Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Potion Kitten!

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there it's perfect [Music] well I guess every big castle needs a boat Summer's going fast and so are these mini medium figures be sure to collect their two before they're all gone you can find your mystery meow box at these retailers thanks no not right because we're turning it into a frog nope none of these will help me meow what you're so cute I hope I'm not too late how's that for a way down my potion of limitations oh yeah well how about this yes well your potions aren't going to do much about this [Applause] just good old-fashioned murdered pretty nice at all well she should learn that potions are a great way to play this game and Minecraft is a no nerd Zone what you guys are all jerks they've been called worse him hey Kim are you okay oh there's some stupid boy hey are you all right oh I'm fine aphmau I just need to restock and go mining is all okay take your time I'm here hey you if your potions are so great then why can't you make me a potion of hotness what I told you Ian those things are boring oh my God poor Kim it's not fair for her to be treated like that just because she likes to use potions to help with everything doesn't mean that she can't play Minecraft but maybe maybe I can help her in a very unique way all right so let's see if this works What kitten will work I think the one that's going to work this one amazing let's see what we can do I'm a potion cat I got all of the the liquid in me and stuff I wonder I wonder how these Powers work let's see what I can do all right time to huh where did he come from yeah I I know you don't want to give it to the poster hot to see it but if we're friends right no no they're alone you blew me up and made me fall into her feet yeah and so get out of here hey get out of here you can't leave me alone what the heck is going on out there oh a cat huh who are you oh cool you're a potion Kitty which means you must be pushed I actually don't know if I can do this but let's see oh there we go all right watch this oh you want me to follow these words please work the way they can um okay so what's that potion gonna do oh my house it's incredible thank you I can't wait to see what's inside oh she seems so happy wow so many books oh and what's up here meow oh I can't wait see I want to see what this place looks like everything oh I mean well you ain't seen nothing yet if I can do this I'm sure I could do oh uh don't worry about that oh man am I looking today let's put this here let's see uh that would be working on a little buddy potion of witching and [Music] OMG look at you girl oh you made me a hat too there you go oh it feels bad I can make potions for everyone on the server now we can make Minecraft even easier for them meow meow wait but oh I guess most people don't like potions so that's not true those were just dummies [Music] you know what I bet I can fix that huh yeah okay now Casey might not normally think about potions but I bet if she sees a potion Kitty she'll be all about it and Kim will have her faith restored all right [Music] what oh hello oh what a cute little potion kitty meow meow [Applause] Kitty is this this way come on come on follow me oh okay let me follow me it's time to bring her over to Kim her ass looks a lot prettier from this distance what have you been up to Kim is you bet your butt it is so what did I do for you oh see [Music] oh [ __ ] I need you to make me a potion oh sure what kind of potion yeah to me to make oh to make you beautiful but but you're already beautiful oh [Music] wow or monies I have something for you okay potion Kitty try these ingredients and Brew me your finest potions I got them I don't know if I can make anything like that um okay slice powder another word and my hat um fine kitty it's for the first time just try it out I've never tried to combine things like this but I'll give it a shot um let's see uh Place powder wait I don't know what I gotta do I'm just gonna put it like in four potion of what mommy hi so much Kitty I'm a potion Master after all just trust me okey dokey Casey here you go you just take this potion and once you drink it you'll find that you're the most beautiful oh this should speed things up a bit there we go oh I'm so nervous about this I don't know if this is gonna actually work put this here and then go are you busy just one second Casey I just kind of oh okay okay what this is it what it looks like I can't believe [Music] it oh no no no no no no Tracy I gotta make this right oh no no no no no no no no no no one wants my potions I just ruined everything maybe I can fix this we have a lot of ingredients come on can perk it let's go [Music] Oh no you're right I should definitely give up here just take on my way no that's not a thing that I said she can't understand me can only meow at her we just gotta make something different get them to use the proper ingredients let's see ingredients chest all right let's see okay all right let's see what we can make here we got lots of unique potions Fountain of Youth butter and uh we got the this potion all this stuff okay okay okay [Music] what's that a beauty potion you'll never dream I should I just need the server already I guess I'll have to do this myself all right I do have a potion of swiftness let's use that and let's get over to Casey's come on Casey I told you it's not what you think I don't like Kim [Music] wait is cutie potion yes try it Casey write another one you go back to normal [Music] yeah Casey you're beautiful just the way you are get it oh it was perfect wait what really yeah you fixed it I shouldn't have gotten so angry at you I'm sure it was all just a misunderstanding oh uh I mean uh you're welcome yeah thank you so much love you yeah any time you may have fooled Casey into thinking your potions are worth something but you're not gonna fool me I'm a man of science I bet we can't show him come on let's follow him there's still a chance yep I agree I think he went this way I didn't know glistening melons could even be this whole look at this wow oh she survived oh my gosh I'm okay I got this potion of Splash healing for us it's good there that's better [Music] I thought you'd try to follow me let me guess you want to convince me that potions are amazing huh well that's not gonna happen down there you two [Laughter] oh wait what's that over there wait wait oh it's Enderman careful careful I'll take care of it get out of here there we go got him oh all right oh you're even cooler than I thought I think thanks thanks so much now that that's done I'm missing you I'm just gonna make something with this ingredient I know that I can make a lot of unique potions in this form so what you gonna make now oh a potion of floating meow meow what's this a potion of floods that's what I said I could get out of here alrighty look at Kim she's so smart be a little smart and whoa whoa I wonder how different this is in the levitation potion wait what's that noise wait a minute right back Kitty you're so smart how did you two do that potions okay I don't know what that cat said but I'm gonna make sure you don't go sprinting around your Potion Love wow [Music] hahaha oh he did he died dude I finished building my giant kisses yesterday I hope she loves as much as I oh okay uh we're good oh [ __ ] let me see let me see oh Zane's diary huh yeah it's his Minecraft Diaries later but uh let's forget all this weirdness happened huh kitty yeah I agree anyway let's go find Zane I bet we can make a potion that he likes for sure yeah let's go you just don't know how to take no for an answer do you no now let's talk [Music] why don't we talk science instead uh again don't worry Kim you got this just run away I mean I mean you got nowhere to run cam oh come on I got a crap what does this do I don't know what you're gonna do now potion Master huh under wait hold on what is all this what you do to me I don't know what did I do to you oh what what is that down there I can see things I can see things very specialized what I can't understand you ah I think the kitty said follow me this isn't over just what's going on over here I wonder where she's taking us I don't know let's follow now he's interested at least he's off Kim this way yep yep see hold on over here I think yeah this is where I last saw it but what am I supposed to do now oh mine like for Minecraft yes yes there she goes use his brain right diamonds two diamonds oh okay um oh the potion must help you find diamonds isn't using potions really cool that what that glow was yeah see you can buy more diamonds even though these potions aren't so bad really how did you make those oh well it's a secret I'm gonna keep going I think I see another one out here [Music] Kitty another satisfied customer now all we have to do is convince those other boys let's go kitty Kim's gonna be so many friends it's gonna be so popular oh man we got tons of cool potions Kitty now where can we find the boys about before I know we tried to tied it to you earlier in the lava and the team I just want you to know that we're so sorry yeah we turned over a new leaf and you know what we want to buy all your potions no Kim I don't trust them oh yes my good man we will uh purchase all the things oh my God okay whatever any questions just let me know and I'll find the potion for you yes uh you know we really need a potion of uh need to say nice things it must have gotten the kid's head I think that's it let's go go go go go go go oh yeah sorry for landing on the camp you're chewing me and with these ingredients we'll be able to make our own portion of hotness and make all the girls fall in love with us later dummy come on here we gotta go back oh man they're so dumb [Music] and my legs don't worry uh you're not gonna do anything bad do you kitty oh see you then he never meant to be this attractive what are these zombies all right dude I think it's time time you pay it Polly face your records no no Pierce Pierce oh man clearly they're here for you they they don't want you yeah no no no no no no no no no I think they they have it's only for for the the dark blue the the go now it's all about the life sorry ladies yeah come on guys [Music] I'm trying to weaken them I could have predicted this would go wrong oh I couldn't believe it where's Virginia assist we should have been able to figure this out there we go I think we got him that was close those ladies thought we looked good enough to eat I mean how many times have I said I'm literally too handsome for my own good good how much stuff did you make oh you know potion making is more of an art than a science [Music] big lady oh yeah that that is what we need okay you know maybe uh it's time we go to plan B uh what's that okay [Applause] come on girl girl do something come on this way this way you're able to follow me it's already attached to me so I just gotta make sure that I can get in the Ravine just somewhere where it's not gonna hurt anybody else come on meow meow meow this way come on you know you want to I'm over here and I'm going to now nice stay down there [Music] oh I can't believe it actually worked good job Kitty you're the best damn you thanks let's go check on the boys yeah ah that way could they have run off to um are we safe yeah we're good pancakes [Music] everything okay I think it's gone in which case uh I think there's only one thing to do yeah I'm so sorry [Music] I'm not but you know forgive us [Music] [ __ ] anything what is it you two have to fetch my ingredients forever it's like until tomorrow or something I don't even know what it started oh it's hard when you can't read the labels foreign [Music] this is definitely an ingredient right this is an ingredient right I don't know
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 3,020,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: w05Uutx0J10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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