Woody Woodpecker Show | Super Woody | 1 Hour Compilation | Cartoons For Children

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[Music] stay tuned for the mr alias action hour today's adventure the attack no not the antenna again ah where am i gonna get a new antenna before my show starts i love the sound of a sucker in the morning a buzz buzzard super duper deluxe satellite dish [Music] and now for the coup de grasse when you're good you're me day sir i am buzz buzzard a buzzer satellite tv service wow that's right sucker right you mean sir our rooftop dish here is powered by uh a solar plutonium reactor oh he is good so it gets 1138 channels downloads video games does your dishes files your taxes and takes out the trash and raises your children all for the low low price of just 50 bucks will it get me the mr alias action hour right now oh indubitably [Music] hey what games loser no good buzzer trying to cheat me give me back my dough you yeah [Music] [Music] what the heck's going on here [Music] rubberized me give me back my bow ah get lost woodpecker cause of you i now need the cash for a nose job [Music] i said let go take that you rubber boyd hey looks like that lightning jolt gave us both super powers and mine are gonna make me rich reds rich [Music] [Music] time to make like a banana and split [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is not my day [Music] so you want to play rough huh super woody with feathers of fury and now mr [Music] oh yeah well there's also the matter of i ain't giving it to you [Applause] freaky pete do your stuff huh so long bouncing boys [Music] near you [Music] yeah take this word i owe you woodpecker i'll take whatever you got bob [Music] didn't anyone ever tell you not to recycle your woodpecker until it's finished and i'm not finished no wait [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you very much now i'll buy a new antenna [Music] ready to go [Music] oh man i lost my superpowers huh what are you gonna do guess i'll just have to change channels the old-fashioned way [Music] we apologize for going off the air due to a strange electrical interference however we'll now pick up the mr alias adventure hour from the very beginning with no further interruptions [Music] it's another great skiing exhibition folks the great swedish skiing superstar is just about to break the world's record oh goody goody i love skiing yeah nothing in the world gives me so much joy what do you think you were doing wondering who would watch an old-fashioned sport like skiing hey was watching it oh so you're old-fashioned get your hands off of me you better watch it woodpecker skiing is this part of my fatherland more like the sport of your grandfatherland snowboarding's where it's at skiing's the greatest sport snowboarding skiing i still say snowboarding's the best can't decide on the best method to get down a frozen mountain then you should sign up for the inertiathon the all-out freestyle race to the bottom of mount incline plane it's the downhill experience of a lifetime what's in it for you well the first to reach the bottom wins 50 bucks a year's supply of cornmeal and a firm handshake this will settle advancing for all you bet i challenge you to the race [Music] well here we are with two lively contestants who hope to settle the debate of which is better although there's some folk who stick to the old standby so bargaining [Music] well i guess this little difference of opinion will be settled on the slopes racers to your marks hey wally your boats aren't tied hold my poles boot packer get set woodpecker my poles here you go [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] hi everybody what are you looking at loser [Music] i need some ski bags if he wants to stick the skin i'll make him stick but good this glue will do the trick ding i will go skiing i either go i will beat the woodpecker and make him eat my snow [Music] you should try snowboarding wally i'm a ski i show them a thing or two well at least i landed safely [Music] sure sure that too planker [Music] [Music] man did i make a wrong turn [Music] let's see wally get through that oh oakley mowgli moguls are my specialty oh woodpecker see you remember that favor you said you owed me well i want the woodpecker taken care of you know what i mean [Music] swedish meatballs time to meet your maker woodpecker get it meet your maker i crack myself up sometimes oh yeah bye bye hey how come they're laughing hi everybody [Music] oh goody there's the finish line [Music] [Applause] another great toboggan victory how does tobogganing compare with skiing and snowboarding i told you the world's greatest sport is tobogganing nothing higher nothing closer to perfection how many times do i have to tell you can't your people get a three reads debugging rules [Music] [Music] highlighted [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] no harm in buying a little dad [Music] what [Music] let me smell your breath [Music] now once more [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] say grandpa would you put some water in my automobile wow [Music] so it's you the maniac here [Music] one two three four five [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] [Music] the crowd goes wild woody huh hey what's the big idea my dead chap i was merely admiring your uh sporting prowess yeah well admire it with your hands to yourself bub i have a proposition if you would be so kind as to help my young ward acquire some degree of sporting skill i would gladly purchase everything you see in this store as payment for your coaching services [Music] everything in the store for free bring on the kid hello [Music] [Music] [Music] makes perfect [Music] put everything in the net okay foodie everything in the net that ought to keep old winter busy till playoff season time to catch a few z's and dream of all my free sporting equipment [Music] no no no [Music] tennis is all about hand-eye coordination now watch the ball hit it back when it comes to you i i [Music] it's just you against the tennis ball [Music] bad ball machine you hit good dog [Music] speak to me i fooled you what are we going to play next cooch moody anything that puts as much distance between you and me as possible okay gunter old kid old kid you'll be a natural at track and field uh-huh [Music] all right let's see you make [Music] oh now [Music] free sports equipment is worth this [Music] what do we play next coach [Music] do you smoothie me i quit you can't play hockey you can't play tennis you're not cut out for track and field all you're good for is destroying things i have a [Music] guys [Music] [Music] what an astounding job woody you've made gunter a champion in just one day hmm hmm wonder which sport would be less strenuous an easy game of croquet or a lazy game of badminton come out come out wherever you are is this this super cold you will teach me to play as good as you gunter you don't need me you're good enough to be a coach now oh happy happy happy happy happy day [Music] this is fun now that we jump jump on [Music] it doesn't matter if you win or lose it's how you keep all gunther busy playing the game [Music] order order in the court now mr woodpecker please tell us precisely what happened on the day in question well there i was your honor sitting on the bench waiting for the bus when along comes mr inconsiderate and plops his oversized you-know-what right on top of me he then threw me headlong into a tree luckily a doctor witnessed the whole thing and offered his professional advice immediately have you recently been involved in an accident that could cause you pain and suffering for years to come call me you may just get yourself a huge settlement and that is the whole truth your ownership sir mr walrus i hereby sentence you to nurse the plaintiff mr woodpecker back down in order to ensure that you comply with the letter of the law i appoint this man to keep tabs on you you please the mole or it's life in prison are you okay my little bird friend and pal volley will take good good care of you [Music] there you go is there anything i can do for you my little woodpecker friend and pile of mine wally would you fluff my pillow there is that better [Music] there we are little friend and pal is there anything else that i might do for you well now that you mention it wally i had my doctor prepare a little list fresh mahi-mahi hi that's preposterous [Music] i'll have it flown in from maui the fusions flew to the top magazines food trees big screen tv stereo victor cd player hot tub that's it enough of this molly coddling business there this should look good at your sentencing [Music] hey yours need a glass of water [Music] [Music] why don't you vader moment you big wally [Music] wally how's about a lullaby to put me to sleep okey-dokey [Music] i need something a little more soothing um maybe a little more classical wally now uh play them all together wally please [Music] wally it's too dark in here wally move the bed closer to the tv ah wally it's too bright in here wally okay buddy would that be all for now mr votebecker sir [Music] if you should need anything else simply pull this cord and i'll be here in a iffy now i must go to sleep night wally don't go far i may need a neck rub [Music] sleep [Music] [Music] hey walrus your snoring is keeping me awake would you go sleep someplace else oh and bring me a glass of tepid milk please [Music] molly what's the matter hey why what's the matter wally [Music] so dr nuts the whole thing was a fraud well apparently i was not aware that the little fellow was faking it but your ownership sir i assure you i silence in light of this evidence i have no choice but to sentence you mr woodpecker to nurse this poor helpless creature back to health [Music] enjoy winter sports at swiss chard lodgey sunstroke valley hidey hole excellent food oh boy food that's my favorite day [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think i'll take a shortcut [Music] we are going through them [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] translation bye gary this is good even if i did cook it myself it's wonderful [Music] not so fast there cerny aren't you a little impulsive impossible no i'm repulsive can't you read positively no accommodations without a reservation [Music] hey don't take any guests without a reservation i got reservations i got lots of reservations have some [Music] open up the door open up or i'll throw you out by giving it a tank i have used about too many of his yokes [Music] now by kelly i threw you out [Music] what's good for the ghost is bad for the woodpeckers [Music] by jiminy if it isn't chris gingo [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] merry christmas everybody [Music] so [Music] merry christmas everybody [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let's see i want a job someplace fun with good things to eat and nice people to work with daddy daddy make the lizard talk howdy partner welcome to gekko pacheco's tex-mex restaurant cool i like the tongue part help wanted hmm this seems like a fun place to work you you want a job i have never been a car no know how to skate not really close enough you're hired minnie we've been getting swamped every night at dinner rush i'm putting you in charge of training uh winnie woodpecker gotta run i got a truckload waiting on the box hi welcome to gekko pacheco's well i think let's get one thing straight missy i've been the car hop here for 22 years you're not just gonna sweep in here and take over my territory now let's roll [Music] newbies [Music] hmm skinny skates they'll get you every time hey what pekka wheels move it or lose it can't make it too easy for her around here she might like it and want to stay nothing like a big tray to weigh you down i always say [Music] this is a pronto delivery the car 27 senior ocho's a regular customer so don't screw up don't just stand there you're a meal on wheels yes i showed that gal or thing [Music] three times as much food for regular price your order at gekko pacheco's today only this'll get rid of that woodpecker once and for all come on where's my order i've been waiting longer than it [Music] your order is meaning triple the work for you what pekka um isn't someone else who works here going to help with this rush um no that's a good one [Music] so then i said to her no get it now i'm done i'll take my break now [Music] that does it there's only one way to get rid of miss wheelie two shoes detour keep it moving find an empty stall anywhere have fun oh winnie the dinner rush is here and they all seem to be on your side come on i was here first 15 76 42 they would spread all over [Music] these orders are all over the parking lot if you can't handle it quick this is how you want to play it fine by me what's that crazy woodpecker doing now [Music] what did that accomplish [Music] no it can't be no one's ever done those kinds of maneuvers before she'll win over all my best customers she'll be here forever [Laughter] not less adios [Music] [Music] no no one pecker turn in your skates i'm the best there is [Music] what's going on here um she's insane me she's the one little miss look at me skate i'm a little car hot short and sweet [Music] your behavior i have no choice but to fire you no no please boss please let me stay please i'll do and hey it's a hang on um sir why even though nothing will ever replace my statue if she'll agree it's a great idea winnie daddy make it talk howdy partner welcome to gekko pacheco's tex-mix restaurant man that's lame it's three for thursday three meals for the price of one all right keep up the good work meanie i gotta get another job [Music] we search for the truth behind the legendary fur bearing trout this week on apparently we don't know fact fiction or just really bad fashion statement apparently we don't know because of its hairy high the fur bearing trout is only found in cold climates it could be in northern canada the arctic circle or even outside an igloo research shows the furbearing trout feeds on clothing to support his own fur [Music] the fur bearing trout feeds on clothing to support its own fur it's all fun and games till somebody loses an eye with these things oh and uh thanks for the hat bub [Music] you gotta watch your hygiene there bub there's critters living down here [Music] shhh [Music] can i help you there bub i got a business to run here you gave up all rights to that hat when you used it for bait to try and catch me i can't be giving it back this ain't no lost and found [Music] what is it now [Music] mom what are you doing in there [Music] this little guy's really starting to get under my gills that's the problem with this business it's all laundry white's darks dry cleaning a trout's work is never done [Music] trout season's over kid didn't you get the memo [Music] what a mess [Music] are you nuts this is a genuine whoa [Music] hello the nervous some people [Music] listen bab i need this coat in order to run my business here well since sapps like you think i'm the fur-bearing trout they try to bait me with all these items of clothing this coat is the key to the clothing empire you see before you without this coat i'm just some old trout heading upstream for a good time so you're gonna have to stick to your own gig bub and leave me to mine [Music] see you around small fry and action we thought for sure his fur amongst all this snow would make him stick out like a sore thumb but apparently we didn't know [Music] listen bub i thought i told you to scram [Music] doug nuts is here with his film crew to shoot an expose that we'll broadcast tonight on an exclusive pay-per-view that will air all around the world operators are standing by to take your order if they find me i'll be ruined for sure you know what they do to furbear and trout imposters well it ain't pretty you gotta help me little buddy come on what can i do the coat you're right the coat take it and get out of here just take it and some of these long johns too i'll be back though they can't keep lefty the trout out of the clothing business forever no matter what the law says so far no sign of the little devil but wait what's that it can't be ladies and gentlemen thought to be extinct since before the jurassic era it's the fur bearing penguin oh mr penguin wait we'd like to ask you a few questions there [Music] mr penguin hello hello come on crew oh stay out there please [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] ah oh [Music] oops [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] so [Music] hey what's that racket hey hey [Music] hey what's the big guy huh for sale that's right woodpecker i'm selling my property ooh you mean it you're leaving i'll help you pack it's your nonsense i'm particularly sick of you busting my roof destroying my lawn i'm through with that all i tell ya so long don't forget to write miss meeny i would want to buy this lovely property of yours yeah sure do tell me more walrus and i would yup down this tree oh wait wally not my tree write up an offer mr walrus you buy this place and you can do anything you want with that tree meantime i'm trying out the very exclusive very modern mundo condos across town and if all goes well i'll be signing on their dotted line tomorrow no more homeowner headaches and no more woodpecker that's right no more vote [Music] but packer can't kick me out into the cruel cruel world like this what'll become of me where'll i go you'll get off my windshield for starters woodpecker guess i'm gonna have to show her the grass is greener on this side of the fence you'll be staying the weekend in our luxurious sample unit ms meanie i tell you dearie a mondo condo very nearly takes care of itself hot diggity and i hope we'll find that you're mondo condo kind of people if you catch my meaning [Music] hmm now let's see what this modern condo living is all about please step away from the easy pal 9000 step away from the system oh my the automated settings have been preset to maximize your living ease well isn't this convenient step onto the automated floor covering the easy pal 9000 will escort you into the home of the future oh whoa did we hear some noises [Applause] we just wanted to remind you about our little poolside social oh are you kidding i wouldn't dream of wearing this whole thing not in a million and and tell you what why don't i whip up a little snacky treat for the little eat and greet i'll bet my automated kitchen can help you pull something together and i'll automatically be in with the iam crowd automatically that's a good one i'll make my famous turkey souffle [Music] your turkey is done [Music] holy smoking turkey [Music] one more modern convenience and menial beg to go back home [Music] oh my soaking lumbar [Music] ah time to relax just lie back and allow the mondo condo's fully automatic massage chair to work its magic [Music] there's something we should discuss [Music] [Music] to the rescue [Music] [Music] you are finished at mondo condo miss meanie so toodaloo feel free to come back and visit uh never now you listen to me mr and mrs snooty pants who would stand for this nerve-wracking hooty-tooty automated living you think is so modern certainly not me that's who so totally to you [Music] what are you doing here uh how about well well um just coming to check the place out with you selling my my treehouse i gotta live somewhere you know forget it woody i wouldn't even let you live here [Music] oh that's music to my ears woodpecker [Music] you
Channel: Animated Cartoons for Children
Views: 3,417,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woody woodpecker, woody woodpecker laugh, woody woodpecker movie, woody woodpecker show, woody woodpecker intro, woody woodpecker trailer, woody woodpecker song, woody woodpecker 2017, woody woodpecker full episodes in english, woody woodpecker sound, woody woodpecker noise, woody woodpecker pantry panic, woody woodpecker cartoons, woody woodpecker cartoon, woody woodpecker classic, woody woodpecker full episodes, pica pau, cartoons for kids, woody the woodpecker
Id: ru-F_RNntL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 3sec (4023 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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