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hey guys I asked you on Twitter which story time you would like to see me talking about my worst customers at work or the time that I crashed my car twice I will be talking about my car but today we're talking about bad customers which means I'm going to be digging in the bowels of my mind dragging up things that I've purposely tried to forget because they scarred me so much so I've worked many a jobs in my life sorry I was just terrified and I've had weird customers at all of them but I'm gonna focus on the job that I spent three years off before I get started I want to talk about the manager at my first job shouts out not gonna say your name I swear to God if you watch my videos I'm changing my name real quick the first job I ever had was working at a produce store which was where my sister was working and she was like you know my little sister is looking for a job and they're like okay she's hired literally did not get an interview I was like oh cool first job I'm 16 I'm I feel so bad if he sees this but he kind of deserves to know my first manager was this little man sort of like an elf like white hair you know too jolly for the atmosphere it's a produce store we played only classical music and it was always freezing how do you think I felt this manager would come up to everyone and you would see him like coming down the stairs from the office and like slowly walking towards you up to the register and you would go huh put his hand on your shoulder Tiffany come with me this way let's check out the ED wall of bars you're like don't touch me man oh God like don't don't touch me for sure so you'd like get him off your shoulder walk over to the ED wallah bars and he'd go do you see how this display is a little crooked let's grab this one right here turn it 20 degrees doesn't that look better doesn't that look a lot more presentable and I'm like shaking with fury because I'm like obviously I know if you had just said hey Tiffany straighten all the rows in the displays I'd be like yeah sure I get what you mean but instead every single day he'd be like and he smiles at you with this big smile and this eye contact that's way too strong and you're just like that's horrible so let's talk about the the job with all the stories so I worked at a birthday party place you guys know I've talked about this a few times basically like blow up slides bounce house in doors and we run birthday parties so I got hired at this job because I love kids love to play it's a pretty cool time basically the way things work is like you're either in the arena with the kids literally playing like leading hide-and-seek running around with them making sure they're not beating each other up which they did very often shockingly often or you're in the dining room setting up all the decorations that the parents brought making sure everything's ready putting out the chips and some bowls and getting ready to serve pizza and soda to a bunch of kids what's the first story I want to tell let's start at the beginning during my like first week there I was doing a party of twelve-year-old boys let me tell you this party place was best for ages like three to ten so these kids are like 12 13 and I'm like yo why are you here you're not eight years old but whatever it was a common thing for teenage parties to happen on the weekends which is the most unfortunate thing like not only are you working here Friday or Saturday night but you get to work with teens where a couple years younger than you and they're horrible and they behave so badly and also these teen parties always show up with like one parent like obviously the younger kids parties most of the parents stay so it's like half kids house parents but yeah these teen parties it's all just teens I love saying teens just teens being teens so I was knew this was like maybe one of my first parties that I was doing on my own I was done with training pretty much and I get this 12 year old boy party probably like 25 12 year old boys what's worse than that so right away I know these kids are gonna be with me like they're gonna make my life hell why why do you have to do that I was in the arena with them what means like I get to supervise them playing and try to make them follow the rules which they're not going to do because they're 12 so we have certain rules like on the big giant slide you know you're not supposed to surf you're supposed to like sit on your butt and just slide like a normal person but obviously all the older kids they like to surf they like to do flips dangerous things they all just kind of tackle each other and come down as a mound and then people get hurt and it's my job to make sure the kids don't get hurt so I'm sitting there like ah how do I control these kids at this particular party the kids were I remember them coming up to me because I'd be like yo like on the speaker be like yo don't surf down the slide and then they would surf and like look at me and I like kids like swear so I just kept repeating it over and over and I like tried to talk to the one pair that was there and I was like hey can you like make sure your kids and they're like now I'm going to go sit in the lobby I was like oh cool I know it's my job but like help me I don't have any authority over your kids and at one point I like walked away for a second probably to talk to like my supervisor upfront and let them know how crazy they were being oh my god another thing that they were doing was taking my microphone which plays throughout the entire building and yelling penis penis a course twelve-year-old boys are yelling penis so as I'm up at the front talking to my supervisor you can hear them yelling penis over the loudspeakers luckily we're the only party in the group by that time of the night so like it was only them but like obviously that's not okay the children's birthday party center so I'm just sitting there like having a breakdown and I was like dude I can't do this like when is this party over and I go back inside my arena and I see them going down the slide with the benches what we have benches that are like these like soft big benches that you just sit on and they're pretty heavy and they obviously don't go on the slide they're literally like surfing on these benches on the slide and I was like oh my god I just snapped I got on the last speaker I was like are you kidding me everybody off the slide like total mode because what else are you supposed to do everybody get off the slide I think I closed the slide even like I straight-up like told them they couldn't go on it anymore yeah I almost had a breakdown that was pretty horrible whoo blood pressure is getting high but other than that I really did enjoy this job I worked there for like three years and I got super into the swing of things and as long as I was doing like pretty standard parties it was nice you know like normal nice parents who don't bring too much stuff they just bring some chips and some table covers and I blow up some balloons it's all good I play hide-and-seek with the kids we jump around in the bounce house and it's a good time okay okay so my next story is just kind of like a general thing that would happen way too often these were like the worst people that would come in one parties that were super overdone now this is a party like the whole point of like our service is like we'll take care of everything for you you bring some stuff we'll set it up for you we'll serve the kids we'll play with them in there we'll make sure they're not getting hurt basically the parents are supposed to just come bring the cake sit down and relax but of course these like Pinterest moms and like crazy controlling parents would come in with like trucks full of stuff like straight-up enough decorations to fill a house when we've got like one dining room with like some picnic tables and I'm like oh great one time this family bought both party rooms we have two party rooms and they ordered both of them and they didn't have a ton of people so it was like 20 kids using up space that would usually be for like 60 people I'm like okay that's not necessary but like do what you want you got the money so we're like okay these people have money we're gonna get good tips for these parties it was also normal for people sometimes if you're super over-the-top to like maybe hire like a face painter or hire like a character to come so like spider-man or like Anna and Elsa I met on an Elsa like ten thousand times because frozen was very popular at that point so this party had a spider-man and I just remember his like tights outfit was like way too tight and everybody could see his junk like this is like a party for a four-year-old I feel uncomfortable so anyway I was setting up for this party and they had so much we have a very small amount of time to do the setup and if you have too much like it's literally impossible for us to set everything up especially with parents who are meticulous about where every single little item is oh I wish I had pictures so I finally set up this party and I was like stressing and then we get going and my job when the party is going is like to pay attention to the kids and make sure they're not getting hurt and like not slipping on the slippery floor which happens a lot so I'm out there like playing with the kids and the mom comes up to me and she's like um why are you serving the parents the parents are out there getting their own food and I was like first of all it's not my job to serve the parents because they're adults but I was like oh well I'm just making sure the kids are okay like did you want me to come serve the parents for a minute I'm like they're adults she's like no it's fine and I was like god damn like honestly like it's my job to be with the kids because all the parents are sitting here like eating snacks and not watching the kids maybe they're shut lease be like one person watching all these kids are you going to leave them with spider-man and after that party like literally working my ass off like three times as difficult as any other party in the same amount of time still trying to get it all cleaned and packed up oh I could just go into all my pet peeves about this bad that's all I can say let's jump into my last story so for this one I was in the dining room which means I was only responsible for setting up the room and when the kids were done playing they would come in and I would serve them pizza and lemonade so for this party is pretty standard you know chips whatever pizza cake so I set it all up and they come in and the first thing I do with every single party is start serving pizza to the kids and after that the parents are welcome to come grab it then I'll start moving through the snacks pass out chips and stuff to the kids but basically it's my job to focus on the kids table parents are free to help themselves at this party I grab the cheese pizza and I start to hand it up to the kids I say okay raise your hand if you want cheese pizza I start to pass it out and this grandma comes up me and literally yells at me in this room and then it goes dead silent she goes what are you doing and I'm like I'm just serving some cheese pizza to the kids she goes why are you serving the pepperoni pizza and I go well I'm gonna serve the pepperoni next I just serve the cheese first she's like well the kids want pepperoni and now you're giving them cheese and they're they're not gonna eat the pepperoni pizza and I was like holy I was like woman first of all I didn't say this but I'm like in my many years of serving pizza to kids I know that most of the kids want cheese pizza I've done this a million times how many pizzas have been slung by your hands woman but I'm literally brimming with tears because she just yelled in my face like it's very rare that I would have an adult woman yell in my face as I'm serving like her grandkids over pizza so I'm like and so I'm just in shock and like all the parents are just like wow and I was like this is so uncomfortable I cannot even believe that I just got yelled at by this woman so I felt like little tears coming and I just continue to pass out the pepperoni pizza and she leaves the room couple minutes later comes back up with my manager my manager is like hey Tiffany like I'm gonna take over for you in here and I was like okay and I leave I'm sure I started crying I started crying like this is not something that I need to cry about but I was just so shocked that someone had just yelled at me and my manager was just like you know they were being like kind of rude to me too but you've just gotta like you just got to deal with it like there's gonna be tough party sometimes and you just have to like get through it and then get them out like I'm sorry that this happened and I was like yeah it's fine and like incredible anyway those are my worst customer stories I really was lucky that I mostly had very enjoyable customers throughout my my jobs but there's always a few crazies you can always count on that and if they can make you cry at work that's the best-case scenario thank you guys for watching please request any other story times if you have any ideas or comment below and let me know your worst customers because I'm sure if you've ever had a job you have stories to share thank you that's all okay thanks bye so the ultimatum I'm giving myself is one more year on YouTube
Channel: tiffanyferg
Views: 289,729
Rating: 4.8392916 out of 5
Keywords: tiffanyferg, tiffany ferguson, vlog, comedy, funny, story, story time, storytime, worst customers, work, worst, customers
Id: 6g24rQNASOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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