long have I been doing DST run snuggle bunny I've been playing ps3 since it came out so on and off since release mostly on yeah this run we started yesterday oh man I'm missing the tiniest bit this is really happening short I don't know we'll see nothing but hands run what what does that even mean is DSP my favorite of the souls games blood-borne is my favorite but odd is my favorite of the three all right now I got a focus [Applause] I've made a glass cannon built before on this uh not really now like a real glass cannon damn dude such a garbage damage you thought you thought the damage was good on that I mean is it's it's good enough to do it but it's not it's not easy though are you doing this run in ds1 memories I yeah I did I did the regular broken sword in ds1 that was that was pretty scary actually trying to think of what we need for this probably not too much you're officially a Canadian red wait you moved to Canada or is that just a Joe did a no bonfire run on this knob never done that okay oh this guy I don't even [ __ ] know what's gonna happen you takes forever to kill oh boy I should have had a buff ready of some sort we probably need more bundles hold our posts that post is pretty intrusive right there probably should have got more endurance for this part actually wait I could switch back lauren the-- okay that's all of the symbology menuing yeah that's definitely held the running areas Stan get it in murica you promise wait what's happening where you the guy that played all the DSM without taking damage now you're probably thinking of happy hobby did the trilogy no hey Ron badger what's up how's it going man the rule after landing is so satisfying well I mean it's it needs to work all the time or I'm screwed pretty much for me it's more of like just hoping it doesn't screw up great what's up how's it going man don't need endurance I could do anything I didn't have to level endurance on this but archives is pretty hard without avid more endurance signore thank you for gifting Syria resub also a zero haven't seen forever what's going on I was life how are the things welcome back courtesy of singer Rita while skelita squeal with the gifties I don't know why would that word bothers me if these whoa look at all the souls you could sell Wow it's probably gonna get you to damage I mean if I'm gonna sell a lot of stuff except for the slab we don't need to sell that okay I think we did what I do a trilogy no hit run or even souls born no head if not it's because you don't want to or because hob did already our cast there's so many other things I want to be rather than that man if I had nothing that I wanted to do I would have already done it I think but I have too many other ideas that have been backed up for a while including like this was one of the things that someone had actually this wasn't even my idea this was something someone suggested that I laughed at so there's too many things that I'd rather do I'm not I'm not I wouldn't be a fan of investing a year into one run it's kind of it's cool like if you're into that but I don't personally I do all the things I think about that I could have done in that time in different runs and stuff like that I would it would definitely outweigh doing that for me but if there's another trilogy of games to come out and they're really cool when I like them a lot and it's fresh and I feel like I want to do that then maybe but I doubt that's gonna happen Nick Elaine what's up how are you doing okay we could get like some minor extra decks right here maybe I should just go for fifty and then we'll do the rest endurance and then all obviously I got to get the the resins - I forgot to do that let's get these oh there's a limited amount of those that you can buy I didn't even know that Wow okay I should be good then Sinnott what's up how's it going man is this ng+ or do you pick up broken sword after you Dex I picked it up right after gun-deer laughed at the idea of the run was the kid middle school that told you a joke told that you're a joke a little bit louder and everyone laughed I laughed at the idea I think everybody would laugh at this idea this idea is silly man but it works apparently can be done I mean like I'm just opposed to doing things that are like just not really viable or possible like if something doesn't have like a way to be done then obviously it's not that I don't think I like if something's possible I could do it but like if it's not possible that I can't I'm not gonna do an SL 1 hit fists only no hit that's not possible you can't do that you just can I'm sorry wait that's why you don't even see some fights sl1 fist so mean not not even in the context of a no hit run just in the context of you can take hundreds of days in a row trying to just get one attempt that's good and put a video up of it but like this is there certain things miss that don't work that way that have limitations so if there wasn't it would be cool if every boss could just be killed just by being good but some of them have like restrictions of how fast you have to do it how much damage you require in the in the context of being perfect without getting here right so but yeah sure you could do 80% of the game plus with sl1 Fissel me of course but you have to think of is it actually like fun to watch or would it be fun to attempt it's possible and it's done miklós yeah but it's as someone no hit run with all the bosses though that's what I mean like do you do you see like a sage si one fist only I need to I've never seen that have you seen a Deacons I saw one for something I have never seen that but maybe maybe first maybe it's there maybe I missed it I just don't think that's possible guy your computer moved to a soundproof --is-- room so you start building your studio water all nice dude nice man okay I didn't set up our TSR rip wonder if I can actually go back let's see let's want to send a lift back down can you a critical with your fists yeah but it's not really like if you're a saw one it doesn't really do that much damage because there's no scaling for the fist hope to be half as good as your on Souls you start playing the trilogy unattainable that's awesome dude I hope that you've enjoyed it so far thank you by the way there are vids on YouTube about someone fissile me but not hole runs single bosses each is 50 minutes yeah but is there sage and deacons though can you find me as I saw one fist only sage or deacons video right now that's what I mean I'm pretty sure there's there's all the bosses you can do I saw one fists only and then there's some that you can that's kind of what I'm getting at I don't I'm not saying that it's not possible because it's hard I'm saying it's like there's things that just you can't not get hit on because you have to kill the boss in a certain way or a certain amount of time if you don't want to get hit like sage phase 2 after like one minute you've probably already gotten hit now think of how long it would take to kill him if it's only I saw one that's way longer than one minute it's probably like half an hour of fate phase two like five enemies appearing in spots you can't predict doing the attacks of a moveset that is of at least you know four different attacks minimum per one of the five dudes at different times that you can't see all at once there's no way you're gonna you're gonna no hit that with that someone facility if you wear armor and you have maximum Estus that still seems like it's silly to be honest like even if you could get his seems dumb and I don't blame anybody for not doing that it's just not like just it's not viable right and with the mechanics of how the boss works all right sage fists only let's see this is that sl1 fissile knee oh my god okay so he did get hit but that's still pretty impressive bill that's insane yeah he's almost dead ass dislike he got he got hit any ember in the fight - probably got hit like over ten times that's still nuts that I I respect that a lot that's insane I wouldn't try that cuz I wouldn't really have fun doing that but that's that's pretty insane yeah even with armor and Estus like it's it's still debatable that most people would be able to do that but definitely not gonna knock it you're gonna get hit on it you are I'm sorry it's just like you just take like this simple equation of how many things you can't interpret and then how long you have to endure that in a random setting and it's just like it's just an equation that equals you're gonna get hit at some point okay we're gonna do gold pond resin for rinses I think I think that might be better and I'm gonna use the as the right eye even worth it I'm gonna do it I don't even care [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the playtime on this isn't too bad actually even though I kind of did slow down a little bit it's not too bad is this first attempt clock this I think it's the second attempt today and then I did so many runs that started that ended before 4:00 yesterday as well sooner shouldn't be a problem I use more the lighting on him because I feel like that was actually hard that's gonna be hard what's in there well not that it's actually harder than cinder but because I've made more mistakes in recent time on that and simpler so it's how I feel about it [Music] Squealer it was so kind of you to dedicate this no-hit run to me for our 24 month anniversary but really the nicest gift a man could ask for here's to 24 more squeal gasm d-pod thank you very much for the 24 months man that's nuts that is super cool man mm-hmm hope you enjoy remotes and your brand-new batch what music is that the track is called liliom so Elfen Lied soundtrack it's Ghibli I don't I don't I don't think Ghibli made Elfen Lied will you do a world's first watcher is this runner world's first maybe I'm not gonna title it back though I don't it's still a no hit run any % but some I mean like I don't I'm kind of like if I do a category that's never been done before like if I do all boss no damage on ds1 that's a world's first so I do no damage on blood-borne that's the world's first if I do level 4 no hits all bosses plus DLC on blood-borne that's the world's first that's three potential runs I don't know if the book the last one I can do but I know two of those I will be trying to do so that would make more sense because it's not like it's not like I'm doing the same amount of content that someone else has done with a different weapon and then saying it's world's first it's like I actually am doing a concept with a different amount of content for a different concept you know completely but yeah this is just like any percent with that broken story even though it's a really crazy weapon to use it's kind of silly but it's I look at it camel bear thank you for the 16 months and welcome back now no one's done no damage on blood-borne nope zero Lenny's gonna sue somebody you think so I don't think he's gonna care too much I don't know I don't even know if that was actually zero Lonnie that was here yesterday but if it was I appreciate it but I don't I don't think he's gonna really care that much man like it could have technically just been someone without a name unless someone can verify that's him but it could have been in that'd be cool I play DLC on this now this isn't a DLC Ron Walt's first eighteen bigger 23 Dec 16 straight through on one hip he be coming up for a stri oh man that'd be kind of crippling on this altaïr what's up you miss mundane like the mundane and effusion crib length / sorts cinder incoming let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended numbers thank you for the tier two ten months in a row welcome back Matt how are you doing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] cool that was a close call at the end man oh man cool that was pretty bad that was actually really bad oh boy the sweat thanks men spicy first tribe that was not first dry my first try oh man no that was like really bad in terms of like I was not having fun doing that that was scary who the range - like you can't you can't go for as many attacks you you have to like finish swinging too close to him even though you have the time of the end of like the actual weapon itself can swing two times fast enough but you can't do it because if you can end up doing one stream ah super one Semien worldstar 360 420 swag noscope lordy new thanks men I appreciate what now Broken Sword no damage no no definitely not all bosses Broken Sword we're not doing all bosses no heads broken sir that's silly and mr. RL time me and Margaret sue me and [ __ ] Margaret sue that's [ __ ] right I skipped one I am a [ __ ] legend I've never seen a 1:13 and I never [ __ ] will 1:12 baby til the day I [ __ ] die committee speedruns yeah we could we could but the thing is my games on current patch so can't sleep or not we're not rebooting the patch right now is that there's actually a handful of things we could do right now thank you very much peace what I appreciate it so GG's Durham thanks man [Music] is this still your raffle win pie I don't know I think it is yeah it is actually so you get a thousand points [Music] wait I didn't do that right skillpoints 1000 ad pi there we go I think wait now [Music] I think I got it that's it is that not it why why is it not work here I'm gonna end the credits so it's like not super loud I guess I got to give pie the points I didn't do it right it's skill points 1000 PI or no skill points 1000 ad PI I think I feel like that's the right way to do a skill points add 1000 PI 118 why is it not working dude there's something going on with it that's so weird yeah this is ng that was just ng right there what we will not continue to New Game+ was there a bet I didn't open a bet for that one okay so there's actually multiple things we could do I'm gonna make a straw poll really quick good
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 1,654,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dark Souls 3, Lets Play Dark Souls, Lets Play, FromSoftware, Action Role Playing Game, ARPG, Hardest Game, Moments, Reactions, Reacting, The Ringed City, Ashes of Ariandel, Broken Sword Only, Broken Sword Dark Souls, Broken Sword Dks3, Broken Sword Build, Dark Souls 3 Build Guide, Dark Souls 3 0 Hit Run, Squillakilla Dark Souls, FaraazKhan Dark Souls, Squilla 0 Hit Run, Faraaz 0 Hit Run, Trilogy 0 Hit Run, Dark Souls 3 Speedrun, Zero Lenny Dark Souls, Zero Lenny Run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 24sec (10884 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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