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question mark will be the character's name how's everybody doing Cyrus I'm doing pretty good how are you what's up man good first run good good try you tried prepare to try no OH&S today they're like nope we're not ready yet see you later thank you come again what happened uh I don't really know what happened there can't really tell you if I did I probably would have made a giant obvious mistake but I'm not really sure how that didn't work it wasn't even a run so it doesn't matter yeah there you go my play Lego Star Wars 2 since it's free with gold on 360 they still do free games on 360 I don't even know they make games for 360 anymore how do you roll while fighting on BB you just hit - oh you have to be unlocked it's a roll that was like the Miyazaki button to you yeah it was pretty precise why MPC's think you just stroll around the world in the hurry their private back hats definitely late for something what I consider playing bass I played bass for a long time I just don't know one right now I'm kind of like a band now so or like a Grimm working with a group of people so we need between the three of the people that play guitar I definitely one of us needs to get a base ASAP and my other buddy doesn't want to be the dude to buy a bass cuz he just bought like a brand new guitar that was really expensive so I'm probably gonna be the one to buy the bass and then we'll just like me in between me and him would hold its trade and stuff like that so I'll probably own one soon I've needed one for a while socially thank you for the 15 months welcome back do I slap the bass I'm not really great at slap bass but I could try should be really good for the stuff we're recording now should be perfectly fine how about in a scale from [ __ ] to I want to kill myself is the new Star Wars trilogy oh god that's a very dark statement I don't really like Star Wars and like a fan kind of way so I just appreciate it as an action movie it was watchable and then the one before the newest one I liked better it was a slightly more interesting movie to me but I was also falling asleep during both at one point so I wouldn't trust my opinion on anything these days especially if I'm not a fan of it well it's watchable if you just want a mindless action movie and not have to think too much go with a Jackson based affordable and great feeling in the neck what I'm gonna do is just play every single bass there is in the shop and then buy one bass like I usually just go and try every single thing there is and then make a decision within like the price range or whatever so the one that I want to get I can't actually play because they don't sell them in stores so there'd be no way to do that unless I travel there something like that or found one that was being resold and unfortunately the resale on them are really bad too because people overpriced them so I probably won't get like a bass that I would really want to get but I probably shouldn't buy a bass I want to get because it'd be too expensive so the amount of use I'm gonna be putting into it it wouldn't really facilitate the price versus like a mid-range one have you seen a 1917 what is that set a movie giving you a random class and a gift for your new playthroughs thief with fire black fire bombs do you get invincibility frames while dashing in blood-borne you do but you get less than rolling though rolling is more frames slower animation less travel distance and then the dashes you travel further distance in less time with less iframes well the will the shop clerk following you keep saying yes this matches you just buy it please they don't really push you to buy instruments there no the place I go to everybody's a pretty good musician they don't tell you to buy anything and they just basically will do whatever you want like if you want to sit there for six hours straight playing everything in the store they will not get mad about it they'll just let you do it like I've spent like literally full afternoons there before so they're there like I trust the people there well some people don't have the knowledge on certain guitars because they don't play the kind of music that people would play buying those guitars so my buddy that used to work there would be the best guy to sell them and because I still talk to him like I could just ask his opinion because he worked there and then you know make my decision based on his ideas rather than the people there actually there right now because a lot of them play different kinds of music and that was the problem last time is like my body wasn't working so I do wait till he was there to make my decision because they didn't really know what would be a better choice between like three different guitars cuz they only knew a lot about one of them have you not seen the ads for it at least no kind of jams you gonna be recording I think we're gonna try to go with like a little bit more like a progressive rock kind of vibe and apparently we're gonna throw in some synth as well so I think it'll be like three guitars a bass drums and a synth or something like that give or take but yeah we all we all were all like very different which is interesting so it's gonna be really cool to see what happens like I was hanging up my friend and he was playing the stuff that he's written so far and it sounds like such a on such a more competent level than anything I've written so I'm excited to kind of build off of that and then maybe throw in a few things of my own that are pretty okay but you know think that together we can make like way better stuff and then one of the guitarist is like absolutely ridiculous so like he'll probably just well filter everything through him he'll tell us if it's good or bad and then he'll make the final decision because he's much better than us strike me as an Ibanez guy I mean I've been as makes a lot of guitars for the music I like to play so just get hardware options and all that but I mean I like a lot of different guitars just depends on what the project is like you can't really like take a single-coil guitar and play that for the some of the stuff I want to write you know just the same as you you wouldn't want to take passive pickups versus active ones for certain things or you know you wouldn't maybe you'd want a certain kind of coil split or maybe you'd want a kill switch or maybe you'd want you know like locking tuners for recording versus ones that aren't locking or you maybe you want to trim for like flutters or for like you know bends or something like that so I think that we like equipment wise we have we have a lot of stuff encompass so it won't be on youtube I don't know I mean like we're gonna take it slow and just try to figure out some stuff so far we have like I said some some ideas written everybody's got their ideas that were just share stuff right now trying to come up with something out of it but I'm pretty sure there will be some digital media to consume from it whether it's a like band camp or SoundCloud or whatever but video wise I mean it would be up to the other people I could I could definitely throw together a video if everyone can record their own videos for sure you know PCE EGC but you play slow and do me stuff uh-huh so what is slow and do Mimi train what's up man strawberry jam should he kill asylum with fire bombs that's why I was saying fire bombs because he can just start off like that yeah ten thirteen times six fifteen sixteen sounds good though are you saying you like playing time signatures like that play on lockdown blood-borne I know it's really it's fine to be locked on the entire time there's certain situations where being unlocked is better you got you kind of can just experiment and and play out whatever way you feel more comfortable I mean some people would probably be the opposite of what I would want to lock on to but I think there's some things that are better like usually when an enemy is bigger than the entire camera and it's hard to keep them all in view at once like they're not the size of your character you'd want to unlock that's like the fundamental idea but I think because then you need to control the camera to be able to keep it in view the way you want it to be in view and then also you can kind of use spacing and certain like advantages of the way their their character model is shaped to kind of fit into certain places and all that to more freely beanie boy yeah we gotta hit like right outside the fog I don't know in us thoughts on tame impala they're pretty good haven't listened to a huge amount of tame impala but pretty good from what I can remember pipe I'm doing I'm doing good man how are you the wwh 10 not sure what that is floor torque Melvin's slow Maddox or Conan hmm Melvin sounds a little bit familiar but I'm not I don't want to like say I know that for sure never felt creeped out by blood-borne there's one part in blood-borne that actually is terrifying with Alfred when he like pulpit eights the file Blood Queen with his hit with his wheel like that's probably the worst part of blood-borne in my opinion it's a little bit disgusting I don't even I don't even know like that's not even like a real word is it like he like basically just like there's just like little bits of her on this like wheel splattered everywhere it's gross first run this is the second run Chris Malick what's going on man Gus DAP Orton no I do not who is that transcribing ruins sentinels boss music at one point in the time signatures and that it's it's sometimes hard to reference when the percussion doesn't give you like a tell for it like it when it's more like symphonic orchestral stuff and they don't have like a clear pulse to it because it's being just directed by somebody so that's that's uh what dancers soundtrack is like three four constantly I'm pretty sure and some do try to make a video proving that like that's why people play baton dancer but it really doesn't make any sense to me at least but that was like his basis for the theory of that I think versus other time signatures being four four beep what's going on how are you welcome what you think about no foul it's definitely something like that is interesting I think it's like a cool idea in terms of like your own like in terms like instant gratification versus like actually kind of being pretty resilient I think it could train that maybe like it's a mental exercise more so I don't really think there's actually a big health benefit really I think it's more of like the testament to your own like ability to be resilient but you could you could do that by literally going and punching a wall until your hands bleed and then keep punching the wall it's gonna do more damage to you so it maybe it's like a less damaging way of testing your resilience sock thank you for the five months welcome back can you call me Larry if you want to yes go for it uh Hulk thank you for the one-year welcome back yeah hurry I heard frost got the record and now Hulk is like advertising feroz's name what is with it's a new nickname so silly the science cop had Rage King is really good I recommend it if you haven't played it before that's one of my favorite games and there's a DLC coming out for it this year so I mean you could always wait until it comes out if you're considering buying it maybe they'd sell it together with everything if you wait but I'd say play it at some point if you can give it a try it's really cool it's for people who want to feel like they're a part of something useless in your opinion maybe for some people but that could be like literally anything though I think that's just like a type of person it's like sports right like you don't have to play a sport to be a fan of a sport nor do you have to understand it even even though like they're pretty straightforward you could just be a part of the hype crowd to cheer on your country or cheer on a like a place that you're from or something like that even though you don't really care about the actual like mechanics behind the sport or like playing them or performing well or the athleticism so it really just be a fan of anything but not be like an enthusiast of it you want to get DLC for ds1 I think it comes with the game doesn't it unless you big the original one give you that poison is stressful to watch it's not that bad if you time it right my problem before was I was running into the water and like my toe was touching it for like a like a frame and then I was rolling rather than just rolling from outside the where the water starts because I thought the distance would be better but unfortunately it starts taking earlier Eloy yesterday I didn't stream and then I was on a vacation for a little bit so there's only one and it was a later stream during that that's probably what you're thinking about and then in terms of weekends I don't really like to put like a time on it it's mainly just kind of freestyle because they're usually either shorter or later anyways sometimes earlier but then I end later but during like the weekdays though we should be live by noon it's kind of like the best time to be live yeah how have you been dude minor thank you so much for the prime sub I hope you enjoy your moats by the way what kind of phone do you have streamer a banana phone no Bueller's yeah I heard he got the record man that's amazing he put a lot of time into I some I'm glad to see him doing that I wonder how hard it was for him to pick up the game again after not playing that run cuz he took a break for a long time right he like months strimmer bein rude I was telling the truth though man like sometimes you have to have a phone that's had been in you run out of like data or something like just use a banana instead they'd it's always the best back-up plan I mean even phone booths are disappearing man you gotta like carry a banana with you just in case you gotta talk on the phone it's the only way speedy what's up dude sorry not I didn't mean man as in you're a man I just I'm sayin man in general I say dude and man too much too bad habit I'll try to I'll try to not say it again for the rest of the stream but it'll be hard they'll watch I'll probably do it like four times minimum pranked with the banana phone oh no I was calling you what happens like I'll try to answer it but you don't have a banana phone though so it doesn't connect I do like Coheed Coheed is really good yeah I do like Coheed for sure applaud from Spain as well you're from Spain cool that's awesome I don't think there's a huge amount of people that watch from there actually like in terms of head that people have announced and what it shows on the the analytics like doesn't seem to be like that high up so that's awesome I wonder how the algorithm for this wallet I guess not for this but for YouTube works with other regions because there's things that are region locked like so my videos can't be washed in certain parts of the world so should start speaking Spanish that would probably be the next easiest language to learn if I was going to cuz I learned a little bit of French and then like Spanish was taught in school and people said it's pretty easy if you already know English but I don't know I don't know man Portuguese I don't know anybody that speaks it as a close friend but I'm sure that's a little bit different ah Typhoo ESCAP de-stank you for the the prime sub I hope you enjoy your milks welcome any lads in chat sins oh man you mean like lettin em stems fans you pity the parts of the world where your videos can't be watch it's not like all of them it's only some of them but just I'm wondering how it filters in recommendations that are in English because like if you have your language even set to a different thing I wonder if it prior to has videos that are made in that native language versus ones that are translated or whatever the case because there's a whole system where you can even get people to volunteer to translate as well so that's something I got to learn about we're 40k channel points now rotating that's that's crazy man learn Mandarin Mandarin is pretty difficult isn't it if anything I think the French is probably something that's the next and only language I probably really need to know because can actually use that in my country can't fool me Mandarin isn't a language it's a fruit it's a pretty good fruit and probably a pretty insane language if you knew how to speak it right we need the crest almost bought the wrong thing imagine being dubbed by a slavic person you'd pay to hear that I like my my content is adopted by that it'd be pretty insane I've when I said like volunteering to like translate I meant like subtitles but that dubby nuts though I saw a dubbed video the other day where there was a guy that was probably like 50 years old and it was being dubbed over like I think this guy was probably I would imagine somewhere in Europe I don't know but he was dubbed over by a girl that was probably like 20 or younger in like with a UK accent and it didn't make any sense yeah and it was really distracting to even like pay attention to the information just because I was like why they have a woman dubbing a guy's voice not sure I will see you later thank you for hanging out have a good weekend official language it's only spoken in some cities is such a weird concept to you yeah it is kind of weird it do be like that it's the only explanation you flew with the plane so many times and you're still not convinced the earth is round oh really you're a flat earther novelty that's interesting or you kind of just like open like are you just like you don't really know like which you believe Mikey what's up oh I think I might have pulled the sorcerer maybe not they speak in these amount of languages and cannibals cannas like extremely multicultural so yeah those people to speak like every language probably not there's a mass amount of people that do speak French and Quebec particularly and then there's still people that speak French here today like it just depends on Riga oh yeah there's all types of people frock out thank you for the seven months welcome back I appreciate it man and Mikey thank you for the prime sub too that isn't say just comes in here he's like lull what and Prime subs I thought I did something wrong out for her so scared ice about to make an apology he's just like you know what you're okay you're from Quebec City very much nice man do you still live there am i in Quebec no I don't live in Quebec I live in Ontario tumbleweed how the runs so far the lot well the last one we had was like right before ons so I don't know how it would have gone I feel like a lot of the run doesn't matter until after that point because it's just like the intro like the real important stuff happens later on so it was alright but it was it was just a start technically you're in Montreal nice dude nice nice do you like living there watching your 4 man 1 Couture video see how to drop a sub that's insane dude thank you for watching that that was pretty fun shimmer gets trolled but it's too polite sometimes you just gotta like sometimes I know I'm getting trolled by certain things especially if it's like really bad but there's no point of even like actually giving into it because it would waste more energy having to like have two separate thought processes than just being that consistently the same ring so especially if someone wants like a certain reaction of something but depends on the kind of trolling like if it was just like a casual one then maybe it would slip by but it's like pretty persistent then I think it'd be a waste of time to like think too much about it right I finished watching the hill of Scott for ds3 are you thinking about making some more guides for other runs in the future yeah definitely definitely man that is a plan I've really just wanted to be doing this though that's like even though I said I'd wrist rest my wrist I still want to do this either in 2011 vanity anniversary stream oh really you remember barely remember anything other than a huge Tower oh maybe it's the CN Tower in Toronto K - thank you for the one-year welcome back I appreciate that man also eaten thanks to the good luck can I explain wrong warp I've never done that before so I'm not a speed runner sir I'm doing a challenge run right now I think there's a guy that actually explained it at gdq though you could watch the gdq video for this year for ds1 and he'll explain all this stuff the I don't I don't know how half that stuff works I've never speed ran this game before the earth is round why does the Sun move because special effects in Photoshop dude obviously fronds got sucker speed run glitchless all beats world record yeah I heard about that I mean I'll probably hear about another 40 times before I'm down the stream but that's that's awesome man tell him I said Congrats Alexander what's up how's it going welcome to taurus demon the most exciting fight ever sheer excitement on the edge of your seat no blinking your eyes won't even let themselves collect dust that's how exciting it is and these two guys that ruin it to make it less exciting oh I thought I'd actually get both of them right there yeah I wasn't he like really close to getting it he was like five seconds off the record the last time saluté I'm doing pretty good how are you man what is up you maniac [Music] I genuinely thought he'd jump still some have to sneak by right here so solidly okay let's just finish the fight close to the door but he didn't jump though this run isn't the best - he was like one minute behind his PB for the most of the run oh wow he's gonna improve it even more he's gonna safeguard that record defender of the record that's one thing I don't think I've really ever been keen on like that which I think also makes me not like a real speedrunner is I don't want to defend my record I'd rather just get the record and then let someone else be there I think when you have that level to drive you're a real speed runner for sure passing the torch well it's also just because I have an early speed ran in total a lot it's only a little bit for those those categories that we do I think if it was like a consistent thing then maybe I'd be more keen on trying to defend everything because that's pretty much like your responsibility at one point if you want to be the bass string are you going skiing tomorrow Alex nice man three days in Norway first time you're gonna try to not fall off a cliff Oh first time you've ever skied oh boy be careful dude make sure the people you're going with actually give you good instruction on like a safe in a safe place I got an easier run or something or maybe like a bunny hill but yeah how fun - I hope you have a good time so the world might be mended saluté thank you for gifting Eden issue a resub man welcome back Eden no one's safe from these sub gifts man you're just sniping everybody you see he's like he's like the Saving Private Ryan guy but like with subs creamy what's going on man how are you this dog is not being quick maybe the name for the character for those zoo he runs the name of the of your character for this run Oh have a name you want a name what about Garfunkel it's a pretty good name and then of course the sub gifter or the sub the sub gift gremlins come out like hey could you spare one more just give me money please free Weber [ __ ] how are you doing Ringo Jon welcome back he liked playing bo2 but you want to do something cool in ds1 what kind of run would you do have you ever tried like a like a deathless challenge or anything like from Simon & Garfunkel exactly exactly you know what I'm talking about Garfield Garfield you're scared this track had burned me I have been burnt before the angle you roll on it to it to enter an exit has to be like somewhat into the wall but if you're too into the wall you're the back your ankle will go like diagonal and then you'll hit it yeah so it's um it's not the simplest thing but it is way more straightforward once you understand like the hitbox of the fire and everything creamy thank you for the four months welcome back I appreciate it dude what is your name even mean by the way I've always wondered that not gonna do any kind of special type of run you can't even finish your normal one well could try using like a different weapon you've never never tried give a name for your character yeah Garfunkel is the name for your character G AR f un que le or you could have a yell if you wanted to yell is like the European version when playing casually do I prefer decks or strength builds for this game I like strength builds and for every other game typically I like the the decks weapons flemm de Simo was even mean flemm disome Oh nay mammillary okay not lurking for a sub you just tryin to get you some money yeah but that's also not something I want you to do so I appreciate it but there are people that genuinely just want someone to give them the sub and that's what that's what it kind of looks like and it's like walking in a store and asking someone to buy you stuff in the store it's like you can't really do that like unless there's an emergency maybe but like there's never gonna be an emergency where you need a sub cripsy or how are you doing good evening we're subs for you so you get like 30 I think 38 different emotes that are custom made by my artist for the channel you can use them anywhere on the site you get permission to avoid slow mode if the chat slowed down in a situation where there's a lot of people you get to still link things automatically without having to get a permit from a moderator get access to the discord server you get more points to actually increase the chances of you winning giveaways and then there's some other things I want to introduce as well if there's things we've had before like multiplayer sub only events but there hasn't been a multiplayer game I play for a little bit so whenever that comes around that's another thing as well and then eventually it'd be cool to make the merch available based on time washed rather than having to buy it with money but that would have to be quite a lot of points you'd be sacrificing which would mean if your sub you have a higher chance to be able to get the merch easier as well which I actually got the message back yesterday earlier yesterday saying that they didn't approve this store because apparently the link didn't work that I gave them because I put two links they wanted just like your your I guess they call them like job link so they want your YouTube in twitch and I put both instead of just one of them apparently you can't put two but it said you could put both so did it again with one of them and it works so now the stores open just got to set it up properly and everything and we will be ready with all the merch very soon what the hell is going on here wait he didn't die from that what the hell hmm oh yeah accident because he blocked the first one didn't he if your sub runs out you get kicked out of the discord I'm pretty sure you do yeah are you naturally good at games did you just patient get out learning patterns I'm pretty stubborn and I'm pretty stupid so I think that helps me a little bit I'll stop like a bad attention spans so like if there's something I'm into my attentions the opposite of like average like I'm extra focused rather than just kind of focused so I usually fail really miserably in the beginning for like everything and then I just learned really quickly if I'm if I'm good at it or if it's something that I actually like a lot like I'll get pretty damn good pretty fast after but I'll usually make some pretty big mistakes first like right off the bat this is how it was for like anything what's the discord for subs if you type in exclamation point discord it gives you instructions and chat on how to access it why it's black net Halbert considered Opie it has really good damage on it and you can get it right away now and also yeah like the most important thing those are just like the side perks but the most important thing is people want to support the stream to allow it to be a full-time thing so I can stream like literally you know full-time hours almost the entire week right so I mean I wouldn't be doing that if that wasn't the case but that's kind of what makes that possible some people like them makes it easier for more people to catch the stream too so the wider audience potential c1 thank you for the 21 months welcome back I appreciate it 21 million months oh my god what if what if what if I told you that wasn't enough dude we need like 21 billion months how dare you not even time-traveling and sub for another absurd amount of years in the future was your best result for the run with no damage for Kings was the farthest I made it you're in the discord at work that dude you're like one of the first people in a while that actually followed the instructions properly oh my god it's a it's a miracle remember how much he struggled with some psycho bosses there's a few months then a few months later doing no hit runs yeah exactly I think that's like anybody though I mean games probably are always the best example cuz I'm definitely not like below average on most games right off the bat I'm usually pretty average but these these games I was below average on on release definitely or at least like the first time playing them this is really unlucky super super unlucky and we not firebombs so it makes a little bit harder to I was so lucky nice they big all here we go synchronized and the backstep what was your best result with this run with no damage I think I answer that I priority read that my bad when's the hydrate Channel points reward coming we got to keep you watered I don't think the hydrate BOTS allowed in the stream I think it's banned because it's really annoying Dodgers amazing thanks man well I'm just lucky they both time their attacks simultaneously because if one didn't then I would be dead rate would just be a pure chance of like art like luck right so it didn't it wasn't really it was just timing it in the format of one of their attacks not both because sometimes you just you can't dodge two things out once they're slightly staggered that's why that you'd never want that to happen but I got unlucky and I got an attack that wasted the perfect amount of time for it to happen that's why I'm saying even this much damage we have technically isn't still enough to quite kill them oh I'm so sorry to hear that go see that's that's terrible that's terrible man I've I've been in a similar situation before as you with that I know the feeling I can't I can't imagine I guess I got I don't wanna I don't want to really like save it I guess I I can relate a hundred percent but I get it though and I'm glad that it makes you feel better being here and everything if you ever want to talk about it let me know just give me a message how many hours have I spent across all the games probably 8,000 plus I have no idea sucker O's like hundreds of hours like the lower hundreds steam and soul is probably like still lower hundreds than everything else is thousands with ds3 being like four thousand at least might take you up on that yeah if you ever having like a bad time or you're struggling you want to like give me a message give me a whisper message for sure I can't guarantee you like I'll see it as soon as you send it depending on what your time zone is there anything but I'll get back to it as soon as I can see it even just through discord - like if you are in the discord but if not then whispers are the best you ever get early release codes for new games the streamer oh yeah I think most people do most people sleep on demon souls that was the one that started at all and it's always been your favorite it's really hard to play nowadays with outdated it is I think like it it doesn't function the way you'd want it to like you you will do something and it won't happen the way you want it to unfortunately where as like the newest ones if you if you move a certain way or you do something it'll actually work so it's not really that the game is like even providing all the difficulty it's like also actually playing it and controlling the character and the further you go back the worst that is so the world might be mended anonymous gift and ghostier sub who could that be man 'banahna miss gift subdued thank you I'm still saying dude too much jeez Ozzy thanks for the good luck I don't know if I said hi to you already I probably did but how are you again ah see I see you everywhere you love broken mechanics though it makes it way more interesting in Demon Souls as a broken mess yeah I mean it's I think saying it's broken doesn't mean like it's just unplayable but it definitely could be unplayable for some people if you play the newer games first so I if you're gonna wonder about what order to do it and older first could be better in that case if you're susceptible to criticizing things based on like the age of it and I guess dude you need to show what the dude is dude come on dude how are you doin dude I'm doing pretty whoo dude dude dude Lee Doutzen done doodly it's kind of funny like he the the attack clipped me through his arm there so I was actually stuck on the outside so he got back up so if he did get back up between that I'd be probably in a little bit of trouble like it would be a bit harder to actually get out of there how does one dude I don't even know like what is the what is the verb of do ting like - dude I don't know unlike Thor I went for the head off or Thor rip Thor who likes Big Lebowski I haven't seen that before anyway no Feroz is getting back on later I think he typically streams one time I've rarely seen him do two streams but I think if he's done you can expect he's probably done and I think he deserves to after getting that record that's pretty insane he said he'd be on later that's weird cease Frost is becoming a flexible guy now damn it's becoming a gymnast no brakes ever speaking of brakes I should probably take him on already but I'm alright so far so I guess best time would probably later in this run I'll probably take a rig a really short one in between I'll take a short one after OH&S and a big one later on did Frost get the record he did apparently yeah tell us more Baker stories wait hoot he has Baker Oh like bakery like baked goods stories like about cakes and stuff yeah he doesn't like that stuff quite a bit what record did he get glitchless all beads all memories sucker Oh anyone complete this run before not on record now and I doubt off record anyone completed it either because if you were to do this with the amount of time you can see it taking me and not record it for whatever reason you'd probably be pretty insane so unless you actually have like a psychiatric problem then I would say I don't think anybody's completed off record either but we can never confirm that so there always is the option of considering it wouldn't matter either way though you got it already nice sack how are you doing man are you gonna avoid izalith shortcut with betta chaos the bridge I should make a command for that one too that's like another way do we have a command for that already I can I'm starting to forget what commands we actually have for those things I need tapes on building muscle in workouts for a beginner like if you've never worked out before I learned compound movements and just try to incorporate those as much as you can like get really good at those and then start working on accessory movements which are just like more isolated muscle groups so your squat deadlift and bench typically and you could also like do shoulder press if you wanted to I guess as well but mainly focus on like the big ones or you're working multiple things at once do very low volume and very low weight for them to get used to the form and if you feel like you can keep going stop always before you feel like you can keep going just because they'll like the lactic acid build up when you start will actually like immobilize you so to actually be able to keep pushing through that do less than you think you could do by by about half of what you think you could do just so you can actually add more volume in and then you'll not have to be deterred in the beginning at all and then you'll still actually get a better result and then once it's been a few weeks you can start upping the the load quite a bit but you actually don't really want to not be able to move and that's what happens to a lot of people because their minds are more powerful than their bodies are at that point especially if you've done it before it's probably my best recommendation and like if you know someone that is knowledgeable to get them to critique your form to make sure you're doing it safe and effectively area I'm doing pretty good how are you also yeah focus on breathing - breathing's very good be very mindful of that like even if it requires you to not listen to music or talk to anybody just focus on your breathing well that dude run off the ledge so basically if you make sound cues they'll build look for them because he heard the arrow hit the wall he's trying to check out what it was and then he doesn't really have a system in place that tells him he's gonna walk off a ledge he'll just he'll just die I think typically because they probably wouldn't expect you to do that anyways but that's just how it works pixee thanks for the good luck I thought us finished Vanilla's yes to no damage he he didn't do no damage oh wait no sorry you mean like any percent by a vanilla right like yeah he did any percent no damage but but he did it he didn't he did all content hitless it's getting confused there I the term vanilla hasn't really been used a lot lately keep forgiving Vanilla's not technically any percent it's like oh well actually no so via vanilla you meant vanilla as any percent but technically vanilla means like the original game with no DLC which isn't what he did he did any percent that's less than the original game just mandatory stuff but I get what you meant by it look at their dancing kind of I probably it is still gone that was a way quicker intro up the the second path but I forgot about that what does any % mean any percents the mandatory stuff to get the credits so just like the stuff you have to be vanilla would be like you'd still do optional stuff but it would just be like non DLC content so everything they released with the game in total when it came out which is still all bosses technically at the time until the DLC comes out so it gets confusing well I guess I've noticed some people use vanilla as a term for mandatory which technically is like a different way of looking at it do you run DST word scholar I've done challenge runs on them before I never never speed ran it though I was anxious for me watching these runs yeah I probably I probably just not take it seriously it's just a game I mean that's that's how I kind of do it it's not real it's the goal is very cool but it's not the most important thing ever so it doesn't really doesn't really matter if we screw up why why beasts like super disappointed about it or why I get like so worked up over every single attempt you know when there's gonna be a lot of attempts there's gonna be a lot of failures you might as well just make it easier for yourself right it's work out what's going on man good luck with the rest of the run Squealer aren't odk in the tree the only non-mandatory boss is osiris nameless king the tree wyvern what else champion gun deer as well hi Gareth thank you for the the one year dude welcome back thank you for the good luck as well you have 7,000 points will you do within the channel points I would just save them there's gonna be some features all I'll have for them eventually I'm just I'm really having a hard time deciding on what I want to do because I didn't want to use that feature at all and they kind of forced it where you have to use it now so I'm not a big fan of it luckily you could turn off the hype train but I'm not a fan of the channel points my wearing black sweatpants and no I'm not it's kind of like grey things I don't even know what they were I don't even know what the proper term would be but pants they're like grey or something nice guest though all right let's do this again I'll let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended two years squeal pray and thank you for the two years man that's incredible welcome back definitely get some hype for that reso that's and nuts you guys should be like hyping up these these multi-year reserves what is happening now [Music] [Music] balls might have a good rest of your day man thanks for the good luck I appreciate it there's a no hit and overall run plausible uh yeah you could do that I think similar to did that on this I've done no rollout cell one it's definitely doable yeah I think someone did no role no had any percent on this recently this would be the easier game to do it on this or blood-borne lethal did it on blood-borne okay would ek would he did it on blood-borne and lethal did pretty sure ever played the dark souls board game I have yeah what about you are you like looking to buy it why's everybody aim at the breasts it's just the first thing that your your vision goes to you man it's just science the setup for it's a lot yeah like getting everybody in the loop about like how to play it is is very tedious like it took three different times playing it for about like three or four hours each to understand it well enough to feel good to actually do a playthrough of the board game so it's not like that's the thing I don't like about it that's probably what's gonna keep me from playing it ever again it's just like the it's it's not intuitive enough and I'm I ended like this super like super super nerdy board games like they take a lot of time and I like the ones that are quick for like families and stuff yzma is my field of you look less than normal it's probably cuz the HUD size is smaller but no it's it's the same amount of field of view I don't think you can adjust that in this am I gonna beat jump king speedy I definitely will beat it at my own pace probably pretty slowly but yeah I'll be playing through more of it just not today though I think we'll save jump King for like weekdays to finish off the stream it'll either be that or Sakura as long as this is active at least and then one this has done them ileft some time to do some other stuff to start off wait did I not I didn't grab the ring from over there damn it don't think I spawned the skeletons yeah 40 mile-per-hour winds whiteout conditions at least you get to stay inside Marsh stream where do you live burned like it burned like ah tis isat burn legate earned Leggett burned legate I don't know blood-borne board games that already I'm pretty sure it is what happened in the last run why the reset I got hit outside of the OH&S fog a by a dude from lay off the camera so blood-borne card.get maybe maybe it's a card game I don't know I thought it was a board game the the original ds1 is a board game all that skeleton got destroyed right there Sode God thank you for the host I appreciate it how was your stream today or I guess just maybe was an afk house if you didn't stream but if you did hopefully it went well 70 centimeters of snow in New Fallon oh wow rip first pronunciation was right but either way you live in Minnesota you have some huge snowstorm going on the past few days that sucks damn dude Minnesota I love Minnesotan accents just clanging off walls and I'll lose your durability it does yeah you will you will lose durability if you hit a wall as I was wondering like does it calculate double the durability damage if you hit an enemy and a wall at the same time like should I try to avoid doing that on OH&S maybe it's kind of hard to test while you're in the fight though so it's like I'd have to look at it while I'm in the fight on the last hit and check right after they're dead or maybe like figure out what the durability damage should be on a basic enemy and then test it but it's probably not that important because this doesn't break by the end anyways garfunkel just no hit dancer that's amazing see Garfunkel is already a good name choice because you're doing things like that that's perfect okay this skips be usually pretty hard to do with that ring I'm I should have taken it off but I apparently still did it right that was a mistake well now we're ready for this part I wasn't in a weird durability issue where it was double loss in the game when the game was at 60fps for this one jolly I don't know maybe I know that DST was like that for a little bit and then they they had to make it like an update for it cuz stuff would break like really easily another easy pinwheel while I will take that let's go you really don't think you have that much of an accent but when you travel people notice a lot okay I see I love the idea of like when someone's like they don't have an accent I guess you can't really get used to it so you don't see like the contrast of it right but like I love how like people will consider that as not having an accent at all is there a hard pin wheel hard pin wheel would be basically he multiplies into like the most amount of things that he can right away and then he basically has ones that are shooting you from off the camera with the quickest attack or like just two of them attacking out once in a place where you can't look at the same time as him it's typically the hardest situation on that so that was way better than that you love pinwheel he managed to kill you you never really have played the game until you've gotten killed by pinwheel like everybody will get killed by pinwheel after enough time I believe that how long have I been attempting this on and off for a while man like months several months you get a lot of anxiety watching me sprint through the dark on this I don't think the sprinting part is is bad it's mainly like the enemies like landing on my head or something weird on that part so I've tried to make a better escape plan so that they can't land on me but then they still sometimes come down there and try to kill me and you can't see them unless they're facing you because the only part of their body that shows up in the dark is their eyeballs so it's pretty pretty annoying gotta be careful I think I'm gonna do it on this run all right get your predictions in now the one benefit of this one is it's it's excited it's actually extremely fast like this is a pretty damn fast right now anyone ever died to cover this demon I bet you I have before I'm gonna take a break right here and get water I'll be back in a second all right we're good I am the eggman be funny like I mean with dr. Eggman instead of the character I'll come on what's happening here I'm wasting all the arrows can't have a dehydrated yeah I was actually I was getting pretty dehydrated snowboarding actually on the last run that we did in general before I left the place went back home was uh it was rough man like it wasn't like fit like I wasn't physically drained and my mental energy was like poopy and I was feeling just really dehydrated so I got like a cool backpack for if I go again anyone else struggle with ruin settles into the first time through the Isuzu first from soft game and that was your first time dying to a boss a whole bunch really Camelback oh not like a thing for water just like a backpack to hold stuff and sitting up I didn't have pockets that were like good enough for holding like a full thing of water so you just go to the water fountain there but then you also have to like lock your [ __ ] up and then like take it off and all that takes some more time or have someone hold it for you how the runs been going ah they are okay so far I would say I mean like this this is like the best one so I'll take this one as the example first one was okay this one's pretty good no quit outs no Mela quitting out on this and again rip the arrows oh yeah because I put extra levels index I think I'm actually better at this point because I can kill these guys when you ski you just keep a bag on with ya like there's there's quite a few people that do that so it's a smart idea to like keep snacks or something like that you give me up fighting thank you man how have you been did you go to that tournament yet that you were talking about or is that coming up soon I forgot the date of it I wasn't sure if it was like in the spring or still in the winter enough arrows I have a lot of arrows just the these ones do less damage and you usually want to use the feather ones when you come to that area first because you like you're so far away that they those ones retain more damage from a distance so you might not actually kill them in one hit you're leaving tonight fighting on Friday good luck dude good luck is if there's video stuff from that tournament definitely send it over to me I'd love to watch it everybody give fighting some luck for his Jiu Jitsu tournament it's a big one he's very good at it Ali what's going on how are you yeah European Championships and you're not even from Europe are you so like that's I don't think you are appreciate your American right Oh your kanae do yeah you're gonna be see my bad your NBC that's coming to steal their precious metals that's amazing you yeah I hope you get it had the money to sob dreams skunk thank you for the three months welcome back have enough my oh dude honestly dude don't even worry about that I appreciate you'd still even decide to resub in that case or at least like at this point now when you can write that's insane Guillermo how are you doing here Emma I'll be honest dude I think that we've been playing these runs and not succeeding lately because we'd the character doesn't have the man-bun power that we had on those ds3 runs we need the man button they don't have it in the game though you taught me how to do it and like I figured out how to make it work on the on the challenges but on this game it's like nope no man bun man a break what's up how are you doing how's your weekend so far man-bun what do you mean like man buns like a hairstyle like just having a like a button of on the back your head I guess or at the top or whatever there's a hairstyle in DSP that is like a man bun and I remember jeremy'll had a man button that got rid of it and I was like to commemorate the loss the man bun we're gonna immortalize him in the game and then the runs were really good at the man bun so we discovered there's man bun power got channel 2 hipster energy what is the peculiar peculiar doll do it opens the painting yeah how much the wrong place oh wait no we can just break this down before neato that's actually the right place windowpane what's up dude ever since you cut it off it's downhill you're so sorry ATS okay we'll bring it back once we have the opportunity to Eldon ring he must have a man bun option or I'm gonna be crying I'm crying straight up crying okay so that's plus three that's really good these runs you have a tiny bit of being afraid if the Perry misses not really no I mean like maybe more ongoing but even then though like if I miss the Perry that means I didn't play good enough and I didn't execute it right so it's just basic basic knowledge of just I should have practiced more or maybe like I was thinking of the wrong thing in my head when it happened so I thought process was bad what does elven ring about I don't know we'll have to see man oh man I have no idea yeah I guess um a ring that's old or maybe it's not maybe it's about the memes like the only thing out so far and it's a trailer that's it man bun the same as a sumo wrestlers hairstyle I wonder if that's how it kind of started I don't know I think that's a bit different but like it's I guess it's a similar idea it's both buttons right I won't see the DBZ game from soft brought out from soft made a DBZ game are you sure are you sure you don't mean Bandai Namco I think from soft made a DBZ game watching hop stream last night in a poor man got hit through a wall have you ever encountered any BS hits in the runs oh yeah I've had like things brewing the run that has nothing to even do it the game dude you got to expect that I need anything and everything anything that's possible as a thing that you will you will actually experience so when it happens you don't have to like stress out as much because it's just the reality of it Nova what's going on how are you smores no you can't you can't do this run I saw one because you need 15 intelligence at least so I am leveled oh I forgot that know what I screwed up I didn't do Duke skip yeah didn't you know first that's why I was a little bit weird it's trying to go to inner Alana but I hit Firelink instead that's what it was as in is it mandatory to use fall control yes you can't avoid fall damage though fall try what does Duke skip its to skip the mandatory Seth or Seth Seath encounter his name's now Seth it's amazing it's like yo Seth for the 15th time it's seif how dare you it's like you've Seth I'm sorry bro stop calling me Seth dig skip to skip Seth encounter yep Seth isn't chat what's going on Seth how are you the timing masky Thor how are you doing man set the magic dragon that could be like a children's cartoon hey taking damage from Seth Rogen's if seth rogen was any character in the game I could totally see him being the dragon for sure he's talking about like making crystal meth or something something strange like that or making like weird weird science experiments oh wait this should probably be a probably visible right forgot about that you call seats Seth as well I've never done that before at least that I can remember that's it's kind of funny it's a good mistake crystal Seth Bob blood-borne watch me play it so you feel like you feel like you should have bought ds1 I'd say both of them are really worth it but if you have a ps4 blood-borne it's a really good game sometimes you don't really know until you try it though so thank you for PC if you have steam you can refund within 2 hours so that's usually what I'll do nowadays is just always be aware that I can refund it if I don't like it within 2 hours every time monster hunter I have yet come up with names for other bosses there could probably be some pretty funny ones favorite ring in DES uses pontiff's right i I think the ring reason right now dark wood green ring is my favorite overall did I like monster hunter um I mean it's definitely not something I play again but it I understand it though like I get I get the appeal of it it's not my kind of game it's really good I think if you have friends that you want to play it with and you like hunting and grinding for items kind of like more of an action based MMO sort of thing I guess like the strategy comes into play with the with the whole the whole hunting thing and then it's really satisfying when you have like a team and everything you execute stuff well from promote it seems but definitely not a game to play solo as much unless you're like really into that franchise smores thank you for the the brand new subdued I hope you enjoy your notes Ryan that's really cool dude thank you for coming to watch this and also you know I'd love to hear more about pokemon TCG do you mean like the actual tournaments like what the real cards or like a digital version of it cuz like that's that's hardcore nowadays isn't it I never knew how to play pokemon cards only collected them at one point so it's insane well my demanded so the world might be mended ooh thank you for gifting aces up I hope you have great men when infused pal around salute gift an a sub Guillermo with the 26 months thank you very much man welcome back oh wait one second there we go I appreciate that thank you so much everybody back at it again King ace oh yeah never stops until we got it maybe like a little breaks here and there but nothing crazy though I spike what's up how are you doing also wise old bill thanks to the good luck I needed for at this point don't level up at all I do yeah wait why's her a little reflection on the on the ground what was that I was really there's a good dot following me is that always there that's super weird the curse of the dot that's Miyazaki following me alright Capra ever thought about shot on-screen group which I used to do that but now that they have a mobile feature where you can overlay it yourself it would mean that be - shots on the screen then for mobile users so for YouTube I think it could be kind of effective but you'll still never get the exact same experience as like seen the full chat unfortunately so I think I'm in agreement with not using it because I used to do that I took it away for the reason of them updating mobile like I was saying there's the only reason to have it originally it's also less immersive - and there's probably more people that don't want it on screen than what didn't want it so then there's also that debate post there out on life people who experiment well I mean like when I complete this if you want to learn how to do it from watching it you can that's pretty much here I don't know if I'll actually make a guide for this because this is not a run that's accessible in my opinion like you could do it but like there's gonna be such a small percentage of people that will actually want to be able to do this or stick with it compared to a regular hitless run so I don't think it's worth making a guide on because there's not enough people that'll do it for the easier stuff though definitely it makes more sense like the very basic anypercent runs well yeah if like there's enough requests I'll do it I just don't I think it's a waste of a video if like not enough people are gonna actually complete it we think is harder this Runner the Hobbes DST you know hit with DLC I'll definitely that run that runs harder that runs the hardest run of the three of them to do damage lists with all content it's just like the sheer amount of stuff you have to do right there's there's things in this run we have to do that are harder than stuff you have to do in that run but this runs not as long so if it was twice as long then maybe it'd be more comparable you want to do challenge runs but you need so much more practice can't do safe States on ps4 you actually can you need a USB driver you just use the cloud service you can make one backup profile that you can reload 10 characters on so if you have 10 10 profiles ran to the spots that you want them to be of 20 profiles in total technically to shuffle between if you didn't know that and then on USB you can actually copy it to a computer to have infinite amounts of profiles if you just organize it in a folder ds3 damage list yes yeah I've done that just think I have one more chance on this that was a pretty bad one so I'll wait it out and then we'll recast this Acuras what's up dude have you been yo your brother's been doing so good with his streams man can tell I said congratulations if you ever talk to him he's been killing it that guy's going nuts is Katie on YouTube Oh is the dammit yeah there's a damage let's play melon off do you thank you so much for the 25 sacrifice man that's crazy I'm glad you enjoyed watching that that's that's awesome thank you very much man got a chisel your car to get to the grocery store oh boy the the the weather wait where do you live Bern sounds like a hassle you're still gonna take a look at it yeah that's the it's honestly not that bad that's how I practiced on council its how everybody does a bank the thing is on PC you still have to do that too you just it's just so you can the USB Drive on on console makes it infinite whereas the cloud service lets you have 20 characters total but you should never really need more than that to practice these games like you I only really have like five to ten save states of a run when I'm really like you know knowledgeable on data at that point where you're ready so having 20 profiles available is enough to practice like almost everything because you could always just practice the early half of it for a while and then update it by running all those characters further into the game and then practicing the later half and then then another trick if you don't want to go to that hassle just um you can quit out on anything you kill and then it'll respond or die on purpose like right before it's over if you don't have the chance to ko it out and you can always just go back to it as well arrow to the shoulder oh boy Felix how are you doing man dude I said dude again first time seeing this shortcut Ken oh the the lower undead bird it's a pretty good one there's actually two ways you can do that can you beat duel sanctuary Guardian so they're taking a hit probably not not consistently I think that there'd be too many like factors to that I mean you might be able to learn too but like you'd probably want a different setup than we have on this character if you're actually serious about that where the dogs are in the back corner that you don't pull them unless you go further into the room so you have to be in the corner yourself you can go probably about 4 feet into the arena before they get pulled thanks for the Strad on Kaprow those dogs are nightmare and higher energy cycles you can always throw a fire bombs cap or there's there's an easier way to do it than the way I did it I just don't like doing it the easier way but I'd recommend fire bombs if you if you really want it to be simplified you can throw them over the fog I just need to know the reference of like where to like line up the crosshair and everything have to plug the USB from your ps4 into a computer to copy them well if you want to have more than one profile yeah but you can always just have one profile on the USB and that's already good enough in my opinion it has 10 characters for profile per profile right I think you just have multiple USB s if you didn't have a computer or you could just have the computer like shuffle off multiply different ones whenever you feel like it from a folder but you don't even need the USB like if you can't afford that either we don't have that you could literally just use the cloud service to get one backup of ten extra characters which is really good then that allows you to reload it every time I mean I would even actually argue probably make multiple PSN accounts and still do it infinitely if you wanted to if the cloud service is different for every account not just the console for some time you see me put or seen someone play it as like a stealthy Archer yeah you kind of kind of see a lot of that stuff in this run for the sillier parts amended so the world might Blagh thank you for the 23 months welcome back to I appreciate it and that is that why do you keep the fire keeper on the notification Oh for that just it's my favorite thing favorite line from the games I guess yes it's also cool because like not as many people have played that so it's like oh and it stands out a bit more all right don't get this boss why they make is so easy it's something you would normally do like way earlier in the game you have to consider that so like the damage I'm doing on that and it's like we're so optimized we basically were strong enough as if we've already beaten the game so we're going back and doing easier stuff to clean it up to be able to finish it off when it's more ideal alright so that's not really comparable to like if you actually got there when you were supposed to or when they thought you might because it is an optional thing same thing with butterfly here too like I mean typically you'd actually not have enough damage to kill it in one cycle keep doing what you do most of the time I just look but still love it Rhett's that I really appreciate that man thank you for being awesome and the three months el underscore ell and is cool okay 777 litres underscore yellow instead of the usual red for me thank you for the five months welcome back and unique vocals thank you for the brand new sub as well thank you for using your prime sub I hope you enjoy your Milt's yeah only is it no good hooligan sometimes 51 months is insane still have you to thank on my own runs GG sambar with 51 months man welcome back thank you so much - that's a ridiculous Risa I can't even believe that's real because when I joined the biggest resub I'd actually witness was like 48 months from it it was like someone receving to man vs. game and he'd probably been partnered for around as long as I what I have been now so I can't imagine like seeing a hundred months because there is people that do have that that's like while dude I can't I cannot imagine I always made jokes about it but that means a lot thank you do also toast thank you for the the prime stuff as well enjoy your moats I'm gonna change the weapon really quick and change this [Music] [Music] hey this boss so much David yeah me too or date sorry Davey I called you David imagine that was a name it probably is Pelagius are you doing greetings most evasive person ever why are you saying that I was like avoiding your your messages in chat so weird bird it's uh it's a discount Mothra have a plate hyper light drifter I haven't but I've seen it be playfully though so I've had a spoiled for me it was cool to watch how do you do that boss though getting hit by the three lasers wait what by the three what do you mean by three lasers like just the laser itself you can just roll through the laser david's a pretty common name in brazil but I mean dade a bit like with like a tea at the end Oh keep evading like in the run I see my bad most evasive like in game that's hey that's okay that's what we need to do I'll take it when is the UFC event start I don't watch UFC so I have no idea it's a good question I'm sure someone here knows though what did you why do you mid-roll butterfly just makes your equip load better for like the animation itself so you can use the recovery of it to space lower than the ledge height rather than the quicker when recovering before you can actually be low enough so just geometrically better to do that and timing wise better pretty good we didn't upgrade the bow but that's fine though should be fine nice headshot was it actually at shot and even notice means your hit Souls trilogy runs a bit finished one or actually two I guess because I did regular trilogy and then I did the sl1 trilogy so two in total but one was without leveling so is a little bit different wait actually let me think oh yeah yeah I know that was counted I was thinking of when I was doing the five-game run so the first time I got the trilogy was during the five-game run actually it's that would count I thought that might have been like a third time I had done it how many hours on all of them together like several thousands man like the high thousands for sure I can't tell you an exact number of the good guess munch he's sneaky for gifting Nikko a sub I appreciate that that's very nice you guys and the gift subs what the hell what if I rolled off this cliff right now with that would that make you reconsider that one huh a nice person doc is fine don't worry it's just it's not real I don't know what's worse like telling someone this game's not real er that like I that sip is not real if artorias does some stupid [ __ ] again you're gonna lose it well I think the only two times he ever hit me in this run wasn't really because he didn't really do anything stupid like the the controller actually didn't like it did the input but the game didn't recognize the input the one time the other time is pretty standard just like he ran away instead of attacking cuz he could have attacked wish that was like weird but not really something that was like the game's fault like it's still my fault right I just I've never seen him do that so I had to learn from him but that's the only thing that changed the distance of like his attack like because the hitbox on that's always broken no matter what that's why I go so close to him so like when he does it he clears me by a lot cannot shoot its body it doesn't do as much damage see tip if you want to shoot the heads it's way quicker and then actually so what you're doing is when the heads are removed the body still has health left but you kill it regardless because it has no brain left right so it always actually remains with a lot of health or like a chunk of it but it's just the quicker way to do it doing it like this rather than actually having to drain the health completely it's kind of like I guess for Kings you can do like more damage than the bar actually has on it's a good to go weird little HP thing I guess when did you go from zero hits to zero damage runs I did zero damage a while ago just kind of in between hitless runs but like right now I'm probably just gonna be doing damage this runs for a little bit and then we'll see what happens after that there's there's some pretty big plans Mel like they're not I'm not really ready for those yet we got to build up to it so I'll probably like later in the year or something like that we'll see when you have no heads you're a posture broken and die instantly yeah you can think of it just like if you cut off all the heads in the body was still moving anyways I could still be dead technically just die eventually almost got hit their roofs are always so close you see that I was scared what if it's not the run then that'd be really unfortunate and then we do it again but I probably take a break I need a big break that kind of like fell off that ring gives you PTSD doesn't it it basically is um it lowers your health so you don't want that so if you if you were thinking of that situation where I actually put it on it kind of does remind me of that and it's scary so I'm getting rid of it right away not again never again on that one the lot bladder needs the gold our deal from blood-borne oh the pyramid helmet there's like a gif of the guy like smacking his head off of each rung of the ladder when he's sliding down it I thought that was actually a thing in the game so I got that helmet and I was excited to do it and then it didn't happen and I was like wait what and I told somebody and they laughed at me and they're like that's just like a like a Photoshop tour and I can edited thing I was like damn dude I thought you could actually bang the guy's head off the ladder all right so I'm gonna get the bow to plus nod I guess like eight or nine first probably be the best way to do it and then go to the DLC lost our run to the ring yeah because if you put the ring on it lowers your health so then it's over that's all I need my but I didn't mean to put it on I just like on the menu I clicked one option up from what I wanted so we need to modify you thought that was real as well yeah how often do i stream salami almost every day I scream full-time so quite a few hours a week doesn't damage you though if your full health you stay full health it's just the definition of full that changes my robot programmed to play Souls games no because if I was I'd probably be better at the game so I think it's kind of proof right there if we wouldn't be doing this run still if I was a robot robots would still have trouble doing this like they wouldn't be perfect right away because there's no such thing as a cat asked run on this but you definitely would see much better results in a sooner amount of time like for the execution based stuff at least Jeannot Jeannot were still in belief that he's a robot until I meet Gino I think he's always gonna be a robot to me I have a ton DLC no not yet thank you for the good luck done muscle memory verse AI well it's also just like there's RNG that they it could not predict because it's it can't be pre-programmed with something that hasn't been yet it hasn't been determined yet right so you can't toss something that's dynamic you'd it would have to be scripted stuff that gets tossed I should have pulled the thing first wait let me see if he can if I can escape this there's more skulls we combine the DLC so I'll do that but he's gonna run back to me though racket how are you doing man we're trying to get into the DLC how are you you hope your arrival here won't jinx another promising run ah well we're at a point where you can't jinx it just yes so I think we're good for a little bit to be the first DS learning AI think is slowly gets better there are things that a robot can't control like enemies talking so quickly and at the same time the inputs wouldn't be able to keep up boy yeah there's also there is tech like mechanical things as well that would be impossible to facilitate but like let's say well that's also tethered to a IR like the RNG though so like if an enemy decided to do those attacks like that would have to be predetermined for the robots you have an input that answers it properly which it couldn't be determined because there's no static seed of like RNG necessarily it's all generated in real time so the pluck the I don't think you could get like a sheet that you put it through or it's like every single choice that could be made is already determined when you press the start button it's it's like when you get there that's why sometimes AI doesn't work properly it just doesn't do anything even though it's supposed to it's like why didn't you attack me when you could have it's because it was did being decided in that moment right but all this all the static stuff and all the execution based stuff I think for the most part of robot would probably better than human house Manus on zero damage it's not too bad I actually like doing Manus it's fun when I use poison arrows there's nothing I could really poison that would matter priscila we get toxic but we have done pies for that so it's not too much that I think would actually work that well with poison baekpa have a good sleep I will see you later thank you for hanging out man so hard about Seif he sends you an email twelve hours before he attacks I'll sleep isn't that hard like there's an encounter with him though a bit like you would die too so skipping that is important for this one how many times have I tried this run I have no idea definitely hundreds Manas will be shot down with arrows or is that cheating no I'm gonna fight him just with my weapon because actually like doing - it's fun training an AI on this would be hell it would take quite a lot of time I think they'd after they probably run like multiple iterations of it I like high speeds to be able to get it to a point where like in like weeks or months or whatever it would be like solid if that's the way they did I like the way they did with the dota BOTS or whatever they do run like four iterations of it on like high speed out wants to teach it really quickly sound a bit down Wregget I'm not really down I'm good I'm not like the best mood every but I'm not in the worst mood though I am I am energized which is good like I definitely have much better energy than I did yesterday so I'm happy about that lardy what's up how are you oh yeah we still had the I'm an idiot we didn't get the pendant did we because this we didn't kill the things we have to spend some extra time doing this and then go back again yeah I think munchies put it the best I'm just focused that's all it is when my meeting with FRA streamers already hung out with Feroz before we went on a vacation together I mean like he's welcome to come and visit me whenever he wants he just has to I mean he's a streamer he probably doesn't want to miss out on streams I told him I build him a set up so you could stream from here if you wanted to but even that's still not necessarily enough sometimes like some people want to be on their own set up and everything and he doesn't like he typically doesn't like people if that makes sense so he doesn't like hanging out with people as much as like he's not as social as I would be like his social archetypes definitely very isolated and like he likes being alone the most I think so it would be harder for him to want to hang out like as frequently as other people do but I will get him over here at some point and I'll probably go visit him as well all right now we have to go back to in Orlando again mate bomb doing pretty good how are you something I have a cold I haven't been sick since like I think I've gone over a year without being sick now because the last time I was sick was 2019 January for three days so didn't get sick throughout the rest of the year until now so I've gone this is like a year-plus streak see if we can keep that going until next year don't jinx it I don't even care do it all I'm fine with getting sick just cuz I don't get sick that often some fine with it it's not a big deal and I usually get over it really quickly I still like go to school sick and like in 24 hours I'd be okay so is that the remastered this is the remaster yeah you're sick all last week Sloot oh I'm sorry man I apologize it makes me it makes it a little easier to not get sick because I don't like work with a lot of people right even even when I've had jobs working with a lot of people I still didn't get sick but there's a higher chance though so my chances are lower than average but I also have a decent immune system in that case do I play with dsfix this is just the remaster so I don't wait a second oh yeah he we didn't kill him that's confusing for a moment get rid of pull this first and then wait I'll have to buy more skulls either don't get sick or you're screwed for like a week that's rough man I'm sorry to hear that he is sick once a month and it lasts a week or two damn dude there's someone here saying they have been they've been sick for a month I was like how was I even like how they how did you not get better yeah like have you just not rested it's like I guess if you don't sleep at all and you didn't you you don't like do anything to help it that'd be really bad could imagine hella sick well maybe in a different way how long would preparation for a run like this take it took me about a week to get the route down and then start practicing it with actual attempts like to be able to play it in one sitting and actually beat it with any kind of PB I guess think I have like 20-something mistakes on it the first time sometimes you get that lingering cough that just takes weeks to go away even though you weren't sick anymore yeah I've never had that that's my mom was telling me cuz she didn't give me any biotics when I was a kid like she would refuse to give me any like actual medicine unless I absolutely needed it and I was like dying so I think that helped my immune system a little bit I always had like a lot of vitamins and stuff to the I know people that are like even even crazier where like they haven't been sick for like five years so it really depends I think if there is a little bit of luck in it and there's also a little bit of the your immune system alright so now we're going to DLC a little bit of magnesium yeah man you gotta eat the magnets what are you doing here just eating regular food eat those magnets healthy habits increase immunity - that's true I've had some pretty unhealthy habits before those so it's bewildering why it would be enough but maybe I was just still a little healthier than normal I don't know no idea wouldn't say I'm like really that healthy but haven't been sick stirred exercise more regularly yes excess from me like when I am sick actually makes me sick for a longer because it deteriorates my immune system so I need to not work out if I'm sick I actually extended it to the three days that it was the last time because I tried working out on the second day and then I stayed stick I got even more sick the third day and then the day after that I was fine so when doing a casual run do you prefer using weapons or sorceries pyromancies honestly I don't really like pyromancies or sorceries as much like any castings are not as nice I like melee weapons don't have any unhealthy habits really just use meth occasionally that's casual math whatever yeah right oh boy exercising stick is not a good idea it's not yeah that's why I was wondering like for the people that were sick for like a month like you must either like be moving a lot or doing physical activity that you shouldn't be while you are sick or just not sleeping or both it'd have to be something like that fix Jakarta day so now it doesn't sound like it's gonna die on you that's awesome dude what was wrong with it got a crazy workout got sick right after yeah do an only match front I did a miracle only run on ds3 without getting hit that is on YouTube if you want to see it I probably won't do any of the magic runs again they're not that fun like the the faith one was okay but it still wasn't as fun as sand the other runs have done it had bad bearings in the AC compressor oh I see okay well that's good but you got it fixed was it expensive I'm nice I feel like I'm pretty average but I appreciate it though I'm definitely nicer than some streamers I will say that but it comes at a price though sometimes like being a bully is actually entertaining so it really depends it's like we don't have that dynamic but some people leverage that a lot should use the fire resin Lily what's going on how are you I do indeed do indeed it's about 40 to 50 bucks that's not too bad you drink whiskey and you never get sick whiskey keeps you from getting sick apparently except the secret damn maybe I should have done that then I wouldn't have been sick for years what do you thing about Deus Ones is still great or is it just nostalgia I think it's a good dude honestly this game's timeless in my opinion like it'll still be good in a long time from now it's more timeless than Demon Souls is because they actually can still be played like it's not perfect when it comes to controlling it but it's okay and they did a remaster so that resurfaces it a little bit for people that don't have the old consoles so it's definitely gonna be around for like people are gonna be playing it for a while just probably not as frequently after a bit truffle I will see you later have a good sleep thank you for hanging out man guessing DLC bosses aren't separate because it would wouldn't fit in the list yeah the list the list can only fit I think like one or two more headings than it has right now which still isn't enough for 26 bosses so hangin with your daughter playing Kingdom Hearts 3 oh that's nice that's a good game I feel like that'd be a really cool game to play as a kid especially if like you're into Disney and all that how far have you been without getting hit I got two four kings which is like the second last thing on the list Jon has come pretty good how are you sup man since 20 it since it's Twenty twenty one of your best games the decade any of these games and then definitely smash ultimate is really good Mario makers really good what else I don't know it's probably a bunch of other things don't even remember but tickets that's a pretty good start can you change it change the scaler make it scroll splits I don't I don't want it to scroll really don't have to do that so it's just it doesn't really matter too much anyways like I don't even have to have a list but I think putting it as DLC is pretty straightforward right like it wouldn't it wouldn't fit like physically on this counter but if I got a different one I probably could do it where I have to scroll it manually but then they'll be the whole other issue of people complaining I haven't scrolled it as early as they want me to as well so whatever whatever makes it more simple is always the best answer I think and this has all the information pretty much except for its some of its condensed how many Boston the DLC there's four in total is that Y pin wheels missing pin wheels on the list yeah this is exactly what I'm talking about like it's on the list doesn't matter even if it's there you might still not even see it proof in the statement just made I wouldn't feel too bad though I miss stuff unless sometimes I think everybody does but it kind of shows where like Neff nothing will ever be perfect there's no amount of information I can display that'll be enough I think that won't jeopardize the amount of immersion or like actual focus on what we're doing it's a it's a battle you can't win I renew four of those and then I guess homer bones are good I need to fire bombs to the end that's perfect all right we good send this back oh yeah wait I send that back up every time but I'm right there's no way to send like I I'm dead if the runs over so or if I die the runs over so I guess there'd be no reason to get the short cut ever I kept doing that the entire time I kind of feel silly now blah quacks what's up also Korean how are you doing skyline what's going on throughout the halberd could do the horizontal slash has to be like out of a roll yeah it's a pretty good pretty good attack for this in Kenora with the five gifted subs thank you man that's crazy dude anyone that just got gifted that brand new sub please please think in cono for that Oh ads is on there too Adso welcome back dude nice we got you lurking this time no escape oh I didn't use the fall control before this I guess that's okay though that's actually how I wanted to do it I love the death sound for that a whisper thank you for the brand-new sub enjoy your emotes welcome welcome to the worst part of the game or one of the worst which from soft game to enjoy the most alex sucker oh the most RS boss in DSP for no hit Freya's in ds2 cinder for ds3 it's extremely lucky I'm just gonna go well I have the chance and now that guy's trapped I think I don't think you can make it onto here we'll keep an eye out for him that's all you can really do there isn't half-light bad for no-hit half what you can choose him with storytellers staff no so it's not as bad looking like a you with that move Fox hey sometimes I got to do the Fox AMT cosplay to keep it interesting hey you might think that you didn't teach me some things I've learned from your playthroughs so there we go actually let me switch the arrows to do that I saw them looking for the answer to how I somehow didn't aggro the two guys below here running through the middle the one time I kind of went like slight left and it works was so weird see we can do it again almost it's like when you get to the pillar then they start moving and a cast fault control before this guy just in case we drop early on this next thing I've never actually done that I've always time to fall perfectly did not take fall damage but probably should cast it there in case dude what is he doing get over here Sena me is so weird ozs speedrun are you focusing on taking no hits it's no damage to nothing no damaged from anything at all how's my anxiety thus far on the run I don't really have anxiety I'm pretty chill I'm probably more chill than when we started I actually like doing this next part - it's kind of fun so excited let me see I guess like level wise we're fine surd psycho for the first time what a cool and fun game to play sucker is amazing I love it I'm glad you like it - I'm also gonna recast this here - just in case anything goes weird she played blood-borne on the stream I do sometimes just a bit for a little bit it's gonna come back there's some bigger runts that's gonna be a part of so it's guaranteed gonna be played pretty seriously in the future with your challenge runs being hitless one way or another from now on will all of them one this is damage list that this is different than hit lists it's actually even harder so I'm kind of trying to focus on zero damage on all the games now for a little bit and then I'm gonna do some other games too so resi resi - zero damage will be one of them four runs and then I'm thinking of doing something with cop head but I want to wait to the DLC comes though so it's a relevant time to play it and it might just be on the DLC I don't know if I'm gonna learn like the whole game but they would be cool to do something cool on cop had like a like no damage on the DLC being that it's a good dlc we'll see if it's good dumb bloodborne is Sakura challenge once previously I've done challenge runs on every game except Demon Souls I've never completed a challenge went on technically let's strength be grand so the world might be mended so the world might be man Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again Rob thank you for the six months man welcome back I appreciate it how are you doing the half year the turning turning human how does it feel to have skin again not be some jerky boy oh wait actually before we even head out here let me get the bow stronger it's probably a good idea this part just get that 40 decks or close to it wait let me check my durability to 11 out of 20 we're gonna have some sort of warning on calamy probably so yeah we'll have to be on the lookout for that but there's a chance there's a pretty good chance so I usually reinforce that later you have time you allow me to do this run now Thank You Kazuto for allowing me to do this run how have you been man follow Kazuto if you guys don't by the way he's really cool um i think i think he's a german streamer so it especially if you speak german if i'm wrong about that i'm probably gonna get banned in his stream so please don't be wrong Steph thanks for the good luck as well how are you doing how's your weekend so far man favorite boss in the soul series and least orphan favorite least favorite covetous demon there's actually a favorite command I'm pretty sure for that the thing one must use like exclamation point fa b is should say favor for every game and then like the least favorite i might want to add to that just in case this is no outside where do you live if you don't mind me asking golden what's going on how are you dude Elisabet robbie bavarian now AIC yeah he does he does speaking german in his dreams i got you're in Eastern Ontario oh I see I see get in the snow and although he speaks English as well sorry my bad I see well even better than streamer can you please teach me how to speak German streamer as soon as you see calamy fly down you can bone no need to go down us okay that's the thing even I've actually I've done that and it hasn't worked before so I started going down all the time but like you're telling me I could just walk to the ladder and that's it because I explicitly did that it did not work one day yeah it didn't it just didn't work I even I even touched the ladder like I literally got on the ladder and got off and it didn't work can someone teach you German okay or whatever onion whatever you know how to speak German to use the Lobos song for Calum heed I've never heard it before that's the one where he cuts his tail off right like someone's told me about it but I never saw I've never listened to it farthest today that'd be this run this is the second run what do you want to know in German I'm okay I'm good spooky that's a really interesting combination of compliments I appreciate it though thank you very much I don't think I've ever got that before that's a really interesting combination I didn't even know that was possible but okay someone teach you teach you get gehrman listen if you say nein you pretty much know how to say no in German Google Rammstein lyrics just du hast du hast 9vy hender there you go or tis fight to sway honda to sway honda I am using these to sway honda crankin wagon what crank and wagon that sounds like a very scary place already get cranked by the wagon glockenspiel that's ambulance oh okay is this a world record no one's ever done this run before so it would be the first but it's not really like a time-based thing I just have a timer for fun so it's not a speedrun but it would be the first who's completed it actually means an ambulance that's that's hilarious Hans get Z famine war for Flaman war for a while it's crazy all I've been trying this round for uh I think over a few months not like every single day but for the better part of about three months or so maybe even more now I don't know I don't know whenever we beat the trilogy originally it can actually change the Rings on ladders that's cool let me do this as well they have more damage [Music] alright that was pretty good a little sketchy huh a little bit scary fight yeah why perfectly time the the inward role which is like what you don't want it you don't even want to like go there so I had no choice and I at least didn't get killed by us though that's good it's like it's probably like twice as hard to time that because it lingers so long okay let's see reinforce let's go get this reinforced amelie it didn't actually break which is good it's probably so close though the snoot has been beaten whole fight made you nervous nervous laugh the entire time you're like yeah yeah oh no huh what is what is your nervous laugh sound like my distance PB kazuto was like five minutes from the end just four kings seven I've been pretty scrappy for a long time on this we got the feet like they're really good pvp or like I'd say maybe over a month ago at this point viewers probably more nervous than me all hundred percent everyone here is way more nervous than me unless you've seen this enough then you would be probably chill as well but there's no point to get nervous so I'm gonna have to do it again if I fail so like what's the point of working myself up and then not having as much fun right like unless it's uncontrollable but I don't think it's gonna get to that point alright let's go to the painting so we got to get this reinforced really quick and then that's maxed for I guess this playthrough I don't think there's anything we missed either how was a snowboarding Luke inherit enry it was really good man thank you for asking is the best year so far definitely looking forward to doing it again I'm gonna go over where I am at least two more times before the winter is over I'll late whare what's up wait why is that on the offhand let strength be granted so the world might be mended his mentor n later in Canada is at least a couple more months of snowboarding left like good like decent snowboarding uh but yeah I'd like there's four seasons where I live typically like it's kind of weird now it's not quite like four seasons it's a little bit like on and off with the like this winter with the snow but it's definitely like four seasons if you were gonna compare it to like a place that's always warm they're always cold what is feeding this the slab do it breaks them down into chunks company's enlightening resident freak wind alone have a girlfriend Rick I do not know why are you looking to sign up hey Carrie what's going on how are you my killing gwyndolin yes it's what I'm doing right now you have balls hot and frozen death that's it he has a pretty good contrast I think like in-between like the spring and the the fall is the best for that eaten not that you're flirting but you're single - well why didn't you tell me you didn't I thought you have we're taken by your seven different wives one for every day of the week because you seem like that kind of guy how do I get into your polygamist Network [Music] and imagine if everyone knew Eaton issue a single oh my god you'd be in trouble dude you wouldn't be able to even go alive you'd already have people at your door trying to like bang it down hundred percent oh is it gonna do an extra teleport that's kind of rough and to have a girl that is a friend I have friends that are girls in not a lot a lot of them are like busy like focusing on their career now and everything a lot of a lot of my actual like friends in general or just like just doing random stuff and like they don't not not even everyone lives in the same area like people live in different provinces people some people live in like the u.s. no I think it's like wherever your career takes you gotta write names sister I don't know names sister I'm sure she's pretty nice Gwendolyn killed you the other day Gwendolyn is another boss like where if you haven't died to it you're going to at some point like you only play the game enough once you've died to him to have a lot of girl contacts I don't know what you mean by that like do I get contacted by girls like when I stream or something or have a lot of phone numbers of you mean that you have a boy that is a girl do you know that gwendolyn's a boy that's a girl Canadian am ever read the comics I didn't even know there's comics Panta flow thank you for the good luck alright let's do this get the skulls ready gotta have the skulls man you mean numbers I don't know maybe I mean like I don't ask for people's numbers I don't like do pickups like when I'm doing regular [ __ ] so I'm not like a pickup artist to value is that that's what you mean I really have a interest in do you really got the run today what you mean are you celebrating this before it's even happened is that what's going on here is this cainhurst castle it looks kind of similar I will say and ironically the snow still looks better here than it does in 2015 women try to pick me up instead I don't think so women don't typically do that it's definitely a lot less common sounds like an Australian Australian women pick up men as Eiger saying stupid sexy Flanders oh man goddamn Flanders now should be the you know what let's actually blame Flanders anytime a run ends that's gonna be the tagline for anyone doing runs on this the meta is now stupid sexy Flanders always ruin in the run Alexandre that would be scary man probably not though maybe if I'm about to like fall or something is this a boss you need to kill that's not a boss it's just a regular enemy that that blocks the pathway so I just gotta get through here and then we're good apparently it's very uncommon in Australia for women to approach men oh well yeah it's pretty uncommon here too I mean people like lay down hints on that but like they don't like generally like approach as in like asking for a number or asking for information typically it's unless you're a guy then like maybe yeah you would do that but even that's pretty uncommon still all right trying to think of if oh yeah I need to have these on and then we need to switch off this stuff have the done pies I was about to hit her tail actually those those gonna be really bad I could probably take off this weapon completely oh you said it's very common for women to pick up men in Australia that's interesting it's the same thing either way just it's just something that long people's don't do a lot of people don't even approach people and talk to them randomly some people assume that like the person would think it's weird when half the time they don't even know what's gonna happen they just make like a assumption of the situation in their head before they even try so nominate us thank you for the the resub man welcome back why must you kill her she could be your wife I have no idea I felt like it oh you said Austrian okay I said Australia wait I'm confused are we getting are you guys getting confused or am i confused two different places yes speaking of hi drink I'm gonna take a quick break right here while she dies I'll be back in a moment it'll probably take like five minutes total for her to die or less so I'll be back in like two-and-a-half minutes or so if anyone asks I'm just taking a break I'll see you guys in a moment thank you again so loved the lost withdrawn from its vessel okay I'm back thank you for being patient everybody I'm out here you don't want him to know that you finished the run last night you don't know I am back no it's all a troll i stitched in video that made it look like I came back but it was all pre-recorded hmmm Beltre what's up how's it going you were so worried I'd never worry me again like that young man I'm taking away your Gameboy no snacks after 9 p.m. Michael the Girma would be like cracking out the scary mom vibes on me zoom in on the feet that's weird no thanks got invaded imagine in offline mode getting invaded beasts web what's up dude how's it going Oh perfect timing actually gave me a like a second to kind of collect my thoughts again for the run just perfect Priscilla is like the best break time ever was this taken thank you for the prime sub I hope you enjoy your mounts welcome how's it going dude can I do this game without killing a single enemy I don't believe you could unless you summoned an NPC then it would just be like randomly waiting for them to kill the enemies which may or may not happen like they might die so you can you can do a pacifist run which is just basically waiting for that other people to kill the enemies for you but it doesn't always work left to do a line of coke in the bathroom have that coca-cola just like lined up in a row a bunch of bottles of it chug them down there can finding thank you for the seven months welcome back eat the vicks vapor rub err you won't get any ice cream whoa I don't want to know what kind of parenting that is or who thought of it alright so you have to go to ISIL if that means Firelink over-caffeinated yeah actually only have one coffee today so the cinder thank you for the the prime sub enjoy your remotes welcome how goes it okay we have to get the humanities so twelve eighteen twenty-two twenty seven ninety three in total make it two doubles just to be careful see if we can pull that off favor Sakura boss my like you shouldn't like the regular regular and sure ending they're both really cool or sorry um regular in an immortal severance how much PI should you eat every night if you want to lose weight honestly that depends on how much you've eaten and throughout the day you could eat a lot of pie and lose weight technically regular extra crispy Asian weight what's the difference in Chris penis like the way he's good weight why would you eat Asian I'm Sam so I'm confused metazoan thank you for the the prime sub I hope you enjoy your meal its welcomed significant difference in Chris penis with ish in really crispy yishun is the form the one from sure ending really why is he crispy though cuz he like dies with the fight oh it's the fire right probably the fire Kentucky Friday you should you guys are silly best Dark Souls laughs probably Oswald of Carim the guy that gives you the the judgment book okay that extra endurance actually helped out quite a bit we're still fast and we got all the stuff we need what do you do with the 30 humanity I offer it to the Kaos servants I guess I could use this before we drop down it's fine they're a boss in New Londo ruins there was supposed to be a boss and you Londo ruins originally but it got removed well I mean there's one well technically no there is still one boss but it's not like the bottom it's in the abyss which is a different area technically but you have to go through the ruins to get to the abyss there was supposed to be one where inward was though they removed it which kind of sucks okay no mosquito please also I need this to run out but I don't know if it will it's funny how them those mosquitoes are actually still chasing you at this point it's wild can you back to be the bond for after quite like it's already activated so if you sit at it then you have to go backwards through Blighttown in the early game which is way more dangerous so they get around to the washing the vaad you sent me to Rico when when did you send me at what was it I've seen a lot of stuff that you guys have sent me so sometimes it's hard to remember unless you like tell me what what it was there is a chance I missed it if I was on the trip because there might have been stuff from before like during the earlier days of it that I didn't because I wasn't checking my whispers and I was gone that much where am i actually from I am from Canada I have only lived in Canada in my entire life same place different cities same province bag thank you for the the prime sub I hope you enjoy your moats welcome I already pulled the thing I was on discord of the stream you did oh yeah I told I did tell you to send them odd for that yeah so I haven't seen that yet I will check it out thank you for reminding me man and that was this probably like when I was gone yeah I didn't didn't look at that stuff that's why I'm so sweet how do you know I'm sweet what if you hate me and I was like extremely salty why am I wearing gold hamsa it reduces poison quite a lot as Quebec French yeah yeah they are prepare for bad quality how did the stream go was it good I asked her girlfriend joke's on you I don't have one I'm so sad why did you have to ask that value from EU the first place you're going to is Manitoba in Canada Manitoba I hope you enjoy it that's the nervous laugh that was it I was crying what are you talking about this guy made me cry what's the ETA on the middle sub oh you mean like the Emoto I don't have a timeframe on that we don't have any slots unlocked we have to unlock another slot which could take like the rest of the year so I have no idea that's there's no there's no timeline on that that could take like literally 10 minutes or it could take over a year it could be like multiple years we have to get like a thousand a thousand two hundred more subs I think to do that nice darker that was a while ago yeah that was like last year like like early October maybe you're something like that I don't even remember now I don't even remember lost sub-points how did you get the cutscene now cuz I worked out of the fight before the cutscene cued before 1200 subs on the way exactly it would take a lot so that's something that can happen spontaneously out of like weird situations or it could literally just take over a year so sorry I'll don't be sorry about it nice soccer it's it was it was a very good decision don't want to drinks it but this is the one okay how many subs for me to get a new girlfriend 1.7 billion subs and I'll probably just ask Eden to marry me we'll see they'll probably like you oh I don't like dudes I'll be like I don't either go like one point not one point nine billion subs man like you want to split the money and I'll be like yell bro let's do it then we'll just pretend to be married or not you guys proposes that you know he has to propose to me if we're gonna for do it for Poland gimmicks that big man oh boy I'm not like I'm not I'm not gonna initiate that with the most is it just new subs or concurrent subs you have to reach the number with concurrent subs and then once you reach it you can lose all of them and then you'd still have the most lot so I'd have to hit three thousand nine hundred to be able to or no so I think it would be even more than that I'd need even more than twelve hundred but yeah I'd have to i'd have to hit like thirty nine hundred to be able to keep the next emotes law but i could lose that right away and as long as we hit thirty nine hundred one time that'd be enough to do it which is pretty difficult to do like a channel of this size typically wouldn't even have that many subs so it's well maybe maybe we are over growing a little bit but like usually that wouldn't be the case what run is this this is a zero damage run my from Montreal no no I live in Ontario to use quit outs for anything in this run no quit outs oh I miss right there that sucks let strength be grant for the world might be mended so the world might women what up school squad to boomer oh thank you for the six months welcome back I appreciate it man I'll Terios in California well it's also in Canada - do i skateboarder - snowboard I skateboarded for probably around six or seven years or so and then snowboarder for four years so far best trick I could do on a skateboard I was in a street skating so it wasn't really about individual tricks is more of like lines right I think like probably probably like a nose slide into like a fakie bit big spin out or something like that into like a manual or something I don't know something weird like that how do you keep the Crystal weapon from breaking you have to keep upgrading it yeah there's some tricks I really just wasn't good at but I think like my best line was something like that it's pretty good at doing like any kind of slide trick into like some sort of like circular rotation flip trick out of it or whatever best individual flip trick was probably just like a hard flip but yeah I like a charter a flip or something like that like a 360 flip what's the hardest thing about this run for me DLC used to fall on your ass you have to fall a lot to get good so that's one of those things man I'm lucky I didn't get injured as much site or at least some of my friends didn't as much as I probably should have gotten injured didn't wear a helmet didn't wear pads did some stupid stuff do not recommend we're homeward bone in that one there's a pretty bad intro right there good thing I sat out that it's all of our resins to 360 why why louder stall noscope I stood do that kind of stuff on Call of Duty I got some news eatin no no you will Oh God eaten accept the proposal it's over now it's not cap rating the music yeah they reused some of the soundtracks all right me and Eden are married now it's official I'm sorry guys taken I'll be waiting for the 1.9 billion dollars in the mail I have a special request that it gets transferred into shekels that's the preferred currency in a homeward bone that too took a little bit too much time so he's gonna regrow his arm not a good fight very unlikely I'd went on that wasted way too much time he also did something really weird didn't do a jump attack right away when he could have so I wasted a lot of time certain flow you gotta have to that not going to chance it a cell Bajor thank you for the three months welcome back I appreciate it I'm messing up your sleep schedule munchies I'm sorry my bad Ellie what's up how are you much better much much better on that I can do with that like stepping on a bug although he's like a bug stepping on you why did you send a PD min four times that's gonna be the new question now streamer why did you do that four times why is centipede even have to be killed four times that's what was gonna slide you into the lobby that's what I was trying to worry about right there so on the first one he I was in a spot where he could have slipped me in so I was like rolling preemptively so as soon as he turned to it kind of like go around his hand there's a certain side of his body where he'll just push you in the lava no matter what so many ways to die centipede times for strimmer why do you fight this boss four times the rotten I mean send Kurata kuratas thank you man I appreciate it also mark awesome have a good rest of your evening thank you for hanging out appreciate it I'm a gentleman very wise I don't know about that but I appreciate it though it's possible for the bugs to hit you those ones I don't think so as far as I know that'd be funny if they did though at the very end and probably really annoying to I need to go to sleep it's 8 p.m. go to bed anybody that's got to go to bed go to bed for sure Ben rice has the front page got 6 K beers right now yeah I saw that he was on front page recently as well before that usually you get like think about two or four to two four slots in total so tell my sub congrats if you can get a chance to like if he sees your message definitely he's like one of the most deserving people for sure he should definitely be on there more often just regularly they just put him on there like as a occasional thing okay there is a much left you'd advise staying up I don't know man followed him since he spent spoke so highly of them well I mean he's like one of the most knowledgeable health and fitness people he's breaking some records with or his personal records of powerlifting and going for like you know some of the bigger ones overall and he's got a lot of like really good advice and just pretty funny when he plays games also plays music can sing really well you know like there's so many things about Bend they're just much more interesting than like most streams I would say three six okay and I'm gonna actually take this ring off and then we'll take off this as well it's like a left hand punch although you know F well it's the right hand punch whatever let strength be granted so the world so the world might be mended Matt rose or sir tomorrow so thank you for the three months welcome back Miyazaki loves swamps he does he definitely does got the attack pretty fast that wasn't too bad there's a lot of runs where I got it right away it's depends you seen it'd be really bad oh I've seen it yeah like where it's almost like a good solid I don't even know like three or four minutes how's the pace this run it's a little slow it's cuz we made we made a 10-minute mistake roughly could that could have been under three hours still but even then I've slowed down a bit since the DLC uh yeah sub alerts from Demon Souls kittykins also how are you doing what's up idk thank you for the good luck those aren't steamed clams anymore what's the ten-minute mistake I thought the DLC was already open ran too it wasn't open stalled two killed us go back to Duke Duke's archives twice and run back all the way to where I was in the first place hardest run on demon souls I've never done a run on demon souls before I got a to hit PB on hit list that's a most embarrassing or unexpected place I've died probably from the ring the ring was definitely the worst why see if its own split seems way shorter than the one before it just not everything can can fit on the counter so condensed information I don't know man I don't know that's one of the ones I chose that way why no demon souls runs I've just never really been great at it I did a big run with um with like all the games but that's the first time I challenge ran it I think I'd only beaten it casually like a few times before that [Music] as no no souls to pop that sucks okay let me level up a little more once we can I don't even know if this is maxed out yeah oh it is like every good nice what was that thing you just heard in the beginning of the fight that's the crystal that basically makes him immortal that's why like when you fight him the first time you can't kill him because you have to get to that area later on and break that crystal so why you have to die the first time cuz he just regenerates itself infinitely until you do that for this you've seen people this is like the second time I think we've been here well actually we we did get to see again multiple times so pretty much the same thing like minutes away from that why does he fight you in a magic crystal room he should have the area walled off or something because he's crazy man he's a dragon and he's a scientist and he's got crystal meth so why not oh I was supposed to pop the transient curse a long time ago let me do that right here I'm an idiot for not doing that we have to wait a little bit let me get to the other part she put chilli in it I hope see I hope he does should switch this weapon up too we don't want this you get these backup plans wolf how's it going how are you doing why are using fog ring here I wouldn't really be good to I'm predictable with what the enemies would do I want to be able to know that they're going to try to hit me from far away fog ring makes enemies like instantaneously attack you if you just walk by them so it's not it's not good in situations we have to pass by enemies as much so from here we're gonna wait it out I guess I'll just try to kill the ghosts while they still can be killed with the bow but I got a pawn Hawk ring I'll try to shoot out these guys I can see them there's one perfect there we go so there dad there's only one left Sarina wait until the transient curse is worn off because you can't you can't cast fall control if you have an effect already so have to wait until I can actually do that so I can fall down safely in the rule we'll do the fight I joined at the right time wreck are what's going on man what you're doing what I'm doing here will soon be history in history textbooks with page titled no damage 2020 forget don't forget the ring yeah I got the ring don't worry I appreciate you reminding me though I'll put it on right now just in case actually wait we can have both of these on not gonna lie you're super scared angel that's okay I'm it's just a game it's not real if I screw up I have to do it again it's never going to be the case that I get it until I get it so I mean it's just simple mathematics if I just don't get it then I did the equation is I have to do it again or I give up and I'm not gonna give up so I think as long as it's like something worthwhile to fail to I mean you can learn from it then I guess that's like the least frustrating thing but I do want to do it so I'll try my best not gonna use the hammer I will I'll switch to that right now before we fall I actually do all that stuff after we land they'll do it again quick math that's basically that's all we're doing here not that special I understand I guess if you're not like used to playing the game like this though died and the effect will automatically wear off and just do the no hit run what's going on this is your damage man ring is already on we're good got a toggle escape on that that's weird it really wanted that's like not as good as the roll but that's pretty that's like in-between I didn't really try to do that it's interesting we have to run thinking I'm thinking the wall probably curved the left there's gonna be a curve on the wall let's get it for the next attack through the last week drawn from its vessel okay may have wasted mates way too much time here I don't know we'll see might be wrong calculated greed all right that's pretty this pretty unlucky fight I will be honest you probably won't see it that bad again like that was those some overlapping timers right there it's not what we want Sena PB that is a PB yeah technically mm okay we probably want these rings actually you know we want Hornet and flip or no we don't want flip we want to hoard it and then something random flip until we get in there then take it off probably the best right 20 endurance wait I miss that message let me see warlock Nikki for the four months welcome back dude I appreciate it thank you very much well I have time to take it off yeah the fog I usually use when I take it off and we have the charcoal resin still so I will actually have to hmm I don't know if I have enough damage I could probably kill the night on the ledge I try to go for a riposte on him and see if he dies and I'll buff before I get there so that when I do so he'll take more damage because I think well I don't know if they're weak to fire garden thank you for the the bits man I appreciate that that's very nice of you don't risk it Ola why I have to Perry the guy on the ledge regardless that's how I do it but I'm saying like instead of letting him live I'm gonna repost and then we'll rebuff again so it's a little safer that way yeah you should die from that let's should be good you got these hello future for me it's me past for me you should be studying and not watching you too and that's the run GG good riddance oh wait wait wait no no no real no damage does not hit the fire they got a walkout her rate is definitely going up a bit well actually no it was now it's kind of going down that was a that was a good finish for sure you guys are insane thank you so much for actually supporting us in tolerating this nonsense goddammit I'm super excited right now I don't even I really don't even know what to say though it's probably gonna take like days to even process any of this like I still feel like I'm doing another one like right after those on the open stream labs I'm gonna have to catch up with a lot of stuff oh boy watch out on screen for YouTube you guys can say hello to YouTube let me put the Captur up for it give me a second here we go I don't know why it's not showing up maybe because it's full screen no this is so rad now the music's getting cut off because I don't know it doesn't wait how can I not capture way-hey won't let me capture the chat how is even possible where's the source supposed to be and won't it won't let me do it it's broken all my remaining bits GJ squealing I'm so happy that's really frustrating well okay well no chat on screen I'm sorry guys for anyone that's watching on YouTube chat is like saying hello to you guys let me wait let me open a new a new one see if it works yeah there we go jeez it on the run squeal squeal page [Music] this is chat saying hello in 2k 20 the memes um dude you guys are crazy [Music] this has been how to lose 15 years of your lifespan playing a video game the easiest way to die fast [Music] oh boy you guys are crazy thank you so much have I hollowed yet no I didn't how low luckily I preserve myself a little bit so I took a lot of breaks during this one definitely still gonna take some time to even like mentally process that like I still feel like I'm on the run for sure I definitely I did the mental aspects of this one we're in check quite quite well on the attempt that was good cuz like I didn't even I wasn't even nervous like on gwyn I got nervous but not like it till like the second half like after the second parry I think that was it so that's pretty good suppression about for sure I finally got to see a run this one took so long to get you deserve it will love you man you guys are insane thank you so much I am going to start trying to read the stream labs back to see if I can catch up with everything that you guys just did because I usually cannot even Ryan Demick you're nuts what are you doing man stop - stop doing that no you know aloud dude what's next oh my god oh we got a light we got a lot of stuff to get through oh man jeez okay Bobby thank you for the prime sub darn thank you for the bits beantown thank you for the bits follow me thank you for the dollar giddy Ken's thank you for the brand-new sub just screwed it up wait let me get back on the list again [Music] where is giddy Ken's thank you for the brand-new sub sans thank you for the the hundred bits deacon thank you for gifting one two three four five six seven subs apparently jjjj is that 7 that's crazy man chocolate thank you for the two hundred bits ultra gamma thank you for the prime sub poocho thank you for gifting the 5 subs Griff thank you for the five hundred bits ego thank you for the 153 bits lucky thank you for gifting 5 subs clone thank you for gifting 5 subs cloud thank you for gifting what looks like 10 subs Hikari thank you for gifting 5 subs in kinnear oh thank you for gifting 5 subs my Finn thank you for gifting us up to Amira and also Dragon King as well supreme ginger thank you for gifting 5 subs stuff thank you for gifting 5 subs Dark Lord of roses thank you for the hundred seventy five bits creak oh thank you for the $10 Daris thank you for the $10 fees thank you for the what looks like 20 gifted subs because you're crazy Wendy's wonder thank you for the eight hundred bits windowpane thank you for the $20 socially interesting for the three dollars atrocious kitten thank you for the prime sub Braley's thank you for the five hundred bits mr. kittens Allah thank you for the thousand bits Sam thank you for the gift is up to cheese man Oh Ryan Dimmick gifting 20 I put imagine 20 subs is that 20 oh my god nor cast thank you for the five gifted subs naughty critter thank you for the hundred bits mate yes man thank you for the two hundred bits Ian thank you for the dollar man and thank you for the nice the crime lords as well I'm glad to and Jeppe thank you for the hundred bits actually I should probably back those messages inside the dream labs alerts so so for me was saying hello is its future for me it's it's me pass for me sorry I'm interrupting look forward to the next one there's too many things to keep up with there's huge future for me you should be studying and not watching YouTube there is Creek oh saying we game and dare saying get it window pane and my feeling I'm an effing god okay that's not true dude socially I finally got to see a run this one took so long you deserve it I love you thanks man I love you too eysan think saying glad that i got this thank you eysan and then a bunch of stuff that i apparently has not even gone through yet i don't even oh man dude what's happening JJ squealing good job nock Terrace has used a 100 bits will be displayed in 12 seconds lemon has with the five gifted subs jeez man Marv with the hundred bits is well party 100 GG good job thanks man yes man saying he was here Jeff a saying skull sip oh I kind of was off with like reading the messages I'm sorry I should have like read those while I was going through them for the for the things for the alerts thank you you guys are absolutely crazy no more no more of this nonsense you're nutty that was a nutty run those two understand I guess the in-game time doesn't even matter now I guess I'll quit out and check but Dark Souls history yeah this is the first ever zero damage run of the entire game so took took nine years apparently for someone to do that but there we go it's going down man it happened [Music] Muhtar thank you for the this one two three five five hundred bits can you post a link if you have automatically permission you can post a link go for it took the runs virginity I don't know like it's possible that someone did it off stream but I would ha it would be so highly unlikely someone would put that much effort that you just saw me put into something and not recorded like especially if they're not a full-time stream you're like that wouldn't make any sense so I doubt that it's been done otherwise but if it was first on record so I'll take it does I mean I'm quitting twitch no I'm not quitting this is jus this is just square one we're just getting started this is child's play right now the the next runs gonna be probably I would say twice as hard one after that's probably gonna be even harder so there's a lot of stuff that's that's planned for this year we're definitely gonna up the bar a bit hope you guys are excited for thank you seriously so much for everything like I don't even I don't even know what just like I like my brains just like not even on like I'm still on the chapter before we beat it still like my brains back back in time I'm like a - too much in the past right now tomahawk thank you for gifting 5 subs man 2 2 shot mindless spooky Kevlar and matthäus as well that's insane oh man lethal I I there's a lot of stuff there's a lot of stuff me I don't know I mean I've to worry there's I have I have too many things that I want to do and there's just not enough time to organize it so we've got to take it one step at a time and I guess now cuz we still have some time left in the stream we're gonna do something else but I don't want to play jump game that's not a good game to celebrate this the best thing to celebrate would be doing a run in sucker oh I think or doing something crazy could start one-handed sl1 my $5 you beautiful dark souls run could definitely stay on this game and just do that that would be a possibility I have to set up a thing for it though I don't know how long my one-handed sl1 would take that's the only problem so maybe that'd be a better like let's say let's let's celebrate with this with this run tomorrow and do it one hit I saw one for now we're gonna do Sakura so yeah let me let me get to that let's open that up put on some tunes for a bit sucker oh and chill certain thank you for the prime sub I appreciate that welcome dude man all right concentration playlists or wait no no ambien playlist I think there is actually an Paramore album I accidentally added to this so if it randomly comes on its gonna be
Channel: SquillaKilla
Views: 837,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 0 Damage Run, Dark Souls 0 Damage Run, Worlds First 0 Damage Run, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Dark Souls Remastered, Dark Souls 0 Hit Run, Dark Souls Hitless Run, Squillakilla 0 Damage, Squillakilla 0 Hit run, Dark Souls Challenge Runs, Prepare to Die Edition, Speedruning Dark Souls, Dark Souls Speedruns, Fromsoftware, Bloodborne, Dark Souls Fails, Lets Play Dark Souls, Reacting to Dark Souls, Elden Ring, All Bosses 0 Damage Run
Id: 424nURd8lzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 10sec (13090 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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