Woody Woodpecker 2018 | Pen is Flightier Than The Sword | 1 Hour Compilation | NEW! | Kids Movies

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[Music] guess who [Music] [Music] open this door so i can turn on your lights woodpecker try this thank you [Music] didn't see that one coming or did i [Music] cut that's a wrap folks hey kid where's my bottle of water buzz baby i love that you do your own stunts so does my chiropractor woody i've been thinking how about just once i win at the end of an episode i understand where you're coming from buddy but it's not me it's the fans they demand to see the handsome heroine [Music] hey gang the publicity department needs a photo of the three of you yeah yeah no problem you got it make sure you get my good side who am i kidding both sides are my good side say cheesy cheese thanks a million gang well see you all tomorrow that bird needs a taste of his own medicine [Music] i've always wanted to direct [Music] oh this ought to make things interesting for that spoiled little redhead everybody thinks i'm crazy yes sir okay woodpecker get ready to star in my latest cartoon buzzed by buzz came up with a title myself oh i'm crazy what what what can i do so are you hmm hey where did everything go what's the deal could this be a circus episode [Music] you know maybe this is just a really weird dream and it's about to get weirder should have brought my swim fins you don't want to eat me mr shark woodpeckers don't taste very good [Music] huh try out running this yikes [Music] [Applause] [Music] fasten your seat belt hero it's about to get very bumpy oh what now seriously [Music] [Music] a snake it's just hard to be [Music] buzz time for a plot twist how did you you should know by now buzz never run a foul of this foul [Applause] [Music] look what you did me this is all your fault superstar how are they gonna animate the next episode who cares i'm never gonna work with you again that goes ditto for me pal wait a second if you're here and i'm here who's drawing this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] she's here right on time why hello there winnie come on in the water's fine why thank you so what did you plan for our big date more like what didn't i plan first we'll start with a bite to eat [Music] followed by a little dancing [Music] then we'll cap our day with a little quiet time oh woody that all sounds wonderful such a gentleman but first i need to freshen up yeah [Music] no what was that um eat [Music] did you hear that a nervous habit [Music] there it is again i ate a lot of sugar this morning there's definitely someone at the door i'm sure it's just the wind why are you being so chilly oh my you must be freezing [Music] [Applause] he's a penguin penguins love the cold did you get caught in the storm poor baby [Music] i bet you're hungry hey that's my seat will you grab another plate woody please oh it's supposed to be time not three times he's so small and where did the food go oh don't be rude woody chilly's our guest [Music] forget the meal come on let's dance baby [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get away from that oh you're so light on your feet excuse me well by all means may i cut in a pardon me how about you and i relax by the fire [Music] penguins like the water right just trying to be the host with the most such a cute little fella now uh where were we oh no the fire's going out oh that's all right i'll just toss another log on it but how did you no you're pure evil [Music] where would it go oh to gather more wood for the fire oh thoughtful of him it's definitely getting colder you're so sweet [Music] [Music] oh chilly you're the best [Music] oh a woodpecker speaking woody where are you splinter nathan's birthday party started an hour ago uh i was just uh on my way out the door when you called oh good cause all the twins can talk about is the present you promised them the present you forgot to get it didn't you how dare you suggest that i forgot the thing the megastation video game console i'll have you know i have it right here in my hands wrapped and ready oh wonderful see you soon [Music] if i was a mega station console where would i be hiding [Music] oh no phew last one hey lego the twins birthday presents this birthday present is for my niece and nephew flip and tusker [Applause] [Music] my praising samples cheese samples [Music] um so you want to play with your food do you incoming [Music] uh just hit a little bit of traffic oh hello pretty ballerina you don't happen to have seen her make a [Applause] [Music] this time t samples [Music] [Laughter] [Music] now you're making me real mad booty [Music] i'm the king of the world food bakery [Music] i can't believe i lost to a walrus [Music] one mega station please would that be casual credit i'll be taking that thank you [Music] attention bulk mart is now closed we will be open at 10 a.m tomorrow morning [Music] what are we gonna do all night [Music] hold on [Music] [Music] now where to put the wreath ooh sounds like santa's coming early [Music] hey wally what do you think you're doing this year i'm going to have the biggest christmas tree at the whole well this isn't a christmas tree it's my home now your home is going to spend this christmas outside my home covered in fruity decorations [Music] [Music] nothing says christmas like a snowman but this is not over footbacker just gotta find the right place [Music] [Music] [Music] santa ooh this christmas i want a pony and a bike and a skateboard and a space helmet but i'd be willing to settle for a huge pile of cash [Music] thank you vantage big little birdie [Music] nothing says crispy spirit like heavy machinery [Music] wait for it i can't see your thing where am i don't worry this ice is rock solid see you you should really dress more warmly you'll catch cold [Music] does it seem a little quiet to you too quiet [Music] like my grandma walrus used to say if at first you don't succeed blow something up need a light [Music] shoe [Applause] let's talk this out too late for out talking woodpecker and you've lost my patience we wish you merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas we wish you a merry christmas and happy new year merry christmas woody merry christmas wally hey what are we doing wally it's christmas time peace on earth and all that yeah yeah you're right but i still don't have a christmas tree hmm [Music] you do the honors wally no you woodpecker i insist together together [Music] not bad but something's missing food [Music] [Applause] welcome everybody it's nearly time for my annual easter egg hunt [Applause] collect as many kaleidoscopic eggs as you can and whoever finds the most wins this giant chocolate bunny wouldn't it be nice if we won woody we could share the bunny with the twins sure oh no i've been training for months i'm flying solo on this mission fine then you can take your overstuffed bunny friend to the movies next weekend you have 30 minutes oh one more thing if you found the gigantic egg i had it counts as 25 regular sized ones let the games begin [Music] oh [Music] attach an egg people 15 minutes to go i gotta find me that extra egg [Music] [Applause] attention 10 minutes remaining we got this in the bag look at all these eggs [Music] what's going on here buzz can you hear me look veronica we won that's cause it's a balloon have a scrambling flight hey you pouched our eggs you mean our eggs yeah oranges say that again to my face why don't you pick on someone your own son why don't you take your new boyfriend and beat it like an egg good one babe ooh bye you little don't mind me i'm just cleaning up [Music] well you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs no nobody'll get the chocolate woody three two one what happened hmm why don't you ask woody the yolk is on all of you looky what i just found i'm the winner sorry woody but that's not the egg i had what are you talking about [Music] you wanted the bunny all to yourself remember [Music] oh mama [Music] well happy easter everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi guys hi woody hi hi thanks for watching the kids today no problemo what happened here oh i was just having a little snack sheesh hey are you two wearing feather scout uniforms uh-huh uh-huh well i was a feather scout too did they offer a badge for gorging on junk food back then for your information splinter a wilderness woody remains the stuff of feather scout legend hey why don't i help you earn a badge or two while we're together i guess that'd be okay yeah it's always useful to learn the way of the ancients well it's a good thing i kept my feather scout uniform hey check me out it's like a glove huh how about we work on the survival badge that was always my favorite there are three steps to earning a survival batch gather food build a fire prepare shelter as easy as falling off a log not head i got this huh step one gathering food for a list of edible plants you don't learn how to be a woodsman from a book you lit [Music] you two aren't gonna catch anything with those voila that rod doesn't seem very wildernessy woody i'll have you know that hey i hope something [Music] me too oh please watch and learn [Music] no catfish is a match for the automatic ultra pro 500 are you calling 9-1-1 no okay let's keep it simple for step number two all right twigs spark campfire actually i have matches in my knapsack woody and the guidebook says [Music] [Music] how come you're not filming now just smell that crackling fire that's your head my head [Music] i can't watch this time don't worry i'll upload all the footage to youtube and you can view it later [Music] [Music] step number three is taking too long but we need to learn how to prepare a shelter shelter smelter follow me [Music] and it's a heck of a lot sturdier than your tent i know it's safe me but the guidebook says to check for signs of occupancy [Music] viral [Music] thanks again wilderness woody we didn't earn our survival badges but the first aid patch is really cool and because of your epic fails i've gone viral oh woodrow are you still in much pain only when i blink [Music] well breaking nearly every bone in my body has made me kind of hungry i've got the need to feed what's on the menu catfish [Music] goodbye winter hello rio [Music] what are you doing here i'm on vacation me too buzz brazil is big enough for the both of us so i'll ignore you if you ignore me i'm ignoring you already [Music] what did you find amigo a message in a bottle but it looks like just a bunch of random symbols can you make anything of it oh the jade jaguar you have found a map to the fabled jade jaguar jay jaguar that's a good thing right ah what it is brother but the jaguar is hidden deep in rio's rain forest it is easy to get lost can you help me find it nah luis can help you find anything unless it doesn't want to be found of course nice to meet you luis i'm woody so someone has got himself a treasure map right this way woody so what do you think it's beautiful down here i'll let that bird brain lead me to the spoils then i'll steal it right out from under his beak well looks like we're at the first marker on the map i can fly but how do we get you across well i'm happy to get into the swing of things too [Applause] [Music] the map says we must pass through here well i sure hope this jay jaguar is worth the effort oh it will be for me not to worry sometimes these caves have little creatures living in them and sometimes they have big creatures too i'll try to remember that the next time i never go to a dark game again yeah it's been nice knowing you my friend we'll get out of here in one piece louise just do what i do i must admit that was rather fun except for the giant carnivorous arachnid portion and i peeped myself [Music] hey is someone there a buzzard is born prepared [Music] the jade jaguars at the top of a cliff downstream but will need transportation welcome aboard the ss woody please watch your step [Music] teacher plan buzz i'll be sure to give you regards to the jade jaguar hand that back don't worry woody i remember the way a monkey never forgets but i thought it was an elephant that never forgets elephants have forgotten that they learn to remember from the monkey [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh no you don't this is my treasure huh wait the jade jaguar is a restaurant well that means the message in the bottle was an advertisement pretty clever huh there's no treasure there's no greater treasure than sharing a good meal with a new friend well said brother [Music] not again [Applause] [Music] didn't i tell you brazil is the best winnie and just the two of us and your mom says i'm not romantic oh it's beautiful come on let's get a picture together [Music] extend the arm don't block the mountain a little more more a little to the left higher perfect ah it's so nice to get some us time just you me and romantic rio de janeiros [Music] meet my newest amigo louise the best tour guide in all of south america i invited them to join us all weekend isn't that great define great you know what they say sweetie two's company oh yeah it is [Music] hey now relax luis is just being polite won't you let me show you my beautiful city oh see [Music] oh louise you're so funny i do declare your tropical son has me simply parched fear not me luis will secure for you a refreshing coconut beverage and nuts to that i'll cut out the middle man [Music] did i pronounce that right like a local believe me when i say you have not truly experienced brazil until you have attended one of our football matches oh louise i absolutely adore football then i will purchase the finest seats for us hey since when did you start caring so much about soccer since luis made it sound so enchanting forgive me the match is sold out it is a championship contest brazil and sweden that's all right luis i'm sure you'll find something else for us to do that's just as wonderful ah oh no if it's football the lady walks then it's football the lady will get it's woody's turn to be wonderful woody what are you doing after you follow me oh what's that smell woody are you sure the storm drain leads into the stadium actually this might be more of a how you say sewer hey look daylight see i told you i'd get us into the stadium yeah so how close are we to the field uh best seats in the house with the score tied and only seconds on the clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] how can it be fan interference i'm not even a fan all right all right there is nothing in the rule book about a migrating woodpecker brazil wins [Music] i hope they are carrying us to the showers amigos you two smell terrible phew my friend let the experts show you how it's done [Music] what ah peaches i thought we were doing something special today we are [Music] score veronica this is the best valentine's day ever [Applause] at your service [Music] veronica where have you been all my life [Music] hi there wendy mind if i join you actually wally morning is me time i thought the valentine's day was supposed to be we time ah i'm on the case [Music] you're so soft and doughy [Music] he's gonna love this [Music] i've been thinking don't you agree that it's time we made our relationship more committed i do i just remembered i forgot to pay my taxes cartoon characters don't pay taxes you know what to do piece of cake commitment i don't need no stinking commitment i'm an independent agent a solo act i'm free free as a well as a bird hey what's the big idea just hold still sir this will only take a second come on why you're running from love i'm allergic to it i'll just have to up my game say hello to my little friend [Music] persistent little guy isn't here oh i didn't want to have to do this you'll thank me one day hey yeah i'll make [Music] [Applause] latest model heat seeker [Music] i'm hiding from the missile the missile wow [Music] [Music] why hello there i want to be your valentine huh what happened to woody forget the woodpecker he doesn't deserve you let's get married right there i just remembered i forgot to pay my taxes come back loving my [Music] happy valentine's day folks and remember if you spot a flying candy hey wait a second you wing weirdo when is my girl i want to be committed i change my mind commit me [Music] ah another beautiful evening but you know what would make it perfect a piping hot pizza hmm starlight starbrite first star i see tonight i wish i may i wish i might have the wish i wish tonight huh [Music] wow pizza delivery has gotten really high tech [Music] our grandmother could land a ship better than you and she's blind in one eye grandmother only has one eye precisely don't mean to interrupt fellas but do you two have my pizza pizza we're aliens from a distant galaxy my name is globnorm the third and i'm todd we've been sent on a mission to bring a typical earthling back to our planet for study would you care to volunteer will there be pizza no but there will be experimentation and probing and maybe a little dissection uh uh thanks for the offer but i just remembered how much i like keeping my anatomy intact uh maybe another time stop potentially [Music] oops maybe i should have yelled timber [Music] ah ah the old holographic pizza trick oh poison [Music] i suspect foul play me too i wonder what the other settings do i'm gonna leave but you guys are welcome to stay and chill out that earthling is going to learn that two heads are better than one even if one of them is an idiot i can hear you you know we share a body don't remind me pepperoni every kid's gonna want one of those for christmas initiate capture this is gonna be fun [Music] look what you did we broke the fourth wall it was an accident we're insured i certainly hope so uh sorry about that folks now where were we oh yeah come on y'all russ bucket show me what you got hmm [Music] [Laughter] that's it no more mr nice alien [Music] on me [Music] a little privacy please oh i'm so sorry please excuse us hey wait a [Music] seriously is that the best he can do hey yeah hope you seen the receipt on that thing [Music] we surrender [Music] if i ever catch you guys in my neighborhood again i'll peck you so full of holes you'll double as lawn sprinklers let's get out of here for once i agree with you that earthling is a lunatic lunatic i'll take that as a compliment hello i'd like to order a pizza to be delivered please on second thought i'll come pick it up [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Mini Moments
Views: 2,292,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker full episodes, woodpecker cartoon, woody the woodpecker, kids videos for kids, cartoon, cartoons for children, cartoon woody, chilly willy cartoons, cartoons for kids, woody woodpecker laugh, woodpecker, woody, woody wood pecker, winnie, woody woodpecker show, pica pau, woody woodpecker bonus round, woody woodpecker movie, halloween cartoons, kids cartoons full episodes, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker intro
Id: n_MjH0zryiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 25sec (3325 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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