Woody Woodpecker | Blacksheep | Woody Woodpecker Full Episode | Kids Cartoon | Videos for Kids

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oh gee swag spa we treat you like a king especially if you happen to know one for the rich and famous this is my Play pardon our moi International passports please spades with your name Monsieur Bora Bora ahead of you back with us mr. and mrs. Newton the sky I hope your year-long ski holiday with the king of Sweden was to catch me out passport please lovely to have you back from a venucci mainstream you've only been across town Oh Richard so mr. Azad and Mitch either as European spa we don't think you fit in with the Rhydian Freeman woodwork [Applause] [Music] miss Luxx my boss has arisen well well if it isn't woodpeckers best friend my don't you look beatific elated a whatever and now is the little seafood leaf oh don't mind the doorman he could have rabies [Music] [Music] push the urn this will come out of your salary now get back to work don't you just love it when the underdog wins rest and relaxation here I come relaxing massage now where is that walking feather big did you see a wood about this high and this wise oh no I didn't see but oh yeah I know a stiff neck then I am seeing Vaughan yeah but just close your eyes I can see every single muscle group working together like a fishing crew in a be right back [Music] boom what have you been doing all day taking my penis is next cleanliness I always say disguise to convince that doorman that I'm not here excuse me you see no one in these facilities but this guys won't work forget the disguises hiya facial massage [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me but have you seen my so-called doorman oh you poor dear good help is so hard to find these days isn't bed you can say that again it completely destroyed my expensive urn collection not the Fred miss Luxx I just returned from Bali Valley and I would love this painted little GiftA you was a token of my appreciation for keeping the riffraff out of our spa Oh mr. woodpecker you have wonderful taste you must come with us next month to send hope a and then on to Monte Carlo the figs and mud there are beyond compare Oh would you be a dear and get seafood levels [Music] Oh [Music] stationmaster shadow sword Junction clear tracks for special train carrying gold bullion gold bullion [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wastes gold bullion I won't care oh please - well if you insist [Music] [Applause] dancing would pick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tunnels [Music] [Applause] [Music] Fuller Brush man all right sucker where's the gold bullion cool Boyet sue sue sue true hey Taylor what we got for lunch go go yeah yep go bug on soup [Music] beat they eat special ice cream cones only 25 cents one super different father [Music] [Music] [Music] EVP it's a hot bun for sure but my cool specials they bring in the cool cash you bet cool is for paying customers are you buying something maybe gotta cool off before I can think about shopping the heat up air almost melted my beat vocals on plays house [Music] [Applause] nobody owns Claire welcome back to volleys market mrs. Fanny vinkle I'm always happy to see my best customers yeah [Music] heeeeeyyyy time for the daily produce infection good coloring yeah very nice rind fresh mmm pressure you you freeloading woodpecker you're not going to your smile [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it fresh mr. walrus ah hey fresh value bet it's the freshest food pecker I will ever sell yeah I'll take it [Music] [Music] me being cold well what do you know frozen please I make it up to you by giving 10% of all your purchases need 20% your vant call vote beggar I gave you that goal [Music] oh please sis ain't even conveyed mrs. Hainey Finkle miss was very vinkle as my most valued customer please accept this rare Vaughn of a kind frozen-food sickle as a gift for your son oh oh oh oh well if Francis is happy you're all right you are forgiven mr. walrus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hand over the countess milkmaid this mister alias mr. Helius man of adventure triumphs again who among you is ready to join me in my life of adventure I've made all the arrangements [Music] just send one hundred dollars for your very own package from mr. arias too large for home delivery please pick up at the oversight delivery office oh boy let the adventure begin [Music] nice haircut ahem regulation 47k subsection 8 clearly states the rules are the rules woodpecker I don't make them I just carry him out [Music] [Music] say aren't you employee of the month Oh aren't you sweet let's see if we can get that package for you play slip ah phooey I seem to have misplaced hmm company rules are very specific about missing claim slips rule 84 paragraph G states that customers without claim slips must take a number and wait in line until an official of the company that would be me calls his number and verifies as identity and then there's rule 48 K take a number wait like everybody else number one number two yes see how well everything works when we follow the rules now you may wait in the package line [Music] [Music] [Music] well what do you know a secret way Oh PO Boxes must be stacked at all times direct violation of cold five to five Z trespassing behind my counter [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so fast violator no scofflaws going to break procedure on my watch Wow come out I'll have so much junk mail delivered to your house and we'll take a paper recycling plant I'm maybe officer's uniform but first I know just what mr. arias would do in this situation what are you doing here a spot inspection regulation 39 B clearly states employees are to follow orders from their superiors at all times yes sir delivery master general now get behind that red line until I tell you to move [Music] [Music] this is Tennessee folks the greatest state in the Union and the home of baby crew-cut that youngin was a barn hunter yes sir he went after his first bar at the age of three three months that is why that boy was completely bar or bar happy well he growed bigger and bigger there was times he had trouble keeping his end up but he never let that bar get the drop on him [Music] the years went by and baby grown big as Hawks and almost is smart consarn you're Davey I'm getting fed off with your shootin go shoot yourself up [Music] Packer yeah sure no Betsy we're gonna get ourselves oh yeah I'm not able to get a farm all blaming to got me a woodpecker woodpecker [Music] there's any more nope just a cotton-pickin woodpecker and he's hidin in this year tree knocking him out yeah I'll blow smoke in there Thanks [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] never touch me [Music] [Applause] [Music] my name [Music] [Applause] [Music] ha missed me [Music] [Applause] od Davey Hey get yourself a woodpecker yet you and your woodpecker I'm getting myself a cotton-pickin bar [Music] a tycoon [Music] [Music] as a wildlife Ranger I'm sworn to protect all and dangerous critters and these here harsh weather conditions that means making sure the rare albino polar bear who lives in this here cave has food to eat Oh went along a nice warm place to make nappy time and some entertainment appliances for his personal enjoyment myself wailing with the big fella huh now just what the heck's going on here bouts well well what have we here why you're just normal everyday penguin and this here stuff is foreign dangerous critters like the albino polar bear that big fellow sleep like a baby cub on this here posterior Pedic you gotta be real careful with these honor at bear tops they can be very standoffish if and you don't make a good first impression [Music] now you listen hey lil fella this bed is designed for the slumbering of one held by no polar bear [Music] [Music] well my first encounter with the big fella didn't go so swell but food is real hard to come by out here and I'm sure this here feel that nignog will warm him up to me mr. BAE got you some delectables stay twenty paces away from the critic to show him that I am in no way is predatory this here penguin is really starting to crush my eyes [Music] sure is a heavy little fella [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all might want to avert your eyes this is gonna hurt a bit I reckon like it says in the Ranger handbook when in pain always revert to the standard operating declaration Oh [Music] stay out of my preserve lil fella I'm sure snow on Christmas that this big screen TV L win back that fellers affections I'll just put the sat on mute and program all the educational like channels for this big fellas edification [Applause] hmmm looks like my first day trainings gonna come in mighty handy and a few second [Music] you are banished from these here parts until such time as you are in dangerous rare or unique which will be never [Music] I am officially pronouncing this banished penguin territory so you stay put [Music] well hi I'm Heidi their little purple Pingel in don't see much of your kind around these parts wait a minute you know I'm not as dumb as he looks [Music] ain't no such thing as a purple penguin mister purple Bengal in impersonating and in dangerous type critter is a serious offense against nature you know what that's not a half-bad look for you mister bear [Music] haha it is your chili of tropical penguin and Zee topical polar bear water fine now just to create a catch a minute here short stuff these creatures are in my charge and I am a member of the Ranger Service chasing such endangered creatures these little ones deserve better citizens the tropical forest our treatment will be sweeping up subtropical Pacific paradise when I will put you to it she is hardworking here in this tropical nature preserve oh well at least it's a eat 30.1 at 12 degrees in scorpio I wish I could be an astronaut so I could see the stars up close [Music] hmm if found return to the Boston Space Launch Center Wow this could be my is that a giant blue ice meteor hurtling towards Earth we're doomed are these post I need a space crew it couldn't hurt just try this on my crew person but I just called how did you get here so fast fax email let's go professor I'll finish this toast [Music] whoa I'm breaking out in hives there's three reasons why I can help those kids today all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tractor beam no that's right no get my helmet off [Music] everything everything I wanted to be remember is the one who saved the earth now I'm the one who destroyed it with with giant ice oh you won't be remembered for that professor it's a giant ice one something something powerful to destroy that star will go like I always say professor when in doubt [Music] [Music] now 20 it's still on costs only now for the other side professor quark could you tell our viewers how you managed to save oh well I ugh she know what did she say professor quack means is that together we fire this Justin I'm getting word the national space division has reported some unauthorized Blaser activity it has not a red meteor onto a collision course with earth and this one's in the shape of a giant woodpecker [Music] this is London the time the present and here bunting down the Thames is that very famous criminologist Inspector Willoughby Hackney folk this time I am on the trail of the international jewel thief Vampira hiked miss Hyde has been traced here to the mysterious Limehouse district [Music] for the clock trying poutine this looks like a nice thing there's your tea darling I miss trinket quickly as I have to capture vampire hide [Music] it can't me it's a blooming Barbie there's only one thing to do would you like some more tea loving I must be working too hard I must be on my way goodbye hey you gone I almost work swiftly now to get the diamonds I must have them stop hold on there I have you now Empire you may come out good evening sir it's a sweet little old lady from the tea shop come let me escort you home good night gallant young man good now now to set the trap for Vampira hide [Music] this should know that chick another case in the barrel I better look inside oh it's that nice young man you shouldn't be out in this night hair night sweet little lady good night sweet little man now I shall apprehend that elusive jewel thief we spend our [Music] it's gorgeous a matching pair come along that's a cute step you do get him how you are the car this gentleman in the whole world good night good night lovey I still think that's a cute step and I like you thank you and I like you [Music] oh my goodness and forgive me madam Oh oh you're so kind shall we go to the teacher madam I'll just move that stamp [Music] thank you for all your kindness you're just a dreamboat hmm I have a scheme that will improve miss eyes [Music] now deceptive trap [Music] 140,000 carats I've got to have it it's mine it's beautiful and it's mine now I'm alteration try you may consider yourself under arrest Miss Anne Pyrrha I'd the first I will confiscate those pills I have been wise to you all the time I'll just tack one of these to see if they work nothing I'll try them all [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're waitin cost-free backs too much [Music] hey Bob oh hello you that would be me I'm the operator of this here establishment leave it baby Wow if you have on them eggs you skedaddle into the barn here you can have all the eggs you can carry yes [Music] yummies yo most likely to be screamed [Music] [Music] at the door and it's long you can carry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I heard your eggs actually amazing to meet you booster rooster yeah I'm just an old country rooster looking for a nest to share with a Chevy and egg layer like you my little chickadee how's about sweets for a sweetie yeah now we're getting somewhere one custom made nest cozy to keep those little chaps ears warm come on up here so as I can meet your beak to beak [Music] Oh [Music] the fairs coming early this year so I've come to pick out your passing this year no no it you're an official review if you don't hear from us it's because they were bigger badder eggs out there [Music] I always say I sweat a smaller stuff [Music] [Music] good boy in all the years me and Mort been doing this you're the first one to get an egg and that's some egg what's the secret sometimes you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet so I'd say maybe you'd like a chance of the free side of bacon hmm [Music]
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 7,121,019
Rating: 4.1291566 out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: 7egk33roseQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 12sec (3792 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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