Workshop Units Were A Mistake - Totally Accurate Battle Simulator (TABS)

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well that isn't helping the situation at all like i don't understand how i've managed to so thoroughly break this game because i've got a whole bunch of giant dead snakes in a cave when i didn't place them there and nobody has attacked them and then one colossal snake that's so big it's clipping through the world and contorting into terrifying shapes and crushing my army before the battle begins how was that supposed to be fair oh it actually let me start this time and it's alive how are you alive and winning [Music] what's up guys welcome back to totally accurate battle simulator that game where the developers were kind enough to give us the ability to make anything we can imagine and of course people would go and make some of the most overpowered stupid cursed units imaginable so once again i've picked out a dozen of these monstrosities for us to check out and question why they were allowed to exist we'll start things off with a ufo you know a flying saucer that looks like it's getting ready to lay down some crop circles which is weird enough in itself right because we've never seen anything like this in tabs before but if you look closer you'll notice that it's actually rocking the captain's sauce colors which is weird or like maybe it's just sponsored by space mcdonald's i don't think i have any fans on uranus but i know for a fact that mcdonald's food has a reputation of destroying uranus i have no idea what this thing can do or or even how it's going to be able to do it but a lot of you guys pointed out in the comments the last episode that i completely forgot to blow up the shire at some point and that's a staple in the series every single episode i need to remember to bomb these turd burglars so we're going to see what kind of space age futuristic technology a ufo is gonna use to brain pain down on our favorite crash test dummies uh i mean the carnage was eightier but it looked like it was just firing cannonballs like imagining traveling halfway across the universe to wage war with the equivalent of metal dodge balls wouldn't bullets exist it's a good thing i had them face off against a race that hasn't even figured out shoes i gotta give them credit though like even with the weird weaponry decision they're still pretty effective so i'm kind of wondering what would happen if i summoned an entire arm mod of ufos oh they don't work well with one another not exactly team players but they managed to stabilize eventually for the most part but i'm sure they'll be able to sort things out on the way to their targets i have complete and total confidence in their ability to do kick flips as they launch tiny fuzzy bodies into space so pretty much what we would expect i still don't understand this whole cloaking device i also don't understand why i don't get sponsored by mcdonald's come on i'll sell your shitty plastic food think of it out of all the weird flying units that we've seen added to the game recently whether it be the drone or the blimp or the helicopter i don't think i've ever managed to kill one of them like i've never seen one of them fall from the sky so i really want to know what happens if you take down a ufo and i'm thinking we're gonna need bullets to pull that off so i'm gonna set up an absolute firing squad of dead eyes with so many that there's no way these ufos would survive it's not gonna be a fair fight that's not the purpose i just wanna shoot the ufo or its pilot i don't even know if these things have pilots it's always hard to tell what's the vehicle and what's the unit for all i know that ufo is actually a deformed horse hopefully 150 of these things can actually do some damage come on bullets just ricochet off and do absolutely nothing you have to be kidding me no come on humanity you got to put a better fight than that now as many of you guys already know one of my favorite units ever created for this game was the razer tank and ever since covering it in a video i've been seeing more and more variations of it be made this is called razor tank with an upgrade what is that upgrade you may be wondering well i have no idea my guess is hydraulics i don't know why a lift kit would be necessary in an extra large beyblades which it's pretty baller and of course i'm gonna test it out against the undead faction because other than the shire this is probably the most beef i've had in this game ever these guys ruined me last episode so i have been waiting to get a little revenge if we can dice them up and blow them up then all the better okay so you do still spin you are still a razor tank but you're also a tank tank that's convenient you really can't help but wonder if that little upgrade to the razor tank means that now it can take on a tank tank i don't know what else to call it okay i'm sorry i know it sounds simple but i just want to survive this initial blast and it actually worked yes the abrams is out it's obsolete the combat dreidel is in we're changing the face of warfare forever i want to get a feeling for how powerful this tank shell actually is so let's launch it into the chest of a giant and if this thing drops then i'm going to be dumbfounded i said the chest why are you aiming for the dick okay so you don't even need to get up to speed it's just begging for death after you've two-tapped its ball sack of course strapping a bunch of giant blades to the outside of a spinning vehicle wasn't cool enough so somebody had to go make the true razor tank where they swapped out the blades for lightsabers and that instantly reminded me of all the screaming children that i had to try to ignore while being disappointed by the latest star wars so i'm gonna have a bunch of billy's charging and they'll try to pick their nose and wipe it on our latest death machine or whatever it is you guys do come on billy you've got this i believe in you make sure to have your hat down nice and tight you don't want that good and attached otherwise you might lose it with the rest of the top of your head whoa whoa whoa hold up a second look this thing looks really cool don't get me wrong but it feels a little underwhelming because it acts the exact same as the regular old razor tank which acts very similar to the da vinci tank which is all stuff that we've been using in the game for ages now but if that's the case then what would happen if i used a bunch of better cheerleaders aren't we gonna get some kind of razor tank lightsaber tornado these are the questions that i get paid to answer and i am definitely living the dream that is about what i had hoped for still a disappointment that we can't cut stuff in half especially with the lightsaber being able to cauterize the wound but it's still pretty great that we can just charge through entire groups don't tell me you've got some stuck underneath your wheels a little bit of roadkill down there that always happens it's so annoying somebody go get a shovel i don't know how to deal with this they're gonna be a puree eventually but i don't think the cheerleaders can keep going forever see there's your problem you got a couple of living billies stuck in your axle now i don't know how to get these things out like i said i would imagine they're going to work their way out eventually but it's not gonna be much to watch so i suppose we should just move on this next unit is called the titanoboa or a giant snake and i just wanted one of them to come slithering out of the cave for us to fight but instead i got like a baker's dozen immediately and they're all stuck in the cave i think i don't know how this is gonna work but i'm gonna have him face off against nanners because i'm pretty sure snakes don't eat bananas um it's not letting me start the fight why maybe i just need to lure all the snakes out of the cave with a delicious hobbity treat come on guys there we go um they all died immediately and then spawned themselves some strange little snake warriors what are these no the boas are decomposing okay well go ahead and oh well isn't that just great the giant snakes were actually a trap it turns out they have a whole bunch of little snakes oh you got to be kidding me come on you guys don't eat bananas just eat frame rates sweet jesus too many snakes too many snakes i don't know how to handle this come on i didn't want to be giving a powerpoint slideshow today please just kill one or the other i don't even care who wins at this point did blue win well the good news is most of the snakes seem to be decomposing one in particular is also alive i don't suppose if we oh no yeah you can't live through twisty turnies like that i don't understand what i'm doing wrong here well that isn't helping the situation at all like i don't understand how i've managed to so thoroughly break this game because i've got a whole bunch of giant dead snakes in a cave when i didn't place them there and nobody has attacked them and then one colossal snake that's so big it's clipping through the world and contorting into terrifying shapes and crushing my army before the battle begins how is that supposed to be fair oh it actually let me start this time and it's alive how are you alive and winning i've managed to somehow create the world serpent nothing is ever gonna be able to beat this the snake bodies refuse to decompose and i'm running out of real estate real quick so we're going to leave that behind and move on to the baby kraken and i think the reason it has a lasso is because it's going to act like a tentacle maybe no idea we're just going to find out it's not that much of a kraken it's just kind of a giant derpy squid but it seems to be able to eat people all the same oh i am so sorry for sending you guys into this the upside at least you're getting pulled into its beak instead of a tentacle up the pond no anime girl treatment for you fine fellows i wonder how all those lassos would work with something like the ice giant the problem is the lasso unit the actual western faction on a horse lasso is very difficult to coordinate they don't like to all tie up the same thing but maybe a school of squids could i don't really know if you can actually tie up a giant to begin with oh not really tying him up just uh trying to tie him down oh well they've managed to keep the ice breath off of them that was impressive some kind of weird bdsm stuff happening here oh he's gonna break free you guys are getting frozen and stumped come on i want them to win because they're sorta cute in a weird twisted way but i don't think all these ropes are gonna be able to hold him back yeah he's just too overpowered now single punch will take him out quick freeze you're just waiting to get turned into sushi there it is this might actually be an interesting matchup because it's rare for us to be able to have two completely different units use the exact same strategy against one another like they wanna pull each other in so is it just gonna be some weird wobbly horse tentacle hug i don't really know i would imagine there's going to be flying what why why is there flying what is happening right now i i don't think the sea creatures can quite figure out the knees of the land creatures which makes a whole lot of sense because i can't figure them out either this is a unit that i've been sitting on for a while now i've been saving this one it's called the gatling cannon and i feel like it has just as much of a chance of firing off a whole bunch of cannonballs at once as it does exploding like i'm no weapon biologist but i'm pretty sure you can't shove a gatling gun down a can and then just hope the two work there's only one way of finding out we're gonna have a bunch of stupid horses run into fire and hope that this thing actually shoots at all that that's not a very good fire race it's slowly picking up speeds but the horses are kind of gang-banging it why would i choose horses it does fire quite quickly though it's doomed but it's firing quite quickly oh maybe not maybe it's actually gonna pull this off holy crap how did you manage to survive that much horse penetration good for you so it is actually an impressive unit but we're gonna need something a little bit slower how about a bunch of shield men they'll take their sweet time getting across the bridge which means you should get cranking come on now get those cannonballs of iron that is super effective i can't believe it it actually is a gatling cannon right it makes total sense weird that it can keep up its momentum even if it stops but i won't question the gumby physics here okay as long as it works it works i'm proud of it i get the feeling snuffy would like to have a word with this thing he should be able to fit across the bridge i don't know the weight limit of it but hopefully the cannon oh those cannonballs do a lot more damage than the regular ones that's the case then maybe a train of snuffies would like to have a words i just want to see this thing really get up to speed and start bouncing balls off of their giant face oh okay yeah that that's that's a little bit faster than i would expect holy crap the fire rate is so absurd but stuffy in the back has got a great meat shield it's gonna dissolve eventually man it's no snake body so many cannonballs that actually is a really really effective unit like if you could put that weapon on a tank you probably have the best unit in the game i'm sure the gatling cannons would love to be introduced to the undead faction they would definitely appreciate getting me some revenge and if they have some moral support behind them that's perfectly fine it's not like it's going to make them fire at such a rate that my game crashes no we're goods oh wait the giants are gonna be a problem all the little guys get erased immediately but the giants take a little while before they pop into bones that's it just scatter them into the grass turn them into fertilizer that felt good i i needed that some sane people may consider this a little bit excessive and unnecessary but i really want to take down one of these freaking flying aircrafts and if i need to use an overpowered created unit to do it then so be it gatling cannons will hopefully be able to take out the blimp is the blimp running where are you going go ahead and fire at me i dare you okay but now we get to fire back and if there's one thing that we've learned today is that cannonballs are actually good technology we did it we we actually killed the demon that was flying this thing it only took a couple of rocks i don't understand do you think you guys would be able to do that against the ufos because i would love to see one of them fall from the sky hopefully before all of the others oh they're a little fast they're on top of you real quick that's a problem you see the blimp is slow and stupid because it's a blimp there's a reason we don't bother with combat blimps anymore but if we had flying saucers we'd probably think about it i've noticed a bit of a trend in the fact that all of these large custom units seem to clip into one another so if i did something like this with the razor tank with an upgrade am i just gonna make a wall of knives they're absolutely inside one another oh that's not good we don't even have the cannons firing yet where are they going no just start the fight now start the fight now can i get a fight it's running i think this might actually be the lowest frame rate i've ever gotten in this game i'm not doing anything right now it's not editing magic we're just getting like one frame every 30 seconds oh no the razor tanks you know what this is probably a good place to leave things right you know i think that's gonna be it for this episode of totally accurate battle simulator guys and i get the feeling this episode might be a little bit shorter than my normal video but like i'm kind of running out of things to cover you know there are a lot of really interesting things being made on the workshop but at the same time a lot of them feel very samey and i want to keep bringing you guys new and interesting things every episode plus i'm kind of losing my voice from yelling at those freaking snakes but if you guys want to see more as always be sure to leave a like the video leave a comment letting me know and maybe we'll return to congratulate blue on their victory even though they didn't really do anything i think red just kind of tore themselves apart trying to spin while they're inside one another but thanks so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed and i'll see you next time you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,023,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: totally accurate battle simulator, tabs, totally accurate battle simulator funny, tabs funny, totally accurate battle simulator funny moments, tabs funny moments, tabs unit creator, totally accurate battle simulator unit creator, tabs custom units, tabs custom campaign, tabs mods, tabs razor tank, tabs cursed, tabs best moments, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: zkWrI1Xd9X4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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