Woody Woodpecker Show | Sync Or Swim | 1 Hour Compilation | Cartoons For Children

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[Music] here's the weather report the bad news it's a hundred and twenty degrees in the new day son mundo so try to stay cool anyway you can Berber it is hot out here or is that you I'm going to the pool [Music] that means me sorry you can't come in here buddy I mean the sign says public velcome rules clause for synchronized swimming practice Wow what do you know coach we're synchronized swimmers [Music] their twin suns of different matters you bet it if you do everything alike yeah I don't think I could use one more swimmer on the team only one of you will make it and get to stay in the water while the other one will be out on his backside in the baking hot street got it God go team swim caps suit up ladies now let's move it and say yeah sure real funny Ford pecker [Music] no breeze remember what I said one of you will make the team the other one will be out on your ear and if I catch either pulling any more shenanigans [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah who needs the pool there's no order there anyhow you know bootleggers together I think the too-cool cucumbers [Music] meanie let's anger business is gonna get the best of you if you aren't careful if you can't control your rage there's gonna be some serious consequences rage me why doctor I'm surprised at you you know why the picture of calmness in serenity now that's a step in the right direction here's your bill let's see what's on the agenda for today sleep sleep sleep more sleep [Music] I've got to relax oh maybe I'll just take a nap that'll help me unwind and get ready for the healing games you're no Scotsman you're just oh wow healing games or no healing games I have a condition this is a rooming house and you know the rules you have to be quiet I'll take it outside lass who'd there's a bunny Scottish modern how am I supposed to practice in all this mucky muck I'll have to practice II gotta practice for the wild card of it wrestling with the Loch Ness monster what am I gonna use for a Nessie you're looking mighty faced the seasonings you know perhaps a nice cup of tea so mine [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] I don't care what to do I could drain the border class ah one Heath couldn't hire them anyone who's gonna notice one toss [Music] you're trying my patience I'm not going to tell you again to be quiet you are my condition I have to call the doctor now just calm down I can't take this anymore when you feel yourself getting aggravated just count to 10 I'm a disgrace to be clan what am I to do know there's a gift from the gods now counting is very relaxing meanie go ahead try it okay here goes [Music] she's new [Music] [Music] hmm shooting contest with thousand dollar prize [Music] hmm mother the famous Indian sharpshooter isn't it Oh I'll show him [Music] [Music] nobody knows I've got a secret weapon [Music] how do you get in this thing looks like a close cooperation to me [Music] target page embedded by Herod Wally walrus [Music] now comes a big test [Music] what's the matter buzz can't figure it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] atta boy buzz try it again [Music] don't give up one third time is the charm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bon jovi a little Paisano [Music] what would you like on your pizza how about every day one piece of pie coming up yeah I don't want a whole pound only got enough change for one slice I don't sell pizza slices on a chart Oh slices here well I just purchased an establishment so that's it Oh sign you Toria we deliver a delicious pizza pie in five minutes or it's free could you hold onö momentum por favor [Music] Pizza Torian we deliver a delicious pizza pie in five minutes all your pizza is free I want a pizza with everything on it delivery for this address got it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know what's what around here abouts but I'm gonna deliver this pizza on time I'm not dead for dooley beats a pie in the sky deliver ologist pizza pie in the sky [Music] I do I do i do i dairenji the delivery not your section let me see job one milky thousand damage to my van jet that seal and of course no money then you work it off yep guaranteed delivery in five minutes no problemo gee Billy can I just have one slice of pizza for the road well okay but you gotta eat it raw smarty feathers yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] what could be more fun than watching TV on your super big screen TV to be exact well flying lessons for one thing and flying lessons with wings Bandar health and hos and flowers and a dreamy foreign pilot for another [Music] spending that money on flying lessons and Gary to buy the TV back say there Bandar housing housing housing housing don't call me Susan but of course you are you here for lessons at long last my boyhood dream completely [Music] no time at all I'll have Winnie begging to buy her big-screen TV back but of course you knew that didn't you [Music] wing Bandar house and hose and flowers and has moved just follow the arrows to [Music] my ahem wings burn the house and hose and plows ace flying ace matter crush you knew that didn't you I want to learn to fly oh you want to fly isn't that model of you uh-huh here is a plane for you [Music] I'm a very quick study well then quickly I study my instructional home video it's best viewed on say a large screen TV with these two test g-forces I'll have Winnie begging to go home and watch TV in no time why don't you just come home more like flying disgrace oh right woody I'm going to call your bluff I'm gonna make you earn your wings or full right mr. Mandor house and hosen fallen is this the right [Music] [Music] [Music] the shortest distance between two points even always [Music] [Music] when in doubt [Music] [Music] Wow that was exciting wasn't it wings Bandar how the northern flowers in' what you knew it was me almost all along then why'd you let me go through all that oh you gotta admit it was more exciting than sitting at home watching TV woody waiting you still have the money let's go buy your big-screen TV back now no why would he we're using it next Saturday for shark cage diving [Music] no life insurance company fuzzbuzz ood insurance broker income taxes evaded traffic tickets fixed oh boy what a cheat he's open for business [Music] [Music] one never knows when little accident might prove fatal this one hmm what you need is insurance now here's one of our blanket policies it covers you completely but maybe you would prefer this Arsenic and Old Lace policy it pays double in case of shall we say accidental death in case of accidental death uh what do you would better his beneficiary both Buzzard will receive the sum of ten thousand dollars [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] now you're gonna get what's coming to you and I get what's coming at me [Music] [Music] retreat [Music] dear that singing out there it's called The Legend of Rockabye point this all started aboard my ship 20 years ago well sir we just made a big haul of bluefin tunas now polar bears like fish so do little penguins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're poland i baby at all [Music] Rockabye Baby in the treetop it's a big blow to Craver rock whenever they reach but we're Poland I booked a baby cradle [Music] it's pitiful no well that's the story of Rockabye point and to this day 20 years later you can still hear him singing listen [Music] singing it to me again we teach early [Music] [Music] but a good daddy sergeant I have good news you'll be receiving your first recruit today thank you I trust you'll be on guard at all times nothing will get by me barracks are all squared away what's this must be the new recruitment [Music] hmm you're a snappy dresser but where's your uniform little buddy no uniform there we go Oh feel dressed and ready for action so get on the field only working soldiers get into the barracks now and I can't think of a better catch than digging foxholes it's a fundamental of core training so start digging spot pole that boy is gonna do me proud [Music] good now put on your soldier hmm smells like the mess halls cooking up something good today [Music] all right you say that soldier looks like your snowball right well it ain't this is the core secret weapon the Skeeter bomb you turn this down and 10 seconds later boom a cloud of mosquitoes breaks out it's the last thing the enemy would expect down here in the cold Antarctic skaters now for a little target practice annihilate the target on the firing range this is what the core [Music] no no no you missed the target entirely go hit the bunker I'm gonna make sure you do this exercise correctly you'll be in my sight the whole time cause you're jumping with me I said blow the card [Music] [Music] you know for withstanding that pigs command I'm promoting you to base drill sergeant I commend you on your bravery soldier carry on soldier new recruit PB reporting for duty Sarge what are my orders of the day yes sir sir right away sir [Music] look here's a guy [Music] I shot an arrow into the air here comes a change achieved here comes the team here comes the team the team [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] doing [Music] [Music] the Indians in these parts for 20 years [Music] [Music] hotness isn't it I shot an arrow into the air and where it fell [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] imagine that I shot an arrow into the air and where it fell I do not care [Music] yes really necessary it's necessary I'm a necessary evil [Music] will it be blood if you got a book you know one of them a B or C books [Music] a is for Apple as used in a pie B is for butter but it's hard to buy c is for cuff which you can put this gas on bud oh wise guy huh on your way cheslow oh my god Dave that's easy like this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] stealing gas [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Woody Woodpecker
Views: 3,692,846
Rating: 4.3947191 out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 20sec (3920 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2017
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