Workers Reveal Scams Desperate Customers Almost Pulled Off (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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retail workers of Reddit what is the most desperate scam a customer has tried to pull on you years ago I worked at a Walmart and this guy comes in trying to return his we that doesn't work I just bought this for my kids last week and it's already broken but they won't take it back because I lost my receipt the we in question was the most beat-up and disgusting looking gamma cube I have ever seen like he found it in a landfill or something I should also point out that I wasn't working the return desk or even a cashier I was stocking the food department turns out he was trying to talk every employee and the store into either giving him a refund or away a similar situation happened when I worked at Walmart a guy came in to get a refund for the Nintendo 3ds he bought the day before but when we opened the box it was an old beat-up Gameboy like do they think we're that stupid and aren't going to tell the difference they're probably hoping to get someone who just doesn't care enough to argue or someone they can intimidate I had that happen to me when I worked retail when I was a teenager because I was really small and looked even younger than I was I got all the thieves in my line worked in a bottle shop on afternoon a shady character entered and spent 10 minutes browsing the liquor section I stayed at the checkout and watched him on the CCTV he ended up shoving two bottles of Johnnie Walker blue down his pants and walked out store policy is not to confront shoplifters that's what insurance is for I called the police and burned the footage onto a DVD for them to collect about an hour later the same guy returns with the bottles demanding a cash refund because he purchased the wrong type just as I was telling him I can't do a refund without a receiver police walked in to collect the footage he left with him in handcuffs same type of thing happened to us as I was walking and for my shift there was the car stopped right in front of the doors next thing I know I'm walking up on a guy carrying about 10 pairs of shoes out of their boxes as he's running out of the store at speed and basically Superman jumped into the car they sped off and the Appa's were all kinda staring at each other going WTF just happened later on that night dude came back wearing a pair of the shoes he stole and his hoodie still had one of our security tags on it so he set off the alarm when he walked in they followed him around for a bit eventually he made a run for the door and anapa grabbed the hoodie on his way out when he came off and dude kept running into the parking lot we were almost at closing time anyway so they locked the doors behind him and this madman came back to beat on our glass doors to demand his hoodie back he'd also inadvertently lost one shoe and he needed that back as well we obviously refused and he called the cops they were very amused with the situation when they got there I don't think he went to jail though years ago I worked at a small hardware store where they were constantly getting huge rolls of copper wire stolen one day this guy and his girlfriend come in to return a roll I was a few months in on the returns counter they had no receipt and when I scanned the item for the return it was only doing the price per foot I couldn't figure out how to get the school of the price for the whole roll called the manager and he comes out and right away knows there's no way these people bought a roll and returned it so he asked when they bought it and they say two weeks ago the common response and my manager tells them oh really because the last time we sold an entire roll was over three months ago the guy starts to get brave and tells him so you're saying I stole it and my manager says yes they end up leaving and left the roll behind before they leave the store the guy says I'm coming back and bringing the cops manager says go ahead that way you can explain to them how you stole the roll we didn't deliver the pizzas we make it scary only had a customer call and have a long angry conversation with me because I wouldn't deliver to her she proceeds to say a couple times you must be new here I know the owner personally to which I responded well I'm the owner's daughter and we don't deliver love it when they pull the I know the owner card and the owner all relative of the owner is the one they're talking to they used to work at an ice rink named after the owner who had died some guy tried to pull the almond owner name our good friends he told me to come by and you'd take care of me the guy he was talking to was the manager on duty who had been mentioned by the now dead owner that was one of the more uncomfortable things I've ever watched as a man hurried his daughter and what I assumed to be their friends quickly out of the building sold a guy a phone years ago when I worked for a wireless carrier spent an hour getting all his information transferred and set up his new phone he comes in the next day with a shattered scream apparently he didn't remember that I was the rep who helped him and proceeded to tell me that is how it looked when he left the store needless to say the phone was not replaced a guy comes in to fill his son's a Darryl script guy is super twitchy and Sony's chillers could be for all controls we are supposed to run a report that shows everywhere in the state they have filled any of course the report is a mess multiple pharmacies multiple scripts multiple doctors all the red flags to top it off on a Darryl script within that week had been filled so we really couldn't fill this one dad comes back we tell him that we can't fill it and dad starts going on about how his wife must have filled it but they need some for today bla bla bla we decline and his last words to us are my son needs and for a birthday he has to go to today can't you help ' no Dooley can help you're clearly taking your son's pills get help and stop using your son to get high on prescription drugs a customer brought back a jumpsuit for a fund the closet hash T in it apparently it had him like that when she bought it it stank so bad that you could smell it through the taped up plastic bags that she had put it in the levels of how impossible that would have been to be unnoticed by changing room staff to then be put on the shop floor to then be picked up by the customer to being bought via a cashier still unnoticed the worst part is some idiot on the refunds counter downstairs actually accepted it and put it on top of the trolley full of other returned items for us to put back upstairs complete with a no staple to it that said warning feces inside one of the bigger WTF moments I've had in any job that I've worked I used to work at Best Buy this guy came in and returned a laptop saying that the Box had some old laptop in it he was yelling and screaming that we don't know how to do business manager gave him full refund we started to check that old laptop he brought in it won't turn on looks like the motherboard was toast we pulled the hard drive out and started checking the data hard drive was completely fine with everything on it he started looking for the clues and found the pictures of the guy who returned the laptop it was his old machine we had all his info manager called him and said he has 15 minutes to bring the new laptop back or he is calling police that guy came in dropped the laptop at front desk never saw him again in the store had a customer return a vacuum cleaner once my supervisor did the return thankfully the Box went back on the floor unchecked the next customer who wanted to buy checked it out before they went to the register the whole frickin thing had been replaced with a catering size tin of beetroot at my old job they used to have sales pretty often and would also give out coupons for specific dates for Boxing Day they had a 30% off sale and we'd also given out coupons that would stop the next day lady comes in on Boxing Day and we worked out that she'd get more of a deal if she used the coupon instead so I offered to hold her items for her I explicitly told her that she wouldn't be able to get the 30% off and she decided to use the coupon instead she comes back the next day goes to cash to purchase her items and gets angry because they wouldn't give her both the 30% off and let her you the coupon she told the cashier that the person she spoken to the day before had told her she could do that sees me and says it was that girl who told me I went to cash to speak to her I was a keyholder at a time and a story changed about three times through the whole thing first she said that I told her she could combine the discounts then she said that I never told her she couldn't combine the discounts and then finally it was well I don't understand why I'm not able to do this another manager came over to help sort it out and as I walked away I heard her saying that I was a liar now I work at Sephora and we always get people trying to return fake products my favourite one was when someone returned a face mask that hadn't put a can of tuna in the box instead of the actual face mask I work at a movie theater we have a $5 discount day a customer comes over and starts telling me how she was there the prior day and that we had given them the wrong soda and her diabetic husband had drank it and suddenly had to go to the hospital to get medication to cure him several things wrong with that story one that's not how diabetes works you don't die from one sip of soda and generally a few did you have insulin to take to the employee she had complained to in order to call me over had been the only concession astir prior day and somehow she failed to identify him when I asked her who it was I asked her for a ticket stubs or proof of purchase and she came up with nothing I went to the attendants for the prior day and pulled the report for the movie they claimed to have saw to my delight the Showtime they claimed to have seen had zero tickets sold to it I printed the report and went back to meet them yay sorry looks like there was zero tickets sold to that Showtime and I showed her the report she then tried to say we sold her tickets to the wrong movie I told her that was impossible because ng would have been in the wrong auditorium she had no response to that then she spluttered that she guessed she would just go buy tickets and I said yeah I guess so she left I had a customer come to purchase some stuff and they had found a coupon from three years ago on Google Images for 50% off whole purchase I told her I can't do that and the only one we had going at the time was not viable for her purchase she yelled stupid loud stormed out cursing and I felt good she emailed corporate and I got in trouble for making her upset I once had a lady come in and try to price-match an ad that looked faded and had weird graphics I told her I needed to see the date on it and she got mad turns out it was faded and had weird graphics because it was over a decade old she threatened to sue my manager and I for discrimination and then for trashing her antique because we threw the ad out I don't miss retail oh boy back in high school when I worked part-time at a KFC there was this one fat man who would come in order a two-piece quarter pack and then claim we forgot his chicken like when we turned around to fete his drink at the end of the order he would open the box take out the chicken pieces and hide them in his pockets hot chicken writes in his pockets I got so fed up with everyone just giving him extra chicken all the time that I demanded he turned out his pockets one day when he tried to call it and while low and behold this guy has his pockets full of drumsticks the 12th of September 2001 USA a guy in Spartanburg South Carolina calls and says that his weed trimmer was in the twin towers in the Nick the day before and got destroyed by terrorists and the man did I replace it under warranty I've heard that at least one divorce came out of the attack the guy worked and one of the towers and his wife called and terrified asking where he was and he said I'm at work when he was in fact with his mistress he wasn't aware that his work didn't exist anymore one this projector is going to be used at our church can we get a discount to this flat-screen TV is going to be used at our church can you wave the taxes three this for Church discount to this flat-screen TV is going to be used at our church can you wave the taxes three this for Church what would Jesus pay used to work customer service at a hardware store you get so jaded by junkies trying to return stolen items I just started handing out free funds based on how good the stories were your dad with dementia bought circuit breakers every single day and recently died refund you don't need these commercial sized copper elbows because you bought too many for your residential plumbing projects now the dementia thing is sadly realistic my uncle recently died of Lewy body dementia and he kept on buying tools and fishing gear it made him happy my auntie would collect them once they got home and put them away to return later but you couldn't stop him because he would get so angry if he was told he couldn't idiot comes in with a coupon for a free iPod fine print says guaranteed and payable by Bill Gates I asked why would Bill Gates guarantee and Apple product idiot left had a guy try to return to Sega CD games for cash problem was they were wrapped in saran wrap and then had the goal to exchange them for properly wrapped games so he could go across the street to Walmart and return them for cash there him and his buddy must have really needed beer and weed money also have seen people trial new shoes put the old ones in the box and walk out with the new ones had an old man act like he was pulling a gun out of his waist to get away from loss prevention and one of my favorites had the two women grab a bag from luggage and put all of the rolls of film in the bag then try to ditch the bag because we were following them I was working at buckles for a while in college they offer 10% military discount with photo ID lady comes to my register on black Friday with an alleged photocopy of her husband's dd- 214 I kindly told her that would not be accepted and she was not eligible for a discount unless she could produce dependent ID on an official card she was P said he gave zero Frakes guess who paid full price if her husband is in the military VEISHEA of spousal cards in order to access things like the base operated shops I had one as a dependent and my mother still has hers there my father is retired if she was really married to a me I too remember she would have her own card I used to work a game store a little more than ten years ago once had a woman come in dress fairly trendy and ask for two PlayStation Portable 's PSB two Xbox 360 years and a handful of games and accessories my store was pretty slow so this would be a pretty big sale for the day and I was excited about it she goes to pay and hands me a credit card which was not laminated and appeared to be printed out on a home color printer I told her it wouldn't work and she said just scan it anyway so I scanned her fake credit card which clearly did not have a magnetic strip and it didn't work of course she told me to just put the numbers in on the computer I refused when she asked why seemingly legitimately confused I told her I just couldn't she told me she would be back with cash I put everything back on the shelves she did not return the store was open until midnight the two last nights of the financial year calendar apparently the store thought someone might come in at 11:59 the last chance they had to deck out their entire office with new laptops and chairs and sh t after about 9:00 p.m. the store was pretty much a complete ghost town by 10:00 p.m. to 11 p.m. the store was the cleanest together was since it was built on this one night the phone rang at about 11:30 p.m. the guy wanted to know if we were still open because he wanted to buy something specific it turned out we had it in stock and he told me several times that he was going to get out of his pajamas get dressed and come down to the store I was like sure the item will be at the front counter whenever you're here to collect it so he turns up and tells me again that he had to get out of his pajamas get dressed and come down to the store to pick up this item it was about 11:45 p.m. by this point and so I just told him how much it was going to cost him then he asked for a discount I said why he said for being your last customer of the evening I told him now there's no reason for giving out that kind of a discount and besides we weren't closed yet there might be other customers who know he might not have been the last one that night and besides it costs what it costs he told me again that he had to get out of his pajamas get dressed and come to the store to buy this item he paid full price for all his troubles I had someone try to return two bottles of laundry detergent she dropped them off at the counter and said he didn't like that brand he walks off to do her shopping I wonder how it smells so I opened the detergent and smell it it's water both of these jugs are filled with warm water during the exchange she tries to claim they were like that when she bought them I explained I can't return them and she will have to talk to the day manager boss lady who has final say close bracket a friend of mine bought a giant bottle of laundry detergent that turned out to be water he was so perplexed when he got at home and tried to wash his clothes someone must have bought it filled it with water and returned it and obviously it wasn't checked luckily he was able to exchange it at the store with no questions asked but a lot of laughs all around she was trying to steal towels from the towel department because my water broke she even made fake blood and a realistic crying baby come out of her V Gina tossed him right out of the store I still wonder where she got such a realistic animatronic baby though it was warm to the and everything I've been in and out of retail for ten years and one time at a part-time gig that I had I have a full-time job - this couple a man and a woman came in looking sketchy as all hell definitely had a drug problem they were scanning each and every register looking for gift cards particularly those ones where they were prepay like Visa or MasterCard I knew their game I've dealt with this before the woman came to my register originally they wanted to go to self checkout but I told them they cannot purchase gift cards there they can I just wanted to catch them law the woman comes up to me purchases $400 worth of gift cards and when it's time to pay I asked her for her ID because she wants to use her credit card the ID she had and who she was with two different people the woman in the driver's license had no tattoos on her face this woman had stars below her eye I told her this is not you I will not sell these to you and I will call the police she booked it out of there unfortunately the man got away with it because he had purchased his at another register before the woman came to me and would you believe I got in trouble for doing that I work at an Italian deli specialty market its family-owned and has a super tight-knit cast of employees it's also in a rougher part of town one day a presumably homeless woman came into the store no big deal we're by the shelter and a lot of the homeless folks are friendly and just getting something nice to eat however this lady was clearly out of her mind whether it was Doug saw mental illness wasn't clear honestly probably both she was in the store for an hour just harrassing employees and customers eventually the owner the Italian man after which the store is named had to intervene he firmly asked the lady to leave but she had a surprising response oh it's okay I work here imagine the surprise on the owners face he certainly didn't remember hiring her dumbfounded he told her that was impossible since he's in charge of the hiring through which she responded oh are you hiring honestly I've got to respect a good gambit unfortunately for her it didn't seem to pan out I don't have any new co-workers yet I once had a do try to score a free iphone he came into the department I worked in and started describing this vague iPhone to us saying he'd lost it in here earlier no other details were given like phone case a specific color just an iPhone further questions were asked about where he thinks he might have left it in here and he just went quiet and said it's fine actually maybe somebody else has it and left our opinion as he knew that sometimes stores will keep people's phones that they find until the owners come back and then they hand over the phone he wanted to score a free iPhone customer returned a fake ring for $100 they had a real receipt that physically described the ring they brought in I didn't recognize it even checked for it but ultimately accepted the return because it seemed legit what they did was buy a real ring or obtain a real receipt some other way then buy a fake $5 ring that matched the description on the real receipt return fake ring get cash actually pretty smart I witnessed one I was waiting to get my hair cut at my local barber and this woman hobbles in she had a bandage on her head a bandage over her eye her arm in a sling and a cane she sat down and launched into this horrible sob story about how she had been in this terrible accident and had spent all her money at the hospital and her car was totaled now she had no way to get back home etc and of course asked for money my barber was entirely unperturbed and said okay just let me finish with my customers the lady thinking she'd hit a score sat patiently as he did five haircuts then he calmly walked over to the phone and called the police bus I work at a convenience store and we sell phone charges for exorbitant prices because they prey on the desperate who need a charger right now people steal these charges all the time and try to bring them back for a refund we don't take them back without a receipt with our store address on it anymore because this is such a common occurrence I also had a guy steal a fidgets spinner I watched him do it from the aisle and try to bring it back for the whole refund of $6 worked at Aldi which is a return policy where you get your money back plus get to pick an item of equal or lesser value one customer routinely returned a gallon of milk with just a quarter remaining claiming it was rancid he'd then get a new gallon and his money back this went on almost daily for two weeks until the DM finally put his foot down LD will do anything to please the customer it's insane not sure if it qualifies as a scam or not probably just attempted sharp lifting when I was working as an electronics cashier I asked a woman if she needed help buying a TV she said no thanks and placed a Smart TV into her cart I asked her if she wanted to make the purchase at electronics and she said she wanted to pick up a couple more things and electronics I went to help another customer when I realized the woman was rushing towards the front of the store with the TV I immediately radioed loss prevention that someone was trying to run out with a TV and they stopped her at the door her immediate offence was I paid for this in electronics I just left the receipt in my car I have no idea how that made logical sense in her mind since of course she couldn't have the receipts in her car if she just bought the TV in electronics worked at Arby's as a teenager this was around 1990 a guy comes in orders a sandwich and fries and wants to pay with a check this being the Eldon days people paid with chair all the time but this guy tries to tell me it's easier for the bank if he makes it out to himself instead of two lobbies because well he fired off some convoluted off-the-cuff bullsh t designed to gallop me into buying the story I was young and naive but not that naive he got mad when I denied him called me stupid I asked if he'd like to talk to the manager and he agreed three minutes later my manager is giving the guy stink eye and the dude leaves with no sandwich nice try [ __ ] I worked at a place at Seoul timber roofing ayran etcetera once at morning this guy comes in and wants a couple of bags of cement slurring up the sale and then go to load up the order he tells me not to worry and that he will do it so I explained that it is my job to do it then when I reached for the first one he stands between me and the bag so again I insist that I have to load the concrete it isn't an option this point he gets quite aggressive with yelling and arm waving etc so I go inside to find the boss and just as we come back out he reaches down goes to pick up the bag and throws his back out he is writhing around on the floor for a while then demands an ambulance and tells my boss that I refused to help him load the bags and now he is going to sue us for millions what he didn't know is that a lot of people tried to steal the cement so there were two security cameras pointing right at him the whole time recording everything he said and did including a long discussion with his wife about how we would pay him a stack of cash to keep this out of court and so on the company didn't say a word about the tapes until just before we had to be in court to make sure that he spent as much money on his lawyer as possible [Music]
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 32,689
Rating: 4.8292685 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, emkay, updoot, cowbelly, toadfilms, updoot reddit, storytime with reddit, people of reddit, reddit reveals, reddit scams, reddit customers, workers, scams
Id: PZ85_20-gDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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