"Frost & Flame" Resin experiment, wood turning lathe project. Fight child trafficking, ArtForOUR.org

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If that doesn’t fetch at least $500, I’m going to be disappointed. By the way, I like the frost side.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/lopahcreon 📅︎︎ May 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
all right welcome back to  dan's let's see if this works   our tried something new out on this one um we'll  get to the new technique in a minute but um this is a chunk of cherry wood that  jeanette apgood had donated to me i   referred that a lot because she referred  an entire tree it's been some really uh   it's got some really nice grain to it i've really  enjoyed working with it so many thanks to her   also thank you to totalboat for donating resin   for laguna lathes for an awesome overhead light  that's made filming and seeing what i'm doing   much better so i had this odd shaped piece of  wood i can't remember why it ended up like this   sometimes when you're cutting a tree down you  gotta avoid the ground with the chainsaw you   know with a bad angle but i immediately thought  of a project like this so one side was totally   flat so i cut the other side to match that  and i thought i'd make a window on either side   which turned out pretty cool although  i think in the future i'll use a router   i have to cut out a window just  because you have a very gradual   transition from the wood to resin in the window  which leaves a lot of overlap which i don't know   i i thought it'd be interesting to try  it but probably won't do in the future you'll see me with these calipers keep  ch i keep checking the width of the ball   what i wanted to make sure i was the windows would be deep enough so i could have  at least an inch or so of resin to work with this oregon electric chainsaw has saved me from  torturing my neighbors at midnight when i am   working on these projects nice and quiet you can  run it in the garage it's been a great purchase one of my goals with this was  to do a rough edge live edge   which means you leave the bark on  and have some windows cut in the bowl that part actually did turn out quite nicely so a project or two ago i discovered i discovered this um padding uh you can  it's designed for going underneath flooring   so it's quite thin it's less than 3 8 of an  inch and it's kind of this foam material it's   moldable enough you can see it work but you can  see me working it around really tight corners   working on bark it works really well and it's  just strong enough to hold back the weight of   resin if you look at my earlier projects i kind of  wrestled with cardboard and different things and   for this crazy stuff i'm trying to  do this stuff works out really well   uh one technique i've improved on and i'm sure  i'm not the first to discover this is i'll do   one line of hot glue initially to get it on there  and do it quite low and then i'll do another line   up higher right at the border of where i want  the resin to stop you can't seal your cracks and   things enough you're gonna get a leak especially  when you use this really long long setting resin   it's basically water so it's actually  pretty intimidating to get a leak proof   uh barrier but this stuff does pretty  good and i used a crapload of uh   of hot glue here which is worth it you know  you you dump a bunch of resin on the ground   you never forgive yourself so this is  the amazing deep pore resin by alumalite i've tried this once or twice before and i've  been looking for the perfect resin for projects   like this that just won't fit in the pressure pot  because i have to do a sideways which saves on   resin it doesn't fit in the pressure pot so every  resin from every manufacturer i've ever tried   the biggest problem is eventually when it sets  um it's a fairly strong exothermic reaction and   the heat cooks your wood any moisture in there  comes out it creates a lot of excess bubbles and   this illuminate product is absolutely  remarkable total boat doesn't have it   yet but they tell me they are working on a  similar product um now this stuff takes about   three days give or take to set up um as far as  i can tell it never hits an exothermic reaction   you think it's not doing anything and it goes  from water to honey to tar to solid rubber to   rock hard and it just doesn't ever have a  violent reaction so here you're gonna see some   pictures right as i mixed it and then after  it's been sitting there for a little while   you can see it becomes perfectly clear the  bubbles all pop rise to the top here's before   um on the window portion and here's after  i mean it is glass perfect uh you'll notice   in the end there are some bubbles that's  largely due to me uh messing with things   now i wouldn't be a self-respecting surgeon if i  didn't work a syringe into one of my projects so   here you are 30cc syringe i stole  my wife's cake decorating tip   glued it on there and honestly my goal here  was ribbons kind of a mayday ribbon thing   um and that didn't work out at all and so  i started doing more lines and the stuff   was so thick at this stage i want to say  this was like 24 hours after i'd poured it   that uh as i drug it through just took everything  with it so immediately i said okay bag let's do   some kind of flame look and so i started just  putting all these four different colors of blue   in there and just drug it all over the place and  made a huge mess out of it but i knew i knew when   i turned it i was going to lose about half of  this and it would turn out being pretty cool   and thin it out a little bit i guess and so i  was going for kind of the flames blue flames   coming up which in the end actually turned out  as good as or better than i had expected so   definitely going to revisit this but so the whole  concept here is super long long setting stuff and   as far as i know luma light ceiling company that's  got the right stuff let it sit keep testing it   until it's at the at the consistency of like  honey or whatever you want but at that at that   stage it's not going to dissipate throughout  the rest of it it actually maintained a shape   that was my fear that it was just going  to spread all through and i'd lose my   what i was trying to go for here but you'll  you'll see that it actually worked out well   so this turned into an experiment i've been using  total boats deep um deep set epoxy their longest   epoxy for a while and i keep getting tons  of bubbles everywhere and i just was getting   frustrated i know you're supposed to seal the  wood and get it to a certain level of dryness   but what if what if you're just  lazy and you don't have time   to do all that i mean that's each  one of those stages takes a while and so i was on the hunt for a  different epoxy for this kind of project   you know if you're doing solid colors the the  total boat stuff's perfect it's just fine um   but if you're looking for glass clear thick  deep pore and you're trying to manipulate   manipulate like i did here this is what you want  so anyway i didn't have um enough of the luminite   and you're gonna think i'm psychotic but uh  so i used the total bone i thought let's just   give it a try i can't put in the pressure pot  let's see what happens i let it i poured it   and fell asleep and by the time i came to and ran  out there and checked it it was rock hard now this   is the psychotic part this is 2 30 in the morning  and it's not a weekend so i had the time and i was   so mad that i had missed my window of opportunity  to inject it with color that i got out my rotozip   and cut holes in it and tried to mimic what i had  done on the other side which didn't work at all the way i roll is i make stuff and then i name it   even though my initial intention intention  was nothing like what i end up with let's   just say i'm an experimental artist and in  the end i ended up with blue flames and fire   and on the other side frost kind of an abstract  frost look and while that wasn't what i was   shooting for yeah looks pretty cool and i  kept it a little disappointed on the one side   basically because of i was using the wrong res in  the wrong application but on the blue flame side   i was pretty happy with it i'm gonna be doing  this again i think my next project i'm going to   do a campfire scene inside a bowl we'll see but uh  there you have it i'll do the experimenting so you   don't have to spend your money on tons of resin  to figure out what i'm figuring out the hard way so   so so once in a while somebody gives  me crap for using these uh   using a glove when i turn and i know that's a  controversial thing these little rubber gloves are   extremely friable they'll tear apart  with that much provocation it helps   me get a good grip but if it were to get  stuck in there the gloves coming up before   my hand's in trouble it's basically a robust  rubber glove when i'm working on resin   when you want to get done this century you gotta  get moving on these big ones and i think kim um kim tippin mentioned once uh i can't remember  she said it was something like the chip stage   when you just want to get going you get  crashing through the resin and it comes   flying off and it is painful so i like  to wear a glove and just be super careful   to avoid the pain of that works out fine  now i have struggled with my big bowls   my big vases um i haven't really gotten into  hollow form world yet one of my last projects i   attempted at one a little bit and as you may or  may not may or may not know if you're a turner   you can't get the tip of your tool off the edge  of your tool arrest there too far or starts to   shake around it gets pretty dangerous and you can  only extend it so far into this heart of the bowl   before you run out of room and this  this is a pretty big bowl this is about   13 inches tall just over a foot tall foot wide  and i can get about halfway down before i just   run out of room so this is a really neat system  it's called a simple hollow halloween system you mount a carbide tip in there it's  rock solid it essentially gives you arms   of steel so it doesn't rock and so even if  you need to extend way past your tool rest   um it makes for much safer much eas better cutting  and i am extremely happy with this little tool um   it wasn't super expensive either i didn't get  the laser attachment i wanted to make sure it   was going to work first but it does come with  a laser so you can see if you're working on a   true hollow form how close you're getting  to the edge without being able to see it   and i knew i wasn't going to need it quite yet so  i probably am going to buy the laser attachment   shortly uh don't tell my wife i don't think  she watches these anyway so i think i'm safe   i'm actually half kidding if you ever have  the pleasure of meeting my wife annie she's uh   let's just say i'm married up she's an  amazing lady and puts up with a lot of my crap   as always my projects are dedicated to operation  underground railroad these guys are amazing   heroes in my book go around the world uh  sacrificing their time and energy um putting   themselves at risk to rescue kids who are stuck  in sex trafficking rings are they being forced   um into those kind of situations and so this  the team works with governments police agencies   around the world to identify uh operations  that are going on stage sting operations   and break them up and then they've really  improved and focused on in the last few years   the aftercare aspect of the operation you  know a lot of i think the vast majority of   kids stuck in the trafficking situation are in  that situation because of a family member or   a loved one or a close person and so it's really  tricky to make sure they don't end up back in the   same situation and operation underground railroad  has gone to great lengths to try to partner with   adoptivate adoption agencies and other  organizations that can help these kids   get into much better situations the best they  can in the united states they don't do sting   operations but they do work closely with a lot  of police departments um they provide canine   units that can sniff out hidden electronics you  know if if there's child child sex trafficking   going on you bet you bet that there are uh  child pornography productions going on and um   these people know what they're doing so  they hide their stuff and they've trained   these canine units to come in and find them  they'll hide them in the walls or whatever   and uh it's pretty awesome what they've been  able to accomplish with these newer programs   there are about a thousand ways you can support  these guys now we have a fundraiser set up   on artforour.org you can make donations  directly if you're an artist or a youtuber   or what have you we can we accept all kinds  of awesome projects that are sold and you can   decide what percentage of the profit goes to our  if you need to recover costs of production etc   if you're a youtuber and you want to help us  out for example kim tippin did a project and   presented the video and donated the whole thing  raised several hundred dollars which is fantastic   um so if you're a woodturner or something  that's similar to what i'm doing on my   youtube channel i'd love to share  your projects and help raise money   this channel is monetized so  anytime you subscribe and share   if you do a paid subscription all of that money  goes to our i don't keep a dime this stuff is uh   purely therapy for me and something i enjoy doing  and uh your support's been amazing we're hitting   some milestones lately i think we're about to  hit a hundred thousand watch hours which blows   my mind that we never get that far um we just i  think we hit the 6500 subscription mark and the   channel hit a high this last month of raising over  700 dollars for the month um just through youtube   that doesn't include the sell of these products um  we have over 50 artists who have donated different   amazing things to art for our so get involved  promise you you'll never uh you'll never regret it   these guys doing amazing work something that's  needed unfortunately around the world that   your time and effort and your money  will be well spent that i guarantee you   there you have it flaming frost  the unintentional comparison of two   two resins and two and a new technique or two  i've been trying out we'll see on the next project uh so   do oh so you
Channel: Dan Preece, Art for Operation Underground Railroad
Views: 166,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, crafts, ourrescue.org, lathe work, bowls, wood bowls, resin bowls, acrylic on canvas, acrylic painting, paint, homemade projects, Tim Ballard, OUR, O.U.R, O.U.R. Rescue, trapeze painting, turning resin, acrylic pouring, dan preece, operation underground railroad, OURRESCUE.ORG, wood carving, Dan Preece foot surgeon, paint can painting, stop child sex trafficking, podiatry, foot and ankle, surgery, foot pain, artforour.org
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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