Dark Souls 2 Without Taking a Hit or Death (Any%) SotFS

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think it through and make the right decision ahead of time so unfortunate that's why I said I would literally was talking about the same thing that just happened before it happened like you commit to something you see you instant it's like slow motion you basically have already made a mistake she has to like come to terms and you just have to wait for it to happen and know that you made a mistake because the pacing and because of how stamina works everything so fighting someone in slow motion would be scary man if you're getting punched like you know you're getting punched and you know for even longer that you're getting punched you're like hey I'm gonna get punched let's just wait our ruin Sentinel is a mandatory fighter no well if you didn't do flex I'll century you'd have to do room service so in a way yes in a way they definitely are for the bonfire aesthetics that we need to acquire they are definitely okay caravan well I'm sorry you did pretty good though TVs next got a TV I let's go [Music] Matt the Barbarian what's PV it means a personal best can you do your best master roshi impression I don't even remember what master Master Roshi sounds like dude last time I watched Dragon Ball Z I was 11 years old I have no idea what he sounds like I remember what he looks like no idea what the guy sounds like I don't remember what anybody sounds like in Dragon Ball Z mu 10 muten roshi ma 10 Luke 10 new 10 Roxane 1 this is the run Tom so you think every runs the run you're a liar dude you said the last run was the run have you watched Dragon Ball super no I don't know what that is I've seen Dragon Ball like the original when he's a kid and I've seen Dragon Ball Z honestly how old are you I am 23 this will be the run okay let's ask the Emerald Herald what do you think oh she gave me estes it's the run it's confirmed that was like a one out of a hundred chance that i get the drop for the estes this is obviously gonna be world record pace right now ask to be world record wonderful I wish I could just run into the right spot immediately on that Goku has blue hair why would he have blue hair DOL Bo what's up welcome back so am i weird that adults the same age as you now adults are the same age as you what you've been an adult for five years how would you what that doesn't even make any sense that's like saying weird that oxygen is breathed by other humans as me right now it's weird that now oxygen is also breathed by other people like what the hell I'm sorry maybe I'm taking it too seriously but did it took you five years to realize that just curious came a Super Saiyan God okay so what's a Super Saiyan God was that mean I remember there was like different ones where he would get more hair and then like after a certain point he looked like a like what's it called like a porcupine or something like that I don't feel like an adult to be honest what does an adult feel like honest what does it feel like legally you are so that's what I would go by it's a really a way to classify feeling a certain way of a number or related to a number what record pace 112 incoming all right doing it enough with this trashy early game stuff enough with these shenanigans it's got spiky hair just blue so weird they'd make his hair blue-eyed let that bothered me wheels thank you for the host welcome back man what's up watching two streams it go easy and Tran two streams are cheating on me excuse me good one 11 may be possible I don't know about that that seems crazy man if I could do that a bit faster I could do everything right there that's kind of pop it there instead first estes and then pop the thing there no other switches then we'll switch everything else on the on the door to the forest you heard me in Trent I can't hear you I don't hear you I don't hear you making sound I can see you I don't hear you though I don't know you're talking about oh you're welcome and thank you don't hey don't thank me well thank me man you're the one that hosted me restreaming like just now we'll never stop being your favorite fight hey it's one of my favorite in the run too mainly cuz I feel like I'm getting revenge for all the times that he is wrong to me which is kind of evil but in a way again I feel okay with that because he has [ __ ] me up a lot on these runs school let er roll oh wow what a word you weren't streaming today okay I see well thank you for the host either way rich show welcome back with your I'm assuming those emotes are from the console because they're like random squares that are empty Zac Newfane thank you very much for the [ __ ] a distortion emotes maybe if everyone spams like san so distortion nems and zeus emotes even quitea motes in chat we can get a really good speed on this run maybe just maybe yeah I definitely have enough time to do these other other slots right here because we Soph the wait for this so small soul in Estes and then or maybe just small soul in the door and then we do all the other stuff that Gabe save time damn seventy seconds behind don't make jokes like that that scares me man I have nightmares of clocks chasing me down and stabbing me with their arms don't tell me that the time is 70 seconds behind this is this is the world-record pace man this is the fastest run ever slightly Incredible Hulk what's up dude there we go we got some sand so earthly bring it in the the Zeus we got some camp okay we got some camp as well lethal what's up man how are you ready for some lethal time saves I bet you're here for them lethal time saves I'm gonna give you some Aletha time saves right now right now right here lethal time saves not too much doing good bro how is your day going it's going pretty good we've already had two runs that are good one well one good start we had one too rotten the other one that made it to the castle went to shrine of a mana very very good start in the first half of the street here's some E&B to go along with it okay I don't know if Ian bees ever speed ran anything but it should work I think it will work for us I'm a palooka what's up I wonder if the dagger would have a decent chance of jumping the lizard twice I feel like the axe just does way more damage but I wonder if the the Dagon would do I don't believe I've tried to uh I don't remember what the damage is on it it might work though I can't got a 10-minute PB yesterday for his trilogy run and you missed it Oh a PB by 10 minutes really Wow I heard about the time that he got it was like in the six hour range for all three that's impressive that he's doing all the content on all three idiots I think it would take me six hours or more just to beat every DLC and this casually even even on vanilla - that's pretty impressive I guess you can press B from the the menu that pops up with the arrows or for the bow I never knew you could press B their or exited it okay I'll split there we go [Music] that's why you don't breathe oxygen glorious okay I wonder if I asked you a question of what you did breathe he probably would tell me I wonder what it would be I think I have an idea vapenation all people you know are dead all people you know that are now dead used to breathe the oxygen that means oxygen kills yeah they probably drank water too at one point in their life I keep telling people water and oxygen kills people eventually eventually nuclear waste what right there Homer Simpson nuclear waste okay now this is the run all right I wonder what class supplies is that I wish there was an exploding barrel he had fire arrows at this point that'd be so nice to just kill these guys quit even though they do die pretty fast they don't take that long I could appreciate that that guy keeps jumping off I don't know what he keeping he must be trying to reach some sort of platform or some secret item he probably is trying to reach the secret area that I need to go to to teleport to the end of the run so I could skip all the stuff maybe he knows something the only reason Bri denied nitrous oxide oh man and they most likely pooped that's proof that poop kills as well okay we're onto something here stop reading now you don't want to die I remember their I don't know if it was someone that's here right now or anyone that he that's he remembers this but there was a person that kept saying every time I was on a run that they were they were they were gonna stop breathing they're gonna hold their breath until I made it back to her like the other run was or something like that it was absolutely ridiculous but they kept saying that also I didn't Buffs this is gonna be a little bit interesting see how that goes we saved the buff the hydrogen hydrogen monoxide one pepperidge farm remembers all your breath until you when your life is not in your hands no pressure yeah something like that that's kind of what it was I might need to three-piece these guys because I know fur facts that's uh I usually have the buffa after this part it's not gonna carry over it oh he still died okay that was a little bit scary Montee welcome back how's it going man you guys don't know Monty give him a follow I gave him a shout-out last time these years so you might already follow him some people might he plays I think players are known battleground mostly I know he does some other variety as well but I've seen him play that so far very nice dude good community good vibe in his stream has some pretty cool notes too actually so yeah give him give him some some a debt hi please please thank you constipated dock oh that's the next a moment there we go the hydrogen monoxide kills sounds pretty dangerous strimmer dead from holding birth for to lung Dan gal what's up can you ask why scholar instead of vanilla I haven't played vanilla forever man scholar was more recent in my memory when I decided to do scholar instead I almost played vanilla instead of scholar for this though is it was giving me crashes and then I ended up fixing it but if it wasn't working that I'd have to play vanilla so I guess were lucky in a way yeah it has been since like maybe 2050 early 2015 so played vanilla okay they're all gone see it I think if one dog lives it would have to be invisible range so like I see it from outside the ledge I always assume there's one underneath but there's barrels everywhere right there so they definitely not survive underneath the ledge unless they move towards the ledge after and I didn't notice but I think I'm safe to go right away on that if I know that that's not the case don't well just chilling man nice that's good you should be chilling and I should be like literally on the brink of insanity Robo failure what's happening what's happening is we are smashing barrels and opening doors really heavy doors that take forever to open and big chests ooh all the dudes lean on walls cross their arms with that thanks for the three months of entertainment loaf in all the content you create for us filthy degenerate squid each movement on to the bronze hoods will gasm she said degenerates properly this time damn thank you very much for the kind words dude oh wait oh my god the arrows did not work it did not work thank you for the the three months in a real pro box whoo your bronze hood thank you for using your prime also for your three months and yeah the bronze edginess is yours sir the one give pro box the subtypes right now you don't even go near me with that you silly fool you silly boob buffoon Merridew well that guy thought he could actually get me with that yeah right man not this time not even close I think she said dagger Nate because I misspelled it that last time hashtags will fashions I don't know if that should all come on you actually screwed that up dude you're serious okay homeward bone time see you later well round two gotta get more arrows again um thank you for the bits Cosmo I didn't know that you misspelled it I didn't even notice when you did so if he destroys that barrel there's no chance of us even continue in that area we have to go back refresh it by leaving the area get some more arrows anyways that's a bonus definitely need the arrows really annoying though because I sometimes he just does that and it's like you can't really dick like I don't even know why he attacks that direction I'm not even over there he's a little to no explanation so like yeah he doesn't see you if you're behind him you have to hit him and I'm sure the back end of his swing if you were just standing there like beside him would still hit the barrel or would get you I don't know I don't know man someone made a page of memes about how the hydrogen monoxide kills people on Facebook you cried laughing so it doesn't kill people that it's it's actually not a thing that kills people and I got I got fooled I got scammed Alcatraz what's up welcome back big bad wrecker hello all a part of world record pace yeah we're not on world-record pace right now but we're second place you can go for second place so we can squeeze right behind san so about like 30 seconds Hulse enough that's fine for me not expecting anything at it is you know like it's like a sub like 30 minute would be alright it's water oh okay my bad see I don't know the fancy term for that I probably have heard it at some point but like I said was not a fan of chemistry hated it switched it for law second years so yeah I don't really care that's okay man I'll uh I'll comfortably die not knowing the forward of that I don't think a human needs to live on this planet knowing the word of that I'll use the abbreviation and be very satisfied so you can keep your information actually I really do care please make me feel alright you're dead be waiting if you change your mind or is for what macchiato welcome back snowing hey I love how you didn't do the thing that was stupid last time nice that was kind of awkward you were a multimedia guide top born multimedia like like in terms of your programs that you liked or whatever your courses how the runs they vorpal there actually are right man they're definitely alright not court we're not really doing better than yesterday just yet but it's a better start than we started yesterday so I think we're kind of slipping into the early memes but some of them to be fair again like I just they're beyond me I try my best that's all I can do but we're going to escape them oh the name of the course is called multimedia I don't think that was available when I was in school maybe it's similar to another program that that's a different name ah one time here alive how to speed murders keep track of times they usually have a timer if if you were doing a speedrun you'd have a timer for it very very simple concept for that but there's software on a website that most people would use that you download the application for okay give me levels mmm I guess we have enough to get another level and the may still I'm gonna do that yeah I think we're fine for both that's only kind of lucky because we had to go through that place twice but I thought the arrows that I'd have to spend the souls on would kind of even out with what we'd normally have apparently we have enough for the mace that's pretty cool I'm okay with that hyper sayin what's up by the way MLG oh please stop it begin to kind this is an MLG this is GLM i don't even know what GLI means PB is to still hail we're not going for a PB we're Scott for the run man so it's either the run is there or it's not last time I was doin limited hits we did get to that was the best when we got unlimited not that there's really question many numbers between 2 and 0 but yeah we probably could have had one at this point for a while you probably could have had many one it runs no that's not really important to me heading to bed goodnight unbound have a good sleep dude I didn't think you're still here I thought you said you were going to play the players unknown battlegrounds battle geez that probably wasn't the best spot for the scone tried to throw it higher I was gonna have to be early which class should you create for this new d3 season IRA table it to ya' blow I'm assuming that's Diablo cuz people say d2 and that's obviously destiny now but they're like the same abbreviation pretty much I don't know man I've never played it so I don't know what the seasons entail I didn't even know there was seasons I thought it was just the same game interesting dibbs that's not even you're not even spelling it right though you're st. you're spelling things incorrectly can I answer that question how about this if you can spell that question without a mistake I will answer it I promise I promise I would expect the same out of anybody else or it could just be I'm giving you a hard time because that one incident that you remember that most people remember when I rated you at that one time I remember this is the run if you don't get hit waffle pixels I like your your realistic view point I think that's very very beneficial in times like this yeah I wonder if the one on the right will actually aggro at any point I think it's the one on the left he stops it as a position that's closer to you when you're running up still so he'd cut does agar on the one on the right a grows if you're in front of where the item is when you pick it up that's my best guess so far NASA drops the urn will soon will be soon the peach says so oh then that's guaranteed then that's a done deal I trust the peach I don't know why I trust you guys though huh it's not like you have opinions or anything our runs going Butthead pretty good pretty good thank you for asking I was life going completely a nice person that did not call me but it neuro tossed Rafi also what's up pub pub guy all right I think I remember saying that I'm like why is it such a uncomfortable abbreviation like Apopka pub key and going to play some pub key will you join me for some pub get up get pub like this most subtle G sound on the end pug okay like you're saying pod but accidentally putting a B sound Oh when is the lunar eclipse happening I have no idea I think Google would be the best resource for that baby Google actually got it wrong than I laughs all right let's get this chest no forlorn I see very interesting I believe a caddy love forlorn invades as I turn this corner we have to do Nash Kanaka first try it's pub G yeah I know it I know it's supposed to be pub G but like I remember when the devs asked us to call it PU B G and you say screw that oh wait people people actually had said that made the game that you should call it PU BG it's a mouthful though Bentham solar eclipse not lunar ah honestly it's probably gonna be sad about that you should have lied to him and said it was still a difference between solar and lunar lunar is the moon all black that's stupid you're stupid dhawan stop saying things are stupid that's some astral stuff right there stop being mean it's a very important thing that happen woke up with a leg cramp oh no that's not good okay Witte is back again oh wait no maybe he's just saying how does somebody else what will he do next find out next time on the episode of qdubs waffle crisp the man who ate all the waffle crisp and then couldn't find anymore ate all the waffle crisp on the planet you're like you don't get to choose the abbreviation for your game the community does its pub G that's usually how things go Berg deviations it's like the ds3 vs. DK s3 or something like that so can we just take the K out of there that's a bit more enjoyable extremer you're not playing DualShock 4 I say quit e yeah I did I did there is other people that agreed that they also said that too though do well woke up with 35 of buccal cramps what is a buccal cran laughs ace welcome back how are you you're playing it on stage at e3 and they asked us to say pub G at all times all really Oh Pete they said they said if someone asks you about it it's PU BG Wow oh wow saucy knave thoughts on demon souls lower compared to souls Lord Dark Souls lore once sayin Wow Wow double whiff okay Cindy hard one wonderful gotta love the double with I also got a love the actual decent RNG okay my my opinion on the lower ah I like the way it kind of gives you information more but I don't know like I don't know everything about the lower of either so I just like the way it distributes it better with the cutscenes and stuff I think Demon Souls lore feels more important to know like I feel like in demons you you want to know and more than that you don't want to know it Dark Souls because it feels it feels like you're kind of forced into these situations where you're always finding an NPC or you're always like you know you're in you're in like limited like environments like they're not all connected so you kind of want to know the importance of of each in relation to each other and the way it does the cutscenes as well and the way that it shows you NPCs on the loading screens that's that's my opinion that I think I like that better what's up by no means do I know everything about the Lord of any Souls game and I probably never will because even if I learned it I wouldn't retain it in my head because it's not why I play them what's uh I like I just I like the way they distribute it I like the way that it's told to you so that's good probably didn't really answer the question but yeah I'm not a I'm not a lord person that never have been I don't play the games first story it actually helps that it does have some decent elements to it the story's not bad but it's very self interpreting self interpretation based a heavy speculation in many areas so it's good that it doesn't need you to know if there's no like you can't really obviously a benefit from knowing it on these runs I think if they made another thing though they should they should try to have the lore in a similar fashion to they did demon souls how they distributed well the chill atmosphere in here really helps you relax pretty go to bed nos what's going on welcome back glad that you find that it's not disrupting to your sleep pre pre sleep vibes and stuff as DST worth investing twenty-something dollars into Robo I know for a fact it'll be on sale for less than that again in the future it was like twelve bucks really really recently and it might even be under let like ten or less in the future so it kind of depends like do you think there's something else right now that I it's more appealing like just looking at it even if you can't really like get much out of in terms of hours like is it more appealing or whatever because I think there might be better games to some people but twenty bucks is actually higher than this games price is spinning at the lowest all right we're gonna go gold pine resin let's do it let's go how do percent comes from YouTube Lourdes our body exactly yeah there's people that figure that stuff out not even really figuring out but just have a better theory crafting ability spent better and ever organized speculation and stuff so that that works out a lot better when people like body exists it makes it easier the hell I tried to roll right there [Music] I love how is the guys sometimes hiding behind the seat read the wiki's for lore okay yeah I think and there's a lot of sources but I mean a lot of it's not necessarily confirmed though it's just very good guesses or very very likely speculation based on other sources from the game like items and stuff what NPCs tell you or how their quest lines progress whatever you know it kind of wants you to interpret a lot about yourself and for me like I'm perfectly fine with having that experience you know maybe not thinking about it too much but mostly enjoying it for what I enjoyed for I was too busy trying to complete the means to pay attention of what the story was and then ds1 a PvP the laws so I I probably would have done playthroughs for Lauren stuff and went back if I didn't make PvP builds after the first few playthroughs alright um yeah I do know I do so I do you know like the just of it like the basic stuff update the kill list pan that I will do that right after this and then I got to take a break after the next split because I definitely need more caffeine alright cool plunge the plank what is the free command button us it's how to win a free Lamborghini in 20 easy steps if you provide your payment information below why do you feel the sword is made of rubber in this game era chess there's a lot of things in this game with mechanics that aren't really you'd wish for them to be better I'd like there's mechanical innovations leave them and don't necessarily link to movement and combat but like just organization like menus and stuff like that or simple ideas like roll percent and you know backstep iframes I like those kinds of things it's a lot of stuff though with the movement in what you want to do you do things that don't make sense sometimes it's like I didn't want to do that I didn't push like that direction right didn't you know I was we've seen these things already I [ __ ] missed a dude locked on twice in front of his face so like yeah it's it's walkie one of the biggest things that I was saying before is it would really benefit from a better sound design because then I think you could simulate more like meaningful interactions with like weapons and stuff like that and people getting hit just through the audio like that's one simple thing that adds to it like I was even saying the trees that that make like the weird sounds have a better sound effect in the hippos so they should just switch the hippo sound effect in the trees and like that's even that's even improvement right there but next time you play this like pay attention to sound design versus ds3 or one then you'll realize like the sound design is not as great gimmie my lambo okay you don't just get a Lambo by type in the command have to make three easy payments of 109 97 92 and you're fine free Lamborghini it's yeah it's free after like taxes and stuff yeah so I guess one two three four five six seven eight nine nine nine nine I always feel like that's sketchy it gets him to flip every time but I always feel sketchy you want remastered ds1 and you want it now how many people here would actually wanna remaster ds1 okay let's do a vote Matt remastered ds1 or remastered D missiles which is of more importance to you your reticle cozy mango what's up who's a mote is that oh that's a--that's a global emot-- okay ah bomb man - - at the moment - is the PB s-- a nice a demon souls Demon Souls Demon Souls ds1 Demon Souls ds1 ds2 man Souls ds1 demon souls ds1 ds2 is one demon souls ds1 ds2 s1 ds3 demon souls ds4 okay wait so it's ds1 winning demon souls with the missing Archstone oh that's a pretty good suggestion that's probably the best suggestion and it might be biased because I'd rather remaster Demon Souls but Loremaster knows she just made the most tent-like appealing comment i guess of the appealing statement if they remaster Demon Souls but added the area that they took out of it originally that was partially designed that's pretty cool that would be pretty cool I would do that I would be interested that changes things quite a bit that's that's how I never thought about that captain industries what's up flame what's going on ds3 you want you want remastered ds3 yo hello welcome back what's up welcome to Lexile century land I think we can level one more I've been in Durance okay pre sure I have extra souls on this missing arch stone yeah there's the broken arch stone in the middle that was actually designed but then they didn't finish the development of that area I'm not really sure what the reasons we're I don't remember I think I heard about it at one point but there was someone that went in debugged it does exist just not actually in use but if they did that that'd be cool all right there's the splits there we go are you happy now is everybody happy can we have a yes can I get a yes even if you're not happy just lie just tell yourself you're happy like I'm so happy hahaha I burned one walking back well I'd born you don't remaster perfection yeah well blood-borne is also new but one end yes three don't need a remaster in my opinion mass email from from software see yes dad Kingsfield HD Monty so happy cringe oh yeah this is the runned weebles okay what I should do if you haven't been here before if someone's brand-new and like I know they've never been here if they say this is the run I should just laugh like for like 10 minutes hysterically and stop playing the game like literally get up and leave and then come back and die immediately amazing how would you know though like whoa this is this would be an interesting idea like a practical joke to play maybe on April Fool's like I know we talked about that one idea for April Fool's raid that was really that was a really good idea what imagine an April Fool's prank on your own stream where I just did a really good run and I got it all the way to the end and I just threw it on purpose the silliest thing you would never know the difference I could pretend that it wasn't even a joke but then I would know on the inside that I was actually screwing with you it'd be so evil silky-smooth 28 fps I think the trick is leaving out those last two frames you can't have 30 30s a little bit to do much you want to have just enough reduction in the frame rate that it starts being questionable and kind of like hangs on that hangs in the balance right there where it's like hmm something seems a bit off but also at the same time I feel like I'm crazy for thinking that that's that's a extra factor that just keeps you thinking keeps you wanting to play more to see you know is it actually bad frame rate is it good I don't know seems fine but every time I say something about it like I always tell myself I'm crazy but I noticed I noticed there's something going on what is Kingsfield exactly you've heard me talk about it before it is a older fromsoft game that I've never played Lobos has done playthroughs of it is I think it was on ps1 and then they made other ones that eventually were on ps2 it's kind of like if you imagine excuse me if you imagine Skyrim Souls or something like that but less uh less open concept I guess yeah it kind of used some of the concepts in that we're actually used for this stuff bad rng yes okay it's not pushing me you could only eat one food for the rest of your life what would you eat sushi has the simplest answer of all time what about you what about everybody else if you had one food you kitty well I guess it could be any meal it could be a bunch of stuff but like something you'd eat in one sitting I guess I heard people say that you know hit runners sometimes intentionally through a run because you lose viewers after completing the run to Babs is that a meme are you actually serious about that I feel like that would be the comment that someone would be super salty you obviously through there Ron I made jokes about that before that I have no intention to through a run man you know how long it would take to actually get a run a few three rounds on purpose holy [ __ ] I mean months time frame is okay but not years and I don't think you lose viewers after Iran I think that depends on how good your stream is and what you're playing want puffs roots donor I've heard of that before you'd be okay with Tsushima who'd a nice yeah I think that's the best there's so much variety to like you never I don't I could never get tired of it although I feel like at some point you could get like some sort of you could get sick from it if it's not made properly so you'd have to have like a really good person making it could be problems eating that much of it maybe higher chances getting mean by that kind of stuff like parasites and stuff like that oh he's going for it he's going for the triple baby oh that's definitely the triple okay are you following me that's good what's going on no slam okay chicken noodles chicken noodles what's what are chicken noodles quit throwing the run maybe four kinds of sushi so you think it's a good choice plus you love sushi in general yeah that's a good it's a good choice I'll be get obviously get this first try yeah if you were throwing a run whatever you probably would it would probably be an easy run so you would be kind of stupid well I mean you'd be stupid either way but like I think it would have to be a lot easier if you're willing to throw it you have to be very very confident that you could literally do it every city every time you wanted to and that's not the case no one will ever be able to do it no hair but whatever they want it's not possible baby the bit maybe the best to move to Japan if you're only to use solution for the rest of your life yeah maybe definitely get mercury poisoning yeah you could get the mercury what there's also the chance of a parasite as well Sushi's or rolls what do you mean like sashimi Korean barbecue count is one dish yes aigoo sake what's up that's actually a good decision too you get to pick one type or just jet the genre yeah the genre man you still pick steak think of all the cuts of steak I feel like you'd die really fast if you ate steak for everyone happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday dear me a frog don't be depth bad birthday keepo is it actually a birthday is it is it your birthday today dude you hijacking my stream for your birthday cuz that's fine if that's what you want to do on your birthday do it welcome back thank you for the bits dude don't give me bits on your birthday if it's your birthday I hope you're joking they gold 22 happy birthday man it's kind of weird that you gave me fits on your own birthday but hopefully your day has been wonderful and you've enjoyed it and you're planning to do even more crazy knowing you I feel like you're gonna do some animalistic things but yeah man I don't know that's awesome that you are here watching my stream for a bit on your birthday much appreciated never forgetting the home dogs though rather live a short life full of steak than a long one devoid of steak that's a decent that's true I actually would rather live a shorter life fulfilled with sushi if sushi killed you very fast too so I can understand that hey come on oh what a goof man stop going to the corner come on hey well this master of tactics right here nice spot Hey all right cool Mary they'e birthing from thy mother's womb back got cured way of watching me MIT music videos mundane King is that the new trend meme music videos what kind like what artists and stuff so you Xi's are actually some seafood with rice rolls are like Philadelphia rolls also have rice and seafood seaweed in them yeah so like okay so I was saying like D means sushi me or like rolls yeah I would still say a role is still sushi but lace sushi in general like is the whole shebang anything you people like I would classify as anything you get out of place it would serve it like even soups and stuff like that you know the soups desserts wolf okay obviously desserts themselves would not be or in super themselves but you know what I mean though you know what I mean sushi kills you James know it I don't think it does but I was saying if it did like I would take the I take a shorter life span of filled with sushi than a long life where I could never eat it again 100% not even thinking ah Texas what's up go a lot [ __ ] goofs what a goof daca was a goof he playing with the wrong guy who's being such a goof I run through there like stab stab kid get him from the ceiling I hit them with the stone ring you don't even see it coming I'm like boom boom it get get rid of the goof I throw you through the roof make you guys look like you coming from us poof okay we're gonna stop doing that a little bit too much right there I think I was gonna take a break before Rawdon I don't know though should we this is the real question someone clipped this please sorry just oh man oh man is this roll what's up how's it going already bought the bright bugs okay so 45 I'm gonna scale it back to 40 and see if we can go 40 on this I'm in a mediocre not even close Eminem would be just embarrassed man that's not even let's not even compare him to such degeneracy please so special Lolita thank you telling your boyfriend you said that stop hitting on me geez holla seven what's up would you die if you were allergic to oxygen no probably just wear a an anti oxygen diffusion chamber on your face me music videos Rick Astley and other stuff from the 90s okay yeah so I know I know the Rick Rolled and stuff like that Rick Astley I thought you meant like there is like like a spoof versions of actual music videos they were relevant right now I don't even know what music videos look like these days are they bad what kind of stuff what kind of topics are there left to put in a music video or they like creative or anything has anybody seen a new music video in recent time it's super creative it stood out to them so goddammit I don't know I really feel like if I take a break I'm something Bad's gonna happen on this I think we're gonna just roll with it and if I reset then I'll take a break after that we'll come back so we'll do mute what's up how's it going man what am I going back to blood-borne after we finish evil within I'll revisit it a little bit you're in there but um yeah I did eventually want to get a better time on the blood level for a speedrun that I did so yeah who would exam you got to go see you later alright I will catch you later man Oh at least you can save yourself from the frightening gravity beams over here why can't we kill a shout choir I don't know I've asked that before it's a mystery you choose PI because that covers dessert and meat for example all you cheat or dude I didn't even think of that you're a cheater you're cheater man what comes after ds2 no hit any % honestly we're playing evil within after this is done okay is the right side nice so this lizard right here on the last room wasn't important I have no idea what purpose the service unless I got lucky on another one and got more I'm gonna skip this one on purpose actually know what [ __ ] oh never mind it ran away I was gonna say just in case cuz like I had the three chunks and I'm pretty sure it's the breed upgrade the bow but if I was wrong I didn't actually get to prove that I had the bow upgrade to +8 I just saw that the materials in my inventory so I don't think it actually gives me anything that I need at this point I guess it's mostly large titanite us didn't remember from the list of items that you get because usually I just skip it I assumed it was necessary upcoming area was your aunty Bona for ds2 I think it's mostly it that way for everybody man this area is not that nice if you like the gutter and you like the gulch like what kind of person would you be like really magic hat equals God yeah I've been told that like the cat's supposed to be a god of some sort it looks very very basic and chill for a god so surprising but apparently it is a God you love evil within any chance you play it before finishing this mediocre we're finishing this I'm not I'm not going to play anything in general until this is done that is not the way that the no-hit runs work for me but you can guarantee you will see it eventually and eventually it could be very soon because we're pretty much on the cusp of getting this we just have to pull it together that's it like I don't think it's gonna take much longer than at the most maybe like a week or two at this point and that's that's just me guessing like that there might be some bad days but we don't even get runs started at all I think if we can get late-game runs like all we have to just do is make it back to throne Washington Fender a certain amount more of more times where we don't get means and it's it's done it's it's all over so I think our consistency is just gonna increase well I think it's I'm pretty sure everybody knows this it's pretty inevitable that we're going to do it there is the chance that absolve er comes out though and I'm still just on the end of this like maybe I just finished it right before then we be doing a juggling act in a way but I'd still be I'd still be playing evil within if even if absorber was really good I'd be splitting it up we'd just be splitting things up in a really weird way so I can't give an example of what that'd be like but it would be splitting up a lot of stuff we'd item that's not good slow slow slow slow slow very slow very very very slow you think a nympho would eat the rest of their something what I just tabbed out for that what the hell all right hopefully for them for loan doesn't invaders get chillier for a second you're desperate you can't get through free to to Phase two sl1 you just can't keep an eye on her dodging ice dodging his attacks get hit on them I think you'll get it eventually men I know that part does throw some people off just think of it this way there you don't have to focus on her the entire time you just have to assume that whenever you're going to make a decision that she's up you always have to assume that she's going to do the ice so that in a way your openings if you make the merry handle let your mind work this way you get him to do an attack that's long ranged you kind of perceive how long the time it is for you you get used to the timing of the attack and then you force her to do something where she can't possibly do it again quick enough for you to get punished while punishing air handle on the recovery of his attack so you have to just force them to do things where there's no way they can both attack at the same time which just it takes it you have to get it tuned with like the cooldowns their attacks and like you know sometimes you have to bait attacks or you just have to wait you have to be very patient it's not necessarily that's gonna go fast every time but one thing that is for sure if you get them stunned you can do the repost and then she doesn't it doesn't matter if she attacks or not you can iframe it let's make an area that's worth worse than Blighttown yeah it's a Booma food what's up gutter is the worst place yes it is Holly you're off to bed good luck good bye alright have an awesome oh [ __ ] I almost punched the statue have an awesome evening and have a good sleep Paula thank you for chilling man it was very nice we'll see you soon thanks you look into that yeah you just you have to get used to like like you don't want to attack if you can't guarantee there's no way that you can be attacked you have to guarantee this there's just no possible way that she can do something and it's going to get you before you actually get an attack off on their handle if you want to attack her and then do it the other way around I'm not amazing at that but you can still go for hits on her and there's less attacks she can do it her boob set at that point so you could always try it that way whatever works better for you but you still have to make sure Arianda would not be a Goering you and have a huge chance of getting you at the same time and that that might take observing the fight and not winning the fight for a long time just don't learn how that works rather than trying to beat them now think of it this way like the more you pay attention to it you won't have that you won't have this hard of a time because you'll you'll know you have to kind of do the homework on it study it instead of just trying to win like think for anybody the main goal should never be to win I think up the line boss fight or like a challenge that's kind of new it to you I have to kind of learn how it works mediocre comin in with the sub hype man that is really cool of you also that statue got blown so far to the wall that's really scary for the first time in your feeble cursed life totally mediocre you have discovered the secret circle of a school demon auntie using the power of dankmemes six dreams and edginess i grant you your remote send your hood of edge sir we get some hype or mediocre police much more than a mediocre level of hyper an extreme amount of height and I will continue to break statues and shoot this guy as well [ __ ] Frida though Freitas pretty why is this area green I don't know I couldn't they couldn't afford blue it was the only color left over I don't know it is very green though I think it's cuz it signifies the poison but in a really cheesy way in my opinion they could have made it look the same as gutter and I would have liked it just as much if not better isn't it what I had flow to it but the color of it does actually make a really really weird switch up so yeah sometimes less is more when it comes to little design things like that like just keeping the same kind of vibe like iron keep could have kept the same kind of tone in vibe as harvest Valley and northern peak just with like tiny tiny differences and that would have been nice it wouldn't have been such a big switch up but that's one of the biggest switch ups in the game where you just don't make sense of it it's like how do I how did I possibly leave this place and then end up here within like a minute it's like you just go across like the the border from like Canada to the US whatever and you're automatically in like a different climate like you go like towards the equator and then all of a sudden it's like an Antarctic a blizzard or something like that listen the rat symbolizes obvious nystagmus yeah if you like it's something to do with the poison that makes the most sense Park now schools at a recent man the women dude I'm not actually sure if that's a tree sub or not you're gonna have to tell me then I will thank you as I shoot this pool right here this here right pool with the with the worm thingy underneath it that dang worm that dang dang darn dang it worm Emeril would suddenly get this maple filter yeah it also has like a lot of weird kind of fighting and stuff like that in certain areas that just doesn't translate to well cliff knew splits it's the same split count or just like a different skin on it or a different version I guess you can call it a mode it's just set to a different mode this one tracks how far we are without a hit in general and the other one distract the total amount of hits it is a reset okay the not so first time in your feeble curse in life darf now school you have rediscovered the secret circle of a school divinity using the power of dankmemes six dreams edginess an MBA Colby style dunks sun woodland child the gulley I grant you your emotes in your head of edge oh that's not even galbi that's victor would land child Victor look at that I called it Kelly's the other guy Kelly pops up as well but you have to like get him to invade some other time he does pop up over here NBA style Kobe certified dunks on wood land child Victor also how's that got a child let's make any sense all right so no buffs for this first part the robes apparently are hurting right now like they're really low so I'm gonna I'm gonna sit at this that sub train yeah thank you for all the the subhype seriously why the Giants down here lower why's uh I don't know actually but I know that there's something to do with one of the NPC's making that tunnel I think it's Luka Till's tunnel someone told me that so maybe I don't know maybe the Giants are hiding there because they know these got the best snacks I have no clue and you get San Tears hockey-stick pre nerf and the horses that I would like to thank you because you were a big influence on how I have stream so thank you again Afton us that might be the nicest thing someone has said today that's really nice of you to say dude if if that's the case I I did have I had no intentions to do that and I'm super happy that uh there's something positive that you can take from here to your stream as well I don't actually think many people have said that before that's really nice to you wow I'm getting all kinds of choked up and such I feel I feel like I'm caving them feelings again oh damn I'm having them feelings sorry this is me taking compliments I can't take them it's too hard so it's too difficult how old is rotten probably like 15 and a half why do you stand in the fire against rotten belly beard the pirate what's up it's to set up at the red tears stone ring it gets me into the percent I think it's around 20% I need to get to and then the ring activates okay well that time obviously it didn't activate it we always have one fight where it doesn't happen last time I think it was also the second one yeah it gives you a damage boost of 20% if you get it that was definitely a scarier live Wow run is five years old pluck sandy simple jack stream how's it going man frosted Rice Krispies is back what's up Rice Krispies Maya streams are just so chilling your chats amazing that's what you strive for that's awesome dude you also have to thank everybody here though I can't be responsible for a lot of stuff like I said I have like this kind of idea when if I want to point out something a certain way it's probably gonna attract certain types of people that's you know work well together you know I'm not gonna attract negativity as much but still like that's all up to the people to actually enjoy the content stuff like that so everyone that's here you can definitely you know say hey you make this place awesome too not just this guy that gets hit on runs like a scrub sometimes and is wearing a Nigerian prince cap on his character with 3124 soles and a you know a rapier and stuff thug Nara damage greater than H B pays us in dank memes and ecchi commentary that's why we're so cool we don't do it for free oh yeah that's true I have to pay you guys again soon alright so what's it gonna be this time it's gonna be the the Pepe's or the it's gonna be the haram bays which kind of memes do you guys wanna I'm running low I'm pretty dry on the Harambee right now our scrub yeah you can own me just take credit for how awesome you are being on time here oh please I appreciate that dude that's really nicely to say thank you we're also doing a bright bug for the third Rotten because that was kind of a blooper but at the same time we don't use the bright bug for the manikin anymore so I have an extra one dude I'll never take credit for anything like that like I don't I don't actually I don't I just don't take compliments well dude I never will I never have that's just how it is I think it's good though cuz I won't want to stop like I'll want to like keep improving on something so that's good whether it's like being good at this run or being good at the next thing or being a better streamer in some way thinking of how I can make it better for you guys stuff like that please Nigerian prince pimp my character I wish I could do a Nigerian prince accent nah real blood-borne all bosses run including Queen of yharnam even if the end result is 200 hits I'm sure I'm sure people have done in one sitting every single piece of content with chalice I know distortion did all boss with chalice speedruns I'm pretty sure I think I think he did that yeah I'm almost certain he's done or or maybe it was just all chalice at once I'm actually surprised the bright bugs not really doing that great oh there we go wasn't getting good damage for a dead weight rip the buff already bonds us together I think that's how it works for any community but yet there's some that don't actually have a reason I don't know it's hard to say like but like there's some communities that don't have they don't have good connectivity it's kind of just like they're there individually but just alongside of the people and when you're chat I thank you as well as for your kind dank words Thanks I'm gonna thank your thanks with another thanks I'm gonna top pop it pop another bright bug and say thanks again thanks man but yeah like I think our community sticks together a lot better like I even see like a lot of you guys that's our regulars and other channels like that I've recommended or maybe like you've just found yourself and like it's not just like everyone's an individual here not really giving a [ __ ] about anybody else like many people are definitely one with others as well one one one cohesive kind of deal which Rotten number is this this is the fourth chalasis sucks so bad but no hit inside of it would be insane I'm sure you could probably practice chalice and no hits but I don't know how I think you'd need a lot of safe files for that I don't know but they appreciate that you read shot and order you really miss messages and comment extensively upon us still the input you you top-rate streamer and an attendant thanks you pretty cool thank you for never reading señores message it was sin you're here right now is that comment for me all right get ready there I think that was the sketchiest collection of rottens that one where I don't like being in that corner I always feel like I'm gonna run into the fire I think that's what it is but there was one that did something there was one that was particularly sketchy because what it did it did like a quick overhead out of another attack like really fast and I was like what is this all right that's everything we're gonna go to the castle again fracture what's up how's it going do you know if mater is like Ian in Lobos or dis my favorite streamers chat get paid I don't think anyone I don't know anyone that pays their mods personally but I do know I do know a couple people right now that have Community Managers that are on actual like pay payment like they're employed by the streamer like hunter while we rated him recently like Heep he I'm pretty sure he employed someone to be his community manager so that person schedules you know like early release codes and like giveaway things with developers and stuff like that they promote the brand they manage stuff in the chat they check they handle social media affairs they handle a lot of other stuff it's kind of like in a way like a like an agent or something if that makes sense but not as like fancy I guess I don't know but that is becoming a more normal thing now and I've had a discussion with some people about that that you'll probably see more people that have community managers that get paid I think it's a really good deal if you feel like you can benefit from one if you can't handle all your own stuff yourself and I think there's a certain point where anybody can benefit from that but you also can have benefits at a level where maybe you could handle it yourself but you can't handle it at the same quality level as someone that's focused on that there's other things because you are spending your time streaming and trying to entertain people so it's like it does take that drive and focus out of you in a way for other things too like you you kind of I think it's just gonna be inevitable that more people are gonna have that going on in the future and I think it definitely is a good thing if you die if it helps them definitely I don't think I've never heard of anyone paying their mods though I don't think they that's the thing o senors here you got the yellow name what's going on it's New York like we're gonna be doing when we do or giveaways and stuff like that next time we're gonna be doing more of the mod only giveaways like I did before where we only give away stuff to moderators aside from the regular giveaway stuff because I thought that was a really cool idea to give back and that's like the least I could do to be honest or for the dedication that people forth but that's why I say when like not everyone could be a mod some people just aren't the type of person where it like it resonates with them because like I don't know usually mods or people that would already be watching the stream as a regular quite often they're the type of person that likes to be helpful and talk and chat you know and help other people so it kind of makes sense naturally but there are times where I even feel like with us that like you know the mods are doing a lot of stuff like that I just I'm like okay I don't even want you to do a [ __ ] for this person I don't want you to do like you know change this command information tell me how to do something on the bot inform me on other things like when I'm lost streaming like I feel like some of them go above and beyond and then there's even a higher level than that where like just the volume of stuff that people are dealing with that like the top and the things I think that if you have a very good mod and your channels like the biggest of the big that's like that's crazy man that's pretty crazy especially with attendance too and like just the focus on the child like it can be pretty crazy so yeah there's always there's always that I have been told though by other people that we have the best mods out of any channel they've been in some and I think it's not even just that though but also like I said general the general people here as a whole kind of don't really feed off of the negativity so much like if you're trying to be negative like you wouldn't really have much mini you wouldn't have a lot of grounds it would it would pretty much fade like baby you wouldn't really have much to go with like we're not going to kind of I don't know produce the kind of like things that you'd want to get out of somebody if you were trying to be negative can you have a giveaway where there's a person named me and I'm the only person that can enter the giveaway I'm not gonna answer my own giveaway Michael what's up how's it going dude you have the best mods and then this cold stir oh boy I know people other people that have very good mods - I'm not trying to say that there's there's no one else on the planet that does better but I'm just saying I've also been told by other people they like the mods a lot and they want they like even people stuff like they they want to have mods like that in their stream when they're trying to decide who to mod when they've started so that's really cool yeah your dad let's let's be quick on this it seems like a decent spot stammen is not the best right now don't turn around thank you Seoul fax it is hanging dude it's hanging in the balance how are you what's up with you man thank goodness I thought how long told us something about me oh no that how long shows how long you've been following and I think my show ours too I was decent untrusted thank you for the host man oh look at that two two-piece RTS are set up right here how convenient of this game I really appreciate it thanks from softs next Namco Bandai thanks orangey second you're a mod for Nebel Naik he's a pre big german youtuber 500,000 substance he asked sometimes stream management's pretty harsh yeah especially like if you're a youtuber man you're bringing more audience over from that that's you're bringing in at YouTube crowd you're not even just bringing in the type of people that watch streams that's a whole other thing with personality too and Feroz has told me we talked about that before he says like he hopes they're like the YouTube people he brings in are not like some of them because like he said it's a it's honestly an advantage to not bring in a lot of the [ __ ] babies from the YouTube stuff because there are the people that are toxic on the YouTube chat or the YouTube comments they just want to you know carry that over and you have to be okay with that unless you have a very very positive YouTube like where you don't generate that doing this kind of stuff yeah of course you're gonna generate stuff like that here and there's surprisingly positive Channel was a twitch channel you ran by filled with furries you made jokes and the mod link furry stuff really friendliest community not even friendlier than us Wow every chatty love clan group you've been in has asked you to join has asked you to be a moderate admin you've been a guild leader more times you can count there's people that are just leader leader types of people you know Sigler welcome back halfway there to the ultimate run maybe I think we're more than halfway though in terms of time we just got to get in the castle definitely also yeah also at that nice number view is where you can still keep up and read all the chat number of you is own indicative of how bad shot is because there's people that have like much less where the chats more active and there's people that have more where the chat is slower so depends on what's going on who you are what you're playing what kind of people you attract to your audience time zones of people that are watching affect that as well because if they're more close to sleeping and stuff like that they're probably not going to type so there's so many factors that go into that there is a level where obviously you're going to have a lot more [ __ ] posting in spam no matter what because it's just excessive beyond reasonable you know terms or whatever but like sometimes that doesn't really matter like there can be moments where it's worse than what you'd imagine or even less than what you'd imagine been I'm up for a crap of streams for a crap of streams I'm assuming you meant to say a lot of stream if you want to syndicates mods but he stopped stream as he just left really it's a mod for syndicate and you never told me this before Wow were you trying to like put your foot in the door for a moderator position over here saying all the all the sellout things that you want to say aren't you wonder if I just cancelled the bow by rolling right there I think I shot the arrow and roll it didn't I would I do right there okay that must have cancelled this shot that's gonna weird oh nice amen kind of fake out is that look is the backbone exactly very true okay I'm gonna try to pay attention again we kind of slowed down there I want to catch up on stuff what I can say is because you and Fras estate streaming you're a perfectionist so you got the Scourge when things didn't go right you and Fras got me to relax and have fun so rather than put you want a pedestal you want to say thanks for being a chill font streamer to hang with thanks man what was it particularly that made you want to quit out of curiosity so I've had many times like that and when I started and I know there's many different types of reasons that people have some Topo what's going on probably can't see in that helmet so well okay so you think that's part of the reason why is doing these potentially elite strats potentially dank and elite strats it might just be a mistakes you can't see me I'm getting outplayed by his mistakes could care less per mod but you would never think but you never would think anyone would care if you'd say you were mod and syndicate at one point that's pretty cool man like how did you how did you get picked as a mod were you just there when he started streaming usually it's like you just know the person for a while or they act they actually put out like applications or like except like people applying for it right that's the two the two main ways I've heard of people getting moderated on a channel that doesn't like have a desperate need for them right I was gonna take a break dibs but I said earlier in the run that I had a weird feeling that if I did I was gonna make a mistake so I said after this run it didn't work out too well round two Oh got more than mocha I don't know how I pulled the other two right there that's where they we're - Golding thank you for the hosts what is up then when you want to start streaming but no time cozy mango yeah I mean I don't know if you have like an hour every once in awhile you could try like just fitting in like tiny amounts of time but I do know what you mean you probably want to put in more than just an hour so especially if like you're very very very busy or you're like a family or all the situations where you don't even have an hour so that makes sense me YouTube me talk see I was being serious about that okay I see so you were there from like an earlier point combination extreme difficulty having bad runs and games and dwindling viewers because you were in the same bit over and over okay I see well I'm glad that you continued man I think a lot of people are happy about that I definitely am seeing you even just play a little bit of demon souls was cool I was worth it to me evening played the s you got rekt how are you Oh kind of the same case if you think about it but I'm doing good doing good man thank you for the host follow Ashe Goulding if you want to see him doing his ds3 to play through almost set three yes do you play through and thank you for being kind enough to host once again I I gotta pay attention on this part so I'm going to focus again but if anyone's coming from Ash golden stream welcome you're also playing - yes - and also might scrub up as well you never know see this is the part where I was thinking you could shoot them from there they're statues right I'm not being chase yep let's try this out and see no way no way new radical methods advanced tactics Metal Gear Solid espionage simulator oh my god is insane I had the [ __ ] hunch man it works that was the other one though it's cool its way from a turn hey from the turn boom see ya that makes it a bit easier T mantis with the sub pipe with the prime first time in your feeble cursed life - mantis you have discovered the secret circle of ask Illuminati using the power of dankmemes six streams in edginess I grant you your remote send your hooded edge sir please give T mantis some subhype that was pretty cool accidental sub wait you accidentally sub that's the first time someone said that I'm sorry dude oops too late now sucka haha that's kind of fun how do you explain this to me in the US forty two point six million adults aged 45 and older are chronically lonely labels IC auga licious what's up you want to see the definition of toxic check out the one family guy South Park whatever animated show 24 streams 24/7 streams on YouTube yeah that probably would generate some [ __ ] posting while doin no damage run if I complete this one and K I'll do a no damage run on ds3 probably I'm not really up for using magic on enemies on this I feel like I'd want to stick to using the same setup I do right now but then it would be the same challenge I just wouldn't be taking fall damage really area always reminds you of it esker painting ester painting I'm not sure how to say that what is that stuff tastes good when eating by the left side of your mouth adamantine well your taste buds have different regions that pick up different kinds of flavours better than others so it could be what you were eating is better with the region of your tastebuds that you are eating it with you're explaining that's definitely a thing yeah so bull pine resin and a dream let's do it meant to use different payment method oh you didn't want to use your prime that's what it was well thank you for still summon either way man unless you okay so I'm feel better you want it to you just use the different payment you a little bit better we're gonna see if we can carry the bright bug over again but this time I actually lit the bonfire I don't think that was much slower I think that was the same speed roughly either way we should have it active for the mannequins and I think I'm the last shot it doesn't matter I'll still be four total or the one that you have to shoot at the bone tope Osama thanks for the good luck I appreciate that man you want to sub either way so whatevs okay how have you been welcome back boss seems hard HEIs Himes or it's not the hardest but the hardest part of it is basically not getting the arrow in a blind spot where you can't see it so you have to be you have to basically get the one dude a certain distance away from the other but then also be able to roll a second time and see the arrow rather than have it overlap but it depends on how fast the first dude is and how far away he goes with what attack he does and stuff like that I think if he did the swipe which I don't know if he can do from approaching that far away but if he did the swipe that probably the worse whiskas like the swipe would probably I don't know you have to wait longer for it I think I think you can roll the overhead orally and stuff but yeah it's uh it's complicated for the first like part and then it's fine after that Rob Koz what's up Jews oh this is the run you feel it okay doctor mantis toboggan they Walker welcome back what's up Malcolm is first stream just got done with blood-borne world's first good [ __ ] man oh you watch that video thanks man which which one was it was it the all boss plus DLC because I keep getting there's like funny not that it believed that actually kind of it makes me laugh it's funnier than at least something that matters but just to mention like there's people that keep like saying oh like this wasn't the world's first for Asiata it's like dude check the date and ask him like if you watch his stream he would obviously have mentioned that it it was the other way around right so I always think it's kind of funny when someone says that but it doesn't even matter either way it's just like why would you even mention that if you actually watch this stream you would know that that's not the case that means you're watching his video only and then assuming and not checking when things are posted it's like hey I saw a video of some dude playing us this song or whatever I or I saw a video of someone performing a band performing like a tribute or something it's like oh but they stole the idea from this band that performed the same tribute but like it's like you didn't check the date and it's like obviously the date of the one you checked is like a different date than you thought whatever I don't know it's that's like a completely like irrelevant comparison but it's a similar kind of idea where it's funny because it's it's either like legitimately a Mimar role or it's well don't check that stuff thanks now it's not the run bolt struck Santo shield man I'm probably gonna die I'm probably dead alright it's not I got a fall three times right there after you know hit ds1 and three can you still enjoy these games so Damir oh yeah I'll always enjoy souls man I don't have much reason to do many runs on them I have Lake ideas in mind that I've wanted to do before I did no hits but like I'm going to stop playing them for a long time at a certain point and only revisit them as nostalgia so if you're asking like can I enjoy it casually I could but it probably would take a long time I'd probably have to come back to it after you'd like many many many months like maybe a whole year away from each of them and I think a casual playthrough be a good idea after that moose moon I'm doing good dude I'm doing very good how are you Faraz the tribute strimmer so I guess you know here my 1999 premiere ah yeah like it's something like that man it's like what are you talking about like if you were gonna write the comment to that wouldn't you check to make sure that's true how would you know you would just be guessing it's like saying because something else exists there's two things there's two versions of one thing are there's two two copies of one thing the other copy must not be real because the one you saw first was real or whatever but they can't coexist that's what it felt like it's really weird what is the Santo shield the Santo shield is like a state of mind where you say out loud I'm dead it was a good run but it's over now that's unfortunate and then the running goes really well whenever you think there's a possibility you could die you just say you're dead already and it usually makes the run get and most speedrunners that play souls to use the Santos shoe I will ever do some of these runs on Neo Jew so I'm probably never even gonna complete neo man I it just wasn't really for me something with the stuff like the style of it the story I guess kinda takes me away from the stuff I like about it like it's good but it's it I never even thought it would have run potential in the beginning I said it would be cool if we could do a death what's on it after but I didn't see I already said no hits was not gonna happen and I wasn't gonna be replaying it for a lot a while I just wanted to give it a chance but it was it was good I give it a 7 out of 10 for what I played not super amazing not really bad or anything like that it's definitely a good game it's just not like it's not for me I guess sometimes you just get that that vibe where it's like okay you know I would have to like force myself to play this whatever play the surgeon no definitely not I'm not into sci-fi unless it was like a really interesting concept like if they could twist it with something and prove me wrong and say that like by saying that like you can make something sci-fi it's really good like I think it near would be the closest to that cuz near actually had a lot of interesting features that give it a lot of value for like the replayability and stuff like that and the amount of stuff that's included the quality of the concept like is there but again I'm just I'm not into the sci-fi as much I try bard what's up how's it going also I did hear that Serge was really bad aside from like just as being a game it wasn't that great this buggy is hell I've heard that's it's either like short or it's like you know really annoying or it becomes annoying after a certain point I wasn't as good as someone you know would expect it would be stuff like that has been mentioned ante sleep have an awesome night I will see you later dude it's kind of funny to ante sleep is going to sleep I thought ante sleep didn't sleep are you even a are you even like for your own movement like what is this anyways have a good sleep man API I am doing good mhm I am doing very good how are you nobody playing neo anymore man vs game has been playing Neil I think he's been doing like DLC and stuff on it alright I am going to try to focus again on this saw might not read much chat but mainly because we made the the blooper last time gotta avoid that the last error right there should definitely have not have killed there I don't even know how that hitter yeah that's a lot better that's sound right there uh okay okay so I'm gonna catch up on shout once we get to a safer spot after I clear at this next part I'll catch up on everything I'm sorry I think it should be the rule though that I don't reach out in the mana until like maybe at the very beginning but kind of take a break in the second area and like some of the third Ken Baca what's up welcome back I got a sneak peek of that one how's it going man okay so we actually have a reasonable amount of arrows left after this I think I got to remember what the exact amount is that we use assuming we don't miss like more than maybe like ten of them I've never paid attention it's probably around like a hundred or something like that but okay now it's safe fracture you really wonder how guitar poi is going are you still doing it uh I don't really practice man I don't play that much I used to quite a bit when I was younger oh there's still one more left we're not done yeah dude I don't think I'll ever like be back to the amount that I played when I was younger but uh I will again in the future definitely I don't think I'm ever not going to but it's not gonna be persistent really have you played the end isn't i heid times or no I have not sorry I just [ __ ] like tanked on saying your name for some reason Emerald alley will come back what's up mccringleberry that's boi boi yoginah skull monkey what's going on reminded you of the scene from Generation Kill serpentine I do not know what that is it sounds cool though it's a sign of respect that many people don't want to sequel to blood-borne but you don't blame those who want one either Youngblood I can agree with that because maybe some people can if you take it this way maybe some people played that as the first from a soft game and they they don't like souls they like Dark Souls maybe they just haven't played as many of them and they're like I want a sequel to something but they just had to haven't played as many hours they haven't been a part of that experience for as long so if you're newer to it yeah like honestly I can understand you wanting more of them but if you've experienced it for long enough it's like okay let's see what they can do next all right two bright bugs that's perfect like I you I did use the extra one on wrong on this [Music] born what's up I mean wait no I not what's up I know you were already here but like what's up with that what are you talking about what's with the dance game [Music] where is RTS on ds2 killa it's you go to the water that's like on the left of that hill going up to Althea's keep without the Aldea stories that is where it's located like where the big hippo is and the dogs are okay no booby frogs that's good Mario and Luigi bounces inside store best RPG yet what what I personally hated blood-borne you actually hated it why Oh bread thank you I think if he takes the steps the way that it looked like right there if he looks like that I don't think he can do the boat like the Pope has to start initially from his him a growing like he can't move before he does it I have to assume that right now and then that can keep it pretty clear of what's gonna happen but I don't even know API is this just a no hit runner is it a no hit sl1 this is uh no hit run then I am definitely not as someone heat rocks what's up he sweat welcome back combine 200 hours in ds3 all the way up to ng+ 25 it 200 hours and you went to ng 25 that's not a lot actually I could understand maybe like 500 to a thousand but that's well I guess if you like rush through it or whatever you sped through it Russia with sped through it that's pretty impressive that you made it to that many energies like not intending to speed run like that assuming from your first playthrough as well I'm using a pine resin for this guy except [ __ ] hate him what would a bloodborne build in ds2 look like is that possible probably like you could use the great machete and like I think there's the judgement ropes that kind of look like a trench coat I remember there was a streamer that had a PvP Fight Club where it was like themed as blood-borne builds before the release of it so I think people were using the great machete mostly great machete and like crossbow and stuff like that a list what's up how's it going you've hit 381 in blood-borne wonder how long it'll take you to max out what is it what is max level in blood-borne I don't think I've ever heard about what what that is spear mints how's it going how are you doing dude give me the dark arrows what what gesture does he give you actually don't remember but wanna check and see have mercy Wow okay oh I thought it was gonna be something like really cool anyone ever actually played a hacks character someone told me to a nice to PvP as a suggestion and I killed one person then like I just stopped playing that character I was like this is just not fair there's way too easy to PvP with Hey look at me look at me look at me I'm right here Hey [Applause] [Music] quick kill okay juju a little bit slower in the beginning but that was good very good we've been stockpiling the homeward bones getting to this part Lily holy [ __ ] wait legging what's up and called out twice for lurking dude I've been liking your banjo-kazooie stuff man are you gonna stick with that do you think that's actually my favorite and 64 franchise though I was pretty I was pretty stoked to see that you decided to try to run that I always wanted to myself but honestly the one thing that bothers me about it is you have to listen to kazoo we make in the [ __ ] sounds the jumping sounds are so annoying men if I ever did that run I'd have to replace the sound files I'd have to play an emulator and like rig the game or something like that but if you guys want to see some banjo kazooie's speedruns and some pokemon red speedruns follow Kwai legen I also used to PvP with him a lot on this game so now he's watch me play - yes - and we're not pvping it's super weird but yeah he's uh just play souls as well and it's just a cool [ __ ] guy I've ever seen the trailer for he'll blade looks great no but people have talked about it before people have been mentioning it fix the counter never mind how to practice a lot the movement is your biggest issue right now I it looks like it's pretty hard it was already hard enough playing it when like I was playing it for fun as a kid so yeah see you Atalanta felt statin yeah not on this run I do have to say golden belts that looks really cool I can tempt us I don't actually I don't I wish I did maybe you could help me find one maybe we could steal one together all right 23 that seems good oh wait I think I need to buy more bright bugs so I'm gonna go 40,000 right I need 190,000 roughly now the extra will just be there but I miss I'm gonna play it safe almost I almost has [ __ ] everything up by doing that 144,000 I can level up a little bit more right now before we go who even has a face anymore you don't bought thrown yeah like having a face is overrated no actually I do though I don't know if that's an actual serious question cuz I'm sure there actually is some people that don't have faces for whatever reason I'm not even trying to be disrespectful there might be a condition like that I do so it is a thing in all legitimacy in Sarina the seriousness all that okay you know what I'm not actually feeling this I'm gonna go back to the bond front I know it's kind of stupid but because I ad grew the dog so early I don't feel like it's gonna be good what I want to do is I want to have the ring on right away right there cuz I don't even use our TSR until we get to the shrine so second shrine you spit water on your lap thanks wait because of me thunder or someone else add so what's going on how are you men top 10 reasons why your face is depressing you your face isn't a peach you might as well not have a face number 1 that's a good idea yeah if you don't look like the peach what's the point Oh cuz of EDS is emot-- yeah his emotes pretty funny alternativa sup you're sensing is the last time I'm gonna scroll sensing some areas historic level tricks here I don't know who that is or what that is is that like a game if it's a very common concept just know that I'm not super mainstream side I'm out of the loop with a lot of stuff man Shakeel what's up welcome back G ot reference oh ok ok because when you said tricks I thought you meant like on the game I was like what is that hourly Quinn made it oh wow what a time what a time ok over they wished that there was a way maybe and maybe there is maybe I'm just assuming there's not but I am going to half the guest there's a reason that on the truck routes when he stopped at the bonfire over here so I've been doing it but I wish you didn't have to like I like to kill oh I just want to kill Guardian dragon as soon as I possibly can but I think this guy falls out of the cage or something like that maybe not it sounds pretty mainstream to me are you playing this game on a monitor so mainstream yeah sorry I don't have a holo deck I'm not Joe blade 26 with the with the cool hex coloured name in the in the purple badge man sorry I'm not on your level wish I could be you maybe one day yeah be that was kind of weird he did like the glitch Brad which I don't know if it as invisible damage like where it doesn't animate a regular breath and what it just it does the damage everywhere it normally would so I didn't go near it I probably could have got closer though pull them sooner it's hard to practice that though because it actually is kind of a bug he doesn't really do with that often I've only seen it twice the second time we please spam idle is that like a new motor a motor some like that I checked that I was like who you guys sub to and then like it's a global alone what is that guy's face what is he doing moon max thank you for the GG's welcome back awesome site incoming yeah the one thing about this area even though I'd rather not have to go through it it is really nice looking so it's a bonus hey yo Harold no Harold what school it's good here hey poor Lauren has invaded imagine gotta switch the arrows back time to go fullscreen goodbye chat quit he's going into the food coma mode oh no don't do it dude must defeat the pizza man let it don't let it beat you you sub to quit e for this emotion shut up there the problem is if I didn't check that it was a global emot-- I actually would be naive enough to believe that so that's not even funny man that's sad you almost had me believe in what I should have done in between al vos let's get the bow two plus eight as well so we got to do that immediately there's no part well I guess I could set up our TSR and then go back to this part again should we do that I mean we're already here whatever we can do we have our TSR so it's fine I used to do this without our TSR same thing as last time Hey look they can't block their backs with their shields from the front amazing now all we have to do is just make it so that the region that 70% of his body and open space in the front doesn't have that feature we're fine it's up to school for that emotion Joe blade the troll right now it's like he's wearing plate armor hey you know what the power of dark always prevails man oh sorry I had to do that I had to kind of just professed my feelings for the other dark girls it's up to me for capita yeah like what the hell it was probably get the poison going when he's closed last time I got really lucky and had God to your aims so do that last in between right now or I can just dodge all the arrows cool I'm okay with that that's fun you got it's kind of nice it only takes three for that it's really good yeah next time I'm gonna have to make sure this plus a oh my god my heart isn't it safe to bypass the last guy I know they'll attack you if you don't kill him which is I think a much harder situation than taking the thing that's a lot smarter which would be the chance to get through there without them [ __ ] yeah a guy's on a mission he's probably more dangerous than the forlorn okay you know what actually I'm not really familiar with for launch site as much as the greatsword so I'd say he's more dangerous than greatsword for Don and I were going giant Lord gotta get the bow up first I hope I can get +8 I think it should be fine that's not sucking anymore so you came to see the edginess what's going on achievement keep forgetting this is a vanilla snuggle do you don't fight him ancient dragon though this is just any percent we're trying to get through the mandatory stuff to beat the game you would be optional you can fight I think you can fight him for the ashen mister but you can also talk to him so right he's actually pretty easy though I'd say ancient dragons one of the easiest fights if you know how to do it it's pretty simple okay um giant Lord we got to go over here I'm gonna level up a little bit more to you Milty Milt what's up dude how's it going okay so what would I want I guess I want our t star then I can switch the ring after do that wait what I was not not enough yeah we're gonna heal up and do that again Oh okay we're gonna heal up and do that again with v's on please and thank you still not RTS are what's going on with the ring man okay I guess we get the full set that's so weird man maybe it's maybe it's not the level of strength that I have or something like that there's something different that's making it or King's ring was weighted enough King's ring could be good enough there we go switch back to it let's want to make sure that could shack do I have it all yeah I did have Artie a Sauron I did you can see hey I even look at the grand Lance oh wait ivan you're asleep I forgot I'm gonna pick it up just for you I haven't really wanted me to do a run with the grand Lance hmm so that's why that's why I'm kind of giving them [ __ ] right now even though he's not here d-pod hopefully you're having a deliciously dank day it's been pretty good how is your day been man what's up oh good thing your Ivan to wait adds his name is Ivan all this changes everything a change is my perception of life dude holy [ __ ] PD welcome back sup PD alright so poison actually worked pretty good on this before that's all - if I want to use a bright bug or not I think I see bit and he's pretty close I could get him poison but he might progress over here I either need him to progress over here and get hit one time before i poisoned him or he needs to walk further away so either/or one in the background hopefully I don't accidentally hit but he's going further away there's the other guy okay on get hit dude poor clutch the other one died I think the other one died okay man he was angry though he was probably hungry - he was hangry all right cool all right cool he was angry he was hungry yeah they he was Hungarian oh man all right good [ __ ] his worst boss demon of song responses darting dragon actually so we're gonna get a little bit more strength again yeah I got to change the name of that it's not really accurate it's impossible to do ds2 sl1 Monday with this run like no hits are you talking about like a regular I saw one like just playing the game through with level one Cadwallader welcome back hey you're crazy too man you're watching this but Java boss the worst boss ever covetous demons pretty bad yet added a list of things we have there though guardian dragon can be the biggest [ __ ] a song because RNG is kind of stupid sometimes playing the game throughout level one yeah many people have done so level one before so it's definitely possible you there is a level one character being conveyed it's very hard though stay + welcome back what's up man welcome welcome follow stay plus if you guys want to see some colonized speedruns before you know it he will be getting the world record on that [ __ ] watch out so weird that that guy didn't come to life you like how the construction command still exists it's still ongoing then so interesting case all right oh let's go to switch this up business welcome back Anna regna isn't it fun being sick I'm sorry that you say you have like a cold or something is it like really serious is it curable Black Dog blue welcome back I shouldn't reach out on this path to be honest that's a silly decision I mean it's it's generally straightforward like you don't have to really turn much but just in case I've fallen off here so many times in random situations I think I even fell off you're in a deficit before even know how but something I think it was cuz I jumped and it like made me roll really long from the jump oh it's Darva what's up dude ring prevents it wait what ring prevents it what happened focus okay Oh stretch a little bit harsh have some water too so all I need is the bright bud and then we're in [Music] it's [ __ ] wrecked see you later good bye that is all the undisputed champion of scholar of the first meme please more forlorn invasions next time Deepak thank you oh yeah well-deserved Willa oh that was [ __ ] scary dude I kept thinking I'm gonna fall off the edge honestly that's the only thing I was worried about at the end it's the and that was a stupid hard [ __ ] throw watch okay goldeneye stream pogchamp army thank you very much oh man why oh [ __ ] that was scary I think I could feel myself slowing down on the run - towards the end I'm like this isn't gonna be good unless we get like a very fast on watcher defender and then we get the worst one I've ever had ever double buff couldn't point like I literally failed poison three or four times on them - like oh my god that was pretty good I guess that was probably the coolest fight I've done on no hits in any of the games that were like multiple bosses at once that was better than no one else definitely that was better than it was better than Magus and congregation that was better than those the best like double fight is really fun Harley thank you very much as well very black thank you yes you want to be like Michigan and then just become a meme dude that's it I told you this was the run just a clarify for the youtubes that was scholar anypercent no hits taken from an enemy or hostile contraption eg T I sounded I said to make sure that was uh that was clear emerald alley thank you very much as well oh my god thank you guys for enjoying the run it was really fun time that was that was sick that was really cool I was really cool oh man way to go 1 2 3 complete yeah we got the trilogy too so that's every every Dark Souls game at least any percent at least in before someone says all boss plus DLC Bond Weiss what's up thanks to the TFW you walk in and the run just happened Kanye thank you for the 5 months in a row it is a Kanye indeed it's not the Kanye but it is the Kanye we need it's a continent thank you for the five months everyone gave Kanye some subtype we'll just flash the splits look at that [ __ ] but [ __ ] you means [ __ ] you means [ __ ] the memes stupid memes get squished I'm squishing the memes look at all the memes just getting [ __ ] squish yeah okay [Music] that was sick that was really fun that was really fun so yeah we're gonna be doing evil within tomorrow I'll make sure it's all installed I'll benchmark it make sure it's ready to go for tomorrow and then we'll start a blind playthrough of that if you guys don't know what evil within is it's a survival horror game there's a sequel coming out and I wanted to kind of just take a break from souls play through that go back to souls after with a bunch of crazy challenges that I had thought of in the process of doing this and beforehand it's a varying different things Congrats my dude oh and Shaun thank you for the host of beasts would thank you for the bits dude you're crazy you're crazy man no more money prepared to do it stay post we got to stop getting runs that's the problem yeah I'm I'm I'm suckling the the juices from you I'm from your life forces that sounded really bad actually MGM thanks for the congrats every single person that was here that I didn't get to say hi to personally I was trying to focus kind of gets that way towards the end of a run especially this one just because of all the details you have to remember the enemy placement and [ __ ] especially for like the shrine but yeah sorry that I wasn't really reading shot that well but I think we did I think we pulled it off I think we did it I'm pretty sure are you finally free yes I'm free free men so we'll probably place collar again in the future most likely not to no hit it but just for other reasons but against some of the plans that have gonna do evil within blind I think I'm just gonna strictly play that till I beat it then we're gonna go back to blood-borne we're gonna see if I can beat my speedrun time on level four I'm trying to think of a way of how I can route out a no damage run on ds3 instead of a no hit like legitimately no damage and see if I can avoid the environmental damage then random weapon votes for you guys you can decide what weapons I use for a run like that but ones that I haven't used because there's not a lot of stuff in ds3 that I have actually used and yeah I want to be like fightstick arcade fight stick SL 1 on ds1 item randomizer with like a deathless maybe stuff like that absolve is coming out in 3 weeks or less than 3 weeks almost so yeah and then evil within Tuesday after that [Music] shada lack thank you very much the sub hype man for the first time in your feeble cursed life hmm you have discovered the secret circle of the school umma naughty using the power of dankmemes six streams and edginess I grant you your remotes in your hood have edge sir everyone gives shadow locks from sub height thank you for using your prime man appreciate it my opinion on that run it was really worth it it was really fun the memes honestly some of them I actually did get a little bit salty but I don't know man I think this might have been the closest to getting me salty out of anything since like original ds3 original ds3 runs it's probably the closest I've gotten to be installed via ahh nah thank you very much for the bits again you crazy crazy dude crazy you said it was the run Tom so you said every run was the run today though I'll let you off the hook I'll let you off the hook for that okay what we're gonna do guys we're gonna take all the hype we got right here because I don't have evil within installed right now otherwise we could start it but we've already been streaming for a while it's been like eight hours so we're gonna go and host somebody that I enjoy to watch and you guys can help me surprise them I got a pic who that is so give me one second to decide who are you gonna raid but for the raid you can say we did it with the peach kind of like this that'll be the raid tag
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 98,224
Rating: 4.8668733 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Livestream, Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Miyazaki, FromSoftware, Namco Bandai, Sony, Playstation, Steam, Microsoft, Xbox, PvP, PvE, Action Role Playing Game, ARPG, Hardest Game, Speedrun, Ring of the Exhalted, Ring of the Conqueror, World Record, Scholar of the First Sin, Lets play, Walkthrough, Moments
Id: T71LQozJ_Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 36sec (9876 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2017
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