I Tried To Evolve a Top 1% DRAGSTER!

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welcome back to the channel and today for the first time in a really long time I'm revisiting the drag race and I think I'm going to regret this I want to create a top 1% drag racer because I've been trying to do 1% things on all the races and I think the drag race is built different the thing with the drag race is that it is pretty much 100% dependent on your vehicle design uh and it requires no skill uh no skill cap or anything because the other races that involve turns you can actually have a vehicle that does Better or Worse depending on your own performance this it's purely up to your vehicle performance so I think glitching is going to uh be the main thing I'm comp I'm competing with and if you look at these times in the muscle League two to five power cores the top 10 are all pretty much like a sec you have to get under a second so this vehicle is not built for this race at all and it is three power cores but let's just see where I compare there we go all right so I should be done by now if I uh if I want to get in the top 10 I don't know if the top 10 is uh necessarily the top 1% or what percentile that'll get me oh my goodness this vehicle is really bad this is like really really bad so I got 16 seconds and I in better than 20% of other players world rank 2,983 I feel like muscle league isn't the best league for me I think I want to do I think formula league is the next one up yeah formula League let's do a formula League dragster so this is going to make things a little bit interesting because I've focused a lot on vehicles with a high top speed in this case acceleration is probably going to be I mean acceleration is just going to be the much bigger Factor so I'm going to go with a lightweight seat we're probably going to have to use a raw jet which is only two power cores I'm also probably going to want this vehicle to be as skinny as possible I don't think I want to go wider than this let me also add my other power cores on here so I think at least one of these things now what kind of wheels are going to be best racing wheels have good grip and acceleration but see this slim wheel says it's poor grip so maybe I create racing wheels you know what how about that I'm just going to build a dragster first if we're going to Let's evolve it's going to be absolutely terrible at least I'll have something for something that looks like a dragster in the thumbnail right okay so obviously wedges so I can have up to 10 power cores I'm at eight right now which means I could add another set of these there we go all right so let's turn on our era Dynamic so we can see how bad everything is oh yeah I want to move this back we get a little down force on the front there and get some wheels in the back and I know that this is only going to harm me but for the sake of uh having a starting point I'm going to put a spoiler on the back of this thing cuz we are a dragster all right I got myself a dragster now so there's my best I'm going to blow past my best so at least uh that's good I'll have a huge Improvement to start off with all right here we go and off we go look at that I am ahead of the competition I'm I can't believe 1 second is what I'm like oh boy this thing doesn't have a lot of control ability I got my weight in the back that's why all right I have increased my rank by 1,72 uh so my new personal best is 10 was that really 10 seconds or was it 10 seconds now I have minus two on let's go look at the thing better than 72% of other players okay so I'm at 7.61 seconds so I got to reduce that by a 7th I'm not even in the top 25% yet to give a little bit of context but here we go this is our starting point which I knew was going to be pretty terrible so now let's make this thing uh just optimize completely for aerodynamics CU you can see we got a lot of stuff that is unnecessary right now like the this and pretty much everything else um so these wheels no longer need to be on the side my power core distribution is also a big question for me right now I don't know what if I want all raw engines I don't know if I want how many Dragon engines I want what I do know is that I want to reduce my uh complete aerodynamic profile to the width of the seat and I probably don't really want down Force cuz I think that's only going to Slow Me Down okay so 10 power cores is two dragon engines and two raw engines so I'm going to stick with that distribution for now now you're probably wondering where I'm going to put my wheels and I am with you on that I don't know yet now I'm thinking perhaps keis one wheel in the back and then perhaps skis in the front does this like that kind of looks like it works doesn't it oh my goodness do you think this will work all right so well let's see what happens ah what is [Music] happening that is not what I was expecting oh no all here we go three two on go why is that is probably the wheel that's weird what if I switch places what if I have the wheel in front no the wheel in front's worse is it the wheel I feel like there's a thing with the wheel doing this that doesn't work like being right up against a block like this rather than being like on the side I feel like this is an issue whoops okay no well it still doesn't uh still doesn't solve the issue trying to build a glitchless vehicle and it's it's uh it's it's glitching me against my will so if I extend this back by one does that solve my problem I mean it reduces the problem by a little bit but it does not solve it that's for sure let me just put the wheels like this for now let's see if this fixes the issue okay see it is an issue with the wheels being directly behind Okay this is still way more than 1 second I'm not going to make it I don't have turning on this thing go that was a good start please stay straight yeah oh 5 Seconds that's a big Improvement it increased by almost 1,000 again I'm still not even in the top 10% I don't know how to do better than what I just did I'm not even in the top 10% can I build a top 10% dragster I'm in the top thousand all right what do the other vehicles around me look like they are also using the same Wheels as me oh someone's using space thrusters or space thrusters potentially better all right let me um let me go Thruster only all right I'm at nine power cores what do I use the last power core on I feel like a mini Thruster is the only way to go if it's only space thrusters I don't need wheels so then I could do perhaps skis in the back this is a weird vehicle but I'm at 10 power cores all right I don't have turning and I don't have balance let's see what happens oh no why do that don't do that don't do that don't do that I need Wheels look at this yes it doesn't let me use only skis all right Wheels must return can I have a single wheel work go you can do it come on all right let's try two wheels be a little bit more symmetrical now this is more of a test I don't have complete aerodynamic okay now it's doing the thing with the wheels are on the back and it tips you forward okay game does not like that I mean I guess I just got to do what I did and have the wheels on the side all right well let's see what happens with this thing I can't go straight I'm faster than my best go go go go go oh I actually finished I thought I was going to miss the Finish Line all right I'm sub I'm in the top 10% I was worried that I wouldn't even be able to make it that far okay the space thrusters got a lot of acceleration if I replace one space Thruster I now have four power cores if I replace one space Thruster with with two raw jet engines will that help or hurt ah that was terrible this is bad that was a terrible start but man the the acceleration you do get from a rette engine is really good it just doesn't last long enough for the drag race let me try to do that with a better start though oh that was a good start there's my best with just space thrusters so having just space thrust Ruster seems way better much worse start okay I think I can do a little bit better but it's literally going to be like a fraction of a tenth of a it's going to be like a 100th of a second better if I do better so my goal since I don't have steering on it my goal is to repair but like oh I can't even I can't actually change the direction I face H I wanted to angle to the right a little bit cuz I curved to the left in that case can I move myself over here here no it just automatically spawns me right there all right I do this I do this come on I could have done a better start than that go go go go go go go see I hit the wall there and wow I still didn't beat my time I did I had a really good start that time oh I got an idea I need a logic block I can get even more acceleration out of this thing if I just have an altitude sensor sending out an output to these at like 0.02 I think it'll increase the acceleration all right let's see what happens go go go that was a good start and we going to do better and I'm doing better look at that I did a little bit better yep uh less than a tenth of a second I am now in the top 9% that increased my place by 267 that's a lot but it did not do much to my percentage how do I have any hope of getting in the top 1% I like I don't even know if I can get to the top five 5% on this the drag race is so competitive all right let's take a look at what the vehicles around me look like now okay there's some weird stuff happening that guy has one wheel should I only have one wheel I had a hunch that the competition was going to be a little bit stiffer on the drag race but this by this much I do not think so all right so if I take away one wheel that means I can take away the aerodynamics on that side and that just makes me a little bit this isn't going to work come on that's that's not going to work that's not going to work at all come on come on just stay on the road dang it oh I feel like I'm so fast now okay what if the skis are in the middle all right now this is a weird vehicle but perhaps it'll work oh whoa whoa all right I feel like I don't actually don't need balance anymore so I'm going to replace this gyro instead with a turning gyro now I actually have a little bit of turning and perhaps some directional stability okay I can go um I couldn't start the race though I think it's cuz my wheel isn't on the ground my wheel is not on the ground what if I move the wheel up to the front there's my other vehicle oh my goodness look at that Improvement come on finish yes that didn't move me up any percentage all right oh oh I'm doing better I'm doing doing better I had a much better start that time all right I moved up 1% I can't imagine how to get much better without glitching without glitching got to keep that keep that qualifier there so I am 500 there are 500 people better than me how many people I would love to know how many people are are not glitching okay yeah I'm seeing UFO UFO engines in there there's people using using the hover pads and creating a lot of force through those yeah there we go I can pause with the camera so yeah we got this thing Insanity so this thing I believe yep it's using zero drag and UFO engines we're in 488 Place 488 is using a UFO engine I really thought it was going to be like maybe the top 20 or 30 were going to be using glitches now this oh it's also using it's U UFO engine combined with propellers interesting I am now very concerned at my ability to improve my goal's always been to see how well can I do without glitches having a vehicle that actually just uses normal functional Parts look at this thing and like it it really doesn't it really doesn't give normal but everything's working the way it is intended to work there's skis that are just causing less friction there's thrusters that thrust forward and there's a wheel that touches the ground it has all the drag it has source of thrust that is completely normal it's normal it's a normal vehicle perfectly normal I'm going to save this one cuz this is now by far my best performer okay you don't have to you really don't have to rub it in my face like that trailmakers all right let's try propeller what is this going to do for us go okay we actually get up to a really fast speed but not quick enough unless does a logic can I can I do the acceleration trick with these whoa whoa whoa there's my best is up there H not good enough it was pretty good for just propellers it was not good enough that's just confus ex me it keep telling me I'm doing better but my time is worse can I get sub 500 uh 514 is 7 hundredths of a second ahead of me 0.33 seconds for number one that is ridiculous are multiples of these propellers more efficient than a couple of the equivalent power core level of the bigger propellers welcome to my new vehicle let's see how this goes it's worse definitely worse probably has a better top speed but definitely has a lower acceleration much lower acceleration yeah that's pretty bad the best I've done is with space thrusters is there a better space Thruster design space Thruster design again but this time I'm using the go-kart wheel right in the middle there we go I have too much friction so my design with the skis I think was way better this is way more aerody so this has six points of aerodynamics this has uh 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 man so this has it's like 50% worse aerodynamically but because of the skis it just does better so that makes me wonder if I have this design but I swap out the thrusts for propellers could that be even better I'm at nine that means I'm done unless I delete this which might ruin everything so without that gyro I'm pretty sure there's no way I'm going to stay straight on the course but I just want to see I got to see what happens oh no no no no no no no I'm not going to leave I'm not going to leave I'm not doing it what what what how did that just happen I just moved up no I didn't move up I'm I was in the 500s I just like haved my score my rank and I went from like top what was it top 9% to top 3% I did not think I would make it to the top 5% how did I just do that these propellers are actually like really good for acceleration so this wheel barely touches the ground like if I go in here you can see I'm not starting the race but if I go into a build mode and then out of build mode it drops my vehicle down with enough force that the wheel touches just long enough for me to start the race and then I'm no longer starting the race but you have 5 Seconds to finish the race I got 4 seconds flat I'm at 240 now so I can finish the race within the leaving like I almost feel like I'm borderlining glitching right now but technically my vehicle is valid because I do have a wheel it's just like barely in contact with the ground that was crazy I'm actually like kind of happy with my performance now before I was like feeling a little bit discouraged but this thing managed to actually do really well look 4 seconds flat there are three people at 4 seconds flat but I'm better than all of them there we go I can claim a win right there nobody is better at driving for 4 seconds than I am I really got to get extremely specific to get a win here okay this is the dumbest looking vehicle um but I don't think I could improve it anymore actually actually I don't think this is necessary there's a little bit less weight this wheel thing is really the weirdest part of all this but it totally works like this is such a weird solution all right I've gotten rid of like a fraction of a kilogram let's see if it's enough to get a little bit of a better time oh my goodness I might get that was like the most perfect start I could have asked for I just got a better time oh no I am now sub four seconds I moved up by two ranks better I haven't moved up another percentage unfortunately let's see where I rank now okay of all two people that have driven this race in 3.96 seconds I am the best all right I have a sub 4 second drag race now it's really the weight I don't think is making a big difference it's really about this start I got to I got to press my throttle at exactly the right time no way that worked oh I'm not straight oh a yeah so I now have to in order to get the slightest better time I'm going to have to uh hit the gas at the most perfect moment see I'm going too early but if I go too late I'm not going to have what it takes that was good that was good that was good there's my best look I'm doing better I'm doing better okay 2% come on top 2% 98 98 dang I only moved up three places but I'm still like that's still like there's a lot of people ahead of me 300s of a second I'm still flying through the air by the way with just my seat wait am I glitched right now am I going to hit the the water what is happening and we go okay that was weird all right let's take a look at the leaderboard now oh look at that of all the people that have hit 3.93 seconds I'm the best nobody can beat me at 3.93 not even Kenny wow I've got to get two hundredths of a second to get one more placement this is so filled out these numbers like so many decimal points are filled out I'm actually really surprised that there's gaps at all there's three people at 3.88 seconds at least there could be number 230 could also be a 3.88 but there's nobody in 3.92 and nobody in 3.9 or 89 is there a thing I could do I really don't think so I may have built the best non-lit dragster I could have built here that was good that was good there's my best I'm going to do it I'm going to beat it I'm going to beat it I think I beat it 3.88 oh no I'm in 3.88 there's a lot of competition in 3.88 am I going to be the best 3.88 number 234 number 233 number 232 and number 231 all have three 3.88 as a time but only one person is in slot 231 and that is scrapman I don't know if this is like real or if it just always shows you at the top of a tie wow I'd have to do another five or 005 I'd have to do another 0.05 increase which is a lot I just managed to do that to get in this spot but I don't think I could do that again all right you know what I'm going to call this a victory I'm in the top 3% which I feel like is still bragging right oh actually hold before we before we move on let me just look at the other vehicles that are in my now this position all right we got this thing wait wait no wait 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 that's 14 power course how is that possible wait a minute when did I switch leagues but now I can put two more propellers I switched leagues I'm at 12 power course how did I misread that I switched leagues and did so much better that I can't believe I didn't see this oh no all right let me see what happens now if I go back down to the other league I didn't even see that I switched leagues all right now I'm still in the 500s in this league but let's see what happens here all right I'm at 4.41 that is a lot less I moved up I'm in the top 8% oh apparently the lower leagues are more competitive all right well let me try this a few more times and see where I can get right I'm doing better again 4.26 better than 93% so now I'm having trouble getting into the top 5% that is so weird switching into the higher leagues I do better oh this is bad aerodynamically though okay I can do a lot better then I didn't in that spot okay now let's see what happens oh there's my best I just passed it okay we're still improving 4.14 better than 93% of other players all right this took a turn well not really cuz it's a drag race oh I'm doing better again go go go that bump definitely slowed me down at the last second all right this is a much stiffer formula league is apparently a much stiffer competition oh oh oh oh oh I do better 4.05 that's closer top 6% almost on the top 5% for this league all I am actually going to turn one of these over so that I'm more geared towards the left maybe definitely did what I thought it was going to do 4.01 still in the top 6% I'm almost a Solid 4 seconds I think I could do it oh I'm so close oh oh oh oh oh 4 seconds I did it 4 second flat still in the top 6% but I do feel good about 4 second flat let's take a look oh my God look at that look at all those people who got 4 seconds all those people got 4 seconds but you know who got the best 4 seconds I got the best 4 seconds this is really starting to make me think that this is like it just always shows you at the best of a tie like what are the chances that every single time I tie with one or more people I'm always in first or maybe it's just skill all right so unexpectedly I uh actually did the best I could in two different leagues was not it was not really aware of that happening until it was too late but uh comparable comparable times to be honest it's just this leaderboard is way more competitive in the formula League because I'm in the 200's in the uh Jet League Le I believe which actually now that I think about it the Jet League can go up to 15 power cores and I only use 12 so I was actually doing really well in the Jet League but yeah perhaps one of these other races that is more control based I'd have a better chance that you know what the hover race might actually be a really interesting one let me know if you guys want to see the hover race I don't even remember trying hard on the hover race I don't even know if I did a video where I really tried to do super super well and I haven't tried to build a hovercraft that is like super fast and controllable in a long time so that'll be interesting very different from how a boat works so let me know if you guys want to see that or perhaps one of these other races but uh if you guys enjoyed this video you probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrapman and I'll see you next time bye he
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 157,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers update, trailmakers sonic boom, trailmakers sound barrier, trailmakers tail propeller, tail propeller, trailmakers 1.8, trailmakers rescue update, trailmakers race, trailmakers racing festival, race island, trailmakers evolution, trailmakers dragster, trailmakers drag race, drag race, dragster evolution
Id: VRmc0rjZJTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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