Project: Dark Souls ▶ The Complete Story of the Dark Souls Trilogy

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Dark Souls is LOST on steroids.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Pigward_of_Hamarina 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watched the whole thing. It was very well-written filling in a lot of gaps I had. I think it suffers from having multiple people narrating. Having multiple people narrate may not have been a bad thing, but a couple things happened as a result:

  1. Each person used their own equipment which meant there were large variations in audio quality.

  2. Each person's passage seemed to move between quality, serious, and professional passages, to humorous, poor quality, or amateurish passages.

In one instance, one of the narrators pronounced "Epitome" as eh-pih-tome rather than eh-pi-toh-mee.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TheAfterPipe 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Great video, great content, but I couldn't make it through due to the constant changing narrators, tone and volume.
I would love it if it was re-recorded with a single narrator.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/CrowdedMtn 📅︎︎ Dec 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Agreed with the others re: voicing, I was really interested in this topic, but I just couldn't get past the bad mixing/levels and the narrator changes.

The dialogue was either LOUDLY RIGHT IN MY EAR, or like they were reading/mumbling it from a different room. Not an expert, but it's obvious when things sound off; the background audio (gameplay) should be just that: background audio, at like 70% (making that up) max volume. Meanwhile, the voiceovers should be at a normal volume. Instead, background audio is 100%, which means the voiceovers are either at 125% or more, or if they're at 100%, they just get drowned out by the background audio.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kenman 📅︎︎ Dec 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and our first perception of time the world is incomplete it is dull and gray blanketed in an unending fog large arched trees barred their roots into the unformed earth avoiding the crags that dominate the land this is where the everlasting dragons call home but one day in this dreary world fire appeared and brought with it disparity heats and cold light and dark and of course life and death from this dark the humanoids came and within this flame they found the souls of Lords three powerful souls were claimed by the witch of izalith nito the first of the Dead and Lord Gwyn a fourth unique soul the Dark Soul was found by the progenitor of mankind the furtive pygmy so easily forgotten through the strength bestowed by these lords souls Lord Gwyn and the others challenged the ancient dragons though their power was substantial the ancient dragons were a resilient foe so wind petitioned the pygmies to help in their war through the power of their dark soul the pygmies weapons and armor were forged in darkness in the abyss for Humanity and or the Dark Soul draws its strength in seeing this fearing the seemingly English strength Lord Gwyn cast the seal of fire upon their weapons and armour to contain it the pygmies would be mostly used for cannon fodder in this war and would receive no recognition for their deeds another way for Gwyn to deflect his fear of the dark and so begins Lord Gwyn's manipulation of humanity the word being waged was fought fiercely by both sides but the fighting would prove more and more difficult for Lord Gwyn and his armies with each passing battle for every dragon slain they lost three score of their own Gwyn's Locke however would soon turn one sees a pale tree turned on his own kind and revealed to win the secret of ancient dragons immortality their stone scales and that their weakness to lightning would peel apart these scales so Lord Gwyn took on the mantle of the Lord of sunlight and he and his Knights conjured mighty bolts of lightning to hurl at the Dragons it wouldn't be long until the gods had become victorious and the ancient dragons were no more this is the start of the age of fire a golden age created by Gwyn upon the Dragons defeat in this age most life would begin to flourish the gods were thriving they erected grand civilizations Gwyn created the beautiful and Orlando the city of the gods and things were relatively good when granted Seath the scaleless a piece of his own Lord Sol bestowed had duped him upon him and constructed the grand archives in which seethe would retire and begin his research into immortality but as we know all good things must come to an end and fire cannot burn forever and soon the flame that illuminated Gwynn's age of fire began to fade and the world tasted on the precipice of an age of darkness Gwyn feared this dark now more than ever and recognized it for what it was in this age humanity would flourish and the pygmies would reign as gods over them for their soul is made of that very dark in a fear of this impending dark the gods were desperate for a means to stave it off the first solution came from the witch of izalith and her daughters of chaos using a soul they attempted to recreate the first flame somewhere along the line of plain creator or perhaps just not being powerful enough something went wrong and they instead created an unwieldy fire the flame of chaos or alderworth the witch and her daughters worked hard to keep the flame under control during this one of the witch's daughters mallanna fled from her duties and from her family she would return in the far future to feign ablution and pretend to seek answers but what end we do not know it's hard to determine exactly how long the witch and her daughter's were able to contain this flame but chaos however is true to its nature and could not be held at bay forever eventually the would-be restorers of fire were engulfed by their flame of kay and with that all of izalith some of the witch's daughters and followers were disfigured into beasts and demons some was seemingly unscathed and some were and are missing but there are certainly rumors as to their whereabouts as for the witch herself it's hard to say some believe that she herself became the bed of chaos the only thing left behind in the wake of the Cataclysm and from it demons were birthed some believe that the witch was completely consumed by the flame and that her powerful soul was only the catalyst responsible for creating the bed of chaos and some believe she simply disappeared the truth of the matter though is that we'll never know but the dark was still looming over Gwyn and the gods and their options were dwindling more concerned about himself and his own kind Lord Gwyn conceived a plan to manipulate the pygmies further to the pygmy Lords he granted great crowns it bestowed to them a grand city at the World's End the ringed City in return for the human Lords to sit within those walls and keep the Dark Soul there as at this point Gwynedd convinced the masses that the Dark Soul spelled trouble when also relinquished his youngest daughter to the dark though he promised to return for her when the time was right the ringed City was used as a containment of sorts to banish the Dark Soul to the end of the world and keep it cut off perhaps Gwyn thought this would be enough to save them and in some way I suppose it did the way of the White was a church or a cult perspectives important dedicated to Gwynn's age of fire and preserving it in any way necessary became the most widely known and most commonly practiced religion in the world humanity included some Gwynn's deception even humanity fell align with twins lies perhaps it was that they never sought their own power or perhaps they didn't know as we'll learn in time however some of humanity certainly knew of their obtainable power and ward for it but the pygmy Lord said at the World's End inside of their walls content to keep the Dark Soul and check on Gwen's behest the Dark Soul though he resides in all human whether it was spread to them by the furtive pygmy upon finding this soul or that it's the true nature of mankind much like chaos the dark soul could surely not be contained forever with izalith and ruin and the demonic threat spreading Glyn stood on the precipice of yet another war he took with him an army of his silver knights and descended into izalith to snuff out the demon threat we can't know for sure how long this war lasted or how long the demons existed before Glyn took the war to them but there are traces of demonic civilizations and a hierarchy among them as they had a king and a prince one way or another Gwyn was also no match for chaos his band of silver Knights were charred to black and failing to defeat the demons he retreated Gwyn was out of time the age of dark had dawned and his fire had burned out Gwen knew now the drastic lengths he would have to go to but he first had the foresight to split pieces of his powerful soul among those he trusted as well as a piece of it went to the four kings of New Londo but we'll come back to that later Gwyn commanded his people to Shepherd humanity and with no other choice he took off with his remaining Knights to the kiln of the first flame it was here that Gwyn sacrificed himself to preserve his age of fire using his body as the kindling he ignited himself to reignite the first flame and to bring back the age of fire in doing so he placed the same seal of fire he had previously placed upon the abyss forged weapons and armor of humanity upon the Dark Soul itself afflicting the undead curse upon humanity humans were branded with the dark sign and a curse it's symbol that marked them is undead cursed never die reborn after death time and time again with each death they lost more and more of their humanity until none remained and they would go hollow losing their minds losing themselves losing every bit of humanity except for life itself the age of fire is restored but Gwyn having become the first lord of cinder is nothing but a hollowed husk of the powerful God that he once was he stays at the kiln sitting in defense of the first flame as his eternal duty the way of white recognizes the threat that the undead posed and upon Gwen's command to Shepherd humanity they lead great undead hunts corralling those hollowing into asylums there the undying men and women would await the end of the world of course not all undead would share this fate here we turn our eyes towards two primordial serpents starting with the one called calf not much is known about these two these serpents but as their name suggests they've been around for quite a while soon we'll learn we have to take everything they say with a grain of salt Kath makes his way to the city of oolacile known for its ancient and golden sorceries far beneath the city was the tomb of the primeval man manis cath was the serpent advocate for the dark he didn't believe in Gwen's age of fire and was in search of the one chosen to be the Dark Lord the one who lost her and the true age of dark calf convinced the people of oolacile to awaken the primeval man and in doing so they drove Manas to madness his humanity snapped and he went wild as he endlessly sought his precious pendant likely the last tie to who he truly was or whom he loved as for what the pendant contained we may never know but it is said of humanity that the will feels envy or perhaps love and despite the inevitably trite and tragic ending the will sees no alternative and is driven madly towards its target and so Manas became the beastly father of the abyss the abyss began spawning off of Manas himself and quickly threatened to swallow all of oolacile and eventually the world as the fall of oolacile begins and its citizens are tainted by the abyss and too disfigured creatures Manas kidnaps dusk the princess of oolacile and drags her into the abyss Toth then makes his way to New Londo where the four kings who were granted a piece of Gwynn's powerful soul ruled paths played a role in their fall to dark when he dangled the power of lifedrain before them he incited the Covenant known as darkwraiths which consisted of the knights of the four kings he granted these knights the art of lifedrain which allowed them to set the humanity from other humans in order to preserve their own the four kings and their darkwraiths were intended to play a role in following the Dark Lord and ushering in the age of dark in man darkwraiths could invade the worlds of other humans to pillage their humanity and because of this were often referred to as the enemy of man although as with most things in Dark Souls that notion is completely subjective and so we see the abyss spring up in New Londo as well as its kings and their people willingly embrace the dark it is what it is this is where we meet Knight Artorias one of the four Knights of Queen Knight Artorias made it his mission to battle back against the abyss at every turn and was known for annihilating dark racer of his quest however the abyss in New Londo was different than in Loula sea while the abyss itself was the same in Allah seal it was spawning from Manus but in New Londo it was simply just there there wasn't any conventional way to prevent the abyss in New Londo from tainting its way to the rest of the world so three sealers sealed the city and flooded it with water this was their only perceived way to contain the abyss here though it was an agonizing decision countless lives were lost their robust culture of a city erased the victims of this flood would go on to roam the cities rooms as ghosts knight artorias then set off to allah seal with his wolf companion SIF Artorias having made a covenant with the beasts of the abyss wore a ring that symbolized this and allowed Artorias to freely traverse the endless dark so he and SIF descended into the abyss to slay Manas and halt the spread of it but a hero such as artorias has nary a murmur of death and would thus become corrupted by it before losing his minds of the abyss he used his great shield to please an aura around his companionship to keep the wolf see thus the hero artorias falls to Dirk and has nothing more than the creatures he hunted but time is indeed a convoluted and confusing thing in Dark Souls and things get a little interesting here in the future the world sings the songs of praise for artorias the abyss walker' the hero who defeated Maness and put an end to the abysus threat only that isn't what happened at all but we'll have to circle back to this at a later point back at an Orlando the great city of the gods Guinevere the eldest daughter of Wynn and the other gods flee from the city Lord Gwyn is gone and the abyss is sprouting up all over Lordran and eventually the flame will fade again so they fled to where we can't be sure but one God did stay behind Gwendolyn Quinn's youngest son and the god of the Dark One Gwendolyn was a master of illusions and though the Sun had set on an Orlando and it was in a bleak and depressing state he used his illusions to restore the once great city he brought back the shining Sun the sentinels to guard and even placed an illusion of his sister Guinevere within the city all seemed well in Anor Londo again and so the age of fire continued for how long this time we still can't be sure we fast forward to the flame fading once again as we knew it would and the world back on that same precipice facing an age of dark the story leads us to the northern undead asylum here locked within a cell we find a lonely and all but hallowed human marked with the dark side the chosen undead through a hole in the roof an unnamed night of a store of drops the chosen undead the key to their cell escaping the dreary cell they wander through the asylum in search of escape until they run into the same night that dropped the key sitting amidst the pile of rubble this night of a store reveals the ancient legend of the chosen undead thou who art undead are chosen and that one day an undead will be chosen to make pilgrimage to the land of the Lord's lordran and when thou ringeth the bell of awakening the fate of the undead thou shalt know luckily this gravely wounded Knight of astora freed from their cell the very undead that this prophecy speaks of the chosen undead continues to search for an exit only to find it guarded by the asylum demon after defeating this demon they receive a key to the large door leading out of the asylum only to find there isn't anywhere to go if the asylum is isolated in the middle of we're before being able to scan the surroundings a giant crow swoops in and ushers the chosen undead to Firelink shrine a focal point in their journey it is that Firelink shrine that the chosen undead meets a fire keeper a woman slated with the duty of attending two bonfires across Lordran each fire keeper is a cop oriole manifestation of her bonfire and as a draw for the humanity offered to her and thus her soul is naught by infinite humanity the bonfire offers an undead a place of repose there they can burn pieces of humanity to regain their own in simpler terms think of the bonfire as an airplane and the undead as first-class passengers and the fire keepers as the ultimate stewardesses and finally shrine the chosen undead also meets a rather crestfallen warrior who tells them that there are actually two bells of awakening one above fire link in an abandoned Cathedral and another deep down below in the ruins of light town the chosen undead sets out to ring these bells awakening one guarded by the cathedral gargoyles and the other garter by Quelaag one of the Witch of easel is demon to form daughters upon ringing the second Bell the gates of sends fortress the perilous house of traps and puzzles the only way through the city of Anor Londo opens for traversing sends fortress the chosen undead returns to the Firelink shrine where he meets a primordial serpent by the name of France this serpent unlike his counterpart Toth sizes with Lord Gwyn and his age of fire and wishes to see it extended frampt tells the chosen undead that he was the close friend of Lord Gwyn and then as their fate to succeed Lord Gwyn to link the flame cast away the dark and undo the curse of the undead who says that the chosen undead must go first to enter Londo to retrieve the Horde vessel the chosen undead heads the direction of anor londo by first traversing through the house of traps since fortress in this fortress they find an imprisoned scholar by the name of big hat Logan the chosen undead helps to free Logan before continuing on at opsins fortress we see that the way to enter Londo has been caved by a rock and DePriest and being guarded by a giant iron golem but after defeating this column the chosen undead is assured over the walls in a anor londo by batwing demons how or why these demons are in the service of the gods we may never know here in the city of the gods the chosen undead finds their search for the Lord vessel barred by two knights Ornstein one of the four knights of wind and smoke but because the chosen undead is the fork in cat's pajamas they defeat their adversaries and press onward within the next room the chosen undead comes face to face with Quinn's eldest daughter Wynn aveer though they know not that she is just an illusion crafted by Gwendolyn Wednes youngest son and god of the dark moon who stayed behind in the abandoned city of the gods casting his illusions to set the chosen undead upon their path the illusion of Guinevere gives the chosen undead a speech not unlike France succeed my father and link the flame she then bestows the Lord vessel upon them which the chosen undead returns to frampton France transports the chosen undead to the Firelink altar and tells them to place the Lord vessel upon it the altar is placed before a large door one that leads to the kiln of the first flame and to the Lord of cinder Gwyn himself in order to open this door the chosen undead will need to satiate the Lord vessel with powerful Souls frampt tells them to retrieve the Lord's soul of both the witch of izalith and of gravelord nito he also says to retrieve the bequeathed shards of Lord Gwyn's soul from Seath the scaleless and four kings of New Londo on the way to the duke's archives in an Orlando to retrieve the shard of Gwyn soul from seeth the chosen undead makes their way through Darkroot garden it is here that the timeline may take a weird turn in the garden the chosen undead frees a woman who found herself trapped within a crystalline golem she tells them that she is princess dusk of oolacile and not of this land or of this time but thanks them for helping her when the chosen undead arrives in the duke's archives they see the same crystalline golems and from one fall's half of a broken pendant attached to a vine that appears to originate from you Lucille so the chosen undead returns to the garden to see what princess dusk makes of this however instead of dusk they find what appears to be a fractured tear through time as a large hand emerges from within the tear and directs the chosen undead in they find themselves in Allah seal though not of the current time likely from when and where dusk was claiming she was from before here the chosen undead meets a talking mushroom named Elizabeth who tells them that dusk has been dragged into the abyss that is currently swallowing gula seal by Manas these being the events we talked about earlier weird timelines are a staple in Dark Souls lore either way the chosen undead agrees to help dusk but they first come face to face with Knight Artorias though this is the Artorias that felt corrupted to the dark of the abyss and can't tell friend from foe as he attacks the chosen abandon the chosen undead put Sartorius out of his misery and presses on towards the abyss within the edge of the abyss the chosen undead finds our toria's wolf companion SIF still within the magical aura she was placed in by the great shield the chosen undead eliminates the threats that had surrounded SIF allowing the wolf to safely make their escape further in the abyss the chosen undead finally finds Manas the primeval man a fight erupts and the chosen undead finds a way to slay the father of the abyss which halts it from further spreading through the CEO and the board so the chosen undead plays the role of artorias from the legends of the abyss walker' only it wasn't artorias that defeated Manas and halted the spread of the abyss but the chosen undead will never receive that recognition either way they rescue dusk from the abyss and return to their own time back in the duke's archives the chosen undead runs into big-hat Logan again who has been here studying seats crystal sorceries he tells the chosen undead how to kill seethe that his immortality is linked to the primordial crystal during their showdown with seethe the chosen undead first shatters his crystal before they can claimed seats life as well as the shard of wind soul they then tread down into the ruins of izalith to dismantle the bed of chaos and claim the remains of the witch of izalith soul after that it's a trip into the tomb of the Giants to defeat gravelord nito and take his soul as well finally all that remains is the last piece of Lord Gwyn's soul held by the four kings of New Londo but in order to face them the chosen undead will need to find a way to traverse the abyss the solution is Artorius is ring which is unfortunately guarded by a now fully grown giant gray wolf SIF who although still remembers the chosen undead from saving them once upon a time will perpetually guard her master's grave even if she doesn't want to thus the chosen undead puts a tragic end to the wolf and receives the Covenant of artorias and just remember when you get sad or angry thinking about this majestic puppers this is all Gwen's fault with artorias his ring the chosen undead is able to enter the abyss and claim the piece of Gwen's soul from the four kings they then returned to the Firelink altar to place the souls within the Lord vessel and opened the way to the kill the chosen undead passes through the opened gates towards the first flame in belief that they are about to save the world [Music] they are at the kill Gwynn sits before the first flame still but the hollowed husk of the Lord he once was but powerful nonetheless here the to do battle for what Wynn is fighting for he may not even remember but the chosen undead fights to extend the fire and to lift the curse of their people at the end of their bloody fight the chosen undead stands alone at the kill of the first flame stands where it all started and where it all could end the first flame such a fragile conundrum of peace and despair the chosen undead extends themselves to the flame lets it consume them to use their body and soul as kindling to breathe life back into the flame and thus extending the age of fire yet again [Music] [Music] [Music] many kingdoms rose and fell on this tract of earth mine was by no means the first anything that has a beginning also has an end no flame however brilliant does not one day splutter and fade this land is land of cycles countless assets have attempted to erect kingdoms in this region only to fail miserably proving without a doubt that they are useless trash just like your waifu now listen carefully skeleton a while ago a hairy lad known as manis daddy of the abyss weddin died in a 1v1 PvP jewel upon this scrubs demise the darkness within him fragmented and scattered these fragments of the primordial Papa would manifest in the beings of manipulation creatures of the dark these children of Menace would go on to shape the essence of the kingdoms they helped to create as well as destroyed [Music] the bastard kids of mine has attached themselves to Lords powerful men that would go on to conquer these lands they formed a great townships that would prosper for but a moment before being swallowed by the cycle once again many new monarchs have come and gone one ground and poison slumbers on the realm of mice not one of them I see you unfortunately the kingdoms of these monarchs would always become corrupt and fall into ruin much like my bowels on Taco Tuesday here but a few examples of such a downfall Trouba the sanctum city home of the slumbering dragon was invaded by the drink blood Knights they disturbed the dragon unleashed the big stink upon the kingdom broom tower was abandoned by his father the iron king when he went out for cigarettes they never returned falling into ruin the tower came under the control of Natalia a bride of Ash and eleum loyce once a prosperous Kingdom was consumed by a terrible winter after the ivory King failed to return from conquest into the basement Isana the silent Oracle braided the unyielding frost to safeguard against the churning chaos that had claimed the king the deep chronology of these falling kingdoms struggles to manifest in the history of this land one figure however managed to rise above the obscurity of time and through his accomplishments cemented his reign in history the iron king chocolate I'd like yourself the Iron King was visited by an elite otaku only known as Sir along with the assistance of this katana wielding badass the king led a conquest into the land of then expending most of his wealth in the process triumphant get trained the King uncovered the scorching iron scepter and iron producing miracle the King proceeded to create a great metal fortress within the old region of Alken this keep his balls were clad with only the strongest iron has appropriately deemed the iron keep his tower now obsolete the King abdicated the region in favor of his new home prosperity would not follow as the undead to generates would soon descend upon the land the iron king corralled the hoodlums and the Huntsman's copes in an attempt to stave off the curses influence subjecting them to gruesome and inhumane conditions with his realm on the decline the iron King turned to experimentation he sought power they wanted to recreate the golems of legend it was probably then that his longtime friend and advisor sir we abou abandoned the king fearing he had gone too far unperturbed the iron king continued his research with the assistance of some dude named vigil the king created this not a demon have seen the powerful atomic on the smelter demon overpowered its masters and began terrorizing the Hall of the iron people now in Rowan the heavy fortress slowly sinks into the earth it's good to learn in these parts no King even used it to build a castle but the feeling was too heavy they slowly sank into the ground wire spite it from the earth and the place turned into this least that's what been told a bad story yeah the story of drangleic is very much the story of its monarch as if the two were linked together by fate not much is known about where he came from or what he found when he arrived in this land that had seen countless kingdoms rise and fall before him but when vendrick managed to obtain the strength of the old four ancient ones he quickly rose to power with his faithful knights velstadt and Raimi and his older brother aldia he became the undisputed ruler of drangleic and under the leadership of monarch and scholar jangling finally flourished as it was with the kingdoms before it dragged leg was visited by a fragment of man whose name nashandra just like her sisters nashandra managed to win the Kings favor and ear and with this new queen at court things began to change aldia who had been given lordship by his brother became obsessed with his research and barely ever left his solitary keep meanwhile the new queen urged vendrick to travel across the ocean and lay waste to the Giants inhabiting it a misguided mistake that he would eventually commit vendrick brought war to the Giants across the sea and returned with an unnamed prize in his own words I subdued the Giants and claimed their strength so that I might step closer to fire with the strength of the giant golems were created and used to construct drangleic castle were been tricking the Shandra resided the victory was short-lived however when the surviving Giants mounted a counter-attack on during lake motivated by revenge or to reclaim what vendrick stole they rampaged through the lands leaving chaos and ruins in their awake in a war that lasted for generations the Giants laid siege to drangleic until an unnamed combatant killed the giant Lord and the survivors were forced to retreat during lahic won the war against the Giants but paid dearly for it wall during lake was still recovering vendrick and is now queen nashandra heard reports of a curse of undeath spreading throughout the land vendrick tasked the flexile century to bring the afflicted to the Lost Bastille and hired assassins from the order of shadow Knights to slay hollows while all deal worked on a cure their efforts were in vain and the curse ran rampant through drangleic the brothers eventually grew apart in the fight against the curse and all day was banished to his mansion that would later become known as aldia's keep the undead curse continued until even vendrick was afflicted through his research and being afflicted by the curse himself he saw the world more clearly and realized in the Chandra's true nature taking his loyal knight Ville stat vendrick made his last preparations and left drangleic castle for the undead crypt where he eventually hollowed now the king withers underground and his kingdom with much like the kingdoms before during lahic fell victim to the things that lurk below the chaos the darkness and the great souls of old sometime after the war with the Giants and drangleic an undead from a faraway land south of the kingdom is suffering from the effects of the undead curse we see them losing their memory and in an attempt to halt the degradation they find their way the lodgings of an old women human later find out as an old fire keeper upon seeing our fallen state yield women spends as a tale of a land far to the north an Old Kingdom called drangleic the old fire keeper tells us that souls found in this land may be enough to mend our ailing mane the undead then stumbles his way towards the fabled kingdom near-total hollowing as they find their way to the entrance of that story kingdom at first glance there appears to be nothing left but RINs however in the center of a red building is a tree covered in flame butterflies the undead disturbs them and this swarm begins to cover the area lighting all the torches and seemingly opening the way to this lost kingdom for in the reflection of the water we now see the reflection of the kingdom that once was in the cyclone and the water a black hole tears itself and our protagonist throws themselves in a pond awakening they find themselves in a place cold things betwixt things betwixt essentially meaning things between we can only conclude that this is a place between the world of drangleic and the place that we came from this is in fact confirmed later by housekeeper Milla bathe and we meet in the house that we find and things betwixt she tells us that this is a limbo a link between drum GLIAC and the outer world this as a limbo between drangleic and where we came from the denizens that we find in this house kept by housekeeper Mela Beth are wearing the same clothes as the old dear that directed us here in the opening cinematic and Milla Beth speaks of these women the old women were once fire keepers but now the fire shows signs of fading and she also confirms there once a fourth which is the old women that directed us here these fire keepers Maka's and laughes for our hollowing state noting that we are close to completely fading away for we cannot even remember our own name yet they help us restore our memory by passing us a human effigy they claim this as an effigy of us ie it is an object that is supposed to look or remind us of ourselves using the effigy the bearer of the curse can remember their name and who they were before with their memory temporarily restored they finally leave things between and end up in majula an undead refuge here we find the crestfallen sölden who tells us of majula this is Missoula it is a kind of settlement a place where life is almost normal and Interlake these days there are very few places like that this is where the flotsam and jetsam of drangleic end up the bearer of the curse will meet several characters here all who are here for their own reasons and motivations it is here that we first meet the Emerald Herald who will act as our gate here for she directs us to the we we can overcome the curse an is she who names us bearer of the curse a moniker that describes our burden and will stay with us the entire journey she says bearer of the curse you will never meet the king with a soul so frail and palette seek those whose names are unutterable the four endowed with immense souls their souls will serve as beacons once you have found them return here to me so that hope will not fade away The Herald tells us that to overcome our curse the curse of the undead we must seek powerful souls and then meet the king of drangleic vendrick specifically she tells us that we are to seek the four old beings with unutterable names and powerful souls The Herald also directs us to that tiny thing inside the ruins an ancient being that can impart wisdom thus being is the cat that we know to be sweet shell core whose true nature eludes us however she doesn't part wisdom on the four great beings who we are to track them and gain power from she says are you going to see the old ones those four who have grown so incredibly ancient during our search for these great ones the bearer of the curse sees many things across the kingdom including scenes of drangleic spaß war with the giants in the forests of the fallen giants in the forest we famed fallen Giants funnily enough who have begun taking root and become trees as well as the remains our crumbling fortress manned by hollowing drangleic soldiers the soldier key tells us the purpose of this construction as it reads a fort was erected in the forest to face the Giants but no the soldiers are lost in hollowed they are enfeebled but not without honor and continued to steadfastly defend their country so we know this was a battle men specifically belt on the course to defend against the Giants who came from across the sea imprisoned and a chamber below the fortifications is the last giant and when the bearer of the curse encounters this being it becomes enraged upon seeing us and flies into a rage an attack it has almost as if it recognizes the bearer of the curse a conundrum that will be answered later in their journey having walked through the shattered remains of a battlefield the bearer of the curse explores the far corners of the land of drangleic in search of four great soul in doing so they will pass through their means of other fallen kingdoms like hade harvest valley and the kingdom of the iron king the hutton takes them to the lost bastille the present that was once used by vendrick who imprison the hollowing undead that would be shipped there from drangleic via newman's wharf to handle the outbreak and a special terror called sinner's rise in the lowest dungeon there is a being called the lost sinner her soul attempts to explain why she is hopeless soul of the last sinner prisoner of sinner's rise the lost sinner eternally punishes herself for the settings of her ah a lost sinner is one of the four Great Beings that the Emerald Herald pulls us all and shalwar gives us a further explanation as to who the center could be they created a towering bastille to contain them bend the end at dead no good the law center lives deep within the Bastille The Fool trying to light the first flame there is one being who he knew tried to recreate the first flame yet that doesn't explicitly mention anyone by name however on New Game+ a law center also drops the old wet soul and she seems to be infected or controlled by a chaos but the implication being is that the being before us owns an ancient soul of a wedge which has been recycled into a new being an old wedge who once tried to recreate the first flame the search for the four great souls also takes the bearer of the curse into the very depths of the land through the well that's in the center of medulla lies the gutter a place where a squalid settlement has taken place a place that is described by these forgotten Nathan as all manner of terrible things have been cast into the gutter in majula forming a settlement of health and kills so we take the path of the discarded diamond to the deaths of a shanty lady for those forgotten by the world and then beyond into the black Gulch with a bearer of the curse plains the rotting another bearer of a late fee and ancient soul the rotten has created a sanctuary for the lost things found in the black Gulch and the gutter were at soul Reid's soul of the rotten who rides deep within the gutter the rotten embraces all and his sanctuary for all things unwanted or tossed away there's embrace may not be an embrace to be desired given that his body is made up of those who have been lost and embraced by him a rising collection of the laws FS being is destroyed in new game+ it also drops an additional soul a soul called old dead one soul this is again a remainder that thus being holds a soul that is extremely ancient and has probably seen many cycles and reincarnation there was once an ancient being who is considered first of the day but the connections are for the player to make if any the next ancient soul awaits in the fallen kingdom of the old iron king of which we have already discussed previously in this series the bearer of the curse comes to the sunken iron fortress and faces then the old iron king himself who has been transformed into a hideous demon lake being formed of pure magma his soul tells us that he fell and was possessed by the things that lurk below governesses a canon series we cannot readily speculate as to what these things that come from below are but we can assume that has being possessed is why he is so monstrously transformed once again New Game+ it drops an ancient soul known as old cancel the game does not affinity name who this old King airs but their soul can be traded for the athan blending bowls which reads as follows crafted in ancient payments by the God of Sun but later forbidden by that same deity was it to protect the world from hatred or sorrow we once knew a God of Sun who once wielded lightning bolts and this God was also a king all we know for sure is that an ancient Kings soul inhabits the same vessel as the old iron king the final of the four great souls required to meet the king as found in great storm cell Dora a maining community that was once run by Jukes Eldora aspirant Libre stone wolf key which reads as follows the eccentric Lords Eldora known for his fascination with spiders belty tone any personal fortune by maining brightstone one day the town was overrun by spiders but lord tseldora only stood by and watched eerily contented as indeed the state we famed the tone in covered in spiders an unarmed camp posted at the entrance to contain the Fallen tent what is the cause of this outbreak in the deaths of the main hanging from the corpse of an everlasting dragon is the being known as juice dear Freya a monstrous two-headed spider who seems to be the Brid mother for the rest of the spiders found here upon the defeat of this colossal Beast we don't get notice of a great soul being embraced unlike the others but instead we get that when we interact with a soul on the ground that has been Neath the Dragons corpse clues as to what this could mean comes from free as soul as the soul reads as follows soul of the Jukes dear Freya the writhing ruins keeper the writhing rune is an ancient thing whose shadow remains cast over the line at first took possession of a solitary insect but grew as power feasting on the wealth of twisted souls found in the land there are two separate entities talk to me here an insect wishes the Jukes dear Freya and the riving ruin it seems that this writhing ruin was the one that took possession of a spider the Jukes dear Freya and grew it the sizer as no but who as this writhing ruin that has been kept by this giant insect well sweet shell Cora can also give us a hint as to who this might be always like that awful truth are long ago he coveted what he did not have and it drove him mad What a curious conundrum the writhing ruin keeps searching as we speak searching for his heart's desire we once knew a writhing myth who wanted something they did not have an Edition we get our hands on a special soul if we win this fate in new game+ old Peoria soul and perhaps a as this separate being who we are interacting with on the ground when we embrace the great soul perhaps there is an old pill trick that we know of who once sought where he did not have who now finds himself underneath the corpse of an ancient dragon upon the defeat of this last old one the bearer of the curse is confronted by being of fire and roots when she merges from the primordial fire we will later come to learn that this is all dear brother of vendrick and scholar of the first sin he comments on the fact that no one has come this far in a very long time ie known has come close to being this powerful for a very long time he then states that there are only two paths two paths before us and Herot the order or destroy it he then encourages us to follow vendrick's path and betts us farewell we will meet aldea again with all four are old souls in hands the Emerald Herald tells us to proceed to the castle and now we are in possession of the powerful souls who train of winter which blocked passage to the castle will open for us and the castle we see evidence of golems that are powered by souls including the two that opened the door we meet the ghost of Chancellor well agarra it not only explains the presence of the golems but gives a potted history of what happened here that was explained in the rise of fall drangleic the bearer of the curse then claims the castle and meets nashandra who is wearing a beautiful queen we guides far from her true form that we will see later on she tails the undead that the king has long since fled and implores them to fall a king why does she do this because she wants access to the throne of want which fan Drake had managed to seal before he left keeping her hands from what she covets to access it she will need the king's rank and who better to retrieve it for her than the bearer of four powerful souls for the king did not leave himself unprotected the menacing looking-glass Nate protects the Kings passage and the bearer of the curse must slay this beast before being able to follow vendrick the undead then enters a region called the shrine of our mana in the shrine area the protagonist discovers a mixture of different cultures and remnants of religion for example we find there are several mil finito here whose purpose seems to be to sing to bring comfort to the date and the dark yet further into the shrine of a mana is a far more sinister being the hadiya's demon of song his sole description reads when this demon developed a taste for human flesh it was contained within the shrine of her mana but the line of priestesses who long lived after the shrine and appease the creature have died all the shrine not only confined the dead but also this hideous beast which unfortunately forms another obstacle to the king and so we slay the Beast and make her way to the undead crypt where we finally find the king and his men standing between us and him however is the mate evil stat the royal aegis the great defender of the king in the correct he and Raimi were once the right and left arms of the king but when Raimi turned traitor her stats was the only loyal mind that the king had laid he'll stat and his soul have become bathed in the dark of the CREP and so during the undead battle with him Alisha's the power of the dark upon us wendellstat finally Falls we can finally have audience with the king however vendrick is no more he is simply a hollow who has dropped his equipment in clothing as he endlessly circles the chamber with no aim in sight however we can rescue the Kings reign the key to the Kings door that sealed the throne of Warren's an LDS Manor the door in the basement of the castle open and we can enter the chamber of the throne of one but we cannot reach it we need more understanding so the bearer of the curse uses the king's ring to access aldia's Manor we had discussed aldea and his works in the rise of fall of drangleic yeah even what we see here firsthand is pretty shocking the remnants of aldia's research into breaking the cycles and dragon passing through the manor we find ourselves in the dragon Erie where aldia's experiments seemed to roam free with members of the path of Dragon even coming here to worship the dragon Kenan that flies around the Eyrie as we make our way through the shrine to the Dragons we are once again interrupted by aldia this will be the third time that aldia has interrupted us including once in the undead crypt once again he poses questions to us they all have the same question what is the point in carrying on the cycle whether you choose dark or whether you choose light thus as an important question to all do one which we will answer with her own at the top of the Eyrie we discover the fruits of aldia's experimentation a fake ancient dragon this recreated dragon is made from a giant as per the giant soul that it drops and the corpses that we see in aldia's Manor and the soul of an ancient dragon description found in brea stones Eldora for the soul of the corpse found in braceland tseldora reads as follows soul of a great ancient dragon that stands magnificently deep within the shrine that shrine being the dragon shrine found in dragon's eerie the spite being a human engineered dragon it still has some power and it gives us the ashen mist heart an ability that allows us to peer through the messes of Titan by traveling into the past through memories of others with the power of this ancient dragon we returned to the forest of the Fallen Giants where we peer into the memories of the Giants who fail here through thus we witness the siege of drangleic while it happened and the collapse of the fort and the collapse of the kingdom eventually after trolling through the memories of several giants we travel back in time to a battle where the Lord of Giants himself is waging war on the battlements looking at the shape and size of this giant Lord he loose to be physically the same as the last giant furthermore the soul of the last giant says the Lord of Giants who had brought rack and ruin the entire kingdom was said to have been failed by an unknown warrior his beaten and broken remains were then dragged beneath the strong room where he was sealed away the last giant is the Lord that was defeated that day and the bearer of the curse as the unknown warrior who failed him after travelling back in pain using the ashen miss art after the defeat of the Lord we earned the Giants kinship without speculating and simply put this allows us to manipulate the golems that we found in the throne of life we proceed to the throne and face down as protectors the watcher and the defender with the thrones defense is finally done nashandra now chooses to reveal her true self and close in on her prize she is here for the support herself and she has used us with the weight the items that we can meet from the shunters soul tells us that she was once a shard of Manas he was defeated in the effects for example the safe of one that can be created from her soul reads as follows a safe born from the soul of nashandra the old one of the Abbess was reborn in death split into miniscule fragments and spread across the land after regaining their shapes they crawled forth yearning for strong souls in search of greater power best tells us that she like her other sisters cuddled up to power in this case vendrick and used them to gain more power she therefore encouraged him to invade and pillaged the land of the giant and it is why she wants the throne that he has denied her however by this point the bearer of the curse has become too powerful and the Chandra is no match for us and we cast her back into the dark and when she came at the moment of our victory LDL wants more peers to test us he demands an answer from us an answer to the question as to what we will do when we seize the throne well we uphold the age of late or well be ushering an age of dark he Tess has one final time and we defeat him in battle and so with a throne within our reach thanks the Giants kinship which will command the golems to form a bridge we have two choices a we become a king and ponder whether to link fire or not or be we listen to all dia lDA's life has been dedicated to find a way outside the endless cycles of light and dark that there must be another way to escape lessly as it within the Dragons immortality or is it simply refusing to play along with the sight or something else entirely [Music] yes indeed as the legend of the flame continues to seduce hero after stupid hero the world is reborn countless times but each time as the flame illuminates the world anew more scars are revealed from the with roaring shadows with each new cycle the world grows just a little more twisted and just a little more pale towards the end of each era the flame draws its strength from the accursed like a cancer sustaining itself on the humanity of those its pretends to serve but the story is always the same some well-meaning dullard comes along and sacrifices himself to relight the flame and puts the undead curse on hold that dullard is then hailed as a lord of cinder if he is strong enough to survive the costs attacked of course I am very flexible when it comes to term intact as it is questionable to how much of their minds actually remain jumping ahead to the present I guess the fire begins to fade yet again but this time of Bell Tolls it's a signal for five lords of cinder to rise once more to give themselves to the flame but this time instead of the heating it's called the Lord turns their back on the fire apparently self-immolation isn't something they would keen on doing twice except for one lewdness of coral and diminutive in stature perhaps but powerful in purpose or just an idiot depending on your perspective when it's clear that the Lords of cinder aren't coming back the belt holds again to awaken vie on Kindle - a person who previously tried to light the flame but were unsuccessful the unconditioned viable burden of bringing back the four remaining lords of cinder so they can once again roast in the name of the first flame no easy task as all of the Lords are powerful beings with their own reasons as to why they turned her back on the flame aldrich the saint of the deep was a cleric who for some reason decided it was a good idea to begin eating people he ate so many in fact that his body got bloated and turn into sludge how that actually works I have no idea but you wouldn't be wrong to assume that currently Aldridge is just one big piece of sentient excrement luckily depending on your perspective again this also gave Aldridge a tremendous amount of strength and power so they threw him on the fire as a sacrifice to extend the age of the flame I know that doesn't sound very pleasant so no wonder that alders was just a tiny bit cranky as he returned to life rather than making his way to violence shrine he instead decided to make his way to Anna Londo where he is currently sucking on the bones of gods then we have your mayans known as the reclusive lord of the profaned capital a capable warrior a giant in every sense of the word or as I like to say a reversely bliss your had the displeasure of dealing with not only one flame related issue but to the linking of the first flame and the curbing of what was known as the profane flame as your blinked fire something went horribly horribly wrong and his home was engulfed by a fire melting the flesh of the bones of the people he had once worn to protect this must have put a strain on his mind but personally I think it was more of a success than a failure glass half full and all of that the abyss Watchers a legion of warriors treading the paws of an ancient hero and his wolf companion bound by blood and unshakable in their purpose this undead legion would do anything and I mean anything to curb the spread of the abyss even to go so far as to bury any Kingdom at the first sign of infestation and lastly Prince lothric now lothric is a special case he's technically not a lord of cinder but his family had this obsession of creating a worthy heir to the flame even to the point where they would do any unspeakable thing to ensure that lothric would live up to that lofty goal lothric however influenced by the first of the sky came to the realization that he didn't want to burn alive just because his family said so so him and his brother Lorien retreated to the stronghold just to watch as the fire faded clearly the journey of the Incan bash would be quite arduous after a quick stroll from the graveyard and then a battle against a warrior with a bad case of parasites the young king noob arrives at fire league's rhine there he receives a quick pep talk from the fire fever before he sets out to law trick to find and then violently compel the Lords of cinder to return to their thrones during his sightseeing of Norfolk's most compelling tourist attractions it comes across High Priestess Emma who informs him that the Lords of cinder has returned to their homes luckily that isn't very far since as the fire fades these lands converge around lothric and I must say that is perhaps the most unique way to market any business the lofric travel agency taking a travel out of traveling in order to find the Lords and return them to their thrones the intended one seeks them out at the homes they have returned to they first go to the Cathedral of the deep to find aldrich only to learn that he isn't here either Ian kindled one does however meet a red hooded man named Gale that appears to be praying to the goddess of sin Velka within the cathedral Gale asks the unkilled one if they can help him to help his lady who was inside the painted world of ariamis a new painting when the end kindled one agrees they are drawn into the painted world by the remaining scrap of it Gale possesses in this painted world of ariamis begun to rot this is all in part to a woman named sister Freda who is the eldest of three sisters that founded the sable Church of launder a church dedicated to the teachings of cough and finding the Dark Lord the lord of hollows to usher in the age of man sister Frieda abandoned disabled Church and retreated to the painted world where she manipulated father arendelle the denizens of the painted world state that the one thing they do right here is when the rock comes they allow the fire to burn it and the world away to await a new one the opposite of what they do on the outside world constantly rekindling the first flame to preserve the age of fire and stave off the natural order of things but sister Frieda had convinced father Aryan Zell otherwise and he now sits below the paintings Chapel flailing himself so that his blood may appease the flame that would otherwise burn the rot and world away the uncondensed the lady of whom Gayle spoke a young painter locked away on freitas orders she tells them that in order to paint a new painting that she must first see flame the unkilled one knows that this can't happen so long as sister Freda and father Aaron Dale have seized power and confronts them after battling with the stubborn Frida who quite frankly kept refusing to die the unkennel one finally succeeds and takes her and father Aryan del out of the picture the flame no longer appeased by the father's blood starts to slowly consume the painting and burn the rot away being kindled one returns to the painter and she thanks them she says that now that she's seen flame she's just waiting for her uncle Gayle to bring her the proper pigment for her painting the dark soul of man after helping the painter in the painted world the end Kindle one returns to their world who - their duty minifying that Gayle is missing either way the end kindled one travels to the ruins of the old city of the gods in Orlando to find their outages they're in the process of devouring gwyndolin the god of the Darkman Aldrich refuses to return for his duty so the end killin once slays him and brings back his ashes instead in the profane capital when the giant refuses to do so as well as the abyss Watchers and parents keep so the end of kin little one is left with the same choice bring them back to do their duty or bring back their ashes ashes they will all become finally and lothric castle the end canola good friends Prince lothric about his duty but the young prince cares not for the fire and his practices couldn't care less if it all went away though he and his brother Lorien aren't powerful force to be reckoned with the uncommon one proves to be their match and they collect flopping sashes while traversing the halls and bathroom heading back to fighting shrine and their duty completed the unkillable and hears strange cries reverberating off the walls of the castle he decides to investigate the ash at last finds the source of the haunting cries that echoed through the former gardens at the end of a great hall a frail twisted creature vaguely resembling seeth the pale Drake of old cradles nothing in his claws this creature is Osiris the king of lothric who in his quest to create the perfect air to Kindle the flame had become obsessed with dragon kind his body was warped by the magic of the grand archives as heretics and with this new draconic form he fathered a half-breed child with Lorex queen and named him awesome shortly after she had given birth to this child though she disappeared now at the end of this age of fire o cirrhosis huddle the remains of his castle he's lost his eyesight his human body his queen and by the look of his empty hands quite possibly the air he'd amended himself to create in his delusion he lashes out at the ash all the while making desperate pleas to his child to come out of hiding assuring him that there is nothing to fear for he is the child of dragons as the fight rages on something seems to break within him he screams ocelots name holds the hand that seemed to cradle the unseen child aloft and slams it into the it is unclear if this is the end of the half-breed air as the baby's cries are still heard echoing throughout the crumbling hall until the sea rose himself boss Simon the ash succeeds what countless assassins had failed before a cirrus had lost much before their encounter but now he lost what remained of his unraveling mind and ultimately his life what lies beyond the Fallen Kings final resting places for lack of better words confound him a corridor of dead serpent men and a drake blood Knight give way to it darkened eerily familiar path this is the path to the cemetery of ash from the beginning of the journey but is now known as the untended graves from the outset it is unclear if this realm is a view into the past a vision of the future or an intersection of similar realms as time and space become progressively more convoluted in the ending days of an age of fire it's a realm almost exactly like where the ash awoke some time ago accepted a shrouded in perpetual darkness a familiar grave not unlike the one the ash itself rose from is surrounded by core viens and is open and empty save for a ring a treasure enshrined to this place by law folks now departed Queen to serve the unkennel one who finds it well whenever or wherever they may be in the same place the ash found you'd expended sword embedded in his chest stance gun deer again this time however he is not laboring from being impaled by a sword nor is he afflicted with the pus of man he is called a champion in this realm but all signs indicate that whatever he believes his champion of may be beyond his reach he stands in a dark world by a shrine without fire a bell of awakening that does not toll and his fate as the eternal judge of the young kindled does not yet appear to be sealed all the same he is but another heir of fire who has failed to perform his duty of kindling the flame for one reason or another as with all other heirs he meets his end at the hand of the un-- candle - the path beyond gun tears arena is eerily similar to that which the ash traversed after being judged at the start of this quest but is now teeming with black knights that patrol its many twisting walkways instead of idle Undead beyond them lest the final bit of this mirror realm similarities a Firelink shrine where the central flame has long since gone out and cannot be relit in this dark and Ultima version of Firelink shrine the enkindle one stumbles upon a very peculiar discovery the eyes of the first fire keeper once collected and brought back to their own fire keeper in their filings shrine the fire keeper explains to the uncontrolled one that it is forbidden for fire keepers to have eyes and that these eyes will reveal frightful images of betrayal a world without fire the an kindled one however does wish for a world without fire for a ceasing of the linking of the flame perhaps learned and understood from the lessons taught in the painted world of ariamis acquiesces and agrees to help all of advisors they should keep it a secret until the day of their grand betrayal the fire keeper also tells the unkillable net should they change their mind they need but kill her and strip the eyes from her person so that she won't be seduced by the dark she continues to tell them that the eyes review a vast stretch of darkness a world without fire but not the same darkness one sees when stripped of vision in the far distance of this dark she senses the presence of tiny flames like embers left by Lords of cinder past the uncontrolled one whatever their choice still has a journey left to complete so along with the fire keeper they place the ashes of the Lords of cinder upon their Thrones and the fire keeper begins her ritual to open the way to the king of the first flame the ritual will complete the growing of disparity of a final encounter looming just past the horizon the chosen ash presenting himself to the end of all things the darkened fire linked the sudden flash-fried corpses staining about but curious is the chosen ash that another bonfire twinkles in his sight igniting the flame and thus he is given to an ulterior end something strange perches the ashes hand soot and heavy the dragging and sinking feeling sludge not through swamp but the ash itself an old hag pilgrim curious as to who and how you were here but no matter of her she sells just a small tool to be on their way the drej heap both the space and time where everything is ending parts of land or of Lordran and lothric seem to twist turn combined and freshly mix this is a place where we find it all past present future boiling around one another to the exact point when a version of Armageddon has reached its epitome let's take a quick step back from storytelling to let you know what in how the drag heap is even a place we can exist the drag heap is where the sediment of souls culminates when both the person hollows completely and loses every ounce of humanity we also know that the creatures existing in this area are made up of the soldierin the things we collect as all dirts faithful we also know that these creatures might have a relation to the devourer gods himself Aldrich as an altered faithful we collects old rags from trespassers for the ark Deacon these old rags are the very bottom the thing left behind after the souls power is gone the unkennel - pushes for it guided by the remnants that Gail is left behind leaving a safe spot to plunge further down below he finds creatures born of the dark these creatures dregs in human form facilitate the instinctual purpose to devour those with humanity the rest was needed the drop long and dark the feeling that you've done this before races past your mind and you shake it off the chosen plunges down into the depths of the darkness only to hear the piercing cries of two twin demon brothers enraged that another human has found their kind these demons you're ready to fight once more the strange sensation fills the chosen ash once again the scream enters the fight as you begin to take down one then darkness the battle fought and the bonfire is a feeling that chosen ash has such a relief to be ette he knows now the demons have taken a maternity now and it's his turn he brightens his blade and lunges forth unto death or victory each time the drag heap goes deeper time seems to fluctuate the ashen one is unsure as the timelines of everything converging into itself seems to draw a line the demon brothers fall and he continues through the archways oh so resembling the lower depths that belong ago Kingdom the uncondensed umin the bat wind demons to take him to a distant castle keeper a city built upon a cliff's edge a focal of swirling sands the ringed city in all of its might and construct it would seem but this is a grand line of construction yet that isn't its purpose his very nature is a prison to keep something hidden the enkindle duan has not a thought of what that is only that gale is searching for something here for he is the one that has led them to this place the entrance to the ringed city is only a momentary display of one's own thoughts in the distance the bells toll the judge and executioner stands calling upon the spirits of those who fell in its defense to rise and defend it once more the ring city is a peculiar place here time works very cautiously not only is it the present but it is also the distant future and past much like the drej heap the best way to put this is that this is the place where time began and will ultimately end each new area seems to be leaps and bounds further into time with each passing step the deepen the Bissell creatures seem not afraid but Hungary and the judges and ring Knights act as Patrol ashin one would find more the area containing sunken churches and locusts that seemed to come from the sludge as if it was a home to them then we hear it the deafening cry the wind from beating wings the ear-shattering roar of a grand ancient dragon m'dear before the future fall before the first real inking of the flame existed a war a grand a war against the ancient dragons spanned many years till one day a traitor amongst the Dragons came to become a fearful self-proclaimed God and offered and the war in his favor the fall of the ancient dragons this dragon seethe was granted a dukedom it was given free reign over the libraries and thus began the experiments to give birth to another life the first half read taken feared by the power of life hunt the next given shape of failure but useful given to the court became a valiant warrior Shira the woman who became a friend of m'dear daughter of the Duke the one who entered the dark room with a renegade pygmy impaled upon her halberd another who reached the end friend of m'dear the dragon presented by the Duke to Lord Gwyn in the form of an egg m'dear a mighty ancient dragon one of the last given a task to fight the visit the perfected guard m'dear did its job faithfully for ages on end had a single friend who he cherished and became corrupted even at the end of the world his friend was known as Shura the last line of the spear of the church to protect wins youngest daughter Fillion or but here at the end of the world not even mighty Madeira could resist the dark forever and he fell corrupted to it sheera the daughter of the duke beseeches the unkennel one to remove the dragon from its misery to end it this tells the ash everything they need to know nothing is there to hold it back nothing can truly stop the abyss stop the dark from Swan everything a deer's job is done and the unkillable one charges forth determined to rid the dragon of its eternal duty what are we little embers clinging to life not because we exist to lay the foundation of an old era but as we lead to a new dawn a new era that's what it feels like as the enkindle one continues their journey they reach for the doors of the church of Fillion or the last bastion of the ringed City as they enter they're confronted by another judge telling them to go away to leave this place or be damned then kindled one refuses and slays him before raising upon the steps leading to the final chamber in this chamber the ash looks upon a woman looking as if she hasn't moved in millennia Fillion or the youngest daughter of Gwyn guardian of the end upon her throne of death she is crying crying tears of darkness as she doesn't wake the unkillable one Ponder's a moment and sees the egg laying resting broken in her arms embracing this dark centered rotting construct reaching towards her the unpin deled one touches the egg and it breaks Fillion or shifts slightly as the illusion is broken a white light envelops them both blinding the unhindered one almost as if a rush of time overlaps everything as the light fades away the ashen one stands before the broken egg and a dead Fillion or her job and her mission succeeded and failed at the same time the end has come the illusion shattered in the ringed City disappeared the barren wastes of both sand and wind are all that is left barely a kingdom remains to peak above the desert philia nor is a tale of sorrow she was given to the ring to City as its warden she held upon an egg that locked away the pygmy Lords at their Thrones she was ordered and given a way to fulfill this task daughter of Gwyn sitting upon her throne of death to damn those who when truly feared here in the now ruined Tower of fillion or the world's end the uncondensed Epps outside to say this vast desert of dilapidated kingdoms verged into the sand the unhindered one sees the shrill corpse of one of the pygmy Lords barely clinging to life as they drag themselves through the sand crying out to Fillion or for help in fear of the Red Hood who wants to devour their Dark Soul the uncontrolled one presses on in the direction from which the pygmy Lord was fleeing until they arrive at the ruined throne room of the pygmy Lords it's there that they see Gale hunched over a corpse of one of the lords devouring its dark soul Gale has become this tainted creature bursting only for the Dark Soul and perhaps power as well he turns to the uncondensed that they hand over their dark soul to him for his lady's painting and kindled one knows that Gale must be stopped and that he can go no further so here we have the greatest and maybe the most tragic standoff at the end of the world where two undead fight over a sliver of dark while the fate of the world hangs in the balance the uncondensed Road immeasurably strong by this point and eventually you overcome Gail and destroy him taking from him the very blood of the Dark Soul some say that Gale only lusted for power and thus stole this blood from the pygmy Lords but some believed that he knew the blood of these pygmy Lords had long dried up and that he devoured them in order to sort of digest the blood into a pigment knowing that only the [Music] unconditioned eventually bring that blood back to the painter though I can't really say for sure I'd say most people prefer to believe the latter as it paints the tale of a hero in this bleak world then kindled one returns to the painted world to find it almost fully consumed by the flame we give the painter the pigment of the dark soul and she begins to paint a new world a cold dark and very gentle place world painted from the very soul of humanity itself a bright beacon of light in an otherwise hopeless world at the kiln of the first flame bein kindled one defeats the soul of cinder an amalgamation and guardian of the first lame made-up of those who had once linked the fire they then summoned the fire keeper and she takes the first flame from its mantle and together they watch as darkness a true darkness descends upon the world yet just as she mentioned earlier she could see tiny flames dancing in the distance embers of lords of cinder past not unlike the manner in which the tiny ember sparked into the first flame not unlike the very fire that Lord Gwyn and the others found their strength within perhaps left to them in the same manner by lords of cinder past the first flame quickly fades darkness will shortly settle but one day tiny flames will dance across the darkness like embers linked by Lord's Pass you ashin 1 hearest thou my voice still [Music] you came to me [Music] you stole my gift I never want you tore away [Music] I see [Music] you
Channel: The Ashen Hollow
Views: 635,958
Rating: 4.8337717 out of 5
Keywords: dark souls 3, dark souls, the ashen hollow, the ashen hollow lore, ashen hollow, project dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls lore, dark souls 2 lore, dark souls 3 lore, the lore of dark souls, the story of dark souls, the complete story of dark souls, the complete lore of dark souls, dark souls trilogy, story of the dark souls trilogy, lore of the dark souls trilogy, dark souls canonical story, dark souls canon ending, dark souls 3 canon ending, dark souls remastered
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 52sec (5332 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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