World’s SADDEST Minecraft Animation

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entire found the cutest Minecraft animation on YouTube can one Pig overcome heartbreak and what happens when the Villager decides to become the hero I'm already liking this little Hamilton oh there's chickens in a tree still confused if they can fly well or not little cows this is so cute wait he's lonely [Music] Hamlet and Patricia have fallen deeply in love and they're no longer alone oh look at him the sky is really pixely but this is Minecraft and it's kind of normal right is that a baby pig [Music] baby pig oh who knew Iron Golems can play the ukulele [Music] what biome is this I don't remember a steamboat being in Minecraft I'm scared too Steve what what is that leather a saddle a carrot what's happening no no what is he doing to the pigs can pigs swim don't follow him oh they're okay is anyone else really scared about the way their faces are looking right now because I find it very disturbing okay thank you they are just following him through every biome lovely house though that's good [Music] Steve you can really put the carrot down let them eat [Music] trap them oh this is really emotional geez I'm the biggest animal person I don't like this okay they slept good they had a long journey Steve where'd he go oh no is that bearded Pig going to steal Hamlet's woman get away get away from his woman no [Music] no I want to hate the other Pig but it's technically not his fault right he got tamed and why did they just have a baby with a beard maybe you should not have facial hair what are you doing with him I love him so much he's everything Hamlet I love you oh oh that was scary looking what no something fell on the ground I'm just so freaked out right now huh you were brilliant hold on I have to walk away I just literally paused it at the worst possible [Music] oh okay that wasn't that was just a Daydream a bad dream thank goodness oh man run away yeah oh he's oh he's crying I'll save you Hamlet oh now he's all alone again though and he's looking back at Patricia [Music] Hamlet you're gonna find somebody better okay she's gonna have an even better looking bow and she won't leave you this is some steamy music okay I love him come back oh guys please subscribe to the channel for Hamilton he's the cutest thing I've ever seen it's okay maybe you can be friends with a bat right they're not scary this pig is going through the most emotional journey I have ever seen in Minecraft oh he's gonna go strong he's gonna become a superhero feel it I don't like steam right now [Music] you're bad Steve what are you looking at the pig's gonna come and attack Steve oh you feel paranoid maybe it's because you ruined a pig's life huh it is easy for hero I felt the energy I could tell [Music] but instead of Batman is he not that pig man Ultimate Minecraft cartoons wow little bunnies wait was that the end of the pig story are we onto someone else oh this looks like a video game but I don't wear Minecraft is a video game hear me out okay but this looks like a video game of the video game do you know what I mean I would probably play this on Nintendo DS I I just feel like that's what this looks like the Villager really sounded like Squidward there I think they got inspiration for Squidward from SpongeBob from Minecraft [Music] first I don't know oh he really wants people to come out and hang out with him whoa well his wish was granted kind of they just left him oh [Music] it's a bit on your armor this villager is also lonely just like Hamilton yeah everybody else has a buddy I feel like this man needs a buddy too [Music] right they are watching wheat grow that sounds really boring but now that they have wheat seeds they can tame a chicken you can have your own Aubrey Merchant you can get your own beautiful Chuckles the chicken oh that was kind of brilliant not gonna lie so the compasses normally tell you if it's day or night everyone lives in that one house that must be a mansion back there oh he wants he wants a bedtime story oh he got tucked in so wholesome although do you not sleep with a blanket on over oh what his kid was taken was it the lonely villager he wanted a buddy right oh the zombies are on the loose the zombie literally broke a door what oh [Music] it's very disturbing the Run cheese I feel like these are extra strong mobs oh no this is really disturbing oh no there's no point in saving him oh he's okay maybe they're fine they're just zombified villagers why did some villagers have to die and some just got turned into zombies themselves I feel like they should have had a choice here see like that was not becoming a zombie he's just gone no he's okay right it's a zombie his son became a zombie what's gonna happen town is destroyed this is like The Walking Dead and it's more pixelated than before he's the only one left sad Steve I don't like you right now taking all their books they already don't have anything in this Village well they do have Emerald you might want food bro Steve is mean there's a villager who still lives here [Music] sir sir go with Steve he just took all your belongings [Music] what wait why did he just do that oh wait what kind of potion was that oh is he he's saving them Steve actually did something nice save the sun save his son please oh where is he taking them get him brewing stand get him everybody gets Steve whoa what mob was that man this villagers become really cool he's gonna save his son and it's gonna be real fun [Music] is this the same guy he's really feeling a lot of emotions right now there you go save Jeffrey that'll do it golden apple and what's up I don't remember the other thing you need for it the headband is blowing in the wind yes yeah what a dumb zombie like it literally walked into the sun wait where'd Jeffrey go which one is that Jeffrey oh who knew Steve was so awful that's literally his son why why do you need him giving back his son he's got this Harriet don't let him get you down whoa he's an extreme fight the Villager is taller but Steve seems a little smarter so I don't know what's gonna happen [Music] they both lost their storage geez [Music] oh something important oh what what he just knocked him into the sun I feel like something's important about the sun rising right now oh if the sun fully Rises does that mean his son will catch on fire because he's a zombie now this is really intense the stakes are high ew gross ew gross did Steve die eat the apple give them the Apple come on faster what if it's the wrong son it's like the wrong kid good oh he saved him yay happy little family but Hamlet did it get a family not gonna get over that whoa is that noob [Music] Burr it looks chilly what is this wildebeest again what are those called it looks like a big old Iron Golem as a horse oh what literally what is this don't hurt him he's a house I feel like there's an anime about this this moment it's Studio Ghibli and there's like a moving house moving castle that's what this is based off of I'm sure of it [Music] fake chilling in there oh [Music] the neighbor does not approve of the sound he's trying to get some rest oh not going to be the same painting you want it's just it's just not just give up this is not working well for him are those speakers now oh oh smart these neighbors are in really close spaces so you can pretty much hear anything they're doing what are you ready guys what do you think he's saying just both really mad at each other oh [Music] that's one way to deal with him sure [Music] why are they in this strange Iron Golem man he's like a cruise ship or something no he didn't oh oh that is a dirty prank no way do you have a bucket sir uh oh he's gonna get what he deserves to be honest he's it he started it [Music] has a scary face it's kind of entertaining I'm not gonna lie oh well you shouldn't have tried to mine it with a regular old pickaxe [Music] there you go [Music] he has so much diamonds hey hey what's up what is happening hey oh my eyes that looks violent uh oh he's gonna get him [Music] balls not chickens okay he did him a favor not gonna lie he has buddies now that dude's gonna fall over up no don't die don't die don't get trampled [Music] who are these people I think one of them was Waluigi um so he's asleep do they still live here he's gonna go mine that didn't end well for all the people in ice blocks outside that's all I have to say they're gonna try to steal each other's oars unless now they're friends are they friends now they're totally chilled together now Cole [Music] ooh secret staircase like why are they buddies now I'm confused I thought they hated each other teamwork making a rail system [Music] where are they gonna go where are they gonna there we go I've done that before too maybe this is how they got so many Diamonds oh almost he's so cool oh [Music] that's unfortunate oh no smart oh that zombie is down in the deep dark do you not have a sword with you oh no I've done that before too crafting table with you [Music] they're using really good teamwork so cute why don't you just bring the crafting table with you I don't understand [Music] all right oh he crafted the wrong thing [Music] oh he's going back with them these bro they're literally best buds why aren't you taking it with you it's bothering me they're mining for a cold what what what is happening who knew an Enderman in the skeleton could have a relationship and who just drops a diamond sword and diamonds all over the place in Minecraft and leaves them on the floor [Music] there's some plot holes here oh that was really um graceful no well oh what is happening this is kind of becoming very chaotic all of a sudden they could share the cart right smart smart smart form so many furnaces what are they making oh they're still inside the giant or are they outside and they're gonna get left behind I can't tell is this mine in the Giant truly not right okay that's why he's so big he has a whole mining system beneath him a whole cave [Music] now they hate each other again we have a really confusing relationship saved these people people save oh wow he's actually doing something nice for a change in this video Maybe did he just turn into hero Brian what swear that's new one two three four this place looks great oh we're an old Wild Wild West movie oh and everybody's so happy I feel like normally Wild West movies are happy what is new one two three four doing here the chickens Pleasant little town oh he's the sheriff in the town oh he's gonna fight some crime oh what something's flying oh it's the people from the ice earlier big plot twist what so they're like bad isn't that Waluigi [Music] jeez scary what are they doing these guys look like they belong in the future and the Western looks like they belong in the past thing that looks like Pro one two three four somebody's gonna get him out right oh they're naked and ashamed now oh I didn't want to see that [Music] Sheriff you're gonna lay down the law lay it down come with an arrow from up there yeah take that oh oh no did not expect that you would think a sheriff would have to like go through bow and arrow training of some sort oh no not that naked guy [Music] that was sad Village defense sign [Music] I think they're all the sheriff in town and Trust the chicken the most obviously no their defense is back they have it on lock those guys got nothing on them now yeah you're a scrambled egg well that's kind of gross what was messed up excuse me why are these guys so strong yes band together and defeat the bad guys they have a very large Fortress is it around the entire town oh wait they can fly that doesn't look so good oh this doesn't look too good at all oh are they gonna suffocate no right well that's not good wait did that guy survive there's absolutely no way fun fact I live in Texas and a few years ago I drove my car in an Alleyway and I got stuck in there because of large Tumbleweed was blocking my way they do exist oh no but you type they can see the chat those animals are really loud too oh no they all thought they would survive oh there's no way they're making it past that some of them did or they said they're spotting Point that's probably what happened fight Ready Aim whoa um I thought no how does this dude have that much power oh that didn't look too good [Music] they're building things oh they look like a horse they're not gonna suspect a thing yup we are so sorry XOXO we give up villagers oh no they need to think of a better hiding spot get him something tells me they didn't know that they were rowing away uh oh goodbye they have a really steady and strong respawn point it's uh they've been using it quite a lot in this video it's going to be okay [Music] Yeehaw oh what is that a wanted poster what who did he just kick oh a library knowledge is power the knowledge is going to destroy the bad guys intro to coding I don't know how that's gonna help why do they keep coming back what do they want he has the power now he learned to code and has magical powers get the bad guys that's right get him oh [Music] he learned all the power oh wow he learned all the coding powers we don't like that I think you gotta steal the stash right [Music] or just have him eaten by a zombie okay respect this is the worst one what are you gonna do to him huh he was a punk oh nice inventory they defeated the bad guys but if they have a respawn point they're going to come back oh wow the doo-doo looks like Noob is rich [Music] the little hat on the zombie oh I don't think a heart would be eaten by a horse right [Music] what did I tell you they respawned and they're gonna come back and get them it's only a matter of time he's learning more Powers he is literally floating like an anime character I'm bad oh what just happened did he turn into the bad guy oh we're back to Steve cool hey Steve kind of been a jerk during this video but if you apologize you know I'll forgive you he's gonna use that wood to make me a gift that's oh Karma what did I say oh that feels bad a score was Zero multiplayer IP there you go I know what these things are now all right what kind of server is this gonna be hmm we have a troller on the server good welcome to the server if you need this you're stupid what the troller's here he's a ding dong ditcher I did that a few times when I was a kid but it wasn't this extreme Char don't go out yeah I knew that was gonna happen Steve how dare you yeah Char already respawned and knows you took their stuff he's going mining with their stuff I mean I guess I get it hello why is that his voice I don't know where's my stuff dream [Music] he's speed running and killing Steve I don't blame you that's a fancy sheep he's got the the music no she live you killed his vibe oh Alex we haven't seen her in this video yet [Music] was that Donald Duck builderman that's definitely Donald Duck Disney created his house that's why it's fancy they need a bigger pen probably there's there's a few upside down cows why are all of those villagers in there yeah the lag is real legit gamer oh he knows how to code here O'Brien what do you think he's doing in that cave [Music] wow he is really fast at mining chicken dance [Music] to the beat oh that was kind of sad that dude looks like a caveman what do you live in a temple yeah I would walk away too everyone go to sleep Shar still didn't get their stuff back they live with Donald Duck jealous are you trying to wake him up go sleep please that duck is trolling go sleep Donald Duck what do you want I feel like they need to tell Char something I hate you a wooden pickaxe was able to get that this isn't normal is it what are we naming him dinnerbone I've done that before why do you think it's called dinnerbone why would you harm a panda he was just saying hello all right we're just digging straight down Steve you should have known better oh Herobrine who were those people Noob is back and He is building uh oh Noob does not need to go to the nether yep it's okay he won't be able to look at that there's no way that just happened he was so tiny he could fit through there [Music] oh whoa whoa these are wither skeletons right they are good dancers not gonna lie they're the best I've seen so far out of all the Minecraft mobs Steve has made it to the Nether and there is ice which I don't think is normal what Noob just hit Steve okay Steve did you bring the gold you stole yep the stolen gold has come of good use ew I'm really glad that doesn't happen when I play Minecraft new what are you up to now sleepy same honestly always has good dental hygiene good for you noob he didn't floss did he that looks kind of cute like a little Christmas elf can you sleep in the nether I've never slept in another I don't think he's going to either it looks like oh there we go [Music] setting in the land the sun is rising in the land oh he is so sleepy that explains the drool yeah I feel that it's gonna make me why'd he just explode did I miss something was there like a pressure plate secretly somewhere why'd he explode just cause all right intentional game design who is this man oh he's trying to get to the glowstone Steve has a dog now and he's feeding him gold oh the dog has a helmet that's so cute Donald's just creeping in people's houses it's a parrot the parrot's gonna dance oh Eric Fullerton oh yeah I did [Music] oh yeah it's a good rhyme [Music] same love some diamonds [Music] oh is that the bad guys from the Wild West [Music] didn't end well Noob is back but he's not in the nether anymore I don't think [Music] oh no no fell out of the world Steve is going to meet a witch and get a potion and learn how to be nice again oh or get cursed I think he just got cursed oh a kitty Eloise likes to sleep on boxes too dream did dream just kill the cat he wants to be friends with the bee it's so cute and adorable oh they can't sting iron anyway [Music] slime's natural environment is it he looks like jello hardcore whoa what happened Steve has made the advancement I hear some silverfish I don't think Steve's ready to go the end but since he has the help of dream maybe he's got this oh immediately looks the Enderman in the eye why is it flying backwards Char is back to get revenge on Steve never mind my Ender Dragon is glitched Steve even you can kill this thing it's well that was handy there you go it's one way to defeat him what the real Steve looking at the mean Steven side what should I react to next let me know in the comments
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 2,225,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft Animation, Minecraft Movie, Sad Minecraft, minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: UqLqXPgin30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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