Woody Woodpecker Show | Automatic Woody | 1 Hour Compilation | Cartoons For Children

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[Music] you're hungry for a real Highland treat out there in TV land point the remote at yourself woody and follow me into Porter's [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to cash and - hey is Nash [Music] [Music] - 1 2 3 is incorrect your card is being voiding I'm afraid I can't do that woody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] butterscotchy finger pie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah okey-dokey chair crazy foot Packer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's your name again I can't seem to find you in who's who you're definitely not of the Great Northern Flicker bootleggers are you sure you're not of the Hampton Boat Packers one of the oldest families in the city they eat here all the time I don't know I'm just a common woodpecker look I brought my money can I just eat something I'm starving let's see common boot pecker it's got to be in here somewhere common woodpecker common woodpecker common common boat pecker shave only doesn't serve anything or any fun common [Music] imagine that a common vote Packer trying to each a volley [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow did you see that I say is that who I think it is yes it's the famous rich polo player rich Daniel yump emoney it's Lord krinkle the famous Reed's polo player [Music] that's Lord krinkle of the Oxford crinkles do be good and give us a menu there's a good chap my lord crinkle I'm over here did somebody say something who said that I did Lord krinkle over here Lord krinkle what are you doing how do you expect to run a restaurant from the floor please Lord crazy let me show you to a table no no boy I couldn't do that I'm here to scout out the restaurant for the cube [Music] yes good evening mister here comes the Queen [Music] welcome to shave Ollie your majesty you are one of the select few who has kissed the Royal mr. walrus appetizer that was an appetizer respects mr. walrus you may need [Music] Your Majesty my second course now you void beggar iw freeloader [Music] dub you sir [Laughter] [Music] this place is a mess sure is hard work being lazy I need a new life chickens farm what's going on down there hmm nothing to do but relax [Music] professional chicken oh my gosh what are you doing away from your nest never you worry mom I'll get your back so you can lay some nice fresh eggs lay eggs now what would I want to do that for so you can make your quota yes and once you've made your quarter you get your reward now pet don't walk reward oh boy that's for me now where can a fella lay his hands on some eggs around here [Music] so stealing eggs [Music] well if chicken has laid a million eggs she is taken away to the door where she enters into ja and eternal measure eternal leisure anyways as I was saying okay okay break it up break it up get back to work you lazy bums why don't you meet your quota because I'm too hungry to lay eggs travelin quartz good for a chickens gizzard what's this Authority oh forget your meal [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hey [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a ticket back inside [Music] [Music] let's solve why of all the rottens thinking his life but sort work it's time to put it in to the slavery and make a span they can take our eggs [Music] Oh here's this week's profits boss power the chickens doing today [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] eating there are you annoyed by a woodpecker who constantly troubles you to your wit's end of course you are it doesn't look like this yeah you bet that's the guy alright right there I thought so well have you tried the silent treatment no I guess apparently not Einstein many have tried and many had failed but the new doctor dug nuts technique really works I'll believe it Ryan I see it Oh a skeptic eh well let's see the doctor illustrate the technique so doctor nuts how's it going I said how's it going yeah I'm not saying a word hmm it really works see this too can be you for only seventeen payments of $39.99 yeah send over a silent treatment right away oh boy silent treatment instructional audio ooh [Music] the silent treat [Music] yeah I wonder what's on the old agenda for today I think I played golf today [Music] darn flowers how's a guy supposed to golf hmm this trees right in the way of my Shack well I'm not a woodpecker for nothing don't forget rule number 17 I'm not saying a bird Wally's gonna be mad better not lead on I was playing off-key yeah what happened Wally I I heard a big crash lucky the tree didn't fall on you it's not that big a deal right okay okay I admit it was me Wally but I'm good for it later oh so it's the silent treatment well we'll just see about that buster I'll break you I'm not fit to call myself a woodpecker [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more time would you pal for old times sake okay pal you win I can take a hint I never thought it would come to this suddenly I feel so cold and alone well goodbye pal don't look back [Music] old boy all marvel at backer feeling blue friend his life got you down these are the problem with your neighbour is this walrus giving you the silent treatment and does he look like this it ham I thought so then what you need is dr. Doug nuts anti silent treatment technique ah pshaw go peddle your papers Oh another wise guy eh well I'll just let the doctor illustrate the technique say hello Doctor Oh dr. nuts [Music] knock knock knock knock I said I'm not saying a word that's right for just 17 easy payments of $39.99 winning book of a thousand won knock-knock jokes guaranteed to break anyone silent treatment or even their will to live who needs a book I got a thousand and two knock-knock jokes right here in the old bean a did smell I'm finally rid of the board pack oh no you're not hey why how's about a couple of words for your old buddy [Music] [Music] out your goal silly little boat Packer [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay enough with the funny I need to have my sleep poor little food back he has fallen from his nest nighty-night poet pecker looks like verbo tapa although I might as well have a late night snack let's see there's cheese oh joy I just can't wait to see my tusks into this sappy but hmm I don't even remember eating all that stuff oh I better get some sleep my mind is going all kerplunk e atta boy come and get it [Music] [Music] who is yang Ling my Bell I don't know of any nightmare jumpin Jupiter just what I need [Music] [Music] [Music] how cute he looks like a boat moored in a fjord no more sleepless nights for me would Becker police there's some fear dough digging up my lon no I don't know who it is yours come and get them out of here hmm thought is going on here food [Music] [Music] so you're the weirdo trench digger all right buddy let's go downtown at least it's nice and fired here I can be getting the rest I need [Music] by me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and what's more I'm trying to be in your wacky for you to do your dirty work because I'm a bus which gives me the right to bus little boys like you around where do I sign up to beat the champ why right here my good SAP aya I mean sir of course there is a nominal entrance fee of $5 that entitles you a chance to beat me the champ ah shoot I seem to be a tad short you suppose I might use my fine automobile as an entrance fee buddy you got yourself a contest [Music] too bad you left a 710 split you'll never get that what that's impossible but not improbable oh look the Space Shuttle where I don't see the Space Shuttle say what kind of an area is this that was a perfect shot perhaps you need corrective lenses going on oh you're not doing so good they took me down [Music] Oh Oh am I losing my touch Westray mode your ball mr. woodpecker [Music] right but tulip Alice buzz-buzz it is still GMP and that four-wheel beauty out front is all mine come on TWiki you and me are off like 30 pounds on a grapefruit diet holy smokes $5,000 reward larceny robbery unlawful toenail clips get me the police that's right officer V buzz buzzards [Music] yeah huh officer he's wanted for kissing yeah yeah huh all right for littering the jaywalking for bouncing checks for petty larceny fraud for bank robbery yeah well that's really swell pal but we're pretty busy here with serious cases right now and officer step out of the vehicle sir it's not my fault I was just maybe I didn't make myself clear I said step out of the vehicle you have the right to shut your big Yap if you waive your right to shut your big Yap it may be shut for you thanks for the reward see ya hey Debbie yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we go on the air in 15 minutes now go find me is a wildlife for my wildlife show yes Helga anything you say Helga hmm someday the star will say Monty host of Monty's magical wildlife show not today [Music] the pie is particularly good today hold on you're a wildlife nothing's wilder than a penguin penguins just love fishes and this will be the perfect bait [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Wildlife is so gullible I got me a penguin and it's got a little hat I like that let's shoot it marna back in a flash the Gumbo's decidedly delish hold on there well good thing I didn't recommend the sampler tray [Music] [Music] call it wildlife for nothing Helga Helga I got the penguin I get the penguin male oh go get the penguin forget the penguin let me make this easy for you okay get me the polar bear offer him anything he wants all the food he can eat just get him on the show oh you're fired [Music] I'd host a better wildlife show than Hollywood Helga any day sorry penguin Helga wants the polar bear no can do penguin the polar bear got the nod for Helga's show [Music] you know you are one persistent little penguin I'd put you on my show if I had one that's right you get a TV contract and all the food you could eat why downright Machiavellian ping you'll go places in Hollywood I can tell perfect we're live in five Marty Marty do I have to do everything myself [Music] this is Helga's wilderness shell today we'll meet a polar bear up close some personnel hello Monte's wildlife show [Music] [Music] today Monty's magical wilderness show will visit a very special penguin at home in his most comfortable setting as head headhunter of this year operation I live by the headhunters motto if you want him we'll get him required immediately one penguin for placement in beautiful tropical Montezuma Zoo beg money to find a mm-hmm bingo it's a penguin all right [Music] slant start the sled I got him [Music] I always get my mine what are you stopping for pub mighty large pair underwear for such a little feller ah vassal stick him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as my wine used to say if and you can't beat us go under though course he was a chihuahua [Music] this oughta stinkiest bowl of course you know what this means I'm getting the bends again instant skunk just add water [Music] that's all spunky I'm out [Music] [Applause] well I'll be isn't that thoughtful hmm lap so Apso along my favorite little crane and lots of sugar [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm out of here [Music] look kid cut me some slack will you this is the offer of a lifetime all I want is to take you to this tropical paradise it's all expenses paid and tax deductible plus all the fish you can eat [Music] all right all right you can drive now will you go with me I wanna work out the headhunters are finally here we got the tank already they set the sub sub sub zero temperature and comes with its own iceberg for the penguin so no it's it [Applause] to quote my great-granddaddy when he was taken into captivity [Music] and now as the bread Rises a show so big it starts on channel 1 it ends on channel 22 right after all from our sponsor are you cold are you long to be someplace warm and tropical [Music] [Music] welcome passenger can I have your ticket stub then get I have never had a stowaway sneak past me and I ain't about to start now [Music] nachos check Saudi pop check sardines check mate game over captain I am inspecting in eagle-eye fashion any luggage that looks suspicious like don't have to open don't have to open don't have to open and some you just don't want to open you know some itches they just don't have a cream part [Music] [Applause] and being demoted to deckhand but captain sir now listen yeah you may have fooled the captain you little ice monkey but I am the sharpest hook in this here tackle box man that critter has got to go yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] got you demoted to pool boy but Cap'n sir [Music] pass with caution this vehicle makes wide turns I'm gonna get that little penguin off this hair cruise if it's the most lasting thing I ever now you don't do freeloading feedbag [Music] the motion to waiter now hold on one I speak a minute the captain's the only one that can do that around here busboy I have never let a stowaway get away this away I'll bag the little critter and give him a fireworks spectacular he'll never forget to remember [Music] I know I'm being demoted to anchor [Music] [Music]
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 7,009,674
Rating: 4.3657913 out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: UIq7ztBsFnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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