What Was Your High School Scandal? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what was your high school's biggest scandal teacher went to Thailand for four weeks came home married with a twenty wire girl he was sixty the green card smell our football coach got shot in the locker room by a disgruntled parent did he die no he was in the hospital for at least a month and took almost a year off though I'm an old guy so my senior year of high school was when our school got class computers that connected to the Internet dial up the installation happened over the winter break and when we got back suddenly our social studies teacher began showing videos in class like every single day for a while we thought he was just burned out until we noticed that during every video he had his computer monitor turned awkwardly so that no one at the back of the class could see it after a couple of months the administration looked through the records for Internet use and noticed he spent a lot more time online than everyone else when they dug deeper to see what he was doing they learned he was spending entire days surfing PRN sites during class he was swiftly and unceremoniously replaced in the middle of the term I went to a boarding school one girl had smuggled her 20 year old boyfriend into her room and got away with it for over a week he would sneak out to shower while everyone was in class and she would take food to her room saying she had so much work to do the jig was up when administration discovered cigarette butts outside her window edit I went to work and came home to discover that this threat has exploded to explain a couple questions I found yes the cigarettes were the smoking gun but when admin found them they questioned both her and her run mates first yes this girl smuggled hey boyfriend into her dorm that she shared with another girl her roommate spilled the beans immediately not wanting to get in any more trouble than she was sure she was already in though she was pardoned on account of her honesty a ton of guys got in trouble for making a list ranking top 100 hottest girls they had it in a Google Doc with comments welcome to your tape a chit shove the lava-lamp up whenever region while web coming with some dude which of course go screenshotted and printed out x 100 in class stood all over school she had to move away in this day and age thread probably be a subreddit for that kind of stuff edit well now my highest rated post is about lani Clavel and lava lamps get hot ass how did she do that without serious injury she used a sock as a cover if I recall correctly doesn't make the story any better does it football player got drunk at a party came home put a pot of water on the stove and passed out the house burned down killing the player and also his handicapped sister and her handicapped friend who were trapped on the second floor principal learns of other students who were at the party and suspends them for underage drinking which also forbade them from playing in the last football game of the season against the rival school football parents were P ssed at the principal for the decision also somehow the dead football player was labeled a hero by some death really does vindicate you even when you under ectly kill two handicapped people the band teacher and Junior High ran off with the 9th grader they were in love poorly kept secret that the cross-country coach was ducking a girl on the team even less well kept is that he had done the same with a girl 5 years early the kicker is the first girl came back and became a teacher in the district she in the cross-country coach are married now my friend Paula names obviously changed was dating this guy max max confessed to her that he had cheated so she dumped him a few weeks later she was dating another guy named Sam a week after she started dating Sam they were in a life draw class together I went to an arts high school and Max burst into the classroom screaming that he was going to kill Sam initially everyone assumed that this was because he was jealous because Sam was with his ex but somehow in all the commotion it became apparent that the person he had cheated on Paula with was Sam so no one was really sure who max was jealous of Paula Sam Paula had known that Max was Bissell but she had no idea that Sam was he had cheated on her with turns out Sam was gay not even be and in love with max but not really able to admit it and so was with Paula because she was as close to Max as he was able to get I was a senior at the time but I was tearing for a grade 9 class for extra credit and when I was in the staff room I remember being cornered by several teachers asking me for inside information because it was such juicy gossip edit to change one name I left in by accident not really a scandal but a chick birthed a baby outside of C Jim no one knew she was pregnant went to a Catholic all-girls school girl got pregnant she was first kicked out then one of the nuns yelled at the principal who then agreed to let her come back if it meant after-school hours and being taught her lessons in an old classroom in the basement by said principal girls in each class had abortions by the time they graduated but because you could see the pregnancy my friend wasn't allowed to be taught properly and wasn't allowed to walk out graduation it happened before I started going there but one of the students obtain to copy of the school's master key made 500 copies of it and sent it to random students in the school's directory school threatened to call the FBI on the people who took part in the scheme if they didn't come forward so they surrendered the masterminds ended up getting off pretty easy they weren't allowed to walk out graduation and they had to pay a portion of the cost to replace every lock in the school but they were never charged criminally in nothing permanent ever happened to them people who received the keys weren't punished though they did have to turn in the keys the incident was actually featured in an episode of that old MTV show high school stories my school wanted no part in the episode and refused to let a film crew on school property edit clarified a few things as a student who knew them both a brand new teacher 23 years old dating a student 18 after she graduated they are now married with kids so I guess it's okay as an adult a complete overhaul in the structure of the school lots of people got fired for embezzlement edit yes the age difference is fine the power dynamic is not if you were in high school and told your parents I'm dating my teacher they would be understandably upset volleyball coach got pregnant my senior year of high school by her daughter's boyfriend the daughter was a junior at the time and the boyfriend had already graduated the only reason anyone knew was because of a coach and her husband were white and the boyfriend was black the daughter and boyfriend stayed together and are now married with a kid of their own coach and her husband stayed together and raised the baby together as their own to my knowledge neither couple plans on telling their kids what happened edit by her daughter's boyfriend not with her daughter's boyfriend a Spanish teacher was fired on a Thursday he came back in on Friday with a legally purchased a K in a guitar case he went into the headmistresses office and killed her and then shot himself this was at a fancy Christian private school so it shocked everyone people always worry about students shooting up schools but this time it was a teacher my school had a week where every day there were two or more bomb threats called in the first day was fun because we got to go home early but as the week progressed we just sat in the stadium in the heat and the FBI was called in it quickly became very unfun for all those asking it was in Louisiana a huge ERG bus that was even on the local news a good amount of kids were arrested during class and were never seen or heard from again JK they went to juvie that happened at my high school too we even had an undercover person as a student and got a ton of kids that way our principal's wife gave a blow JB to her daughter's boyfriend who were both students at the school at a time that made for an interesting senior year I was home-schooled so when everyone would leave for the day I had about eight hours of being home alone I'd drag a mattress outside to do back flips I used to jump off the roof play with fire put a bunch of baking soda and vinegar into large bottles until they'd pop making a loud bang then clean it all up before anyone got home I always got my work done on time before going to school once a week to turn it in and had excellent grades no one ever found out about my mischief glad I never got hurt we had an undercover cop pretend to be a student it didn't work it colder than the fact that he pulled up in a brand-new SRT Challenger $60 K car at a time or the fact he was six foot nine and had Iraq he's 0-7 tattooed on his arm also we put the student driver car on the roof our principal was pretty mellow about it he addressed the students pretty bro like - I get if you guys really wanted to do a senior prank but whoever put the car on the roof please step forward we're having issues getting our new air conditioning units on the roof it's - ducting hot to deal with this kids named Billy stepped forward and had his father's crane company removed the car and put the AC units up for free in exchange for not being expelled according to my elder brother it was when somebody sh t in the middle of the gym floor during a class and nobody saw it happen or ever found out who it was but how they maxed out their stealth I went to a big high school 550 people graduating class so there were a few dean of students essentially assistant principal on principal and two deans forced into early retirement for possession of CP seven bomb threats in one semester about fifteen total throughout my four years senior year a girl was busted compiling a list of people who wanted fake IDs discount for large orders because she was compiling said list on school computers there was a guy who was involved in a homicide he wasn't the killer but definitely an accessory last one that comes to mind is the senior that was dating the banti a she student was 18 at the time so it wasn't illegal but definitely some hot gossip not exactly a scandal but it was kind of weird there was the cute guy teacher that quite a few girls were obsessed with one girl in particular would spend every free time she had during the day with him free periods lunch after school she could always be found talking about him if she wasn't with him the new way he lived and would go there to hang out and would take pictures of photos in his house fast-forward the teacher has a baby this girl and other girls who were obsessed with him went to his baby shower when the baby was actually being born they would keep in touch with him his friends that they weirdly befriended to see how far along his wife was they even considered going to the hospital by the end of the year girls literally kept pictures of his baby on Instagram and talked about how cute he was anyways most of the girls graduated but they still bother him and even try to babysit his kid it's all kind of ducked and the poor guy has to deal with all these crazy girls stalking him and an assumption that he is having inappropriate relationships where I come from there's a sector of a leat private high schools basically since the public school system is so bad there's quite a couple of these schools well you know how in TV shows all those preppy spoiled get right the stereotype is that they stop scheming creating drama backstabbing think of the show Gossip Girl well this is the deal some kids actually took that show to heart they created a website called gossip jokes XX standing for the location we lived in this website was basically a source of cyberbullying to the extreme people from all over these schools would post gossip on malicious rumors of other people which led to a bunch of iral bullying it got so bad that a girl in one of these schools committed suicide and another one had a suicide attempt in fact one day the police barged into the school whose kids started it all and confiscated a bunch of laptops and electronics to investigate further needless to say almost every school had an assembly about this afterwards while a lot of people ended up expelled TLDR a group of kids created a Gossip Girl website with rumors of almost everyone in a private school girl committed suicide cops busted into a school at it fix tyrell said the bullying to bullying let's not talk about this mistake not sure if it was the biggest scandal but it's definitely up there the principal stopped by a class and was chatting with the students he knew from our football team before leaving he noticed one of the black students players sitting in the back away from his teammates attempting to make a joke he yelled to him student it's 2015 you don't have to sit at the back anymore . no one thought it was funny as you can imagine long story short he made the news and many people were demanding his resignation he somehow kept his job after that whole [ __ ] storm but I heard he's still not the same man he used to be all because of one offhand racist joke edit experienced this through what my younger sister and parents told me my sister enrolled in my school but I had since graduated when this all went down just had to clarify my point of view so one of my close friends and I were talking and there was a gentleman hanging out across the hall from us with his respective friends the guy's girlfriend went up and kissed him my friend all of the sudden lost his collective sh t and she gave him a very dirty look so my friend takes me by the arm and brings me further down the hall and it turns out he got a blow JB from that same girl about ten minutes prior to her kissing her boyfriend the kicker is that she swallowed I don't know if she did anything in the ten minutes it took to get over to her boyfriend but I like to think she had dude split lip gloss on when she kissed her boyfriend also the year before I got to my high school a teacher was shot in the parking lot by her ex-husband turns out he had been cheating on her and she ended up which caused him to go into rage mode and shoot her he's currently serving life in prison senior year after the homecoming football game the seniors returned to the high school to collect our yearbooks or something along those lines only this time there were hundreds upon hundreds of letters scattered all across the front lawn of our high school this letter basically was a hate list of someone's and spilt all the dirty little secrets of like seven or eight kids police got involved and was blown way out of proportion was really original I suppose but still pretty sh TTY of the person to do that in my sophomore year we had this horrible principal that wasn't respected by any of the staff ere our teachers would often go on rants about him and the terrible decisions he made one day he actually did a horrible thing that could have ended disastrously he was seeing a woman that was cheating on her husband the husband found out and during a school day he called the principal from the school and said he was going to come and kill him usually when a threat like that is made you're supposed to put the school on lockdown since you could be putting everyone's life at risk instead he sat in his office and kept a private hoping that it was an empty threat and that the situation would blow over and he would be free from embarrassment thankfully it was an empty threat however when faculty found out about the whole situation they made sure that he was fired for it he also became a laughingstock in the entire school and town for the next year and a half pretty sure there was an article about it in some newspapers as well little back story before the incident I lived in a neighborhood with a terribly tight curve during winter months it was truly treacherous one day I took the corner too quickly and went over the edge of the road and I centered my truck Ford Ranger a kid from high school sees me stuck and pulls over to offer his assistance he pulls out a collapsible shovel and I use it to dig some dirt from the side of the road and put it under my back tire for some traction on the icy road get truck back up on the road thank the kid and give him his shovel back roughly a week later previously-mentioned nice kid is tackled at school and arrested by local law enforcement apparently his parents disapproved of his girlfriend and were kicking him out of the house to live on his own he suffered from bipolar disorder and murdered both his parents stuck them in a shed and plan to bury them after school law enforcement found his parents after their work had reported both had no call no showed my selfish Ashla high school self was only worried about one thing don't fingerprint the shovel [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 44,637
Rating: 4.9296875 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, reddit reveals, tales, tales reddit, stories, high school scandal, reddit school, reddit high school, high school, college, scandal
Id: sdSv1jYWbo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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