Woody Woodpecker Show | Date With Destiny | 1 Hour Compilation | Videos For Kids

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[Music] who can I make say I love you another satisfied Valentine's Day customer I bet you've never had a date on Valentine's Day in your life well I'll bet you never have a date on Valentine's Day no matter how long you live I bet I could get the date before you cause well I'll bet I can get a date before you okay it's a bet then fairest of them all [Music] wait till you see me in my new red valentines dress tonight the only thing I'll be shattering our hearts single ball receipts ideal date must be clean parasite-free whiskers applause [Music] single woodpecker seats ideal date Oh bye there's my destiny hello hey you and me going up steppin Tammy but you look like first [Music] Oh your speed vine at seven a saucy little bird oh mama bucket bucket on the floor who's the prettiest forevermore [Music] no-good hooligans who's responsible never mind just hurry up ready for my date so double share and share [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh made up like a hot tomato where's that other monkey I'll be gone in your say year P for sure seven-thirty okay boot pecker now I show you once and for all you're not so smart as you think I placed this ad so my day to be here before yours you bet you are as beautiful as a fjord in the summer yeah mm-hmm won't you be my Valentine okey-dokey you got no right [Music] welcome to TVs favorite game show a big junkyard welcome for our first contestant Woody Woodpecker [Applause] okay we like your spunk now okay okay fellas I see you two already know each other save it for the game because those CB races around the city solving game clues and collecting scavenger hunt items and the one who brings back all the items wins may the best junk collector wind time for your first clue contestants each light taking blank from a baby like taking candy from a baby thanks for the answer big baby big hair center the perfect place for finding babies with candy baby [Music] it's time to start you a college fun how much for your big sucker your big [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] number two never judge a blank by its cover all that time I had for reading in the joint paid off you never judge a book by its cover [Music] hmm Frankenstein [Music] call of the wild one of my favorites hey who turned out the lights wait a minute he's gone now just take it the three musketeers here and one for the wall oh look Three Musketeers the abridged version [Music] the score is tied one to one and here's your next clue a blank and his money are soon parted huh what's that [Music] what see - and head back to the studio [Music] you know yeah right um and I'm getting first pick alrighty then let's see what items you brought back woody like taking candy from a baby never judge a book by it's cover and the final clue I'll blank and his money are soon parted his money are soon parted okay did you bring us back a fool woody we tied I didn't lose that's right there are no losers on scavenger ama mr. Buzzard you win the consolation prize a fun-filled day with do you mean a date with the Goyal who points to the fabulous prizes No [Music] yep still running my head haha professional babysitting service for the rich and famous five hundred bucks an hour they must have a lot of those - taking care of all those rich people's kids looks like I got what to do this babysitting is gonna be a cinch bring on the babies hello Woody's babysitting service this is old lady Buzzard would you take care of jr. while I get my jewels polished Oh bye my first customer Wow heavy baby [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] what a loud ugly baby babies cry when they're hungry hmm what say we make you a snappy wacky baby lady [Music] well that saps busy I'll find out where he keeps Lal is babysitting doe babies need lots of vitamins but they can't eat big people food hmm food no better try and take whatever I can [Music] [Music] smells like baby needs a diaper change [Music] I don't have any diapers but I can make them here's your diaper and it's self-adhesive to change diaper take bold C to Aspen a no that's not it maybe this way good there doesn't that feel better [Music] here baby you play nice with the little rattles Wow I catch up on the morning news baby tired from playing baby games goodness will you look at that it's nap time sleep tight little baby oh by the way oh yeah don't have a kid bear so I got you the next best thing a real-life badger [Music] [Applause] you gotta arrest me I want to go to jail look I know baby see I'm buzzed Buzzard convicted felon please don't leave me with that wacky wood beggar my kid way to get back to that book yep peanut butter sandwiches hot broth and all my buddy [Music] [Music] order order in the court now mr. woodpecker please tell us precisely what happened on the day in question well there I was your honor sitting on the bench waiting for the bus when along comes mr. inconsiderate and plots his oversized you know a lot on top of me luckily doctor witness the whole thing and offered his professional advice immediately have you recently been involved in an accident that could cause you pain and suffering for years to come call me you may just get yourself a huge settlement and that is the whole truth your honor ship sir mr. walrus I hereby sentence you to nurse the plaintiff mr. woodpecker back there now in order to ensure that you comply with the letter of the law I appoint this man to keep tabs on you please the mall arts life in prison are you ok my little bird friend and pal volley would take good good care of you [Music] is there anything I can do for you my little woodpecker friend don't pile of mine there is that better there be our little friend and Pal is there anything else that I might do for you fresh mahi mahi bye that's preposterous yeah yeah mahi mahi isn't in season for another week yeah I'll have it flown in from Maui through the car magazines food trays big-screen TV stereo Victor CD player hot tub touch it enough of this mollycoddling business there this should look good at your sentencing [Music] hey you're Smith a glass of water [Music] jumpin jiminy bye don't you've a DA moment you big okie donkey for thee [Music] [Music] [Music] it's too bright in here Wow okay buddy will that be all for now mr. woodpecker sir if you should need anything else simply pull this cord and I'll be here in a jiffy now I must go to sleep hey your snoring is keeping me awake would you go sleep [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so doctor nuts the whole thing was a frog well apparently I was not aware that the little fellow was faking it your honor sir I assure you silence in light of this evidence I have no choice but to sentence you mr. woodpecker to nurse this poor helpless creature back to health [Music] all this rain will stop as soon as I get my feather control Jackie are you bed [Music] [Applause] [Music] rain rain babe Ali's gonna make the Sun do day so any side coming up groovy volleyball a full party coming up an invitation pool party at Wally's yeah no pool party at Woody's yeah [Music] they'll get you for pecker I showed that soiree stealing for decorative now there is that no-good party teeth [Music] [Laughter] everyone plenty of fun and Sun over here yah-yah-yah it's a dance party that those are Swedish meatballs a barrio thing myself care to Bob for Swedish meatballs hey you guys why don't you come to a real swinging pool party come on let's go hey babe listen you meddlesome foul those are my party guests now I'll go get cleaned up and I'll be back before you can say who is that handsome wood pecker now that you're teamed up I am help you dry off [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and once again today will be sunny and beautiful in the Southland with the highs of 89 degrees in the valley and 92 degrees in the downtown area [Music] [Music] hmm never saw chicken coop where the chickens weren't askin you destroyed my party and now I miss ru and now to shake things up a bit with a little earth break [Music] ooh I shut him down my name is are the best parties here's my live ticket woody [Music] [Music] the great sweetie skiing superstar is just about to break the world's record Oh goody-goody I love skiing yeah nothing in the world gives me so much joy what are you think you are doing wondering who would watch an old fashioned sports team hey what's watching it that your hands off of me you better watch it woodpecker skiing is this part of my fatherland more like the sport of your grandfather land snowboarding's where it's at yeah well skiing's degrade this sport snowboarding skiing I still say snowboarding's the best can't decide on the best method to get down a frozen mountain then you should sign up for the inertia thon the all-out freestyle race to the bottom of Mount incline plane it's the downhill experience of a lifetime what's in it for you well the first to reach the bottom wins bucks a year's supply of corn meal and shake this fair saddle advance and for all you bet I challenge you to the race [Music] which is better racers to your marks hey why your boats on hold my polls bootleggers old pecker may poles [Music] [Music] [Music] buddy Luger [Music] I need some ski bags this glue do the trick neither boo a skiing ieave ago I ever beat the woodpecker and make him eat my snow [Music] [Applause] snowboarding pesky I showed am a king or two well at least I landed safely [Music] here here that tail planter [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's see Wally gets relaxed Oh hopefully mowgli moguls are my specialty [Applause] this is folly remember that favor you said you owed me well I thought the woodpecker taking care of you know what I mean [Music] Swedish meatballs time to meet your maker boy better get it me your major I crack myself up sometimes [Music] oh goody there's the finish line [Music] [Applause] another great toboggan victory how does tobogganing compare with skiing and snowboarding I told you routes greatest sport is tobogganing body you're letting all the heat out you know how much it costs to heat the skin [Music] look unless you're paying the bill keep the door closed and now a special message from Clive's cut-rate bait are you hungry you got the hook in a pole well if you can't catch your next meal with Clive's cut-rate bait you can't be caught and if you're not satisfied with cut-rate bait send it back and I will send you some bigger or better time to bait absolutely free until you catches a fish [Music] allow me to introduce you to the items in your starter kit first our cut-rate bait catalog and next my genuine fish fly larvae and finally my trusty incubator first you off the foot then critters inside so they can mature properly now y'all are to teach them fly's tricks so they can get the feces attention and learn them your way [Music] next you ought to feed them critters so that they grow pale now you are ready to catch a fish with these here flies [Music] [Music] hey hey hey do you mind I'm trying to read the sports page here who do you think you are ha don't interrupt me I mean hello in there do you see a pattern here like something to do with the bait look at the catalogue page 12 each time you send a bait back you get a bigger piece of bait right so send me back and Clyde will send you a bigger bait fish one big enough to eat get my drift [Music] if you're not satisfied with cut-rate bait send it back and I will send you some bigger or better time to mate absolutely free until he catches and feasts [Music] what's this another return oh who is this chili guy anyway he's writing me every bait I send him he sends back I've gone through every turn babe only they left his penguin he can use it for catching a whale only I'm fresh out of penguin there's nothing more satisfying to me then they said it's my customer we have returned [Music] well you fed us when we were little so we can return the favor right boys remember what you taught us [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] we search for the truth behind the legendary fur-bearing Trump this week on apparently we don't know fact fiction or just really bad fashion statement apparently we don't know because of its hairy high the fur bearing trout is only found in cold climates it could be in northern Canada the Arctic Circle or even outside an igloo research shows the fur bearing trout feeds on clothing to support is on firm [Music] the Burberry trout feeds on clothing to support its own firm [Music] yeah it's all fun and games till somebody loses an eye with these things ho Linda thanks for the hat bub [Music] [Music] you gotta watch your hygiene there bub there's critters living down here [Music] [Music] can I help you there bub I got a business to run here you gave up all rights to that hat when you used it for bait to try and catch me I can't be giving it back this ain't no lost-and-found [Music] [Music] what is it now mom what are you doing in there [Music] this little guys are really starting to get under my gills that's the problem with this business it's all laundry whites darks dry cleaning at routes work is never done [Music] trout seasons over kid the nervous some people [Music] listen babe I need this cult in order to run my business here well since saps like you think I'm the fur bearing trout they try to bait me with all these items of clothing this coat is the key to the clothing Empire you see before you without this coat I'm just some old trout heading upstream for a good time so you're gonna have to stick to your own gay pub and leave me to mine see you're a small fry we thought for sure his fur amongst all's snow would make him stick out like a sore thumb what apparently we didn't know listen babe I thought I told you to scram [Music] Doug nuts is here with his film crew to shoot an expose that will broadcast tonight on an exclusive pay-per-view that will air all around the world operators are standing by to take your order if they find me I'll be ruined for sure you know what they do to fur bear and trout imposters well it ain't pretty you gotta help me little buddy come on what can I do the coat you're right the coat take it and get out of here just take it and some of these long johns - I'll be back though they can't keep lefty the trout out of the clothing business forever no matter what the law says so far no sign of the little devil buck wait what's that it can't be ladies and gentlemen thought to be extinct since before the Jurassic era it's the fur bearing penguin Oh mr. penguin wait we'd like to ask you a few questions there hi here today's paper yes it's right oh my high society ball tonight upper crust begs the question who will be the new it girl the brightest star of the new high society season the new toast of the town what you can't be the new girl except I don't know a thing about my society volley Swedish finishing school warmly Swedish finishing school this is where I start my social time oh you you'll get that certain something you bet that's it for sure such grace it's a choice you could become the toast of high society that is that my expert instruction what are we waiting for now you must learn to speak properly if you want to be part of high society please read the sentence jumpin jiminy why your jewels look just lovely now repeat after me yumpin yiminy by your use look just lovely jumpin jiminy well your jewels will just lovely oh no no no no ear boat they seen your mouth and try it again are you sure this is how you speak at a high society ball by jingo that's the lingo now say the sentence like all my high society friends would say it yeah you've almost got it oh sweet I live in your boy who you're going to be a cs8 girl for sure yeah you bet first impressions are everything how you ain't er a room can make or break you in high society you must walk with purpose dignity and grace like so people will know you are a refined member of the upper crust yeah sure all it takes is a little practice on volleys tire training system go now walk through the tyres just remember Feeny chin down arms in and those hips you bet keep your arms in keep your arms in hmm I got you're studying to help you've ate those crazy arms yeah now boggle those hips to the beat [Music] Oinky Oinky arms in perfect bottle you're sure to be a star then you walk into any room like that table manners make or break you in high society no my dear you must do as everyone does at all the biggest parties mostly you're trying to tell me this is how they'll eat at the high society ball tonight oh yeah you're bad with this last bit of training complete you're sure to be the belle of the ball now you try now your training is complete I have never seen a girl who had it like you have it Vinnie would occur congratulations you are my star now go party with all your heart here it goes you've been hey Minnie why you're you look lovely [Music] [Laughter] what did I do wrong chin down arms in and battle doors hit you [Music] [Music] [Music] she's doing the vowel response and it's the best I've ever seen ladies and gentlemen the Voorhis high society ball has found its new it girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] go sponge off somebody else you freeloader if I ever see you again I gotta find me a new tow package ha ha ha perfect yeah when this sucker who owns his heats it up I don't claim bodily injury and so is numb what were you doing under my hood I was adjusting your manifold intake there are problems with it on this model and this is how I get repaid for my good deed oh the agony oh I smell a lawsuit you'll be hearing from my lawyer and I'll take you for everything you've got you can come to my house and get cleaned up I'll make it up to you Thanks I mean [Music] Buzzard sir you've been in there for two days have this towel clean I put on the only thing I could find while my pants dry suit I've taken care of you and you look just fine to me now it's bricks what Beckett I'm barely over my bodily trauma now you're causing me all this emotional turmoil which is only gonna cost you more in the lawsuit no it's settled I'm gonna have to stay a while longer okay there's new rules whatever you replace sure you're the boss [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks good enough to eat especially to a stupid woodpecker phone here and I gotta finish my pedicure [Music] needs yeah I gotta go Olaf call me back later collect who's so important in Denmark you have to talk to them all night long there no one special I just love the sound of a Danish language my bathroom yeah you better get that toilet fixed I'm having a party tonight you can't make me leave I got my rights you'll go to jail for cruelty dominoes what forget the lawsuit we're talking life in prison I'm an endangered species you know no pay a deadbeat [Music] huh that's how I deal with deadbeat tenants like you then him I got a tenant for you now to get back to my bath Oh me I'll just take you back to your tub and run you some fresh hot water yeah give your Danish friends a call I will [Music] well buzz I'm off to play on the Pro Tour I've sold the house and the new landlady says she knows you you remember me as meanie no not her [Music] let's hear your story first well Your Honor I wanted to buy a nice little red car so I went to this buzzards used-car Lots a car sir customer why didn't you say so what kind of car you looking for we got sports cars sedans and luxury cars we got cars that'll take you from point A to point B I have a question I don't see any cars are you pulling my leg oh my gosh there it is whoo what can I say it's you bid you adieu you what do you think she's all yours just sign right here well I was kind of hoping for a car with wheels wheels what do you want wheels for well most cars I've seen have wheels look at the car what do you see it has no whales go get wheels [Music] there you go drive it right off the lot I'd like to but it doesn't have a steering wheel my god what an oversight on his part got that idea starin whale there you go practical yet playful it doesn't look very safe you hoid the lady make it safe get a safety belt now you have safety belts well as long as when the subject there's a few other things we'll need like seeds transmission of dashboard additional wipers Sanders from force turn signals door handle key to the front door is to make yourself a new drug to the transit well last I heard a car needed an engine to run [Music] hobbie let's take it for a test drive wind in your hair selling your backside oh it doesn't get any better than this fasting it Oh break hey you wanna give it a whirl [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're dying here ANCA assalam you go get us a nice red car we'll pass it off as the one we were trying to sell it let me tell you what really happened there I was doing one of my daily good deeds why this is our finest automotive deal ma'am a mere $10,000 but it'll practically pay for itself I'll come pick it up oh no no whatever you can't afford I'll gladly pay for no questions or interest added I'm determined to get you in a car I'll give you one if I have to I just wanna make you happy [Music] hold on wait [Applause] far be it for me to criticize but we tried [Music] [Music] I give you the fine red car I practically tried to give away to the woodpecker it's a beauty alright mr. Buzzard looks like this case is your honor you're out of order Winnie this is wrong that Buzzard is more crooked than a bad boxers nose she's trying to hoodwink you judge yes um well speaking of hoods what kind of car do you drive ma'am and in fact doesn't your license plate read I'm the judge this is my car no wait I find for the plaintiff Winnie woodpecker take this Buzzard away though [Music] and for cracking by Spicer it's auto-theft ring here's your reward money hmm your honor if your car for sale y-yes well here you go so [Music] oh that's my good little woodland creatures store plenty of food mother nature says it's going to be a long winter you should be flying south for the winter what are you talking winter it's 80 degrees but there's a cold snap coming yeah so wake me when it's winter so good to have you aboard mr. and mrs. sting corage free if I get a window seat oh joy a nickel now I can retire and buy those orthopedic tusks for my poor ailing grandmama 20 bucks is not enough to ride this train woodpecker no how about if I ride outside on the roof this is ultra luxe rail you've on our economy class train outta luck rail [Music] my bad Fargo is what do you know 20 bucks [Music] hmm I showed these freeloader a thing or tree are far [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Porter I'm ready for my lunch he bother you own the train mr. Lux yeah you could eat anytime you like yeah you bet today's special is rose [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] are you [Music] crinkles the name would be in order instead it will there be anything else Lord crinkle yes you expect me to drink this swill I'm holding this entire train [Music] [Music] order what have you done Oh bad Florida Bullard you partner get off of me [Music] [Music] [Music] I say to you mr. locks hey saved you nonsense Woody Woodpecker here save my train and I'm awarding him a lifetime pass to ride free every winter when it's time for him to head south No meanwhile you're going to work on [Music] [Music]
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 20,408,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: L3ih8SBhcjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 24sec (4824 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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