Woody Woodpecker Show | Bavariannoying | Full Episode | Cartoons For Children HD

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm hmm you mean if I just play with you how did the Spanish well join for free happens to be my middle name what a Bavarian Iong kid when I was a kid once too you know this is the life relax all day relax all night and just come up with simple way the people guntur occupied whatever floats your boat kids I'll use this boat you go get your own for a while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] check around this little Bavarian Brad worst when he goes in for a nap I'll have the place to myself there's an abbey for my second course pickle guy you thought you could escape [Music] [Applause] [Music] freebies are no freebies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Peter Xing Gunter hmm now a quick dip in the neighbors mode [Applause] [Music] to play with [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm must be my imagination now I heard something for sure that time now where did that spy guy go traveler oh yes you how would you like a free ocean cruise a free cruise what's the catch no catch you must simply carry a briefcase never left this out of your sight national security depends on it you'll sail first-class onboard you'll meet your conduct good question you'll know her by her flaming red hair what do you know the top secret cases now being transported by a total amateur this will be like taking candy from a baby [Music] [Music] [Applause] this magnet on a pole is chained real good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] life vests thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] Brevard up jab the spies in the jab [Music] [Music] that could be my redheaded contact redheaded contactor I wasn't always a brunette you know [Music] [Music] never up close it's the lights wait yeah and you ain't getting away without a dance sailor hope you don't mind if I [Laughter] hurry come with me right fun times over gimme the case boy brain I'm supposed to give it to you it's not worth it giving the case [Music] all along yeah you mean I was carrying a decoy Wow not exactly a decoy [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] bad news boys these are coming back to town on the train at high noon and he's out to get the Veneto scram kid I am glad you are not ashamed then the bad hombre would kill you [Music] [Music] are you ready biz okay boots let's go [Music] este hombre Magnifico you are my little sherry you will get the bad hombre now boys I want a nice clean fight protect yourselves at all times keep your shops up remember a low shot may cost you the fight go back to your corner and come on out shooting [Music] Oh baby doll coochie-coochie [Music] [Music] I knew you ain't got much I love you boy [Music] Valiente you catch the bad man [Music] I could be a guide you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one for the front row please bub there's only one ticket left for the game and it's in the cheap seats okay not anymore [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the super Bueller catch buy more now where did that ball game busting bully go that way my mind how convenient and what not I was just looking for this hmm team mascot rocky the boy rocket quarters and I can study that's right ladies and germs oh oh this hurts my head one two l7m and Terry 200 that's me what do I win now hey wait a minute Rockets don't have red hair [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] regularly scheduled game no I feelings buddy take the seat in enjoy I didn't just get hit by a turnip truck you know well not yet anyway stealing your ticket was wrong and dis considerable of me please you take the seat no no you take it II know what so choice [Applause] [Music] Mordo why don't you just keep a seat after all and it's a good seat [Music] [Music] and the cheetahs have come to win [Music] [Music] you know it was my great-grandpappy rims matter who was done in on this very course it was 70 years ago today treacherous misto the Moors on turn 13 ended his career [Music] this course until now that is [Music] looks like I got me some competition well not for long [Music] [Applause] [Music] there should be a war against me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that woodpecker just been she's still in the race [Music] free is next right why what self-respecting Scotsman wouldn't stop for a week [Applause] [Music] [Music] Wow when you're good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of course we're coming up to coin 13 the mist Odom was Hazzard has ever survived oh yeah we'll see about that a shortcut to the mister the Moors turn four cheetahs only hey that's me my mist maker is pumpin and now with a little cement I'll make this fog bank harder than geometry oh that's healthy off of mine this fog so hard you couldn't cut it with a knife but maybe you could pack it with a beat [Music] while it's not in here [Music] [Music] you must break the losing streak this mist is held over us all by [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can hear him I can't see a thing [Music] oh hey great-gramps this is for you lots me great grand for you [Music] hmm bill passed do I better have me a talk with this boy [Music] [Applause] now look here son y'all gotta do something about this here bail paid in full well now thank you sir paid in full you know what that boy tried to honks me do not disturb sorry he helps me again now how about this bill boy hey up or out you go [Music] let me see you do that again son [Music] just once more boy now that there is what I call an eight-track you know I believe I could do it [Music] hoax for the third time [Music] now locksense special delivery special delivery I said special delivery man [Music] y'all notice the ingenious way I contracted this up you see when he opens a door let's go to I am [Music] [Music] man is dark in name [Music] [Music] mush [Music] it's mush all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] eating there are you annoyed by a woodpecker who constantly troubles you to your wit's end of course you are it doesn't look like this yeah you bet that's the guy alright right there I thought so well have you tried the silent treatment well I guess apparently not Einstein many have tried and many had failed but the new dr. Doug nuts technique really works yeah I'll believe it when I see it Oh a skeptic eh well let's see the doctor illustrate the technique so doctor nuts how's it going I said how's it going yeah I'm not saying a word hmm it really works see this too can be you for only 17 payments of $39.99 yeah send over a silent treatment right away oh boy silent-treatment instructional audio ooh [Music] the silent treat I wonder what's on the old agenda for today I think I played golf today [Music] darn flowers how's a guy supposed to golf hmm this trees right in the way of my shot well I'm not a woodpecker for nothing [Music] don't forget rule number 17 I'm not saying a bird boy while he's gonna be mad better not lead on I was playing off-key yeah what happened Wally I I heard a big crash lucky the tree didn't fall on you it's not that big a deal right okay okay I admit it it was me Wally but I'm good for it later oh so it's the silent treatment well we'll just see about that buster I'll break you I'm not fit to call myself a woodpecker [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yell at me one more time would you pal for old times sake please okay pal you win I can take a hint I never thought it would come to this suddenly I feel so cold and alone well goodbye pal don't look back oh boy Omar vote back feeling blue friend his life got you down these are the problem with your neighbor is this walrus giving you the silent treatment and does he look like this eat him I thought so then what you need is dr. Doug nuts anti silent treatment technique ah pshaw go peddle your papers Oh another wise guy eh well I'll just let the doctor illustrate the technique say hello Doctor Oh dr. nuts knock knock knock knock I said I'm not saying a word that's right for just 17 easy payments of $39.99 winning book of a thousand won knock-knock jokes guaranteed to break anyone silent treatment or even their will to live I got a thousand and two knock-knock jokes right here in the old bean a did smell I'm finally rid of the board pack oh no you're not hey why how's about a couple of words for your old buddy after this message we'll return to our really big movie possible my only regret is I've never had a chance to work in a really big movie say fans how would you like a chance to work in a really big movie directed by Swedish action director Wally walrus extras are needed in Hollywood today I'm ready for my close-up mr. walrus shoot this movie exactly as it's outlined in my little storyboard it just doesn't sing to me Wally it needs something fresh my office sorry you just made the biggest splash I've ever seen in Hollywood say wait a minute you've got that fresh girl-next-door quality that's big big big now Wallace I want when you woodpecker in oh yeah and I got just the job for you in this senior the bridge was blown up Oh kablooey by the bad guys you're the helpless bystander Oh mr. walrus why can't the helpless bystander me I just free yourself and not be so helpless like so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now listen don't you do anything until you hear me say action this is a rehearsal yeah you release the break on action action [Music] [Music] Horace give when your line in the next scene you got something kid yeah and it's going to kill me for sure down the street now get down the street now oh you get down the stream Yogananda seat no you get down let's me know you get down no you get down blow up everything you see in the vest scene seven action Oh what kind of movie heroine screams and rise away varakin what are you doing I can't take any more who know the wallets correct [Music] brilliant [Music] [Music] winny that was the most exciting action sequence since blow up everything you see in Manhattan I want you and all my movies you know I think what I really want to do is direct such emotion such frustration you'll be my newest villain the Wallace my viewers will love Splinter that was motion warriors to help us me as thou eatest I grant thee 10 it's H for thine oh boy whosoever win it's the most prized tickets shall be crowned King and Billy the bully what'd I tell you wouldn't hits I was gonna do the next time I saw you no no no once does not seem it and ballgames out I am certain it was something of a bad nature harm was involved Billy oh yes I possibly plucking nah you said we'd go swing dancing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but swing dancing is just so what I've always thought it looked good in a cape and Crown my that's some chivalry a shooting young Archer 20 tickets to the Billy [Music] Kenneth's ready young Knights for you might need a love rolling competition okay I'll keep them to mote notes busy up top well you'll tip them over from down below Louie it is brilliant I am in or of your plans struck with deep and at times disturbing amazement remember nights you can only attack your opponent with your pugilist sticks when I hit use with my puke and stick you'll be throwing up things you ain't in the gun [Music] [Music] I think something's going on down under [Music] so Louie you wanna be king of this joint Oh Billie I would love use more to my favorite pickle and peanut butter croissants if this were insane that thing you could do for me whosoever if can defeat the evil Black Knight me and getting to young castle will receive [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry he doesn't know what he's saying hey we want Barry and Louie yeah we're willing to forgive and forget oh that's the most chivalrous thing I've ever seen as to the Kings coronation [Music] [Applause] [Music] your subjects Billy it's the famous pecking him castle stay together you may catch a glimpse of the Queen if you're lucky [Music] it's been my lifelong dream to be the Queen's royal chef I can whip those is not the way for a royal cooking assistant to behave royal cooking assistant no it is not I am the great volley Voris that cleans new royal chef from Sweden this my first day here and I got to make my famous feed is taffy for Her Highness in less than one hour you will assist the great chef Ollie yeah if I can prove to chef Wally that I'm a good cook I could become a real royal chef no food beggar bernburg work my Bey and check the tapis happiness some salt water I need a bit of honey luli marmalade yeah a bit of chewing gum [Music] [Music] [Music] until your means found was wrong no chef please just let me cook something and you'll see that I'm a real kitchen magician nove Houdini you'll do your magic on deeds grace them all in five minutes or you're fired hmm how am I going to grease all these pans I always say [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] food [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no bill a good Baker finish the toffee if you mess up I'll see the only place you in the Royal Villa curse I hope that the assistants got my toffee ready that doesn't smell like my toffee [Music] look it but you did to my famous party [Music] who is responsible for this oh well your majesty hey this one right here my assistant she is responsible for everything she did at all you're an assistant not anymore that's right you're fired you are my new royal chef yeah and Wally you are demoted to assistant I'll be the world's greatest royal no no I am the greatest chef in the world not her you can't do this oh don't be too hard on him your highness he means well he's just a little stuck on himself [Music]
Channel: Animated Cartoons for Children
Views: 6,817,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Casper, casper classics, woody woodpecker, veggietales, he man, postman pat, Olivia the pig, ghostbusters, cartoon for kids, cartoon, full episode, cartoons live, retro cartoons, old cartoons, casper the friendly ghost, Godzilla cartoon, mr Magoo, he man theme song, trap door
Id: c9-URk-E58I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 41sec (4001 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2017
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