44 Cats | 80 MINUTES of episodes! [ FULL EPISODES ]

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[Music] the most daring pirate clutch of all time now the treasure of the buccaneers is all mine pirate pillow you won't put your hands on the buccaneer's treasure sorry baby pie but pillow has just put her paws on it fear not scribbly leave it to bucky i'll take that as for you you'll end up keeping the catfish company erg give me the treasure back bucky the year yo ho ho i have you bucky [Music] sorry meatballs can't you have fun without causing trouble but now we just wanted to play i've got just the thing for you hey it's neko the lucky cat luck today is all yours look at this [Music] oh a treasure map follow the directions and you'll find the treasure of the legendary catbeard shiver me timbers thanks nico we'll do it i can't find where we are now on the map where do we start looking for the treasure follow me [Music] okay this is a lucky doubloon use it the right way and it will help you overcome any problem now let the treasure hunt begin no the doubloon fell into the well hmm but pilu knows a secret passage to recover it yeah follow me [Music] good luck pirates have fun yeah we'll get the treasure yoho-ho [Music] this place is dark i'm starting to think this was a bad idea hi crew stick together it's our pirate cat code oh there's the lucky doubloon and three doors but which one is the right one to open the map says to follow the symbol of the cat [Music] [Applause] here we go i don't think so baby pie looks like a dark tunnel that leads to the pirates hideout come on ye hearties catbeard's treasure is waiting for us according to the map there should be a bridge there it is but how can we get it in the right place and pass through the map says to pull all the levers it worked up for another one what was that oh my whiskers it's a giant furry yarn if it touches us we'll scratch for a month no the lever is down wait bucky if you hold the lever how are you going to get through i don't know pillow told us to use the lucky doubloon the right way but how hmm [Music] the drawbridge is blocked now what do i do should i let the lever go yes bucky and then run [Music] thank you lucky doubloon all right crew onward to catbeard's treasure [Music] here's happy treasure actually no it's just nine tile pieces and two gems check it out there's a cat's head on the map it's divided into several parts and a door opening i don't see any buttons or levers how do we open the door i got it it's like a puzzle to open the door we have to solve it and put the pieces in the right place let's try it out [Music] the puzzle is finished but the door still won't open how can we get to the treasure it's time to use the lucky doubloon there's a light in the the distance ship the treasure must be here yes we made it not quite yet we still have to find a way to get in the ship i don't want to end up keeping catfish company are music notes on the map next to a pipe organ peel you could play it you're a musician cat okay bucky let's see what happens by pressing a few keys [Music] oh no sorry the sea is missing so i hit another one help me lucky doubloon huh [Music] now we can finally get to the treasure come on crew don't look down and move quickly [Music] yes we're on the ship but uh where is the treasure i don't know there aren't any more clues on the map wait i know the lucky doubloon will help us find the treasure looks like the lucky doubloon was unlucky this time i can't reach it i think i can get it back with this broken spy glass [Music] there i got the doubloon come on pillow pull it up wow now i can use the lucky doubloon like a sky glass [Music] hey there's shapes match the doubloon is telling us that treasure is up there yo-ho-ho let's go crew so you've come to take cat beard's treasure happy it's this pirate cat beard yes and the only way you're getting my treasure is if you catch me after him me hearties [Music] you won't have me ouch he's distracted now your turn pirate pillow [Music] pirate treasure great mean give me the treasure back hello again pirates so are you cat beard indeed and you were all very brave in this treasure hunt you mean you set up all of this all alone not all alone a friend gave me a hand or rather a tentacle thank you for your help mommy octopus so this treasure it's all ours enjoy you deserve it but tell me did you have fun yay this was one of the most fun games i ever played i'll save some for meatball to make it up to him when he knows there's treats involved he'll be happy to play pirates too but how do we get back now easy we'll use the lucky to bloom just like neko did lucky doubloon take us home please what now follow me crew a treasure hunt await us underwater [Music] kitties my special guest is coming soon should i serve apricot filling oh vanilla who do you think granny penis talking about i would eat both no maybe neither of them oh yummy my little kitty is gonna love cupcakes hmm little kitty cupcakes puffy cats granny pino wants to take in another cat we have to make sure she doesn't forget us oh no time for tummy rubs now my little one will be here any second [Music] black currant oh these cupcakes were a waste of time i think it's delicious i'll cook something else for risotto [Music] hi granny pina you're here [Music] so granny peena did all this just for a human yeah lampo and she called her little kitty oh she's so cute oh granny thanks for inviting me it will be a special weekend isata these are my keys oh they're so sweet hi kitties they are lambo milady meatball i don't think they like me granny oh no exota they're very shy and very lazy now let's get you settled in your room this is far worse than another cat yeah lambo we can't compete with a human especially a granddaughter we're more like a hurricane a nice hurricane anyway you know what buffy cats izata can stay here as long as she wants to we'll just hang out here in our clubhouse [Music] oh wow this place is wonderful [Music] [Music] wow an electric guitar at this rate we'll be here less soon this is a catastrophe buffy cats we have to find a way to ward off this human any ideas what do you mean by ward off i mean keep us safe from i just want to play with you just be your friend she understands us did i say something wrong [Music] oh dear we should get going one more time where are you come on let's play together maybe you're behind the tree [Music] you know i'm really hungry for spaghetti and meatballs meatball that means danger maybe isata has found us [Music] you're so pretty i can't wear the pedigree like yours belongs in a pet store and you're gonna make me a lot of money oh no party the cat catcher he took my little help lola he's going too fast for us to catch him it's too late it's never too late to save a kitten yes she can talk to cats izata where did you find that bike granny gave it to me hop in we'll stop that kitten napper meatball what's that i brought a little snack you'll take it to go [Applause] hello kitties did you see the cat catcher's van drive by sure they went around that corner maybe this catnip ice cream has a strange side effect i thought i was talking to a human you were cosmo at least i didn't see a dog meowing cream can i have a catnip ice cream cone so what now where do i go there's no one to ask for directions [Music] my whiskers are telling us birdie went that way lampo why didn't you tell me about your whiskers power before hope huh no the shop is closed there might be a way in from the roof hello hope i'm izata nice to meet you don't be sad the buffy cats are coming to rescue you let's go in [Music] here we go hope we've come to the rescue good job kittens free her right now look these kittens are so cute oh i wish i could adopt one have you already decided which of these four uh five kittens you're gonna take home with you why choose one when i can have them all [Music] hey this can't be right i've already captured that kitten you know what i'm still hungry for spaghetti and meatballs oh no birdie's chasing us i can't go any faster than this we have to go after him yes milady but i'm too tired to make it time for a snack with granny pinot's noodles good thing i took them with me pop the secrets in there [Music] [Music] is lift your feet off the pedals we'll take it from here the pet store is closed so birdie will take hook to the shelter for the night and there's only one way to get there that way [Music] [Applause] i'll stop him [Music] oh [Music] thank you puffy cats we have to thank ezata we couldn't have done it without her and if you thank me i can even say you're welcome kitties i had a wonderful idea while you were out playing with izata welcome to your new games room you can use it every day to play and get in shape [Music] please don't destroy all the games this place is kind of fun awesome then i won't have to go to the gym anymore you've never been to the gym jumping on this trampoline is the best yeah buffy cats did you start playing without me come on jump with me okay buffy cats let's play cat and seek ready come on you can hide one two three four five six six times seven is forty-two plus two makes forty-four ready or not here i come [Music] aha that bon bon looks familiar [Applause] are you hurt no he's atta i always have a soft landing meatball has a rear air bag [Music] my tooth is wiggly what do i do you can ask my cat for help mimi is a doctor for kittens she can definitely help with your teeth i guess i'll be fixing this light on my own then don't worry meatball the lady and i will lend you a paw bye bye buffy cats bye sata see you later bye there's mimi's ambulance little one what's your name my name's pillow nice to meet you pee lou please come in have a seat what's troubling you pilu my tooth is wiggly okay may i have a look [Music] it's okay pilu it's perfectly normal a loose tooth ready to fall out i don't want it to fall out it's a baby tooth a grown-up tooth will grow in its place but i like baby cheese especially mine then you and i will care for that tooth together now i must check up on the neighborhood kittens would you like to be my assistant yes i'm so ready mimi let's go here comes mimi [Music] what's up baby pie i wanted to get the ball out of the jar but my paw got stuck i'll never get it out i'll have a party job forever don't worry baby pie we'll just cool the jar and free your paw i've got a buffy brainstorm let's go see cream the ice cream maker cat possum idea pilu don't worry baby pie we'll solve this problem in a minute hello cream hello mimi hello pilu how may i help you what's the chilliest ice cream flavor you have hmm i don't know we could just try them all cream please ask pilu for help i want to make her feel better about her wiggly tooth hey pilu would you like to try all the flavors to find the chilliest one no way cream i don't want my tooth getting cold i'll do it meatball lucky for you you're looking at the world's greatest ice cream taster i don't always eat ice cream for afternoon snack but this time i'll make an exception it's cold meow meow cream clawberry cat nougat [Music] lemon meow's the chiliest flavor [Music] thanks cream now let's get back to baby pie mimi bye mimi bye pilu hey cream can i get some help here don't worry meatball once you're out i'll treat you to an ice cream come on baby pie put your paw in a jar in the lemon no baby pie you'll just get it stuck again but i want to play if you want the ball turn the jar over look like this ah yay now watch baby pie's thrilling troll [Music] maybe to treat me to a hot chocolate instead thank you i'm going back to play you were captain pilu let's go to our next stop [Music] what happened terry something terrible my teeth turned round after i ate all the chocolate i had too much chocolate is bad for your tummy and it stains your teeth you have to brush them brush my teeth how do you do that we'll just need a toothbrush oh edison the inventor cat has everything let's go we came to edison for some super glue edison do you have a toothbrush terry has to brush his teeth not one but three brand new electric toothbrushes my own invention edison can you please ask pilu to test a toothbrush a pillow why don't you show your friends how to use an electric toothbrush i'm sorry i can't edison my baby tooth might fall out okay lampo and i will test them first squeeze out the toothpaste second turn on your toothbrush third brush your teeth [Music] i think they want to get rid of the foam how can they do that mimi simple just rinse your mouth [Music] [Laughter] wow our teeth are super clean thanks to my invention found it here's the super glue lamppo thank you edison i can't wait to show terry how it's done first squeeze out the toothpaste second turn on your toothpaste wow this is fun it's not a game kelly you need to get the toothbrush closer to your teeth hmm like me third brush you can rinse your mouth now like this my teeth are white again thanks mimi thank you [Music] hey you even helped your baby tooth fall out my tooth it's in the glass you were right mimi it fell out on its own i'm getting to be a big girl cat you're a big girl cat already and a possum assistant thank you i'll run into the buffy cats bye [Music] look at my furry fellows my baby tooth fell out great pillow you just gave me a cat-tastic idea for a brand new song [Music] cause growing up is fun [Music] is [Music] so help us [Music] come on meatball use edison super glue to fix the slide all right lampo stop fluffy cats what's up edison i gave you the wrong tube this is the glue the other one is a tube of instant ice anyone got a hair dryer [Music] [Laughter] lady your turn this game is so fun i could play this all day i'm sorry pilu but kato's waiting for me for a cat foo lesson sorry buffy cats but i gotta go too i'm supposed to visit my uncle archibald and i'm late oh my meatballs i gotta run there's a kitty treat sampling party today bye see you later didn't take long for them to clear out that's not a problem i'll have plenty of time to play with my dog kelly [Music] hey kelly do you want to go to the park you do it's such a wonderful day we're going to have lots of fun together [Music] hey kelly look who's coming hello where are you off to hello dr frisbee i'm taking kelly to the part she's a beautiful doll dr fisby would you be so kind as to give kelly a checkup of course pilu i always carry a thermometer with me let's see if she has a fever hmm a healthy temperature your baby is absolutely fine and she's not even using a pacifier she's very grown up thank you dr frisbee bye-bye kelly there's cream i really want an ice cream hmm wait for me here and be good here's your ice scone pillow thanks queen here we go hope aren't you happy to be at the park hold my love you're a big girl now and big girls don't use pacifiers [Music] all right fine but sooner or later you'll have to give it up be good this kitty treat flavor is possum let's go back home kelly hi cream can i have an ice cream here you are thank you bye creams good thing hope didn't wake up wait where's hope what a nice walk we had right kelly [Music] now after all that exercise i need a nap too [Music] i didn't know kelly could cry either you turned into a kitten or i took the wrong stroller [Music] please kitty don't cry look at me look at me i'm a clown it's not working but i gotta find a way to calm her down twinkle twinkle little kitty sleep and you'll be really pretty [Music] i've got a buffy brainstorm i'll show her my toys from when i was a baby [Music] in here see anything you like what did you take kitty that pacifier was a gift but i'd already outgrown them and i never used it what are you doing you're too old for pacifiers come on give my pacifier back [Music] it's mine if this is the only thing that will stop you crying you can have it but just until i find your mommy [Music] i better find his kittens mommy as soon as possible [Music] hello lola is something wrong i'll help you find her she might have found a way home let's start there hey pilu what are you doing here hi milky hi shark i'm looking for this kitten's mommy [Music] she's so cute hey what are you doing with this pacifier you're a big girl um [Music] wow [Music] thank you for your help hi milky by trump have a nice job hey kitty can you tell me who your mommy is [Music] all right i'll keep on looking for her on my own hello my furry fellows hi pilu taking kelly for a walk uh no actually i'm looking for this kitten's mommy wow she's so sweet look at those eyes oh a grown-up kitty like you still uses a pacifier boom kitty do you like my mirror [Music] there you go she's calm now kittens love playing with mirrors you made her laugh yeah but i get the feeling she'd rather just have the pacifier see you soon bye bye kittens [Music] hi pilu what brings you here hi guys i'm looking for this kitten's mommy and what's your pretty kitty's name i don't know i'd like to find her mommy and maybe get her to stop using that pacifier [Music] good old gas can entertain one sweet kitten [Music] yep here's a balloon filled with stink now i'm gonna make it no [Music] you see the kittens having fun you're right and even better she dropped a pacifier you possum want to pacify her anymore so you've grown up well done kitty can you tell pilu who your mommy is lola i know her i know where she lives at the abandoned building bye guys once again stinky mission accomplished [Music] good lola's house is here let's look for your mommy oh here she comes look lola hope is back home [Laughter] my kitty you don't want a pacifier anymore no lola hope is a big kitty and doesn't need it anymore isn't that right hope this is fantastic news very good ho [Music] of course filo has been very good too you're a perfect vice mommy thanks for taking her home and hope besties forever and now i'll take kelly home too bye cop bye lola bye bye ho bye bye pilu and thanks again hey pillow where have you been my furry fellows uh it was a possum day for kelly and me but this is hope's pacifier we don't need it anymore [Music] now meatball aren't you a bit old for a pacifier i never use a pacifier dr fisby do you know a way to get meatball to take the pacifier out of course leave it to me what are you thinking of doing with that super hammer dr fisby i just want to make sure you have good reflexes to throw the pacifier once and for all but dr frisbee i never use a pacifier now we'll see [Music] sorry i wasn't ready that's because you're super lazy yarn ball isn't for me yeah that ball is your favorite game yep on my blanket check out my flying super flip oh he landed in winston's garden so what was it dangerous or something totally it's full of traps oh my meatballs i'm in winston's garden this is harder than playing yarn [Music] it's time for snooki to become the masked cat helicopter tail hey that's the mask [Music] oh meatball i'll save the you cat it's really you grab on how did you know i was here a superhero always knows when his furry fellows [Music] good thing it was a soft landing huh you're our favorite super cat we want to be heroes just like you [Music] don't be worried [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] and then [Applause] [Music] what is it that makes you so super all thanks to my super cloak look i'm super meatball i'm okay masked cat you can't fly if you don't have my super cloak yeah i noticed that but fear not any cat can become a super cat oh really tell us how do you have masks we have the ones from carnival good lampo now each of you think up a super name and strike a super cat pose i'm hyper cat and i am star kitten introducing fluffy cat meow watch out superman is here [Music] i must go now keep practicing and you'll be real super cats in no time the masked cat could probably even turn super lazy snoogie into a superhero snoogy did you see the masked cat i don't think so a superhero must never reveal his secret identity to anyone luckily my furry fellows didn't notice anything [Music] hmm it's getting so late i better go home and get some sleep that's birdie the cat catcher not good [Music] ah here comes a stray cat for the catching come closer you ratty cat let me introduce you to miss grabber this looks like a job for the masked cat [Applause] your australian days are over stray cat [Music] hey her cat is meowing i'm really hungry for spaghetti and meatballs that means there's danger nearby let's go outside and take a look [Music] the cat catchers they're working together now and they caught snoogy his blanket no it's the masked cat's cloak no it's snoogy's blanket [Music] hmm you're both right this is both the cloak and the blanket oh so that means snooki is a masked cat we've got a chance to save our superheroes [Music] my whiskers are telling us that the cat catchers haven't gone far there we have to freeze snooki before they pull away [Music] muffy cats how did you find me a superhero always knows when his furry fellows are in danger don't worry you'll be safe and sound in no time i can't move oh brutus give it more gas go run for it [Music] that cat escaped i couldn't have escaped without your help we could never abandon you snooki or maybe we should call you the masked cat i don't know what you're talking about [Music] [Music] my fur changed color i have the impression someone's just told a lie okay it's true i'm the masked cat but please promise you won't reveal my secret identity to anyone trust us your secret is safe with the buffy cats [Music] i'm really hungry for spaghetti and meatballs trouble's coming the cat catchers we need the masked cat leave this to me [Music] i can't see anything thank you masked cat [Music] guys again no cat escape from birdies miss grabber [Music] wow [Music] [Music] oh yes of course no cat escapes from brutus's mr claw don't those two ever give it a rest hmm i know how to stop them [Music] get mr claw off me you get miss grabber off me first that'll keep those two busy for a while [Music] looks like you're back to being the laziest cat in town yeah that chase really tired me out and now the super cat super meow will perform his super flip good old meatball you never change nope today i'm not clumsy i'm super clumsy tonight's rehearsal was possum sure was my furry fellows our new song is really coming together yeah milady it'll be a hit with the neighborhood cats at our halloween party tomorrow to make it a real halloween treat let's add some super scary hilarious you know what's scary missing nap time on second thought running out of snacks is the scariest thing of all oh i feel terrified just thinking about it let's sing about the furry wear cat wow oh lady is the where cat a wolf who turns into a cat or a cat who turns into a wolf [Music] how about king cat a giant cat tall as the clock tower king cat uses skyscrapers as scratching posts [Music] the only giant cat i know is meatball [Music] hey hungry [Music] or let's sing about the monster who lives in the dark the monster who lives in the dark really exists that's what i heard and that monster has been spotted right around here i'm the monster who lives in the dark that burp was the scariest part of the story so the monster who lives in the dark could be hiding [Music] anywhere [Music] hello is there a monster here please don't say yet are you okay what's wrong the monster who lives in the dark is here pilu monsters don't exist but i saw it over there huh that's just the shadow of meatball sleeping i have an idea [Music] see no monsters at all now get some sleep tomorrow night is our big halloween party [Music] whoa everyone went all out decorating for halloween this is amazing it gives me the creeps happy halloween buffy cats guess who yes that has to be you behind that mask yep you guessed it it's me this is my best halloween trick ever everyone will think i'm [Music] who i possible your baby pie oh no you'll recognize me [Music] want to trade treats no that looks good let's do it all right cosmo come back here hey everyone happy halloween that's some crazy trick cosmo i may be spacey but i have no clue what you're talking about [Music] halloween is the most possible holiday of all i don't know lampo it's a little scary relax just look how beautiful the jack-o'-lanterns are all i see are all the dark places the monster could be hiding in like don't be scared it's just us chalk and milky i think we scared pilu when we were rehearsing our song but the song wasn't that bad no meatball peels scared because we were joking about monsters but everyone knows monsters don't exist got a buffy brainstorm let's take pilu to see the fun side of halloween trick-or-treating [Music] okay pilu this is the best part of halloween and the tastiest just go to the door and you'll get a treat it's fun okay sounds easy enough oh you can do a pillow nope too dark the monster can be hiding [Music] there what is she doing coming back already [Music] halo monsters don't exist lola was just scared of your jack-o'-lantern mask i don't like this darkness the monster who lives in the dark could be anywhere i wanna go home buffy cats we have to help pilo never want to go trick-or-treating again [Music] hello where is everyone [Music] i'm alone we're off to hunt the monster who lives in the dark if we're not back by five come find us it's after five my furry fellows need me i know what to do i have to help them [Music] i'm coming buffy cats hold on [Music] all right step one complete now let's put our plan into action and get pilo to conquer her fears [Music] this looks like the place unfortunately are so many shadows inside and the monster who lives in the dark could be in any of them this is too much no the puffy cats need you pillow you have to do it [Music] stay in the light pillow it'll be okay no more light hello is anyone in here okay okay okay pillow just think of the puffy cats selfie cats [Music] what's that thing with this scary hair and concealer breathing no there was no such thing as monsters i think i've come too far and my friends need me i gotta do this okay there has to be a light switch somewhere [Music] is that really you and you're all okay congratulations pilu you beat your fears and now you can see monsters don't exist but what were those things in the hallway this was the monster with the scary hair and this was the monster who hissed and breathed on you oh yeah those aren't scary in the light or in the dark monsters don't exist this is possum i've been cured of my fear of the dark my furry fellows i have a great idea for those song lyrics we need for the party and now our new song inspired by pilu here it's called who's afraid of the darts he's so sorry he's so scary he's so scary so scary it's so scary it's [Music] not [Music] and is you can always find a ghost we are dancing with the pumpkin while the shadows make hearts beat so much fun to knock on doors and a yellow trick or streak [Music] i've worked up an appetite with all this music my furry fellows i need a snack who dares take all the snacks i'm the monster who lives in the dark the monster it really exists help the buffy guests meatball it was me oh no it wasn't you i heard the real monster just now meatball don't you know monsters don't exist don't be afraid [Music] well i'm afraid we'll just have to eat meatball share christmas time has finally come come on kitties help me decorate the christmas tree [Music] balls i can't resist i have to do it [Music] kitties what are you doing naughty kitties those are ornaments for the christmas tree [Music] oh don't you know tomorrow's christmas kitties be good and you'll get plenty of gifts now i'll prepare some noodles for our christmas feast make sure you don't make a mess oh my meatballs so many balls and so little time to play with them meatball didn't you hear what granny pina said no more messes okay all right milady on munch heart grudge our nibble the cats of the world are waiting for their christmas gifts and we're right on time merry christmas little bird with the acorn stop what are you doing hey stop chasing the acorn our christmas gifts are falling buffy cats be good granny is making noodles and she may even give us christmas gifts meatball lampo stop playing with christmas lights i didn't do anything and it wasn't my belly either for once let's go out and check puffy cat [Music] oh what to do what will santa claus say uh i'm glitter one of santa's little helpers tonight i have to deliver gifts to cats all over the world but i dropped them when flying above your town it must be tasty if i can't deliver all the gifts tonight santa claus won't let me be his helper anymore don't worry glitter we're the buffy cats we always lend a pot to those in need we'll help you find all the gifts you lost oh my meatballs can we do it in time glitter said he has to deliver them tonight of course we can we'll get all the energy we need from kitty the noodles all ready granny noodles enjoy your buffy meal friends [Music] you eat them [Music] is [Laughter] now that we've got our energy level up we can go my whiskers will tell us where each and every lost gift is thank you lampo let's go find all the kids there's one got it and there's another one [Music] oops sorry meatball hmm there's a gift up there how can we get it back let me handle [Applause] this my whiskers are pointing to the top of the clock tower i don't see a gift there there it is pilu it's on the cuckoo clock's cuckoo i'll get it [Music] don't worry i'll get it this time [Music] i have to get it oh got it [Music] thanks glitter great job lambo 39 40 41 42 43 is that all of them hmm just a sec yes no no what is missing it's almost midnight where could the last gift be whiskers are telling us it's in that direction [Music] oh the last gift is inside the villa where boss lives is that a problem a big one boss is the meanest cat in town it's impossible for there to be a cat who doesn't like christmas you don't know boss boss is in the clear boss runs ahead of the pack the audience goes crazy for boss check out boss about to score again [Music] a gift for me the gift is in winston's house buffy cats let's find a way to get inside well well i'll open this present at midnight [Music] hey what are you doing here and it was that cat dressed like a clown i am glitter i'm santa's little helper boss we're here for that gift glitter lost that gift and he needs it he has to deliver christmas presents to every cat in the world and he's super late already christmas who cares about christmas this gift fell on my property so i'm keeping it uh no you can't keep [Music] dear boss you say that you don't care about christmas but i remember very well when you were just a kitten what do you know about it i remember when you asked for your first christmas present oh it's true it was a toy mouse i've spent so many happy christmases with that beautiful gift at this moment a kitten is waiting for his gift and how that kitten will spend his christmas it depends on you boss all right take it good job boss that's the spirit of christmas wait a moment oh let me check who i have to deliver this gift to [Music] yes this gift is for you for me but how it seems that it was meant to fall into your hands one way or another what did i tell you i always knew it was mine and now get out of my house you buffy cats all right boss merry christmas [Music] thank you buffy cats christmas is safe for all cat kind and the credit is all yours it was our pleasure glitter i don't know how to thank you actually i do know how but it will be a surprise now it's time to deliver the gifts on munch on crunch on nibble see you soon bye bye puffy cats this is going to be an awesome christmas for everyone [Music] here you are where did you get to dear kitties merry christmas [Music] four special gifts we've outside stars [Music] and all through the night glitter flies [Music] it's the light before christmas [Music] [Applause] [Music] merry christmas to you all [Music] subscribe to the channel
Channel: Rainbow Junior - English
Views: 10,487,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 44 Cats english, 44 cats, 44 cats characters, 44 cats episodes, 44 cats theme song, 44 cats theme song lyrics, Buffycats, Lampo, Meatball, Milady, Music Video, Pilou, Rainbow, Rainbow Junior, cartoons, rainbow, song, tv series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 45sec (4725 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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