Woody Woodpecker Show | Moto-Double Cross | 1 Hour Compilation | Videos For Kids

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes mr. woodpecker how would you like to make a million dollars has he motorcycles is proud to make you its new spokesman and you get to ride my new motocross that million dollar contract its Joe but voice we've gotta get rid of that woodpecker snazzy cycles photograph her of the stars millionaires shoot your picture snazzy big billboards tilt your head back I want to expose I mean to see your chin that's that's poison now watch out for the little lady [Music] dad probably some of your adoring motorcycle fans let's move out of the limelight shall we [Music] Oh mr. woodpecker we're ready for you on the photos are you sure you're a photographer the spies I shot a ball are some minor Canis Major surely you've heard of that sure now right straight up that hill and will I mean it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah we'll get it right next time I'll get you this time [Music] oh it's quick-drying cement was pure genius TWiki now we'll get rid of this blockhead once and for all now to dump him off the cliff and make you the snazzy cycles poster boy I know pal it wasn't nothing like you think it was all a misunderstanding yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wants to be a spokesman daddy well I'll Jefferson his box man [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] looks like you got journeyman poster boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm take a trip somewhere how's about taking a trip somewhere someone that's right Chum allow me to introduce myself I am dr. buzz Buzzard scientist PhD MD I Oh yo and this here is my esteemed colleague professor TWiki the Lackey ie IO we would like to offer you a trip no travel agency can provide a trip back in time and we'll take you anywhere in time use a hundred bucks nightly times three historical times well slap some chaps on me and call me Pappy we're going to the Old West pardner what's on there partner well do y-yeah one-eyed Jack that is dawn break there ever was is gonna rob a bank and you get to try and capture him for the reward we are traveling through time quick give me one western town with back in the Ice Age now watch out for the mastodons [Music] welcome to the wild wet baby being the West Salvy 20 bucks I'm afraid everything is a lot cash I'm gonna capture a bad guy alright first to Vermont's wish they never met one fast horn coming right out Sheriff oh hey why do I gotta meet just get out there and when he gets on you like this oh there's this come you start bucking the faster you Dublin the faster he'll want something else we get sticking for one horse fifty bucks [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] honky-tonk Tunes is what the Old West is practically oh boy so you distract him with your charm and disgrace then I'll shove them into the play a piano grab his wallet and we'll get out of this cowboy gun this is one problem what's that will this bonnet class is with these shoes get out there oh you must be the new sheriff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna build us a trap to capture that Boyd and take his wallet once and for all time see that big X that's where I buried the dynamite hmm I'm when the wood Becca gets there I let him have it a lot oh I got it boss hey this town ain't big enough for the both of us you ain't exactly the shiniest learner in the tackle box I a woodpecker now Twiggy nice job woodpecker we've been after these two for a long time I guess it's true what they say officer palm doesn't pay [Music] no Vegas no Vegas this is a fine how-do-you-do anyway my friends this is the answer to all your problem okay why again what dancer numbers I was about to say step a little closer sir these prices little beans have been gathered from the mystic shows of the Caribbean when the boy these are magic beans magic beans these are not the ordinary type of my friend all you have to say you the magic words abracadabra presto change-o you know [Music] [Music] water [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Joely dr. Ruth [Music] [Applause] death soldiers had some tough fights in the Corps but nothing like this hold it [Music] that's right doc I am so sick get here as soon as you can at an art of course soldiers never supposed to leave this command post unless it's just too darn sick to stand up there that's not too comfy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] really really really bad cold can you fit these up in your homemade chicken soup oh do I have to okay please Roger Wilco over down Bob yes siree Bob chicken soup will have her little soldier boy on his feet and feel ready before you kiss a quick [Music] smells like [Music] chicken soup penguins running me so ragged about running fever for sure hmm perhaps just calls for little military strategy I'll just head that pig went off at the pass and take care by speed at the same [Music] Oh trick I learned it from eyeball crazy [Music] now that's a top-secret operation done right that must be allergy to pick with honey I mean sleep touch scene away and see if we'll be able to steal this water bottle without waking me that's army intelligence thank goodness you're here [Music] hey guys come out I'll bet okay [Music] [Music] get on with it I'll be brave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh sorry major feet sir beam major sorry sir gee I've been calling for you for the last two hours hogwash you're supposed to be a man you're delirious with fever hallucinations hot water bottle stealing penguins [Music] [Music] Stallman from the golden gizmo club wonder what's gonna be my house it just point and follow your oil thousand gizmo we'll find oil anywhere [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing yeah sure my motor oil you crazy food packer now take your silly Staton oh he going not my Swedish cooking oil [Applause] what's it doing it's looking for more oil I'm gonna find some real Texas crude rolling in dough whoo it's for that kind of oil let me add that stake [Music] [Music] follow that stick [Music] I'll make a deal with you yeah what kind of sneaky boat Packer deal is this nothing sneaky I'm gonna do you help me and we'll split everything okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] big is mine no more mr. greedy pants what's mine is yours 10 feet 20 yards biingo this satellite proves it the oil is definitely on my property Oh haven't I yours had enough of your shenanigans [Music] it's something yeah [Music] [Applause] arrest them both but did we do oh not much you just busted into my company's oil pipeline blew out about a truck load of oil creating an environmental hazard is that enough this is all your fault food packer package four three seven two five five seven six how to turn rocks into gold oh no you don't haven't you learned your lesson [Music] [Music] you premiere to her do you huh I like I belong to a a I like that one better than India Becky do a at me the most like a popcorn about myself I can a I bet you came to a bit cheeky and you want to see me [Music] [Music] [Music] that'll be $7,000 that's only enough to send your luggage here's your tourists [Music] [Music] [Music] hello in disguise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you like a tour of my home Island yeah oh yeah and while we're in the air how about you give me a tour oh my most favorite flight attendant in the whole world loop but I bought for you don't be gone long yeah [Music] but Inga's my first class date so hands [Music] by that no-good Inga thief all passengers please buckle your seatbelt [Music] my biggest rule in Taurus class is shut your yapper unless your image I got a fish do I look like I have all day get me the fish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just where do you think you're going tourists trying to sneak into class know if I would Ivan um a beautiful attendant like you is right here [Music] you don't have to go to first class to be treated like first class escargot Oh yuck I mean joy you bet but uh mmm I've made something to wash them down bed you just sit right there my big pumpernickel what the pendant Inga please come to the flight deck at once yeah your bed I fixed that fourth pecker [Music] who they meet me in the flight attendant Lau yeah flight attendants lounge he's right there bootleggers your need [Music] [Music] my hero bloopers together now and never have to buy solo again [Music] they come to German Polynesia [Music] [Music] that car chase had more twists than a mutated pretzels taking the fall little lady but clues tell me the real killer is someone with huge ears a long nose [Music] the whole time a bell went off and I knew there was no way this pooch was a pilferer because for a canine please actually about a key to I opened the door to a guy who looked like he'd just been hit by a truck full of handsome pardon me ma'am do you want a vacuum cleaner he was no slouch and a sweet talk Department either a vacuum sure I have one but it's in the shop sorry to bother you then yeah some nut jobs been stealing vacuum cleaners in the area leave it to the professionals mom to return videos a day after the expiration date when ap I was on the job first thing I did was plaster the town with flyers [Applause] [Music] this vacuum cleaner cooks mind worked this crazy woodpecker was nosing into my business she made me want to scream louder than a yodeler and tight underwear I told Gendler the best pee eyes always knows around the scene of the crime we're here to ask you what your stolen vacuum cleaner man I'll have this read get a clue ten-four Chandler I'm on it like gum on a sidewalk give me that go secure the crime scene My partner was feeling the pressure we needed a break worse than an out-of-work orthopedic surgeon I had what might be a clue unfortunately it turned out to be a footprint by the looks of things the cook was either an enormous centipede with hundreds of feet man who walked with two shoes on I decided to trace his every move [Music] what we had here was a sweet tooth vacuum cleaner thief with size $8.00 [Music] let's have a look at the closet where you kept the missing vacuum thoughts what day yesterday three why do you make a man straight I was left alone for a stakeout I found the perfect bait the turbo back [Music] [Music] I need to commandeer this vehicle for let's go to the neighborhood [Music] perfect match and these crumbs are the same as the ones from the kitchen I better call for backup [Music] thief he has big footprints like yours he was wearing a ski mask like the one sticking out of your pocket and he he lives in 10m streets like you I wasn't at your house or any neighborhood patrol i was casing your joint red to steal your vacuum neighborhood patrol posters i was taking him down but you got some cockamamie idea i was the law who are you I own a cleaning service business was so bad but then you let me stick your nosy big into things [Music] whatever you can just forget coz you're taking the fall [Music] character with slicker than the shine on a freshly licked lollipop but we stuck to the case like glue and got our man the streets were safe once more for vacuum cleaners every layer when API and deputy busy were on the job [Music] hey Germany these steaks smell good enough to eat maybe the Ambassador would like a little more saucy [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey over there so this is your game maybe you'll like my little game well what do you know dip your I'm going back [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 4,766,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: RMCyWnn-1bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 45sec (3585 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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