Amanda The Adventurer TRUE ENDING (Every Secret Tape)

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here are five secret tapes in Amanda the adventurer can we find all five and unlock the true ending and who is this new mysterious person let's start off playing a playing a man and she's not gonna outsmart me Aunt Kate has wrote us a cryptic message and we must figure it out you also I thought we totally beat this game but there's literally another story we didn't unveil yet and apparently to get there we actually have to start by unlocking this Locker which I weirdly kid you not I remember the combination ah there we go apparently to get to these secret tapes we really gotta utilize this pause button alright let's go ahead and put this on the cork board here there we go all right so I feel like the first thing we've gotta do is put in the first tape but this time look for a different answer Amanda the adventurer world all right my favorite is pie I think that's the key right there I don't know what I'm supposed to answer here because pecan is my favorite but that is not six letters long um Peach peaches no she doesn't listen all right Amanda we really don't need to give you a knife but I know that is what you want to hear right now thank you I don't think we're supposed to do that by ourselves you are right wooly you are right Brave is this is a poor choice of words there oh I forgot about that we need some sugar easy easy not currently in my office no all right you always ask a parent to help that's true wooly sure Amanda's scary preheat the oven to 425 10. easy minutes all right guys we've got this let's have some pie bye so apparently the key to getting a secret tape here is to actually do what woolly loves first we made an apple pie because that's what Amanda wanted and Amanda's not very nice okay I remember there was a hidden peach in here that I found and I had no idea why it was here so apparently if you put the peach pie in there for exactly the same oh had to set the oven to the same degree and stuff as the apple pie but literally by just putting the peach in there we got an orange tape yo I'm kind of scared I don't know what this is gonna do please like this video before we put this in there I'm glad we have the pause button ready come on Lauren we have a special surprise for you what is this foreign it's like she didn't even hear me you feel like it's this conversation you know what hold on let me try I want to I want to capture the big surprise on video Lauren honey we got your favorite and then chocolate chip I love mint chocolate chip Amanda another time Lauren where did she go whoa bro where did she go mint chocolate chip ew she responded to the dad the TV knew they were eating mint chocolate chip who is Lauren and why did she run away wow these secret tapes are making this even crazier than the first time all right well now let's just make an apple pie and try to keep ourselves together here I'm not scared you are okay this part's easy we just the apple pie wham bam thank you ma'am all right now we watch the next one but what secret do we have to watch for this time everybody keep your eyes peeled can we get a secret hidden tape during this section a card of course see where the store is this one good job what it's crazy because they literally like blur out the CBF after what kind of card should I send them thanks bro [Music] I got that wrong the first time I played this game I want can I have a special treat I want to get my friend especially that was a no uh at the bakery obviously I feel like we should just buy our pie we could just give her the pie we made in the first tape be good [Music] oh I forgot about that this my lady is the cookie just ready for my friend so we need to mail it wow it's getting late most of the stores are closed it's literally daylight what I have to send this to my friend it's time to go to the Post Office okay we're here oh no I don't remember her friend's name he doesn't either remember can you help me it's woolly come back tomorrow you don't have to send that now no is he acting weird about it okay because the package need to go to uh Kate my memory is serving me well just gonna love it alright so I didn't get any hidden Easter eggs in this portion so I think we're gonna have to continue on there may be once we get back to the butcher part remember we come back to this tape later oh yeah you have to type on the keyboard so c b f oh I know we get a secret tape for this one I'll show you oh really oh this part makes me sad but it's not any Buddy's fault that's not always true why she only have four fingers I'm just now realizing that she only has four fingers [Music] do you remember the times okay so this is the part that'll give us a secret tape you just say me like normal that's his knee who can help me so instead of typing doctor we're going to type no body you're probably right let's take Lily to the hospital and if we look behind us we should get a secret tape what what pause turn around and yes got a tape it's blue let's finish this and then watch it I have no idea what to expect [Music] a bone doctor [Music] why did they barricade the other doors [Music] which tool can we use to check what our children's show is this machine or at the scale the X-ray machine [Applause] yeah we can okay so that was productive we got our second out of five mystery tape so I'm feeling pretty confident right now I've kind of been liking this way we're going with it where we get the secret tape but then we finish the whole Quest first so I know after the accident thing we're supposed to change all the clocks so we'll do that and then watch the next mystery tape cool you know what guys put an emoji of a clock in the comments because I have not had to tell time like this in a long time cool and then we get the little Dilly dauber from the cork board and something tells me now this man was on the cork board last time but I didn't read the article really but I feel like he may be important as we discover the secret tapes catching up with Sam oh he's the writer of Amanda the adventurer okay I feel like that's a that's important 5 15. there we go and now we get this luckily we already did the safe because it's gone just grab this tape put it there it's time to watch the next Secrets I have no idea what to expect at all jeez hello oh it's like an interrogation room March 8 2002 at 2 47 P.M this date May be important oh there's a little girl and she's being interrogated she looks so sweet why would you interrogate her hello are we supposed to be hearing something I don't hear anything and I really want to know what they're talking about maybe she missed her homework she forgot her homework her dog ate it it's not her fault okay all right interesting uh-huh literally what are they talking about and who is this woman just writing things down in the background she does not have a parent or a guardian with her and they should have read this before she signed their life away maybe she's signing her life away to Amanda for all we know I don't know you can't trust anybody right now all right this man looks happy but we can't trust him right the little girls following them outside huh I wonder oh we're still going two minutes later there's a bodyguard and the lady is leading the little girl into a locked room yo this is not looking too good we need to save her save her come back I don't like the looks of that that's all the information we're getting right now are you kidding me okay cool beans all right let's just keep watching the tapes that was only two out of the five hopefully we'll figure out what's going on here shortly I'm Amanda and I'm woolly what's up wooly [Music] don't like that at all we're literally sitting right next to you I smelled anything like that right it's the best smell ew what do you think is making that bad smell I have no idea because it's funny it's gross even the second time do you know why this show is this anymore I don't think there's something special to type here so we're just gonna answer like normal tree stuff is dead dead is the opposite of alive so glad we get to hear that again let's go back to the nice picnic I agree Wally [Music] animal sad what do you think killed him the berry bush or the poison is very the berries the berries did it it wasn't that look at his funny stuff he's silly he's not silly the bush wouldn't it be nice if he could tell us yes because then he'd be alive again I don't have to watch this part again this I'm telling you it was the ugly literally Rusty seems unnecessary Amanda this is going too far I don't like this I don't either so many really valuable lessons honestly girl you were like five years old it feels far away Amanda nothing is rotten here her attitude's a little rotten of course not answer that um no see everything is fine here yeah it's all fun everything's fine what was that oh no we're about to die I didn't think we'd die oh no oh it's so creepy hey we're just gonna continue did we lose our secret tapes no okay thank goodness they're still here oh right we have to start from the beginning in one way you get a secret tape is when you go back to the neighborhood so this is good we died actually let's see if we can make the yeah pause the oven back here turn the oven on I forgot about this [Music] there's a fire now we make the weird pie all right so I forgot we need a potato a mushroom and meat preheats 525 my least favorite part is you got to put the cheese on the Trap and I'm a vegetarian almost I am against these well he goes in here this will grow the potato perfect and while we're at it we can grab the mushroom wait I just remembered y'all another way we get a secret tape in this story is actually by utilizing this water here in that doll I'll be right back for you Samantha first we'll make this pie so wrong I hate it I absolutely hate it okay we're gonna need to use this in your neighborhood tape to get the next secret let's do this first and then we'll unlock a tape with that doll because she's terrifying and I want to delay it as much as possible hi there and I'm Lily Amanda maybe some of her friends can come back to the neighborhood where the friends go I don't like that there sounds like there's not any more Amanda I need to go to the store to buy them a card okay do you know where the store this has to be where the secret message is guys everybody keep your eyes peeled there should be a message on the banner yes there it is I used to play piano when I was younger so I can still read notes that's f-a-c-a-d-e I think we have to play it on the piano over here f a c a d e yes three out of the five secret tapes have been acquired let's finish this and then watch the secret team something I don't remember this part what kind of car should I send them um sad that's not the right car oh I didn't pay attention I'm sorry I don't think we want this oh hi hi this is our secret it's my birthday happy birthday sure that's right yes it looks like it I bet your friend is really going to love this what happened to Kate my friend is my life is Kate my friend is having a birthday she remembers now I want to get my friend can I buy a treat for my friend obviously I know from the candy store heck yes you know where the candy store is oh it's right here man I'm sorry Amanda can you help me yeah I'll try we're just gonna go to this no she gets angry well this is where we gotta go it's your only option Amanda I don't like when she yells at me I don't remember her putting up this much of a fight last time I don't remember that happening candy store there is nothing here that I want me either is that a jellyfish can take us yourself um a knife I want to get my friend a special treat this whoa that's that's a nice birthday card do you want to give it to your friend now you should definitely give it to your friend to dress the card you're just gonna send it to wooly because he's so nice [Music] yeah I know I've already played this game but it's still spooky all I swear so I remember you have to unscramble all of this in order to unlock the toolbox over there oh I think you did it in order of where right and then it was this this there we go then we get the key to the toolbox that's guts and then apparently I have to chop this doll's head off but instead we're going to have her give us a magical tape so we'll save that for later because right now we have the red tape to watch guys I have no idea what's going on so far we we have a sweet little girl who's been interrogated and Lauren who just left her house while watching Amanda it's been three weeks since local television producer Sam what did I tell you I knew it was going to be important to read that news article which is now gone he's the writer of Amanda Colton was reported missing oh nobody still have no leads he's missing Colton is the creator of Amanda the adventurer well Publix access children's educational program Amanda kit among area children but with Colton's disappearance the future of the show remains unclear I'm assuming we should cancel it entertainment purchased rights to the live action program starring Colton's daughter Rebecca Rebecca was the little girl being interrogated Hamlin reimagined the show as an animated series planning to Syndicate the program nationally okay I mean it's acquisition of the program and Colton's recent disappearance have raised some eyebrows multiple people are missing who's Colton new episodes of Amanda the adventurer have had subject matter that has left local parents uncomfortable about the program same we're watching it here kids are still really into that show but it has changed parent concerned about child shows and daddies aren't always right I mean what is that that is weird it's not something you tell impressionable kids parents are always right kids at the TV was acting up the TV is acting up it's not yet clear how Colton's disappearance will affect the involvement of his daughter Rebecca I thought his name was Sam we reached out to Hamlin entertainment for an interview while Representatives declined to comment they did release a written statement we at Hamlin have concerns surrounding the nature of Sam Colton's abandonment Sam Colton as she needs time out of the spotlight to process these disturbing events or Rebecca for the time being Rebecca's local appearances have been canceled the kinsdale public library fundraiser woolley's readathon this Saturday please read-a-thon rest assured that Amanda is not going anywhere okay Hamlin entertainment remain remain committed to our vision for this cherished program that's good despite this statement they really should just cancel the show any conclusions about the nature of Sam Colton's disappearance isn't there like a phone number we can call Future updates as the story develops when we return we'll check in with zappo The Talking gerbil oh you want to meet Zappo huh I wonder what happened to him your friend whoa with me as always is my trusty dog we supposed to be watching this part was that supposed to be in the tape I just got chills I don't know why I really didn't like that I used to watch Blue's Clues when I was little but that was like Blues Clues but scary okay we've watched three tapes so far we have seen Lauren disappear we have seen Rebecca be interrogated and we've been told that her dad the creator of Amanda the adventurer has literally disappeared this is getting wild where's the doll oh no we actually we need the doll for a secret tape where'd she go maybe she comes back once we unlock this just put guts in guys she was literally right there why did she disappear we literally We're Not Gonna chop your head off this time I'm gonna give you a flower where did she go all right guys I think we get another secret tape by the from this one we only have two more to get hi friends I'm Amanda and I'm woolly what's up because he is a sheep that's correct can you make a sound like a sheep no that's great you sound just like Lily wow you you sound just like me oh I forgot about this so anytime the emergency alert system comes on we have to go to this and pull the lever so severe thunderstorm warning pull the lever it'll put it on thunderstorm but that just gave me a jump scare forgot about this part ready to pause again guys I'm sure you're too young but I used to watch cable and that would happen if there was a storm the show would stop and it would just be like better talk like people Amanda I'm an animal dumb talk silly she just said um [Music] let's make sounds like the animals it's okay we really don't need to are you ready sure it says a chicken says not too bad a pig says like oh all right speaking of chickens you can get Chuckles from free he's amazing this is how we get a secret tape guys just wait they are this way what a cute Grandma I forgot how to do this to lead them away from the Sheep and baby chickens and I see I see a daddy chicken look at the chickens I think I know what to do let's use the creator of Amanda the adventurer's name Sam here and see if it gets us a tape because he is the dad of the voice actress for Amanda it just makes sense Sam wait look achievement unlocked Daddy Issues we got a secret tape finish this first and then we have to look at it see where we can find the sheep that way scary that way oh all right pause it's a flood warning and where's the new tape right here I am so excited we're only gonna have one more left after this I don't think that was right do we pulled again nope okay I feel like it was supposed to go towards flood but I could be incorrect foreign snake ew let's see far away for us don't really think so okay I'm sorry woolly [Music] family they're so sweet oh right where they belong oh pause it's blizzard time if I remember when I beat the game you just have to pull it twice I mean sorry you would just pull it once so I guess that's what we're gonna do [Music] oh it looks like this kitten I know we've seen the cat already but it's so cute sad lonely that's not how you spell lonely so scared okay that's scared alone there is no one to help her can you help them um yes obviously why are you staring at me like that stop stop looking at me stop looking at me looking you look at me all right so we got the tape from the forecast machine but first let's watch the secret date remember we only have one more left we just need the doll to come back where is she What's it gonna say oh it's creepy that it's silent coffee break with Sadie Cooper copen welcome to coffee break hi today I'm talking with sexy the creator of the hit kid show Hi Sam Amanda the adventurer I have to say a fantastic studio neighbor thanks for having me on the show Sadie you're a pretty good Studio neighborhood so he's nice the kitchen with those delicious homemade cookies oh I can't have them he likes cookies in real life just like Amanda Sam last year you started producing Amanda the adventurer right here in the studio the whole town loves it did you even imagine that would be such a big sensation yeah this is popular no it was a total surprise I mean it's Scrappy at best oh well you're selling it short I got a little budget I don't know if I know I feel like he's being suspicious actually care about they see the heart okay but she started me scary though you know I really really Kate pause I think Miss Kate is our aunt look oh that's Miss Park Miss Catherine Kate I swear that's our Aunt who sent us here that he's talking about it's just so air nowadays for kids shows to be so much fun but also really teach kids something they're teaching something weird though so they inspired you to create Amanda I want to create a show that teach es children that our world is a magical place that there are a little adventures waiting around it's feeling non-magical the thing she's saying the show is a celebration of kids imagination so either he's really messed up or he got hacked what's up Rebecca as soon as I met my beautiful daughter oh the inspiration was there that's really sweet you know she was so young when I adopted her despite what she's gone through she's all she's always seen the world there's no way this is Rebecca's fault she's Rebecca's doing nothing wrong you're making her say something perform it's simply delightful I mean the whole show is just so cute it's so cute Sadie has not watched the show things happening with Amanda the adventurer I've actually had some people approach oh they want to turn Amanda into a cartoon I can't really talk about it yet but it's exciting interesting it feels like a dream the idea of welcoming even more kids into this wild creative world to clarify this was recorded quite a while back because at this point he hadn't even started the cartoon show yet so he might be innocent at this point but Sam I feel like he had something weird to do with the show taking a dark turn thanks so much for having a coffee break with me today thanks Sam Community is so lucky to have you we think on our next coffee break full arrangements for All Occasions featuring the newest addition to our neighborhood Rose Matthews of rose's bouquet I think we need to know about Rose who always be steaming sparkling she just winked at us I don't think we can trust Sam I don't know is there going to be something else at the end of this oh guys I'm on the edge of my seat we only have one more tape to find what okay foreign oh what's that smell what do you think is making that bad smell this part's going quicker is this part different dead is the opposite of alive thank you so much when an animal favorite now my diet before anyone no no no no no no yes what did I just turn it off why is she back and the music got louder y'all I don't think I turned off the TV apparently I did you know what we're gonna take a break from Amanda we're going to try to get this scary doll a flower we're gonna give her a gift and in return she should give us our last and final secret tape so apparently we need to grow her flower using the water here and there's a secret pot hidden somewhere in this room hidden in plain sight we have found the pot that should grow the flower for this creepy spooky doll right here put it under the water and I hope it's the right flower I can't really tell yo this looks nothing like that flower we're gonna see thank you that's my favorite flower I got a surprise for you but you have to turn around hey why am I letting a scary doll tell me to turn around this is it this is the secret tape okay guys I don't know if you realize but this means we have every single secret tape in this last one here should hopefully help us understand what the heck is going on oh whoa where are we she's recording uh yeah [Music] I don't know what's wrong with Rebecca Hi man who's making her say that um what is happening [Music] wait what um I'm confused so were they saying that's a computer-generated voice or it's some sort of program supposed to help Rebecca with recording we've only got a few more don't make Rebecca do it then wrong is there somebody in her headphones guys help Rebecca what okay so we found all the tapes it's time it's time to find out what the secret true ending of Amanda the adventurer really is thought about that oh my cursor scared me ah [Music] okay guys we are so close to seeing the true ending of Amanda the adventurer I don't know if I'm ready we have seen all the secrets think this is the final tape you trust me yes Willy I trust you yes oh I don't think I even said yes Amanda you're nervous Chloe had an accident again not right we're going to help him I'm fine he does it better Lily is so confused oh what is wrong nothing's wrong with him don't break him nothing Heaven woolly acting strange no it could be wrong oh I forgot about this I forgot about this I hate it here Lily drink this uh that wasn't creepy at all don't drink it don't drink strange liquids ah I think this is the scariest part of the entire game to operate immediately on the patient's brain what tool should we use to fix Willy's head they're all bad let's go for hammer I don't know use any of them get real real the least messy of the options okay we have given her a song [Music] no stop getting ready I need a little help I'm not gonna help you Amanda this is not I'm not helping you I'm not going to help me no I'm choosing wooly no you can't wait what um is this the final tape looking for bibo John's Candy Factory which of 2.0 or which 20 what is this did we see this before actually I think we did right oh yeah yeah it was like super glitchy and weird all right cool cool really helpful loved that oh right and then there was a tape on this trapdoor to watch I'm allergic how many chairs [Music] cheers mushrooms fruits lights chairs mushrooms fruits lights chairs mushrooms fruits lights chairs there's one no two chairs is two mushrooms is one two three four five six seven eight lights is two two eight six two guys we're so close to the end okay we have to watch this one uh I hope we get a special ending 401258 401 258 425. [Music] it's a what's on the inside that counts it is that's true be you guys it's what's on the inside that matters I remember feeling bad about this part last time but you got to do what you gotta do so we got to fill the bucket throw it on the robot look at his insides and then hopefully please do not Forge oh please do not forget me [Music] I don't even know if I did that right I did he lost his head we get the key guys please tell me that this is our key to the true ending we have worked hard for this look at all those glorious secret tapes that little girl needs help and so does her dad okay the anticipation is killing me wooly was missing [Music] did she see like that before bye I do kind of remember it she's left-handed like me that'd be great girl shows you care about someone that's true yeah yeah I'm going for cheese I love cheese like what um can I share a secret with you yes yes tell me yes yes it's really okay to share my secret with you how many times do I have to say yes I'm out there somewhere wait whoo oh my gosh something is trying to come out of the screen I have chills what's oh we're literally about to throw a brick at the TV I don't think I did this last time whoa that was wild oh I think it's getting light outside I can see the sun [Music] who wants what's that true ending reveals there's an entirely different character we've never seen who is it you're gonna have to play the next chapter when it comes out oh
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 3,043,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amanda the Adventurer, Scary Games, Horror Games, minecraft, preston, brianna, gaming, funny, family friendly, ssundee, unspeakable, mrbeast, aphmau, canman, lankybox, cash minecraft, nico mc, stokestwins, gametoons, maizen, eyestreem
Id: 5qLr-U11R8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 51sec (2691 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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